S2 E4

Season 2  "Poor Yorick"  2x4

Aired 8 years ago - Oct 14, 2015

The Lyons are still split into warring factions, but they all decide to shoot a music video that will capitalize on Hakeem and Jamal's duet from Hakeem's leaked album, a collaboration that will benefit both companies. Meanwhile, Lucious trades his real handcuffs for virtual ones. However, knowing he can't fully control his company with a federal murder case hanging over his head, he sets out to find Vernon and make him permanently disappear.

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Recap of Empire (2015) Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 2
Then try 11. Pay cash.
Recap of Empire (2015) Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 3 #3 Recap of Empire (2015) Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 4
daughter of Jupiter.
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after all this time.
Recap of Empire (2015) Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 6 #6 Recap of Empire (2015) Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 7
- Very nice. - Good morning.
Recap of Empire (2015) Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 8
- Surely it isn't that funny. - Yes ma'am.
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There's a little extra for the staff.
Recap of Empire (2015) Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 10
- Daddy! - There's my sweet pea.
Recap of Empire (2015) Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 11 #11 Recap of Empire (2015) Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 12
Good morning. I'm here for Jimmy.
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I used to draw when I was a child.
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Jesus Christ, he's a fucking vegetable!
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- He can't even talk. - Louis is unwell.
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and I'll convince Waxey that 20% for him is a fair price also.
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They are habituated to late-night rent parties.
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it come out your pay too.
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You promise. You promise.
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- I don't mind, sir, I have... - Johnny on the spot, are you?
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or engage in some other form of illegal activity.
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My husband has been unable to find employment...
Recap of Empire (2015) Season 2 Episode 4 (S02E04) - 30
- Whatever for? - Mr. Thompson...
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You talked to him about the cash upfront, right?
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She's an angel.
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Well, first consider I got restaurants,
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Mr. Harrow will be in touch.
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We been here since November, sweetie.
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No, of course not. There's nothing for you to worry about.
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We're making progress. It's slow but sure.
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Now save your strength
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A couple factory owners, some union reps.
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There's love
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Her name is Emma.
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Do you visit her often?
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And feel nothing.
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from the rubble. One had no head.