Aired 13 years ago - May 06, 2011
As the thrilling third season propels to a climactic close, questions will be answered as Peter confronts his destiny and a beloved team member meets an untimely demise.
Aired 13 years ago - Apr 29, 2011
As devastation spreads on This Side, Walter, Olivia, and Sam Weiss struggle to find a way to stop the destruction and discover that one individual has the ability to allow Peter access to the Machine.
- What do you mean "this way"?
- It's already on.
It's not a doomsday device,
but it's acting like one.
- No. I don't think so.
- You don't think so?
We don't know this
has to do with the machine.
But she's out
trying to find a way to end this.
He was digging for mastodon bones...
No. Maybe we shouldn't be
doing this at all.
Nonsense, I'm fully insulated.
Are you tracking the field strength?
Repetition, my dear.
We have to account for repetition.
- This is the agent I spoke to you about.
- Olivia Dunham. FBI.
Please, be considerate. We've lost enough
priceless artwork for one day.
Yes, but it will buy us time.
The lock box contains the crowbar.
You, Olivia, have the power
to bend things with your mind.
They should be able
to work together in combination.
...which makes it the perfect means
for testing your abilities.
Walter, maybe if you gave me
some Cortexiphan.
I understand now
that's what makes my mind special.
But believing doesn't make it true.
- I've been here before, but...
- Sorry, man.
Eight hundred dollars to the
Western Massachusetts Cab Company...
- Thank you. Any word from Peter?
- No.
And do you know me?
I'm afraid so long as the machine is on,
there is nothing we can do.
I want all non-essential
personnel on it.
Aired 13 years ago - Apr 22, 2011
The beginning of the end is triggered when Walternate finds a way to wreak havoc “over here."
Aired 13 years ago - Apr 15, 2011
In an effort to remove Bell's consciousness from Olivia's mind, Peter, Bell, and Walter enter Olivia's subconscious and attempt to find her personality, which has hidden itself somewhere safe.
Aired 13 years ago - Mar 25, 2011
The intensity of life “over there” accelerates as Olivia finds herself in mortal danger.
- Dunham.
- Hey, it's me.
Oh, you're so smug.
Yeah. I knew that was
driving you crazy.
- Sir, Olivia's been kidnapped.
- What do you mean?
North Moore Street, moving toward the
harbor. Speed is 50 kilometers per hour.
Get out of the car!
This is the second time you pointed a gun
at me. The first was the day I met her.
Up her to 50 milligrams.
That should keep her knocked out.
- No.
- It's for your own good.
When someone knows you and
all of the sudden, they don't...
Marilyn? It's Rosa.
Thank you, Rosa. Bye.
I need to know.
Was sent home.
While she was on the Other Side,
Olivia and my son got close.
None of us is without enemies.
Acceleration at this rate is difficult
in the best of circumstances.
My sister and her baby
didn't make it through labor.
Either I leave, or you bleed to death.
Listen. Look around
and tell me what you see.
- What's wrong with you?
- You need some help?
- Let's get her inside.
- Oh, God.
That's it. So good. You're almost there.
You hear that?
Thank you, Agent Lee.
I can't...
...being a mom.
You're a handsome little fellow, aren't you?
Aired 13 years ago - Mar 18, 2011
When the Fringe team investigates an apparent suicide victim, they uncover a second set of fingerprints leading them to a woman with uncanny characteristics that cannot die.
If I leave Olivia's brain now,
without finding a suitable host...
You don't have to tell me twice.
I've lived a long time, Peter.
Maybe it's not the woman at all.
...based on the parameters that
you retrieved from Massive Dynamic.
- Where is she?
- Boston.
Glad you guys are enjoying yourselves.
- No, they haven't.
- Don't listen to him. Her.
...we noticed something odd
in the molecules of Ms. Gray's body.
I mean, why did she get...
- Yes.
- A soul vampire.
Okay, sweetie. What's your name?
- Is she working today?
