Aired 9 years ago - May 13, 2015
Everyone's lives are in danger as Ra's al Ghul puts forth his final plan. Oliver/Al Sah-him must decide if he's strong enough to take on this new role and what it will mean for everyone on Team Arrow, and his soul.
Patience, miss Smoak.
I mean, this is like
a real dungeon!
Well, I don't know
In direct communication
with my men outside.
I handed you
my crusade!
Stay strapped in
and do exactly as I say.
going to destroy
the city...
What'd you find?
Damien Darhk is
in Starling City.
on my desk, and unless
I recently went blind, they're not here!
But don't just stand
there and lie to me right to my face.
I see my failure.
Every night since
the mountain,
you've allowed yourself
to feel something.
I don't know, we'll talk
about that later.
He wishes to be
in your presence
[Car horns honking,
cars crashing]
Ra's is using his own men
to disperse the virus!
Get back! Go! Go, run!
That is what
I'm trying to do.
[Cell phone rings]
I knew I chose well
with you, boy.
If I could
figure out how
When I started this,
What are you saying?
Starling still has heroes
to watch over it.
Despite our issues,
you may want to find
a way to conceal your identity
I don't want that darkness around
my mother or my sister.
Be safe out there, ok?
And I'm glad we got
to work together
Aired 9 years ago - May 06, 2015
Oliver/Al Sah-him finishes his training and is left with two final tasks to become the next Ra's al Ghul. Ra's threatens Nyssa and delivers some shocking news. Meanwhile, Malcolm makes a surprising offer to Team Arrow and Thea goes to see Roy.
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 29, 2015
Oliver goes through a rigorous transformation. The League of Assassins sets their sights on Nyssa, who is back in Starling City training Laurel. When Nyssa realizes they are coming, she arms up to face them alone but Laurel asks Felicity and Diggle to help protect her new friend.
A place now home
only for the dead.
Shrieve is to blame,
this is his doing.
But you see, I hesitated.
And with that hesitation,
Many lives have been lost,
others endangered.
I'm starving.
I am a normal person.
little comparison
Even if she knew what that was,
Do not say
It's United States
Army. Shrieve's men.
You should go.
is to protect
the people he loves.
I will not cower in the shadows
waiting for death.
In spite of everything that
she grew up with.
We have to get back to Akio.
that can turn Oliver against
the people he loves.
alone, miserable,
maybe I could...
We can't let you
hurt her, man.
Laurel, these
past few weeks,
How's Nyssa?
When Oliver stayed behind when
he agreed to join the League,
were they
friends of yours?
He is my brother.
You have always had an incredible
strength inside you,
You call yourself
exchange me for your beloved.
Johnny told me,
but how could you become this?
Search them.
You're still Oliver.
And what's that?
Did you search her?
Well, your wishes
were no longer my concern
I didn't know...
Are you trying
to convince me
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 22, 2015
Ra’s al Ghul finally makes Oliver an offer he can’t refuse. The team joins Oliver on his journey to Nanda Parbat where a heartbroken Felicity decides to take matters into her own hands.
Where's Oliver?
He offered to use the Lazarus pit
on Thea, didn't he?
Because I'm coming with you.
Assuming that this works,
I need your jet.
When I...told you
that I loved you at the hospital,
Well, if by "little,"
you mean hardly anything.
[Tires squealing]
League of Assassins.
What was your child's name?
I'm here, Thea.
It--it's me.
She thinks Moira's still alive.
You have a great
fire within you.
And all
your posturing
This is different.
then...I don't know
what it was all for.
You...opened up my heart
We should split up
to cover more ground.
[Both chuckle]
I won't.
that the scary fortress
always has a secret exit.
Need to stop and rest
for a minute?
[Thea gasping]
Aren't you coming with?
And--and Ra's, he--
You took care of me when I was injured.
Now, please, Thea,
Blood has been shed.
I struck down
three of our number.
Your service will be vital
in the coming weeks.
