Aired 8 years ago - May 25, 2016
Oliver teams up with a surprising force in an attempt to stop Damien Darhk and his magic once and for all.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
That plane filled
with all those people
It was the--
Machin killed his wife.
but I'm tracking
a Minuteman ICBM
All right,
where's the fire?
In these situations,
Assault team sledgehammer
We can't just lose
all hope here.
I tried to do things
A sane person
wouldn't live here.
And if he could
give me hope then,
but there are a few things
that I do know.
It is our friend,
our family, our lives,
on the missile itself
and disarm it.
Oh, my God.
and cloned
its hard drive remotely.
Then I will kill you.
It's ok, it's ok.
then let's
at least go out
You did what
you had to do.
without her mother.
and if I stop Rubicon,
he'll know,
If we invert
their horizons...
Darhk's mine.
We both know that
you can't do it.
It's going to take
forever to clean this place up.
Well, this is going
to make me feel
Hey. Come here.
But there's another way
off the island.
This was never
about expunging your darkness,
You would have wanted,
but you were able
to defeat Darhk
got a lot of people's
Aired 8 years ago - May 18, 2016
Oliver and Diggle race to rescue Thea, while Felicity, Curtis and Noah join together to stop Darhk.
in grief right now.
This is my father--
Noah Kuttler.
so we have less than
24 hours to stop it,
Mr. Seldon,
pleasure to see you.
It's beginning to look
a lot like Christmas.
What did Thea say?
Oliver, what's
happening to me?
When you furrow
your brow like that,
This will make
everything better.
You have a lot on
your plate, Malcolm.
Get out--get out
of my brain.
No, no, no.
No, you're not.
this is something
that you can--
Hacking isn't as easy
as waving your hand.
We're just here
to bring her home.
I have a village, too,
is what your
loyal supporters signed up for.
Instead of trying
to break Rubicon's encryption...
I recently took a bullet
for our daughter.
Not the best
time, Curtis.
We hitch our own code
on to the back trace.
It worked.
but it all just
fell apart,
Stay here. We'll hold off
Reiter's men.
When I get stressed,
I--I like to fold.
I don't know what to say
about that, hon.
Do you ever think
that maybe Darhk has a point?
[Both grunting]
you always keep fighting.
[TV static]
because in 21 minutes,
This place isn't safe.
Let's go.
me waiting to kill
your husband.
That's my mommy.
of the Glades
just went up.
Give it back!
My daughter?
- I'd appreciate it.
- No lecture.
Aired 8 years ago - May 11, 2016
When Team Arrow learns what Damien Darhk's next move is Felicity realizes she needs to ask her father, Noah Kuttler, for help. Noah and Oliver have a heart to heart talk that leaves Oliver rattled.
Aired 8 years ago - May 04, 2016
As Oliver and Felicity look for a magical solution to defeat Darhk, a vengeance-driven Diggle gets a lead on Andy’s whereabouts and heads off to confront his brother. Meanwhile, Alex takes Thea on a vacation that quickly turns into a nightmare.
then now might be
the time to hit him.
That sounds like
a good idea.
Yeah. I think
I'll pass.
Oh, I got you, baby,
I got you. Mmm.
I've seen it take
good people
Should I even try
and talk you out of this?
♪ Arrow 4x19 ♪
Original Air Date on May 4, 2016
Maybe it is,
Wow. Ok. Pitch game,
You ready for some
famous eggs Benedict?
I'm starting to think
that this guy's
Oh, don't worry
about it.
I'm sorry,
but is the man
Carly, Andy Jr.
Hmm. There's a Nexus
chamber there, as well.
Not just a pretty
face this guy.
you will end up
fueling it.
Yeah, maybe.
Just be happy, ok?
Do it.
Are you ready?
resist your darkness.
Tell me, what could
I possibly teach you
Thea, come on.
Ruvé. She said
I needed to stay healthy.
because you are not
seeing straight.
but do it
the right way.
but all Fortuna did was
show me who I really am.
Is there anything else
you can tell me about their lockup?
So much for "stay
Lyla, I'm not
leaving you.
I didn't think you
got my message.
Bet you regret not pulling that trigger
the first time around.
