Aired 12 years ago - May 18, 2012
As Nick delves deeper into his life as a Grimm, a trail of grotesque murders reignites the search for the elusive gold coins. The arrival of a mysterious woman in black begins to get in the way of Nick and Hank’s investigation as extra precautions
have to be taken to ensure their safety. Meanwhile, Nick’s ability to keep his true nature secret from Juliette comes to a tipping point.
It's called the Aegishjalmur.
Marquesa was tied
to a jewelry store robbery
'Cause ex New York City cops
generally get what they want,
This is the guy
Marquesa went after.
Well, I hope not, but I'm
probably going to want
Maid discovered the body
about an hour ago.
Let's see
what he was taking pictures of.
Where are the coins?
I don't plan to waste
that much time with you.
He's alive.
spent three days with him,
and was sure he didn't.
Who is he?
We found photos of you.
I want him alone and not
in an interrogation room.
and, like,
a minimum of four horses,
From a...
You're getting all worked up
about nothing.
till you tell me why
you're acting so crazy.
by that crazy woma..
I guess it was destined
to happen.
and I know it's going to sound
a little weird, okay?
And the drawings are of Wesen,
Juliette, I mean,
I'm not making this up.
but I swear to God,
it's all true.
And film of Hitler
and the Verrat
That is what I'm talking about.
She thinks I'm crazy.
Robinson, stop her!
so there may be
something else going on here.
We keep the cats on this side.
Yeah, there's nothing
happening out here.
Maybe it just doesn't like me.
- Is she okay?
- I don't know yet.
Aired 12 years ago - May 11, 2012
After Juliette stumbles upon a brutal murder, Nick learns the suspected creature, and friend of Monroe, is suffering from a mysterious condition — the inability to completely return to human form. This mysterious condition leads them to a therapist
who’s created an artificial drug to suppress the creature side, with horrifying side effects. Meanwhile, the investigation takes a surprising turn when Hank sees something he can’t quite explain.
Aired 12 years ago - May 04, 2012
Nick and Hank are called to investigate the mysterious death of a wealthy matriarch, after her stepdaughter loses everything in a Ponzi scheme. Meanwhile, Juliette does some digging into the mysterious death of Nick’s parents in an effort to help him find closure.
I have to say no.
I have back-to-back meetings.
for her own life,
and that of her husband.
Two people killed
in Rhinebeck, New York,
I wished I was in the car with them.
Come here.
What are you worried about?
Tiffany said she was too freaked out
Uh, I'll call him
if I find out anything.
Everything's fine.
You think we might have
had something to do with it?
Uh, yeah. Juliette said
you might be calling.
I met Tiffany and Taylor
through a mutual friend.
Look, it's a typical
family situation.
It was difficult...
I suppose that made you pretty upset.
I promised him that I would
always look after Lucinda.
or a jet flew through
the living room,
The money doesn't matter,
the property...
I just love you so much.
It was very nice.
I have to go.
At least according
to your Spanish for-bearer,
pop eyeballs, rupture nasal passages,
and I don't want to do that yet.
Yeah, I think
Spencer's on his way there
Damn it, Tiffany, where are you?
to connect anybody to that crime.
I witnessed firsthand
how she was treated
but she has no conscience.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.
Let's go.
- Are you at home?
- Yes.
One big, happy, dead family.
Aired 12 years ago - Apr 27, 2012
As Nick delves into the trailer’s weapons cabinet and his inner Grimm, the investigation of a dead construction worker leads him into a long standing conflict in the creature world. Sensing an unfamiliar threat, the suspect takes it upon himself to
summon reapers to town to eliminate the Grimm once and for all. Meanwhile, Juliette insists that Nick invite Monroe over for dinner, making for quite the interesting evening.
You seem like a man who likes
to bury himself in his work.
♪ ♪
but whoever it was
saw the whole thing go down.
It's worth a try, I guess.
of our relationship that
we wouldn't have to lie about.
the best lies are sort of the truth.
That would be Mr. Butrell.
Um, the, uh, trip-trap club
down on Chauncey.
for 9:30 this morning,
but he never got back to me.
My wife, Phoebe, left me two of them.
A hasslich!
If I'm right, I'll come to your house
How's it going?
That's crazy.
you could find out
where the guy lived.
Uh, which means, in other words,
- But I...