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 15, 2015
Lance continues his mission to take down the Arrow so Felicity orders Oliver to keep a low profile. However, when a meta-human named Jake Simmons, who kills people with blasts of energy and plasma, starts terrorizing Starling City, Oliver is forced to ask Ray for help. The unlikely duo is forced to team up to save the city.
And Oliver was released.
Well, I'll let you get back
to work-slash-worry,
Now I get
to save yours.
Safe as I can manage.
I had nothing to do
with Roy turning himself in...
Sorry for the rush,
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
Shut up! Whatever line of crap
you're thinking about giving me,
Somebody needs
to protect this city.
A meta, as in human?
His team has
developed a vaccine
Oliver: Thea, don't worry.
Way ahead of you.
Jake Simmons.
The second that you get in
over your head...
that you and Palmer
are related.
your opponent.
Shrieve has assured
we won't get off this island alive.
Look, I don't know what
it is you think that you're going to find,
Your brother dropped
a lot of bodies.
Thea: Ollie!
I think you're struggling
with doing nothing;
Well, right now,
'cause I knew,
just somehow I knew,
that what you're doing here makes up
for any of at you did out there.
It's this way.
The one Felicity
just went to.
But the Atom?
Well, the Atom can fly.
Kick his ass.
Take him out, Ray.
Harper was killed
an hour ago.
Leaves a convincing
amount of blood without the kill.
I'm starting
a new one.
and then the three of you
need to get somewhere safe.
Mmm. You know,
you're the only other person
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 01, 2015
During an attack on the mayor's office, Ray is critically injured. Felicity is pleasantly surprised when her mother, Donna Smoak, shows up at the hospital to offer her support. With the SCPD out in full force looking for the assailant, Oliver and
his team work hard to stay one step ahead of the police to find the man responsible. However, things come to a head when Ra's al Ghul kidnaps Captain Lance.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 25, 2015
It's celebration time as Diggle and Lyla get married. However, Deadshot interrupts their honeymoon, and tells them the Suicide Squad has been given a new mission - rescue United States Senator Joseph Cray from a hostage situation in the Republic of
Kasnia. Amanda Waller breaks down the mission and introduces them to the newest member of the Suicide Squad, Cupid. Meanwhile, Oliver learns about Ray's new Atom costume and the two have a heated stand-off. Felicity and Ray hit a rough patch.
shouting questions]
[Inhales, exhales]
You remember what I told you
about not letting go?
The entire gang
is going to show up for protection.
You seeing anybody, Cutter?
Latest satellite flyover
reveals warm bodies here.
Just leave the package
at the door.
He was far away,
fighting the bad guys.
Oliver Queen
is the Arrow.
Last night, I saw
your friend Oliver
that's over now.
There's something
wrong with it?
Nobody understands,
do you hear me?!
It's my husband.
He has a gun.
Palmer knows I'm the Arrow?
so as to be ruled out
as a suspect in the future.
How is it you both
ended up wearing masks?
[Sighs] It's all wrong.
The bullet was a through and through,
I ain't going to die.
Damn it! It's not
going through.
was supposed
to go home alive.
You know,
I have to admit,
And you should
trust her judgment.
Thermal strikes. Here,
here, here, and here.
Sorry, I, uh, I didn't quite hear
you the first time.
Who's asking?
be with my family.
Excuse me?
Neither can Ray.
I'd say you have the right to remain
silent, but I'm not a cop.
Ray: It's over.
Well, you are true
to your name
Go, go, go, everybody
go, go, go!
I tried to set
the record straight.
Not like what I've been doing
for far too long.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 18, 2015
Still weighed down by his last meeting with Ra's al Ghul, Oliver returns home to find a new villain and his crew has started terrorizing Starling City - Michael Amar AKA Murmur a man whose mouth has been sewn shut. Meanwhile, Laurel and Nyssa bond
over their issues with their fathers and Nyssa makes Laurel an offer. Thea is forced to come to terms with her father after Oliver brings Malcom to the loft to recover, and Lance shuts out both Laurel and the Arrow.
