Aired 7 years ago - May 24, 2017
The battle between Oliver and Adrian Chase culminates in a final epic battle on Lian Yu. After recent events, Oliver decides to recruit a group of unlikely allies — Slade, Nyssa, Merlyn, and Digger Harkness — to defeat Chase. However, Chase has his own army – Black Siren, Evelyn Sharp, and Talia al Ghul.
like old times.
Evelyn Sharp,
and a meta-human.
but, uh, I expected
him to last a little longer.
Felicity: Oliver!
What's it gonna be,
Maybe leaving me here
was part of the plan.
Yeah, so why are you
sending Curtis and I away?
Oliver: Get them
to the plane,
You all keep
each other safe.
to catch up.
you marry Ra's al Ghul's
is by forgiving
When we get to the airplane,
I'm not gonna get on it.
Did it every occur to you that I'm here
because I'm your father?
Yeah. You're not
the first one to call him that.
You don't have to.
I didn't ask for you to.
What kind of ass-backwards
strategy is that?
that could give us
a tactical advantage?
I couldn't even
think of Malcolm
but in his own way,
we have over 500 points
of IQ,
Oh, I love that Curtis.
I had to forge
my own path.
Where is my son?
- How?
- I don't know.
You know you
want to.
I knew it would come to this.
into doing
what you want,
My friends and my team
can take care of themselves.
There's an Argus
supply ship
You choose.
Don't even look at him!
Aired 7 years ago - May 17, 2017
Black Siren returns to help Chase. Felicity organizes a birthday party for Oliver while Lance is furious after Rene misses the custody hearing for his daughter.
Oh. Oh.
That's all good.
Didn't miss much.
from being destroyed
this time of year.
another piece of
cake, right?
It's incredibly hard.
Almost but nothing ever
really dies.
an interesting response.
When we're done,
I got Curtis' phone
but no Dinah and Curtis.
she's fighting with.
including maybe...
Hi, Daddy.
Yeah, obvious
to a murdering psychopath,
I think you can last
for, uh, 14 minutes.
of being the man
that you think I am.
Find it quick.
She's back just like
with Sara.
And I need you
to remember that
We never should've left
Oliver alone.
You realize how backwards
that sounds, right?
saving my daughter.
Oh. That worked better
with Rochev.
when Chase set off an EMP.
And your child?
You've already tried.
You're not real.
This isn't real.
It's not real.
Everything's exactly
the same as it is here, Dad.
Like minds. Here.
That wasn't
the deal, Oliver.
I'll see you
on the boat.
thought that the hood
had computer skills.
We have Chase's C-130.
Aired 7 years ago - May 10, 2017
Oliver returns to the mayor’s office and faces one of his most pressing issues yet – the forced release of dozens of violent criminals prosecuted by Adrian Chase. Meanwhile, a crate is delivered to Oliver’s office containing a mysterious corpse encased in concrete.
Aired 7 years ago - May 03, 2017
Things get intense when Oliver and Felicity are trapped in the bunker together. Meanwhile, Lyla and Diggle deal with their marital issues.
If we had more boots
on the ground
Palmer Tech has been
working on an advanced
If I didn't, I wouldn't
have convened this war room.
And a bomb
just went off.
I mean, he's already
gone after Curtis, Lance, Evelyn,
If you're just gonna
stand there,
Lyla, I can't believe
you'd actually compare team Arrow
I'd bet my copious
Palmer Tech severance pay on it.
Hmm. 11, I think,
but not nearly enough.
You didn't listen to me
when I wanted to join Helix.
This was an EMP.
Actually, fun fact,
Ok. We're here.
Now what?
- We look nothing like that.
- "I miss Oliver.
what's the point of being
in a relationship at all?
I have a date
with my husband,
You named them?
It's that obvious, huh?
Working UC, we had to
keep certain things from each other,
I made the exact same
tradeoff you did to get Chase.
but accurate choice
of words.
- What about acid?
- No.
Are you still
Felicity Smoak?
1, 2, 3, go!
before it melts
those hinges down.
- Whoa!
- Ohh!
We bought ourselves some time away
from the gas at least.
- I might not have a later.
- Do not talk like that.
that I didn't do
what I did to be a hero.
Yeah, I'm fine.
You know, maybe
if I knew why,
with many
of your choices,
Careful. Hey.
but anyone--anyone
would have admitted
Oliver is a little hurt.
We could use your help.
Think we're there, D.