Lyla and Sara won't be the only women
and children who die.
and you were reminding me
of all of the good things
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 27, 2016
Oliver and the team struggle to come to terms with Laurel’s death, especially Diggle who is overwhelmed with guilt for choosing to believe Andy had changed. Meanwhile, Lance refuses to believe his daughter is really gone and asks Nyssa to help bring
her back. A recent Black Canary sighting in Star City only seems to prove his theory that Laurel isn’t actually dead.
We should get you
out of here.
All right, John.
As the...
and is the leading suspect
in Miss Lance's death.
All the crazy things
that we've seen.
Now you don't think
that with everything
And they saw
the Black Canary,
A patient who pays
repeated visits to the E.R.
Oliver, Tommy loved you.
You'd blame me, too,
if you knew the truth.
told him
to go to hell.
Right, but still, let's check
missing persons
She told me that
we failed this city.
Ok. I got all her things.
What else do I need?
What are you
doing here?
reassure him that what happened
wasn't his fault,
is simply not
their concern.
Stop lying!
is a--is another minute
he can hurt someone I love.
and we...
News alert.
to issue arrest warrants
for these so-called vigilantes,
Ok. We need to find
Evelyn before the SCPD does.
and his wife is dragging her legacy
through the mud.
and wanting to help
make the city a better place.
I would find it,
and I would do it...
Oh, God.
She can't be gone.
is how I could have
been so blind.
That's where
Ruvé Darhk is.
and they have come
ready to play.
Kid must have found out
I was tracking her.
I'm not gonna let
that happen.
to hear her tell me
that she loved me, too.
Laurel Lance was
the Black Canary.
I hope someday you'll
understand my decision.
It's my responsibility.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 06, 2016
Oliver and Diggle learn that Merlyn is going to try to break Darhk out of prison. Meanwhile, Laurel gets a surprising offer.
who pulled out
of the race.
and this innocent.
It's past 11:30.
but this time,
it's different.
Guy's dressed like
a League of Assassins.
to his new friend
Darhk to get his mojo back.
Meanwhile, it pulled
our focus,
What is it?
What's going on?
Quentin: Tea. Hey.
Listen. I--I never
thought I'd say this,
Why didn't you have
him radio us in?
no prison will be
able to hold him.
Mr. Merlyn, do you know
what the Khushu idol is?
I'm gonna need a whole lot more
than a few stitches.
do anything
that we can do
gather the others,
and go for the boats.
that you think I am,
Miss Lance.
and now you're here, looking for
the missing piece of the idol!
I know exactly what
that Kevlar won't protect.
When I confronted him
at your apartment,
Some of us change,
some of us grow,
6 bags of heroin,
an no idol.
I confronted Andy,
You channeled your grief
and became the Black Canary,
"a time to plant,
a time to uproot,
Well, that figures.
Let's fan out and hit them
from all sides.
- No. Let me take him.
- Go!
Who wants to go
for a walk outside?
I told him what I would do
if he betrayed me.
Baron, we've got to
get out of here.
Did they keep those
inmates from escaping?
Oh, my God.
What are you
talking about?
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 30, 2016
Brie Larvan breaks out of jail and turns up at Palmer Tech threatening to kill everyone unless she gets the bio-chip that is implanted in Felicity’s spine. When Oliver realizes that Felicity, Thea and Donna are trapped in Palmer Tech with everyone else, he looks to a surprising ally to help Team Arrow save the day.
They're your men.
the first VAX,
it cost $700,000--
Hi, honey!
What's up?
Everything ok with--
is why my resources haven't been
deployed to get me out of here.
I know how passionately
you love
So what's a girl got to do
to get on her calendar?
She's after
something else.
You have a 104 fever.
Where do you think you're going?
- What?
- She stopped by Felicity's
Yeah, and sooner or later,
they're gonna be in here.
to track us back
to our"...
So you're
the infamous Damien Darhk.
How do you keep it
off the grid?
Looks like Felicity keeps
files on various criminals.
What have you done
to yourself?
Just try to think
happy thoughts.
You're welcome.
The Green Arrow is on his way,
Stung him badly.
Sorry. Ex-fiance.
it's gonna be like
John Hurt in "Alien"!
You sure
about this?
You used to control them the
old-fashioned way.
I have a tumor
on my L4 vertebrae.
Thea and Felicity
are still trapped
I just need him
to see.
she broke up with you
because of your choices,
Never mind.