- No, she hasn't been in for a few days.
We're looking for such specific conditions
to accommodate your transfer, William.
What if that book's
not for other people, it's for her?
The ions due to
the multiple lightning strikes...
M.E. says the angle of wound
and powder burns are consistent...
I'm surprised you've heard of it.
Finally, God agreed. And Azrael's soul
was welcomed into heaven.
So where is it?
All right. See you soon.
We went over every inch
of this place. It's not here.
You see, Dana was here when
this guy committed suicide.
...doesn't mean you know
the hell that I've been stuck in.
Three trains,
all passing through Norwood.
Excuse me.
Can you keep an eye on my stuff here?
Aired 13 years ago - Mar 11, 2011
The Fringe Team investigates a group of thieves who can break the laws of gravity. Meanwhile, Walter attempts to delay the damage he's caused to the fabric of the universe.
I found the most amazing things.
Animal ESP, a morality detector...
And his happiness is a constant
reminder of the price of my failure...
Back when there were no limitations.
...somehow revealing
tons of previously undetected data.
No, no. I'm almost done.
There's no alarm on the upper windows.
Apparently, they used their...
We found a key card on the dead man.
Astronauts in space lose
5 percent of body mass a week.
That would require that
the cockpit be resistant...
And my head is killing me.
Everybody poops, dear.
- So far, he's not in the system.
- So, what did you find?
What's happening to me?
- It's a very difficult problem.
- No, I mean...
You know when we're watching TV
and you start to rub my back...
It's about trust, so it's a great game
if two people are playing.
- Go!
- Go! Come on, buddy!
Other side!
What if I told you
I could give you a miracle?
Something that makes them easy targets
for whoever it is that's doing this.
But please, do not let go...
- But I got you some mints.
- Thank you.
- I'll get a mop.
- No. I'll get a mop.
All he needed to do was to
prepare someone by inserting...
Good, you're standing. Now walk.
Without a tether, you'll just keep
floating up into the atmosphere.
Oh, I've got some work to do
back at the office.
Walter, whereabouts in Boston
would he be able to acquire lutetium?
I did exactly what you told me.
What we practiced.
I need your help!
I hurt some people, Michael.
I went to bed at night knowing
I had a father who loved me.
Other parents weren't so fortunate.
And that's when it happened.
Yes, I heard that an arrest
had been made.
...because I can't trust the FBI,
and as much as I know Walter cares...
Aired 14 years ago - Feb 25, 2011
In a follow up to last season’s “Peter” flashback episode, the all-new “Six Months Later” episode revisits a poignant period of time for both the Bishops and Olivia.
Aired 14 years ago - Feb 18, 2011
A series of Fringe events leads the team to the home of a woman grieving over the death of her husband, while Peter and Olivia make an effort to repair the emotional rift between them.
- Sylvia.
- What's in those?
Whatever's happening with Olivia and I,
or not happening, as the case may be...
This is a Bishop family specialty,
best eaten while still warm.
I know you struggle with trust issues,
have difficulty letting people in.
Six people at a party on the seventh floor
fell to their deaths last night.
And then another,
and then they all just came down.
We were so busy with Sylvia...
Apparently, the residents think
the Rosencrantz building is haunted.
What are you saying, Walter?
...but we don't know
we're dealing with a soft spot.
Thank you, Astrid.
I'll get you the file, Walter.
There's a bar across the street.
He was doing the Hustle.
There was a lot going on.
That this isn't just about her.
...what happens to the body's energy
after death.
Looks like you two were together
for a long time.
It was stupid.
Which proves I'm right.
Imagine this is the soft
spot in the universe.
We would do the same thing
as they did over there.
The compound is ready, sir.
In theory. I'd have to test it. responsible for what
we're seeing...
...they all died because you two
couldn't let go of each other.
There's so much more to tell you.
I know. I know. But you've already
had what most of us only dream of.
And then there would be new cracks
and we would seal those cracks.
