Aired 27 years ago - May 18, 1997
While investigating the discovery of a preserved alien body found in the mountains of Canada, Mulder is contacted by Michael Kritschgau. He tells Mulder about a government conspiracy to make people believe in aliens without question, and Mulder has been the prime target.
In his intense desire
to believe,
There he is.
[Bill] So the parrot says,
"I only got one question:
- turning back to your faith
is important and essential.
- Father McCue...
He's a forensics anthropologist
that I've been in contact with
over the past four years.
A Canadian
geodetic survey team.
- You have no opinion ?
- This is your Holy Grail,
Mulder, not mine.
Then you accept the possibility
that belief in God is a lie ?
it would continue
to aggressively invade my body,
I don't know these men well.
Do you ?
Or a casting channel,
a pour hole.
- Plant or animal ?
- I don't know. It's what I'd
have to classify a chimera,
I was supposed to meet him here.
Actually, I'm a little late.
- No... I buried it.
- Where ?
Mom tells me
that you've gotten worse,
Where is he, Dana ?
Where is he through all this ?
We should be able to do a good
enough examination of the body
right here to remove any doubt.
The body is
1 47 centimeters long,
The eyes are lidless black...
Examination of the chest cavity
confirms the presence...
[Cell phone Ringing]
He told me a story,
which detailed point by point...
and that we have had contact
with these life-forms.
suspicious of everything
but what you should be.
You wanted to believe so badly,
and who could have blamed you ?
- The body will never be tested.
- What do you mean ?
were a direct match for what
this man Kritschgau described:
Aired 27 years ago - May 11, 1997
Mulder undergoes an experimental form of hypnotherapy to recover his memories about his sister's abduction, but the treatment has side effects including psychotic behavior, and Mulder wakes up one morning in a motel room with someone else's blood all over him.
Aired 27 years ago - May 04, 1997
After a man sees a woman trapped inside a bowling alley pin setter, he goes for help and finds police standing next to a body of the same woman. Mulder and Scully join the investigation and follow up this lead which the police won't bother with, and they are led to a mentally challenged man who works at the bowling alley.
That's her !
She was caught up in the machinery.
Her neck was cut.
- A cola ? Something like that ?
- Sure, yeah.
This is the third reported sighting
in as many weeks.
And as many murders.
All approximately the same age,
height, weight, hair and eye color.
- And no one followed up
on this lead ?
- No.
I lied. I lied,
but I'm just a human being.
- [Mulder]
The quiet man in the back.
- Harold puller.
- So what, he stole her ring ?
- No, not at all.
- Did he cop to making the call ?
- No. He's about to.
No! No! No! No!
No, no, no, no, no!
he has been diagnosed
with severe ego dystonic
obsessive compulsive disorder,
which means he can come
and go as he pleases.
just about half a block
from here.
No, actually it doesn't.
Harold's not at the home.
A nasal pharyngeal tumor
that cannot be operated on,
Do you feel that you owe it
to him to continue working ?
And I don't know
what to trust.
- He was here this morning when
I arrived, arranging the shoes.
- He has a key ?
I wanna make this clear
from the start.
nor to cooperate with
this investigation any further!
Okay, Mr. Pintero.
- Thousands of names.
- Choose a name.
No, no, no !
at the moment of
or just prior to his death.
that is quite powerful
in its own right.
There's nothing to worry about.
Thanks, officers.
Atta boy. Good stuff.
- Fifty-nine.
- Did you tell them about
your little girlfriends ?
- Not a problem.
We're all concerned for Harold.
- I understand.
I was tryin' to get him
to take his meds
and he went berserk.
Tell him what happened.
Tell him to look for Harold
down at the bowling alley.
He said she told him she was
putting poison in his meds.
She's alive.
Let's get a paramedic inhere.
Harold's happiness.
His love for those women.
Aired 27 years ago - Apr 27, 1997
Skinner destroys evidence to cover up a woman's death and poses as Agent Mulder to complete the task. Mulder finds out about Skinner's deception and confronts him, and Skinner reveals that he is working for the Cigarette-Smoking Man in order to obtain a possible cure for Scully's cancer.
