Aired 25 years ago - May 16, 1999
Two scientists confer about each of their metal objects that were found in Africa and they theorize that the objects are pieces of a puzzle which could be undeniable proof that human, plant, and animal life did not originate on this planet. When one
of the scientists is killed and the objects are stolen, the agents investigate and Mulder begins to experience severe neurological pain caused by the objects.
Yes, get me the international operator,
You're not Dr. Sandoz, are you?
were habitable
long before Earth...
We'd have to ask Dr. Sandoz that.
I can't believe you'd stand here and--
[ Fades ]
- There's plenty of speculation.
- About the missing Dr. Sandoz?
but no literal interpretation
makes any sense.
neither of us had to go
very far to find out.
- How did it get there?
- It was from outer space.
I think it needs immediate attention.
Whatever happened to Dr. Sandoz,
he certainly liked to fly south
for the winter... a lot.
to make him
look like the killer.
Oh, forget the arrest.
We've got to find these artifacts.
Yes, I was looking to speak
to Mr. Holsteen.
[ Alarm Ringing, Faint ]
he sensed immediately
its power and importance.
I don't know yet. Albert said
it just seemed to be random letters.
Mulder, this, uh, artifact,
[ Receiver Clicks ]
[ Receiver Clicks ]
Were we part of that plan
ten billion years ago?
Will the hand that lit the flame
let it burn down,
He was asking for you
last night.
Agent Scully?
I never sent you that report.
Agent Scully. Dr. Sandoz. I'm sorry,
I didn't know how else to reach you.
Aired 25 years ago - May 09, 1999
When the bodies of a couple who have been missing for less than a week are discovered to have been reduced to bone, Mulder suggests that recent paranormal phenomena in the area may have caused the accelerated decomposition.
That's Angie on the right.
It's Brown Mountain, Scully.
That doesn't ring a bell ?
cases where there's no physical
evidence, and they've been
associated with U.F.O. activity.
We gave 'em adjoining suites.
- Where exactly ?
- I could write you some directions.
electrolytes, pepsins
and trypsins.
Do me a favor. I want you to forward
a sample of that secretion...
Well, I hate to tell you this, Wallace,
but you're supposed to be dead.
being experimented on
and I-I-I-I can't--
They're out there, man.
Oh, my God !
Did they perform tests on you ?
- What ?
- Two skeletons identified
as yours and Angie's ?
- We've got to hide !
- No !
- Scully, this is--
- Angela and Wallace Schiff.
- Mulder--
- I was out there...
Who ?
You're buying that decoy theory ?
except for one thing.
I'd say we're looking
at a murder--
Agent ?
Why are you questioning
your own findings ?
You think he
would have been right ?
We'll find him. We'll find him
and we'll make him pay.
Am I the only one
that's asking them ?
Something else is going on here !
Where is he ?
How did you get here ?
this room was filled with people
attending your wake.
That we're not here
in this apartment right now?
We've contacted
Fish and Wildlife.
- What's not clear ?
- Once you recognized we were
under a chemical influence,
We're still trapped underground.
Aired 25 years ago - May 02, 1999
While on a stakeout of a Government Defense Convention in Las Vegas, The Lone Gunmen are reunited with Susanne Modeski, the mysterious woman who disappeared ten years earlier when they first met Agent Mulder.
I say I'm playing poker,
I play poker. Meanwhile,
- It's neat stuff!
- [ Man Sighs ]
How'd you get all the bugs
out of it ?
You just don't get it, man.
This says that I'm onto them.
- You're one hell of a sad sack, Byers.
- Lay off about the poker game.
[ Mulder's Voice ]
It's really important. Trust me.
Susanne Modeski's
not registered here.
Ellis's credit cards get billed directly
to the administrative offices.
Out in the desert.
I need to know what's happening
in there today.
Timmy ?
Political assassination.
I was right.
He just jumped.
No warning. No nothing.
I'm afraid that your beliefs,
your opinions are no longer your own.
