Aired 9 years ago - May 15, 2015
On the heels of a shocking discovery, Nick is hell bent on getting revenge and taking the fight to the Royals with help from Trubel. Meanwhile, Juliette's alliance continues to lead her down a dark path.
Aired 9 years ago - May 08, 2015
While investigating a grisly murder, Nick and Hank get closer to uncovering the identity of the serial killer while Wu's life is put in grave danger. Having turned down Monroe and Rosalee's offer, Juliette solidifies a new alliance as she works to get her revenge. Elsewhere, Trubel makes a surprising return to Portland.
Aired 9 years ago - May 01, 2015
A string of homicides have the press asking Captain Renard if a Jack the Ripper copycat has arrived in Portland. While dealing with the investigation, Nick, Hank, Monroe and Wu deal with a situation they never expected. Meanwhile, Adalind and
Rosalee must work together on a last ditch attempt to fix Juliette's condition. Elsewhere, Juliette decides to help her new ally even if it means hurting those around her.
I love your new hair.
You're very pretty.
I think we should
do it right here.
I have.
Remember when I was staying
at your house?
She did that to the trailer,
what's she gonna do to me?
Adalind, very nice to meet you.
D-d-does he like pie?
Well, yeah,
I'll... I'll... okay.
I do.
I don't know.
I was busy.
Johns giving you any trouble?
But that didn't work out so well
What about known associates?
Any dealers in there?
"Her throat had been cut
with a sharp instrument.
Sounds like Jack the Ripper
could've been a Grimm,
All right.
So what are we looking for?
I'm looking for
something special,
"I was somewhat surprised
to discover several bodies"
"I still do not know,
for when I cornered the soldier,
I think is has got
to be almost ready, don't you?
I've been getting hourly calls
from the Mayor's Office
How are we supposed to book a
killer who's over 300 years old?
And if she thinks Adalind
had anything to do with it,
Why, what's going on?
All right.
Just stand back.
They're both in their 70s,
When this works for her,
what happens to our baby?
- That's why I'm staying.
- Oh, right, right.
Call me.
that the police
are doing everything we can.
And then I wake up and I...
Yeah. We
have a suppressant.
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 24, 2015
Nick and Hank investigate a homicide they discover is linked to a wesen rite of passage.
Be proud.
It's your history.
♪ ♪
I mean, life is so much
more interesting now.
(Nick) Not really.
Yeah. Will do.
Sort of a midnight snack.
I made it very clear
that any more interference
She throttled a couple
of people at a bar.
becomes a viable option,
Maybe we can track
the blood trail.
(Bowden) Can I help you?
Is that going to be a problem?
Anyone else here last night?
Maggie can get those for you.
You know the struggle,
and you've made peace with it,
Am I supposed to ask what?
You know,
it might be more tragic
to the baby shower.
In my humble opinion,
Uh, look,
I know this is serious,
Can I see you
in my office, please?
Don't I wish.
Nobody else will.
This is so that she
can live a normal...
That would be my mother.
♪ ♪
Keep her away from me, Nick.
Then get out of my way.
I-I-I might explode.
with a family
that values what you are
a Wesen man.
We have tremendous power
within our bodies
and it should only be taken when
your very survival is at stake.
You've tasted Kehrseite blood
This one is anything but fresh.
♪ ♪
There. There. Pull over.
- No! No! No!
- Stay right there.
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 17, 2015
A homicide leads Nick and Hank onto the dark and mysterious path of a local Native American power quest. Meanwhile, Juliette's erratic behavior lands her on the wrong side of the law. At the spice shop, Rosalee and Monroe are on a mission and call on Captain Renard for help.
Why don't I let you
buy me the next one too?
You think you can handle
me all by yourself?
Let's see how funny you find this.
School custodian, Lawrence Killburn, 34,
I haven't done any background yet,
So will this.
We have several minorities
here at the school,
Unfortunately, when he turned 18,
nothing too outrageous,
at least not on his record.
They figure it was more than one man.
At least now I know where she is.
I do blame you for what's happened to me,
Everyone else just seems blind.