Nice jump, Dig.
Don't hear me
arguing, do you?
Thanks for letting us
come here.
You guys are gonna have to
explain to me
Aired 7 years ago - Apr 26, 2017
Oliver, Team Arrow, ARGUS and the SCPD kick off a citywide manhunt for Adrian Chase. Helix tells Felicity they have a way to find Chase but they will need something big, and illegal, from her in return.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 29, 2017
Diggle and Felicity are shocked by Oliver’s decision to call on the Bratva to help take down Prometheus. Concerned the Bratva may overstep, Diggle has a hard conversation with Oliver about what happens if things go south. Meanwhile, Felicity learns something shocking at Helix.
And it turns out
councilwoman Pollard is
maybe you shouldn't
have killed her, then.
not since the SCPD put
me in protective custody
It's not a vacation,
Hey. I finished that worm.
that's game over for him.
because he probably had
an ironclad alibi, right?
This is not how I wanted
my life to--to touch yours.
and you're my only option.
Life has no secrets.
After last time, I need
That's good! That means we can use
an algorithm to remove the distortion
we won't be able to pull
heat signatures.
Oliver, have you brought
Anatoly Knyazev to Star City?
until he is
in the ground,
So I'm telling you.
I'm not asking you.
is taken off the board.
that he's gonna
It's gotten bad, Oliver.
I'm not gonna have
that turned out to be
an outlet.
if...You stay away
from me,
Super resistant strain.
Fine. You're the new Dig.
Dinah: Curtis, the hack you
put on the D.A.'s office
Oh, my God!
Consider me
or you're whatever Chase
has shoved into your head,
How did you--
you son of a bitch.
I mean, they set the encryption.
They can break it.
Anatoly, I'm sorry,
but you
We are in position.
We're here for you, Oliver.
I had feeling
you would say this,
[Woman whimpering]
Dinah: Please let me be the one
to walk this into SCPD.
Oliver: How does it feel
to be Robin hood?
Oliver Queen afraid to be
alone with Bratva gangster?
No. I'm the fool.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 22, 2017
Prometheus goes to great lengths to break Oliver. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Anatoly becomes worried about Oliver’s increasingly violent tendencies, which come to a head in a brutal confrontation.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 15, 2017
Oliver gets closer to the truth about Prometheus. Meanwhile, Helix refuses to continue helping Felicity until she does a favor for them.
because I want you
to suffer.
Well, Helix is
a worldwide operation,
Or is it that you've actually
been asleep this whole time?
arresting me?
Now you could try
torturing me
the government like that
until we have her here.
I wasn't thinking.
So we've got to
kill him first
It's detecting
resonance frequencies upstairs.
Ho ho! I did
think of one or two things.
by tomorrow morning,
that your husband has been keeping
something from you.
that keeping secrets
doesn't end well,
would be enough
for the ACU to arrest his ass.
Consider that an order
if it helps.
Oliver, whatever you
think is inside you
And that's, like, really
cool and noble and all.
what are you willing
to quo in exchange for your quid?
and in one moment,
one little mistake,
You do realize how impotent
you sound, right?
Thanks for the assist.
Because hacking
the drones is what's
I can't imagine them
signing off on you
I don't know what
I can do to stop it.
There's something
I need you to do for me.
Oliver's got something
up his green sleeve.
Hey. Are you ok?
You know, if that
were true,
Why did you make
her come here?
And so is Oliver.
Honestly, it doesn't
look good,
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 01, 2017
Oliver faces his biggest challenge yet as mayor. Felicity continues down her dark path with Helix. After Vigilante attacks Oliver while he’s acting as the mayor, Diggle leads the team in a mission to stop Vigilante once and for all.
Take them.
So, what, you can't handle
yourself on the field.
Just waiting
for my opening.
I think
it has to be you.
but, of course,
I can't write that
did Oliver Queen's actions
violate the oath
helped get you out of prison
I have here your original
cause-of-death report,
and he's
no longer with us,
He took a hit
on the shoulder,
so that concussion protocol,
yeah, it's a thing.
on a lot of people,
without a few more hours
of observation.
All we have to do
is find evidence
My T-spheres can
actually track
Apparently, he's the swing vote
on Oliver's impeachment.
It's a dark world,
Nah. The Green Arrow
got played.
gun legislation--
No, no.
It--it's not.
Either me or
Detective Malone.
I think I owe everyone
an explanation
and I didn't think we could
afford to lose another hero.
