Aired 10 years ago - May 14, 2014
Slade moves forward with his plan to kill one more person in Oliver’s life. While Oliver has fought all year to be more than the killer he once was, when Slade kidnaps someone close to Oliver’s heart, Oliver is pushed to the edge and realizes
sometimes it takes doing the unthinkable to stop the monster. Meanwhile, Diggle takes on Amanda Waller with a little help from some friends, and Thea turns to Roy in her time of need.
You need to stop Waller
or buy us enough time to stop Slade.
the strength to pull the trigger,
but not you, Thea.
it's counting on each
and every one of you...
Gee, you could've called
before you invited five, six...
Look, Ollie, I'm sorry about your mother.
Remember everything that you've learned.
You're my daughter.
There's not much I don't know about you.
- I tried.
- Ooh, we have a new big problem...
Look, I know you said you were trying
another way, and I respect that...
This isn't happening
because you're not willing to be a killer.
Stay here, get packed,
and I'll be right back.
- Down, now!
- Everybody get down! Down, down!
And I pity them.
But once again, you missed the point.
What does she say to you? I remember
her being beautiful, young, kind.
Poor Sara.
How many times you gonna watch her die?
I'll take away everything
and everyone you've loved.
Daddy, stay with me. Dad?
Thea Queen was also weak, and no matter
what it takes, I will be strong.
Last time I didn't notice
it's actually kind of beautiful here.
Aired 10 years ago - May 07, 2014
Oliver rallies his team as Slade’s soldiers attack the city. Felicity gets a call from S.T.A.R. Labs with game-changing news and Thea comes face-to-face with her father – Malcolm Merlyn.
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 30, 2014
After Slade threatens to take everything Oliver loves away, Oliver decides the fastest way to stop further bloodshed is to surrender to his enemy. Knowing that surrender will surely lead to Oliver's death, Diggle and Felicity go to extreme measures
to keep Oliver from confronting Slade. Meanwhile, Thea considers leaving town, and Laurel resumes her crusade against Sebastian Blood. Finally, Slade unleashes his assault on Starling City.
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 23, 2014
The mirakuru sends Roy into an uncontrollable rage and he unleashes on the city. After Roy’s deadly fight with a police officer, Oliver realizes the mirakuru has taken over Roy completely and must figure out a way to stop him. Things get more
complicated after Sara declares that Roy is too far gone and the only way to stop him is to kill him. Meanwhile, Thea believes she can breakthrough to Roy so she goes on camera at Moira’s campaign rally to lure him to Verdant. Her ploy works but after Roy attacks Thea, Team Arrow unleashes on him.
Yes. I think our message
is resonating with the voters.
Thea, I know you're upset,
and you have every right to be...
It's a very complicated situation.
Is everything all right?
I got a girl pregnant.
- We gonna have a problem, guy?
- Seriously? Just leave him alone. He's fine.
Slade Wilson is still at large.
I'd say this visit is unexpected
but I despise understatement.
Where there is money, Oliver,
there are people looking to take advantage.
Well, you used to live,
but Roy doesn't know that.
I need you to use those and fight this.
You can do it.
Ever since, I've been looking for a way
to thank you.
You know, you're right.
You should go back to lurking.
but please be warned that the footage
maybe too graphic for some viewers.
That was different and you know it. Roy
has the Mirakuru in him, just like Slade.
Yes, this would be the second accident
in as many weeks...
Can I offer you some advice,
one mother to another?
place its faith in someone
so responsible for its suffering?
I am so proud to have my mom here tonight.
Lidocaine, now.
I'll see to the safety of your daughter.
Go. Thea, we have to go now.
We'll get Roy the help he needs.
I promise. Go.
I Would've killed him.
Someone who can harness that light
that's still inside of you.
- It took guts.
- Not really.
But to start...
- No.
- No.
You possess true courage.
before this can end.
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 16, 2014
Oliver, Canary, Diggle and Felicity return to the lair and find Slade waiting for them. An epic battle breaks out and one member of Team Arrow is sent to the hospital. Thea hits her breaking point, but just as Oliver is about to reach her, Slade
intervenes and Oliver is faced with a choice – his battle with Slade or his family. Meanwhile, Laurel struggles with a new secret.
