Aired 10 years ago - May 16, 2014
It's Monroe and Rosalee's big day and their joy will only be matched by unexpected heartache for those around them. Nick and Juliette make a startling realization that could shake their relationship to its core. Meanwhile, Adalind proceeds with a delicately laid plan that leads to a catastrophic event that will alter the course of Nick's journey.
who, I must admit,
made us see things
B & B Storage, 47466 Northwest Sutton Road.
And please hurry.
See you in the morning.
No, that's okay.
No harm done.
but I thought I
should warn you.
Anyway, you have
a good night.
Come on. Come on. Open up.
- Hello?
- Juliette, it's me.
No, this is how
I'm gonna do this.
It's gonna be a lot harder for
people to figure out where it is.
For a little while.
He called.
Oh, no.
Haven't seen one
of these before.
You can for
a little while.
You do, do you?
We should do this
more often.
Are you going
to the wedding?
Don't look at me like that
You did this, not me.
It had to have been you.
Who else could it have been?
Yeah, I remember you
from the police station.
The one that you followed,
was she ever alone with Nick?
Came back as Weston
Steward, FBI agent.
She's a Grimm! She's a Grimm!
Oh, my God!
Aired 10 years ago - May 09, 2014
Nick and Hank are called to investigate a double homicide, and quickly learn the victims were from a special section of the Verrat tasked with finding rare objects pertaining to the Wesen world. Trubel gets involved with a mysterious father-and-son
tandem that crossed the country in a desperate attempt to deliver invaluable cargo to "the Portland Grimm." Meanwhile, Captain Renard begins to grow suspicious of Adalind's recent behavior and quietly decides to put extra eyes on her.
He just... he didn't get off me
really fast, though.
He won't know me,
but I need to talk to him.
You've been talking about this
for two weeks!
I cut it.
I'll be fine.
What the hell, dad?
Uh, I jammed her into
a Coyotl's...
[Indistinct, distant
female voice chattering]
- sorry, I have to answer this.
- Oh, but...
The marriage?
That's the spirit.
They don't know her as Trubel.
My name's Josh.
We had a murder last night.
According to the hotel,
that's Rolek Porter,
Nick's not answering.
and that he's not interested
in any of this.
So am I.
Don't... don't leave the trunk.
No, why would you?
you have to get the trunk
to Nick.
We have a witness
that he was attacked
Yeah, he's got a trunk full
of weapons and Grimm books.
[Knocks on door]
I have to give you something.
You can't arrest him.
I'll show you.
Pulse ox is dropping.
they're Verrat
and they're armed,
[Blows landing]
Josh, just 'cause
you can't see them now,
Is that a key?
Sorry, "The Black Forest."
Aired 10 years ago - May 02, 2014
Nick does his best to educate Trubel on how best to handle the world she is learning about for the first time, and decides it best to bring her on a ride along with Hank. They find themselves investigating the homicide of a young woman that strikes
a chord for Trubel. Meanwhile, Adalind makes a discovery that she hopes will lead her to regain something she has lost.
Look at me.
Smart. You can
get out any time.
How long am I
supposed to stay here?
But for the short
time I had her,
Look, I havenn't
quite worked this out,
MAN: Delta!
WOMAN: Delta!
we might want to get these other
introductions out of the way.
So, you need to be careful.
It was determined at that time that
your mother had not filed taxes
I was everything to her.
Try to just watch and listen.
Yeah, you got it.
That it was a monster.
It's mandatory for the girls
O'Bryant Square. It's where
Cammy met someone named Donna.
HANK: Except someone dressed
her up, so she'd fit in.
Hey, got any change?
Let's just see what she does.
I need a BOLO on a gray BMW X6.
So, what's the deal with Ken?
There's no one home.
Yeah, well, we're going in.
She was paying bills.
Why would you ever want to?
I'm getting the car.