Yeah, but what
about Oliver?
Yeah. Well, you gave them
plenty to think about.
No. I had no idea.
I could not have
done this without you.
That doesn't mean that
you have to quit, Thea.
My resignation letter's
on the desk.
This laptop contains
80 million rubles
Um, can I go?
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 22, 2017
China White, Cupid and Liza Warner break out of Iron Heights and head to Star City for revenge. Oliver tries to bring in the newly formed girl gang but the ACU intervenes mid-fight. To his surprise, they are there to arrest the Green Arrow for the
murder of Detective Malone. Meanwhile, Lance feels responsible for the prison break after Warner tells him she heard about him working with Damien Darhk.
Guards aren't allowed
to fraternize with prisoners.
Yeah. A couple times.
Ty skazal, "stay"?
Where am I going?
I'm not so sure
about that,
I don't know.
I mean, he says
Fashion makeover?
Where is it?
Well, when she's ready,
I was considering Black Canary.
Get on the floor with your hands
behind your head.
turn my life around,
so Oliver would
kill Billy Malone.
He's a person
of interest in the murder
Right now, I'm not
a Liberty to say.
The envelope that Pike gave me was
postmarked from Opal City.
My producer called me
out on the carpet.
- I already--
- Because that tattoo
He's going to kill
both of us.
you know.
You know, I really like how
wise you're getting lately.
I know you care
about her, so...
But with those guys,
Well, I don't know
what that means,
What can I do
for you?
And how do you know
for the rest of his life.
you're the--
I feel a presence.
[Canary cry]
I'm not
ready to take
I know I screwed up and...
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 15, 2017
A traumatic attack on City Hall triggers painful memories for Rene about his family. Flashbacks reveal how Rene went from simple family man to a hero named Wild Dog. Meanwhile, Oliver must deal with the perpetrator behind the attack and realizes the
best way to do so is as Mayor Queen instead of the Green Arrow. Tensions run high in the Arrow bunker.
Well, uh, talking
of leaving,
Man: Mister--Mr. Mayor!
- Right back--
- as in, stays in the home.
[Overlapping conversations]
Might be a good idea to alert
all the emergency rooms?
or ever, guys.
I think I got a look
at the shooter
Am I using again?
and I've never done it
in our baby girl's home.
Oliver: Hi.
used them.
Yeah. Why wouldn't we want
something like that?
Felicity: We started
trying to track the shooter
I'd know it.
Who is he?
No pun intended.
- Actually, it did--
- Sorry, Hoss.
and the loved ones
of the fallen.
That we will be looking
into it further.
I don't know how to deal
with this.
that the Green Arrow
can't solve.
I want to meet with them
Yes, I'm against
any registry that gives
Nobody respects
the rights of someone
There was one place
I kind of liked.
Dinah, I work
with Oliver Queen.
It starts with
the little things,
Woman: I didn't care.
It was just a necklace.
You know
what Edlund did?
Guns save lives,
Yeah. Ok. Ok. Fine.
How much?
Sweetheart, are you ok?
[Drops gun]
Yeah. But this,
I have to go.
he acquired those
guns illegally.
that's not your call
to make.
you got to think
Nothing that makes it
harder to buy or own
I messed up.
by the masked vigilante known
as the Green Arrow.
Oh, yo, can I talk
to you for a second?
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 08, 2017
A mission takes Oliver, Felicity and team to Russia where they meet up with Oliver’s old friend, Anatoly. Meanwhile, fresh out of rehab, Lance returns to the mayor’s office ready to get back to work. However, when Susan asks for an interview with Lance to discuss his addiction, he balks and it’s up to Rene to help keep things on track.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 01, 2017
In his quest to take down Kovar, Oliver gets help from a surprising source – Talia al Ghul. However, when she reveals what she wants from him in exchange, Oliver isn’t sure he can accept her help. Felicity attempts to hack the NSA to help free
Diggle but when her online efforts are flagged, she faces off against an unknown adversary. Meanwhile, Curtis tells the team about a female vigilante, Tina Boland, he uncovered online who has been wreaking havoc all over the country.
What about Tara Michele?
Army special ops,
but my point
still stands.
She's a meta
with the same power
and more concerned
with getting you out again.
Oliver: No, Adrian.
You have gone
fled to Hong Kong,
It's gonna be more
like firecastles or firemountains.
