Aired 7 years ago - Jun 05, 2017
With the deadly virus spreading throughout the city, the search for the antidote continues, as Fish Mooney, The Riddler and Penguin reveal plans of their own. Bruce meets Ra's Al Ghul and completes his last task in order to fulfill his destiny, but realizes he can't let go of his past.
Aired 7 years ago - May 29, 2017
Gordon races against the clock to save the city from the Alice Tetch virus, when Lee Thompkins (Morena Baccarin) intercepts with a plan of her own. Also, Alfred sees a big change in Bruce Wayne after his work with The Shaman (guest star Raymond J. Barry). Meanwhile, some of Gotham's most deranged villains band together.
- Keep me informed.
- Bullock, any word from Bruce?
We were betrayed.
we see where it leads us.
It worked with Kathryn.
Okay, fine.
I'll take it from here.
Head back to the station.
I knew you'd come.
But, honestly, the whole
argument is moot at this point.
Such an appetite for violence?
who you really are.
Ukrainian smuggling firm
called the Whisper Gang.
and Barbara Kean.
Something's wrong.
Hey, Steve, put this animal in a cage.
Put a BOLO out on Jim Gordon.
You put him up on this pedestal,
Jim, you there?
now here's the kicker...
You've got two options.
You're friends with
that firebug, aren't you?
Oh, and forgive me if I don't
want you knowing the details.
you certain searching for Jim
is the best use of your time?
Self-preservation, is it?
The leader has taken Bruce
to Wayne Enterprises.
He is very eager to meet you.
Strange said the bomb is due
to detonate at 5:00 p.m.
What if she was talking
about a real clock?
Now, this is quite a gathering.
You have to love Gotham.
Aired 7 years ago - May 22, 2017
Temple Shaman reveals his hand to Bruce Wayne and sets up the next phase of training. Gordon and Bullock are put into danger as they come across a crystal owl that reveals the most coveted secrets of Gotham's underworld. Meanwhile, Nygma and Penguin are forced to work together to get out of a tricky situation.
Selina, stop! Stop!
God, it was so real.
Think about it, Harvey.
What is your issue with him?
You should see a doctor.
Then what? You're still angry with Bruce
All right, kid, talk.
But that's your name, Edward.
There is one final step to take.
Become the protector Gotham needs.
Harvey Bullock, obviously.
"Why blame the lunatic?"
It makes perfect sense!
Why are our captors
keeping us here, anyway?
Of course.
My truth.
Their son.
I told her that the virus is a gift.
with an axe for an arm!
are this shadowy organization
that run the whole of Gotham,
All right. Let's think this through.
What does Bruce Wayne have
to do with all of this?
Can you put it back together again?
I'm a butler.
All of you, with your weakness,
No one will escape
of Hugo Strange's monsters at my command.
It's just bad timing.
we've got to be ready to move.
how do you feel now when you
think of your parents' murder?
Aired 7 years ago - May 15, 2017
Gordon discovers the weapon the Court of Owls will use to destroy Gotham, which leads him on a dangerous path as he tracks it down. Meanwhile, Kathryn and Temple Shaman reveal their next move to Bruce, and Ivy comes to Selina's aid
Look, I know you're upset.
Tell me I'm wrong, Harvey.
on the preparations at hand.
Her name's Selina.
nobody told me what for.
I'm sorry, this ward is restricted.
Don't listen to them, Selina.
Grandstanding doesn't suit you.
you think it's strength.
I can release you
from the pain of that night.
You get caught, ball game over.
about a group that runs Gotham.
hence Ed's sudden disappearance
after his television debut.
I want to know what
the judgment entails.
It's Harvey. Leave a message.
of compounds that could be released
The rage from that day
continues to burn inside of you,
I'm only trying to show you the way.
I've been waiting a long
time for this, Bruce.
The police, thank God.
A woman, named Kathryn.
Are you crazy? What if
he's yanking our chain?
You said you didn't want
to be kept in the dark.
I felt...
I'm assuming that's a nickname.
This used to be a bank, right?
But has Jim also pulled you
into his madness?
Mommy! Mom!
- My apologies for the time.
- Not at all.
