Aired 8 years ago - May 20, 2016
Black Claw makes a strategic move against Hank that shocks everyone and sends Nick on a war path. Hadrian's Wall ramps up their investigation as they seek out a mysterious man named Bonaparte. Meanwhile, Adalind and Capt. Renard must learn to deal with their new and very unpredictable reality with Diana.
Aired 8 years ago - May 20, 2016
Black Claw makes a strategic move against Hank that shocks everyone and sends Nick on a war path. Hadrian's Wall ramps up their investigation as they seek out a mysterious man named Bonaparte. Meanwhile, Adalind and Capt. Renard must learn to deal with their new and very unpredictable reality with Diana.
Aired 8 years ago - May 13, 2016
Nick leans on Monroe and Rosalee as he worries that he may lose everything as he continues to battle Black Claw. Captain Renard ramps up his campaign as election day nears. Elsewhere, Adalind is faced with a very difficult decision in order to
protect her children. Meanwhile, Hank's relationship with Zuri takes an unexpected turn and Sargeant Wu tries to gain control of his new reality.
I did it. I did it.
And I'm done.
She said it was about work,
to pick up a baby like that,
Hadrian's Wall probably knows a lot more
Black Claw's all over you guys.
Diana was mentally contacting Adalind,
Black Claw has him at a heavily
guarded house in the Northeast.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.
I don't. I just suggest we find a way
Then get the hell out of my bedroom.
He wants to meet in
his office in one hour.
I'm not your enemy.
and you understand how
things really work.
That depends on us.
What do you mean?
Bad smell coming from inside,
so I figured I had good cause.
How'd it go?
I still can't make sense of
the dead cat in his trunk.
Oh, wow, "miracle," okay.
Let me show you where I put it.
Yeah, just a little.
- Took Kelly with her.
- What?
How much it cost you?
Being alone in my apartment
may not be all that healthy.
the guy you arrested,
and he's a Kackenkopf?
- You have your cell phone?
- Um, yeah.
I was a little cold.
Is a mayor fun?
I know he's the father of your son.
What's wrong? Am in in
some kind of danger?
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 29, 2016
Suffering from the bite he sustained, Sargeant Wu becomes entangled in a surprising altercation that may land him in hot water. After meeting the mysterious Bonaparte (Shaun Toub), Adalind is faced with a difficult decision that could change her
and Nick's lives forever. Meanwhile, Hank gets even closer to Zuri and their relationship begins to take shape. Back at HW, Eve senses that a new force may jeopardize the entire operation.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 22, 2016
When a man is found dead with all of the bones in his body seemingly liquefied and removed, Nick and Hank find themselves in the middle of a gruesome family arrangement. Meanwhile, Wu deals with a crisis of his own and Hank reunites with his old flame, Zuri.
I had an accident.
Oh, well, it was good to see you.
Um, I have a new address, so...
♪ ♪
♪ Well, I'm... ♪
[phone ringing]
Did Adalind tell him?
Two more cases in Humboldt
County in February.
[animalistic snarling]
[indistinct radio chatter]
Yeah, I've been wearing this
jersey every day since 1999.
[cell phone ringing]
The only other thing I found
in his system was alcohol.
I apologize.
[engine powering off]
Yeah, who doesn't love salmon?
and you accept me for what I am.
You need to wake up.
and, for now, it's better that way.
They stalked places of death,
before they could dissolve
them and suck them out.
The victim is gonna have
to smell like it's alive.
When do you want to do this?
Just make it stop.
you will get their attention.
Uh... no, no, no, no.
I'll bring him to you.
Yes, you... we
do, don't we?
Uh, well, everything
you need is right here.
[dramatic music]
♪ ♪
I can't do this anymore.
"I'm hungry, I'm hungry,
feed me, Charlie, feed me."
He gonna be okay?
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 15, 2016
When the severed head of a young man is found under a bridge, Nick and Hank find themselves on the case of Japanese Wesen acting on an ancient tradition of revenge. Elsewhere, Adalind decides to go back to work at her old law firm and has her first face-to-face with Eve.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 08, 2016
An evangelical preacher has a tent revival unlike any other when he uses his Wesen identity to gain more believers. Nick and Hank are called to the scene as things escalate when a group of "true believers" are hell bent on saving the preacher and
his flock by any means necessary. Meanwhile, Capt. Renard takes further steps to gain power in local government. Elsewhere, Eve uses Adalind's ol' hat trick to gain more access to Black Claw.
Not Adalind.
Thank you, sisters.
What he wants is your immortal soul.
Get him!
Dwight Eleazar presiding.
Not according to Mark and John.
Luke was a fine man,
Where do you take it?
Two days. Then we move on.
For we are his only salvation.
It does make you wonder
about Satan's schedule.