Aired 27 years ago - Apr 20, 1997
Five babies in the same town are all born with tails and the local OB-GYN is blamed for tampering with fertilized eggs. However, Mulder discovers the culprit to be a simple man with a genetic deformity who may have the ability to alter his appearance.
I called around.
They're already investigating.
the baby's father
was from another planet.
"Star Wars Theme"]
[Scully]Okay, all right.
I've got it, thank you.
all showing a small loss of apart
of chromosome number eight ?
So much for not putting
all your eggs in one basket.
[Fred]For God's sake, Alton,
how many of us are there ?
[Dr. Pugh]
I'm not accusing anyone of anything.
Uh, yeah, okay.
It's like Dutch or somethin'.
Can I go now ?
Look, I'm not saying anything
one way or another.
I think it involved some
form of Rohypnol-rape.
Ah, you spelled
my name wrong.
After hitting him
over the head.
Not unless they have
trailer parks in space.
All right then,
Eleanor Roosevelt.
Yes, He attacked
a sheriff's deputy...
I told him
it was a mistake.
Honey, what are you
doing home so early ?
Just give me a little privacy,
okay, uh... Babboo ?
[ Sighs ]
So, what killed him is one of two
things I haven't figured out yet.
Um, could that somehow
be related to his, uh, having a tail ?
Isn't it much more likely that this man
simply has an identical twin ?
Turns out they're just keepin' me here
because they think I'm sort of crazy.
I don't know.
Why do you want
to know about Eddie ?
I'm sorry, Mr. Niemann.
I'm gonna have to call you back.
Turn around.
So just sit tight and relax.
Keep your clothes on, huh ?
-[Mulder]I know what I did.
- With my own handcuffs.
Help ! Help !
Yes, sir. The subject,
Edward Van Blundht, Sr.,
died of natural causes.
Seeing as how it's Friday, I was
thinking I could get some work in...
Frohike, Byers and me
are goin' out for cheese steaks.
Are you down with that ?
And so we all had to ride back
on the, uh--
But do you ever wish...
Aired 27 years ago - Apr 06, 1997
A case involving a strange old man warning two scientists of events in the immediate future which come to pass (and the use of their experimental flash-freezing compound that does not exist yet) has Mulder believing that one of the scientists has come from the future to stop his own scientific breakthrough from becoming reality.
[Bus Driver]
What'd you do to him?
but Jason Nichols has refused
to tell police about what.
and to give a rather detailed
description of the old man.
You'd assume he passed out
and froze to death...
is add any credence to the suspect's
alibi that the old man was on the scene.
has a body temperature a little south
of Frosty the Snowman.
My N.S.A. grant is
up for renewal.
- Security officer?
- I found Nichols' print on his uniform.
I-I'm afraid my assistant made
a reservation at the wrong hotel,
Have a good evening, sir.
You were the one
who solved the problem.
Science is a high-stakes game. Nichols
is trying to eliminate his competitors.
Lisa, you can tell us now, or we can
subpoena your testimony in court.
He hasn't tested it yet because it
doesn't exist, except in the computer.
Because he may not be dead.
All right, Dr. Ianelli, we're gonna
start with 300 joules and an amp of epi.
- Dr. Yonechi? My name is Lisa Ianelli.
- [ Moaning Continues ]
- [ All Screaming ]
- [ Alarm Ringing ]
What did he say?
These people are now dead.
I'm just speculating. But what if
it was designed for some other purpose?
Okay. So this photo that was
never taken, when was it never taken?
I know what I wrote, Mulder.
I also know that the laws of physics...
and go back in time,
That photo is indicative of a pattern.
You may be his next target.
- I'm not sure of that yet.
- But you have a theory.
Agent Mulder,
if any of this is true,
All right.
-[Beeping Continues]
-[Nurse #1]All right. Here we are.
- Do you work with him?
- I'm one of his research assistants.
It's like somebody's completely
erased it from the mainframe.
Then tell me how to go back
so I can save her. Please.
She's alive!
Aired 28 years ago - Mar 23, 1997
Mulder is arrested for investigating the plane crash and interfering with a military operation, while Scully is caught in an attempted assassination of Corporal Frish which claims the life of Agent Pendrell. Scully bails Mulder out of prison, and
they go to Max Fenig's trailer to find out why he was on the plane. Mulder finds evidence of alien technology and boards a plane with it, but the plane is intercepted mid-flight and it disappears. Mulder is again left with nothing.