Oh, yeah. I'm cool.
I'll begin with
the ""Y'' incision.
Uh, Scully ?
All this waiting.
Grant Ellis saved my life.
He saved the lives of thousands.
I have thought about
this moment so many times.
He worked for them--
the project.
I'm gonna go play
a little D&D in memoriam.
The public is ready
to believe now more than ever.
A-H. Anoetic histamine.
My latest creation.
Just a little prick.
[ Knocking On Door ]
Now, in a secure
proving ground,
- That happens to be our topic for
the remainder of this session.
- Al ?
Good work, party girl.
No, Susanne.
It wasn't my idea.
You pretended
that you loved me.
- [ Knock At Door ]
- Will you answer that ?
What do you want
to do with him ?
Aired 25 years ago - Apr 25, 1999
Mulder meets with Agent Arthur Dales' brother (also named Arthur) and is told a tale of a talented negro baseball player from Roswell, New Mexico in the 1940's who may have been an alien that ran away from his colony because of his love for the game.
[ Laughing, Shouting ]
We heard the Yankees want to let
a little nigger play ball !
Holy Mother--
from Bangor to Bellflower,
from Amarillo to Anchorage.
It's not ice cream.
Let them rest in peace.
Let sleeping dogs lie.
on some sunny summer day
back in 1 947.
He said you were the biggest jackass
in the bureau since he retired.
- Forty-seven.
- Forty-seven, whatever.
If you just understood baseball better,
all your other questions, your--
[ Chuckles ]
I am way past ripe.
I'm so ripe, I'm rotten.
it keeps you forever young.
Exley, he in bed
by 8:00 every night.
What's the matter, Arthur ?
Not in this world.
Not in any other world.
[ Chattering Continues ]
Macon Police Department.
Can I help you ?
Certain as the sunrise.
I'm sorry, son.
Yeah, but the Yankees scouts
are in attendance today.
[ Thunder Rumbling ]
and they'd find out
what it is, right ?
[ Laughing ]
I didn't know the unnecessary
could feel so good.
& Where I'm bound
Oh, Lord &
You're just dying to connect
the dots, aren't you, son ?
Oh, I know who you are. Only the best
damn ballplayer west of the Bronx.
You still consider them
to be your family ?
[ Sirens Wailing ]
You may think you know the man, Dales,
but believe me,you do not know the man.
and the two of you fast slidin'
down a giant razor blade into
a big old glass of lemonade.
- [ Horses Neighing ]
- It's alive.
It's the right thing to do.
&I got a brother in that land &
Aired 25 years ago - Apr 18, 1999
A writer living next to Mulder becomes obsessed with Scully and confesses to her that he is using her for a character in his novel. Scully finds herself strangely drawn to him even though he is now the prime suspect in the murder case that she and Mulder are investigating.
[ Doors Close ]
[ Scully ]
As you can see,
I mean, we have no evidence,
no M.O. to speak of.
This could be the perfect crime.
- That's the way I kiss, Maggie.
- Well, I get the message.
I'm sure many a person's
had their heart broken out here,
but not quite like this.
Like a charm.
Preconsciously, she knew this wasn't
her strength as an investigator.
only deepened the yearnings
of her heart--
Maybe it's not me at all.
Maybe he sent it to you.
asked the Lord
to take her heart.
- Oh, you imagined it.
- Yes.
You'd have noticed
this church in passing,
It's just that
I'm taken with you.
- For what ?
- The milagro charm.
Is he our killer ?
- Padgett.
- Padgett.
into an act of Hegelian
and all the lawmen who dared
no such utterances.
guilty as a criminal.
Hi. I, um--
They're all failures,
- Scully.
- What are you doing ?
Yeah. That's how you found
your victims-- in the personals.
- How about Ken Naciamento ?
- The self-proclaimed
Brazilian psychic surgeon ?
Maybe that's a question
you can answer.
Maybe he imagined it,
like he said.
"was to carry a vessel that
could be lost or stolen or worse--
- I'm a federal agent.