As CEO of Queen Consolidated...
Working with him last year
cost you your detective shield.
It's not like Dad to lie.
We need to move everything to a new trust
Isabel can't touch.
- What are you gonna do to him?
- Make him scream.
The Mirakuru.
Welcome home.
Excuse me, I'm Laurel Lance.
Is my sister okay?
- What happened to you?
- Oh, I'm fine.
Thea, I know that you're mad
at Morn and me...
Hey, hey, he...
I thought I was gonna be okay.
I did a full sweep.
It's the only thing that's missing.
We're not exactly the poster children for:
I heard that the person who attacked you
had man parts, which would make him a he.
The prisoners that he freed from Iron Heights
last week to create his own personal army do.
- The cure is real, I promise.
- No, he's just trying to save his neck.
It's your call.
- so I would start talking.
- Where's Slade?
Would I have put myself through that
because I was a jilted lover?
But instead my internship was terminated
and he never spoke to me again.
- Who?
- Laurel.
- We need help. What are you doing?
- Remember me?
- If I could help him, I would.
- That's not what this is about.
Sara, do you mind giving Dad and I
a second alone, please?
- I didn't even want to know who he was.
- Why not?
I know this is selfish, Oliver,
and don't hate me for saying this, but...
I Will.
- Mirakuru.
- You weren't thinking about taking it...
It feels like a long time ago now.
You didn't have to do that for me.
Aired 10 years ago - Apr 02, 2014
Slade makes his move against Oliver and the repercussions are enormous. While Oliver scrambles to protect his family, a key player in his team starts to question Oliver’s decisions. Meanwhile, Isabel makes her move to take Queen Consolidated away from Oliver.
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 26, 2014
When Frank Bertinelli is arrested, Oliver knows it’s only a matter of time before his daughter, Helena, AKA The Huntress, returns to town. To make matters worse, Laurel is picked to try Frank’s case, putting her right in the path of Helena. Oliver
tells Sara he will handle his ex-girlfriend, but when Helena takes hostages at the courthouse, including Laurel, the Canary will stop at nothing to save her sister. When The Huntress and Canary meet, an epic battle begins. Meanwhile, Roy realizes he needs to keep Thea safe, but doesn’t like the way he is forced to go about it.
With Frank Bertinelli in custody, it's just a
matter of time before she rolls back in town.
It's just, uh...
Thanks for coming.
Sorry about the way things ended here.
There are RICO counts that your time
at CNRI make you ideally suited for.
- I got a line on Michael Staton, Helena's fiancé.
- Felicity, he's dead.
I thought I was helping you control it.
That's why you're gonna do what I'm asking.
If you're worried I'm gonna slip, I'm
still going to two meetings a day and...
There's my problem, Sara.
Like Helena, he is not too pleased
with my skills as a mentor.
But when it comes to our families...
No. I just wanted to watch the trial. I
heard the prosecutor was something special.
Oliver, you know I can't.
where Helena Bertinelli
and a number of assailants...
It's hard to keep track
of who knows whose identity.
Roy, yesterday you gave me
a bracelet worth every dime you had.
Sara was right.
This is me being strong. I'm staying.
One last chance. Oliver for Hendrik.
if Hendrik is not
standing here by my side!
We talked that night.
Every problem I had...
Vigilantes are not the law.
Damn vigilantes!
How did you get in here?
I thought I could help you.
Look, on behalf of the entire DA's office,
I have to apologize.
Aired 10 years ago - Mar 19, 2014
Following Slade’s return and his promise to make good on his threat to destroy Oliver’s loved ones, Oliver focuses all his energy on preparing for battle with his former friend. Sarah tries to help but, fearing for her safety, Oliver pushes her
away. Meanwhile, Diggle is recruited by Amanda Waller and A.R.G.U.S. to stop a warlord he knew from his time in Afghanistan. Always the soldier, Diggle agrees to help. However, he’s not prepared when Amanda introduces him to the rest of the team – Deadshot, Bronze Tiger and Shrapnel, all criminals he and Arrow helped put away. Lyla defends the team and explains the world is a complicated place, but Diggle isn’t sure he agrees. When the mission takes a dangerous turn, Diggle is forced to make a difficult decision.