But see, I would never
shame you with such bluntness.
You will be scorned
I put three arrows
into her chest,
And they have permitted me
You survived my sword.
Numbers greater than any army.
Then you are free
to leave.
I have to go.
Ok, everything
is going to be "hao Ba."
The botanical gardens!
The what?
And he certainly wouldn't do it for
Malcolm Merlyn's.
When you no longer
need training.
still pretending like you didn't know
my daughter was dead?
All so he doesn't
have to carry around
Then I will take you
That's not true.
Oliver, he just
needs time.
I'm the last person
to stop you from killing him.
You know,
you're lucky, Laurel.
To make sure
you can't be hurt again.
Do it like I taught
you--one strike to the neck,
As a gift
to Oliver Queen.
[Speaking Arabic]
He's not innocent anymore.
What was he after tonight?
than I could ever do
as Oliver Queen or the Arrow.
And if I just
can't be me...
Before Malcolm...
without conditions?
Hey, what are
those bamboo things called?
He's out with Roy.
All varying on the theme
of you're crazy,
I can't answer
that for you.
They can go through body
armor like tissue paper.
you used to wait up for
me when I was on nights.
You know me.
I don't dance.
those police officers,
[Cell phone rings]
I suppose I wanted
something to remind me of her.
Is that an offer to teach me?
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 25, 2015
Malcolm is captured by Ra’s al Ghul and taken to Nanda Parbat. Because of his love for Thea, Oliver considers saving Merlyn. Ray is obsessed with finishing his Atom suit so he can save the city but Felicity fears he is heading down the same path as Oliver and tries to pull him out of the lab.
When's the last time
you got a decent night's sleep?
Ms. Waller's
participation is concluded.
that could destroy
the entire building.
Because of the threat
of the League.
I mean, I know
Sara used to smile
Do you really need to
ask me that question?
You killed my sister,
you stupid son of a bitch!
Because you let your emotions
dictate your actions,
that she basically just
killed her own father.
No. Because we know
I won't have to.
She wanted
to tell me.
I just came from
a friend of mine
5 hours of sleep, at
the completion of which
Last time, I didn't go
because Oliver wouldn't let me.
If your father dies
because of
I'll be back
as soon as I can.
and then nearly half
a century later,
Please don't
do this.
as the next
Centuries old,
never taken by force.
Toss me your gun.
I'll cover you.
It was so innocent,
so genuine.
But, yeah, you're right.
Every soldier
on the battlefield, man,
How you feel about being
my best man?
Go! Get him out
of here! Go!
That's the police officer's
when I let him
into my life,
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 18, 2015
Malcolm puts Oliver and Thea in a dangerous situation that lands them on Lian Yu with Oliver’s former enemy, Deathstroke. A flashback reveals when Oliver and Maseo returned to Starling City to retrieve the Omega bio weapon, and despite being under
strict orders from Amanda Waller not to reveal himself to anyone, Oliver looks in on his family, Laurel and Tommy.
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 11, 2015
Oliver is thrown by the changes within Team Arrow. He’s used to calling the shots but sees that the team has evolved in his absence and tensions quickly escalate in the lair. Oliver is furious that Laurel has been going out as the Black Canary and
tells her to stop risking her life, but when Vertigo hits the streets again, Laurel goes against Oliver’s wishes and tracks down Vertigo who hits her with a full dose of the drug. Laurel’s biggest fears revolve around her sister Sara so the Vertigo causes her to hallucinate an epic fight between Canary and Black Canary. Meanwhile, Chase surprises Thea, and Roy warns Thea to stay away from Malcolm.
But I don't see
how we can do that
Once the world knows
Oliver Queen is still alive,
that the accused
So you still
haven't told me--
Where are we going?
I know that this isn't
going to mean much.
That was you.
You didn't.
I turned my back
on everyone I know,
Tell everyone.
It's not convenient,
it's planned.
but I risked my life
for this city while you were gone.
We can protect her.
that escaped from the courthouse
earlier today.