- Mulder, that's not him.
How did you know, Mulder,
that the body was in the truck ?
We apologize for our mistake.
You're free to finish your book.
You imagine me so perfectly
in every way--
You were a tool of the truth.
Aired 25 years ago - Apr 11, 1999
After a tornado rips through a prison camp, one of the inmates disappears from solitary confinement and the prison warden is killed. As Mulder and Scully track him, he appears to have the power to pass through solid matter while changing its composition.
There's a considerable amount
of his abdomen missing.
Hell, yes, Pinker Rawls who did it,
though you got me as to how.
I think this Pinker Rawls
is still very much alive.
Mostly small-time.
History of violence throughout.
A funnel cloud with winds
topping 150 miles per hour...
Ooh ! There's something so nice about
putting on a brand-new pair of socks.
I've detained an intruder
at the Val-U-Mart on
Nine Mile Road and route 60.
Can I see your handcuffs ?
-You got nothing in there but your nine.
-[ Cocks Hammer ]
[ Groans ]
Maybe she knows.
That's this house, isn't it ?
[ Dispatcher On Radio, Indistinct ]
Changing their composition
No,Jackie, it is
never a good time.
- [ Gasps ]
- Tell me where she is.
She said she didn't tell Rawls
where her sister was.
- [ Footsteps ]
-June ?
Just cut him off, the kind of thing
that happens to everybody every day.
So you took it ?
It's best you both stay under 2 4-hour
guard until Rawls is apprehended.
[ Cocking Hammer]
Electrostatic repulsion.
dating back to 1 992.
- In other news, computers--
- I'd like to call my sister.
[ Dispatcher On Radio, Indistinct ]
June may not either, for that matter,
if the child was adopted.
I was wrong.
and then He fixed it
so's I had passage.
Riot slugs, rubber.
- [ Rings ]
- [ Clicks ]
You're a good mother.
[ Sobs, Screams ]
My name is Pinker,
- Go and pack some stuff, okay?
- Okay.
Aired 26 years ago - Mar 28, 1999
A mysterious dog thought to be the last of a rare Asian breed is responsible for several murders which Mulder and Scully are investigating. Now the agents have to find a way to stop the dog before it kills again.
Aired 26 years ago - Mar 07, 1999
On their first official case back on the X-Files, Mulder and Scully go undercover as a married couple at a prestigious planned community where several residents have recently disappeared after failing to comply with the rules and regulations.
Dave ? Honey ?
You must be the Petries.
Hi. Welcome.
Guys, fast, fast.
Come on. Quick.
I'm-- I'm sorry.
Let's move, move.!
This place is so clean
you can build computer chips.
including their cars
and a few personal items.
- Rob and Laura Petrie ?
- ""Pee-trie.''
-you didn't need to do that.
- Oh, please.
I have to go.
Um, can I, uh, use your--
[ Man On TV] instinctive
and necessary for survival.
Yeah, yeah. I'm just, uh--
I'm just helping out.
Who was that again ?
Mr. Gogolak, was it ?
Most of our homeowners
have been here since day one.
You don't ?
As far as I'm concerned,
this community is the American Dream.
Local P.D. came up blank on...
Mike Raskub.
- Why kill Big Mike ?
- [ Gasps ]
- What's gonna happen if we don't ?
- Fine.
What did we do wrong, Gene ?
to spoil the whole bunch.
[ Scully ] These are the lab results
from the San Diego P.D.
And that protrusion
in the front yard may occur
from the venting of methane gas.
It's a reflecting pool.
I checked the rules.
[ Groans ]
To price some rattan furniture.
[ Line Ringing ]
You can't make a noise.
Your husband--
he's broken way too many rules.
- You gave them that lawn ornament--
guy with the axe ?
- Whirligig.
I mean, you can summon
its existence, but--
[ Win ]
Gene ?
