Aired 30 years ago - May 25, 1994
Brandon travels to Washington, D.C. to make a presentation for the task force. He considers giving in to the persistent Clare. Lucinda, in town for a meeting, shows up at the hotel; both women grope Brandon under the table during an important
dinner. Kelly confesses her feelings for Brandon to Andrea and decides to surprise him. Roy offers Brenda the opportunity to spend the summer studying theater at the Royal Academy in London. Kevin and Suzanne get married. He and Dylan consider producing his project without outside assistance. Andrea gives birth to a 2 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Hannah. She and Jesse struggle to remain positive as Hannah fights to survive. Steve has a run-in with John Sears at the university carnival, and is hurt to learn that he is dating Celeste. Donna is jealous of the amount of attention Ariel devotes to David.
He's taking the redeye tonight.
Well, you know what they say,
good things come in small packages.
Bye. See you.
So if the parents of Maxine Frankel
are looking for her, don't worry,
I'm sure they already
had their auditions by now.
Jesse, what's wrong?
Nice to meet you.
Are you a student at CU?
for a late breakfast after my shift.
Look, you cannot be jealous
of every girl that David talks to.
even I didn't know
how big this thing could be.
Because I don't have to give
a speech in 15 minutes.
So give me a hint.
What is he waiting for?
Let's talk about something
in the real world.
- What do you mean?
- Where were you all day?
Are you staying at the hotel?
So that gives us an hour.
The shrimp sounds fabulous, sir.
Hey, have a little mercy here, okay?
Listen, everyone,
thanks for a wonderful night,
Room service.
Have you had breakfast yet?
For every argument
That we've experienced
You know,
this is gonna sound corny
What kind of woman's lib stuff is that?
Hey, come on, hey.
What do you mean "ourselves"?
What do you say, Celeste?
Well, do you mind if we fill you in
on the real John Sears?
Especially for you for being so cool
the president of the United States
tomorrow morning.
Look, did you happen to see
where he went?
I understand.
I understand everything.
to present their findings to a
bipartisan congressional committee...
It's done.
We're just gonna be gone
for a week.
Kevin, I know what I'm doing.
Aired 30 years ago - May 11, 1994
Brenda receives rave reviews for her performance in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Dylan gives her a special present on opening night, and the two seem to have lingering feelings. Steve is reluctant to attend the play because of his rift with Brenda. Andrea
learns that her baby may be born prematurely, and is forced to check into the hospital. She goes into labor. Donna tries to book singer Babyface for the campus Mardi Gras festival. David meets a record company employee who introduces him to a talented band. David declines an offer to join because the band members are drug users. Erica overhears Suzanne and Kevin discussing a move to South America, but they claim that she misunderstood. Dylan considers becoming Kevin's business partner. Kelly grows tired of Dylan's involvement with Suzanne, Erica and Kevin. She and Dylan decide to break up. Brandon fears that Clare could cost him a chance to travel to Washington with the task force and meet the president. Music: 'Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia)' by Us3, 'I'll Always Love You' by Babyface.
And I was looking everywhere for it,
but just like all the other dreams,
Always leave it to the accountant
to balance his books.
Steve never went to go pick up his
free ticket, so I had something to trade.
We have been talking about
maybe relocating for Kevin's business,
Here we go, 200 task force
handbooks hot off the presses.
Hold on, Brandon.
But what's more disturbing
is the ultrasound.
We have to try to prolong this
pregnancy as long as we possibly can.
Hey, what about the play tonight?
I hope you changed your mind.
I don't know. Something's going on.
who comes in two hours
before curtain up.
Or maybe it was
because I kept getting out of bed
Yeah. She was really great,
wasn't she, Kelly?
- Well...
- Jim, come over.
It doesn't matter.
I'm not leaving you tonight.
Trying to catch the chancellor
before he goes in.
So raise that chin
and lose that dark cloud.
Sorry, it's taking a little longer
than I expected.
Yeah, I'm a music major at C.U.
Wait a second. You mean,
the company that you wanna invest in
Jim told me
about the review in The Condor.
Jesse's parents, Grandma Rose.
Wow, that's so exciting.
You have to tell Jesse.
Yeah, but if it's a boy and he's small,
he'll get picked on.
We're gonna white light
all negativity, right?
Oh, yeah? I went there a semester.
Damn, I know we've met.
- Sounds like Jim smells money.
- That's my dad.
I said I was sorry for everything.
Pregnant women dream a lot.
Some of them are quite telling.
Hi, Brandon, what are you doing
here on a Sunday?
Then where are my airline tickets?
Hey, Jim,
it's okay to use your fingers.
it's a wonder
we'll ever make it to next century.
anything that takes my attention
away from you for a little while.
Aired 30 years ago - May 04, 1994
Brenda wins the lead, much to the amazement of those who saw her audition. Steve starts a rumor that Brenda slept with Roy. Dylan is the only person who completely believes Brenda's denial. Laura causes Brenda to miss a rehearsal in an attempt to
get her fired. When this fails, she asks Steve to injure Brenda. Roy kicks Laura out of the play. Steve and Brenda race to stop Laura from killing herself in the auditorium. Suzanne and Kevin get engaged, and Dylan learns more about Kevin's research. Kevin quits his job and decides to pitch the project to independent investors. Clare tries to tag along on Brandon's trip to Berkeley. Brandon tells the chancellor the truth about his daughter's behavior. Music: 'Free Ride' by The Edgar Winter Group, 'Lightning Strikes' by Lou Christie.
- News flash, life is unfair.
- I'm gonna find this Randolph
Do you know
what kind of friends I have?
- But it's for a good cause, right?
- Right.
- You're kidding.
- No.
Joan Lebovitz, Big Mama.
Laura gives the performance
of a lifetime
Oh, no, actually, it couldn't be
more perfect, could it, Kel?
Why can't you even be happy
for them?
Well, they read it and I listened.
Oh, yeah,
but you're not that kind of person.
What do you think?
Just remember,
every father's daughter is a virgin.
industrial waste,
just your basic toxic smorgasbord.
So if you put enough
of these microorganism into the bay?
- No, thanks, I'm not in the mood.
- Come on, lose those blues.
You wanna know why?
Because I have no talent.
I got a message
from the Drama Department
Hi. Oh, incredible.
I got to do Maggie the whole rehearsal.
One more thing, Laura.
Too perfect. It's starting to make up
for this abysmal day I'm having.
Tell me the truth, Brandon.
Hi. There was no answer at the door.
I'm sorry if I interrupted you.
they practically made me
put it in writing
I can't picture her provoking fistfights
with strange men in hotel rooms.
L... I'll talk to Clare.
I'm sorry if she's been a nuisance.
and left at once.
Laura. Laura.
I should have known.
Don't worry,
Steve's dealing with her.
Did you get stuck in traffic?
- Because they pay you every week?
- They're not the only lab in town.
Oh, no.
Aired 30 years ago - Apr 27, 1994
Brenda accuses Kelly of betraying her and refuses to speak to her. Kelly's relationship with Dylan is strained by the situation with Brenda, and Kelly's disdain for Suzanne and Erica. Kelly drops out of the auditions because she does not want to be
an actress. She and Brenda make up and admit their mutual jealousy. After witnessing Laura's brilliant performance, a nervous Brenda tanks her audition. She shows up at Roy Randolph's house that night in search of another chance. Clare tricks Brandon into taking her to the senior prom. At the after-party, she flashes and dumps beer on some guys before giving them the room number. Brandon winds up getting into a fight, and helps Clare clean up the trashed hotel room. Andrea continues to worry about the baby as Jesse leaves for an out-of-town trip. She collapses in pain, and Donna rushes her to the hospital. The doctor orders Andrea to stay in bed for the remainder of the pregnancy. Dylan becomes interested in environmental chemist Kevin's plan to clean the beaches. Music: 'Gimme Little Sign' by Brenton Wood, 'The Sign' by Ace of Base.