On to other matters.
Sorry. I'm just sick
of worrying,
We're clear.
Ha ha!
Lay down, "Bee-yotch"!
a dozen innocent
and, like you said,
save a little bit
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 23, 2016
A heartbroken Cupid returns to Star City with one goal - to destroy anyone in love. The team learns she's killing couples on their wedding day so Oliver and Felicity decide to pose as bait.
and providing
maximum recovery time
Poor choice of words.
My bad. My specialty.
I mean, I guess we
didn't talk about it,
Oliver: Now that
you've found what
gonna help you not
feel helpless?
There's no one to testify
against Darhk.
Felicity tell you guys?
You're a little--
little more grim than usual.
Thought she was locked up
in some ARGUS sub-basement.
work up some leads
on Cupid.
No, sir.
I work security--
ordering a terrorist
drone strike.
They're on the move,
headed towards Pennytown.
I'd say enjoy
the afterlife,
She's targeting
celebrity couples.
Don't. Let him die.
The men are in position.
willing to take the stand.
how much I love
my baby girl.
the first 2 victims.
It's a big risk to run
with an innocent couple.
I leak the news saying
you guys wanted
Hey, Taiana,
wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.
After all, I'm the only one
of us who has men
He wanted me to break in
that if I didn't do
everything he asked--
and that if I didn't
help him do it,
[Chuckles softly]
But with your kindness,
But whatever has happened,
whatever will happen,
it was only off
by a little.
Cupid: Your engagement,
that horrible shooting,
The 2 words that start
every marriage: "I do."
love is life itself.
than you can ever take
away from us.
No, not tonight.
Watch it. It could
be a trap.
But I found Quentin Lance's
testimony to be
the theme of our
Yes, you can because
that's what both of us want.
I do know that,
and you know that.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 24, 2016
Oliver realizes he needs help battling Darhk so he calls in an old friend – Vixen. Using her magical ability to summon animal powers, Vixen gets a lock on Darhk's location and the team goes to war. Meanwhile, Thea has a heart-to-heart talk with Malcolm.
I suspect that is true,
Who's William?
if your first instinct is
to always hide the truth?
John: You're not actually
going for this, are you?
[Cell phone vibrates]
letting you get
into his life?
that you wouldn't tell
anyone about my son.
We will help you
get William back.
the same thing
over and over again
What? Not enough in Star City
to keep you busy?
How are you gonna
help me find my son?
[Voice whispering]
They told me.
than to ask me
the question.
I totally get
why you made it.
that I would never
let anything bad happen to her.
and I wouldn't let him.
Um, she was with him
when--when I was with him.
I wondered how long
it would take
My, my. I haven't
seen that trinket in a dog's age.
I got you!
Some of your friends
Mari: I am so sorry.
and Captain Lance
4 months later,
and they have.
I know that you put your heart and soul
into this campaign, and--
I didn't want to be
a part of William's life
but its power requires
a constant connection
You can't beat
yourself up about it.
Well, I heard what you told Felicity
about keeping him close.
Oliver, the best gift
you can give him is his childhood.
will be there.
William: Please
don't hurt them.
I want a Green Arrow
action figure.
We've gotten this
far because of you.
Heh. Could not have
done this without you.
You know, sometimes,
I lay awake at night,
You are incapable
of seeing the bigger picture,
I'm your father
biologically, that is.
I'm the Green Arrow,
It's also why I asked her
to wait to show you this message
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 17, 2016
Oliver and team uncover HIVE's plan to take out Team Arrow once and for all. With HIVE's next attack imminent, Lance wonders if Donna is safer without him in her life. Meanwhile, with the wedding fast approaching, Oliver begins to feel guilty that he hasn't told Felicity about his son.
about you stalking
his wife, as well.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
Oliver Queen with your
political legerdemain.
yet somehow we've found
ourselves mired
Well, there is the matter
of Quentin Lance.
Got a possible 602.
over in that corner.
and looks like mom wrote
a million-dollar check
Everything has unfolded
according to Providence.
Get out! Go, go,
go, honey!
Laurel: This wolf
being Darhk.
Debate prep. Just took the words
right out of my mouth.
All I want to do
is stop Reiter
You gamble?
yeah, it's--it's
Job seems easy enough.
and there were
blueprints on the screen.