Aired 26 years ago - Feb 28, 1999
A woman is forced to relive the same day over and over as she tries to prevent Mulder and Scully from being killed by her boyfriend during a bank robbery attempt. As the events restart again and again, Mulder's sense of Deja-vu grows stronger.
You're extraordinarily
late for the meeting.
When do I not ?
that the statistical methodology
in this latter study...
Do it like the insurance company
taught you.
Hey, lock the doors.
[ Siren Wailing ]
-[ Pam ] Skinner!
-[ Man ] Hey, hold it!
Look, I gotta call you
something, right ?
You want to
get me killed !
No !
[ Telephone Ringing ]
It'll only take
a couple of minutes.
But, I mean, who's to say that if you
did rewind it and start over again...
and not gone into the F.B.I.,
and then we would never have met.
you, your partner,
Bernard, everybody.
I ain't droppin' nothing.
You put yours down.
Don't hurt anybody else.
Yeah, I know.
I-I know already.
- [ Pam ] Agent Scully.
- Yes ?
that I had lived
that moment before.
No, actually, I'm fated
to go to the bank.
Maybe... it's just somebody
pulling a prank.
Little details, they change,
but it always ends the same.
Something got screwed up.
If it wasn't for you,
nobody would die.
in the overall homicide rate...
Everybody, face down !
You know what this is !
'Cause nothing ever changes.
[ Softly ]
He's got a bomb. He's got a bomb.
Excuse me.
Hell ?
I'm doing this for her.
Aired 26 years ago - Feb 21, 1999
Arthur Dales summons Mulder and Scully to his holiday home in Florida where he is concerned over the disappearance of his neighbors. Despite the raging hurricane, Mulder and Scully head out to investigate and discover several strange deaths caused by an octopus-like sea creature that swam in through the overflowing sewer system.
to stay off the roads and either wait
out the storm in a secure location...
[ Man #2 ] Well, that sounds
like a real mystery, don't it?
- Who's this?
- Special Agent Dana Scully.
I listened to the message that you left
for Agent Mulder about your friends.
She's missing too?
The bottom of the ocean...
to prepare for the hurricane.
- Mrs. Shipley?
- Can you give me a hand with this?
- If you don't have one--
- Does that name mean anything to you?
Yes, sir.
May I have my gun, please?
Shouldn't we?
- This is an emergency.
- I understand, ma'am.
- Hello?
-[ Hinges Creaking ]
We're-- We're driving on, uh--
- Think of it as a test of our mettle.
- I don't need my mettle tested.
Here we go.
[ Woman ]
Please state your name again, ma'am.
- No. Do you need medical help?
- Yeah.
He tells people I'm his wife,
like he's so macho.
- He never listens to no one.
- He's gonna wanna listen to me.
I'm not gonna cede my home to
no revolutionaries without a fight.
Nobody likes him 'cause he never
lifts a finger on this rat trap.
Either he's got no temperature,
or he's about to spontaneously combust.
-[ Gunshots ]
- [ Shouting ]
I don't know. Must still
be in the building.
[ Grunts ]
From there it gained access to
the sewer pipes in this building.
But something from Jules Verne
they are not.
I mean, what this is showing us is
that water actually attempts to kill it.
[ Sloshing Sound ]
[ Angela Panting ]
[ Angela Panting ]
I'm having it!
[ Screaming ]
Aired 26 years ago - Feb 14, 1999
The Cigarette-Smoking Man reveals all the government secrets from the past 50 years in order for his son, Jeffery Spender, to join him in his work. Mulder learns that the final stage of the conspiracy will soon begin with the hybridization of the
Syndicate members, and he must stop it from happening. Agent Spender deceives his father and arranges for Mulder and Scully to be reassigned to the X-Files, which doesn't sit too well with the Cigarette-Smoking Man.
There must be some kind of mistake.
I signed up for
the aromatherapy treatment.
It's gonna be some time before
they get back in the building.
- Your isolation of Cassandra.
- She's patient zero.
Mulder, this stinks.
And I'm telling you, they have
taken her so that it can continue.