Aired 30 years ago - Apr 20, 1994
Acclaimed director Roy Randolph comes to C.U. to work on the campus production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Brenda plans to try out for the lead role, and Kelly helps her rehearse. Brenda encourages Kelly to audition for a small part, but Roy asks her
to read for the lead. Steve coaches Laura for her audition in the hopes that she can finally catch a break. Clare aggressively pursues Brandon. She shows up at his house while his parents are out of town and handcuffs herself to his bed. Dylan tries to convince Erica to be more receptive to her mother's new boyfriend, Kevin. Dylan saves Kevin from being struck by a bus. Andrea receives a clean bill of health, but still fears that something is wrong with her pregnancy. David chastises Donna for refusing to discipline her puppy. Music: 'On Broadway' by George Benson, 'Sweet Funky Thing' by Eternal, 'Family Affair' by Sly and The Family Stone.
Starred Holly Hunter before she was
a big star. It was pretty awesome.
Andrea, don't be so hard
on yourself.
And you can never, ever, ever
forget your sisters.
is also the esteemed chancellor
of CU.
What would you say
if I wanted to go out with you?
- Bye, mon chéri.
- Bye.
- It's great to meet you, sit down.
- Okay.
I understand
the character completely.
Don't ask me, bro.
At that hour, I'm studying.
I shouldn't have snapped at you.
You were just being concerned.
- Would you?
- Yeah, I figure I owe you one.
No, no harm done. But I suggest
you try walking without reading.
Nothing should inhibit the moves
of a dangerous woman.
the engine's gonna rot.
Down for a little half-court action?
He does.
I used to love acting,
up until the sixth-grade play
Me too.
Anyway, Brandon, as I was saying,
to warn somebody
the house is on fire.
Oh, sorry. No, as Maggie, I just wanted
to see what it would be like.
Well, he's still young,
he doesn't know all the rules yet.
All I know is that everybody here
looks a lot more theatrical than I do.
What's it look like, silly?
Then do me a favor, will you?
Cut Kevin some slack?
Give me credit for that,
will you, please?
No, I don't giggle.
So I don't really have
anywhere to stay.
Obviously, you're in a rush.
No one ever walks out
of my auditions.
- It's Brenda.
- Thanks.
Now, please, he only did that
because he felt sorry for me
No, I didn't.
Because I like you.
The size of the head
is right where it should be.
Ultrasounds are very expensive.
Insurance is only gonna cover so many.
- Yeah, I better hit the beach.
- You a waterman?
Aired 30 years ago - Apr 06, 1994
Brandon's car breaks down, and he and Steve step into a gay coffeehouse to call a tow truck. Mike Ryan, the president of Steve's fraternity, mistakenly believes that the duo is gay. He comes out to Steve, who feels uncomfortable with the situation.
When some guys jokingly accuse Steve of being gay, he outs Mike. Mike decides to leave the house rather than face the homophobic members who want to oust him, but Steve encourages him to stand up for himself. David falls for his talented piano teacher, who is blind. Donna goes on a date with D'Shawn to make him jealous. David's teacher helps him learn to appreciate his relationship with Donna. Donna and Kelly convince the guys to appear in a beefcake calendar for charity. Music: 'Ain't That Peculiar?' by Marvin Gaye, 'I Can't Fight This Feeling' by REO Speedwagon.
Well, I thought your professor said
you were talented.
So let's get out of here before
any of them get any ideas, okay?
If we could ever get anybody
to pose for it.
Well, I am eating for two.
all the most respected guys
on campus to pose for it.
It's not a pinup calendar.
If you really wanna have fun with me,
you can rearrange the furniture.
You sure you wouldn't
like a cappuccino?
You're not gonna tell the other guys,
are you?
Maybe I should have
my head examined.
Why didn't you tell me
you saw him in there?
Wasn't Mike Ryan one of the first
brothers to stand up for you?
Well, he's really gotten good,
hasn't he?
Well, all I'm saying is, next March,
when I'm back on my legs,
Well, maybe I'll do it,
but on one condition.
- No, the teddy bears will work too.
- Thank you.
Artie, if you're so busy
looking for fruits,
You've been lying to everyone.
Why are you in the closet, anyway?
Great, so now your masculinity
is secured for another 24 hours
Well, I am a great bowler.
But not in this dress.
And I did, and I'm sorry.
- I'm really looking forward to this.
- I'm glad one of us is.
Well, sure.
That's how you got so good at it.
Hey, I'm just talking about me.
I'll stand there with you.
This deserves more discussion.
See, I didn't think
that I could trust you to see
I move we also keep him
as president.
I have to stop eating so much, but...
Aired 30 years ago - Mar 23, 1994
It's Spring Break and the gang wants to go to Mammoth but instead decides on Palm Springs... all go, except Brenda who finds a diary in her window seat, which belonged to a girl names Wendy Edwards back in 1968. As she reads it, she inserts her
friends as characters in the diary. She imagines Andrea as a hippy, Steve as Ronnie, and Dylan as Peter Brinkley, who is against the war. David is Seth who wants sex from Mary Anne Bailey, played by Donna, and he gets it. Brandon plays Wendy's brother, Will, who dies in the Vietnam War, and Kelly plays Michelle who overdoses on LSD in 1971. The diary includes the numbers 134, 10, 66, and 72 which Brenda finds out to be the roads to Woodstock after she tracks down and meets the real Wendy. Music: 'Monday, Monday' by the Mamas and the Papas, 'These Boots Are Made for Walkin'' by Nancy Sinatra, 'For What It's Worth' by Buffalo Springfield, 'Let's Get Together' by The Youngbloods, 'Time Has Come Today' by Chambers Brothers, 'Reach Out of the Darkness' by Friend and Lover, 'The Times They Are a-Changin'' by Bob Dylan, 'Wear Your Love Like Heaven' by Donovan, 'Woodstock' by Joni Mitchell.
What do you mean, you can't?
Are you grounded?
She was wondering
if there's anything she could do
You know,
in the time that we lived here,
Just try not to think too much.
And make 1968
the best year of my life.
I can't describe what it's like
to sit there,
That's right, you won't,
That'd be great.
That's how Hefner does it.
I was saying we want him
to end this stinking war.
Come on, let's go.
Acapulco gold.
Look at these numbers,
134, ten, 66, 72...
Well, I was in junior high,
but I did come here
especially if you were a dog.
You know, I know
it's a rhetorical question,
But first, he made a point of calling
my brother a fascist,
- It'll all be here tomorrow morning.
- Thanks.
The fact is
he always had a crush on her,
I just wanna be free
and spontaneous.
Well, then, tonight is the night
for the full-court press.
At the sound of the tone,
the time will be...
Your mother was telling me
about that diary.
that's tearing this country apart.
That is hardly the vanguard
of the New American Revolution.
Do you see
what you've done to this family?
I became overwhelmed
with an impending sense of dread
including Peter, were dropped.
I did. I dreamt I went to Disneyland
with Judy Collins and Joan Baez,
for how disorienting
everything is over here.
Yeah, it makes me
wanna find the real Wendy Edwards.
