S3 E10

Season 3  "Chapter 36"  3x10

Aired 9 years ago - Feb 27, 2015

Frank needs to deal with Petrov one on one while Claire tries to preserve the peace-keeping mission. Sacrifices must be made.

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Recap of House of Cards (US) Season 3 Episode 10 (S03E10) - 2
Fourteen in the last two weeks.
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Yes, but no promises.
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In the meantime, we can put the town halls on hold. Just do the stump.
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Yeah. I remember.
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Finally. Yeah, the business is strong.
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I'll do my best. Nice talking to you, Tim.
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over the Jordan Valley, 6:00 a.m. today, Israeli time.
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- You having doubts? - I don't know.
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It is for you.
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I could hit the couch for a few nights.
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I might be able to convince the Israelis to follow through.
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Iowa is in two months.
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I do have faith in my ability to negotiate with this man.
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Yes, ma'am. I'll be by the stairs.
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Of what?
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- It's your Uncle Doug. - [boy screams]
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The main difference now is that we're both standing in the desert,
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[knock on door]
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Yeah, sit down.
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- The FBI? - Yes, and if they do,
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Moryakov didn't have to work too hard.
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he stabbed me when his rifle jammed.
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- Okay. - All right.
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I stayed in Columbus because I liked it, not because anybody made me.
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I need to concentrate on what's in front of me right now.
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I wish it didn't have to come to this.
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is the illusion of choice.
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I thought he might have some insight to how you were back then.
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Escape myself.
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You should get some sleep.
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Mm... I wonder what it cost him.