They know that when the aliens learn
of Cassandra, colonization will begin.
Hello ?
Oh-Oh, ma'am.
I was infected with the alien virus,
the black oil.
- You've got to let me go.
- They'll just hurt you again, Mom.
The latest
in home security.
that have been purged
from her F.B.I. records.
You tell me that Cassandra Spender
is the critical test subject,
Because without the F.B.I.,
personal interest is all that I have.
I can't tell you
how wrong you are--
You put those lives on hold
so that you alone could survive.
We sent them away, Agent Mulder,
because it was the right thing to do.
that he too must give up one of
his children to the alien colonists.
- I don't think you understand.
- Where did they go ?
- Leave me-- Help !
- Cassandra, lie back and relax.
we're here now only because
of what I have done.
I saved you !
You were being paid a visit
by young Jeffrey Spender's father.
I know, but I know where
she's gone to, Mulder.
I think this is him.
We have people missing.
[ Yelling ]
[ Chattering, Shouting ]
I can assume then
you can explain how they died?
Aired 26 years ago - Feb 07, 1999
While the Cigarette-Smoking Man recites to an unseen listener everything about the work of the Syndicate involving a global conspiracy in cooperation with an alien species, Cassandra Spender reappears and is pursued by the scientists who would
rather kill her than keep her alive. Cassandra runs to Mulder's apartment and demands that he shoot her because she is the culmination of 50 years work - a living alien/human hybrid - and colonization will begin if the aliens find out about her.
Aired 26 years ago - Jan 24, 1999
Assistant Director Kersh tries to tear Scully and Mulder apart when he partners Scully with a New York agent investigating Alfred Fellig, a freelance police photographer who conveniently shows up to document the scene of a death as soon as it
While the young hotshot agent is convinced that Fellig is murdering the people, Scully has other (paranormal) theories.
Hey, Scully, if we get lucky,
next time they'll let us
clean toilet bowls.
- Agent Ritter.
- Hi.
These are straight from
their photo files.
Now, I sifted through probably
2,000 of his police photos.
Thank you.
All very helpful.
Somebody call the police!
Yeah, I got that.
You're a photographer.
The Bronx.
I was on the job.
We found other blood
at the crime scene,
- How do you know about that?
- I told you, I'm nosy.
Why are you letting him go?
He's got nice things to say
about you, though, mostly.
- [ Knocking On Door]
- Mr. Fellig, open up, please!
What are you talking about?
[ Man ]
Hey, what are you doin'out here, huh?
Assault and possession
of an unregistered handgun.
He said he happened along
and had to fight for his life.
[ Ringing Continues ]
However, one L.H. Rice...
Now, why shouldn't you
go to prison?
but this is just a lens flare.
I don't want
to be here anymore.
How is it you know
when people are about to die?
Those other two names that you said
that Fellig went by-- Strand and Rice?
Oops. Excuse me. I have film out.
Hold on a second.
Look, Ritter, don't sweat the math.
It's him.
What about love?
I had yellow fever
way the hell back then...
and he'd take this person
and he'd take that person.
I wanted her to look at him
instead of me.
- No. That was different.
- I'm not gonna die!
Aired 26 years ago - Jan 17, 1999
Mulder and Scully have 24 hours to save A.D. Skinner from being killed by a biologically engineered disease. The disease appears to be created by a shadowy government organization, but in order to save Skinner's life they must determine who wants
him dead and why. With Skinner's condition worsening, Mulder seeks assistance from Senator Matheson, who he hopes can provide some answers and help him to find a cure.
Aired 26 years ago - Jan 10, 1999
Strange weather phenomena in a small town leads Mulder to believe that a weatherman's deep emotions and unspoken love toward his workmate are becoming real in the form of snow and tornadoes.
&Nice to know
somebody loves me &
&Nothin'to do but frown &
Don't look at me.
This was your idea.
and it's wrong for a single man
to prosper at the expense of others.
Mulder, I see the vacant buildings. I
see the signs. These people are scared.