There's these numbers.
I mean, they just came out of nowhere.
Wendy, who's out there?
I don't think
Michelle would appreciate that.
When you find out what they mean,
will you let me know?
That's Maryanne?
Aired 30 years ago - Mar 16, 1994
Brenda calls Dylan from jail in the hopes of keeping her arrest a secret, but he is forced to tell her parents. Brenda's friends avoid her out of fear of being accessories after the fact, and Kelly acts especially bitchy because she is tired of
Dylan coming to Brenda's rescue. Brenda faces felony charges, as her crime was a federal offense. An FBI agent who had gone undercover with the activists offers her immunity in exchange for her testimony. Kelly apologizes for shunning Brenda. Andrea gives Donna a healthy puppy (Rocky II) to take her mind off Rocky's death. Steve and his overbearing father, Rush, take on a baseball star and his dad in a father/son golf tournament. Steve catches his father cheating and forces him to complete the game honestly. Lucinda receives a grant for her movie and leaves the university. Josh threatens to expose Brandon's affair with Lucinda unless he endorses his campaign for student president. Brandon calls his bluff, and Josh eventually has second thoughts. Music: 'Spirit in the Sky' by Norman Greenbaum.
Why is it that every time
Brenda's in trouble, she calls you first?
No problem.
Should be a great tournament.
Well, I don't think Brandon has gotten
three speeding tickets in 18 months.
What on earth did she do?
We were not hurting these animals,
we were studying their sleep patterns.
and the pretrial hearing
is set for two weeks from today.
Prancing in at the eleventh hour,
begging us to go along.
Some kind of stomach bug
going around the Westside.
Ben, how you doing?
You know my son, Steve?
breaking and entering with intent
to destroy federal property.
Yeah. For the time being at least,
she's our problem.
But there are other ways
of expressing your opinion
Brenda, you're 19 years old.
What are we gonna do with her?
- I don't wanna go to jail.
- I know.
I heard your sister got arrested
last night.
But there's still a few loose ends,
- No, Mom. Josh was just leaving.
- Thanks, anyway. I was just leaving.
- We've got a tournament to win.
- Yeah, don't count on it, Barry.
Well, he came by my house today
claiming to know everything about us.
I've been cleaning up the lab
all morning.
- And I'm sorry if it hurt you.
- Sorry?
but I don't think
you wanna be subpoenaed either.
I'm gonna take a walk.
Clear my head, think about all this.
Well, if Brenda's very lucky,
she won't go to jail.
What skeletons could he possibly find
in your closet?
I didn't think anything could possibly
take my mind of Brenda this afternoon,
- Now, what is it?
- Keep your voice down.
You wanna have fun?
- Who is it?
- Brenda.
to make me realize
I don't wanna go back.
Looks like you're finally gonna put
the Larsons away this year, Rush.
It's a lousy club tournament.
The trophy isn't even sterling silver.
I wanted to feel one more time
what it was like to be back on top.
- Pay attention.
- Good luck.
Well, congratulations, Rush.
You finally beat me.
But I won't apologize for standing up
Look, we're not after you, Brenda.
It's a puppy.
or I'm not gonna be in your life.
Aired 31 years ago - Mar 02, 1994
Brenda and Donna attend an animal rights rally and are crestfallen when the university refuses to suspend animal testing. After Rocky dies of cancer, Brenda becomes involved with a small group of radicals. She serves as lookout when the group breaks
into the university research building, and tries in vain to save Andrea's lab (which does not harm animals in its testing). Brenda is arrested. Kelly and Brandon are furious when Dylan refuses to fund Lucinda's film. He finally tells Kelly that Lucinda came on to him. Brandon breaks up with Lucinda, and Kelly confesses her kiss with Brandon. Dylan races over to the Walsh house to fight Brandon, but the tension is defused when he accidentally punches Steve. (At the end of this episode, Tori Spelling thanks the audience and 90210 crew for the making of this 100th episode) . Music: 'Trans-Island Skyway' by Donald Fagen.
You and Lucinda Nicholson.
That is so hot.
No, but they have some lovely
candid shots of your weekend there.
Yes, you do.
What's going on with you and Kelly?
People are talking.
Look, we have every reason
to believe that the board of trustees
that's really cool,
but before you get too crazy,
And I still think that there's
a good chance he can come around.
Come on, Rocky. Good boy.
I could've just blown Kelly off,
told her dinner was a bad idea
I have no idea, but I can't dodge
any more bullets like that.
Anything to help.
Oh, my God.
Welcome to Lab 33.
You guys,
I had the same concerns you did.
Hey, it's a great project.
You said so yourself.
but the fact is, he's pretty sick.
I just didn't know
any other way to handle it.
What are you talking about? Why
would she do something like that?
Look, I've got to go if I'm gonna
catch a ride with my mom to school.
They might.
And that's as honest as I can be.
- Killer!
- Get out of here.
I suggested,
merely suggested, Margarita.
It's not as if she's ever claimed
to be anything other than what she is.
Guys, I think he's stopped breathing.
Yeah, well, I got held up
at the Peach Pit talking to Kelly.
You make this all sound
so matter-of-fact.
You know,
something to remember him by.
I'm sorry, bro.
But no more, man.
Do you really think talk
is gonna do anything to stop it?
We know nothing about her, Harvey.
Aired 31 years ago - Feb 23, 1994
Brandon and Kelly attend a weekend retreat. The chancellor's teenage daughter Clare develops a crush on Brandon. Brandon confesses his affair with Lucinda to Kelly. Brandon and Kelly realize they must discontinue the charade after they share a
passionate kiss. Lucinda invites Dylan to her house to view her film, and makes a pass at him. Donna and Brenda befriend a stray dog, which they name Rocky. They learn that the animal escaped from the university's research lab, and are afraid to return him. Brenda takes an interest in an animal rights group that is protesting the lab. Andrea, who works at the facility, argues that the lab is researching potential medical breakthroughs. She returns the dog safely to Donna. Andrea is furious when Steve lets Muntz use her room for a rendezvous with his girlfriend. She fears that the resident adviser will kick her out, but Steve makes amends by sleeping with the woman. Music: 'Get Closer' by Seals and Crofts, 'All The Way' by Hoodoo Gurus.
Aired 31 years ago - Feb 16, 1994
Josh Richland tries to dig up dirt on Brandon for a newspaper article. Lucinda suggests that Brandon bring a date to task force functions to throw Josh off their trail. Brandon asks Kelly to accompany him to a party, with Dylan's permission. Kelly
learns that Lucinda is struggling to obtain financing for her film, and introduces her to Dylan. Brenda joins Stuart for a weekend in Palm Springs, where he is to make a presentation to his father. They stop in the desert, but Brenda accidentally locks the keys in the car. Stuart continually lashes out at Brenda, especially after vandals break into his car when it is left overnight. Brenda finally becomes fed up and dumps Stuart. She calls Dylan for a ride home; during the drive, she confesses that she is still in love with him. David convinces Kelly to move back into the beach apartment. Andrea lets Steve move into her old room, but warns him not to alienate her R.A. Music: 'Me and Mrs. Jones' by Billy Paul, 'Into Your Arms' by the Lemonheads.
Just keep your fingers crossed I get
that grant to finish my documentary.
You're the original boy wonder.
David, I'm not nervous.
Did you geniuses figure out
how to save Western civilization?
Well, after all that business
with the Peach Pit,
I hope so.
Historically, it's been proven.
- What?
- Donna, come on.
Okay. Okay, we will try it.