I just need to find him.
Roy's keeping an eye on Thea,
Sara's staying close to Laurel.
- Is there a problem, Michaels?
- We need to rest. These women are tired.
- Amanda.
- Don't look so worried, Agent Michaels.
Our sources have traced the sample through
Europe, to an estate in Markovia.
Follow me.
What, O.J. and Charles Manson
weren't available?
It's not freedom. It's work.
and car rental agreements.
Freelancer, you're a go.
In my line of work, when I do a good job
I tend to make enemies.
I'll await further instructions, sir.
Ivo was going to shoot Shado, or me,
or both of us.
Thank you very much.
Your generosity is much appreciated.
He's just a kid.
It helps to focus on the mission.
I know you better than
almost anyone, Ollie.
That's how it ends.
You're alive...
The package is bigger than our
pre-op briefing indicated.
- What the hell are Nines?
- MQ-9's.
If I could have your attention please.
You're on my team. It
is time for you to go.
Wailer's already got that covered.
The drone ain't targeting Gholem's house.
It's targeting me.
How Diggle knew exactly where
Lawton's implant was.
When someone's shooting
a Kalashnikov at you...
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 05, 2014
Oliver is shocked when he learns that Slade has come to Starling City. Back on the island, as Oliver, Slade and Sara prepare to take over the freighter from Ivo, Sara pulls Oliver aside and tells him he needs to kill Ivo to prevent him from telling
Slade what happened with Shado. Oliver feels immense guilt over the situation but realizes Slade’s growing rage from the Mirakuru makes him unpredictable and he could turn on his friends if he thinks Oliver is to blame. Oliver agrees to kill Ivo and the battle begins.
- It'll taste even worse.
- But it'll work?
You think we should destroy the Mirakuru.
I'm not gonna let that happen.
Better luck next time, Hendrik.
Right. Funny, I never heard her scream.
Oh, this? See, this is sodium pentothal.
- But you're far better suited. Come.
- Oh. Heh, heh.
Oliver, where were you born?
- But you still gotta act stoned to sell it.
- Lucky for me...
Here. I think these belong to you.
But it was one of Dad's favorites.
Wasn't it, Ollie?
What's the biggest gun
you've got down here?
- Why should I believe you?
Because you don't want to die. Go.
Don't you?
- Slade, I tried to tell you...
- Tell him, Oliver.
Don't start a fight. You'll lose. Okay?
Thea? You home?
Well, I hate to break up the party...
- I've spent my entire life studying it, all right?
- It was you.
Aired 11 years ago - Feb 26, 2014
Oliver brings Sara into the Arrow team. Watching Oliver and Diggle spar with Sara and talk old scars, Felicity starts to feel left out. The team is investigating a villain named William Tockman, a.k.a. The Clock King, who is a brilliant thief armed
with technology that can open any bank vault in Starling City. After The Clock King infiltrates the computer systems in the lair, Felicity feels pressure to prove her worth. When she gets a lead on Tockman’s whereabouts, she heads out without the team, putting her in peril. Meanwhile, Oliver throws Sara a welcome home party, but Laurel refuses to attend. After Lance makes his case for a family dinner, Laurel acquiesces, but when Oliver shows up with Sara, she loses her temper on both of them.
Aired 11 years ago - Feb 05, 2014
As Laurel continues to unravel, Oliver and Lance try to convince Sara to stay in Starling City and finally reunite with Laurel and Dinah. However, Sara’s fellow League of Assassins member, Nyssa, comes to bring Sara back to the fold, but when Sara
refuses, Nyssa kidnaps Dinah. Realizing she’s putting her family in danger by staying in town, Sara considers re-joining the league.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 29, 2014
Arrow offers to train Roy so he can learn to control his newfound super-strength. However, Roy is a rebellious student and refuses to listen unless Arrow reveals his true identity, which Oliver refuses to do. Meanwhile, the Bronze Tiger escapes from
prison and steals Malcolm’s earthquake machine to sell to the highest bidder. Oliver, Diggle and Felicity attempt to stop the transfer, but Roy gets in the way, putting everyone in danger. Laurel is disbarred and spirals out of control. Moira is thrilled when Walter asks her to dinner, but his reason surprises her. Thea encourages her mother to ask Walter to reconcile.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 22, 2014
Oliver is conflicted after Laurel reaches out to the Arrow asking him to investigate Sebastian Blood. Oliver is unsure whether to believe her accusations against the man he has publically supported for mayor, but decides to trust Laurel. However,
when the pair gets too close to the truth, Sebastian exposes Laurel’s drug addiction and has her arrested. Meanwhile, Roy reveals his new super-strength to Sin who wants to test out his abilities. Unfortunately, Roy isn’t able to contain his rage once unleashed and almost kills a man. Back on the island, Oliver is surprised when Sara reveals a secret about Laurel.
