Aired 7 years ago - May 21, 2017
In the season finale, Elizabeth heads to Brussels to seek NATO'S support against Russia when it threatens to invade Bulgaria, but when France refuses to cooperate, it threatens the alliance's existence. Also, when Henry's new government role has him
dive into the Russia issue, he turns to his former operative, Dmitri Petrov, for help, and as Nadine and Mike B's relationship heats up, Elizabeth finds out information about her old friend that makes her question his loyalty.
I'm keeping this quiet.
I was just thinking about that.
and a guided missile cruiser.
My wife still checks my steps.
I've never heard of that.
we could be looking at
the rest of Eastern Europe
I'm sorry.
- Yeah, good luck with that.
- So, Brussels.
I got a better idea.
- It's alive, it's Ali...
- Stop.
for the kind of attack
that would invoke Article 5.
unless it has the cooperation
of all its members.
from Bulgaria's government
Not anymore. Want to know why?
There's no one to stop him.
of the Bulgaria mission must
still be in his good graces.
Oh, Nadine, come on.
Take it from the girl who got knocked up
President Perrin,
So, I'm sure you've heard
what's going on in Russia.
nullifies that deal.
SIGINT indicates that
the fleet is carrying
Stamps are on their way out.
You're gonna have to.
called European Independence League.
That's why his Intel on
Perrin didn't pan out.
Oleg Gruzinsky.
Gruzinsky may already be dead.
That was fast.
that President Dalton
seek a formal authorization
- Good.
- I understand that one.
So the superpowers met
each other's capabilities.
And I truly believe that that is the end
I had no idea they were a
crypto-fascist creep squad.
He thought a record of that meeting
We very much look forward
to working with you.
If the video is as
damning as you say it is,
resistance pockets will collapse
"Kids in gray rags
scrambling over the heap.
The certainty that he was
on the right side of history.
The Canadian Armed Forces are with you.
in the next 48 hours,
Aired 7 years ago - May 14, 2017
As Elizabeth and President Dalton head to Rome for the G20 Conference, she is concerned for Henry’s safety when he is sent to Israel to intercept the doomsday cult’s bio-weapon before it is deployed. Also, Blake reveals a personal secret to his
former colleagues that he meets at the conference, and Elizabeth goes behind Stevie’s back to ask Russell to get her off Harvard Law School’s waiting list.
who was shot multiple
times not two months ago
about your smuggling tunnels, Bassam?
Yeah, so said the man flying
straight into said destruction.
Reverend Slattery survived.
between the two of us,
I think that'd be...
see if the Russians are
ready to pave the way
Just wondering if the
secretary's still planning on
One year as an analyst is all it took
I know. You think I'm
insanely competitive, too.
Not that I'm enjoying this.
Well, that narrows it down.
That is an excellent
question, Stephanie McCord.
Be smart and respectful.
Make something of yourself.
to partner with Al-Qaeda-in-Syria.
As was foretold, the
six-eyed beast did rise.
And now, the righteous
arrows of your group...
Still radio silence, ma'am.
- Oh.
- It's on the official agenda.
Well, I guess you could say
but I'm just curious if you have any idea
Please do.
It's all about self-preservation.
- can't you take control of it?
- An F-35
I told the school
I told them not to call you guys.
My mom is exactly the same,
my sister has two kids,
You got good aim.
that the world is too
dangerous to go it alone.
"Head of the infidels."
who released the pathogen.
You've proven yourself
to-to help my family while Mom is still
I'm happy where I am.
I constantly want to feel closer to God.
Aired 7 years ago - May 07, 2017
Elizabeth and her team work to secure the release of an American journalist held hostage in the Sudan.
Get into it with the special
envoy's office, but, Blake,
accountable for conflicts in Abyei,
Did the Sudanese government
This is a regime that's
committed genocide.
M. Sec wants that report
from the working group today.
- who's been assisting us on this case.
- Good morning.
We've put out alerts to all
of our intelligence agencies
Just underscoring the
seriousness of the situation.
Are the Sudanese for real
about releasing Colin Mitchell?
My guess is Sudan is leaking to them.
They still have two years to go.
Okay, my ex-mother-in-law
is here with Chloe.
Delaware's, but...
Thanks for holding the event.
One can only imagine that his condition
Did you get any of my calls?
"Organs"? Ew.
Six weeks. That's why I
texted you back so fast.
I just need to send a quick e-mail.
They need to feel heard.
Thanks, Nadine.
why not?
that our son...
Now, I understand you all
are holding a press conference
Well, they do buy significant
amounts of Sudan's oil
23 and a half hours
to make something work.
What? Did that idiot sleep with Sofia?
A dogged investigative
journalist parachutes in
So, now that there's no upside
to carrying China's water,
Traveling the world,
speaking truth to power.
I feel like he's a guy, by the way.
of pain in the ass that
makes this country great.
to the streets of
Beijing and Khartoum..."
Colin Mitchell has paid with his freedom.
Is that understood, Madam Secretary?
and is bound for Ramstein
Air Base in Germany
it really is.