Well, it started out as my thesis,
The infamous Lucinda Nicholson.
Kelly never stops talking about you.
Look, if you want dirt on Brandon,
you're gonna have to bring your own.
Stuart, that's not fair.
You did that on purpose.
Stuart, I'm not exactly dressed for it.
All I know, I got 200 more reps to do
to stay on my therapy program.
you better be a lot more careful, coz.
Well, I know it's my fault
that we're not all still together.
I thought you'd like it.
- I'm sorry.
- Me too.
Oh, God, Stuart, I'm so sorry.
Look at the stars.
This is pretty incredible.
I think he's missed a few chapters
in my power-feminism books.
This isn't exactly the kind of thing
I can bring a blind date to,
nothing is too weird for her.
I'm busy working
on my computer here.
Hey, Muntz, you'd better cancel me
on that six-pack.
I just wanna get some sleep,
okay, Brenda?
Well, there's that tone again.
I thought you guys were friends.
I can't wait to laugh
about this someday.
Well, today my attention
will also be on lobbying
And I was looking forward
to seeing you.
Or would that have
required too much effort?
- Yeah?
- Dylan, hi, is Kelly there?
Little mistake?
Bren, you lost your passport.
Dinner's on.
Aired 31 years ago - Feb 09, 1994
Despite an appeal from Rose, Andrea's parents refuse to support her decision to marry. Jesse makes one final plea, and the Zuckermans arrive at the civil ceremony at the last moment. David claims that he has cleaned up his act, but brings a junkie
friend along on a Valentine's date with Donna. Dylan reminds David that he saved him from hitting the bottle after his father's funeral, and offers to help him in an emergency. David turns to Dylan after his dealer asks him to stash his drug supply from the cops. Dylan talks him into flushing the drugs just minutes before the police arrive. Steve hopes to move into Andrea's old room to escape the constant drinking binges at the KEG house. Brenda writes a scathing letter to Stuart when he fails to call her for a month. He surprises her on Valentine's Day, and explains that he had a project in South America. Jim admits that he purposely withheld this information to get back at Brenda. Brandon and Lucinda begin a secret romance. Music: 'Hit by Love' by CeCe Peniston, 'For the Cool in You' by Babyface, 'Can We Talk' by Tevin Campbell.
Yeah, she's right, Donna.
David's just gonna have to tough it out.
So where's this shindig
gonna take place?
Oh, you look great.
You said you had
an important matter to discuss.
About the Holocaust?
I don't know,
I hadn't thought about it.
And I'm keeping it together
so far, really.
So, David...
spend a lot of money on me, and
everything will be back the way it was.
I don't know.
Someplace a little spicier.
and you had about
a million other reasons
with perfume, flowers
and, of course, chocolate.
Cool. You know, I really appreciate
this intro to the man.
Yeah, Brandon's having dinner
with Andrea and Jesse.
I think it's just the right balance
of disdain and contempt.
Andrea, we're asking Brandon
to do too much already.
Well, he just stopped by and he
doesn't have anything to do tonight.
Yeah, come on,
you nasty little fun tart, let's dance.
Well, it's like they say, if you don't use
your head, you gotta use your feet.
and I've got my reputation
as an educator.
Or is that okay,
some kind of jock thing?
Yeah, she'll be okay.
I can't, I'm too angry.
who hasn't called me in a month.
Love, Brenda. "
- I wanna open the next one.
- Open that one.
Everybody sits around
watching my mother
- Oh, God.
- Wait, you live off campus, right?
- She's not home.
- I'm gonna leave her a note to call me.
I've been meaning
to talk to you about that.
Calm down.
Yeah, he's right here, hold on.
Why can't you do that?
I mean, you don't wanna get rid
of this stuff, do you?
And you probably
won't believe this either,
The clock just struck February 14th.
Are we ready to begin?
You knew the cops were coming,
you came anyway.
Aired 31 years ago - Feb 02, 1994
Kelly finds drugs in David's bedroom. She moves in with Dylan and takes Donna with her. Howard fires David from the radio show and orders him to find a new supplier. Donna goes against Kelly's wishes by covering the rent for David, who cashes the
check and uses it for drugs. Jesse breaks up with Andrea after she shares her plans to have an abortion. He later reconsiders, and Andrea reveals that she has decided to have the baby. They announce their engagement, much to the surprise of their friends. The girls enroll in one of Lucinda's anthropology classes. Dylan buys out Joey so that the Peach Pit can stay in business. Brandon pouts because he did not get to be the hero. He provides comfort to the divorcing Lucinda.
Music: 'What a Wonderful World' by Louis Armstrong, 'Get Off This' by Cracker, 'Expressway To Your Heart' by the Soul Survivors.
Why? I know the laws.
watching the surgeon and
giving him pointers.
I don't care what it is.
Now you're a drug addict and a liar.
Yeah, I was hoping
that we could talk.
Donna, we have been there
to catch David all semester long.
Brenda. Brenda Walsh.
You know, Silver is not stupid.
I don't know what he's thinking.
and everybody's problems
would just disappear.
Oh, come on, Don.
You don't really believe that, do you?
A little taste of something?
All right, fine, whatever.
This place sucks anyway.
We love you, son.
Yeah, maybe life can return
to normal around here.
and sorority meetings and dates.
This way, they could tell a story
and keep warm at the same time.
Why on earth would you
wanna do something like that?
no one should know that better
than you. I can afford another shirt.
It's definitely for the better.
We don't live there anymore.
That's your problem now.
and I'm running for the end zone
and the crowd is cheering
I just got a visit
from the cash fairy. Open up.
Please, please, forgive me.
I happen to think it's the worst kind
of investment Dylan can make,
Doesn't mean
he knows what to do with it.
You know? I don't know what to do.
I can't let it sit there drawing interest.
I don't know, Steve.
You're getting good at this.
L... Well, we have...
Not enough elbow room,
the kid's kicking up a storm.
Oh, well, if you get this message,
come to the Peach Pit right away.
Well, that's why there's
a first time for everything.
Aired 31 years ago - Jan 26, 1994
David begins seeing a psychiatrist and tries to make amends with Donna. He tries to take time off from his radio show, but Steve proves to be completely incompetent as a fill-in. David steals drugs from Howard's desk and returns to the airwaves
high. Andrea confesses her pregnancy to Brandon and Kelly; but has difficulty telling Jesse, who has just been offered a clerkship in San Francisco. The university names Brandon as its representative on a national task force. Suzanne takes a waitress job at the Peach Pit. Nat collapses with a heart attack, and Dylan and Brandon save his life with CPR. Nat's cousin Joey, an equal partner, wants to sell the Peach Pit. Brandon fears that Nat will have nothing to live for without the Peach Pit. He ignores his father's advice and decides to run the diner in Nat's absence. Cindy enrolls in California University to pursue her master's degree. Music: 'Then Came You' by Dionne Warwick and The Spinners, 'This Old Heart of Mine' by the Isley Brothers, 'Let's Hang On!' by The 4 Seasons, 'Everything Louder Than Everything Else' by Meat Loaf.
I'm beyond looking. I'm desperate.
But I think it's a little more complicated
than you think.
I didn't mean to interrupt.
I've just started college.
I don't feel like I have a lot of choice.
I mean, he wasn't too religious
to sleep with you, right?
If you're as good as Dylan says
you are, I'm home free.
Here it is, the moment of initiation.
The passing of the tray.
One, two, three, four, five.
Yeah, he wanted me to tell you
I know my way around.
Jesse! Oh, that's great.