- Now, what can I do for the F.B.I.?
- We want to see the King.
The only rain in the area
is localized up around Wymore.
I thought you were rather
smartly dressed for a farm couple.
He thinks Daryl's
causing the drought.
Daryl appears
to be the real deal.
Be a good girl, and go on
and get me the red snakeskin.
But I should've expected it,
- I know.
- He never loved you, Sheila.
I'm telling you,
that cow had my name on it.
It's my fault.
I did it.
And then on my wedding day,
a day I'd always dreamed about,
and-and-and although you may
have had some bad luck,
""Irene Hardt, beloved wife
and devoted mother...
that the weather is somehow an
expression of Holman Hardt's feelings.
Of course, Sheila,
don't you think I
would make it rain?
- Excuse me. Hold on.
-[ Beeps ]
The blind
leading the blind.
Shh! I'm thinking.
There's got to be somebody--
a beautiful,
enchanting woman.
&Said, I'd like to know where
you got the notion &
-&&[ Song Intro ]
- Oh, I love this song.
Agent Mulder, care to dance?
- When I said that--
- When you said you loved me.
my partner has a theory, and even though
I don't share his belief,
- You love him, don't you?
- What?
[ Sighs ]
The storm drains are filling up.
Let's get outta here.
Aired 26 years ago - Jan 03, 1999
After a scan of a couple's unborn child is found to have strange growths protruding from the head and back, the fetus is taken from inside the mother by a demon creature while she is asleep. Mulder heads to investigate after Agent Spender dismisses the claims, and discovers that the father is actually a demon who wants to have a normal child.
- [ Roaring ]
- Wayne! Wayne!
Ohh. Mm.
[ Gasping ]
But given the victim's statement,
the unusually vivid detail...
Boy, I really wanna thank you.
I know Laura's really itchin'...
Sure. Of course. But I would
like to thank Agent Spender.
and a, uh-- a devil
that held your legs?
But according
to your wife's statement...
Have you consorted with people
who have, now or in the past?
Mulder, we are supposed to be doing
background checks, not chasing X-Files.
I just wanted everything
to look perfect when you woke up.
expressed as vestiges
of primitive morphology...
Look, Mulder,
I'm gonna fax this information
to you so you can present it...
- What are you doing?
- Sorry. I forgot my key.
You're damn right, she's not.
I didn't call you here to tell
me rumors I've already heard.
[ Officers Chattering,
Shouting To Each Other]
and I'm sure that you might
find it painful, as I do.
and wrap him up so I could make sure
that no one could ever learn the truth.
I didn't know
what I was doing.
You're gonna be okay.
I'm gonna get the best attorney.
Well, you've already
missed a lot of steps already.
Anyway, it's just a sonogram.
- What do you do with that?
- Oh, they check it out, make sure
you're not a policy risk.
who got a call from Mr. Weinsider,
who says that you're harassing him.
I'm afraid.
at the end of the bed.
- [ Beeping Continues ]
- Laura, can you hear me?
What I'm saying is that there
is not a shred of evidence to
implicate the husband or anyone.
You can't blame anyone else,
like you did with Laura.
Don't even think it! Put that
guy someplace else! I don't
want him in sight of my sister.
[ Wheezing ]
Aired 26 years ago - Dec 13, 1998
Mulder talks Scully into investigating a haunted house on Christmas Eve where several couples have met their fate on that very night. While there, they encounter endless tricks and traps set by a ghostly couple who originally made a lovers suicide pact in the house. The ghosts try to convince Mulder and Scully to kill each other.
so that they might spend
eternity together...
- Change your mind?
- Did you take my car keys?
for no other purpose than to show itself
is silly and ridiculous.
I mean, they're the very essence
of what make us human.
Mulder, did it occur to you
that there aren't ghosts here,
Mulder, did you happen
to notice the clock downstairs
is keeping perfect time?
- Whoa.
- [ Thumping ]
Oh, Scully.
You're playing tricks on me.