Because that's not a
crazy intro or anything.
You are one of the strongest
women I have ever met.
Aired 7 years ago - Apr 30, 2017
As the U.S. hunts for the person believed to be behind the CIA arms smuggling case, Elizabeth and her team must work to save Jay when he’s kidnapped in Nice, France, during a fact-finding mission into the suspect. Also, Henry suspects the doomsday
cult is planning an attack in Israel, and Jason dupes his parents into giving him money for an expensive calculator when he’s really using it to impress a girl.
the damage to our alliance with Georgia
To be healthier, less dependent.
is not a girl you met
at Burning Man, man.
Well, I'm sure
the Kremlin isn't in a hurry
Sir, based on Dr. McCord's theory
there's Al-Masjid
an-Nabawi in Medina...
It's a little bit
colder than I expected.
Mr. Whitman, your secretary of state
Will we?
This is a CIA matter now.
Listen, Jason came to me
Mr. Brennan, thanks for agreeing
to see me on such short notice.
We were short on carriers,
Merci. Je t'envoie un numéro à utiliser
I'm trying not to feel
like it's a wake.
I'm trying not to think the worst.
No, it's noth...
It's-it's nothing like that.
I'm still waiting to
hear about the money.
He was gone. That's it.
'Cause you put stolen M16 rifles
in the hands of terrorists.
Tell him we're contacting
Fine. Let's see it.
Do you have someone at home?
Pirosmani paid Soroka to doctor them
we put Jay and those SEALs
at tremendous risk.
Yeah. That's my primary
account in Zurich.
And eventually, they will find you.
we have new evidence that seems to show
No. That wasn't the deal.
So where'd you land?
Good cop or bad cop?
I'm ordering Thai. What do you want?
Oh, yeah. Who wants
to ride in a helicopter
The Saudis have been shadowing
Kashadian for nearly a year.
So... how was Nice, otherwise?
Hey, I just wanted
you to know I'm okay.
Elizabeth, we had
nothing to do with it.
- We're gonna get people talking.
- (laughs) We are.
He's right careful about that.
I'm going to use a term
I usually don't like.
- And then she puked.
- Oh, that's bad.
Aired 7 years ago - Apr 23, 2017
When warring rebel groups threaten Elizabeth’s Somalian food relief efforts and kidnap an American aide there, she reluctantly considers asking a notorious Russian arms dealer for help. Also, Henry is blindsided when he is taken off the VFF doomsday cult case, and Alison and Stevie await their college acceptances.
Well, he does his best to
skirt the U.S. legal system.
Brown and yellow?
Did any of them meet with the seller?
I'm guessing that's
not your lunch order.
Congress is hard-line
about those rules.
It is a... inefficient
and wasteful system.
Speaking of being turned down,
So... if I call DOD,
the captured members of
the Virginia Field Force,
Well, that narrows it down.
it boasts 23,000 feet of living space,
who works in the Rafferty admissions,
- No, no, of course we do.
- No, no.
- Don't be...
- Noodle, come on.
between badass and crazy pants.
Yes, but they didn't shoot me.
I know you're stressed
out, it's a stressful time.
I know you guys work hard to
understand what I care about.
Your assistant said
you had news on the VFF.
and to be honest, Director
Doherty isn't happy
What is it?
We need to get him to
see the big picture.
you dealt with my former
partner, Isaac Bishop.
Assuming we do, I'd like
for you to send in a team
What's your plan, Bess?
some of that stolen weaponry.
Yes, how you say, uh,
we make good team, huh?
- Anything from Harvard?
- Nope.
It's, uh, all well and good,
Uh, better luck next time catching Dito.
Ma'am, I think it's time
for that conference call
Noodle! I'm so proud of you. Yes!
The Frisky Business.
If you want to track the
VFF, you've got to remember
of our depot suspect, Anton Jankovic.
Not while I have breath in my body,
fact-finding mission
tomorrow to Cabo San Lucas
and with it.
Georgetown Law School has
this great feminist program
I know I said this
would be a non-combatant
Good. And have your men
confiscate the rebel weapons.
Is that a Bible story?
We think their plan is to
drop a biological weapon
Okay, I'll get to work.
but, I mean, she was so happy,
♪ For she's a jolly good fellow ♪
And with that, I was so determined
Aired 7 years ago - Apr 09, 2017
Elizabeth enlists the help of Hollywood star Ashley Whittaker to help sway the president of Kyrgyzstan to end human trafficking in his country, but the added attention could put an American captive at risk. Also, when Henry finds the bomb that’s being held by the doomsday cult, he uncovers information that they could be planning a deadlier attack.
of an internationally renowned victim,
Yeah, that's... That's something.
Obviously, we don't want
to... get their hopes up.
The United States needs your help.
Except for the Soviet Union.
she cannot come.
I believe we just
made a deal to convince
spaghetti. Spaghetti.
It's for the Spring Fling.
Come on. You don't even
go to Westmore anymore.
We are certainly intrigued.
the opportunity to serve your
country on an important mission.