In fact, Mr. Renard has virtually
of those who would use them to
harm and kill innocent people.
Probably not.
She doesn't have any birth
certificate that I know of.
You can't take it.
What do you mean, try to destroy Dwight?
Shoplifting, couple of assaults,
with the pictures you took?
the Church of the Word of God
- We're going.
- I think we should go with you.
actually be doing more good than harm.
- Mark.
- We saw Dwight.
What possesses a Furis
Rubian to become a preacher?
I have a gift, and I
use it to help people.
unless you plan to arrest every
minister, priest, or rabbi.
Thank you for your time.
Uh, yeah, I'm looking at him.
It'll keep him busy.
I know you're in there, devil.
- Who?
- Mark.
You took my husband from me.
Is he gone?
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 01, 2016
When Nick and Hank come across a beautiful young woman who seems to have aged 70 years overnight and died, they suspect Wesen involvement. The investigation leads to a local doctor and Rosalee is enlisted to help find the truth. Meanwhile, Eve takes bold steps to learn more about Capt. Renard's nefarious dealings.
Yeah, it's me.
Sorry I'm late.
Yeah, that's a great color.
Okay, okay.
Yeah, sure.
You weren't in Portland when
Andrew Dixon was assassinated.
as long as Marwan Hanano
was still alive.
I don't want you to do
some moisturizer.
Collin, are you here?
we need to take it slow.
- By who?
- Black Claw, maybe.
I'd like to know
what you guys think.
Was he in on
the assassination?
[suspenseful music]
[indistinct chatter]
- How old is Summer?
- 24.
And you weren't here
last night?
- So you got nothing?
- No, I got something.
of Progeria.
I would say none.
Call now for an appointment
on your new life.
Look, when you have a product
that works this well,
I'll see what I can do.
I don't think so.
"But never too late to discover
the victims it left behind.
"When it finished
with the young woman,
Well the Grimm in the book
said he was following
- They name the victim?
- Yeah, at the end of the paper.
or with somebody else.
They're both dead.
Where did you meet them?
All right.
We talking Fountain of Youth?
- Thank you.
- Uhhuh.
Then you need to fill out
this paperwork.
♪ ♪
Please have a seat.
We shouldn't wait.
I'll just let myself out.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 25, 2016
Following a brutal attack in the woods, Nick and Hank stumble upon a terrifying Wesen disease that may be the inspiration for the modern-day werewolf myth. Meanwhile, Adalind is offered an uneasy alliance that may help her get back what she wants most. Elsewhere, Eve's investigation uncovers a surprising revelation.
I don't know.
Can you talk?
when they treated Doyle
Commercial real estate.
My office is downtown.
Well, you might have
a concussion, you know.
and not with the Royals.
he lived with.
about me getting attacked.
I-I tried to call, but
my phone had no service.
Here you go. Thanks again.
just that the dog didn't bleed.
His mother's house is
about 3 miles down the road.
Have you gotten a commitment?
Doyle definitely wasn't lying
about there being an attack.
I mean, they would have been on the trail,
Is that a Wesen?
during a full moon,
they would've definitely
No dog.
How'd you find them?
Just don't charge him. Hold him overnight.
and raises hell for 12 hours?
We're gonna arrest him, put him in a cell,
a few questions.
and we think the same
individual responsible
You're either in, or you're out.
Well, she wants to talk to you too.
Is that supposed to mean something?
HW thinks that someone
inside Dixon's campaign
I just found out they bailed out Doyle.
then who the hell is?
I ran as fast as I could,
I hope.
Are we going out there?
This way.
At least we've got a full moon.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 18, 2016
A local maskmaker is targeting Wesen to create Luchador masks that bestows great power to its wearer. As Nick, Hank, Monroe and Rosalee work to stop the killings, Capt. Renard considers an offer that will bring him closer to claiming his destiny. Meanwhile, Eve's further investigation of a recent incident raises new questions.
You get paid to lose, Mijo.
Special order.
tenemos Kawama!
You made Mayordomo look fantastico.
How come your parents never
taught you how to speak Spanish?
What does it say?
Obviously, in self-defense.
- Well, I'm glad you're home.
- Yeah.
I mean, you're not what you used to be,
Looks like he took his
face off in one piece.
Looks like flayed faces
are not that unusual.
inhibiting his diaphragm from contracting.
and created skin masks
Well, if Patrick was a
Wesen, then this Vibora Dorada
You may be a loser,
You got served!
Just remember,
Yeah, you might get to headline one match,
They love you.
And Adalind's the mother.
Well, no, well, see,
Hey, Nick, I found one of the Santeros.
I warned you not to wear
that mask outside the ring.
I'm fluent.