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 25, 2014
Nick and Hank investigate a dangerous female suspect leaving a trail of Wesen in her wake. Elsewhere, Adalind takes measures into her own hands, even if that means forging a dangerous alliance.
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 11, 2014
Nick and his mom, Kelly Burkhardt, join forces to protect Adalind's baby. Meanwhile, Prince Viktor activates a deadly stateside asset to find Adalind and her child.
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 04, 2014
The Resistance's plan to keep Adalind safe gets kicked into high gear when an unexpected ally arrives to ensure she and the baby make it out of Europe safely. In Portland, as Monroe and Rosalee prepare for their upcoming wedding, Nick and Juliette are reminded of their failed proposal.
I think we can trust her.
Without him, we would have
never gotten this far.
The less we know about
each other, the better.
Wherever you're taking us is
probably no longer a secret.
That's what we're serving
as our vegetarian dish,
Sorry to interrupt, Rosalee,
but this is kind of important.
and I don't want anybody
to get hurt because of me.
You see that in my eyes?
They said it works. They
couldn't see me as a Grimm.
Not only did you lose the
Royal Child and her mother,
We're on a plane. There's
no place for me to go.
I don't care who you have
to bribe, threaten, or kill.
I'm not sure
that this is such a good idea.
The only help you're gonna
get is from the sheriff.
Okay, then I guess...
I guess...
Someplace I know you'll be safe.
staying out of
controlled airspace.
Come on.
now is as good
a time as ever to...
The Verrat were waiting for
them outside of Zurich.
That was the baby.
They wanted her and the baby
protected from the Royals.
I think it's been about 10 days.
You should feed her
before she gets upset again.
There's no rational
explanation why.
in who she becomes.
I don't know how we're gonna do that.
She could be heading anywhere.
Same goes for him, you know.
Where's the woman who's
supposed to be protecting you?
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 21, 2014
A double homicide leads Nick and Hank to a traveling carnival where the performers are not what they seem. To get a better understanding of what's going on behind the scenes Monroe and Rosalee go undercover. On the wedding front, Monroe has a really
important question for Nick. In Austria, an invaluable member of the Resistance makes the ultimate sacrifice to help Adalind.
Dude, you brought us together.
I want him to show
us how he does it.
He's doing it.
It was Monroe and
Rosalee's wedding.
If I'm Monroe's best man,
Then I guess I'm
in the right place.
I got some photos.
and truth truly is
stranger than fiction.
Now, every so often,
Nein. Nein.
The one and only.
Is there a problem?
And I assure you, whatever
magic we do in the show
Here's the list of
all the people that work here.
Max, I love you.
We can't do this anymore.
They aren't as
common as they used to be,
And in the meantime, it's a
pretty intense struggle.
RENARD: How many? NICK:
Four murders, three years,
so you've got two days to make
sure you find something solid.
Because we're simpatico.
HEDIG: Show us what you got,
bright eyes.
You made the Verrat
turn the gun on himself.
Not since I was eight.
Quit asking questions.
Get dressed.
or any of the others
from calling the cops,
MONROE: Come on,
come on, pick up.
for this is no nightmare,
and that a beast
resides within us all.
I don't think
that's part of the show.
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 14, 2014
Nick and Hank find themselves thrown into the middle of an ancient battle and things heat up when the Wesen Council decides to get involved. Monroe and Rosalee fill everyone in on early Wesen history. Meanwhile, Sgt. Wu is still reeling from the
events he recently experienced. As things heat up in Europe, one of the Resistance’s most trusted allies gets compromised as he tries to protect Adalind.
Let's do this.
It can climb walls and trees
and get you anywhere you are.
The good news is I'm not clinical.
Just a little paranoia.
COP: The cabinets
were spray painted.
Worst thing that can happen...
or some sort of manufactured
religious artifact.
in the Resistance.
The mummy inside is also
in the shape of an Anubis.
Just be ready.
ADALIND: I think she's the
only one who can answer that.
Tefnut, Ammut, Bast, Khepri.