Okay, I will.
Okay, fine. All right, Mr. DJ,
but stick to the playlist.
Hey, you watch it.
You're talking about my mother now.
Did you know Nat's cousin Joey
owns 50 percent of the Peach Pit?
Tonight we'll take a close look
at the new world of communication.
Is that like one K at the beginning
or one K towards the end,
Can you hold on?
Oh, you know, I can't.
Donna's picking me up. Bye.
- You're not really listening...
- I'm not listening to you.
Hi, did you see this article
on Brandon?
I love Joey like a brother
but he's probably right.
Yeah, you know, we actually had fun
together for the first time
The problem is,
I just got on this task force
Now I'm getting ready
for an abortion.
- Are you sure you can?
- Oh, yeah, I'll be fine.
First, the official Condor pencil.
So that's it?
Yeah. Yeah, thanks.
All right, see you.
Aired 31 years ago - Jan 12, 1994
David is unable to eat or sleep because of his drug addiction. He steals codeine from his father's office in the hopes of calming his nerves. He falls asleep in the park while babysitting Erin, and she disappears. She is found hiding in a nearby
house, and a guilt-ridden David confesses his drug problem to Kelly. Dylan takes care of Erica while Suzanne is out of town. He turns to Cindy for help when Erica experiences a major life event. Jim tells Dylan that Suzanne, who had claimed to be broke, has $25,000 in her account. Suzanne explains that she has just received the insurance settlement for her trailer. Donna meets a handsome ski instructor during a weekend in the mountains with Brenda, Steve and Brandon. Andrea learns that she is pregnant.
Well, I'm sorry, David,
but there's more to life than sex.
- Why?
- Well, she has the flu.
- Our vacation.
- Our vacation.
I did some checking
on his new family.
All right?
They're perfect for a beginner.
I'm saying that
when Mel has Erin for the weekend
What's going on with you?
Thanks. I needed that.
Okay, I'll be fast and nimble.
Lesson one:
Putting your face in the water.
Okay. I'll do it.
- Would you like a cookie?
- Oh, no, thank you.
Gray slate.
- Good, I'll find you.
- Okay.
- What happened?
- She just wandered off.
Mel, she would never steal Erin.
Are you sick? Erica, are you hurt?
I'm too embarrassed.
Come on.
with that kamikaze off the chair lift.
she hasn't been telling you
the truth, Dylan.
Friday night. Why?
Yes. She's got a little birthmark
right here on her chest.
It's not your fault, David.
It's not anybody's fault.
Or are your parents there?
He doesn't think so.
Dr. And Mrs. Silver.
When were you gonna tell me
about the 25 grand?
But those were wild days.
Aired 31 years ago - Jan 05, 1994
The fraternity ostracizes Steve because many people believe that he escaped punishment for the break-in by squealing on others. John refuses to allow Steve any playing time on the intramural volleyball team. Steve becomes fed up and accuses John of
tipping off the cops. The KEG house holds a ceremony to decide which of the two should be ousted from the house. John arrogantly confesses to his friend Keith, who sides with Steve. This gives the remaining members the courage to vote against John. Dylan bonds with Erica during a trip to Magic Mountain and offers to loan Suzanne money to get her back on her feet. He offends Suzanne when he follows Jim's advice and asks for her social security number. They apologize for the misunderstanding, and Erica secretly gets Dylan the information. D'Shawn begins to pay attention to his studies after a lecture from his sister. He tears up his knee in his first game, but passes his sociology final without assistance. David acts like a jerk around Donna and Kelly, and begins taking crystal meth to get through his finals and radio show. Andrea gets a new resident advisor after Dan moves out. Donna tries to get David back, even going so far as to offer to sleep with him, but he refuses her. Music: 'Can We Talk' by Tevin Campbell, 'Living in a Fantasy' by the Rainbow Band.
Why couldn't Shakespeare write
in normal English like everyone else?
Oh, well, that is Erica.
Andrea, try and remember.
I've been the captain
of the champion team two years.
Well, you could've fooled me,
the TV's not on.
The twin sister.
Come over tomorrow.
We'll sort it out.
and he turned out
an awful lot different than you thought.
Like jumbo shrimp
or wireless cable or something.
and DJ's
who wanna take their finals.
D'Shawn's not here.
Hey, Suzanne, how did it go?
helps to pay
for the education you're receiving.
Check this out.
Well, I meant, I thought
it said a lot about the human condition.
Put that away, man.
Who knows?
Thank you for the hello.
Oh, he's just excited because
we made the early bird special
Marsden swings it over to Reed.
Tomorrow night,
we're holding the test.
Your new resident advisor
is a big, big improvement.
Well, I hope you won't get angry at me
when I tell you what I did.
Someone could say
you were the difference.
I think you'll be fine.
and that stunt he pulled
at the Downey house,
From now until the end,
your silence is expected.
- No talking.
- No. He made a mistake.
Shoot, where's the...?
Aired 31 years ago - Dec 22, 1993
The Walshes plan to spend the holidays in Hawaii, but their plane experiences mechanical problems. They are forced to fly back to Los Angeles and make an emergency landing. Dylan receives a surprise visit from Suzanne Steele, his father's former
lover, and her 12-year-old daughter. The duo recently lost its home in Iowa to a flood, and decided to take a road trip as a distraction. Suzanne reveals that Erica is Dylan's half-sister. He is initially skeptical, but decides to give them the benefit of the doubt. Kelly boycotts Mel's Christmas party, but he comes through for her when she has a dental emergency. David gives Donna the cold shoulder for refusing to sleep with him. He breaks up with her on Christmas Eve. Andrea worries about proper protocol as she prepares to attend Midnight Mass with Jesse's family. Music: 'The Christmas Song' by Aaron Neville.
I think the word you're looking for
is dead, Mom.
I know this guy.
Mrs. Claus and I lived
in a big house high up on a hill.
the only place Santa belonged
in this town was in jail.
I'm going to Baja.
Now, this one my mom bought
And Donna, happy birthday.
Well, I wouldn't go that far.
You know, Kel,
and I don't mean this as criticism,
I never expected to see you here.
I just couldn't leave you hanging
on Christmas Eve.
I'm Suzanne Steele,
this is my daughter, Erica.
which I'm sure,
will be fascinating.
- Want some more orange juice?
- Help!
it was quite a thrill seeing places
like Hong Kong, Jamaica...
I seriously doubt you'd be
making jokes about the rain.
when they bring you
your macadamia nuts
- It was Mom's finest hour.
- Well, what happened?
or how much I deserve this,
or how much I deserve that.
In a while, I'll go down
the canyon, get us some dinner...
- Were they close?
- No.
So if you're not moving
around the cabin,
Oh, so, what's the problem?
Dad, I'm doing the best I can.
Yeah, sure, get a pen
and some paper
I don't know
if they're scamming me.
then you'll decide to become a nun,
you'll move to a third world...
for you to leave your own party
on Christmas Eve
I do miss you, Mel.
And while we believe that
our equipment is still operational,
Sweetly singing o'er the plains
No, it's just I'm not ready
to check out of here yet.
Yeah, well, in case
you haven't noticed,
Hey, what did you guys do?
Miss your plane?
It's a long way to Mexico.