All right, first, the elekes, beads,
According to this, it's the only way
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 11, 2016
Nick and Monroe find a treasure in Germany that has been hidden for centuries. Back in Portland, Capt. Renard joins Hank and Wu to track down a deadly assassin who has thrown Portland into havoc. Little do they know that Eve is on a hunt of her own for the same man. Meanwhile, someone from Rosalee's past tracks her down.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 04, 2016
Newly gained artifacts take Nick and Monroe closer to the source of a long-gestating mystery. Elsewhere, Black Claw makes a deadly move that will send Portland into disarray.
Those knights are our ancestors.
This one has a cross.
It makes perfect sense they
would bury it in a church.
Exactly, so we should
go sooner than later.
My aunt gave me one of these keys.
- Yeah, I am.
- But you're probably right.
since he arrived in Portland.
- I don't like waiting.
- Leave it.
His name's Marwan Hanano.
But you have the passports?
off the grid for a couple of days.
I'm traveling under my uncle's name,
I've got something.
I'd really like to get to the hospital
After you introduce Dixon
today, don't leave the stage.
So he woged and let him live?
I don't think we're
looking for eyeglasses.
and when I slept with
Adalind the other time,
Yes, I'm Nick...
Frederick Calvert.
it still retains some
of the original style.
or "X", really does just mark the spot?
Well, maybe we're not
looking for a church.
Maybe there's other commandments
we know nothing about.
Yeah, but a political
rally for a mayor in Portland?
of Portland, Police Captain Sean Renard.
his ability to find
common-sense solutions,
over 100,000 German peasants
were killed in these woods?
If he's there, don't engage.
And sustainable growth.
to see your neighbors, as
well as yourselves, thrive.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 19, 2016
Monroe gets a call from a relative in Germany that will bring Nick closer to his ancestors. Things get complicated when the nefarious group Black Claw is also after the same artifacts. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard helps a mayoral candidate get an edge on his opponent. Meanwhile, Trubel confronts Eve about Nick and Adalind.
between you and Adalind and Kelly and...
I mean, come on.
The Antiquariat. Now, please let me go!
Oh, good. Nobody died.
"the Grimm"... might
be interested in.
You've got to call Nick.
Then it's a good thing you met me.
than it'd be for someone
who thinks they're just,
I know you weren't trying to kill her.
with some youthful indiscretions,
Maybe he realized the books
were fakes or something.
No, no.
I guess you did arrest me once.
It says she was found in the house
uh, which was a free imperial city
Uh, he died of natural causes.
It's worth a shot.
This is Felix Dietrich.
I mean, it was really weird.
Hey, Nick, have you
heard anything from Meisner?
Dude, think about it, though, okay?
"after the siege of Constantinople,
Monroe, I...
Uncle Felix got a piece of him...
And somebody else answered the phone.
I got to call animal control
And the 911 caller spoke with an accent.
It's from a cargo compan.
- I'm going too.
- No.
My uncle was a good man.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 12, 2016
A barbaric Wesen ritual is brought to the present and Nick, Hank and Wu are already five steps behind the serial killer. To aid in the investigation, Monroe goes undercover. Meanwhile, Hadrian's Wall's war against Black Claw intensifies as Eve uses her unique skills to interrogate a suspect.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 05, 2016
A local legend comes back to life as Nick and Hank investigate a mysterious sighting linked to a tourist's death at a local lake. Rosalee's past comes back to haunt her. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard continues to support a candidate for mayor. Meanwhile,
Nick is shown the scope of the Wesen uprising as the secret government agency takes him into the heart of their Portland operations center.
We didn't.
What the hell is it?
We'll sort this out later.
I've been thinking about what
happened to you last night.
You're not.
I found a reason to live.
have a chance to bury Juliette.
There are people
displaced all over the world
Three days after we took Juliette,
It was swimming all around us.
We need to get out on
that water right away.
during the attack.
Allan had a gun in his tackle box,
Mrs. Eiger?
I can't believe he's gone.
About an hour later, we heard gunshots,
Oh, my dad swore that he did. Twice.
Better check them out.
So you got a motorcycle.
we're dealing with.
You worry too much, brother.
We should ask him.
There's something in the water.
We think we found what you're looking for.
Did you guys have a
chance to talk this time?
We are in this together.
Until we know who the Wasser Zahne is,
And what would make him go
out and kill that poor kid?
Sorry, we're closed!
I'll come back at 11:30.
Well, you were right.
I can't just stand by
after everything you've done
We dump them in the lake.
What if she's late, okay?
Betray Logan? I-I
didn't betray Lo...
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 29, 2016
Nick and the gang are still reeling from the scope of the ambush and the surprise return of "Juliette", but not everything is as it seems. In light of the heightened Wesen violence, Monroe and Rosalee seek answers from the Wesen Council. Meanwhile, Trubel has some information for Nick that will help him get what he is looking for.