Like those folks
under the floor--
I specialize in
disorders and manias...
chasing paramasturbatory
Go ahead, change your life.
And, uh, I can--
You look like you saw a ghost.
- He believes in ghosts?
- Yeah.
You wouldn't think so,
the way I'm being treated.
When was the last time
we had a good double murder?
[ Thunder Crashing ]
Let's see. Where is it?
I hope you're not expecting
any great advantages to all this.
But you're both so attractive,
[ Rattles Doorknob ]
Do you realize how
seriously disturbed that man is?
- Open the door, Scully!
- [ Doorknob Rattling ]
I didn't believe
that you'd do it.
[ Thunderclap ]
[ Groans ]
[ Coughs ]
- &And have yourself &
- [ Engine Starts ]
Aired 26 years ago - Dec 06, 1998
Mulder is thrown in jail at the Area 51 compound but is released when it is discovered that the flight data recorder he stole was a fake. Scully comes to her senses and realizes that the Mulder she sees isn't who he really is and heads back to
Nevada to help the real Mulder. Meanwhile, the mechanism that caused the body swap is rapidly snapping back, undoing everything in its wake, and Mulder and his alter ego must race to put themselves back where they belong.
You're not serious!
And I'm thinking, ""Hell, man,
I didn't know
if I could trust you.
About those who proffer
rumor and innuendo,
and I have a whole other life that
I am desperately trying to get back to.
Well, all right, then.
How should I know?
I wouldn't do it even if I could.
- Sorry. You're out of luck.
- [ Phone Ringing ]
and now you won't
leave the house.
And, if I try and slip out
the back door, da-da-da, dee-dee-dee.
- You sabotaged a U.F.O.?
- Keep your voice down.
& Out of sight &
- What the hell was that, Morry?
- I guess I make a lousy husband.
Especially when he sees this.
Hey, guys.
It's similar in size
and shape to the F.D.R.s on the SR-7 1 .
- What the hell's he talking about?
- Mulder--
Trust me, little man.
I ain't him.
If you boys only knew how many of your
stories I dreamed up while sitting on the pot.
Once you get back,
if you get back,
- Don't know what?
- The truth.
This baby records
the telemetry of 28 systems,
This is the black mailbox.
Don't tell me I'm gonna have to
put two kids through school.
if we could sabotage
another craft--
The son of a bitch confesses to Kersh
even more than I do to my priest.
If I shoot him,
And-And her arm,
it was coming through his chest!
He better watch his behind.
So guess what?
Get the hell off my porch!
Oh, my God.
Aired 26 years ago - Nov 29, 1998
While being detained near the famed "Dreamland" Area 51, a strange craft flies overhead and Mulder swaps bodies with an Area 51 "Man-in-Black". While the other agent has fun in Mulder's body, Mulder himself finds it difficult to fit into someone
else's life, especially a shadowy one. Mulder contacts Scully about the body swap and tries to get her the flight data recorder from the UFO test flight, but his alter ego uses Mulder's FBI persona to have him arrested.
Flying saucers.
[ Helicopter Blades Whirring ]
You do have identification?
Something must be up.
I'm gonna check it out.
- Since when do you smoke?
- Well--
-[ Ringing Continues ]
- You gonna answer that?
September, along the--
- You got lost?
- I'm just a little--
- We were following a lead, sir.
- And that's part
of your current case load?
Will you please stop trying
to pick a fight with me?
Did that ever occur to you?
Hey, uh, Terence,
how about helping...
- All right.
- Mom!
Get your ass down here tout de suite.
We got something big going down.
She just wasn't
in the mood to fly, sir.
He's an Area 51 employee.
We don't want our collective asses
chewed out all over again.
-There was a man in here, the attendant.
-[ Man Groaning ]
Burn it.
Although I don't know why
he'd try and impersonate you.
which was operating in
gravity pulse mode before it went down.
That's one question
I haven't been able to answer.
My point is that there are a lot
of things you don't know about me.
