S7 E9

Season 7  "Useful Idiot"  7x9

Aired 6 years ago - Apr 08, 2018

Carrie has problems at home. Saul and Wellington work on Paley.

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No. Nothing.
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we won't really know anything until he wakes up.
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- When he comes to... - You'll be the first to know.
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and this administration has become simply overwhelming.
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We can't come back at him with a story about hostile tweets.
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that might help us track him down?
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We can protect you.
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and what I did...
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He didn't deal with anyone but Simone.
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It collapses his entire operation.
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If you consider us under attack,
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If your evidence was so compelling,
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Mr. Allen is in federal custody, Senator,
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My discretion?
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It comes out of a Twitter handle called "Real Trade Tramp."
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- Not them? - No, he doesn't.
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Charlie Gilweit's a two-star General.
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all the fucking sense in the world.
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Most of them probably don't.
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for work done on behalf of client Wang Xiaobo.
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Maybe a haircut or something?
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'cause she's trying to make a point, and...
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- That was more than a stumble. - Yeah, I'm aware of that.
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Calm down, speak to him respectfully,
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I have two assholes from the FBI at my front door.
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Yeah. I had to dump my phone.
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We gotta control this bleeding.
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I think we met at, uh, Curriculum Night.
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No. I did not.
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- I have to go. - No, Mommy! No, Mommy, no.