The video isn't
clear enough for facial recog,
I'll send the 3 of you
back to Star City
Got 3 patties and 3 slices
of cheddar to go.
Very clever. Fine.
What do you want to know?
Oh, thank God.
You are a lifesaver.
Should be straight
down the hall.
Your vendetta doesn't
end with him.
How did you know?
5-stack, baby.
Nothing better.
because it hooks kids young
and makes them move
The file was erased.
taking on corporations
and governments.
but so did Rory,
and Oliver channeled
but my head is still
spinning a bit.
And something tells me
you're not gonna tell us.
but then I can only aspire
to your level of cool,
and I was like,
"I know what I want to be,"
And what? You think
you see a little bit of yourself in me?
What are you
waiting for?
He'd want me
to do that.
That's incredible.
How'd you do that?
and Kovars
in Starling City.
I got to admit...
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 25, 2017
Worried that Prometheus is right and he is truly a killer at heart, Oliver looks for any ray of hope and finds it in what seems to be the miraculous return of Laurel Lance. However, Felicity, still reeling from Detective Malone’s murder, is bent on revenge – she wants to stop Prometheus at any cost. While in prison, Diggle fights for his life.
Thea and John.
In the meantime,
we need to work
But I thought that
you could be useful.
even if I have to
beat it into you.
- But...
- But we haven't even buried
Wait, what?
it wasn't just
the dark times
so I figured
I'd train.
- Oh...No.
- Ok. I was joking.
is that I can never hear
my poor, little victims scream.
Over there, we all have doppelganger
versions of ourselves
Well, he's gonna be
pass all of our tests
and all of this.
for espionage, murder, escaping
a federal prison,
Hey. I will owe
you one.
If the city finds out
that a member
you'd help Prometheus
even if he wasn't threatening anyone.
You guys are
terrible liars.
I told you. Blinders.
you've been dead
for 10 years now.
Why? Because I look
like someone you used to know.
I'm just going home,
but that was merely a product--
It cost me Paul.
Heh. I think
I can reach her.
Wait. I thought I was
supposed to stay here for now.
You should get used
to living in cages.
Our--our Laurel's gone.
because you don't
I can give you family,
too far earlier.
take a moment and appreciate
what you can do
The nanites just
I'm just waiting
for a friend.
one of the most powerful
men in the military.
a secondary crime
within my jurisdiction.
It's like shooting fish
in a barrel with you.
of a challenge
the next couple days.
Secure lockup
at Argus.
Aired 8 years ago - Dec 07, 2016
After Prometheus attacks Curtis, Oliver realizes Prometheus knows all of Team Arrow’s secret identities and is planning to come for them one by one. Felicity and Detective Malone discover a clue that links Prometheus to Oliver’s past.
on a startup together,
the one he's been putting
I figured.
or listening.
and it inspired me
to recommit myself
So you guys want
to go on a double date sometime or--
kicked me down
a flight of steps,
I thought you had
the anti-crime unit taking care of this.
I can't believe that
this is happening.
I've never heard of it.
The people in Lamb Valley,
they're working class, low income.
And we did that
over an hour ago.
What message?
Hey. He said don't
make a move.
[Both grunting]
and why Prometheus
is keeping their remains.
Prometheus injected him
with Dycloseral,
the inexplicable
I feels...amazing,
but you can't do both.
Great. So whose
ashes was Claybourne
why men don't listen.
Detective Malone's
been abducted.
You tell them
holiday hours are revoked.
You warned me that there
would be unintended consequences,
Do not engage this enemy
under any circumstances.
in who you've become.
Actually, he made it
pretty easy.
there is the Internet,
and the there is the "Internet,"
Claybourne: You gonna
tell me again
If you want revenge,
but do you know how easy it
was to turn Evelyn against you,
Where we're
supposed to be.
You were coming home
every night late,
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 30, 2016
Oliver wakes up to a life where he never got on The Queen’s Gambit. Robert and Moira Queen are alive and well. Laurel is his loving fiancée and their wedding is imminent. Everything seems perfect, but Oliver starts to notice small imperfections
that make him question this new reality. Meanwhile, Felicity and the recruits take on a new threat with help from The Flash and Supergirl.
Part 1 - Supergirl - S02E08
Part 2 - The Flash - S03E08
Part 3 - Arrow - S05E08
Part 4 - DC's Legends of Tomorrow - S02E07
- Thank you.
- Of course.
got to fight traffic.
Oh! I wish.