I read somewhere that
a school of piranha
Inducements for actors is
apparently not my strong suit.
That could be an angle we could play.
They were definitely expecting us.
Did your guys get Ian?
I was just explaining to Mrs. Cramer,
We appreciate all the
effort you're going to.
I want to go.
Really? I mean, you didn't,
you didn't re-injure something?
It's not gonna keep you warm, Noodle.
Not exactly the massive
crackdown we were hoping for.
the president had nothing to
do with the police interference.
What happened?
Wait. What?!
punch him, but say something.
- But... - Will Ashley Whittaker
be honored for her bravery?
Look, I-I just wanted
to get out of there
but I'm telling you this
was just the beginning.
She mentioned some of
the victims by name.
But why? Why should we have to defend
is any of it gonna save one person
- How bad is that?
- So far, limited to birds.
they'd noticed some avian
flu missing from his lab.
What? It says "slut-shamer."
to extend our deepest condolences
passed the State Authorization
Bill in record time.
Ma'am, I've not been myself.
But... I don't know,
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 26, 2017
When a computer sting uncovers the possible mole in the CIA arms smuggling ring, Elizabeth’s questioning of the suspect makes her think that a larger, more dangerous force is behind the operation. Also, Henry worries that the doomsday cult is
drugging his embedded operative, and Elizabeth and her State Department staff come up with an unorthodox approach to solving black rhino poaching in Namibia.
Alison, I didn't think...
Learned a lot about
digging latrines. And...
Just... two words.
the piecemeal fixes are not working.
The serial number was filed off,
Like when Paul said he knew a man
We've tried all...
Barry Milken, freeze! Don't move! Hands!
Material support? Tell
me that's not a bluff.
Look, you just tell us
the names we want to know,
Is that what it was?
You mean my obsessive
tinkering with this thing
Mike B.?
- Hi.
- Um, Madam Secretary.
including troubles with impotence.
I actually had the idea
a couple of years ago,
About that...
Is he a guy who hallucinates?
Yeah, try watching grown
women fight over sprinkles.
Speaking of which, the attorney general
Mr. Attorney General,
it kills me to say this,
to take this case... mid-six figures
Linh Ky, who just happens to
be the prime minister's wife,
from the World Wildlife Fund.
But this is a transfer of
non-lethal surplus equipment
What, I can't dis the
elderly when I'm happy?
And we can't run a government
by presidential fiat.
- Is that...
- Yeah.
Can you turn it up?
Barry Milken has been shot.
Because under interrogation, it
leaves some people vulnerable.
I just don't remember even teaching you
Good night, Jace.
I want this to remain a priority.
How many of your department's
projects I can kill
that involves a real desk?
- The threat is contained. It's over.
- No, it's not.
Elizabeth, how's Henry?
prepared in case of attack.
And instead of fighting
back, you're sitting here
that your proposal is officially a go.
- Oh.
- I'm appointing you
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 19, 2017
Elizabeth's landmark global climate treaty with more than 200 countries is jeopardized when China threatens to back out due to her meeting with an ailing Dalai Lama. Also, Henry worries about his undercover operative's safety, and Jay is surprised when Abby serves him with a custody agreement for their daughter.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 12, 2017
Elizabeth is shocked when the Philippines' unconventional new president, Datu Andrada, makes a pass at her during their meeting to discuss his refusal to participate in an Asia-Pacific territory treaty. Also, Elizabeth asks Jay to look into Kevin
Park's CIA connections, and Henry fears for his operative who is embedded in the religious cult when he goes radio silent.
from further encroaching
on the South China Sea.
Sounds about right for a doomsday cult.
We don't even know the bomb is there,
Oh, uh, cyanide poison placed
Oh. Great. Thanks.
I'm not listening.
Mr. President, Secretary
of State Elizabeth McCord.
sit... Elizabeth.
And... um, some of
- Oh, what are you offering?
- (chuckles)
Do you have any idea how
sexy it is to hear a woman
all American military
out of the Philippines.
He sent the military police to
kick us out of the Philippines
Thought he'd be
embarrassed and lay low.
You... you hear anything
from the dead drop?
and the future looks hopeless.
we would leave the
Filipino people vulnerable
I have a friend from grad
school who's a travel advisor
claim sovereignty over
the Scarborough Shoal
just like any other
so-called strongman,
BECKER: Yes, sir.
I appreciate that, General.
assuming we are all relying
on each other's discretion
Of course.
Stopping an alliance
that would give China
this could destroy
our credibility. I...
Oh, and here she is
in her little snowsuit.
It's just... I've been meaning
to do that for about 15 years.
No, I'm... I need some information.
They might still frown
No, But there's a shed
behind the barracks.
but none of them are
willing to come forward
about what happened to me.
Nadine thinks that I should go public
Like now... I'm thinking
about the bigger picture.
Looking at the manifests,
There are over 300 people
I guess he might have
been his godfather.
for Mr. Andrada's
supermarkets for seven years.
What is it?
You don't have to give me a speech.
And God bless America.
Hey, good title for your memoir.
And then...
