S2 E17

Season 2  "Wrath of the Villains: Into the Woods"  2x17

Aired 8 years ago - Apr 11, 2016

In an attempt to clear his name, Gordon steals his case file and approaches Nygma for help. Meanwhile, Penguin discovers his step-family's role in his father's death, and awakens from his conditioning.

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Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 2 #2 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 3
you do have a little bit of a knack for, uh,
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 4
I have to clear my name.
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 5
How's my favorite I.A. Sugar plum, huh?
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 6 #6 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 7 #7 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 8
I got Jim...
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 9 #9 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 10 #10 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 11 #11 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 12 #12 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 13 #13 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 14
We do have a very useful hammer, Ms. Peabody,
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 15
$10,000? You should turn me in.
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 16
maybe do something to the voice.
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 17
Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you.
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 18 #18 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 19 #19 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 20
Good shot, Charles.
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 21
So the person who killed Pinkney and framed you
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 22
Psychopath seems a strong word.
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Internal Affairs.
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Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 26
*Over the pavement and down the alley*
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 27 #27 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 28 #28 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 29
I found the man who framed me. He....
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 30 #30 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 31 #31 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 32 #32 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 33 #33 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 34
Turns out staring into the cold, dead eyes of the man
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We're releasing Barbara Kean into the wild
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 37
That's exactly what he's gonna do.
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 38
No, he took off. I don't know where,
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 39
He finds people for a living!
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 40 #40 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 41 #41 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 42
Or you don't want to admit that there's a monster in all of us?
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 43
it's the warm hearts they seek.
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 44 #44 Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 45
You look different.
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 46
You thought they tasted the same,
Recap of Gotham Season 2 Episode 17 (S02E17) - 47
I'm not coming back.
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You can't have both, do you understand?