What about, um,
Walter Steele?
Oh, my God!
You're not gonna tell me
God has a plan, are you?
Come on, Felicity. I mean,
this might be our only chance
Do you have any
leads on who the...
I didn't like
you much.
No way. He loves you.
Excuse us.
Your name is John.
Did a lot of things
back then I'm not proud of.
Listen to me.
You're having
Hi, everyone!
have the power
of gods,
I just...
but we have
over 200 guests coming,
Look. Have you been
getting out into the city lately,
Never been much
of an artist,
All right. This is
hard to explain.
Yeah. Hand it over.
I can't believe
he's a doctor now.
My fiancée's name
is Anna--or was.
But those are not
your parents.
Nothing. Nothing
but pain
I love you, Thea.
Agh! Unh!
That's not me,
"There's no place
like home."
It's not.
It's Gematria.
That doesn't
make any sense.
certain principles
of design are universal.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 16, 2016
When the bodies of two criminals are dropped at SCPD, Oliver realizes there is a new Vigilante in Star City. The team is split about whether they should stop someone who is helping keep the city safe. Diggle is frustrated with his new situation and
Thea fights for Lance who confesses a shocking secret. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Oliver finally sits down with Konstantin Kovar.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 09, 2016
Prometheus claims two more victims, and Oliver realizes that the killings are related to the people on his father's list. His recruits aren't happy to hear that Oliver used to be a serial killer. In the past, Oliver finally meets Kovar and may not live to regret it.
What? That was
my throwing star sound effect?
and the other one
to the igniter.
but they also need
homes and jobs.
on the other thing, too.
and all the right
people still owe me
is limited
to 3 parking tickets.
Is it because
I'm not bearing Americanos?
What?! There's no
deception here.
is responsible for a total
of 4 deaths so far,
I've earned my place
was waste of time.
The computer can tease
out connections between the victims
Watch out!
He's over there!
There's no threat
here. Go home.
These throwing star
killings are some kind of message
in the names of the victims
he's been choosing.
because killing
would tarnish
You got to fill
this place with girls.
This will do just fine,
Mr. Queen.
You--you've been
drinking the whole time.
Oh. Uh, thanks.
What is this?
Make up your
mind, guys.
and the way
the kids reacted,
Well, Prometheus is just
dredging all that up again.
I know.
Get out of here!
Go call 911!
I'm sorry
for your parents.
She said he grew
a turnip so large
every farmer, every vagabond,
but they will never,
ever, ever
I've been looking forward
to meeting you.
- Hmm.
- Yeah.
It goes without saying
that me being like a criminal
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 02, 2016
When Tobias Church captures and tortures one of Oliver's new recruits, Oliver must turn to an old friend, Christopher Chance AKA the Human Target, for help. Meanwhile, Felicity's worlds collide when Detective Malone joins the ACU.
if I didn't know
how much it cost.
- This is...
- Spartan...I'm guessing.
in the city
compared to you,
Who are yours?
So you can pay
the ferry.
of drug enterprises
anybody has ever seen.
That's because he knows
killing the mayor
but what do we have--
a Laurel Lance wannabe,
Is Councilman Kullens
in there?
but it is difficult
for a city to be united
I can tell you have
good intentions,
to your ex-fiance.
But maybe something good
can come out of this, man,
Serendipitous encounter.
really hard
in the head?
Don't see why they
can't be both.
dodging all of these
grenades that you're lobbying at me,
- Prochnost.
- Prochnost.
Some American castaway
will never understand,
I live here,
The same company who
owns controlling interest
You made Kullens
Ahh. We haven't been
properly introduced.
Now we just need to
figure out
I haven't--I haven't
spoken to them.
I'm sure.
I'll be fine.
My apologies.
He casually mentioned
that he was seeing Felicity,
Muscle. Los Halcones,
Your message sounded
until it was
That's a bigger leap
than Curtis took
but only if his plan
moved forward,
Viktor wanted to
give you a proper gift.
my money was still good and you
still like gambling a bit too much.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 26, 2016
Oliver and Lyla team up on a secret mission for Diggle. Felicity finds out and disapproves of the plan and opts to stay behind. When Tobias Church launches a deadly assault against the city, Felicity must decide if she wants to send the recruits out sans the Green Arrow.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 19, 2016
Now that Oliver has his new team, they are ready to hit the streets but Oliver doesn’t feel they are ready. Headstrong Wild Dog defies the Green Arrow’s orders and sets out on his own after a new drug dealer, Derek Sampson, who is terrorizing Star
City. Sampson proves more powerful than Wild Dog and it is up to the Green Arrow to go head to head with Sampson to save his teammate.