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 05, 2017
When the upcoming marriage of two star-crossed lovers from Colombia is in jeopardy, Elizabeth works to reunite the son of the Colombian president and the daughter of the rebel leader, whose union is at the heart of an important peace deal after
years of civil war. Also, Henry prepares to send his operative undercover, Jay deals with his tenuous marital situation, and Daisy makes a shocking discovery regarding Kevin.
And it is a great contribution
one second.
in Bolivia, 37 people died by suicide.
It's a camera.
with the rebel leader, Mateo Penagos,
This truce is such an
amazing accomplishment.
Oh, yes. Uh, yellow, blue and red.
(light laughter)
When it's real, it has
the power to change things.
I'm guessing that was about something
- Okay. Bye, Kevin.
- What? I...
There's nothing wrong
with looking to the future.
(both chuckle)
of demands, uh, government
representation for ECS...
I thought she wanted this
reconciliation to work,
She seemed fine at
the press conference.
Any idea where she might've gone?
and move forward with your aid package.
and she requests that you not be mad.
Uh... But I know what I want to do.
"from heaven say unto me, Write,
Where's Soledad?
We did what we had to
do in order to survive,
about the peace treaty.
will keep working on inducements
Now it's every day, and the
calls are getting longer.
in Budget and Planning.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
"The most painful state of being
Can I come in?
I should go.
I'm meeting guys for drinks.
A State Department employee died today,
Even if you grow up
that part of this job...
Ah, good luck with that.
I'm sorry, man.
(elevator dings)
above their lover's spat.
Now she's dating my best friend.
Fall in love all over again.
But now's the time to put aside
we want this truce to succeed.
your entire lives.
Who is it?
LANCE: Samuel.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 29, 2017
When an influential rabbi organizing a symbolic Iran/Israel soccer game is killed, Elizabeth and Jay’s peace treaty plans for the two countries are jeopardized. Also, Elizabeth’s name is floated for a Nobel Peace Prize; Jay’s tireless work on the Iran/Israel peace deal strains his marriage; and Daisy makes a connection with a new work colleague.
Right. I do not want to
lose this peace deal over
Hours away.
Why don't you just let
me know how it goes first.
Oh. Hey, Kevin.
I'm hoping today will
add to that history.
This is from our Supreme Leader.
Yeah, I'll walk him through
it tonight at dinner.
we will show the world
that anything is possible.
documentary film crew
and the rabbi... all dead.
You have to know that I
can't ask Israel to give up
It's impossible. It's impossible.
from Sunday school, but sure.
Uh... John, Paul, George and Ringo?
is what you used to be able
to do defending your country.
for us to... to finish
these peace talks?
You see, Elizabeth,
Are you getting anywhere
trying to work back channels?
on all this cultural narcissism, Henry?
you want some of the
attention that's been getting.
of optimal contractual arrangements,
Well, to be fair, I don't think
Well, you looked smoking
hot on your magazine cover.
Oh, hey. How's Ali?
for our own political purposes.
- Good morning, ma'am.
- Morning.
I mean, we're the
State Department, right?
I'm singing at her nephew's
birthday party next month.
Keep trying.
on some reef you didn't
even know was there.
- I might have been able to help.
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah, I-I did, which brings
us to our next mission.
I came to see you, Dr. McCord,
but they wouldn't let me in.
"Day and night, they
do not stop exclaiming.
But I need your help.
All right.
in the last seven
weeks. I mean, she's two.
So we give up everything
we negotiated for?
That should bode well for Jay.
don't know if that's what I wanted.
Hey there.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 15, 2017
When Elizabeth and her staff fly to Africa to offer development aid to the continent, they are caught by surprise when the Chinese arrive there first, ready to outmaneuver the U.S. with competing offers of aid. Also, when turbulence on their plane
ride to Africa leaves Daisy unnerved, she and Susan Thompson go on a welcome tour of Africa, admiring the beauty of the continent. And, the FBI asks Henry to help investigate a Christian cult member who may have helped build the bomb used in the Illinois coffee shop attack.
Yeah, I saw that on the news.
Well, look, I would be happy to help,
We don't know where it
is or who may have it.
Instead, you guys came here
from all over Africa...
they don't know it, but they're
paying you a compliment.
Madam Secretary, I have some bad news.
of actual use in exchange for decades
he chose to do so
SUSAN: Nigeria's a giant
in the energy sector,
Actually, Ethan,
the secretary is confident
That's slightly lower than
getting killed by lightning,
You're going to prison
for the rest of your life.
that devout members of ISIS believe
will be the site of the final battle
to show you the sights of Lomé,
Why can't these people speak English?
Ah, but our future will be
even more impressive.
Speaking of lunches, did we have lunch?
- No, that's an absurd question.
- And we're gonna find out
AGENT MATT: Oh, okay.
My hands are tied.
Well, you know who might
settle that for us,
Madam Ambassador, thank you.
- Ooh.
- Uh... what?
brought up here or...?
Well, we spent every
waking hour together
And the bomb?
My life's, like, a complete disaster...