But I don't trust him.
We erased your message
before she could hear a word of it.
Poor Speedy.
[Chuckles] Those boxing lessons
look like they're paying off.
and the one
with the mask?
She's not a soldier.
I told them
you were on the ferry.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I hope I'm not
out of line here,
This was nice.
Actually, there is.
Straight to my face,
my own daughter!
I wonder what
gave them that idea.
It's ok, honey.
I'm so sorry.
Conquer your own fear,
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 04, 2015
Still operating without Oliver and desperate to stop Brick, Team Arrow is forced to consider Malcolm’s offer to help shut Brick down as Malcolm has a personal score to settle with the felon. Roy and Laurel point out that the team could use some help
to save the innocents of The Glades, but Felicity is adamantly against it. They look to Diggle to make the final decision. Meanwhile, the flashbacks chronicle Malcolm’s descent from kind-hearted father and husband to cold-blooded killer after the murder of his wife.
I mean, I thought
the mayor was
And now you face people
who want to kill you.
so good night.
Ingrid put me to sleep.
You think I don't
recognize you
and the evidence
your father gave us.
he is gonna come
for me and my sister.
I swore that I would
always protect her from harm,
Your dad told me
that your mom's an angel now.
At the diner, his men,
they were--
So why not continue
our association?
That obvious, huh?
it means something that
he was there
All I am saying is
let's use him.
So just like Thea
did the night of the siege,
It has.
Excuse me, excuse me.
but it will be whatever
you hold most precious.
You protected me,
risked your life for me
Look. Go back to sleep.
What if it doesn't?
Roy's right.
Then let's end this
You murdered her because
you wanted into a gang?
and it won't
bring her back
[Cell phone vibrates]
I want every block
turned upside down,
things got--ahem--
It takes away
a piece of your soul,
Only the student
has hope of defeating the master.
It's Ra's al Ghul's,
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 28, 2015
Arsenal and Diggle confront Laurel about trying to step into her sister’s shoes and warn her to stop before she gets herself killed. However, when Brick kidnaps the city’s Aldermen and threatens to kill them all unless the police evacuate The
Glades, it’s all suits on deck. Meanwhile, Ray steps in to help Lance and the police force fight Brick, showing Felicity a new side of her boss. Malcom tells Thea that Ra’s al Ghul is after him and his family and they must leave town immediately.
betrayed him...
Where is Felicity?
Let's talk about you.
She's not here anymore.
not a suit
powered by...
Are we cool?
It just seems like
You just ordered me
to uproot my life
Um, you heard
from your sister?
has just made a large
donation to the SCPD,
[Wind blowing]
Ah, still beating. You ok?
Jim Huffman.
You're making
this stuff up!
She'll get to the truth no matter
how well you think you're hiding it.
I thought we were on the same
page with this.
If you want to make it a hat trick,
well, that's your prerogative.
I fell in with Ra's
because I was consumed
I guess you came
here to talk some sense into me.
I'm not strong enough
to fight for Sara.
All this for me?
The city servicemen,
especially the police--
Captain Lance?
No matter who you think
you've become.
Queen is still alive.
Only...if the serum
is genuine.
Sometimes, me and Oliver
will come down here after,
I was wrong when
I said Oliver's mission was over,
I'm sorry.
I just found out one of them's got
a heart condition.
Yeah. One second.
According to the last signal
from the pacemaker,
of every city council member
and their family,
So why run?
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 21, 2015
In the aftermath of Oliver’s fight with Ra’s al Ghul, Diggle and Arsenal continue to protect the city in the Arrow’s absence. However, after three days without hearing from Oliver, they begin to fear the worst may have happened to their friend.
Felicity refuses to believe that Oliver could be dead until Merlyn pays the team a surprise visit. Thea suspects there is something more behind Oliver’s disappearance and asks Merlyn for a favor. Meanwhile, Ray tests a part of his new suit and Laurel takes up the mantle of the Black Canary.