This have anything to do
with the racist graffiti
I left Simon on Spirit Mountain.
- Yeah.
- How'd it go?
but he's been pretty clean
for the last several years.
Got a last known in Troutdale.
You stay with McClay.
Yeah, she just... she just kind of did it.
in the depths of the
Gitchigumi or Lake Superior.
How do we do that?
Mm-hmm. That's good.
No, Dad!
But I think I know where he's going.
I... I hurt it somehow.
What the hell's going on in there?
I saw the three men that
murdered Simon's father:
I know what you did.
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 10, 2015
Nick and Hank are called to investigate a rare Wesen that leaves its victims frozen solid. Meanwhile, Juliette starts to feel that she is losing her humanity as she seeks to get revenge on Adalind. Elsewhere, Captain Renard continues to suffer from
mysterious bleeding and visions while Monroe works toward coming to grips with the Wesenrein incident.
What the hell?
"within the wesen society.
Well, it looks like somebody at the wedding
Then, I met you guys, and I
realized crazy is relative.
I wish there was something
I could do to help.
Paramedics took him in.
Did you witness the attack?
I didn't see it until a couple
of the guests brought it in.
You can work up an appetite
beating somebody up.
Look, you said I got to get over this...
We should go.
so I went over there to
see what I could find out,
Three, I think. I don't know.
Uh, s... sch... Just like it sounds.
Have you heard from her?
He thinks she knows what they are.
No idea.
while you guys check out the trailer?
French, Russian, German...
"to wreak havoc during the
celebration of Christenmas,
who somehow go through a puberty
transformation during Christmas
"to create the first stollen,
Actually, it's a prewar 1935 Marklin,
I don't think so.
I mean, something that bad travels.
of the Indole gentile.
Matthew Howard, Walter Dempsey.
Those are the same kind of
wesen that attacked me and my dad
Kill the women first.
of Greek heritage are even susceptible.
Thank you.
♪ and a happy new year ♪
♪ holy infant ♪
It's been quiet for quite a while now.
You know, you're not gonna believe this.
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 03, 2015
A cyclist's homicide introduces Nick and Hank to a Wesen with a tragic fatal touch. Captain Renard and Adalind learn the Royals have stepped up their efforts to find their child, and another member of the Royal family is introduced. Meanwhile, Juliette ponders the idea of embracing what she's become as opposed to fighting it.
No, look, you're bleeding.
I told you.
to undo what Adalind did?
I don't know.
Got a dead body
at Mount Tabor Park.
Hopefully, one of these keys
will open it up.
A woman.
I've got it ready.
You do nothing.
You say nothing.
There is more of our
mystery girl on Zack's page.
If you're looking for him,
he hasn't shown up yet.
Yeah, I think
he's in love with her.
in three poisonous frogs
from Colombia
I'm loyal to the family,
Prince Kenneth?
Do you know him?
I'm calling for Bella Turner.
Zack was interested
in going out, and I wasn't,
at the same place that he died.
I'm here for one reason,
and they don't woge
like any other Wesen.
and I won't know
if she's a Folterseele
Not yet.
Uh... I was about to.
So you might want to rethink
who the father is.
He was always watching
your back.
Look, can we talk about this?
All right, let's talk to him.
"Suspect William Ashford
from creating the poison
in the first place.
I can't go back there.
It's for her own good.
Do you want to keep on killing?
or be able to touch them.
And I've been tasked
with the responsibility
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 27, 2015
Nick and Hank are called to investigate a one night stand turned deadly when a man finds himself in the middle of a very bizarre love triangle. Captain Renard hopes Monroe and Rosalee can help him deal with recurring episodes of phantom bleeding.
Meanwhile, Adalind makes a discovery that might turn the tables in her favor and Juliette makes a big decision that could change the course of her relationship with Nick.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 20, 2015
Nick and Hank investigate a murder victim with his foot cut off, and stumble onto a disturbing Wesen take on the "lucky rabbit’s foot." In an effort to help, Monroe and Rosalee go undercover. Meanwhile, the fallout from Adalind and Juliette’s showdown still has Nick reeling and sends him on a path that leads to Henrietta.