Spare me your idealism.
if we worked together?
and a U.S. company
Wow. Thank you. That is...
That would be wonderful...
- Okay.
- Thanks.
when the prophet's name is mentioned.
his "legion of angels,"
"By the rivers of Babylon,
there we sat.
Sometimes I get so wrapped
up in the messaging
Would you care to join me?
- Yes.
- If you'll excuse me just a moment...
- Hello. - Hello.
- Hi.
to spend the money we don't have
Oh, and tell the STEM girls they rock.
Chen said, "Idealism kills.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 08, 2017
When the Mongolian government sends Elizabeth a horse as a gift, she thinks accepting it could upset other Asian countries, but she stirs up more controversy when she considers returning it to Mongolia. Also, Gov. Sam Evans threatens to sue Ohio for
putting President Dalton on the election ballot, and Stevie has an interesting first day as Russell’s new intern.
Sorry for sounding overwhelmed
Madam Secretary, I will course-correct
So... the cruise was great?
Of course, that approach
relies on appealing
from blatantly abusing the court system
Pushed it a little there at the end.
I might actually be able to help.
until it undergoes a
three-day quarantine.
to become an autonomous
region of China.
(digital beeps)
You can thank JFK
for this enduring legacy
I'm not allowed to
keep diplomatic gifts,
Then why is the president of Mongolia
one that is both suitable
a wineskin and a battered
copy of Rimbaud.
Perhaps if I see a few
monuments to democracy,
Why are they running
random names by me,
like any other human institution.
an anti-Fourth Amendment bully.
from the Equine Resource
League in a parking lot
when he was out of town?
Yeah, and your first client
carried you in her womb,
The, uh, horse was
a gift of congratulations
Religious altars to the
gods of money and power,
of filing suit against the state
replacing him with his
opponent, is laughable.
to make me want to walk away
That's your problem.
I really need your help.
I'll see you in a bit.
for developing assets
called "MIC"... M.I.C.
You're the only person who can help us.
CYBERCOM has made a forensic analysis
resulting in the... manure offensive.
and, uh, explain the
futility of verse to me.
even worth the effort?
I understand it.
60-40, us.
with the Russian foreign minister,
That is really something, isn't it?
how to make it work.
Turns out I like fish. And kale.
Henry V.
pertinent to your competency
in the great state of Pennsylvania
Suddenly, I pictured you
on some Worst Dressed list
- Bess.
- Congratulations.
Aired 8 years ago - Dec 18, 2016
When a possible Israel-Iran war threatens the House’s imminent vote on the U.S. presidential election, Elizabeth attempts to bring the two reluctant countries to the negotiation table in an effort to broker a peace between them. Also, Russell’s life hangs in the balance after a heart attack.
we need presidential certainty.
Prime Minister Aaronson just told me.
Which we strongly disagree with.
Well, the EMTs restored
his spontaneous circulation,
Good to see you.
and so there's lots of other
asses that need kicking.
are you out of your mind?
Plus the Sixth Fleet nearby.
- Oh, my goodness. Gosh.
- Oh, you like that?
Like, all these classes, but
nothing I was passionate about.
for all the wrong reasons.
I really appreciate it.
containing Governor Evans'
genetic testing report.
The Iranians will counter
with everything they've got.
we could knock out their
satellite with an SM-3.
enough assets nearby
to put together a raid
And then, I'm gonna take the
NCLEX-PN to be a licensed nurse.
of an unopposed landing in Morocco.'"
she insisted on a total media blackout,
Um, the House decided to move it up.
Israeli jets have
breached Iranian airspace.
That's him.
Odds of taking the hostage alive?
which would be very bad for you.
returned the Israeli defense
minister... that's good.
Thank you, Mr. President.
maybe every couple of months
just to check in, see...
Okay, so in this impossible... scenario,
Well, in better spirits
than you might imagine.
People aren't gonna support you
We'll, uh, we'll check
back with you soon.
be open to hearing a way out?
Knights lance their enemies
What if Iran cut ties
with Hezbollah and Hamas
if you can dream it.
Help with what?
Hello, Mr. President.
Aired 8 years ago - Dec 11, 2016
As the U.N. Security Council considers reinstating sanctions against Iran for its suspected nuclear activities, Elizabeth tries to stop Israel from taking matters into its own hands when it threatens military action against the Iranians. Also,
Russell pressures Henry to woo his old Air Force buddy, Congressman Jeff Pearson, to support President Dalton in the House’s election vote, and Stevie asks Russell for a recommendation to Harvard Law School.
He keeps canceling.
You guys are always telling me to,
- No.
- Uh, plus,
is an existential threat to Israel.
The stamina on this guy!
Right. Yeah.
is to cajole Congress members
over to Dalton's side.
Gallais Le Livre?
We have proof that Iran is not complying
then the deal falls
through, and your government
I don't think that's
gonna get it done in time.
is an immediate reinstatement
Now, given that Walter has spent
years averting World War III,
Uh, Walter, the secretary does
has other appointments today.