It's a Sicilian vendetta society
made up of different Wesen,
Love to, but our
wedding planner's coming,
"Five days ago,
I received an urgent request
Yeah. Can't you?
No wonder they're pissed about
displaying their ancestors.
Sorry, we were never properly introduced.
I'm Alexander.
Professor Gates,
sorry to disturb you.
Well, I don't care what their agenda is.
This is science.
Actually, he is back,
here, at our house.
Leave a message.
I thought for sure
I was seeing ghosts.
get past the feeling that
what you saw was real?
We know.
Yes, you don't have much time.
Neither do I.
Yes, I'm sure.
The only thing you have
to worry about now
I'm looking forward to the
time I make them feel sorry.
I thought for sure
I was seeing ghosts.
and hasn't returned it.
I don't like us
being the middleman
921 requesting backup.
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 07, 2014
A horrible new predator creeps into Portland with its sight set on a young expectant couple who are close friends of Sgt. Wu. Nick and Hank must figure out how to deal with Wu as the investigation escalates. Meanwhile, Adalind prepares for a special delivery while her enemies are hot on her trail.
Aired 11 years ago - Feb 28, 2014
Monroe fights an impossible battle to convince his parents to embrace the life choices he’s made. Meanwhile, Nick turns to Juliette to help him figure out the Wesen aspect of his cop-killing scalper investigation. On the Royal Baby front, Captain
Renard learns new information that forces him to contact Adalind in the interest of keeping her and the baby safe from Viktor.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 24, 2014
Nick and Hank investigate a cop killer who scalps his victims. Meanwhile, Juliette begins to communicate with Nick's mom via email and Adalind finds herself much closer to delivering her baby than she previously thought. Elsewhere, Monroe's parents
decide to surprise him and Rosalee with an early arrival to Portland after learning some exciting news.
And if you think that was hard, don't get
me started on the 4.75-inch gong coil.
Thank you.
- Oh, my God.
- I got to get out there.
It is for me.
Besides, my parents would kill me
if I got married without them.
Officer Aguilar, wife and two
kids, on the job for 12 years.
Or as proof of your prowess
on the battlefield.
- You're not hurt, are you?
- No, dad.
- Is she pregnant?
- Bart, please.
She's got a job?
That's good.
So it seems that we have a serial
killer who's targeting men in uniform.
He's with Danilov.
which is where we believe
they killed Breslau.
No, I think I'd remember
if I had.
Sean thinks that he may have
found out who killed my mother.
If he does, I wonder if he knows
she's carrying Eric's child.
Some people are charmed,
others are alarmed.
Oh, wow, okay.
I guess that's good, right?
- ___
- ___
Maybe I forgot to put it
on the list.
You keep saying that, but they're old-
fashioned. What about us living together?
to Kerkira, which is on
the Greek border of Albania,
- "Returning north to find 'L.'"
- Yeah, who's "L"?
The body was discovered a couple
hours ago by the street cleaner.
Federales in Mexico reported two
similar killings in the last ten days.
The Forensics beeds to go over
this room and his car... now.
English next, thank God.
- Guess that's where we got "berserk."
- Well, this isn't comforting at all.
- It's beautiful.
- And for the wine...
No, honey, you look beautiful.
Just have to get rid of this.
Oh... Rosalee, it's so very
nice to meet you.
Well, it's just
a little unsettling.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 17, 2014
Nick and Hank are called to the gruesome murder of a veteran working in home security. During their investigation, they discover this might be one of several revenge killings regarding a horrifying cover-up involving members of the army and military
contractors. On the domestic front, Monroe accompanies Rosalee during her long overdue reunion with her mother and sister. In Europe, Adalind sees hints of what she thinks might be her powers returning.
Of course.
- from McCabe security.
- Renta-cops for the rich.
So why would someone
want to kill our victim
- We don't have a murder weapon.
- And why steal his medals?
You didn't call her?
to ease our way in.