So, what's your homework
situation like?
All right, fine, fine.
I'll cover for you tomorrow.
Well, she's right.
Something is gonna happen.
♪ ♪
Oh, no, Peter!
I just want you
to know the truth.
I think he bled out.
No other sign of trauma.
he was killed in a car accident
about a year ago,
So you're Nicholas Burkhardt.
There's only one way
to stop your Hexenbiest.
and I quote,
"A really big-ass axe."
I don't think
this will ever get old.
You're joking.
Well, if this has anything
to do with Wesen fertility,
Our little girl's been through
so much in her short life,
Nothing much I could tell her.
I really do want to believe you.
I mean, why else would you want
a Willahara foot under your bed?
not found at the scene.
Mother paid in cash,
left no forwarding address.
- You think?
- I do.
I need to look
at your previous tests.
I know what you're looking
for, but it's expensive.
Tell them I'll have
a nice, fresh cut tonight.
My job, the kids' school,
you don't know.
where the feet come from?
So the...
don't let her leave thing...
He's gonna text us tonight with
the where and when if that...
Did you find it?
Is that forever?
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 13, 2015
When an arson case looks to have Wesen origins, Nick find himself reluctantly having to ask an old foe for help. Viktor teaches Adalind the effectiveness of well-played diplomacy. Juliette finds herself in a confrontation sooner than expected.
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 06, 2015
Nick and Hank investigate a series of murders that lead back to the Wesen Council and a mysterious bounty hunter. Juliette’s meeting with Henrietta brings about more disturbing news than she was expecting. Adalind and Viktor make their way back to Portland.
He's saying something
about your hair.
Well, this has happened
in a very unorthodox way,
but it's gonna be challenging.
been in Portland
just over a year
Were they married?
and a phone number
to go with it.
We were so happy.
It's... it's kind of hard
to describe.
It's just...
It's been so lonely.
Don't forget the laundry,
not much fun in that either.
He woged.
Nick and Juliette coming over?
Don't make the mistake
of thinking we're not.
Reminds me of when
my brother Eric came to town.
I underestimated you,
and I regret that mistake.
Hasn't exactly been
thicker than water, has it?
Portland wasn't
the same without you.
Sometimes they use Maréchaussée.
Casey, I can't do this anymore.
See, I got two hot ones
you're gonna love to love.
I guess we're gonna find out.
I don't know when or where,
but they will make a move.
Yeah, the captain just told me.
The Council has determined that
you shall take no further action
Not sure
who that belongs to yet.
Look, you two stay out of this.
They decided he's interfered
once too often.
with the family Buthidae,
the closest match being"...
motor vehicles
registered to Wilde:
Well, then, my gut feeling
is that she's close by.
Oh, I'll make him woge.
I better go in there.
You're making a mistake.
Photographs don't prove
he killed anybody.
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 30, 2015
Monroe and Rosalee are finally off on their honeymoon, but that doesn’t mean trouble isn’t stirring in Portland. Nick and Hank are called to a shocking homicide at an abandoned residence many Portland locals think is haunted. Even the survivors of
the attack swear a ghost committed the murder. Meanwhile, on the heels of Juliette’s startling revelation Captain Renard seeks the help of a mystical woman from his past.
And the place most likely for me to go.
If there's literally a ghost in that room,
It's in the red.
Things have just been a
little intense lately, but...
♪ ♪
(Renard) This is not a
therapist, believe me.
Victim is Raymond Miller,
Well, let's see what's upstairs.
This whole thing, our ghost hunting,
but this is an open investigation.
But every time cops
arrived, the place was empty.
Let's see if we invite
him down here for coffee.
That's quite a jolt.
Shakespearean, ain't it? [chuckles]
That doesn't sound good.
(woman) What?
Yeah, but we're glad that you're not here.
Got it. Thanks.
Oh, I definitely feel a presence.
Fair enough.
I don't think so.
You didn't see anything, did you?
This is Stetson.
I'm not leaving Portland
until I find out what did this.