So, even if it were Iran's intention
We all know how that turned out.
for Russia to detain foreign citizens
to inspect nuclear technology.
let our inspectors
land in the first place?
we might be able to save our deal.
You know, it's funny,
I believe that he's in control.
That's just rhetoric.
that if Sam Evans does become president,
Whatever, just get me booked, okay?
- Oh, no.
- but let alone fly a TA-4.
You would think with our
foreign policy in shambles,
that it would have
world-altering consequences.
actually intend to
- Yeah.
- Go.
You know, Jeff was dead set
against Dalton all night long.
Are you ripping up
the deal or aren't you?
Everyone around here's 20 minutes late
The only ones who enjoy
it are the bleeding hearts
they can get and usually
it's no one and...
wasn't playing above board
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 27, 2016
As President Dalton eagerly awaits voting results on Election Day, Elizabeth uncovers information that could put the U.S.’s peace deal with Iran in jeopardy. Also, election night proves to be one filled with possible romance for some of McCord’s staffers, and Jason challenges his parents by supporting one of Dalton’s presidential competitors.
couldn't be done.
I know that we agreed, you know,
Free speech, another
cherished principle.
Then who?
But I-I said no.
Why don't you come with me?
Recognize the names?
look at old manifests.
but polls should be
closing in a few minutes.
he's listed as a manager
of a lumber company.
Okay, we need to track every shipment
at least we're going down in flames.
Traveling ten knots on a course
Call in the Joint Chiefs.
We're stopping that ship.
And, yes, that includes
additional funding, so...
Captain, put one across her bow.
Hostiles still inbound.
Visual contact in two minutes.
The question is how close is Iran
ELIZABETH: We have the centrifuges.
She has that effect on people.
We are calling Ohio for Conrad Dalton.
♪ I need you, baby ♪
Nothing. I'm stating a fact.
I was gonna go for a run,
but I got distracted
Which he really was, when he
announced this to me last night.
with a more plausible cover story?
Can you turn the air on?
- Blake!
- (door closes)
(crowd cheering)
The status quo has got to go!
DALTON: But now it's time to unite.
Senator, the numbers don't lie.
And we know that the Russian
government had nothing to do
unless Russia drops the veto threat
I want you to go as backup.
make that pledge.
then the deal is dead
Mike Barnow.
- (chuckles)
- Okay, I have multiple
(reporters clamoring)
to demand an eight-hour workday.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 20, 2016
After Venezuela’s president and his immediate successors are killed in a devastating earthquake, Elizabeth works to stop a power grab by the late president’s son, as well as secure the release of the international aid team he arrested. Also,
Elizabeth’s brother, Will, is torn between saving his marriage by settling down and taking a job at Walter Reed Medical Center or going to Venezuela to assist in the relief effort.
and carbs and fruit.
to perform in high-stress situations.
are spotty and unreliable.
Daisy, Nadine, make
sure that the 800 number
Oh. All right, uh...
Thank you.
but she really is like family.
The hospital ship is manned,
stocked, and ready to go.
We have a number of
injuries, some missing.
a three-person line of succession.
Somos doctores. Somos doctores!
a mega-gang that rules
the slums of Caracas.
They're expecting a sizeable escalation
in the collection
it's gonna make Haiti look
like a day at the fair.
I don't know if you had a
similar process in the Marines.
Those brave men and women who
left their families behind.
the American aid workers who have been
and I will insure the
release of your hostages
But we still have a humanitarian crisis
It's an interpretation we can
use to get someone in power.
- Carla Alvarez?
- Uh, not yet.
Unless she does.
So, assuming we can even find Vela,
key part toward building
I'm-I'm not... saying it's a factor.
He's probably gambling online.
Everybody's always
understanding of the big hero.
I am not constantly
putting my life at risk.
That was the story, but it's not true.
You never told me.
He's got a high fever.
I think you may be right, Bess.
I feel like we fell out of communication
and I didn't have a clue.
You loved him.
and every crucial time
requires a capable leader.
performed for an audience of one.
but now he's sending out gang
members to summon the press.
You know I'm... I'm leaving today.
Uh, yes ma'am. It just
took off at 2100 hours.
I think it's okay to pass the mantle.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 13, 2016
When Elizabeth discovers that a terrorist bombing at an Illinois coffee shop was funded by someone with close ties to the Saudi government, she makes a bold move after the Saudi ambassador refuses to bring the man to justice. Also, Matt refuses to
issue a statement when news breaks that he and the bomber are linked to the same mosque, and Henry reaches out to Dmitri when he hears he’s having trouble adjusting to his new life in Phoenix.
and George Clooney,
to stare deeply into his eyes.
That there's a Muslim American working
I want ten great ideas that
I can convince him were his.
Anyone of substance
will dismiss the story.
...FBI found a handwritten
note pledging loyalty to ISIS.
- May I have a word?
- Regarding?
under a new identity, and
being completely isolated
Well, like I said,
Write about one of your own interests.
it could cause a lot of
problems, not just for him.
to Arizona for a hug.
to carry out his attack.
Not this time.
Show him in.
