S1 E6

Season 1  "Celina"  1x6

Aired 7 years ago - Feb 11, 2017

A surrogate baby with a dangerous medical condition is kidnapped from a French couple and the team is called in to help.

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Recap of Ransom Season 1 Episode 6 (S01E06) - 2 #2 Recap of Ransom Season 1 Episode 6 (S01E06) - 3 #3 Recap of Ransom Season 1 Episode 6 (S01E06) - 4
that we're working for people who've broken the law?
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I was very scared.
Recap of Ransom Season 1 Episode 6 (S01E06) - 6
Can you think of anyone who may have wanted to harm her...
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She just told us that she wanted to help us.
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Do you know what a person's cognitive load is?
Recap of Ransom Season 1 Episode 6 (S01E06) - 15
Why didn't you say anything before?
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My baby could die.
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Well, that's hardly surprising. She's under a lot of stress.
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And I'm sorry for this... unpleasantness.
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and the longer you resist, the greater risk to that child.
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in the e-mails or proof-of-life photo.
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he was up before a U.S. Senate subcommittee.
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I can, but the success of a negotiation
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How is it?
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It's the blood test, isn't it?
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It's basically untraceable.
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Well, I think that tallies with your theory.
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And when it was all over, there was just this silence.
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Yes, but Paul's a great man, and he does amazing things,
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I'm afraid that's not your call.
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Man, you drove here fast.
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It's okay. Come on. Okay?
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She idolized you, and one night it just happened.
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What if it was from your night together?
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convince Celina to disappear, return the baby to Sarah,
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200,000 euros.
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Nice to meet you in person, finally.
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The basis of a negotiation is identifying a common interest,
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A good negotiator never lies, and like I told you,
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So drop the gun and the money and walk away a free man.