Set in a near-dystopian future, a former cop is forced to take part in a death race where the cars run on human blood. You lose a leg and you lose your head.
Series Finale. Arthur, Grace and Slink attack Heart Enterprises, but their deepest fears are waiting for them.
Slink throws the ultimate mayhem party; Grace and a mysterious newcomer fight for Arthur's soul.
Arthur resists bloodlust; Grace confronts a shocking revelation in a deadly battle-dome fight.
A wounded Arthur stumbles into Cronenburgh, a wasteland oasis that may be too good to be true.
Grace tests her kung fu against a mystic restaurateur; a dying Arthur embarks on a vision quest.
Arthur helps a wasteland sheriff free his town, but the line between good and evil is not easily drawn.
Slink unleashes a demon from the belly of Heart Enterprises to exact his revenge and take control.
Amazons ambush Arthur and Grace in The Savage Lands, but they hold a clue about the Karma's location.
Arthur and Grace must find a cure to a deadly sex plague that is unleashed on the Mayhem Party.
Arthur and Grace take a dangerous detour to a mental asylum to search for Grace's missing sister.
Arthur and Grace race through a mysterious city only to fall prey to its nocturnal inhabitants
Grace and Arthur battle to stay off the menu at the first pit stop, Pixie Swallow Motel & Diner.
In the dystopian future of 1999, Arthur Bailey is the last good cop among a horde of corrupt officials, living in desolate downtown Los Angeles. He’s about to get caught up in a race where the cars run on human blood and the last participant to arrive at each checkpoint has their head explode. If you’re a fan of Grindhouse, sexploitation, and ridiculous insane action, lube up! MORE -LESS