-[ Doorbell Rings ]
- I think that was the doorbell.
I switched bodies, places, identities
with this man, Morris Fletcher--
- Look, I don't know what
the point of all this is.
- I'll prove it to you.
[ Ringing ]
Aired 26 years ago - Nov 22, 1998
Mulder goes to the Bermuda Triangle when he learns that the Queen Anne, a British luxury liner which disappeared during WWII, has reappeared in the middle of the Sargasso Sea. Mulder's boat is wrecked and after floating in the water, he is hauled
aboard the ship which has just been hijacked by the Nazis searching for the man who will build the atom bomb.
Mulder tries to convince the crew that they have traveled into the future, but evidence further suggests that it is he who is back in the past.
My name's Mulder.
Fox Mulder.
and now you've popped out
the other side into 1 998.
Not on the watch of Captain Yip Harburg,
they're not.
that they were prepared at once
to withdraw their troops from Poland,
The evacuation of British children...
&It's gotta be sunny to me &
- No, it's me, Mulder.
- Oh, you speak English, do you?
[ Man ] Halt!
[ Speaking German ]
From the National
Reconnaissance Office's...
- The satellite doesn't lie.
- There's nothing on here.
- I don't even want to hear it.
- Sir, this is about a man's life.
I could lose my job, my pension.
I want you to do me a favor.
[ Sighs ]
- I was just--
- I was sent to come get you.
[ Static Continues,
Voice Breaking Up ]
The French all but roll over on us,
the Italians seize their opportunity,
If we got munitions aboard this ship,
they don't weigh but a few stone.
It can't. You're not carrying munitions.
It's something far more deadly.
The Germans will hunt you down
no matter what course you steer.
[ Passengers Gasp ]
-[ Gunshot ]
- [ Screaming ]
That man is the scientist.
Let's hope he is.
Tell them the truth
before someone else has to die.
- Come with me.
- Why should I?
I can't stay.
I gotta get back to history.
Aired 26 years ago - Nov 15, 1998
Mulder is trapped in a car with a man who has developed a serious ear condition which can only be suppressed by driving west at high speeds. As Scully tries to find the cause and a cure for the problem, Mulder and the man get closer and closer to the ocean.
Vicky !
I figure I got better things
to do with my fertilizer...
are refusing to identify the woman
or to speculate on how she died,
And yes, this is--
this is a punishment.
screamin' a bunch of nonsense
that we were gonna kill him
the way we killed his wife.
I'm gonna stay here
and see if I can see Crump.
Same apparent cause of death. Some kind
of massive aneurysm or rupture.
Crump says that if we don't
pull back our escort,
he's gonna shoot your partner.
[ Cell Phone Ringing ]
[ Horns Honking ]
I'm guessing we got two or three miles
before the roadblock.
They were last seen on
a forestry service road.
will be available to assist you
in tracking down Agent Mulder.
Now, Mr. Crump, what can you tell me
about what's happening--
It's not just motion.
It has to be in one direction.
[ Screaming ]
- Hold him down !
- [ Dog Yelps ]
She starts...
I am not sick,
and I do not have the flu.
Hello ?
I'll make it fast.
You ready?
- [ Groaning ]
- Number three ! Turn it on !
[ Muttering ]
""Crump sick.
Will die if stopped, same as wife.
My eyes are tearing up
so bad.
take away his dignity
like that.
uh, for my official report
to the, uh, to the F.C.C.
Crump ?
- Headed where ?
- I don't know, Mulder. You tell me.
What if some overload--
some-some hum from this system...
Well, whether they did this to you
intentionally or not, you were right.
Aired 26 years ago - Nov 08, 1998
Mulder is less than thrilled when an Office of Professional Conduct board refuses to reassign him and Scully to The X-Files and even more so when he learns that Agent Spender and Agent Fowley have become their successors. When Gibson Praise
reappears and comes to them for help, Mulder and Scully attempt to continue their quest undercover despite having fewer friends and less access and protection than ever before.