S1 E3

Season 1  "Poison Prize"  1x3

Aired 6 years ago - Jul 01, 2017

Sadie confronts Billy about new evidence in the case against him and is disappointed when his explanation is not what she expected. Also, a piece of evidence in a new case for the firm could unexpectedly expose a massive scandal, and Cameron and Tiffany defend a psychic accused of grand larceny.

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Recap of Doubt Season 1 Episode 3 (S01E03) - 2 #2 Recap of Doubt Season 1 Episode 3 (S01E03) - 3
That'd be nice.
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- which is good news for the defense. - How so?
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This morning, I woke up bathed in white light.
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He's transparent. Trust me, I know the guy.
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Guess what. Gemma and I are back together.
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I am not gonna run after you!
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I made it out the back, but they followed me here.
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She's been stuck at Rikers for the past four months
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You have us.
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Did Mary summon your dead mother to resolve
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Well, we dug the tunnel
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He was furious.
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The boyfriend you mentioned, you met him after you started seeing Mary.
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Maybe we listen to our client and focus on his sister.
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I hate the question. I mean, no offense,
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Wow. Okay.
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know where it was, would I turn it over?
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Thousands of cases over the last two years, all based on fake results?
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- and weakness into strength. - Right.
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Last night, we received
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to try to convict Owen Jones?
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I don't date men who put people in cages
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and usually you can figure out which.
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All yours.
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Gets better. Four minutes later,
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You should stop talking.
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What exactly did you do for Floriel?
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to Ms. SmithMeyers...
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Why are you back in prison, Royce?
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you've been to prison, they don't...
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I priced it high to motivate him.
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about great love or thwarted dreams.
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to expose a profound injustice
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Not guilty.
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every single one of them a getoutofjail free card.
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