- Don't "but" me, John.
I think you should
consider coming forward.
but he can't help us
if we don't help him.
Sometimes it doesn't go away
unless you make it go away.
So what'd you think?
- So where's this meeting?
- It's in the lodge.
Eisbiber and hasslichen
have lived by certain customs
Mr. Speaker,
thank you for allowing me
then together we can put an end
to this hasslich threat.
I move to request that the Grimm
I figured if you could do it,
so could they.
We have questions.
All right, we'll rattle a few cages.
- What happened to you?
- Family reunion.
I'm sure.
That's him.
I've been watching
the same headlights
Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure
that's how it works.
Aired 12 years ago - Apr 20, 2012
While investigating a string of murders, Nick and Hank learn that their suspect’s crime wave began overseas. When Nick discovers the suspect is being harbored by none other than Monroe and Rosalee, he realizes he’s hunting the hunted, a freedom fighter trying desperately to escape the clutches of a creature bounty hunter.
So true.
I think it's more than I want you to.
Not like this.
But I saw the guy that was on my bus.
Come with me.
He's one of the leaders
of the resistance.
They thought it was a regular
9 millimeter. It's not.
I said, "knock it off"!
- Passport stuff.
- Yes.
What do you want?
He left.
- Who wants him?
- Got it.
All right.
Gonna need your name and number,
and had to deal with his murder
and the shop and everything.
- Yes, sir.
- And check with Scotland yard.
for my taste.
- Beautiful, aren't they?
- Oh, yes, yes.
Not cameras.
Let me show you my favorite.
Have you seen this man?
Ian lost his bag when he was shot.
have infiltrated the highest
levels of all governments.
I can't promise anything else yet.
Eduardo Grimm, Madrid, 1936.
And how will I know you?
You ever heard of a "Freidenreden"?
Just so you know, once this
little truce of yours is over,
Allies of convenience.
Yes. Wu is running
the number right now.
We'll see whose life
is more important to him.
The oppressed always become
the oppressors.
I have a plan.
What the hell is going on here?
Even if he's dead,
they'll send others after me.
Don't be.
Aired 12 years ago - Apr 13, 2012
Nick and Juliette join Hank for dinner, where Nick discovers Hank’s mystery date is none other than Adalind, the same Hexenbiest who tried to kill Aunt Marie. Meanwhile, Captain Renard takes matters into his own hands when a visit from foreign
representatives of his royal bloodline threatens his position. Elsewhere, Monroe and Rosalee are called into action when the lives of Hank and Sgt. Wu hang in the balance.
It's not just me, cousin.
Well, you'd think
he'd at least mention
I'm gonna grab our table.
Hey, I put myself through vet school.
You used to be a lot more fun.
will be remembered and rewarded.
so a simple-minded sergeant
would surmise
Anton's pocket
when he hit the ground.
Hey, don't worry,
I'll take that phone
You still love him, don't you?
They can hear it in your voice.
He won't listen to anything
Call her.
They're not exactly the lovable type.
A shopping list somebody wrote
Makes sense, right?
Well, all I can say is this detective
At dinner the other night,
So what are you cooking
for dinner tonight?
I should bring it over personally.
Not a single phone call on it.
but the families of the victims
Yeah, no, it should.
I have all the ingredients.
Let's just see if it works first.
Okay, hold him down.
Hold him down.
I've got big plans tonight,
and I'm keeping them.
I've got a very busy schedule,
I bit him.
Aired 12 years ago - Apr 06, 2012
Nick pulls out all the stops to plan a romantic getaway for Juliette in an attempt to get their relationship back on track. Nick’s duties as a Grimm get in the way of romance when he meets the unsettling neighbors and discovers that the troubled
wife has a rare and valuable treasure to protect. It’s left to Nick to keep everyone safe. Back in Portland, Hank and Monroe each find themselves on the brink of new romantic relationships.
Aired 12 years ago - Mar 30, 2012
After the grisly murder of a familiar shop owner, Nick joins forces with Monroe to help solve the murder. When the shop owner’s sister, Rosalee, comes to town, Nick thinks he may have found a new ally in the creature world. Elsewhere, Captain Renard
enlists Adalind to cast a spell on Hank. Meanwhile, Sgt. Wu unwittingly becomes entangled in Adalind’s dastardly plan.