To kill someone.
but I honestly don't even think
you know what that is anymore.
Aired 7 years ago - May 08, 2017
Some of Gotham's most unhinged villains band together, while The Riddler continues his conquest of the city. Gordon is on a search for answers and all roads keep leading him back to the Court of Owls. Meanwhile, as Alfred begins to notice a change in Bruce, Bruce 2 confides in Selina.
There's turmoil ahead,
He's working a case.
You're hiding something.
You know something.
Okay, so what do we do now?
One that controlled the
levers of power in Gotham
What do you know?
You've kept a secret for far too long.
So, the audience has been accounted for.
and make us look bad in the process.
Kidnap Mayor James.
to detonate there.
My life's an open book.
Yeah. I'm Ivy Pepper.
After Indian Hill I didn't know
what to do or where to go.
ding-dong Aubrey James.
Hell with that. My friends got blown up!
Nygma sent another riddle.
I know that voice.
Very good! Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
Ballistics came back negative. No match.
Me and Lucius took a crack at it,
And if I don't, we'll never stop
them from destroying the city.
Just tell him what he wants.
between the detonator and the bomb.
You fool me once, Jim,
or be right in front of you
without you even knowing.
the one you'll never be able to answer.
What are you going to do with him?
Probably 'cause I told Gordon
how to disarm the bomb.
She's changed, baby.
Aired 7 years ago - May 01, 2017
The Court of Owls devises a new plan regarding the future of Gotham, as Gordon uncovers information about his father and uncle's past, connecting him back to the organization. Meanwhile, Bruce wakes up in the temple and learns of the Shaman's wish for him.
Aired 7 years ago - Apr 24, 2017
Nygma convinces himself that he doesn't need Penguin to succeed and begins to introduce himself to Gotham as "The Riddler." Bullock and Lucius Fox get caught up in Nygma's mind games, while Gordon learns troubling news about his father's death. Meanwhile, the Court of the Owls reveals its next move.
I feel your every move,
I know your every thought,
And on your end,
I hope your nephew is amenable.
There was the curator,
the writer... pretentious ass.
In the last few weeks,
six members of Gotham's
Gordon ain't here.
So give me the message, fruit guy.
It's a drawing of the Knight's Tour.
Forget what I just said. Freeze.
And you're my brother's son.
if you remain unfocused.
into the other egghead deaths.
And if I don't accept the invitation?
that's controlled Gotham for centuries.
pointing us to a pawn on queens.
I was covering for Teddy Thirio,
the owner's cousin.
Now, it seems that
Miss Kyle has offered you
How will anyone sleep knowing
the Chess Killer's on the loose?
♪ He floats me with dread ♪
Meet Ted Thirio...
came in about an hour ago.
What does that mean?
How is the view from
the moral high ground, Harvey?
Sonny, I said back off!
The note you left in my mailbox.
Oh, he's up. Big boy.
Light as a feather,
yet no man can hold it long.
Okay. Second riddle.
Something happened, didn't it?
No, I was there.
Until now.
And to you, Master Bruce.
And the deadly toxin:
plain old knockout gas.
My search for a teacher or an enemy...
Maybe not yet, but they will be.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 30, 2017
With Jerome on the loose with one target in mind, Bruce and Alfred's safety is compromised. Meanwhile, Gordon's uncle Frank pays him a visit, and Nygma and Penguin are forced to confront their issues face-to-face, with possible deadly consequences.
That car belonged to Isabella.
Ordinary citizens are taking Jerome's cue.
How do I put this?
Now, I was going to have
you say hello to Isabella.
Wanting to kill everyone you saw.
You coming back to life,
We're taking this show on the road!
Your mother wasn't. Chop-chop.
They've taken over the Hillside
Conservatory, the courthouse,
I don't work for Barbara Kean.
Oh, if you think I am going
anywhere with you...
Ooh, I love this game!
They showed how quickly
they want to open up
Enough dilly-dally.
We brought this miserable
city to its knees.
Well, so what do you say, Bruce?
I suppose I underestimated you, Barbara.
You know, I think of it
Oh, Brucie...
You're going to call Ed,
tell him you're alive,
Because I wouldn't share him.
You're in this together.
Come on.