Last call at 12:09
lasted just under two minutes.
We've got a lot
of catching up to do.
What happened to your friend?
Yeah, we just have to ask
Never seen her before, but...
Dinner's almost ready.
He called you last night
at 12:10.
We spent time together in Iraq.
The other three, Jim McCabe,
Troy Dodge, and Robert Hammond,
I've thought about this
for four years.
And then she put
her hand out again,
- They I.D. the poison?
- Inconclusive.
But not showing up
for your own father's funeral?
maybe a little,
you know, gratitude
Those are the details.
You break
my little sister's heart...
Did you get the photo
we sent you?
You said they were exempt
from prosecution.
picked up for drunk
and disorderly conduct
I'm gonna call Juliette.
"naturalis historia
circa 77 A.D.,
To the gang rape
of Frankie Gonzales.
I didn't even know
they were dead.
We know what you are.
The only one is my old C.O.,
but he's in the hospital.
I'm just getting
the justice you deserve.
It's a little late to quit now.
That must have been you.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 10, 2014
Nick and Hank are called to the scene of a gang-related homicide. The case escalates as Zuri, Hank’s physical therapist, and her brother get caught up in the investigation. Meanwhile, Juliette seeks advice from Rosalee in dealing with the news that her friend is Wesen.
We have the house to ourselves.
Leave us alone!
Help me!
Alonzo Banks.
I saw them kill that guy.
Look, you know,
I should find something today,
What are you talking about?
not a gang
you want to mess with.
Well, we think your car
Late last night,
a car matching yours
You all right?
Yeah, I got some skin
in the game,
Waitress at Ray's diner?
Who's they?
in the parking lot
outside of Ray's diner
We want to find out
who did this to you.
Right now I'm here as a cop,
but I can come back as a Grimm.
What's that?
cutting off
the head of the serpent.
Hank, they're trying to get
into the apartment.
Guess I'll... I'll practice.
She needs to know that
your friendship comes first.
Hey, looks pretty comfy.
Who wants a coffee?
No! No!
I, um... I read your dad's file.
Well, how'd she take that?
and just being there for me.
It's okay.
I'm not impressed.
You better watch your mouth.
I miss you.
Jared, you in there?
Just go!
Get her out of here.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 03, 2014
Nick and Hank investigate a Wesen "healer" whose ability holds risks that far outweigh its rewards. Meanwhile, Juliette takes in a friend when domestic issues escalate and Hank makes a move on his physical therapist Zuri. Elsewhere, Captain Renard finally tracks down Adalind and has a stern warning for her.
Aired 11 years ago - Dec 13, 2013
After a string of delinquent teens go missing, an old Wesen tale of an evil Santa who brings more than just a lump of coal may be the prime suspect. The investigation intensifies as Nick and Hank take things a little too far. Meanwhile, Monroe
enlists Juliet to surprise Rosalee for their first Christmas together with unintended results. Elsewhere, Captain Renard’s tour of Europe brings him closer to tracking down Adalind.
Well, I am royal,
I mean, not that I don't
want to be needed.
Down the street,
like you told me.
but we must trust each other
let's deal with it now.
Maybe it's not part
of the crime scene.
Might have a wallet
in his back pocket.
before she sees it in the boxes
Look, Derek is no stranger
to trouble,
I'm okay, I guess.
we need to know who.
Derek's dad was right.
His son had some problems.
Nick and Hank are here.
I mean, the... the police.
- Well, what about Quinn?
- We found a jacket
I mean, can they sing or what?
There's a "but?"
Christmas was a really big
deal in my house growing up.
I should have.
Holding a kid by his leg
and stuffing him into a sack.
I told you.
Merry Christmas!
I'm not gonna give you crap
he picks the one person
who hates Christmas.
You mean
I should bury the past?
What happened?
You said you liked
to dress up as Santa,
you guys could be dealing
with something really awful.
He shows up before Christmas
to punish the bad kids.
Krampus always disappears
just after midnight
- Krampus.