Or at least postponed.
Aired 14 years ago - Feb 11, 2011
As the story shifts back to life “over there,” the absence of Colonel Broyles changes the dynamic of the Fringe Team as they investigate a bioterrorist armed with an insect that has a taste for human flesh. Meanwhile, alternate Olivia is reunited
with her beau, and Walternate remains determined to save his world but discovers there are certain lines he will not cross.
Aired 14 years ago - Feb 04, 2011
When a scientist falls dead after ingesting a lethal cloud of blue powder and his bones disintegrate in his body, the CDC suspects a biological attack. As the Fringe Team investigates further, a subject from Walter’s past with ties to Olivia reluctantly agrees to assist with the intense case.
That being said, information in the books
led us directly to the coordinates...
But what? we felt about each other.
Happy birthday, dear Warren
Oh, my, look at this.
So I'm just downloading
the post-office security footage.
But if I can figure out
exactly what this substance is...
Because if I'm right, this is not
some rogue's creation at all.
No, before you knew she wasn't me.
Mr. Downey's been stabilized,
but there's swelling in the brain...
Aaron left the Marines
to do some private contractor work.
Some DNA pathogen
that he passed on to our child.
- She died like all the others.
- What others?
Uh, New Hampshire, I believe.
Because he wasn't in the records.
He didn't complete the program.
I need to pee.
To cope, his brain pumps adrenalin
and cortisol into his system.
It's the only place that's quiet.
What is it?
I got dinner in the city in an hour.
Ninety-three's gonna be brutal.
Okay, what about Project Jellyfish?
Like, even if she pretended to be nice,
or to be my friend...
So Jellyfish.
- So you think he approved the project?
- I need to alert Thorn's detail.
- Unh.
- Okay. It's okay, you can do this.
Coffee. Black, one sugar.
Aired 14 years ago - Jan 28, 2011
When the Fringe Team visits Massive Dynamic’s assembly of the doomsday device, Walter becomes greatly concerned for Peter’s well-being, so he turns to Nina for added brain power to understand the relationship between Peter and the superweapon. Meanwhile, the discovery of a dead body triggers an intense investigation.
Aired 14 years ago - Jan 21, 2011
An Observer makes contact with the Fringe Team to help rectify a mistake. Meanwhile, Walter befriends Roscoe Joyce, keyboardist for Walter's favorite 1970s band, "Violet Sedan Chair." Walter will learn the real reason the band broke up, and realize that the lives of these two men, who have never met before, overlap in strange and unexpected ways.
Mr. Joyce.
Did you tell him?
Broyles was just telling us
a ghost story.
That's Mr. Joyce.
All right. One, two, three.
Uh, right there.
And if you just happen to get
a concert from your musical idol...
I thought maybe the traffic cameras
picked up the Observer, but no luck.
The book wasn't meant for her.
You guys should come see this.
Walter's doing it.
...brown shirt.
Don't you?
You think he has changed.
I don't believe he has.
...some sweet whey
and some yeast and some sugar.
We had a deal.
Did that happen?
your friend is fighting crimes.
Ah, there you are.
He dreamt a bald man in a dark suit...
...that was the last conversation
we had.
The day I crossed over and saved Peter,
I set off a chain reaction.
To help undo all the damage I've caused.
But I can't, don't you see?
- What's wrong?
- She's asthmatic.
...but if you don't help that girl now,
she's gonna die.
Peter's fine. He's just a bit banged up.
Come visit me sometime.
First he saves the girl,
then he tries to kill her.
- Milk?
- Yeah, from the refrigerator.
- Okay, I got it.
- Quickly.
Aired 14 years ago - Dec 09, 2010
When the Fringe Team investigates a case where a victim had his heart extracted, it’s just the beginning of a series of mysterious and reanimating events tied together. Meanwhile, Peter comes to terms with the reality of his relationship with Olivia.
- He was using me to discover how.
- You think he's close?