Shall I tell you what I thought?
It felt like justice.
you're gonna need rules.
if he refuses.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 23, 2017
On the run from Gordon and Bullock, Dwight tries to revive Jerome and, in turn, activates his acolytes around Gotham City. Meanwhile, Selina's mom's intentions in Gotham are revealed, and the power play between Penguin and Nygma escalates as Barbara's plans are set in place.
That bitch, Maria Kyle,
every other Thursday through a
screen for the next 40 years.
Jerome is just the first step.
people start to smell blood in the water.
Right, 'cause it's just money.
Announce the next meeting
as the group moves around?
and multiple surges as recent as
15 minutes ago, same location.
The others are gonna wait
for us at the rendezvous.
You know, you make an interesting point.
Behold the Prophet.
We are all...
Everybody listen up!
Thank you, sir.
and teach them a lesson.
My dear, you are tragically
I will hang your entrails from
every lamppost in Gotham!
You defended this house against him.
If you insist!
But especially not you.
You're better than that.
I really liked you guys.
I was about to kill Bruce Wayne.
We did it, baby.
- That about it?
- Pretty much.
The time has come to reveal ourselves.
I saw you, at the theater?
Dwight's going live any minute.
convince them we alone can
protect them from Penguin.
tonight we rise up.
I guess that's true.
Ed, is that really you? Are-Are you okay?
which we will play in hopes
it leads to his apprehension.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 16, 2017
Falcone places a hit on Gordon after learning that he shot Mario. Gordon and Bullock discover a follower of Jerome, who plans to bring him back to life. Meanwhile, Penguin spirals out of control before the biggest television interview of his Mayoral career, and Bruce and Selina deal with Selina's mom's return to Gotham.
I wish Ed were here.
like... ever.
You messed up, Jim.
Wait, I me... I was a dumb kid, okay?
This Friday or not at all.
And yet last night,
your husband took a drug that...
Someone broke into
the cemetery and dug up
It's just an ornament.
I was just leaving this here for Selina.
Take it from someone who
misses his family very much.
Never mind.
Everything bad that's
happened in my life
What is that?
But not illegal.
they do nothing about it!
He's only after me.
a normal life with it.
I will purge Gotham,
Oh, you poor thing.
...go away.
I-I have no idea.
Here he is!
"How did he do it?"
So, why didn't you tell me about Zsasz?
Don't listen to him, Jim.
from the madman, Theo Galavan.
I'm fine. I-I'm great.
Do what I say, and you'll
be the next chief of staff.
One of a thousand deep cuts.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 28, 2016
As the virus begins to spread in Gotham, the laboratory that is developing a cure is compromised. Mario and Gordon face off before the wedding, Selina meets an unexpected face and Barbara comes to Nygma with information about Isabella.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 21, 2016
On the eve of their rehearsal dinner, a threat to Mario and Lee is exposed, and Falcone looks to Jim for help. Meanwhile, Nygma seeks revenge and Bruce learns more about The Court of Owls.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 14, 2016
Gordon and Bullock become suspicious of Barnes, and comb through evidence of the murder at Lee and Mario’s engagement party. Nygma goes to Penguin when he hasn’t heard from Isabella. Meanwhile, Ivy reveals her identity to Selina and Bruce, but quickly leads them to trouble.
Okay, okay, okay. I'm gonna help you.
till it becomes a roar.
you are very beautiful.
You expecting... A call from Isabella.
They want to see me. Wouldn't say why.
Yours was the last number in her phone.
I've been thinking. You got to
tell Barnes what Symon said.
an old C.I. of mine with
deep ties to the mob.
Did you see him go into the
bathroom before he was attacked?
Like you.
Hmm. I have ways of getting what I want.
- I don't get caught.
- Shh.
- (grunts)
and masked weirdoes
are trying to kill us.
Or you can try to avoid
those men on your own.
It's too loud. I'm sorry!
But this is not healthy behavior.
so strong in my life.
Gotham, the people of this
city, need men like me,
you weren't, perchance, in this
area at 11:00 p.m. last night?
Door's open.
We should really go, Bruce.
No, no, no, no. This is not right.
End of the line.
Who has that kind of
money and influence?