Aired 12 years ago - Mar 09, 2012
While investigating an arson-related homicide with Hank, Nick finds himself in the heated world of Portland fire-dancing where he meets a woman who might just be too hot to handle. With Monroe’s help, Nick will have to find out if he can investigate the case without getting himself or those close to him burned.
But I couldn't tell you
that was him in that basement.
So whatever it was
got really hot really fast.
Yeah, according to them,
they're not seeing any copper.
and he was wearing a long coat.
I got sprayed...
Can't breathe.
Uh, I'm not.
but they, uh, laid him off
two years ago.
Oh, I'm, uh...
♪ I'm gonna burn this city,
burn this city ♪ .
They're kind of a throwback
to the days of yore, you know?
Static electricity
would be my guess.
I hope so.
Juliette, I can explain.
Oh, stop.
Then make sure you keep
your phone in your pocket.
and his grandfather used one
in the South pacific.
Oh. Can't wait.
no cops.
To go after them.
To, you know, help rescue
a woman I've never met before.
Time for you to scream.
Avenge thine father
by dragon fire.
Aired 13 years ago - Mar 02, 2012
A failed jewelry store robbery results in a murder that finds Nick and Hank immersed in a hunt for rare coins. Nick soon learns that these coins have an unsettling effect on whoever possesses them, as Hank and Captain Renard begin to exhibit unusual
behavior. Meanwhile, a mysterious old friend of Aunt Marie’s comes to Nick with information about his family and what led to his parent’s death.
Those coins make people
do a lot of strange things.
There was another one.
But first, I'm gonna break that guy.
was trying to hide them
in his stomach.
I want to give you
the chance to come clean.
were stamped with
a swastika on one side,
and then they just disappeared
for several centuries
She was the sister
of the woman I was in love with.
{pub}This is way past
my bedtime, you know.
fand ich am Waldrand
ein kleines Feuerlein vor.
What more do you need to know?
They're like
opposite sides of a coin.
Oh, right.
Aunt Marie, of course.
Bis später, alligator.
Look, I couldn't.
Why did you cut him open?
Well, what are we doing here?
But he was pretty cool
under the interrogation.
"relevant to the discovery
of the imperial coins
He said he was going
to take them to evidence.
for over 35 years,
Sir, the coins.
I'm gonna go talk to Kolt.
You were the kid she had to raise
He just left.
Aired 13 years ago - Feb 24, 2012
A bizarre double homicide leads Nick and Hank to a boxing gym, which Nick discovers is a supplier for a darker, ritualistic fight club in the creature world. When Monroe lends a hand and gets in over his head, Nick must dig deep and find his inner “Grimm” to defend him.
Aired 13 years ago - Feb 10, 2012
Nick and Hank find themselves on the hunt for a deadly heartbreaker leaving behind a web of dead bodies. Meanwhile, Nick’s growing recognition among the creature world is starting to threaten not only his safety but Juliette’s as well, and it may be time for him to take action to keep her safe.
Here I was, trying to be abstract,
Okay, baby.
I mean, you're kids.
Two Eisbiber kids egged
my house last night.
That's her over there.
She's pretty shook up.
At least we'll get a clean print.
He's leaving too.
And what could do that,
some kind of embalming pump?
There's motive
for homicide right there.
Why can't she just shoot
these guys and keep it simple?
I didn't know how else
to prove you were a...
They've linked your fingerprint
to two more murders
Thanks, dad.
Come on, mom.
No, I'm good.
Thank you.
Well, what about the kind
I thought I was gonna
scream my lungs out.
Ew, you guys are gross.
I have homework.
a retirement/monastic
retreat home for Wesen.
I'm investigating
a string of murders,
depending on when she first
went through le retour d'âge.
You have to understand, this
is not something we want to do.
As you can see, I've chosen a life
Um, hold on, read it to me again.
I know it.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Then you know I can't stop her.
Talk about chemistry or electricity
It's probably
just the wake from the boat.
Aired 13 years ago - Feb 03, 2012
As Portland’s homeless youth start to go missing, Nick uncovers a deadly black market supplying the Grimm world with human organs for all types of elixirs. As the investigation heightens, Nick and Juliette befriend a pair of homeless siblings, Hanson and Gracie, whose friends have gone missing.
Angels and demons and dinosaurs
and the big bang theory
- It was in his pocket.