You scared me.
Makes sense,
"After weeks of scouring the jungle,
"they use to hunt and
eat the deadly Temblón...
Now what?
- What's wrong?
- I'm at the Donovan house.
It'll be just like it was.
♪ ♪
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 23, 2015
After Monroe’s abduction by the Wesenrein, Nick gathers the whole team, including Wu, to track him down and return him to Rosalee. As the search intensifies, Juliette learns more about her new reality as a Hexenbiest.
Does anybody here even
know what atonement means?
I may not have checked in,
but I was there.
but it's different when it's
right in your face, one-on-one,
and somehow Shaw found out
you and Monroe got married.
So how do you want to do this?
No, no, you wouldn't.
I haven't done anything yet.
Wu, take it easy.
The evidence
will now be presented.
No! No!
and if he's made
some bad choices,
about Monroe and Rosalee.
And why didn't you call it in?
what the hell's going on here?
Where's Monroe?
You'd do yourself
a big favor by cooperating.
Lock him up.
No calls.
Answer the phone.
Well, let me see.
She's not going anywhere.
Bring him forth!
And whatever you do to any of us
will never make it right,
Tell me where Monroe is,
You believe that purity
of blood is all that matters,
We will now take the vote.
An officer will now
take you home.
Nick, thank God you...
And we'll be inside?
Aww, honey, it's okay.
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 16, 2015
Nick and Hank must save Monroe from the Secundum Naturae Ordinem Wesen while Juliette considers life as a Hexenbiest.
And Blutbaden...
just like you were.
Okay, love you too, bye.
- What?
- He went outside
It happened so fast.
All right, take it easy.
What if they call?
- Juliette?
- Uh, yeah, yeah.
I didn't think anything about
it, except a few minutes later
Thanks for bringing her over.
Starting with the first name
on that list,
Do you know where we are?
They explain everything?
Well, don't.
then you won't need a mask.
You know where Monroe is,
and you know who has him.
He knows.
The son of a bitch knows.
Don't go there.
I can't lose him now.
outside normal police procedure.
You can if I order you to.
Go home.
- Don't tell me to calm down.
- Rosalee, I know you're upset...
Oh, my God.
If we've got a wesen cop
playing us,
Of course, I don't pay
much attention
Time to answer for your sins.
No, nothing yet.
He knows about Wesenrein,
so we're pretty sure you do too.
Aired 10 years ago - Dec 12, 2014
An unsuspecting traveler brings a blood-sucking legend with him to Portland, and Nick and Hank find themselves investigating the gruesome trail of "El Chupacabra." Meanwhile, Monroe and Rosalee prepare to leave for their long-overdue honeymoon as
they are met with more threats regarding their marriage. Elsewhere, Viktor and Adalind decide to take a trip of their own, while Wu decides to confront Nick about what he has been seeing.
- Well, on the "glass half
full" side, we won't be here.
Hey, this is exactly what we were eating
and she definitely had her head.
on what appears to be a
late-night or early-morning walk
Mr. Fierros.
- What?
- I know what kill him.
I tried calling you on your
cell, but you left it here.
Huh. Arrest for vandalism.
Well, whatever it is, is
one meal going to be enough?
- Rosalee Calvert?
- Yes?
but they have one thing in common.
I can't leave the country right now.
I'm sure it's nothing.
or you get into a car with
a boy or come home late.
"Whatever the disease was...
Mange, rabies, malaria,
Just letting you know.
They took him right into
the hospital. He's stable.
and blood dripping down its doglike face. "
Anything you remember can help us.
Adalind and the baby barely escaped Europe.
what kind of condition is he in now?
Hey. It's all right.
When I woke up, he was just coming in.
I don't know what the answer is,
- Then who let her out?
- I did.
Yeah, I'm fine.
- Where's the burner?
- Right here behind the counter.
♪ From now on, I'm gonna be... ♪
Aired 10 years ago - Dec 05, 2014
Nick and Hank are called to investigate a bizarre string of home invasions that lead to an even stranger Wesen phenomena. Monroe has a very special Christmas surprise in store for Rosalee. Meanwhile, Truble comes to a life changing realization that will affect everyone.