So we just sit here and wait?
And I mean, not just safe.
He taught me things.
I'm sad to report she passed away.
- I have to start somewhere.
- Laurel, this isn't some casual request.
- I did what anyone would have done.
- Not anyone.
Scaring lowlifes isn't yielding results.
I had to circle around to make sure there
wasn't a SWAT team waiting for me again.
Blood and Gold knew each other
from the orphanage Blood was raised at.
He's dedicated his life, risked his life,
to help the people of the Glades.
- Good thing Thea and I are tight.
- I have to show you something.
- I don't wanna scare her.
- And you're not worried about scaring me?
And since the file is over 27 years old,
there is no digital copy for me to hack.
- What do you need?
- You.
But I snuck out of the house because
I knew you were gonna be there.
Look, there.
What pro is gonna let us
dangle her in front of a psycho?
You too, man. Listen, I'm so sorry but I'm
right in the middle of a polling snafu.
Single shot to the heart from a low angle."
- A warrant for what?
- Found these in your bedroom, Ms. Lance.
because he knows I'm onto him.
He's trying to frame me.
you looking like hell.
Do you even care?
You were gonna shoot me.
How's he doing?
- Just drop it, please?
- Roy, something is happening to you.
I just... I need a glass of water.
It's me. Someone kidnapped Laurel.
Let her go.
And we found the accelerant that he used to
torch the Langford Institute in his apartment.
We're dropping the possession charges and
you won't be charged in Daily's shooting.
I don't understand how any human
could've done that to another.
Aired 11 years ago - Jan 15, 2014
Oliver must tackle a new threat to the city when bombs start to go off in Starling City. Felicity discovers the person setting them off is Mark Sheffer, a man who goes by the nickname Shrapnel. Arrow discovers Shrapnel’s next target is Sebastian
Blood’s “Unity Rally” and tries to talk the alderman out of hosting it, but he refuses. Arrow sets off to stop the bombing, but Shrapnel tricks him and traps him in a bomb-laced antique store where he is unable to move without setting off the device. While Felicity helps Oliver, Diggle races to the plaza to find the bomb before it goes off. Meanwhile, Roy continues to hide his new strength from Thea but, after she witnesses his super strength in action at the rally, she demands answers. Laurels suspicions about Sebastian grow stronger once she learns that he grew up with Cyrus Gold, the man who killed Lance’s partner. After Donner refuses to help her investigate, she turns to Arrow for help.
I should tell you something.
What does that have to do
with anything?
I've been doing some investigating.
and Sebastian has become
something of a friend.
Oh, sweetheart.
You can't.
Ivo has a ship full of men, of killers.
Laurel, if there's something on your mind,
give it voice.
- I'm fine.
- Ever since the Arrow shot you...
- You stole my purse.
- Mm.
There's melted glass,
multiple explosion fragments...
DC-52 to Central, 10-80, downtown.
His expertise extends to
obscuring that signal.
Yeah, arm still hurts when it's cold, and
I lost the pain meds the doctor gave me.
He's not exactly my boyfriend.
He's committing suicide
and he invited the city to join him.
This city needs to come together.
Some have called Sebastian Blood's unity
rally a cynical and dangerous P.R. stunt...
who's covering the expenses
of his only living relative.
He said he packed the drywall with
explosives, but the trigger needs to be...
Eight months ago,
this city survived a devastating attack.
I think. I hope.
I've got charges planted all over Starling.
Things you can do when adrenaline hits?
It was one of those.