Aired 9 years ago - Dec 11, 2015
Nick and Hank investigate a wave of coordinated Wesen gang vandalism that results in the death of a local business owner and the kidnapping of Monroe and Rosalee's friend. As they dig deeper, they learn that Portland wasn't the only city hit with a
wave of violence. Meanwhile, Truble fills Nick and Adalind on what she has been up to. Elsewhere, Capt. Renard dips his toes into politics as he endorses a local candidate.
Well, when I left here
and went to take Josh home,
Nick, H.W. needs grimms
on their side,
If he wasn't there,
you might not be here.
'Cause you're a hexenbiest.
This blows out smoke big time,
but you breathe it,
♪ ♪
Shops were hit, car windows
broken, general mayhem.
We have not found this mark
anywhere else tonight.
And three doors down from
Ken's flowers,
This is crazy what's happening.
♪ ♪
I...I went to high school
with his brother.
a little better.
We're not sleeping together,
You don't know the royals
like I do.
That was an unfortunately
short nap.
And why are they all wearing
black shirts?
I don't know anything
about it.
♪ ♪
And that's a cut.
The majority of street riots
are instigated by wesen.
draft riots during
the civil war.
Which hospital?
There was a lot of blood.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
You know the FBI is still
looking for her, don't you?
Bring her in.
♪ ♪
Well, I heard they were wesen.
You and Monroe are
friends of his.
We came to talk to you.
Nick will protect you.
Want to tell us about
the blackshirts?
You're looking at a minimum
of 20 years,
Well, I don't either.
It's a place we meet.
♪ ♪
I don't know the woman,
And we're the ones that
convinced him to do this.
You're not staying in the car.
No, no.
Forget it.
They made me do it.
They made me.
sorry, sorry, sorry.
Aired 9 years ago - Dec 04, 2015
Nick and Hank are called to the scene when three Wesen go out on a hunt at a local dump and get more than they bargained for when two turn up dead after they encounter the mythical Rat King. Meanwhile, a very badly wounded Trubel is taken to the hospital and Nick finally meets Meisner.
Come out, come out,
wherever you are.
It's real.
For senior care services.
Lauren cole?
Probably would have been
a lot worse
I'm just glad you're alive.
Well, miss cole,
you've had a rough night.
He said my name, and i think
i recognized his voice.
I don't know what's going on.
This is getting
very complicated.
Shouldn't she be awake
by now?
I checked lauren cole's
My guess is,
it didn't happen here.
We lived together
for three years.
We need his last name
and where he lives.
My district has been number one
in job creation.
And trashed
his own place?
If he comes back,
we'll kill him too.
Is a popular
klaustreich pastime.
She's alive?
I need you to wake up.
This is maybe why one's
never been found before.
Where'd he go?
Guys, over here.
You murdered three people.
How are we supposed to stop
this thing if we can't shoot it?
No, he'll kill me.
You too.
Listen, you need to tell me
where she is.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 20, 2015
A wealthy mobster entices three young men to work for his daughter's hand in marriage, and a surprise visitor shakes things up as Nick and Adalind struggle to adjust to home life.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 13, 2015
Rosalee disappears after some orphans decide she is the mother figure they always wanted and an encounter with a former colleague prompts Adalind to consider going back to work.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 06, 2015
Nick makes changes to keep Adalind and his child safe, with the help of Monroe and Rosalee. Hank and his new partner investigate a murder at an investment group.
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 30, 2015
Nick must look inside himself and decide who he wants to be while also dealing with fathering a child with Adalind.
I don't know what's what.
I'm saying,
don't count on God.
Took a whole team
just to get him into custody.
Who you got there, Sheriff?
but it looks like
somebody might have a crush.
Yeah, vic's wife --
Fran Hinkle.
What's up, Doc?
I mean, it -- it grossed me out,
which he just loved.
Lady cops can't handle
the heavy liftin'?
then he was just a puppet,
so we're not
out of the woods yet.
Not much, man. I mean,
I was just hammering my bi's,
Uh, the weight room
did get really cold.
I went to pick up
the new mascot costume,
to the local high school,
the theater company.
I mean, I don't even --
All right, drop me off
at the hospital.
He "escape," too?
Whatever you say, Sheriff.
They were like brothers.
who accused Chester of crossing
the line with their kids.
Um, I just needed to ask her
a few more questions.
What those men said about him
wasn't true.
Yeah. Maybe yours.
Maybe Max's.
But then,
I started to have my doubts.
What if he was hurting him,
and I didn't know?
I told them where he was.
Stop! Stop, please!
It makes you do
something that you regret.
You had me at "curd."
Darn tootin'.