S13 E5
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2 years ago
Mondays 8:00 PM on CBS

Season 13  "Lockdown"  13x5

Aired 8 years ago - Oct 20, 2015

While visiting a pharmaceutical lab on a murder case, Abby is trapped with no communication to the outside world after armed men take over the building and hold everyone hostage.

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Recap of NCIS Season 13 Episode 5 (S13E05) - 2
As in "no mobile phone" phobia.
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No, I get it.
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he's been traveling a lot recently, and...
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DiNozzo, take the wives.
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Yeah. I couldn't find a match in any of my databases.
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from a crushed trachea.
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Dr. Janice Brown.
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and Eco Warriors. No way, so do I.
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But I did find these hidden all around the car.
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Could be what got Doblin killed.
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I-I just, I have no idea.
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bit of a germophobe? Mm-hmm.
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Oh, well, you can't use that down here.
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It was triggered from outside the Ebola lab.
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We don't know anything else.
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Where does the Internet come into the building?
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No. I...
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A little genioplasty...
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Anything else?
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But I did find something else interesting.
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Not long.
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and the janitors are robbing the place. What?
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There's been a change of plans.
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Hey, guys, don't worry.
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Doblin called Celodyne the day he was killed.
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Okay. So let's assume
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You threatened to kill him. Now he's dead.
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about that drug company Doblin was calling.
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Abby? Is that you?
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100%. We have to warn Gibbs. How?
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I'm sorry about that. It kind of sticks.
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Gibbs is gonna see this, and everything's gonna be fine.
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We only have one option.
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Excuse me. We're gonna make a lot of noise
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Okay. Trust you on that one.
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And Ms. Johnson turned off the projector,
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Well, this is where the NCIS chick said that she would be.
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All right, I'm in.
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Abby, don't do it! Hey!
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I was... stalling every which way I could
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Arrested twice...
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I got scared when she showed up,
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I didn't know.