- Don't say that!
Except the smell of fear...
- Get us all down!
- Get the ropes!
they would've been
Christmas dinner.
How'd you get to Portland?
Aired 11 years ago - Dec 13, 2013
As a deadly crime spree begins to surface, a century-old urban legend takes shape in Portland's sewers and becomes Nick's latest case. In Europe, Adalind meets Prince Viktor, who’s come to bring those responsible for his cousin Eric’s demise to justice. Meanwhile, Captain Renard responds to the recent attempt on his life.
Aired 11 years ago - Dec 06, 2013
Nick faces his toughest challenge yet when he and Hank investigate a case that combines religious phenomenon with the dark dealings of the Wesen Council. Meanwhile, Rosalee is torn when Nick's case challenges her Wesen loyalties. Elsewhere, Captain Renard leaves town to tend to some "family matters."
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 29, 2013
Nick and Hank are on the case as repeat instances of apparent vigilantism have whispers of an old Spanish legend making their way through a working-class Portland neighborhood. Elsewhere, Juliette learns the truth about Nick’s mother. Meanwhile, Adalind has a brief scare during her ultrasound.
No. Your metabolism
is pretty extraordinary.
Well, that's not
exactly what happened.
No, you're doing it.
Be smart, eat right...
No bag.
No bag.
Two nine millimeters.
David Florez.
Local hothead.
Somebody might have seen 'em on
the street before they came in.
I didn't see anybody
after I left the store.
If there are any dangerous
animals running around,
Višnja Gora.
It's in Slovenia.
Convictions for assault, narcotics
distribution, and illegal firearms.
No, Mom, that was Rosalee.
She's my girlfriend.
Looked sort of like a Hundjager
If Bolton is what I saw,
Yeah, there's no signs of
going after the legs first
Definitely a Hollentier then.
Can't say I'm happy about that.
I can.
I don't know what happened next.
El Cucuy.
Ever heard of it?
there was a time
of great sorrow.
one of the evil men
was dead on our street.
So you believe.
You find anything?
Surveillance footage
from the bus last night
Who? The police!
They let him out!
Sorry, Mrs. Garcia. But we're
gonna have to make a detour.
What, you didn't get
enough the first time?
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 15, 2013
When Nick and Hank investigate a drowning death with mysterious marks on the victim’s ankles, they happen upon a group of water-bound Wesen with a deadly postcoital cuddle. Meanwhile, Rosalee starts unpacking her things at Monroe’s, and Captain Renard makes a startling realization about the possible identities of the Royal Baby’s parents.
Well, this is
the last of your stuff.
by Sigmund Riefler himself
HANK: Same as we got.
and, um, then these
two girls showed up.
Of course, but...
I'm telling you, I mean, it felt
like something, like, grabbed me.
Soon as I got
back up here.
Let's round up
the unusual suspects.
You received the photo?
Right, we should be going.
"Jory, our third mate,
disappeared overnight.
GPS puts it at
the Andersen Marina.
Guys, guys, wait.
Hold on.
Investigation of what?
unless you want to
clear this up right now.
Which is how that
phone got in your house.
We're the only two here who know
what you and your sister are.
And what about the girl who saved
your victim from the river?
I have my reasons.
What did the other guy look
like, the one you killed?
What are you doing?
What have we here?
I mean, maybe there's things
of mine that you don't like.
Dominic pulled Dan under,
and Jesse pulled Jake.
I think that's what
they want us to think,
It's Jake. Hello?
Not for much longer.
Breathe or drown, Elly!
I got Dominic and
Jesse handcuffed.
"You seem healthy, with
tremendous physical endurance."
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 08, 2013
A series of disturbing crime scenes leads Nick and Hank to the resurrection of an old feud that's all too familiar for Nick and Monroe. With the news of a royal family member's demise, several key players start to make their move. Meanwhile despite
his recent trauma, Nick finds himself healthier than normal and Monroe and Rosalee talk about moving their relationship forward.
have more room
in my closets
Lock up the area.