- Puka shell necklace.
I saw a lot of this sort
of stuff in the late '80s,
There's no way to tell
where he went into that river.
I've seen him around,
but I don't know him.
Last thing we knew, he got a job.
We're still in the middle
of the investigation.
Medical conditions he might have had?
- You're serious?
- Oh, yeah.
Haven't had a Blutbad
in here in a long time.
Just the powder, thanks.
But there may not be
any missing reports filed.
How do you get in contact with him?
{pub}This is Detective Burkhardt.
for dinner tonight, we could, uh...
I really love the necklace.
You made it, right?
It's cool, he actually
had to win me over too.
just came up to him on the street.
at the shelter, but he never did.
Yeah, so do I.
It's okay.
- You can do that, right?
- Yes.
from somebody in a white van,
and I'm supposed to call
If someone's dealing
in stolen body parts,
Let's go. Go!
You're not gonna get away with this.
They're not operating
on anybody here,
I'll take care of this.
Aired 13 years ago - Jan 20, 2012
While investigating a gruesome homicide, Nick learns that a seemingly mild-mannered resident could be festering a potential monster created from a dark childhood. Meanwhile, Monroe is sent an unsettling message by the creature community, who are beginning to wonder if his priorities lie with them or a Grimm.
after he was killed.
Well, he was here last night.
'cause he wasn't the nicest guy.
He had been drinking, and he stood up
Yeah, and then they got into it.
Like, how could I?
I'm not strong enough.
Martin Burgess owns a junkyard
on the east side
Natalie wasn't...
No, he lost his leg, you idiot.
"Had he recognized me for who I am,
- So they're harmless?
- Yeah.
I have to go anyway.
I want you to run a plate for me.
I'll have somebody take care of it.
He said, and I quote, "I'm surprised
I have to finish all my week
at the office,
He moved in with Marty
Do not **** your ****.
A little rodent
with a little rodent's life.
You're leaving, starting a new life.
You have a 20 on Martin Burgess?
That's amazing.
Who the hell
do you think you are?
Marty, you're going too fast.
Oh, no, you don't.
I think she was afraid of me.
Aired 13 years ago - Jan 13, 2012
An escapee returns to Portland seeking revenge against those who put him behind bars, including Hank, the arresting officer. His unusual strength and high tolerance for pain makes Nick suspicious that he might be more than human. As the case
escalates Nick and Juliette are put in danger, and Monroe is called into action to help put an end to the convict's deadly rampage.
Aired 13 years ago - Dec 16, 2011
A mysterious homicide deep in the woods leads to Nick and Hank reopening a long-cold missing persons case. When Nick suspects this abducted person might be a feral creature, he asks Monroe to help remind this wild child of her human nature.
Well, it's kind of weird.
There's not a bit
of food left,
But whatever it was,
it saved our lives.
demanding to see
their brother's body.
What do you see
in those two?
A little girl playing
in her mother's backyard
just vanished.
Look, it's a long
tradition in my family,
Well, if she wasn't,
definitely not.
I haven't been
living in the woods
for nine years.
Fifty bucks says
you're full of tree sap.
The whole "raised by wolves"
thing was never really proven.
And you?
Oh, my God.
Bone yard?
Don't lose her!
I don't even remember
where we camped out,
Would they know
where you camped?
It's okay.
It's going to be okay.
He was treated
at Community Hospital
in Beaverton.
instead of what
we're going to do to him
when we get back.
Can I ask
what this is about?
Yeah, I like that area.
I go hiking there a lot.
I was being attacked.
I didn't stop to consult
my animal guide.
Wait, wait, wait.
I'm coming down!
It's called
burdock root.
Wait a minute.
Aired 13 years ago - Dec 09, 2011
Nick is called to a suspected arson case, which exposes a longstanding family feud that brings Monroe face-to-face with characters from his troubled past. While Monroe wrestles with restraining his wild side, it's up to Nick to keep everything from going up in flames.
A bar tab?
Any of these guys
ever threaten you?
No. No, Hank.
I got this one.
Time to go.
I tried to
find a connection
I like to finish breakfast
by 8:30 in the morning.
"But this is my space.
This time, for reals.
Long time ago.
Okay. You know what?
This is insane.
No. I want to.
He's trying to help me.