I'm not gonna deny that the last
few months haven't taken their toll.
He feared for his family, for their future.
- Have you spoken to Olivia?
- I did. Called her last night.
Which is why, even though
it's going to fundamentally change...
At 8 this morning, 911 received a call
from inside this house.
Breaking the ribs and spreading them
out to resemble blood-stained wings.
In this case, the standards
we generally use don't apply.
Oh, great. Perhaps there I'll be able to
discover what made this Tin Man tick.
It's kind of disconcerting, knowing that
somebody else has been living your life.
She said that when she was over there,
when she saw her other life...
And I explained away the differences
because our relationship was different.
- He had a heart transplant?
- Yes. He wanted a second chance.
It won't be long now.
Astrid and I isolated traces of a serum
in his blood.
Do you think possibly
they replaced her with a robot?
Someone didn't think
the recipients were worthy.
Can you believe that? He said he wished
there was another way.
Well, that dream
is gonna have to wait, Walter.
Did she have any friendships
that were cause for concern?
I'll get that information.
...given all that family's had to suffer.
- There's a good reason.
Okay, thanks.
Belly and I dabbled in that arena
for years.
Oh. Amanda was also in
a cognitive-behavioral group...
Who more than likely has parents
who live far away or are deceased.
Then, four years ago,
he picks up his scientific work...
- Strawberry milkshake.
- I can do that.
Aired 14 years ago - Dec 02, 2010
Peter struggles to cope with recent events; Olivia searches for an ally; a device that communicates between universes is discovered...
Aired 14 years ago - Nov 18, 2010
When a serial kidnapper “over there” strikes again, the emotional and familiar case hits home for Colonel Broyles, sending a determined Olivia to uncover additional details about the abductions. In the meantime, Olivia fights on and reunites with Henry to enlist his services on an intense and covert mission to return home.
Polls show that
most Americans oppose the proposed law...
Across the patrolled water.
You're with Fringe Division. ain't gotta steal a boat.
My cousin has one.
Okay. We're good down here.
Molecular cohesion intact.
Sure. Uh, Victim is Max Clayton,
8 years old.
Secretes it through his sweat.
There's no shame in letting it fall
to another desk if it's too personal.
From that point,
you could access the spine.
Okay, Amanda Holt
and Christopher Broyles.
...and punishing the guilty.
What if there was only one person who
was literally changing from old to young?
Nothing yet.
But we're working every lead we have. much you would've wanted to get
back to your family and to your friends.
Yeah, he is.
"Through the pitch-dark
comes a cleansing fire."
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
I used to be a physician.
It will help our investigation if you would
give the names and addresses...
- There are over 40 names on this list.
- We'll have to split up.
Seems he was making
some kind of age-regression serum.
Ha, ha. No, thanks.
Don't worry. My cousin ran me through
everything I need to know.
I'll find you.
It'd really mean a lot
if you could say hi.
Now you should get some rest,
because it's late.
You know who you are, don't you?
Henry, don't worry.
Ma'am, what are you...?
Aired 14 years ago - Nov 11, 2010
Back “over here,” the Fringe Division investigates a bizarre phenomenon when 15 people up and down the Eastern Seaboard, all suffer retrograde amnesia from listening to their shortwave radios on the same frequency. Much to Walter’s dismay, Peter
presses on with piecing together the mass destruction device. Just as alternate Olivia and Peter’s chemistry deepens, the anticipation of Olivia’s return escalates.
Aired 14 years ago - Nov 04, 2010
The alternate universe Fringe Division investigates a shocking breach of security when a twin frees his brother from a quarantined Amber area. As the team sets out to crack this sophisticated case, Walternate experiments over there more with Olivia
as she reenters the tank. Meanwhile, visions of Peter continue to haunt Olivia about returning to the “other side”.
Aired 14 years ago - Oct 14, 2010
Newton, concerned about the consequences of a distressing development involving a high-ranking official, is forced to call to action a sleeping shapeshifter. As Walter and the rest of the team gather evidence, they move the investigation to Massive Dynamic, where Olivia goes on high alert and Walter finds himself in a perilous situation.