We're on our way.
Some think it's the resistance,
others think it's another Family.
I think it is safe to
assume that we could be,
We were happy.
Now, excuse me. I've got a
meeting with the mayor.
She's a sales rep for Wilkes
Medical Supplies out of Seattle'
The night before last, looks
like she went to dinner
What was the name
of the restaurant?
I'm in her home.
She's not here either.
I'm sorry, we don't open
for another half hour.
What kind?
That shouldn't
be a problem.
Anybody can eat there.
I'm sorry,
I don't mean to rehash.
I mean, I would never frequent a
place run by a Schneetmacher,
And we're pretty
excited about it.
They were the two victims.
Rosalee, you said that Monroe ate there.
What did he eat?
It's called Völlige
Verzweiflung in German.
Wait! Whoa! The tartlets.
Not this time, Nick.
I'm sorry, but I need
to ask you to leave.
but never Bauerschwein.
Only the legal stuff.
You talked to him?
For me?
Oh, my God.
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 01, 2013
Monroe, Hank, Rosalee and Juliette track down a manic Nick and do all they can to find him and reverse what's been done to him before he causes any more damage. Meanwhile, Captain Renard does his best to clean up the zombie fallout on all fronts -
domestic and international. Elsewhere, the more time Adalind spends with Stefania, the more disturbing things seem to get in her quest to regain her Hexenbiest abilities.
(GRUNTS) Come on! Come on!
GIRL: Mom!
I'm not giving you my gun.
I'll go back inside,
We gave him everything we had. We just
have to get him back to the shop.
the more you risk
wasting the opportunity.
Oh, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
Eric Renard, crown prince
of the Kronenberg family,
How'd I get here?
We were trying to stop
what was happening...
Or maybe not.
Good. It's better that way.
MONROE: At least nobody
got really hurt.
Yeah, you really
need some downtime.
Well, I have a pretty good idea
what the cause of death was.
Hey. What's the problem?
What if they see Nick in the
surveillance recordings?
What happens
if he finds out?
There was at the time.
It was trashed in the fight.
As long as it doesn't turn up.
Hey, what's wrong?
You feel cold.
How do you feel?
With what?
Looks like our voodoo hordes
used up all our acorus calamus
(WHISPERING) I can't really talk right now.
Nick's awake.
HOLTBY: You were there with
Police Captain Sean Renard?
It might be loaded.
And ask Juliette how it
felt to get hit by you.
Thank you.
Let's talk soon.
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 25, 2013
A panicked Juliette, Monroe, and Rosalee enlist Hank's help in fending off a zombie hoard while trying to figure out what happened to Nick. Knowing the truth, Captain Renard takes measures to help rescue Nick from the clutches of his brother, Eric.
Elsewhere, along with the help of the mysterious Stefania, Adalind finds herself facing her most gruesome task yet in her effort to regain her Hexenbiest abilities.
I know. I know!
Time to pick up Mr. Schirach.
He's got a plane to catch.
They're under
heavy sedation.
Get as many unis as you can to the
container yard on Lombard Street.
It, uh, looked
like a coffin.
Or should I say castle?
There must be some mistake.
We have nothing to hide.
Yanko, bring me the box.
I'm sorry, old friend.
There's nothing we can do.
In a matter of minutes,
Look, they had to file a flight plan.
I could check with the FAA.
Not literally.
How much of this stuff
do they expect us to make?
It still doesn't mean we just
let 'em get away with it.
That could be done.
Yes, but I was
not able to find out
They made attempts to contact the
plane, but nobody's answering.
I mean, I don't think they really
care or know where they are.
Put it on speaker.
Any survivors?
Yeah, except
he's not here.
So you need to prepare yourselves.
He was living with me for, you know, a
while, so I know what he smells like.
We've got to stop him because
it's only gonna get worse.
It must be buried
with your hands.