"The wesen heretics, or as they were known,
told somebody who told somebody.
Well, if you count having no job,
Any witnesses?
No, but I heard it.
Um, that one.
But, look, I...
Just stay here.
You guys are up early.
Josh hit in the head with a rock.
What are you gonna do,
put out a police sketch
That's Walter Dempsey.
First crime scene was on shaver street...
Uh, just got this from the sketch artist.
My mother's very determined, Nick,
and he is paying attention
to her and to you.
Guess you don't need
to be a Grimm to see it.
Oof, I think it's out.
Ka... Kallikantzaroi...
Children of the Indole gentile."
Are you telling me it's
all about raging hormones?
that's like an 84-pound cake.
That's what happens when
you're married to Monroe.
What if I got pregnant when I was Adalind?
Even if we do, how do we stop them?
what if they're planning
on doing something else?
before I go?
Detective Burkhardt.
This is Detective Griffin.
I don't know, Josh.
That would explain why he's been so tired.
We're gonna need a trap.
The town thinks it was
just a practical joke.
involved in burning the wolfsangel
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 28, 2014
The justification for Nick to become a Grimm again is made much clearer in the wake of the most recent attack against Monroe and Rosalee. At work, Nick and Hank are called to a stretch of highway that acts as a staging area for a horrifying Wesen
ritual. In Vienna, Viktor meets with a completely broken Adalind, now ready to be of assistance in finding and retrieving the baby. Meanwhile, Trubel is surprised by the sudden arrival of an old friend.
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 21, 2014
A woman claims a very persistent, talking wolf drove her to the point of madness when she's questioned by Nick and Hank after committing a deadly crime. Meanwhile, Nick and Juliette wonder if getting his Grimm powers back is worth the sacrifice of a
normal life; at the same time, Bud hopes Trubel can help with a wesen-related issue; threats against Monroe and Rosalee intensify; and Adalind's perilous trek to retrieve her daughter continues in Austria.
Then there's nothing more I can do.
I would suggest a very dark room.
A normal life sounds really good.
That's better. Drink it all.
Ava, calm down.
You don't have to leave until...
I don't mean broke up in a bad way,
I mean, if she was willing to.
Shaw is bad news.
I know what that must've cost you.
A very dangerous one.
- Got to start somewhere.
- What do we got?
- A wolf?
- She didn't say if it was
I mean, well, not in so many words.
Before I could stop her, she
ran outside, got in her car.
when I heard a glass break.
When did she first tell you about the wolf?
The housekeeping staff quit
after her problem started.
Let's talk to Ava's
doctor, see what she thinks.
So Burkhardt's
sending a little girl
Right. Yes, I promise.
Are all the encounters the same?
until we know that she's no
longer a danger to herself
from the Russian with the Volkodlak
no, we should talk to her first.
I tried to get away from him,
He pretends to be kind,
but I know he's lying.
I don't have an exact figure,
but it's worth about 50 mil.
I'm trying not to involve
her too much in what we do.
- take it easy.
- I can't take it easy.
Josh. Josh.
- Twins?
- Oh, my God.
What if I see him again?
What if he's waiting for me?
Matheus! Javier!
- How could you trip out here?
- I was hit.
Gabriel, where are you?
and this is so against the wesen council.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know where to go.
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 14, 2014
Nick and Hank are called to an unusual crime scene with a victim who appears to have died from clay-induced asphyxiation. Wu begins to grow more suspicious of Trubel’s presence. Elizabeth makes a major breakthrough with regards to restoring Nick’s
powers. Monroe and Rosalee experience cultural backlash as a result of their inter-Wesen marriage. Adalind hopes that putting trust in her mysterious visitor will help her escape the dungeon.
Never again, Sara.
Yeah, that you were leaving.
Why don't you tell me about the young lady
I was hoping you'd know who they were.
Royal foresters didn't throw a brick
Ms. Fisher has a restraining order,
- Yes.
- I don't believe it.
was strong enough to do that
to him unless she's wesen.