Are these
really necessary?
Legend tells
of a hidden place
And when I see something
that beautiful
not doing
social studies.
She's got a son
named William
that I was--that
I was trying to do the right thing,
What Samantha is asking
for you to do,
building structures.
and you're trying
to keep her safe.
Reiter's gonna
kill everyone
everyone out
except Ruvé.
What do you see?
[Air hisses]
with Mr. Queen being
declared by most pundits
but there are different
forms of alive.
John, hi.
Nice to see you.
You were working
with Damien Darhk?
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 10, 2016
Oliver receives an offer from Nyssa that is hard to refuse. Meanwhile, Thea continues to battle the blood lust, Malcolm steps in to help his daughter, and Laurel has a heart to heart talk with Nyssa.
to kill 8,000 people.
So Nyssa's holding
Thea's life hostage
I'm done with you.
You're very handsome,
Yes, and I need to do
something to save her,
my birthright.
And you give us
the cure.
they may be.
that we're both
she gives us the rest
of the elixir,
You want to sit?
than I care to admit,
and it always ends the same way.
In exchange for
my daughter's life.
we shouldn't be
If it comes back,
not 3 feet from me.
If you want to be the man
that your father wishes you to be,
The way this is going down,
it ends one way--
You and I, we're
not all that different.
Baby steps.
Go! Get inside.
For that.
It's who
your father was,
Did something happen
with your dad?
You're surprised
because you're hoping
I know all this.
I do,
I would like to be
by her side.
A real father wouldn't let
their child die
to lay down your bow,
let him finish his plan for Star City,
I don't see how.
we will forego
the removal of shirts.
I have never allowed
anyone to fight
You've grown even more foolish
with experience.
But you always
knew that, Oliver.
and Nyssa and Merlyn
didn't have to die.
It's the only way
a child can grow up
and that is that you
are wanted by the police.
I released its forces
Don't you dare
threaten me, Malcolm.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 03, 2016
The team faces off against a formidable villain nicknamed The Calculator. Meanwhile, Nyssa makes her move and Roy Harper returns to Star City.
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 27, 2016
Diggle must learn to trust his brother Andy when an enemy of their wartime past, an agent of the criminal organization Shadowspire, pays a visit to Star City. However, Diggle learns more than he bargained for about their shared time at war. Meanwhile, Oliver has to learn a whole new way of life.
I need to call
the sitter.
Hey. What happened
to your arm?
Stay frosty, boys.
I am completely
and utterly losing it.
Your presence has
truly been missed.
strong, confident,
then the rest of Shadowspire
is gonna be
The 3 of us could
make bank
This place has been
good for you.
You saw the world
as something to be fixed.
security's down.
We found
the two Argus agents.
Have we met before?
who couldn't stop
the security doors from closing.
I can't...move.
I can't drive.
Those 3 dead men
were my agents.
It doesn't matter.
As the only other person
here who's had
that could be a little difficult,
don't you think?
Stop it. Stop feeling
sorry for yourself
Waller says
the shipment of railguns
clearly it didn't take.
These monitors work
just like TVs,
a little show
for me, huh?
so whatever their
next move is, it--
because I wanted to
help people,
I'm here to tell
you that it's not
You really don't know her that well
at all, do you?
Well, Ms. Michaels,
most trusted agent,
You guys are the only
game in town.
Gentlemen, check
the facility's ventilation shafts.
It's a shame you can't be
more like the little Diggle.
Tell us what to do.
but someone on the outside
is preventing me
To Amanda Waller?
- I was really badass.
- Yeah.
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 20, 2016
Oliver must deal with the devastating consequences of Darhk’s last attack. Seeking revenge, Oliver goes on a brutal manhunt looking for Dahrk.
Well, isn't
this touching?
to track down
Her name is Felicity.
Ok--office building,
832 Sixth Street,
Yeah. And I'll keep
chipping away
That's why I made
sure to bring these with me.
I'm just trying
to keep my friends safe.
just make sure he sees
what I do--
I don't know anymore!
It's far too late
for that.
Dad, Dad...
It's fine.
The blood Machin used for his graffiti
didn't come from the Ghosts.
Suit up.
Did you take
voice lessons?