Let 'em through.
Let 'em through, please.
- Did you tell her
you were in D.C.?
- No.
- Louis Frish is being
put under military arrest.
- Military arrest?
A big ol' misunderstanding?
So they're saying
the tower put those jets
on a collision course.
I don't know what to believe.
He seems to be the one man
who truly wants to figure out
what downed that plane,
- How?
- Shot in an attempt
on Sergeant Frish in Washington.
if only to allow
for the complexity of their passions.
This is, uh,
well, quite obviously my story,
Proof that
there are extraterrestrial,
biological entities right now...
you're gonna get kidnapped
by a bunch of little gray dudes
from outer space,
[ Quiet Chatter]
is a convenience deflection
and cover-up.
but I believe Max had been
followed for some time
before he boarded Flight 549.
Because Flight549
was intercepted by a second aircraft,
A third aircraft,
probably an F-1 5 Eagle,
without a trace.
Not without the object
that Max Fennig was carrying.
If we don't find out,
what meaning do their
deaths have or their lives?
And I don't believe the FBI
sends men out 'cause
somebody trashed a trailer.
From whom?
I left a bag here.
[Cell phone Ringing]
Hold on a second.
I don't think
that will be a problem, Mulder.
No. Go ahead.
The pretty lady comes around
with the honey-roasted peanuts?
A dozen, two dozen lights
- Hey, Scully. It's me.
- Mulder, where are you?
put the bag down!
What time do you have?
over the surface of a spinning
superconducting disk.
Aired 28 years ago - Mar 16, 1997
While celebrating Scully's 33rd birthday, a strange woman informs Mulder that NICAP member Max Fenig (see Fallen Angel) has recently died in a plane crash. After a visit to the crash site and finding Max's body with radiation burns on it, Mulder suggests that the plane was intercepted by a UFO and is rapidly being covered up by the military.
I didn't know it was
your birthday, Scully.
"Commemorating Apollo 11 and the
mission to the moon. July, 1969."
But I want to stress
the need to keep everything...
Controllers tried to raise 549
on all available frequencies,
but the pilots did not respond.
- Forced down by who, or what?
- I'm hesitant to speculate.
- find Dr. Spock's phaser
or any green alien goo,
- [Murmuring, Chuckling]
Where's the plane?
Maybe that one man's life
was worth sacrificing 1 33 others.
Just a few minutes ago,
you were absolutely certain
he was on this flight.
He wrote hundreds, maybe even a thousand
letters describing his abductions,
- Mulder--
- The crash of flight 549 will
go unsolved unless we prove it.
But you guys are willing to make
a determination as to whether
there was an explosion....
- Why can't you just accept the facts?
- Because there are no facts.
- Did flight 549 show up on your radar?
- Yes, sir, it did.
About nine minutes.
I don't ask. I don't know.
I don't want to know.
- I don't want any trouble.
Did they find her?
- No, ma'am.
It looks an awful lot to me like
this place fell from 29,000 feet.
Most commercial planes have an
average 20, 30,000 hours' flight time.
It's, uh--
I was way out of line.
[ Tower Controller]
549, do you read?
I'm the one that caused
that plane crash.
was built upon a lie that
Sergeant Frish was asked to perpetuate.
No sign of an explosion, no flashing,
no residues, no oxidation, nothing.
Except the military. Which means
that this man's life is in danger...
Louis! Louis!
I want to ask you something.
I stopped by your place.
Nobody was home.
I need to talk to my agent in charge
to get a feel for how to go on this,
Just to say it was
a dot on the screen.
You're probably gonna end up
sleepin' in somebody's office.
Aired 28 years ago - Feb 23, 1997
When a U.S. military general is inexplicably murdered in the back of his limousine, a paramilitary group is suspected. They believe it was a soldier who they liberated from a Vietnam POW camp and is plotting to kill certain corrupt military figures.
All right! Let's go!
FBI Forensics reports
the wound was not self-inflicted.
for a rededication of
the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial.
Was that for the benefit of the general,
or have you been able...