Sara, please.
You know, I've seen a few like that.
How'd you hurt your wrist?
I guess by believing I could.
I hear that.
My thesis was translating
ancient kabbalistic texts.
only it proved too dangerous to wield.
I didn't think it would do
anything, but I was desperate,
We'll start believing.
really gives a man a chance to think.
I am not looking for a reason,
Stay away from him!
Let me see what I can find out.
Be out in a second.
Stop, just stop! Please just stop.
about the mother of my granddaughter?
And until we do, we have to
pull the police off Sara's house.
write one. It means "the name of God."
And then, when they least expect it...
Don't forget that.
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 07, 2014
After Nick has a bizarre, unsettling vision, he and Hank find themselves on a case that takes them into the world of boxing. Trubel finds herself under the watchful eye of Agent Chavez before jumping into the ring to help with Nick's investigation.
Monroe and Rosalee get some unexpected help in figuring out a way to restore Nick's Grimm abilities. Adalind encounters a mysterious visitor in her dungeon cell.
Nothing that would explain
headaches or visions.
You're late. Bobby, don't hold back.
Portland's own Clay Pittman.
♪ ♪
Being a Grimm?
You got to make this right
that allows them to see colors
invisible to the rest of us.
And Juliette is really
struggling with the whole,
They just moved him out of ICU.
No, bud, he can't see wesen.
He's an ex-boxer. Did time
for aggravated assault.
When I got home from work, I saw his face.
However, it would be
advantageous if the royals
You're not well enough.
That's right.
And don't you have security for that?
but still got his promoter's license.
bring her in to every case
that we think involves a wesen?
Don't piss anybody off.
Clay just had a knack for it.
No contact with him?
Lasted 23 seconds.
They got Bone Crusher,
Boom Boom, Sugar Ray.
Go get ready for tonight.
Abe, glove her up.
Both: [Grunting]
What do you want?
Clay, you listen to me.
Abe, get some more guys.
Six stones in, three stones high.
I mean, that's a good idea,
What? It's... what?
and razor sharp tusks to inflict damage."
It's Abe Tucker.
"I killed Bobby Moore. I'm sorry."
Oh, yeah, you do.
Calling it in.
You don't understand. It's killing me.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 31, 2014
As Nick and Hank turn their attention to a string of attacks where victims are left without their memories, Nick weighs whether or not he should regain his Grimm abilities. Trubel joins the investigation and puts herself in harms way. Adalind is
held captive and learns that she is more connected than ever to Nick. Captain Renard continues to fight for his life as a mysterious visitor arrives to help him.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 24, 2014
Nick adjusts to his new reality and tries to figure out how to deal with Trubel. Wu has an unpleasant flashback. A new group of Wesen come to Portland and steal people's memories. Captain Renard fights for his life. Adalind's desperation to find her child lands her in Prince Viktor's clutches.
So what can I do for you?
The bullet has tumbled.
It's pressing on his spine.
Hey, who's the primary on this?
And I found a book, kind of a weird book.
Got any idea who killed the shooter?
I should come along with you.
And he saw me, so I ran, and he shot.
I shoved him into the hallway and...
- And he got away with it?
- Not exactly.
But you are not to leave until it's done.
killer tries to shoot her,
and she chops his head off?
Oh, my God.
Her story's consistent.
Don't drink any more of that.
you have any idea why your agent
would want to shoot our Captain?
that you'd seen that you couldn't explain?
When you told me that you'd
seen things, what'd you mean?
Uh, this is Detective Griffin.
Then we have to find out
what was in that bottle.
Not good.
Nick, we won't let Adalind
do this to you, okay?
- Look, I'll sleep on the couch.
- Hey.
Unless somebody takes it off me first.
Three pairs boxer shorts,
Okay, I can be there in 15 minutes.
Housekeeper discovered
the body, called 911.
Once Slocombe drove off, how'd he get back?
- Did you leave it clean?
- Of course.
The Gedachtnis Esser?
No heart activity. We're losing him.
Oh, my God.
Am I under arrest?