And I have been in Central City a lot.
The alternative is I send my men
into the jungle to take the serum from you.
Aired 11 years ago - Dec 11, 2013
After a fight with Cyrus Gold AKA the Acolyte, Oliver is drugged and left for dead. Determined to cure him, Felicity makes a risky decision. The cure causes Oliver to hallucinate, and what he sees forces him to confront his past. Meanwhile, Barry
continues to help Felicity, and their connection grows stronger. The Arrow asks Lance to look into Gold, but when the stakeout on Gold goes bad, someone is killed. Roy is captured and tortured by Brother Blood.
The difference is that
I did my homework on both of you!
I was able to absorb the residual oils
from his skin, which...
I think we're gonna skip
this year's Christmas party.
In this city, an arrow's the same as
a bullet if you want cops involved.
I will shoot them both.
I mean, the Dollmaker,
Count Vertigo, Dodger...
Hey, let me draw some blood, see what's up.
- What else is at that intersection?
- A parking lot, a market, a motel...
Cindy's friend was murdered,
but the police aren't going to investigate.
It's clean. Really clean.
In fact, what Sebastian's done
has helped save a lot of lives.
The sample's still being scanned.
Shouldn't be too much longer.
with liking someone
who doesn't see you the same way.
Aw, man, what's the matter with you?
- You're dead.
- You are not a hero.
- It's about the blood drive you sponsored.
- Of course. It's a wonderful cause.
How's Lucas? Is he all right?
- I wanted to make sure your father was okay.
- He is.
I got this off Gold.
I saw...
- I figured out what they were trying to tell me.
- Which was?
No, Brother Roy, you'll kill for me.
I know I called you a murderer,
but you are not. You are a hero.
Where we are all brothers and sisters.
I know exactly who he is.
I will drive an arrow through his eye.
Whoever did this to her is going to suffer.
He's trying to mass-produce the serum
to build an army.
But in the spirit of not
being late again...
Aired 11 years ago - Dec 04, 2013
A seemingly impossible robbery at Queen Consolidated’s Applied Sciences Division brings Central City police scientist Barry Allen to town. Citing a similar case back home, Barry offers to help Oliver and team with the investigation. Oliver senses
there is more to Barry than meets the eye, but he’s distracted by the similarities between this current case and something that happened on the island. Meanwhile, Felicity takes a liking to Barry, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Oliver. Sin asks Roy for help when a friend of hers goes missing. Roy is surprised when Thea not only encourages him to help, but joins the search. Unfortunately, Sin’s friend is connected to Brother Blood, and their search ultimately gets one of them seriously injured.
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 20, 2013
Oliver is concerned when a mysterious illness sweeps the city, infecting hundreds of people, including Diggle. Oliver discovers Vertigo in Diggle's blood and realizes The Count has broken out of prison and is once again distributing his drug.
Meanwhile, Moira goes on trial for her participation in the Undertaking. ADA Adam Donner collapses in court with Vertigo symptoms so Laurel must step in and try the case against Moira. Oliver is torn between standing by his family during the trial and catching The Count. However, things change when Felicity follows a lead and walks straight into a trap set by The Count.
It's not fair. They're
not the ones on trial.
- Oliver, listen. I can take care of things.
- No, we'll be fine, all right? Go rest.
And it worked. The Glades were destroyed.
What would you do if it were your children
in the crosshairs of a madman's rage?
- Yeah, it's not the flu,
Felicity, it's more like... - Dig.
You should know I find post hoc
negotiation distasteful.
- Huh. I guess ifs not that long.
- Felicity.
I need to get back to court.
Work up whatever you can.
So why shouldn't the jury?
- But if I testify, it will destroy our family.
- If your lawyer's right, you don't have a choice.
And with Thea.
With Vertigo. It's what
all your bodies crave.
You see? A simple solution.
The Count contaminated something certain
people, like you and Donner, consumed.
Getting tuned up
by street thugs helped you?
- I'm not gonna hit you, Roy.
- Try.
I know I could be disbarred for speaking with
you, but this isn't something for lawyers.
And I mean this literally.
- Laurel does.
- What does she have?
Yes. So you see...
- Call Oliver?
- No, no, he's busy with his family. I'll go. I'll go.