ISIS fighters throughout the Gulf
Until then, we provide most of the oil
ANCHOR: Well, it wouldn't be
an election year if it didn't.
So how should Dalton
handle Matt Mahoney?
That man is many things,
You know, what's the point?
What's this?
I'm offering you a chance to put down
comprehend the mountains I have to move
Russell, we need to talk.
Majeed Amjad is nowhere near our grasp.
You're worried about the
number of Americans
And it-it-it was
Thank you.
to find out.
Oh, my God.
Go back to the frat, huh?
You're done.
you didn't say it was this bad.
Daisy, get Jay.
That alone is bad enough.
When a white man shoots up
a black church, no one demands
A playground.
I'm sorry, Matt.
you could help get
justice for my daughter.
Please leave. You're only making
my psychiatrist's job harder.
I know. I know it looks
that way now, yeah.
from not only the U.S. but
also our European allies
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 06, 2016
When an imminent U.S.-France state dinner is jeopardized after a CIA operative is captured by French intelligence, Elizabeth must negotiate the operative’s release while keeping the event on track. Also, Russell tries to woo back big donors to Dalton’s campaign, and the McCords get an important lead in their family’s stalking case.
Were you up all night researching this?
the anniversary of the
Battle of Yorktown.
to the future happiness
of everyone in this room
since the last debate,
just to thrown in a crazy
In a private e-mail,
which was illegally hacked
was in negotiations with.
But if you guys have no interest
in coming back into the fold,
I don't love the idea
It's Captain Baker.
That's my educated guess.
or maybe pump some sarin gas
through our ventilation system
but I figure if I was
lying in bed worrying,
and the number of individuals
with that kind of clearance
They refuse to release Agent Zaman.
I'm doing with Jose is causing
you any problems, please...
this heavy iron key
inside an antique glass case,
- Wendy Rogers?
- (applause)
pending an investigation
to avoid. Tonight...
and now President Perrin
is holed up in his hotel room
You-you can move on, unscathed.
needs to see you and
Dr. McCord right away.
He fought to get his
family out of El Salvador.
You want us to just let him go?
Why don't you call Dubois's bluff.
And just so you know,
- Three months ahead of schedule.
- NADINE: Really?
The women that I met with
were very circumspect.
Given relations now,
if we tell them the truth,
This guy on the Metro,
on my way home from work Monday.
How did he pay you
the rest of the money?
We don't think he'll be able to resist.
which ended the American
Revolutionary War,
To that end...
to let it fall apart.
It's our chance to strike
to coordinate with our people.
TEAM LEADER: I need a sitrep!
(indistinct chatter)
Recently, I've had to consider
stepping down from my position.
That was part of a
sweeping campaign to spy
But, well, not so much.
which is why he's been chasing
after me like a lost schoolboy.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 30, 2016
After a bombing at a political rally in Angola, Elizabeth must find a way to respond to a “dissent memo” from the Bureau of African Affairs when they criticize the Dalton Administration’s lack of attention to the upcoming Angolan election. Also,
Russell enlists Elizabeth’s help to get President Dalton on the ballot in Ohio, and Henry and Jose get closer to locating the antiquities stolen by Hizb al-Shahid.
- not campaigning?
- Because I have a room full of lawyers,
Yeah, that should be fine, um...
Looks like St. Augustine
has the same taste
The, uh... uh, fallout from Rome
Signed by your entire
African Affairs Bureau.
I will do everything in my power
Yeah, the... president is stepping off
Um, Dalton's not on the ballot because
from the Bureau of African Affairs,
I don't know if you heard,
Were you not listening this morning?
But Angola is strong.
Urge, encourage... and concern.
You have a rough day?
what I give to my best students.
Okay, but we didn't have
Will in the next room
a few changed in the upcoming
election, too, isn't that right?
Oh, my son loves your messaging app.
I could cut a deal with one country
- It's mushroom soufflé.
- Don't you want to heat that up?
I don't want you to think
he's a bad person.
There's nothing in her
background to support it.
They're in full denial mode.
I appreciate your opinion.
in dictating the election procedures
He's shaking.
I don't think that.
I'm miserable without you.
because they can't meet with women.
presumably to share
the diplomatic equivalent
SUSAN: We should initiate a travel ban.
So he sends an archaeologist
who deals in the black market?
Very impressive.
Oh, sorry, I'm completely
late for my interview.
is basically just a farm
with glowering portraits.
you could extend free Internet access
we can discourage state-run telecoms
that's gonna make a really
kickass Super Bowl commercial.
(protesters shouting)
about being liberated from the tyranny
A-at some point.
(sighs) They haven't
wrapped this thing up yet?
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 23, 2016
After U.S. environmental activists protesting China’s damage of a South China Sea reef are arrested for spying, Elizabeth finds herself in a stalemate with the Chinese foreign minister as she lobbies for their release. Also, Henry pushes the FBI to
investigate one of Elizabeth’s former students who he suspects is his family’s cyber-stalker, and President Dalton’s trade visit to Vietnam brings back memories of serving there during the war.