(tires screeching outside)
(both grunting)
Jim, you okay?
I hope I didn't mess things
up with your boyfriend.
had a psychosis-inducing virus.
Oswald. I need to speak with you.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 07, 2016
Barnes begins to feel the effects of a recent incident and begins to go mad. Meanwhile, Nygma is out of his depth in his relationship with Isabella and Carmine Falcone throws Lee and Mario an engagement party.
What are you doing, man?
The Toad, I told you.
And you're right, you're right,
We got a call. Warehouse
district. You coming?
Well, actually, your conference
Where did those glasses come from?
(gasps) Oh, dear.
I would never hurt Isabella.
Inside of you.
What darkness in you...
only Alice.
that, uh, were found this morning.
Jim. Good to see you
with a shield again.
I'm sorry, I thought that's
what we were talking about.
I just get rid of the
bodies, that's all.
Um, of course.
It is a shock.
- let... Ed... go.
- No.
- He's guilty. Guilty.
- (groaning)
I'll run toxicology, I'll let
you know what I come up with.
(door closes)
My father and I haven't
always seen eye to eye.
So wonderful.
to someone always at war with himself.
- But no work talk.
- Deal.
Carmine Falcone.
I wish you a pleasant evening, Captain.
Guilty. Guilty.
Oswa... (clears throat)
I am forcing you to face your fear.
You arrest him, you're
gonna have to fight off
Look, Mario, I have a job to do,
For Lee, I'll give you that one.
I am the law.
She fought for him.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 31, 2016
After coming in contact with a substance by the hand of Mad Hatter, Jim Gordon gets led on a psychedelic trip and must confront his past, present and future. Meanwhile, Penguin struggles with Nygma's new relationship.
This city tore my love from me,
What time is it?
I'll give you all the
privacy that you need.
She's fine. Give me the rundown.
He shot Vale... I can't just
let him get away with it.
I can't go anyway. I have a date.
I just need to pick up a
few things for tonight.
increased strength and agility, but...
Gravity, a few heaters...
And he knew that he would do the
opposite of what he told him to.
I wanted to save Vale.
I think you might know him.
You don't know?
It was a pleasure meeting you.
but knowing what goes
on inside your head,
What's the date?
I'm afraid to ask.
Ew! You guys are gross.
why are you in that crappy
apartment playing private dick?
What say we wrap it up and
have it for lunch tomorrow?
Selina, if we're gonna do this,
It sounds as if you did
your friend a favor.
We'll contact you when
the time is right.
my name is Jervis Tetch.
It's not easy to face
who you really are.
Get in. We don't want to be late.
lone wolf nonsense
because you're afraid.
If you want to find your way back home,
Another minute, we would have lost you.
And I was not gonna tell
you this, but then...
Romeo and Juliet,
This is Isabella.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 24, 2016
Mad Hatter sets his eyes on his next victims, forcing Jim Gordon to make some tough decisions. Meanwhile, Penguin and Nygma's relationship evolves, and a familiar face comes back into Nygma's life.
We make a pretty good team.
- This is Gordon.
- Hello, James.
And I'm going to drive you mad
My father called.
Great. I love children.
You see what happened here?
Understandable, given the last time
I'll come down, and we can
talk about it in person.
Jervis Tetch kidnapped
Valerie Vale this morning.
Oh, you mean
You're two halves of Jim Gordon's heart.
This is merely the second act,
I promise you that.
You know, it is kind of ironic though.
I can walk you through it.
Listen up!
What the hell is going on? Where's Lee?
I'm not leaving you here.
There's got to be something else
We've been expecting you.
After all we've been through today,
I guess I know what I'm
getting you for your wedding.
Though that's not
surprising, considering
from your darkness,
drag you into the light.
those are the choices.
and shoot me dead?
- Enough.
- She told me...
and you, you...
Please send an ambulance
to 25 Blackstone Drive.
Um, I'm sorry to bother you; I
don't usually talk to people.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 17, 2016
Crime in Gotham is at an all-time high, as Penguin struggles to uphold his promises to the city. Meanwhile, Butch goes down a dark path with the infamous Red Hood Gang and Bruce begins to investigate Ivy's whereabouts.
and child in our great city
Have a nice day.
