
Season 7

Aired 24 years ago - May 21, 2000

Mulder and Scully return to the town of their first X-Files investigation where a UFO has crashed in the forest. The Cigarette-Smoking Man arranges for Krycek to be released from prison in order for him to make contact with the aliens and begin rebuilding the "Project", while Scully's health appears to be taking a turn.

Aired 24 years ago - May 14, 2000

Mulder and Scully discover a genie in a rug who, after 500 years of granting wishes, has come to the conclusion that people are still as greedy and self-centered as they always have been, and she begins to corrupt the wishes she grants if they are not specific enough.

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Yeah. And then Mr. Gilmore was, uh, stricken...
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This may not be a crime, and this guy Stokes may not know anything about it.
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Well, we are Agents Mulder and Scully from the F.B.I.
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- Would you happen to know anything about that? - The mouth thing?
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You still have both your lips.
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- Winds up with the Titanic in his driveway. - Mm-hmm.
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It's a big expensive item that serves no purpose and is more trouble than it's worth.
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Come on! I gotta concentrate here. Let me figure this out.
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I wish that I could turn invisible... at will.
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Look out, world, here I come.!
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All right. Here we go.
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He was probably hit by a car or a truck or something.
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Then there is the interesting way in which Mr. Flanken died.
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but we need to talk to her.
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Leslie, there was a woman here earlier. Where is she now?
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They live in inanimate objects like a lamp or a ring. Is this beginning to sound familiar?
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I can't wait to see their faces.
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Or Richard Nixon, for that matter.
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Your disability?
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I certainly didn't. You ready?
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This isn't what I asked for. He's all weird and messed up.
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I should just shoot myself.
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I could wish for money.
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Ask him. He's got it all figured out.
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Make me cool like the Fonz. "
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He offered me three wishes. For the first, I asked for a stouthearted mule.
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So am I under arrest?
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Well, you could always give up your three wishes.
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I'd sit down somewhere with a great cup of coffee,
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Peace on Earth. That's it?
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- Genie! Whatever the hell your name is! - Yes?
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Mmm, how grotesquely egotistical of you.
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yadda, yadda, yadda... "here on this plane of existence. "
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off the face of the earth for about an hour this morning?
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- I thought I did. - Oh!
Aired 24 years ago - May 07, 2000

Mulder and Scully cross paths with two women who are identical and have followed each other across 17 states in the last three years, causing chaos and mayhem wherever they are.

Aired 24 years ago - Apr 30, 2000

Mulder and Scully watch a movie with themselves as characters and are thoroughly disgusted at how they and their case are portrayed on the big screen. They recount how 18 months earlier they were followed around by a Hollywood producer while investigating a case concerning The Lazarus Bowl - a mythical piece of pottery reputed to have inscribed on it the words that Jesus Christ spoke when he raised Lazarus from the dead. MORE -LESS

Aired 24 years ago - Apr 16, 2000

While protecting a man due to testify against the Morley cigarette company, Skinner is horrified when the witness dies mysteriously. What the agents soon discover is that a new brand of cigarette has a dangerous secret.

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Uh, Christ's Church. Isn't that Cardinal O'Fallon's church?
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He's a writer out in Hollywood now and he's working on a F.B.I. -based movie.
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A hologram.
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Cardinal O'Fallon, can you think of anyone who might make an attempt on your life?
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medieval relics.
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is to see this desecration of the dead less as a murder attempt...
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Name a '60s counterculture movement and Micah Hoffman was at or near the center of it.
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No big deal.
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Well, from counterculture to counterfeiter.
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You don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
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So, is this a forgery or is this the real thing?
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Now, Wayne, I'm sure that it was dark in there...
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Well, fiction is quicker than truth and cheaper.
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Twisted Sister. That's my kind of nun, you know.
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says that these words in the clay...
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It's the hum of my hardware,
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Did you buy these from Micah Hoffman?
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as I then thought ancient texts,
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I would have liked to destroy them, but I couldn't.
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Listen. Who do you see playing you in the movie?
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Listen, Shandling and Leoni wanna meet you guys.
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and lead all men to the joyful vision of your life.
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I had a linguist in here to listen to the recording. It's Aramaic.
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He believes in God, but not in man...
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Because the forgeries are too damning of the Church. They couldn't risk the exposure.
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cell phone get on the dead man in the crypt?
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and frees up my right brain to make socio-poetic leaps.
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- You ever been to Hollywood? - A couple of times a few years ago.
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- Nice to meet you. Big fan. Fox Mulder. - No kidding?
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- Turkey, just like you asked for. - Turkey.
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cannibalistic and sexual fears and desires.
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I wanted to apologize for coming down so hard on you during the Hoffman/O'Fallon case.
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Skinner is calling me from a bubble bath.
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I've been looking all over for you.
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flawed, beautiful people.
Aired 24 years ago - Apr 09, 2000

A series of coincidences leads Scully to a married man she had an affair with during medical school but left him to protect his family.

Aired 24 years ago - Apr 02, 2000

As Mulder investigates a missing person case with a key feature being a menacing raven, he learns to enjoy the creature comforts of a well-tended home while Scully must tough it out on an uncomfortable stakeout.