One misstep and Markham
smells a shakedown.
- [Man On intercom] Who is it?
- Agents Mulder and Scully with the FBI.
No way in hell
you'll be getting that from me.
Lives will have to be sacrificed,
but that day has not yet come.
He says that's who killed
General MacDougal.
when we brought him home.
Given the facts of the case, and
Private Burkholder's polygraph test,
Gary's dead.
Oh, my God. Where are you?
Where'd you go?
Markham may have staged
this whole thing,
What if he was telling the truth?
And how did she reach
that emotional state?
Is there anyway to tell
how the teeth were extracted?
we could make
a pretty good guess.
No, but the ophthalmologist
discovered something called
a transient scotoma.
Agent Mulder,
this is General Steffan.
Not necessarily. He could have turned
and been surprised.
I did everything I could.
I put two agents with him.
We've got four miles of crowded streets
where 31 military officers...
He did it again, didn't he?
But if both those fall through, there is
still enough evidence to convict you...
He's sending a message...
Driver, prepare to move them out.
- Then why did you come here?
- Tell me what you know.
Are you saying that our government
wants these officers dead?
You saw him, didnÂ’t you?
You saw Teager.
which required silencing
the men who made that policy.
All right, people, listen up,
because we don't have much time.
Mr. Jan Scruggs.
That's what they told us.
[paper Rustles]
Hold on. I think
I have him in section four.
This memorial...
Pick him up, Mulder.
He's right in front of you.
Get away from the car.
He's in the car. Teager's in the car.
Sergeant, Green Beret
Detachment B-1 1 .
Aired 28 years ago - Feb 16, 1997
Issac Luria, a Jewish man, is killed by a group of teenagers working for a racist shop owner, but one of them is soon strangled to death, and the fingerprints on his neck are from Issac. Despite other factors, Mulder becomes convinced that the man has returned from the dead to exact revenge.
- [Turns On TV]
- That's him on the upper right.
and a callow attempt
at murderous retribution...
We believe it was an act of retaliation
and the other two suspects are targets.
And now you've come here
not to help us,
I bet whoever published that
knows the boys who killed Isaac Luria...
Can you think of anyone
who might have held a grudge ?
You call me paranoid, 'cause that's
exactly what they want you to do.
But I know you wouldn't
want to be responsible for...
Afraid that the man they hated
enough to kill wasn't really dead.
- We're working to spread the truth.
- The truth ?
the corpse is buried
only in its shroud.
Yes, but it's barely legible
because of the burning.
My father was an apprentice
to the man who designed it.
Even after the war, he hid it.
Even from my mother.
♪♪♪♪[Congregation Chanting
Mr. Weiss, we're placing you
under arrest.
We've arrested him, Ariel,
under suspicion of murder.
And you know nothing about nothing.
And I have no more to say about this.
I think there might have been
a second person in that attic, Scully.
But this creature could only be brought
to life by the power of the Word.
"alef, men, tav, "
creates the word emet.
By erasing the first letter,
This mailing list has hundreds of names,
including our three murder victims.
Mud ? Mulder,
what are you talking about ?
- I want to see him.
- He's dead.
That a customer needed him,
and that he would call me back.
I didn't think--
- If we get him to a hospital.
- Call the paramedics.
Where is he ?
Aired 28 years ago - Feb 09, 1997
Scully's recent failing health is revealed to be inoperable brain cancer, which is common among abductees. She meets with other abductees with the same condition and forms a special bond with a dying woman, while Mulder tries to save her from a doctor who may be connected with the abductions.
Aired 28 years ago - Feb 02, 1997
While Mulder is forced to take a vacation he leaves Scully with an assignment to keep her busy until he returns. However, she decides to start living and goes on a date with a man who believes that his tattoo talks to him and is telling him to stay away from other women.
no door handle, no window.
[phone Line Ringing]
I didn't say nothing.
You were talking.
Maybe we can play
some Battleship.
I want you to run an I.N.S.
check and a Bureau N.C.I.C.
check on these individuals,
and there are silent explosions
from a compound called Hushaboom.
We're going in an endless line.
- [pounding Continues]
-##I know there's someone
just waitin' somewhere##
There. You hear it ? There !