Aired 31 years ago - Dec 15, 1993
Donna and David celebrate their second anniversary as a couple. She finally agrees to sleep with him, but their romantic evening is interrupted by a surprise visit from her parents. Donna dodges suspicion by admitting that David lives in the
apartment. Felice is angry at the deception, but Dr. Martin encourages her to let Donna live her own life. Donna puts David on hold because she does not want to betray her parents' trust. The KEG house distances itself from Steve to avoid the penalties for hazing. Lucinda tells Brandon that someone tipped off campus security about Steve's break-in. Professor Randall accuses Brandon of sleeping with Lucinda and plans to take out his anger on Steve. He drops the charges after Brandon threatens to report him for giving D'Shawn undeserved grades. Kelly and Dylan get back together. Andrea and Jesse fall for each other. Dan angers Andrea with his racial slurs about Jesse. Music: 'Hey Jealousy' by Gin Blossoms, 'I Fought the Law' by The Bobby Fuller Four, 'Midnight Train to Georgia' by Gladys Knight and the Pips, 'For the Cool in You' by Babyface.
That's a relief.
More like who's down?
Why did you even have to
join a fraternity anyway?
Well, actually, it was our landlord
pretending to be Howard Stern.
D'Shawn Hardell got a B-plus
without even opening one single book.
It must have been better than good
for you to skip out on Thanksgiving.
But the bigger question
is will you cover for your brothers?
What is this?
"You have the power
to influence many people. "
And while these winds are blowing,
if you kill somebody,
Oh, I see. So it's more than a gift?
Hi, Howard.
But I leave all the parenting
to Felice.
Donna, if you're listening,
Lt'll be great.
Yeah, and I'm cool with that.
Probation means no contact.
Drink gasoline.
Last night
was almost the perfect anniversary.
- Your family?
- Yeah.
You want me to throw you
over the desk for a quickie?
What are you gonna do?
Well, I just wanna make sure
that everything is perfect.
Oh, well, I just snuck in
a few minutes ago.
Right from the very beginning,
you've been lying to me, haven't you?
Well, the paper says
they've already died down.
Donna, are you almost ready?
Well, honey,
that's all very well and good,
I just wanna be sure
that I can trust you again.
Come on, Keith.
The thing is that the kids
that went back and forth
Drysdale would just throw
a high hard one right at his head.
I know Lucinda
when she targets somebody.
Aired 31 years ago - Dec 01, 1993
Emily has been accepted to the prestigious Cousteau Institute in France, but does not want to attend because she and Brandon are in love. Brandon observes her passion for marine biology and encourages her to pursue her dream. Brenda balks when she
is asked to appear nude in an experimental campus play. The frat and sorority pledges must endure a series of humiliating experiences during ""Hell Week."" The upperclassmen order Steve to steal a prize autographed baseball from Professor Randall for a scavenger hunt, but he gets caught. Andrea breaks up with Dan and begins dating Jesse. She learns that he is a UCLA law student who attended undergraduate courses at Yale. Music: 'San Francisco Days' by Chris Isaak.
Hey, l like your flowers.
and got back together with my family
and went back to school,
How about we just declare hell week
juvenile and stupid and leave it at that?
No, l really don't see the point.
l mean, it's just not working out.
Whose job it is to make your life
for the next week
What was that for?
Don't accuse me of racism.
We're going out together.
Well, take women, for example.
And last but not least,
there was the married woman.
- So, what do you make of it?
- l don't know.
You see, l realized
that l can't explore the notion of masks
The moment is about baring
the soul of mankind, of womankind.
- Lipstick?
- Lipstick.
Very nice.
- Come on, don't make me do that.
- That's not all.
That's why the brothers thought
you'd be perfect.
- We were at Yale together.
- Hey.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- l'll get it. You get dressed.
- Thanks.
Come on, lift it up. See that knee.
Hey, l was just
checking out your library.
- Maybe l'm not up to this yet.
- What, are you kidding?
What about your parents?
Do they know?
lt comes in all day
and goes out all night.
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow,
but soon, and for the rest of your life.
Well, with Brandon out of town
and Brenda rehearsing all the time,
So? They've seen you naked before.
You're doing the right thing,
you know.
Maybe masks aren't so bad.
That was a travesty.
- Damn.
- Don't move. Spread them.
l can't ask you to be faithful to me
the whole time l'm gone.
Aired 31 years ago - Nov 24, 1993
After mistaking a woman at a gas station for Emily, Brandon decides to visit Emily's home in Marin County. He learns that the family has moved to Greece, but runs into Emily by chance on a cable car in San Francisco. They rekindle their romance and
decide to spend Thanksgiving together. Emily does not reveal that she must move away in a week. The KEG house and Alpha sorority serve Thanksgiving dinner at a halfway house, and John tries to take advantage of a 15-year-old girl. Steve intervenes and has the fraternity president distract John. Dylan declines Kelly's Thanksgiving invitation because he plans to go surfing, but later agrees to dine with the Walshes. When Kelly comes over with her family, she snaps at Dylan and makes a scene. Andrea is hesitant to attend a Thanksgiving soiree at the home of Dan's parents. Jesse, the bartender from the Walshes' anniversary party, works at the affair. He asks Andrea out, and she willingly gives him her address. Music: 'Radar Love' by Golden Earring.
Aired 31 years ago - Nov 17, 1993
Steve tells Laura that he cannot see her again because he has a girlfriend. During the activities for "Take Back the Night" week, she concludes that she was a victim of date-rape and plans to identify Steve at a campus rally. Kelly warns Steve, who
adamantly proclaims his innocence. Steve confesses his indiscretion to Celeste, who promptly breaks up with him. Before Laura can speak at the rally, Kelly steps up to the microphone. She shares that she was nearly a victim of rape, then pointedly adds that there were other times when she regretted sleeping with a guy but had consented at the time. She identifies Steve as a hero for saving her from the rapist at the Halloween party. Steve apologizes for using Laura, who admits that she had done nothing to discourage him. Lucinda insists on openly flirting with Brandon, who wants nothing to do with her. D'Shawn threatens to tell Professor Randall that Brandon is sleeping with his wife unless he takes his midterm for him. Lucinda encourages Brandon to take the test, so he leaves town in frustration, hoping to connect with his ex-girlfriend, Emily Valentine. Dylan helps Brenda get caught up in their poetry class. John lashes out at Kelly when she refuses to sleep with him. Dylan throws a pie in John's face after the rally. Dan and Andrea debate feminist issues. Music: 'Heard It Through the Grapevine' by Marvin Gaye, 'Only You' by The Platters.
Aired 31 years ago - Nov 10, 1993
Professor Randall and Lucinda invite Brandon and D'Shawn over for dinner. Steve tries to avoid the smitten Laura. Mr. and Mrs. Carson plan to turn Brenda and Stuart's wedding into a major social event. The couple decides to sneak off to Las Vegas
and elope. Brandon and the gang follow them in the hopes of changing their minds. They pretend to be supportive, but play on the couple's insecurities by constantly dropping hints about the difficulties of marriage. Jim and Cindy dash off to Las Vegas to stop the wedding, but Brenda and Stuart have already called it off. Donna arranges a truce between David and Kelly. Music: 'You Keep Me Hangin' On' by the Supremes, 'It's Not Unusual' by Tom Jones, 'Let's Get It On' by Marvin Gaye.
Well, l have to be
the luckiest man alive.
We knew they'd be
at each other's throats in three days.
Does that mean
we R.S.V.P. to them?
- Hi, Donna.
- You're back.
l'll call you later, okay?
Yeah, see, l tried there, but
l don't think he's getting my messages.
He's only the second in his family
to graduate high school.
Jim. Cindy.
By the time we're finished with this,
my poor husband
Cindy and l kind of hoped
that the children could wait a while.