I need to know where
Darhk is right now,
Do you remember
the last time
Andy, you're still
my little brother
Brother to brother.
and the big mouth
called you, right?
Oh, delicious.
We'll have updated information you
upon his release.
And you got one.
Do you have any idea
how many people
What are you doing here?
Every single day, working to
rebuild your home.
Wait, what?
What happens if he gets out
But right now,
until Darhk
was off the board.
if I can't protect the people that
are closest to me.
You won't get
an argument from me.
Could take a while.
Let's take him.
The Chinese use
this island as a prison.
You're a good man.
And glad you called.
How you feeling?
Aired 9 years ago - Dec 09, 2015
After the city is attacked again, Oliver makes a bold move against HIVE. Malcolm checks in on Thea and leaves her with a warning. Things take a horrible turn when Damien Darhk retaliates in a brutal manner at Oliver’s mayoral holiday party.
Yeah, that's what
I thought.
Try to talk to him
Reiter and Conklin
will suffer.
It wasn't me.
It was HIVE.
What happened to you, Andy?
In a ring box.
The HIVE has us
the people of Star City
know the truth about who he is.
And canceling your
Christmas party--
Yeah. He's gonna retaliate
somewhere, someplace.
I just wanted to
check and see how you're feeling.
Cheer up, Dad.
Ok? It's Christmas.
She must love you
right now.
We got married on
a scuba diving boat
Did you say
No, because what we're
doing is dangerous. And I--
Hmm. I'm only here to have a word
with the man of the hour.
Take care of these people.
Get them home if they need it.
Where you sit there
and you say that it's all your fault.
Are you ready?
That there was nothing
I wouldn't do to protect my baby girl.
What's the word for a man
who threatens the man
For years I wondered why the world
would allow those monsters to exist,
And no mask for you?
No, it's just the opposite.
True believers.
Every last one.
Why? 'Cause you
think that we're in this situation
to get through the hard times
because we are together,
in your mind, our bargain
was only at best implied.
Hey, come on, let's go.
Hi, there.
Especially if
you can't find a body.
Well, hey, Taiana.
For now.
No, I'm leading us exactly
where we need to be.
Would you make me
Aired 9 years ago - Dec 02, 2015
Oliver and Barry Allen take Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall to a remote location to keep them hidden from Vandal Savage while they figure out how to defeat him. Malcolm arranges a meeting between Vandal, Green Arrow and The Flash that doesn’t go as
planned. Meanwhile, Felicity, Thea, Diggle and Laurel work with Team Flash to come up with a weapon powerful enough to destroy Vandal Savage.
This cross-over episode began on The Flash's season 2 “Legends of Today” episode.
Zach Finley.
Load her up and move her out,
Let's check the kitchen,
Provided they're innocent.
There's a dark saturation
stain on the suspect's pants.
and I went to sleep.
Eric, let me take this.
Eric, the forensic expert
cannot walk on a case.
Or were you asleep
during the prelim?
You know what
that means.
Okay, cowboy, drop trou.
Finley couldn't have left semen
in Summer Davenport...
You're right, it's,
it's ridiculous.
Villani offered me
a contract,
That doesn't make any sense
because Jesse said...
Walter, what'd you get?
I'm not surprised that
their lives never intersected.
She let this guy into her house.
You think it might
be the same man?
He disappeared briefly
and when he came back,
He looked different.
Well, the RAM on a computer
keeps a volatile record...
Shot video
for 20 minutes.
âTª âTª...
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 18, 2015
Team Green Arrow's ongoing battle with Damien Darhk is complicated by a shocking revelation. Thea's bloodlust returns and she loses control in front of Alex.
Yeah, yeah.
To be honest, I'm feeling
at a bit of a loss
Got that.
of Star City has
attended the PBA.
and encourage
outside investment.
Good work.
We get him out of HIVE.
It's a hell of a lot
more believable
Nothing. I believe the wrong should
make things right.
Requiring ideal
conditions in order to thrive.
or I am calling the police.
These are a group
of men and women
Darhk called me
into his office this morning
A member of an organization
of killers?
Of course.
Oh, well, then you'll no longer
be unopposed.
Because you'd be doing it
as Oliver Queen?
This man betrayed us.
You know, I should
probably take this.
At least not this week.
that this world
is diseased.
what's left of them,
at any rate--
I just, uh, remembered,
for eight years,
I ate already.