Aired 25 years ago - Mar 19, 2000

The Cigarette-Smoking Man offers to show Scully the cure for all diseases if she travels with him, but on one condition: Mulder must not know about her trip.

Aired 25 years ago - Mar 12, 2000

Mulder and Scully suspect that hexcraft is the source of threats against a doctor's family.

Aired 25 years ago - Feb 27, 2000

The Lone Gunmen call Mulder and Scully to a virtual reality development lab where they learn that one of the program testers was killed inside the computer generated game environment by the digital image of a woman. Needing to get his yah-yah's, Mulder enters the game to fight the woman, but Scully must step in to save him.

Aired 25 years ago - Feb 20, 2000

A Los Angeles police officer who is being filmed for the show COPS is attacked by a strange monster and Mulder and Scully are investigating the case. Scully is wary of having their faces put on national television but Mulder welcomes the publicity.

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Sheriff s Department!
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4-17 suspects on foot just one block north of Holly.
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Hands behind your head!
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- I don't know what... I don't know. - You must've seen something...
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- You're not serious? - And dare I forget teeth?
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someone who's been bitten by such a creature is gonna become such a creature himself.
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Well, this presents an opportunity. I feel we're very close here.
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I'm sure he's gonna wanna say a couple words about this.
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Hey, look at that. Excuse me.
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Gracias, Mrs. Guerrero. We're lookin' for gangbangers.
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- You let him get released? - Well,
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- I have a... Hey, what's going on?
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- What's that? - Our suspect, apparently.
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- Look at all these people. Lord! - How are you doin' this evening?
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- Ooh, stop! - Or this?
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So apparently, we're on the lookout...
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in any kind of rigorous scientific level, as Agent Scully will tell you.
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- Can I see your hands, please? - I didn't do nothing!
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If you're afraid that what you tell us, we're not gonna believe it, don't be.
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Chuko Munos. The man himself.
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It came back. It was here.
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Keith Wetzel may be a little green, but he is a solid deputy.
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Well, describe it for me.
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- The hell you would! - We're not here to get involved in any kind of personal...
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I think the key is to remain unemotional, okay?
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I'm scared he's gonna leave me.
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- Are we any closer to an arrest? - I'm afraid not.
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Right out of the gate, I get some kind of rep like I'm crazy.
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Chantara Gomez, age 31.
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Because, I mean, if we were, we should be taking precautions.
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She was afraid. She was afraid,
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Well, where else would it go but a high-crime neighborhood?
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Aired 25 years ago - Feb 13, 2000

After arresting the murderer of Amber-Lynn LaPierre and discovering a mass grave site containing the bodies of dozens of missing children, a man comes to Mulder and claims to have had visions of other victims who aren't buried at the site. Despite Scully's objections, he takes Mulder on a journey which reveals what truly happened to his sister.

Aired 25 years ago - Feb 06, 2000

A young girl inexplicably disappears from her home, and Mulder requests the case even though it is a full FBI matter, not just an X-File. When Mulder takes some outrageous leaps to convince the girl's parents that she will be found, Scully fears that Mulder is becoming too personally involved with the case because of his sister's abduction.

Aired 25 years ago - Jan 23, 2000

Snakes are killing the unrighteous, but Mulder and Scully doubt that this is a case of divine intervention.

Aired 25 years ago - Jan 16, 2000

When a small-time magician performs a trick where it appears that he turns his head all the way around but is then found in his van dead with his head neatly sawed off, Mulder and Scully suspect he was murdered and get caught up in an intricate scheme planned by two magicians trying to rob a bank.

Aired 25 years ago - Jan 09, 2000

Reverend Orison hopes to save Donnie Pfaster's soul by helping him break out of prison, but Donnie immediately plans to go after the victim that once escaped him... Scully.

Aired 25 years ago - Dec 12, 1999

Mulder and Scully get caught in a real-life Rube Goldberg device when they meet Henry Weems, who just may be the luckiest man on Earth - except everyone around him doesn't seem to be that lucky.

Aired 25 years ago - Dec 05, 1999

A young man who has gained the ability to move faster than the eye can see begins to use his new power to kill his enemies, including the local sheriff who happens to be his father.

Aired 25 years ago - Nov 28, 1999

As the year 2000 draws closer, the agents are up against a man from the Millennium Group who believes that he can bring about the end of the world on the 31st of December if he resurrects four former members from the dead. To gain more insight into the group and its practices, Mulder and Scully enlist criminal profiler Frank Black to assist them in the investigation. MORE -LESS

Aired 25 years ago - Nov 21, 1999

A monster who feeds on human brain matter tries to lead a normal life, but he soon cannot control his feelings of hunger.

Aired 25 years ago - Nov 14, 1999

Scully frantically searches for a way to help her ailing partner without having anyone to turn to for help, while a catatonic Mulder's dreams lead him away from his mission and the X-Files to a place which he believes is a better life.

Aired 25 years ago - Nov 07, 1999

While Scully travels to Africa to piece together the meaning of the symbols on the spaceship beached on the Ivory Coast, Mulder is imprisoned by his own frenetic brain activity. He manages to get a message to Skinner who finds Kritschgau, and together they try to understand what is happening to Mulder before it is too late.