Oh, Larry. lsn't he awful?
Why do l have to keep on
explaining myself to everyone?
That's what it looks like.
So how'd it go?
l'm going out.
He's probably right, you know.
we wouldn't have had to rush here.
Will all passengers
please take their seats
Well, you ain't see nothing yet.
To the rest of our lives.
They'll never check.
Cross our fingers
and hope that he's cleaned up his act?
and seeing all those
aluminum palm trees.
Well, wait,
shouldn't we find Brenda?
- Thank you, Rosie the maid.
- Thank you, Steve Sanders.
Well, tell them
the bed's already turned down.
l can't believe you guys just hopped
on a plane. Talk about good friends.
- l would've killed you if you didn't ask.
- Well, when you all showed up here
Yeah? Sounds like you're
still the swinging guy, Stuart.
But l'm sure yours will work out
much better than theirs.
Oh, yeah, l'm sure she's grown up
a lot since we were together.
lnspirational, ''Love Me Tender.''
Traditional, ''The Wedding March.''
Tomorrow we can have it annulled,
but tonight...
through a dark forest
fraught with unseen dangers
No, no, no. Just wait, wait.
Aired 31 years ago - Nov 03, 1993
Stuart rents a luxurious hotel room for Brenda and himself. Brenda is furious to discover a prenuptial agreement in his briefcase. Dylan makes a play for Brenda in the hopes of persuading her to break the engagement. Brenda learns that her father
encouraged Dylan and storms out. She seeks refuge at the hotel and decides to sign the prenup because she doesn't want Stuart's money. One of Steve's frat brothers pressures him into a double date. John admits that he is seeing other girls, since Kelly hasn't committed to him. Steve sleeps with his date and is overcome with guilt for cheating on Celeste. Brandon becomes frustrated with D'Shawn, who only cares about basketball and cartoons. Brandon has a romantic dinner with Lucinda. She reveals that she is married, but he doesn't back off until he learns that Professor Randall is her husband. Jackie sues Mel for full custody of Erin. David's testimony at a deposition hearing is extremely damaging to his father's case. David takes out his anger on Kelly, who goes to stay at her mother's house. Music: 'The Power of Love' by Huey Lewis and the News, 'How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You)' by Marvin Gaye.
Well, in that case,
are you ready to start sweating?
Of course. l love you.
Honey, just try to understand.
The green house, can't miss it.
Donna, l would hardly call it
an engagement.
This is not a good thing, Sanders.
But don't worry, no stowaways.
l'm not taking Brenda this time.
ln fact, l think you underestimate
the influence you still have with her.
Yes, it's even harder being a parent.
l don't wanna make the same mistakes
with Erin that l made with you.
- And?
- And that's it.
That's what this is all about.
l've got a couple of hockey tickets
for the Mighty Ducks tonight.
l wasn't even going to show it to you.
l'm not entitled
to any of the Carsons' money.
Would you guys stop this?
No, just right. What do you think?
- Hey, cool masks.
- Thanks.
Oh, but enter at your own risk.
lt was an adventure.
l don't wanna hear that,
especially tonight.
Wait a minute.
''l have my life and she has hers.
My God, l can't even trust
my own parents anymore.
You told me
you were crazy about her.
Well, until Jackie took her home
from the Walshes' party.
Look, lady, you wanna start
dredging up this crap about my past?
l never would've thought of
suggesting it if--
Aired 31 years ago - Oct 27, 1993
The Walshes host a party to celebrate their twentieth anniversary. An unstable Dylan buys a gun from a private dealer and waves it around like a toy. Brandon breaks into Dylan's house to retrieve his parents' anniversary gift, and Dylan nearly
shoots him. He promises to dispose of the weapon. Dylan warns Brandon that Stuart has an unsavory past. Stuart proposes to Brenda during the party. Everyone (except Jim's mother) is stunned when they announce their engagement. Mel dumps Erin off on David so that he can spend the weekend in Mexico with his girlfriend. Jackie is enraged when Erin becomes ill. Andrea reconsiders her relationship with Dan. She flirts with the handsome bartender at the Walshes' party. Brandon meets an attractive doctoral student at the campus gym. Music: 'What the World Needs Now Is Love' by Jackie DeShannon.
l'll run right out
and get the rest of your bags.
l told you you had
a terrific big brother.
So how long you been doing this?
Your girlfriend?
Well, fine. That way, everyone
can bump into each other.
So, what did you have in mind?
You know what l'm saying.
l said nothing of the sort.
l congratulate them on being able
to put up with each other that long.
Gosh, l was 1 8 once too.
to put it back together.
They sure seem it.
l don't think it's an act.
And what a good husband
and father you are.
l don't know. l'm out of it, man.
l don't know what l'm doing here.
Why do you always look so good?
l wonder where we'll be in 20 years.
Well, your parents seem like
they're pretty happy.
for less time than everyone here,
maybe we'll all be seeing each other
at a wedding soon.
l slept with him, Kel.
Where's he? What's his number?
He did leave a number, didn't he?
- Jim, do something.
- lt's too late.
Why don't you go back and get us
some champagne, all right?
- So do l.
- Bar mitzvahs, Fourth of July...
Aired 31 years ago - Oct 20, 1993
In the wake of the carjacking, Dylan becomes obsessed with self-defense. He frightens Kelly by constantly going to the shooting range. Jim and Cindy believe that Brenda and Stuart are spending too much time together. Mr. and Mrs. Carson
wholeheartedly approve of the relationship. They invite the Walshes to their mansion for brunch. Brandon's sociology professor is impressed by his work and asks him to tutor a basketball star. Jackie is furious when Mel brings his girlfriend along on his weekend with Erin. Kelly and David take sides in their parents' dispute. Dan is afraid to see Andrea in public because he fears his colleagues' reaction. Andrea finally takes the initiative and kisses him in the middle of the student union. Music: 'You Can't Hurry Love' by the Supremes.
- Dan's a nice guy.
- ls that it?
- Oh, okay.
- Thank you, Mr. Carson.
Well, his true personality only comes
out when he's lecturing me.
No, not specifically,
Easy for you. l'm not letting you go.
ln that case, does he have
a twin sister who's as rich as he is?
l think l'll stay away from
your shortcuts, Mr. Legacy Key.
The claims officer said
l got the barrel right in my face,
and l'm looking down that little hole.
One big, happy, dysfunctional family.
Actually, l ran a check on my computer
last night and came up empty.
l really enjoyed last night.
Hey, Steve.
l did. But right now,
l need to talk to him.
where some little punk with a big gun
can do a number on me.
Honey, just give yourselves time
to come up for air.
l rest my case.
Hey, what about the Nuart Theatre?
Did anybody see you come in here?
Oh, how romantic.
Jackie, you're just
making this worse than it is.
Nice to meet you too.
And this is my wife, Vivian.
When he shaves his head and starts
talking to the mirror, then we'll worry.
He's got it in him to be a fine student.
He's just not motivated.
- How much they paying you?
- Not as much as they're paying you.
l think that for Erin's sake,
Would you say that
this is the exact center of the room?
Okay, the boss has spoken.
Well, she's taking a shower, Dad.