Aired 10 years ago - Dec 10, 2014
Nyssa returns to Starling City and tells Oliver that her father, Ra’s al Ghul has given Oliver 48 hours to find Sara’s killer or the League of Assassins will start killing the citizens of Starling City. Laurel is stunned when her father delivers a
very special Christmas gift – her mother, Dinah. Meanwhile, Ray tries to make amends with Felicity and Oliver sets a meeting with Ra’s al Ghul.
and tell you
how much I miss you.
By who?
There's a cold press juice bar,
organic salad station.
But you're
They're calling it
It's the reassembled
genome S.T.A.R. Labs
We don't have time.
How did she get
in here before us?
'cause I thought you could
do a little Christmas surprise.
Whoever was on that plane was working
pretty hard to hide where it was going.
Maybe it wasn't your DNA, Oliver,
maybe it was Thea's.
because Malcolm Merlyn
put it there.
Oh, my God,
you're cheating on someone.
And she was,
Malcolm's the only
family I have left besides you.
It's Sara.
isn't she?
I have ever known,
What I've done
is given you incentive.
Thea was always so kind.
I'm fighting for Thea.
We've taken her inside man.
[Speaking Japanese]
Kneel before
the Demon's head.
Because it was me.
Maseo is dead.
A place for the settlement
of blood debts--
Oh, God, you should
have seen it.
Akio, no!
about what it is you're doing.
I can help a lot
of people that way.
Not this time.
I appreciate that.
But I do know two things--
You will see her
before I do.
Aired 10 years ago - Dec 03, 2014
A crossover event that began on "The Flash" concludes with Oliver teaming with the Flash to stop a boomerang-wielding killer who plants five bombs in the city that are set to explode at the same time.
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 19, 2014
Oliver must stop an Arrow-obsessed serial killer, Carrie Cutter, who is convinced that The Arrow is her one true love and will stop at nothing to get his attention. Unfortunately, her way of getting his attention is to kill people. Meanwhile, Ray
asks Felicity to be his date for a work dinner with important clients. Thea auditions new DJs for Verdant and meets Chase, a brash DJ with whom she immediately clashes.
reporters and city notables
waiting for you.
Isaac Stanzler's chest.
A lot of help.
Look at this.
And this isn't a spade.
I was just researching
cheap booze for Thea's club.
Not anymore.
And you just
a billionaire
I don't audition.
Then you don't work.
Apparently stalking
isn't her only hobby, either.
Find Gravano.
I'll take care of Cutter.
It's about us.
Please help me. don't leave me
with this psycho!
I know this can't be easy,
with Felicity spending
Yeah, it's
really, really,
But if there were,
To do that, I need
to understand her.
If you'll permit
a professional observation...
very dangerous men.
And diamonds aren't
really my thing, so.
Some kind of
computer expert
Yes, it bothers me that apparently
she is just moving on with her life,
Thin beard, long hair,
Ah, Mr. Gardner.
Ray Palmer.
You know, I'm glad
you're enjoying yourself.
I am so sorry. I had to help
a co-worker with a thing.
Perhaps you can
enlighten us.
and do not take your eyes off of Thea,
do you understand?
I'm not there.
And me.
Me being Felicity.
She just wanted me
to take pills,
You sure this was
a good idea,
because three agents
got killed.
God, your modesty, it's--
it's so refreshing.
Gardner's going to sell.
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 12, 2014
After a body is found strung up in the Wildcat gym, Ted becomes the main suspect. Oliver and Laurel argue over Ted’s innocence. When Maseo needs Oliver to remember where an informant for China White stashed key information, he asks Tatsu to help jog Oliver’s memory. Roy shares a secret with Felicity.
if I let you get killed because
your reaction time is slow, ok?
because she avoids using any traceable
forms of communication.
being surprised and not getting rattled.
You look rattled.
You just did.
I'm just looking for reasons to help
me sleep, you know?
for the past two hours.
He trained with me,
The reason I haven't
been sleeping
They felt like memories.
we'll cut him loose.