There ! There !
♪♪Doesn't somebody want
to be wanted like me♪♪
[ Phone Line Ringing ]
[Man And Woman
Arguing In Foreign Language]
I'm in town visiting my aunt
in the neighborhood. How about you ?
That's my home number.
I work there mainly.
I have everything under control.
I will talk to you later.
- Hello ?
- [ Scully] Um, hi. Ed Jerse, please.
[ Sizzling ]
It's kind of--
along the way,
I just, you know--
and I don't ever
want to go backward.
[ Whirring ]
[Woman's Voice] Those are
bad thoughts you're having, baby.
[ Ringing ]
And if he doesn't,
we will.
[Keyboard Keys Clicking]
[ Ringing ]
I was helping her move in,
and I cut myself.
It's such a relief
to be able to tell someone.
But I believe that
you made her go away.
Who'd she call, Eddie ?
Aired 28 years ago - Jan 26, 1997
After the body of a decapitated EMT disappears from the morgue and an identical man starts work at the same hospital, Mulder believes that the man has the ability to regrow parts of his body, including his head. The agents soon discover that Betts'
body is riddled with cancer and he is able to live in that condition but needs to feed on cancerous tumors to keep up his strength.
Well, whoever happened to get
locked in here last night, I guess.
- Meant to conceal what?
- My guess, body snatching for profit.
All hospitals operate some form
of medical waste processing.
I'll begin with the intermastoid
incision and frontal craniotomy,
Actually four times now. And each time
the images come out degraded,
It's residual electrical activity stored
chemically in-- in the dead cells.
You're the person responsible for the
disposition of Leonard Betts' remains.
No. Well,
he never got sick.
It's basically a high-tech
mummification process.
Oh, my God. His entire brain
looks like one giant glioma.
[Woman]Monongahela, 1-3-6enroute
with a male not responding to C.P.R.
Are you ever asked to defend this as
a legitimate scientific process, Doctor?
You know, with this equipment, I have
been able to capture phantom images...
Are we happy
with the results?
guiding rapid growth,
not as cancer, but as regeneration.
Great. Thanks.
Six years ago.
- [ Man On Radio ] Go ahead.
- We got a situation in the parking lot.
and then he had to kill her
to protect his secret.
But what you're describing is
someone so radically evolved...
would incorporate cancer, the greatest
health threat, as our genetic makeup?
Last night, he murdered a woman
in cold blood.
What reasons,
Mrs. Tanner?
I'm sorry, but you've got
something I need.
Mr. John Gillnitz,
death from massive blood loss...
Several days ago, the same man shows up
as Leonard Betts. Explain that to me.
goes way beyond the regeneration of
a thumb or a limb, or even a new head.
You know
what you have to do.
This is Mulder with the F.B.I. I've
got an emergency situation in progress.
We're going house to house here.
That's the only thing I can think to do.
Aired 28 years ago - Jan 12, 1997
A strange yellow rain kills a migrant girl, and her family believes that a mythical creature was the cause and has manifested itself inside the brother of her fiancé, who has since disappeared.
Mulder, this happened
how long ago ?
Mulder, this transient,
as you call it,
with a big head and a small body
and big, black bulging eyes.
Thank you, Mr. Buente.
You've been very helpful.
We have Cesar Chavez.
We have Placido Domingo here.
I've heard that.
And I held her in my arms,
and then she died.
- To solve an unexplained death.
- I think the FBI's got
better things to do.
He didn't kill her, Mulder.
that a normally benign fungus may have
compromised her whole immune system.
- Did you find him ?
- We were able to run down most
of the people who escaped.
Good. You should do that while Agent
Lozano and I try to find EI Chupacabra.
We haul mucha basura
with that truck.
- ? Comprende ?
- Si.
Our body has natural defenses
against this kind of invasion.
Story's out.
Eladio Buente.
Scully, I've been thinking. I know
that's dangerous, but just bear with me.
- Calm down.
- Chupacabra.
I would not let Eladio Buente in here.
Please, you must believe me.
- ? Comprendes ?
- Si.
I was afraid EI Chupacabra
will kill me too.
- Then where is he going ?
- The same place Lozano
and Eladio's brother are going.