Ipso facto, Arrow.
Pretty swanky offices.
Your problem is with me, ifs not with her.
Hey. Jury's back.
She should have lost.
A Kairyu-class Japanese submarine
which ran aground here during World War ll.
Congratulations. You're the new captain.
How do you feel?
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 13, 2013
Amanda Waller sends A.R.G.U.S. agents to kidnap Diggle. Waller informs Diggle that Lyla has gone missing after following a lead on Deadshot in Moscow. When Diggle tells the team he’s headed to Russia to rescue Lyla, Oliver and Felicity decide to
join, but things get messy when Isabel shows up on the tarmac and insists on joining Oliver’s “work trip.” Meanwhile, Moira’s lawyer, Jean, tells Thea that dating Roy, a known criminal, is hurting her mother’s case.
- Agent Michaels has gone dark.
- Lyla's missing?
- Who was this lead she was tracking down?
- A line on the whereabouts of Floyd Lawton.
Him who?
The people need to understand just how
dangerous technology like this is...
- I can't ask you to do that.
- You didn't.
The Japanese, they developed a serum...
to help us find that sub.
Well, we're gonna stop by there,
you know, after Tahiti.
- You're going to the hotel.
- You're leaving me with her?
We need the people to know
that she raised you to make good decisions.
First, a toast.
It's called Koshmar.
- Set it up. I'll go.
- No, it has to be me.
The guards will take it,
but that's the point.
When I care about someone,
there's nothing I won't do for them.
Since when? Oh, wait, does this have to do
with that lawyer lady dropping by?
I saw a Russian vehicle
that I simply had to have.
Then again, you never really were
one of the brightest guys.
No. Just everyone who works
at Queen Consolidated.
Why do you try so hard to make me think
you're a lazy idiot?
Let's go, let's go.
I'll be quick.
- Why didn't you just tell me the truth?
- Look, us being together...
You just feel lucky
we made it out of there alive.
Throw in your blueberry pancakes
and you may be able to convince me.
Aired 11 years ago - Nov 06, 2013
While Oliver tends to the Canary’s wounds, he tries to get her to talk about where she came from but she refuses. However, after Oliver and the Canary are attacked at the Queen mansion by a trained killer from the League of Assassins, she confesses
to how she’s connected with the nefarious group. Meanwhile with Moira facing multiple counts of murder and conspiracy for her part in the destruction of The Glades, the Assistant District Attorney offers her a choice – plead guilty now and avoid the death penalty or take your chances in court. Thea begs her mother to fight for her life but Moira seems resolute about taking the offer. Meanwhile, Oliver is furious with Laurel for joining the prosecution’s team on his mother’s case.
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 30, 2013
Oliver discovers a man who goes by the name “The Mayor” is bringing illegal guns in to The Glades, so Oliver sponsors a “Cash for Guns” event to help clean up the city. Unfortunately, The Mayor crashes the event with his gang and seriously injures
Sin. The Canary is furious when she learns her friend is in the hospital and sets out for revenge. Meanwhile, Felicity stuns Oliver with a bit of information about the Canary, Donner asks Laurel to dinner, and Diggle reconnects with an old friend.
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 23, 2013
Lance learns a criminal named Barton Mathis, whom he put away years ago, broke out of prison during the quake and is back to torturing and murdering women. Felicity offers herself as bait so Arrow, Diggle and Lance can catch this villain, but the
plan goes awry. Furious, Mathis kidnaps Laurel in retaliation and plans to murder her while Lance watches. Meanwhile, Thea and Oliver are stunned when District Attorney Adam Donner seeks the death penalty for Moira. Oliver asks Roy to help him find the Canary.
And as we've already seen,
they're not the friendliest bunch.
Hey, no, no, no, here you go.
A dog this delicious?
But in light of recent events...
Lone wolves are harder to catch.
Leave that to me.
Dad, this case...
I wish the fashion police
was all I had to worry about.
According to the DA's office, you handled his
post-trial appeals. I'd like to know where he is.
- He'll live.
- But he'll report me to my lieutenant.
And allow her to wither away
in a mediocre and forgettable life?
I am begging you. Please, just stop.
All right. I got toxicology first.