...and Nadine is wondering
how China's taking
Not as yet, no.
- All I'm saying.
- Oh, and don't forget to note
on Chinese territory,
You would be wise not to meddle
further in our internal affairs.
in general and of my wife specifically.
But I assure you, we'll look
at Mr. Merchant as well.
Best guess?
Furthermore, the catfish
deal got hung up in part
Show that just because you're
running as an independent,
about the progress
your country has made,
Again, I do apologize
for the short notice.
that Vietnam will have
to meet in order to get
The city's so different now,
I'm proud to have served, but, uh...
or... leadership.
- So don't just take those extra
pounds lying down. - What the hell?
so they can't be hacked again.
to stay in a house
that can't be secured.
Well, then that reporter just
earned himself an exclusive
I'd like to meet her someday.
Holding our citizens,
Well, it was hacked.
like the health of the planet
and I will keep you up to
date with our progress.
a brute-force attack to
gain access to the server,
Yes, and you
about "technically." It's time
to draw a line in the sand.
Don't you think, maybe,
you're-you're letting
You're a Panda-Cammer, too?
writing reports nobody would ever read,
A quarter of which is supposed to be
from Oliver Shaw's office,
to see the secretary?
- (both laugh)
- Aw. - (computer dings)
There's not really
anything here, unfortunately.
From that position,
And China needs to know
that it won't stand.
It is not for the United States
to tell us what is permitted.
to such a drastic step
on my government's part.
I told the networks
that you wanted airtime
To do what, exactly?
Flash of a feeling, at best.
We spoke to Ray Merchant.
But I'll tell you what
he's more than capable of.
of the People's Republic of China,
whether a platoon of
marines or an entire nation,
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 16, 2016
With Algeria on the brink of a civil war, Elizabeth delicately negotiates a regime change, but her plans go awry when Roy Curtis, the trusted U.S. Ambassador to Algeria, dies unexpectedly. Also, Henry fights to save religious antiquities in Algeria
when he discovers they are being destroyed by Hizb al-Shahid, and the McCord children get their own security detail after Jason’s computer is hacked.
All while keeping a
roiling insurgency at bay
Well, let's hope they get plenty of...
We want to make this right.
I always thought it was a
good metaphor for what I do...
and made friendship bracelets?
I think you're right.
State has a working group,
but it's underfunded.
I wasn't working for
President Turncoat Dalton
I said feet to the fire, darling.
I mean, isn't that what they do? Wha...
If he does, it'll be civil war.
but I don't think any amount
of money can save the monastery.
Thanks, Jay.
that I'm taking a principled stand.
I don't understand.
Thank you so much for meeting with me.
Dissected mice together.
Again, I'm very sorry for your loss.
the agreement to abdicate
in the first place.
you were saying that we can't
afford another failed state
is a North African sequel to Iraq.
- Already cleared Algerian airspace.
- I talked to her. Thanks.
and the pyramids intact.
Not at the Sphinx's nose.
Well, we tend to give a bit of leeway
Mary. Sorry to be talking shop.
that they will accept
you staying in power.
But am I...?
He-he's working with the U.S.?
Possibly. We don't know.
Instead of going to
the Presidential Palace,
W-Why did you engage
with the U.S. military
You'll transport him to The Hague,
I don't have to. Check this out.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 02, 2016
When a storm destroys a naval base in Bahrain, Elizabeth urges President Dalton to reexamine his approach to climate change and his overall foreign policy, something that could jeopardize his re-election campaign. Also, Jose Campos tries to bring
Henry back into the DIA fold, and the McCords worry that their family is being stalked when they discover Jason’s laptop may have been hacked.
That base just had an update,
like, two years ago.
the foundation of this country,
beginning, as it did,
Yeah, and no fallout
from the gelatin lobby
on oil from the Persian Gulf.
in exactly two hours,
on national security,
Dalton's peace treaty with Iran,
for the United States to exploit.
Yeah, but I got a strong immune system.
Yeah, and heaven spit me back out.
Remember, any adjustment
to the rotation schedule
You need to meet Julius Burton.
How is the refurbishment process going,
Speaking of nature,
I hear you're a birder.
and Russell acted like
I barfed on the guy.
This is crazy.
- Okay, I got it.
- STEVIE: Guys,
Turns out there were several
over the last decade
from doing anything about it.
could have uploaded it
without his knowing. Or...
who talks a big game about
supporting the military
There's this new thing called terrorism.
and the U.S. needs
to completely overhaul
(tires screech)
Operation Tacos?
If President Dalton
secures the nomination,
in the last decade.
Well, I-I've never
Well, the test results aren't back yet,
Get me the AED.
and to thank you for
the enormous sacrifice
including Governor Evans.
Instead of committing
ourselves to nations
(applause and clamoring)
building a new base in Tunisia.
which makes it pretty historic.
we did our best.
that you can go back to
your intelligence work.
Thank you.
thank you for that, but your legacy
back to bows and arrows.
I know you can't answer now.
one unprecedented event
deserves another.
(doorbell rings)
Choosing between this president
With your popularity