S4 E12
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 4  "Suspicion"  4x12

Aired 17 years ago - Jan 16, 2007

When a high-level Marine intelligence officer is found murdered in a small motel room, the NCIS team must find the person who murdered him. After discovering that the person was already dead for three days, and that the town authorities had "investigated" the crime, Gibbs is determined to solve the case, which could be related to a terrorist cell, and not let the town authorities get in his way.

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Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 2 #2 Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 3
I think we have what you might call a breakdown in communications.
Recap of NCIS Season 4 Episode 12 (S04E12) - 4
Uh,you'll wanna talk to ruby.
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-Maybe he picked it up. -Yeah maybe.
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Blood tterns,position of the body,
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We're being watched.
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Have you gotten at that stage yet?
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I hate giving gibbs bad news.
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-First? -Murder.
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never thght I'd see a grown man so happy to break a hundred.
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this is not a sundial.
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that I came up with,all by myself.
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Well,that's what you're drinking,
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Did I miss the announcement?
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yes,that's it--
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And their weight and lead composition's the same,
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it's a circus out there.
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-His brother? -Probably.
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al-qaeda come to kill them.
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I'm beginning to think that she was shot with two different weapons.
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Code name was"operation cauldron."
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Look,I'm sorry that you're not allowed to help me.
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lieutenant shaheen worked on operation cauldron in iraq.
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When you insult his religion, you insult mine and your own.
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-She came to visit you - I did not invite her.
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Before everyone got so damn scared.
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You don't know squat about this town.
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