My company, my city, my life.
I played around
with your bicuspid a bit.
in a defunct looney bin.
I did everything
that I could
their usual
Halloween costume,
Ahem. We need to get
an ID on Andy.
Actually, he's got
That usually works.
It's, uh, nice
of you to show up.
Well, I have
a long overdue chat
I'll kill him,
that monster!
To get there,
I'll need your help.
What does it
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 11, 2015
Felicity is frantic when she learns that Ray is alive and being held by Damien Darhk. Felicity's guilt over not finding Ray sooner causes tension between her and Oliver. Meanwhile, Sara joins Laurel, Thea, and the team on a rescue mission for Ray.
However, the effects of the Lazarus Pit take over and threaten to jeopardize the entire operation. Donna Smoak returns to Star City.
But that's obviously
not what happened,
What is that?
about how I got lost when I was walking
home from school once,
in the last 72 hours?
my God, Ray!
And, well, Ray is--
and I'm going to go enjoy
my lunch in peace.
um, except for that.
Not here-here,
Star City here.
piece of equipment,
or someone could die.
I don't remember
there being
I mentioned that I make a spectacular
chicken cordon bleu.
He's even blessed
some of the prisoners.
Apart from
probably death.
what I've done wrong.
It's my fault.
That is not who I am.
Felicity does it
in two seconds,
Everyone in this
city will.
I couldn't afford it.
But that's the problem.
But I just want to see
if I'm right, as usual.
My best guess is it needs
an asymmetric cipher.
But it is good to see
the experience didn't change you.
Uh, actually,
that this was a side
effect of the Pit.
I think it's time
that I really do that.
'Cause we found ourselves
in each other.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 04, 2015
When things take a turn for the worse with Sara, Oliver calls in a favor from an old friend who deals in the mystical, John Constantine.
I don't appreciate
the intrusion, gentlemen.
Because he would just see this
the same way as you.
Beijing, as in the Olympics?
I mean,
after your workout.
And what's this
thing going to do?
and Laurel, she--
she took me in at CNRI
How is she alive?
John Constantine.
your lovely hut
with his brains,
I think there are certain
situations in life
that you were
working with them?
healing anyone's pain;
It's just--it's making it worse.
Ho-wa An-tea!
She tried to kill me.
Laurel, come with me.
Thea wasn't.
I'm sorry about what
happened to Thea.
Says the guy with a gun
pointed at my head.
What? You've never
seen magic before?
I don't understand.
I'm not leaving.
What, you think Sara
can sense Thea somehow?
And only because you completed
your task with such efficiency.
So what, you're
going to perform
I've only got enough juice
to send myself and two of you
So be ready.
You want some of me?
I believe I owed
you one, mate.
Oh! I'm going to pretend
I didn't hear you just say that.
And, uh, what are you going
to do with it?
And when the time comes,
After what I said to
you in the hospital,
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 28, 2015
Laurel must deal with the repercussions of taking Sara to Nanda Parbat. Meanwhile, Oliver asks Captain Lance for a favor and while he's not surprised at the response, he is surprised at what he finds out next.
I mean, don't get me wrong,
but you're not a politician.
Maybe the other announcement
will go over better.
Oliver, how did you--
through a processing
algorithm 24/7.
but CSU says they need 48 hours to
get a full work-up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.
They're not going to come looking for me.
I'm going back to camp.
I've been receiving
these all week.
Ray must have connected
the prototype's computer
except for this one.
We love you.
Cisco said
They were killed by cops.
I want to see
the body.
those were cops.
but just not standard.
Those were specialized
Because they knew we'd
sniff them out otherwise.
of my ex-boyfriend's
final moment before he died.
Now you know
about this stuff.
I used the network access
that Captain Lance gave us
Utter disdain.
Do you have any idea how many
people he's killed?
And we needed the help.
I think if you're not, then you're
a stone cold killer.
I'm sorry, baby,
but you're not her.
Oh, God.
I wasn't going to
dishonor the badge like you have.
Word of advice--put
a bullet in my head now
you have failed this city.
'Cause once
we stop believing,
We haven't been
able to get close to Darhk.
Just--just wonderful.