Two weeks ago, I said
I wouldn't train you to fight.
When we capture Chien Na Wei,
my debt is paid.
but the killer, the psycho
mass murder guy,
Says a guy currently
wearing one.
No one.
with your little
private chat?
You cannot be serious.
There were certain
things about the forensics
I trusted you!
No. He's innocent.
I know.
I thought he was cured.
I can't. I can't. If Roy
killed Sara, then--
That, and his trouble sleeping
started right when Sara was killed.
In through your nose,
out through your mouth.
Probably worth a mini-series,
huh? Maybe a book?
The arrow saw you with him.
He knows you know who it is.
You know the guy
the Arrow's been
What happened
to Isaac Stanzler?
it's supposed to be about
justice, right?
they wanted payback
for the man they lost.
Albert Mancini wasn't.
You still strung him up
Don't stop!
Ted, your mistake wasn't
cutting him loose...
was not what
I had in mind.
Well, maybe that's
what we should call you, then.
Find hidden truths.
It was a memory.
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 05, 2014
When a cyber attack brings Starling City to its knees, Oliver and Felicity are pushed to their limits to contain the destruction. Life gets even more complicated for Felicity when her mother, Donna, stops by for a surprise visit. Ted questions Laurel’s motives. Thea buys an apartment with Malcolm’s 'estate' money.
Hi. You can call me donna.
Planning my funeral
after I die
of embarrassment.
Spoofing the ip,
switching to md6, and...
So, yes, legally,
his estate goes
But that does not mean
you have the right to tell me
Judgment has been rendered
against this city.
Diggle, meet felicity's mom.
My mother loves
babies. Just...
Hello, detective--
Your beloved dollars
wiped away as your accounts
will finally all be equal,
What's going on?
Just know that
I never imagined
the virus being used
To any infected server.
Can you get me an address?
And I'm going to tell them
I wrote the super virus.
I can't talk
about it with you.
A super hacker is trying
to take over the city
and I'm worried about you.
[cell phone vibrates]
I'm one of the sheep lunatics
like these guys hate.
myron shared
your code with.
I just really
need to be
alone right now.
Did you ever create
I'm sorry that I don't
dress like a porn star!
All I see
is what he gave you.
There are people
on the other end
of this thing, right?
You know, earlier today,
thea told me
Someone wanted you
to be here.
Corporate lap dog.
Which directs them
to city deposit.
I could have them go back,
check things out.
Is for you to be happy.
Huh? Oh, that,
that's the watch.
Oliver: I disagree!
I've had some
with that.
You were right.
See, now I know
how to teach you.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 29, 2014
A furious Nyssa confronts Oliver about Sara, then join forces against the Dark Archer, intent on bringing the killer to justice. Laurel keeps her distance from Nyssa. Oliver and Roy work on repairing their respective relationships with Thea, who has returned home. Nyssa discusses Oliver with her father.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 22, 2014
Oliver decides it’s time for Thea to come back to Starling City, so he packs for Corto Maltese, where Felicity has traced Thea’s whereabouts. Lyla asks Diggle to go with Oliver because one of her field operatives, Mark Shaw, has gone dark in Corto
Maltese and she’d like him to look into it. Feeling responsible for Thea’s departure, Roy joins Oliver and Diggle on their journey. Shaw double-crosses Diggle, putting numerous A.R.G.U.S. agents, including Lyla, at risk. Meanwhile, Laurel meets Ted Grant, and Felicity adjusts to her new job.
Don't worry, Oliver, we'll find him.
He's out there somewhere.
I'm watching Laurel
go through losing Sara.
Well, that's what my Glock
is for, right, baby?
but the rest of the world is still
a very dangerous place.
out of this system?
I think you know my answer.
It will activate
your mind and body.
Like this.
This isn't just a visit.
Sorry if I'm rambling.
I'm a little over-caffeinated.
Q.C.'s bleeding edge
research division,
off this sidewalk.
and acquired
the A.R.G.U.S. actual.