I slammed the door
and prayed...
because she wouldn't love you.
Aired 28 years ago - Dec 15, 1996
Mulder's dreams help him in finding the body of a little girl which reopens one of his old cases in the Violent Crimes Unit and leads him to believe the killer he captured had more victims and may have taken his sister many years before.
Aired 28 years ago - Dec 01, 1996
While imprisoned in Russia and infected with the Black Cancer, Mulder learns that Krycek is working with the men responsible and everything has been a setup from the start, while Scully and Skinner are called to a suspicious Senate hearing where the only question is the whereabouts of Agent Mulder.
Aired 28 years ago - Nov 24, 1996
A rock sample taken from Mars is intercepted at an airport and infects a security officer with the Black Cancer, while Mulder is given a tip about potentially dangerous paramilitary operations but is doubtful when the informant turns out to be Alex
Krycek. Reluctantly, Mulder accepts Krycek's help and tracks the rock to Russia where he discovers an elaborate test being performed by Russian scientists.
Aired 28 years ago - Nov 17, 1996
Frohike pieces together and recites to Mulder and Scully what could be the possible life story of the Cigarette Smoking Man; from a young captain in the U.S. Army recruited to assassinate President Kennedy, to becoming the mysterious man in the
shadows at the height of a global conspiracy. What measures will the Cigarette Smoking Man take to ensure that he remains a mystery forever?
August 20th, 1940, Mexico City.
And then he appears
to have vanished,
Why don't you just
go see the movie?
Your father was a convicted spy
for the Soviet Union.
Viva la libertad.
but their country's,
and the world's, as well.
Last week, Captain,
[Shuffling Sound]
[Radio Continues: Indistinct]
Now that's really somethin', huh?
Stop hitting me,
you sons of bitches!
We in the West
have seen a great light.
I respect King.
He's an extraordinary man.
in a wave...
...has touched off declarations
of states of emergency...
"Until, in our own despair,
Unfounded allegations will be
flying around in no time. L.A.?
Unseen Novocain needle
on a bogus wedding ring.
Merry Christmas.
♪♪it's the hap-happiest season off all♪♪
The Roswell story we concocted
was gathering momentum.
How many historic events have...
Security Council resolution 1 01 3...
[Man #2]Are you familiar with
an agent named Fox Mulder?
I've been assigned
to work with you.
I wish to serialize your novel
in our publication, Roman A'Clef.
It'll be on the newsstands
the morning of November 12th.
[people Chattering]
would wanna buy
that sort of crap.
Aired 28 years ago - Nov 10, 1996
A link to the four witches Sabbaths is found after a doctor loses control and kills a patient on the operating table, and Mulder suspects a nurse may be practicing witchcraft.
Aired 28 years ago - Nov 03, 1996
After an FBI raid on a doomsday cult called the "Temple of the Seven Stars", Mulder meets Melissa, a cultist who claims to have known him in a previous life during the American Civil War. Scully believes the woman is a delusional schizophrenic, but Mulder allows himself to be drawn into her fantasies.
Intelligence reported
no hiding places beyond the yard.
He's right
about a lot of things,
-[Agents Continue]
- How did you know that ?
Oh, yes. I was present to hear
Apostle John Mark deliver
his message ofthe apocalypse.
My estimate is 12 more
hours of fire and brimstone,
and not a second about Sidney.
A year.
We were told that Vernon's
been hurting the children.
[ Scoffs ] Who's the president
of the United States ?
We found Sidney.
Voice spectrogram
She couldn't recall
her own home town.
Because he wouldn't believe me.
Why you call me that ?
Sidney, you can all go home.
You can all be safe, if you just
tell us where they hid the guns.
which they had built
the night before.
amongst the others
who had been lost...
26th of November, 1863.
and you're not, even though
you believe you died in that field ?
Her son was Scott.
She brings him Butterfingers
she stole from the kitchen.
He told him to sleep
in the trash...
You know how to find
the other bunkers.
[ Southern Accent ]
Your eyes may have changed shade...
She couldn't answer
the question on the battlefield.
Ghetto streets.
I can't go to my father.
My husband...
Near the bunker.
Hamilton County.
early in the four years
we've been working together...
only to meet in passing.