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 21, 2015
The growing tension between Oliver and Diggle puts both their lives at risk when they go after Damien Darhk and a H.I.V.E. deployed meta-human. Meanwhile, Laurel talks Thea into returning to Nanda Parbat to ask her father to put Sara into the Lazarus Pit. However, Laurel is surprised when Nyssa refuses to do it.
I guess he just needs
more time.
We got a runner!
Definitely not someone
who deserves to be shot.
Flew in from Markovia.
My operatives are under orders
to choose death before capture.
I wouldn't wish it
on my most bitter enemy,
I think it's time
you did, too.
Robbery, auto parts store,
Litchfield Ave.
Round 'em up.
Get some rest.
because I was hoping
that the two of you
And the fact that
you could do that again
Some place where I'm going
to try to trust you again.
I've been on this island
three years,
Everything ok?
I think my opponent
was cheating.
The other week,
you reacted when I said
I have to find her.
I process disappointment.
Oh, my God.
and I have been hurt
every way you can imagine.
I think he'd make
an exception for a thief.
Don't talk to me!
that I would let that
happen to Sara?!
Is there any way
to track him down?
Gets to live.
We should be safe here,
but just in case...
Curtis, Curtis!
Too bad he's not
going to make it.
Yeah, we still can't get any Intel.
He's too afraid of Damian Darhk.
Thank you for not
letting him know
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 14, 2015
When an old family friend, Jessica Danforth, tells Oliver and Thea that she is going to run for mayor, both Queens are concerned considering the last three mayors have been murdered. Despite their protests, Jessica makes her announcement so the
Green Arrow and Speedy vow to protect her. Meanwhile, Thea begins to exhibit effects from the Lazarus Pit. In addition, Felicity is faced with a tough business decision and looks to one of her employees, Curtis Holt, for help.
Well, I admit that reconnecting with
the son and daughter
I work in the design
innovations department.
or increase our profits, there won't be
a legacy to protect.
I lost my good friend
Moira Queen,
We have money now.
Caught your TV debut.
To argue for company-wide
pay increases, raises.
No. Because we don't
keep secrets, remember?
You've been investigating this
This isn't about money for me.
I spoke to Diggle.
disarmament technique,
like this--
What happened
to Thea in Nanda Parbat?
Let's take him to Reiter.
He'll know what to do with him.
Yeah. I'm so sorry.
With that being said,
it's not too late for you to drop out.
His name is Lonnie Machin.
I don't know what
you're doing here.
What did you do?
I wasn't led to believe
you respected lines.
I just...
Malcolm tried to warn Ollie,
I guess, but he...
My sincere threat against your daughter
not withstanding,
And now, we've only
been back a week.
Let's get her down.
I'm not running for mayor.
Yeah, I heard.
I'm sorry, Miss Smoak,
you asked to see...Me.
Oh, we will.
told you about
the Pit immediately.
Because you're not the only reason
for us going to Nanda Parbat.
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 07, 2015
Oliver and Felicity’s blissful getaway is cut short when Thea and Laurel pay them a visit and tell Oliver they need his help back in Star City. The city has been attacked by “Ghosts,” assassins led by a dangerous man named Damien Darhk. However, when Oliver returns, Diggle makes it very clear that he doesn’t want Oliver on the team.
Unless it's to pack up
in the middle of the night,
That's just what
the media calls them,
You see them writhing
in agony on the streets,
I don't know how that
is not a bumper sticker yet.
You've certainly chosen
an unusual hobby, Mr. Queen.
and reports are coming in
that the city comptroller
Which we haven't
been able to find.
The hood and eye makeup
may suggest otherwise.
everywhere they've hidden,
and places you can cross...
Cluster bombs.
Sensor fused and high yield.
I have a wife and a toddler
to get back home to.
knowing you didn't
do anything to stop it.
I know it's been
a rough few months.
Lying to Felicity?
I know!
I care that the entire time
that God uses
to move the world.
That is not a good look.
the train station's
gonna be blown up by then.
Think I owe Laurel
50 bucks.
Oliver, man,
what are we doing?
You know what I mean.
I'm glad we're working together.
What terrain?
And he gave you
a hug because he missed you?
was pain, misery,
and darkness.
You can't be the Arrow,
he died. So who are you?
And the city is far
worse off than we thought.
Listen, I'm, um,
to stand with them,