Well, uh, obviously,
it depends
on the circumstances.
24l7 Pork.
I've got your ribs here.
No shell casings
left behind.
Because he's her brother.
Angelina, listen to me.
He's a guy,
so I know that's not
going to be easy.
How are you doing?
That looks better.
which is why
he found no evidence
at either crime scene.
I know who killed
Hap and Rolf.
It was a cop.
That I still love you.
Our families have
never been enemies.
You should know that.
I'm staying out of it.
I mean,
I don't want her to die,
You wouldn't happen to have
his home address, would you?
This ends with
me and her.
Any bodies?
We don't know.
You killed two people!
This is not about the law,
do you understand?
Aired 13 years ago - Dec 08, 2011
Nick and Hank's investigation of a dead high school teacher leads them to the school's outcast, Roddy. Nick realizes that there's more to Roddy than meets the eye, and enlists Monroe's help to get through to the troubled teenager before he exacts
revenge on the students who wronged him. Meanwhile, Nick learns that his presence is beginning to affect the creature world.
Says it's Paul Lawson,
a music teacher here.
Used for
trapping rodents.
Don't tell me to calm down.
I know what's going on here.
We had nothing to do
with that teacher dying.
What was the fight
at school about?
Yeah, I attacked them
after they jumped me.
Your perp is
DJ Retchid Kat.
What about my dad?
I did find
something interesting
in my other autopsy.
I wonder what the police
will say when they get here.
BMW, Audi, Porsche.
That boy does not belong
in our school.
If you know all that,
what are you doing here?
You think he'll listen
to me 'cause
I play the cello?
Damn it!
He just ran out?
I'll see you tomorrow.
From what?
The real thing
is an impossibility.
Basically what we're
saying here is, uh,
just don't blow it.
Hey, so I talked to Roddy.
The Reinigen kid?
Actually we narrowed it down
to just BMWs and Audis
This is great.
This is where
my tax money goes.
You killed him.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Aired 13 years ago - Nov 18, 2011
After investigating a strange cluster of female deaths and disappearances, Nick sends Monroe undercover to get a whiff of a hypnotic suspect. In the meantime, a stranger shows up looking to avenge the death of his friend at the hands of a Grimm, but he'll have to get past Captain Renard.
Aired 13 years ago - Nov 11, 2011
The station is abuzz as Nick and Hank are called to a case where an innocent flash mob results in a gruesome homicide. As Nick delves further into the investigation, he learns more about his unique family history, and finds himself at odds when he and Hank are assigned to protect a dark character from his recent past.
Now that's a flash mob.
that could have
motivated this?
You mean, someone harvested
50 milligrams of apitoxin
from actual bees?
Captain's been taking
a keen interest in this one.
There were
a lot of us on there.
then it goes
back to the hive
I know, you're sorry,
but you have to work.
"A Hexenbiest mark can
be found under the tongue
Yeah, sure, because if
I told him my two main
suspects turned into bees,
We were following
two guys who turned
out to be Mellifers,
Mellifers only have
one natural enemy.
Well, messy class action
lawsuit about a year ago.
Nope. Whole new set of
flash mobbers this time.
But you're not sure?
Here they are.
They are trying
to get rid of us.
No credit card activity,
no travel,
Hank, I'm in
the middle of something.
Well, we're just
doing our jobs.
Detective, I don't know...
I'm clean.
I have nothing
to do with this.
If something happens to me,
The lawsuit,
Aired 13 years ago - Nov 04, 2011
After a case of breaking and entering has one of the intruders go missing, Nick and Hank talk to a mysterious family whose cultural background blurs the line of right and wrong. Meanwhile, Nick tasks Monroe with the safeguarding Aunt Marie, who was almost killed the night prior by a hexenbiest.
Aired 13 years ago - Oct 28, 2011
After the mysterious brutal attack of a local college co-ed, Portland homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt discovers he is descended from an elite line of criminal profilers known as "Grimms", charged with keeping balance between humanity and the
mythological creatures of the world. As he tries to hide the dangers of his new found calling from his fiancée, Juliette Silverton, and his partner, Hank Griffin, he becomes ever more entrenched in the ancient rivalries and alliances of the Grimm world. With help from his reluctant confidant, Monroe, a reformed Grimm creature himself, Nick must navigate through the forces of a larger-than-life mythology.