- Know where I can find some?
- We're selling lemonade.
- Patricia.
- Oh, Phillip.
I can't wait to see what he's doing
with a billion-dollar corporation.
When William Bell
created this company...
Is anyone else hot in here?
And when he couldn't,
he shut him up.
- Dr. Bishop.
- Mm-hm.
That's a good question.
Or as you people call it, he's dead.
You're not fully committed to this task,
and because of that, you will fail.
- I'll have body transferred to Harvard.
- No. My other lab.
Must be the LSD.
There's nothing here.
Oh, you don't have to.
Just shift into a new body.
...and an N.Y.P.D. detail
has set up a perimeter.
If you want to know who
the shapeshifter's been working with...
- Uh, no, we haven't found any data storage.
- Not yet we haven't.
...but if we get that data...
- I don't think it's a good idea.
Come check on me
when you get back?
You should have seen the way Jim
held her in his arms, so happy.
I thought you said
you weren't hungry.
That was Belly's favorite too.
Funny thing about the stegosaurus...
The stegosaurus has a massive, uh,
cluster of nerves above the rump.
You seem less burdened.
You're more patient with Walter.
Stay right there. Don't move.
The stegosaurus, Peter, has two brains.
That's what they were after.
- Oh, come on.
- Peter.
I got it.
Just like you had another one before.
I need to reach Agent Broyles.
At continuing to try to convince yourself
that you don't care.
Aired 14 years ago - Oct 07, 2010
In this case, timing is everything as a series of anomalous events lead the Fringe Division to investigate deadly incidents with unimaginable coincidences. As the freaky crimes continue to occur, the team is in a race against time to protect
potential victims. Meanwhile, Secretary Bishop shares his strategic plan with Colonel Broyles as Olivia grapples with a heart-stopping vision.
Welcome back, Agent Dunham.
We have discovered some ways
to cross over...
- Keep me apprised.
- Yes, sir.
- Air quality normal. No oxygen needed.
- Okay, listen up.
God, a pen? I don't know.
Preschool maybe?
Hey, babe.
Well, at first it was normal,
and then we're out in the field...
- Why, you don't think so?
- I don't know.
- You said that yourself.
- What if someone calculated variables?
It's not over.
I still can't believe he knew
the bike would cause the truck...
Each liquefied thing provides an instance
of a property of being liquid.
I've always been there for you.
I've always taken care of you."
You have to follow the rules.
- I hope it's a tuba player, okay?
- Ha, ha.
Yeah, unless it's run by an evil genius
who's creating accidents to kill people.
So sorry for the delay. I'm Dr. Levin.
You're kidding me.
And after that?
Mr. Mayer had not yet
been assigned the task.
After all, they were trying to cut off the
medication that was making him smart.
We were.
So if there is anything
that you can think of...
You know, that's his M.O.
Always 10 steps ahead.
- Where you going?
- To the hotel.
Charlie, there he is.
Just breathe.
Consecutive square
of T-1 and T-2 cubed... would provide
an associative link...
- Do you miss it?
- Miss what?
Aired 14 years ago - Sep 30, 2010
The story alternates to the Fringe Team "over here" where they investigate a mystifying case that people are discovered in a trance-like state that ultimately leads to their death. The unlikely suspect: a mysterious box. As Peter and Walter
collaborate to study its properties, alternate Olivia presses on and turns up the heat on an unsuspecting Peter. Meanwhile, key information about the future is revealed when Walter and Nina meet at Massive Dynamic for the emotional reading of the last will and testament of William Bell.
Aired 14 years ago - Sep 23, 2010
After the extraordinary turn of events that shockingly left an imprisoned Olivia "over there," she fights to find her way home. Meanwhile, Peter and Walter try to move on with their lives unknowingly alongside alternate Olivia.