She died. He escaped.
How does that sound?
and their leader's head brought to
me on a spike before nightfall.
I've put my investigation into
my father's company aside.
No, really, she's just a friend.
Ricin, maybe.
A construction worker claimed
Wanted you to hear it from me, um,
Okay, um, well, I just...
wanted to tell you.
you tell the press this
is all Penguin's fault.
so you'll blend in at the party tonight.
You've become quite the detective.
but potassium salt is found
in detergents, soaps...
how long do you think it'll
take penguin and his lap dog?
Get out of Dodge.
I did it, boss.
No one's losing sleep over
a bunch of dead crooks,
Well done, Doctor.
to show any symptoms, or they were immune.
Bought all six of the suits,
The two of us... working together?
- You got to Zsasz?
- I got to Zsasz.
- Are you...
- I'm me.
Put one in the mayor, before
I put one in Tabitha.
After all that I've done for you,
but that's clone.
and pineapple juice for this guy.
I thought you want to keep the
woman and the reporter separate.
when seeing Butch, had to be genuine.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 10, 2016
Penguin gains power as he narrows in on the nomination for Mayor of Gotham. Meanwhile, Gordon turns Alice into the GCPD for the bounty. Also, Bruce and Alfred race to find Bruce’s doppleganger after learning he’s assumed Bruce’s identity.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 03, 2016
Hypnotist Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter arrives in Gotham to search for his sister, Alice, and hires Gordon to help find her. Meanwhile, Penguin decides to run for mayor and Bruce's doppelganger begins to channel him, causing some confusion around town.
Can you make people do
anything you tell them to do?
This is weird for me, too.
I had to meet you.
Throw him back on the
street? I-I want to know
with no water pressure
and one damp towel.
I'm very pleased that you're
returning to the GCPD.
Well, if you did, you'd see me.
There's no escape from the magic man.
- Oh, be nice to me.
- Stop, you don't understand.
Oh, please. Where were you then,
Good, good, good.
Ready? Here we go. Bosh.
How'd you find me?
One that my father would be proud of.
a clue as to why they were made.
If I had a car, I could
get around much quicker.
Well, if you're looking to rob
the place, you're too late.
I don't know where your
head's at with all this,
I'd have to hunt you down and kill you.
You are yesterday's sad joke.
So smart. Always one step ahead.
He can't... find me.
A man of your reputation
should not have been sent here
patient analysis, uh,
probational hearings,
Now, what would we like to see
what if I can't feel the same?
Also said, she doesn't want anything
Let me help you.
Put the gun down, Alice.
Hello, old friend.
Aired 8 years ago - Sep 26, 2016
Fish Mooney takes matters into her own hands to locate Hugo Strange, forcing Gordon to reluctantly team up with journalist Valerie Vale to find her. Penguin rises in popularity after criticizing the work of the GCPD and Bruce's investigation of the Court of Owls is compromised. Meanwhile, Ivy Pepper is reintroduced into Gotham city.
You are an impressive young man.
I'm happy to hear that.
Anyone considering a life in
bounty hunting should see this.
A street kid. I like her
though. She's got style.
Yeah. Signed by Hugo Strange. Again,
- I like your ex.
- Vale! Hey! Hey!
Well, Fish Mooney was real.
Here you go, sunshine.
They agreed.
Can we call this even?
Yeah, well, you know I
can't help you with that.
You hungry?
A beautiful girl like you?
So sad.
With Peabody dead,
I said hold it!
One cop comes within 20 feet
The GCPD is not Gotham.
And they'd say,
What the hell is this?
You've had your chance, Barnes.
- you can't let her take me.
- Good-bye, Professor.
I have gone over that night 1,000 times,
I couldn't destroy that.
Penguin! Penguin!
remember to water.
And I suppose that you're gonna
be teaching me these lessons.
Aired 8 years ago - Sep 19, 2016
Gordon works in a monster-ridden Gotham as a bounty hunter and seeks to find answers about the Indian Hill escapees, and why their powers appear to be killing them. Meanwhile, Bruce’s doppelganger roams the streets, and Barbara and Tabitha open a new nightclub called The Sirens.