S1 E4

Season 1  "Wake Up Grassroots: The Nine Virtues of Participatory Democracy, and How We Can Keep America Great by Encouraging an Informed Electorate"  1x4

Aired 7 years ago - Jul 11, 2016

Laurel and Rochelle try to persuade Laurel’s friend Abby to get an MRI so they can uncover the real cause of the strange behavior taking over Washington, D.C. Luke attempts to reopen the government through a secret deal with the Republicans.

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Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 2 #2 Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 3
- Can you put your FBI hat on? - Sure.
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 4
I know. Look it up on Wikipedia.
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 5
You want to go sit at his table?
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 6
So, this was subtle.
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 7
She says, "Everybody."
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 8
And how did you even know I was here?
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 9
Look, this is more important.
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 10
Can you even live with half a brain?
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 11
Ah. Here's Senator Pollack now. I asked her to join us, too.
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 12
- Ella, let's-let's all just... - No.
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Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 14
These brave citizens want to
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Income inequality, childhood diseases, big oil,
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 16
Now, they are armed, because they have the NRA,
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Did you call the capitol police?
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 18
So how long have you known your FBI friend?
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 19
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 20
Polemitras, Traviscine and Quinnox.
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Wait, why Laurel and not me?
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created and run by good citizens like yourselves.
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You got a second?
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 24
Use this information if you want or don't,
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 25
You want something, you come to my work.
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I know who I am, and I don't give a damn what you think I am.
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So you want to end this, I want to end this.
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- Yes. - Dex, you're with the CDC.
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eating through human eardrums, embedding themselves in brains,
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- Nice apartment. - Thanks.
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 32
If you don't mind, I'd like to do a quick,
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It's clearly unrelated to the blood pressure meds.
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Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 35
Yeah, I'm, uh, I'm heading over there in an hour.
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 36
Uh, we've been following an outbreak
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We'll have a sign-up sheet
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Yeah, but he didn't say, "Pick up a musket and fight."
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- Okay, if you want to ignore the facts. - They're not facts.
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 41 #41 Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 42
- Hmm? Yes. - All right, let's go.
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- Aye. - Aye.
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Bill 112-28 will be...
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 45 #45 Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 46
You're dead.
Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 47 #47 Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 48 #48 Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 49 #49 Recap of BrainDead Season 1 Episode 4 (S01E04) - 50 #50