I thought that I was going
to want to drink...
Some of you know,
he still drinks, a lot.
I'm in position.
There's no buy,
is there, Shaw?
I didn't just leave
because of you, Roy.
If being here instead of home
makes you happy, then--
It's not your fault,
it's mine.
The tech boys
are still working on that.
Are you near a computer?
Kind of.
Let me guess--long story?
What happened
the five years I was away,
Ok, Laurel,
Roy showed me
the note you left him.
to you on that island,
or who you became,
Never wanted you
to know.
But if we're not
together, then...
A.R.G.U.S., they
know we're here.
And all his lies
and secrets?
She's not coming.
Oliver, ever sense
it happened,
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 15, 2014
Lance calls the Arrow when another archer appears in town and starts skewering businessmen. Diggle uses A.R.G.U.S. to find the archer’s identity; he is a man named Simon Lacroix, who goes by the codename Komodo. However, the team hits a rough patch
with the mission and gets help from a surprising source – Laurel. Meanwhile, Oliver begins to worry that he hasn’t heard from Thea, which forces Roy to tell him the truth about why she left town. Ray Palmer pursues Felicity. In the flashback, Maseo tells Oliver that Amanda Waller has ordered his first kill. As Oliver looks down the scope of the rifle, he sees the target is his best friend, Tommy. Despite her promise to her sister, Laurel debates sharing a secret about Sara with Lance.
♪ Arrow 3x02 ♪
Original Air Date on October 14, 2014
Hey, whoever
did this,
At least now if we wait until
we catch whoever did this,
What'd we get off
the cameras?
Stay on task.
An abandoned warehouse
on the corner of Third and Lemire.
You didn't
eliminate the target!
You need to show it to him.
Got to make
an impression, right?
Or...I can quit.
Not the ones that matter.
[Both grunt]
Simon Lacroix. Born in
Saint-Sophie, Quebec.
Come on, Ollie.
Tell me about
the driver of the car.
But it involves
Amanda Waller
Laurel Lance. I'm with the district
attorney's office.
Well, it's taking too long.
Sara's killer is still out there,
How can you stand there
being so cold
because you can't
treat people like this.
I just need Thea
to call me back.
I didn't say anything
because this is my fault.
you're just going
to stand there
Three to Kelso, one more to Burke,
two more to Kaufman.
and most importantly,
your time.
but won't.
It's about last night.
I always forgive you.
No, this isn't right.
Laurel, we'll know.
of the CEO of Merlyn Global.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 08, 2014
With crime in Starling City at an all-time low, Oliver thinks he can finally balance being both the Arrow and Oliver Queen and asks Felicity out on a date. Diggle becomes a father, Lance is promoted to Captain, Laurel joins Arrow’s inner circle and
Felicity gets a part-time job at a tech store to make ends meet. Oliver fights to regain his company, Queen Consolidated, but comes up against a very worthy opponent – the charming Ray Palmer.
I'm going
to head out, too.
Arrowheads, one of the few things
that I can make.
Except now the only
person you're fooling is yourself.
You catch 'em,
I cook 'em.
Thank you.
In the wake
of the count,
"It" is not work. It is a soul crushing
exercise in misery
For tonight.
You had it handled.
For what you said today.
And you should know that.
piggybacked using
crowd-sourced stealth processing.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I could be with someone
that I...
Oliver, I know
what you're thinking.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
I'm on your side!
Stable. He's at
starling general.
About our dinner or our dinner
getting blown up?
Your husband?
Really? Who?
I mean,
this company's my family.
Yeah, good. Anyway.
Science. Numbers.
[Chuckles] And after
two terrorist attacks,
it's that two years ago, I made
the decision to put Oliver Queen aside
Diggle: Take out
the competition.
Where do you
want me?
and so am I.
It's in the maintenance tunnel
underneath the stands.
You're going
to freeze the thing.
You look well.
How's Nanda Parbat?
OK, maybe a little,
but as it turns out,
And what does that mean?
Not now.