And if I knew it were true,
I'd want to start over.
Agent Mulder,
the attorney general is furious as is.
The Lord shall preserve you
from all your evils.
[Door Latched]
but in deed and truth.
and murderers, idolaters.
Aired 28 years ago - Oct 27, 1996
Several kidnappings of young women linked by distorted photographs lead Mulder and Scully to a man who can imprint his darkest fantasies onto undeveloped film and is trying to save the women from the "Howlers".
but there have been
no leads to speak of...
The depigmentation we're seeing
may be characteristic of a disease...
though the bleaching
of the irises indicates...
and his wallet
was still full of cash.
- I'm sorry?
- To divert attention that black men...
Mr. Aboah?
[ Closes Door]
You got a fever or something?
Agent Pendrell, thanks for turning
this analysis around on short notice.
It's a rare, night-blooming plant
indigenous to parts of West Africa.
- Does that tell you anything?
- No, but...
One of the men
was found dead last night.
Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me there's
nothing here, and I'll just walk away.
[Bus Departs]
I already told the police
pretty much everything I know.
Three months ago, one week before
the first person was reported missing,
- Mr. Aboah?
- Yes?
We're looking for somebody that came
a little more recently than that...
Sometimes you have to start
at the end to find the beginning.
From all outward signs,
this man appears asymptomatic.
Then, please,
release him immediately.
That man ran because
he's hiding something.
Do I?
"This time"?
too small even for a child
to hide himself.
and felt my self being
swept up into the air.
when this photograph came
across my desk three months ago,
I discovered something more disturbing
when his P.E.T. series came back.
Marcus Duff's car
turned up abandoned...
6834, requesting ambulance
in alley behind 1163 West Cherry.
- Theoretically, yes.
- When you examined him,
An African folk tale.
Pendrell found asbestos fibers
on Owen Sanders' body.
[Footsteps Approaching
Aired 28 years ago - Oct 18, 1996
After several African-American men are killed and the color is drained from their skin, Mulder learns about the Teliko, an African folktale about a creature who must suck the pigmentation from a persons body in order to survive.
- Strike!
- In what league?
Come on, baby, bring it home to mama.
Right here. Put it there.
I think a couple of dental stone
casts will prove invaluable...
- It'd be like living in Mayberry.
- [Truck Door Closes]
They've been watching us
the entire time.
They raise
their own pigs.
By the way,
this is my deputy, Barney.
Imagine all a woman's hopes
and dreams for her child...
the Mulder family
passes genetic muster.
Now, we all have a natural
instinct to propagate--
and check the vehicle identification
number on that Cadillac.
[ Sighs ]
You still planning
on making a home here?
[TV Narrator]
The eldest dominate male
in the pack moves in...
- ## Oh, so wonderful, my love##
- [ Footsteps Approaching ]
[ Grunting,
Sniffing ]
## Oh, so wonderful, my love##
The, uh... owner
of the Cadillac was--
The lab screwed up
the DNA test on the infant.
there would have
to be a weakening of the ovum,
Why would the Peacocks
kill Sheriff Taylor?
[ Regurgitating ]
That they'd try to change
the way things are.
- And people call me Spooky.
- [DoorOpens]
ls anybody in this house?
- Get away! Get away!
- They've got her strapped to some
kind of board or something.
[ Yelling ]
I mean, she appears to be,
but I don't believe she is.
Have to check the boys,
see if they hurt themselves.
Maybe one day
you'll learn the pride...
Aired 28 years ago - Oct 11, 1996
A baby is found buried alive in shallow ground and appears to have birth defects resulting from generations of inbreeding, leading Mulder and Scully to a reclusive family who have a history of inbred children.
Aired 28 years ago - Oct 04, 1996
Jeremiah Smith and Mulder are on the run from the alien bounty hunter, and Smith takes Mulder to a small farm tended to by identical sets of children, and all the girls are clones of his sister when she was still a child. Mulder prepares to take
Jeremiah and one of the clones to see his mother in the hospital, but the bounty hunter catches up with them. Meanwhile, the Syndicate suspects that they have a traitor in their midst and plan a trap which results in X being executed by the Cigarette-Smoking Man.