Look, analysis and forensics
is cool and all,
I'm an elected official.
Not vodka.
I'm sure it'll be
right after he finds out
What I don't understand
is who you are
Not him. Some idiot
in a hockey mask.
Um, coworker to coworker,
only to get pinched
a couple months later,
Based on the lack
of epidermis erosion,
I figured.
Where the hell
are the cops?
I'm tapped into all
satellites and C-C feeds.
After what happened the last time
you went looking for Sampson?
You've come this far.
Wait, why did you say
"was alive" just now? Huh?
All hands on deck.
- For those of you...
- I'm so sorry.
The you and Havenrock
Gary Busey, man.
Channel 52.
He was adorable
but peed on everything.
Well, all my other nets
are coming up empty.
that's made sense to me
in a long while.
No, Lyla, he's not.
I guess a sense of fashion
isn't one of them.
that you're taking this
as seriously as I am.
which means that
he'll return to--
would die for you,
I will stay on
until you can find
The buck, as they say,
stops with me,
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 12, 2016
Oliver’s new recruits for Team Arrow are Curtis, Wild Dog and Evelyn Sharp. Unfortunately, the Green Arrow’s training methods prove to be too much for some of them to handle. Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Oliver’s initiation into the Bratva continues.
- Ok, Oliver.
- Don't call me Oliver,
Our Intel tells us that
a group of Chechen rebels
but I am a little.
for up to a thousand
I can't keep doing
everything on my own.
I've been doing this
on my own
I'll play.
Is that lining up
with anything you found?
but in the wake
of this recent development,
No. They're nowhere
near ready.
Come on!
Move, move, move!
we could hold off
on the criticism
The convention center
has 20 entrances.
Thank you,
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm--
I'm fine, you know.
that I don't believe.
My instructions
were specific.
And now she's dead.
the equivalent
of a terrorist attack.
so let's keep our heads
on swivels, ladies.
And that's why you
are the detective.
Are you jealous?
So, um--anyway,
I'll see you tomorrow.
Thea, I'm sorry.
of this exercise is?
But then it hit me.
gloating right now would
be like kicking a puppy.
didn't get to see
the real you
They teach you that
the only person you can trust
that everyone had
for Oliver Queen,
we may have a chance.
For everything I need
to take over this city.
against men with magic?
Well, if Amertek is
in bed with Church, then--
specifically a nuke
manufactured by a company
Your pride and joy.
to save this city
Why kill them?
What the hell?
Not a meeting.
he told me you said
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 05, 2016
After Laurel's death and the departures of both Diggle and Thea from Team Arrow, Oliver takes to the streets solo to protect Star City's citizens as the Green Arrow. With Felicity guiding him from the bunker, Oliver is forced to deal with a city
that has become overrun with both criminals and a slew of new (and painfully inexperienced) vigilantes. Watching Oliver try to balance his jobs as both the mayor and also the protector of Star City, Felicity suggests he form a new team, but Oliver resists. However, when a deadly new criminal, Tobias Church, enters the picture, Oliver realizes the best thing for the city might be a new team of superheroes. Meanwhile, the flashbacks take us to Russia where Oliver faces off against the Bratva.
You know I'm taking
Talk to the controller
about tax initiatives
None of yours.
Yeah, well,
it's getting to be
Thea will come back.
Drop the bodies.
Go to hell.
Who's lucky number 6?
off the wagon on his way.
I'd put that
back in my bag.
And you wonder why
your approval rating
you have been
frozen in amber,
why we would
commission a statue
Laurel Lance,
Ok, well, if the SCPD van
was legit,
Listen, the Green Arrow
is not coming.
Take Mr. Queen
to a quiet place
Anatoly, it is
very good to see you.
If this is true,
For the first time
in a... a long time,
Not for long, though.
Yeah, me, too.
that I will never, ever
make again.
and I don't want
anything to do with it.
how can you ask me
to put more people
This business with Kovar
There's a Russian proverb.
To do what?
a part of me will always
be out there with you.
They're not a team!
I'm going to let
the hostages go.
Not without Church!
Keep her flying!
In the intervening days,
I would say that
that qualifies.
So by looking into him,
does that mean...
First you say that this
is going to kill me,