Ethylparaben and sodium laureth sulfate
is Mermaiden's proprietary formula.
You're definitely an idiot.
- Skin cream? That's our lead?
- It's something.
It's my life. It's my choice.
- The plane. They must have found it.
- Shado.
Grief's got a way
of shifting a person's beliefs.
He killed eight girls Sara's age
before I caught him.
Don't move.
- it's Mathis. I almost had him.
- Search the area. The whole building.
Docket ending 4587. State vs. Queen.
pursuant to Rule of
Criminal Procedure 15.
Thea, can you turn to channel 52, please?
I am the one that put you away.
She had nothing to do with it!
Let's take a better look
at this face of yours.
You saved my daughter.
Then let's win the case in the courtroom.
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 16, 2013
Oliver finds out the medicine that is being sent to Glades Memorial is being hijacked by thieves. Without an influx of supplies, the hospital will close. Roy attempts to stop the thieves, but he fails and is arrested by Officer Lance. Oliver gets
into a heated battle with China White and her new partner, Ben Turner, AKA the Bronze Tiger, over the supplies. Meanwhile, Laurel makes plans to catch the Arrow, and Thea gives Roy an ultimatum.
I used to feel the same way as you.
I spend more time
in the back of cop cars than limos, so...
The medicine that FEMA's been sending
the hospital is being hijacked.
Whoever's stealing from here,
they won't be for much longer.
What brings you to Glades Memorial,
Mr. Queen?
If their stores and their businesses
hadn't been condemned.
which you think I'm going to accept.
Your thinking could not be more wrong.
My secret identity is his black driver.
I'll get right on that. Using the Internet.
Which you also happen to have access to.
You see, I was eager to see you dead,
and he was eager to kill you.
Not as much as some things.
You keep bringing up Carly,
but you're so involved with yourself...
And I guess I, uh, couldn't hate him
and love her at the same time.
- Do you really wanna talk about this again?
- We never finished talking about it.
If you wanna reconnect with me...
- Ms. Smoak.
- Yes.
Mr. Queen, not every problem
can be solved by money.
And that is what's gonna get you killed.
You were too busy...
In fact, it is that détente
which brings us all here tonight.
- When?
- That's the bad news.
Let's go.
Which means you'll never be a hero.
Couldn't risk it.
Where would I be without my black driver?
They've been here since World War ll.
Made me realize...
Aired 11 years ago - Oct 09, 2013
Diggle and Felicity travel to Lian Yu in search of Oliver who left Starling City after The Undertaking. Convinced to return home, Oliver finds that things are in worse shape than he thought – Isabel Rochev is preparing a hostile takeover of Queen
Consolidated, Thea refuses to visit Moira in jail, Roy is trying to fill the void left by the Arrow’s absence, and Laurel is working with the District Attorney’s office to take down the vigilante. Meanwhile, flashbacks to the island show Slade, Shado and Oliver in a desperate situation.
- I only have a second.
- That's all right.
Who hasn't been seen since the earthquake,
which means he did get buried alive...
It was time for a change.
I'm very sorry about this, folks. Uh, we'll
have this sorted out in just a minute.
Well, as a parent, you're welcome to stay. But
as a beat cop, you're more than free to go.
After the funeral, I think we both
needed time to figure things out.
When I brought your sister
on the Queen's Gambit.
Diggle. I don't like being played.
then that family has to pay
for the suffering it's caused us.
Still, I'd be glad to see them.
I doubt your trust fund is that large.
No investor will go near the company...
Look, there's a part of being the Hood
that neither one of you are considering.
It's not like you've killed
every guy you've faced.
I'm sure she'd be happy
to teach you too.
- for the rest of my life.
- You don't have to.
to you taking your rightful place
at the company was its demise...
I'm just as happy to kill this Queen
as her brother. Let's go!
just in case, you know,
you decided to come back.
Cross-checking by race and age.
Your sister wasn't killed.
She was murdered.
There was no justice for people like the
Queens till you showed us how to get it.
Before the Hood, we didn't have
earthquake machines or copycat vigilantes.
- So...
- How've you been?
If I died...
I'm willing to risk it if you are.
- Just came back from visiting my mom.
- Really?