Aired 31 years ago - Oct 13, 1993
Dylan's Porsche is experiencing severe wear and tear, so he must buy a new car. He plans to just get a working vehicle, but instead splurges on a new Porsche. Kelly realizes that she and Dylan have vastly different interests, and recommends that
they see other people. As Dylan drives home after the break-up, he is carjacked. Andrea loses her virginity to Dan. She feels uncomfortable in English class and decides to transfer to another section. Jim sets up Brenda on a blind date with Stuart Carson, the son of a client. He is handsome and dashing, and the two stay out until 2 AM. Exhausted from his overnight radio show, David skips classes and lies around the apartment all day. Kelly and Donna complain that he has become a pig, and he makes an on-air apology. Howard offers David caffeine pills, and suggests that he could get him "something stronger." Music: 'Crossfire' by Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble; 'Man on the Moon' by R.E.M.; 'Fire and Rain' / 'Something in the Way She Moves' by James Taylor.
Well, l mean, for a '61 Porsche,
that's abuse.
Well, hurry up, or you're gonna be late
for your class once again.
No, thank you.
lt's no problem.
Give me a chance to call my office.
l wish l had that car now,
but l ran it into the ground.
Well, l'm sort of busy.
You know, studying and stuff.
How about you drive the van
tomorrow morning?
But we just met.
No, it isn't, Mom.
And he's probably very nice.
Right. Sorry.
Just got a little overwhelmed.
So do l.
So can l come in?
Nagging? That is not nagging.
What's the matter,
giving up on that Porsche?
Hi, Stuart. Jim Walsh.
Your father's told me a lot about you.
- l'm just glad it worked out.
- Knock on wood.
But l'm a little bolder than that.
Life is short.
Why did you decide to bag it?
Such as, if you make a mess
in the kitchen, you clean it up.
A twelve-stepper?
Nothing. Donna's asleep,
David's at the radio station.
- Listen, John, l gotta go.
- Why?
We haven't danced
a slow dance, right? Just one.
Worried that your blind date
went a little too well, huh?
l've turned into quite a slob,
a class-A pig.
Well, with the help
of my little friend, Mr. Stay-Awake.
Well, you know, the best place to get
a good night of sleep is my house.
l would invite you in,
but my father's probably waiting up,
Aired 31 years ago - Oct 06, 1993
Donna quits the radio show because she can no longer take the demanding schedule. When she goes to tell Howard, he asks her to fill in for a missing DJ. He offers her the afternoon show, which angers David, but recants after reconciling with his
girlfriend (the previous afternoon DJ). John continues to pursue Kelly. Dylan and Kelly argue because he does not wish to attend the freshman pool party. He does show up, but Kelly later kisses John outside her apartment. Dan is Andrea and Donna's English teacher. He encourages Andrea to expose more of herself in her writing, and asks her on a date. Brenda takes a job at Jim's office. She gets in hot water when she forgets to deliver some important contracts. Steve plans to break up with Celeste so that he can play the field. He realizes his true feelings for her, but has to beg for forgiveness after ignoring her at the pool party. Music: 'Under Pressure' by Sunscreem, 'Sleeping Satellite' by Tasmin Archer, 'Live and Learn' by Joe Public.
My name is Dr. Pettey,
- Yeah, he's a great guy.
- What happened?
Can you tell him
to turn that down, please?
I can't.
Look, Kelly, I want you to know
You and Brandon fighting over me
on some silly game show.
So I looked it up on the microfilm,
and there it was.
Have you talked to Nat yet, Laverne?
this assignment is impossible.
Oh, excuse me,
like that's ever stopped you before?
Here comes Dylan.
Look, Kel, you go to the pool party,
I'll go to lecture and we'll meet up after.
- Leslie, how are you doing?
- Hi, Leslie.
Maybe I should come back later.
Hi, good afternoon.
Very funny, guys.
But even though it happened
every week, it was so unexpected.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You were beautiful.
And despite the fact that half the time,
I wanna wring your neck,
- Just make sure you get to her by 9.
- Thanks, boss.
Listen, if you're gonna keep
getting jealous,
- You are terrible.
- The worst. Do you want a drink?
No, I don't care about that.
Listen, why don't you go dance
by yourself, all right?
Save and exit. Go.
I'm not really sure which one.
Hi, Brandon,
how would you like to dance?
Who's left? Who's left?
Who's it's gonna be?
- Threw me in the pool?
- Yeah.
I guess what really freaked me out
Well, you guys, I had
a tremendous amount of fun, as usual.
Well, in situations like this,
there only is one thing ever to do.
- Hi, guys.
- Hey, Bren.
- Dad, I'm sorry.
- Sorry isn't gonna cut it.
The DJ that didn't show
changed her mind.
I was busy trying to be
the big man on campus.
could not have been ignored.
"My first walking shoes
are bronzed in my father's office.
Aired 31 years ago - Sep 29, 1993
Steve badgers Brandon into pledging the Kappa Epsilon Gamma fraternity. The frat brothers disapprove of Brandon's involvement with Josh and the Progressives. Brandon disassociates himself from the party when it proposes the elimination of all
fraternities and sororities. He disappoints Steve by not joining the KEG house, but is made an honorary member. Kelly, Donna, Brenda and Andrea pledge the Alpha Omega sorority. Kelly runs into John Sears, a guy who spread rumors about her after they dated in high school. He insists that he has changed, and Kelly stays out late talking with him after a party (which Dylan refused to attend). Dan Rubin, Andrea's resident advisor, warns her of possible discrimination. Andrea wears a necklace of the Star of David to a ceremony, and the sorority president chastises her for "making an issue" of being Jewish. Leslie later explains that she is Jewish, but not very religious; she apologizes for projecting her personal issues onto the house. Only Kelly and Donna elect to join a sorority. Donna livens up the late night radio show when she compares David to a dog. Music: 'Disco Inferno' by the Trammps, 'Get Down Tonight' by KC and the Sunshine Band, 'Boogie Oogie Oogie' by A Taste of Honey.
Everywhere we go
People wanna know
- Anything broken?
- No, I'm fine. Thanks for caring.
You've got something better to do
than hang out with us KEGers?
I'd give her more than an eight.
We had a school board
It was a sincere pleasure
to meet you.
He has a fertile imagination.
I would have thought you'd be
zeroing in on the Jewish sororities.
Steve, the blond one,
is a buddy of mine from high school.
Just relax. Okay, ready, all together.
to a better parking spot on campus
for his sister.
got all tangled up with how they felt
about the Vietnam War.
because you forgot
to load up the CD player.
Isn't it possible that a ringing phone
could wake someone?
I don't think they even care
about Greek life.
Have you ever seen
so many perfect-looking people?
Yeah. Yeah, I did until they asked me
to review a friend's play.
I heard that, David.
It wasn't very nice.
I'll tell you what, I missed Disco Fever
the first time around, Kel.
Oh, Brandon,
why am I not having any fun?
Don't even think about it, man.
Get out of here.
Do you wanna go outside?
It's quieter.
I know who he is.
Well, we better get going.
Only when the frat throws
a Disco Fever party.
Tore up my shoulder halfway
through the sophomore season.
into anything one way or the other.
I couldn't really see myself
with the sorority-girl type either.
I mean, what do guys know
about waiting for someone to call?
John, I have a boyfriend.
Brandon, you got the word
on the meeting tonight?
No, we shouldn't.
If you have some thoughts on how
to get rid of them, we're all ears.
Hi, Andrea.
My first observation, the dog appears
to be smarter than the guy.
- Yes.
- No way, there's people listening to us.
After what happened to you,
I'm not sure about the Greeks.
but they obviously
don't make you feel that way.
Aired 31 years ago - Sep 22, 1993
Jim and Cindy are shocked when Brenda returns from Minnesota. Brandon considers moving out because he can no longer use Brenda's bedroom as a rec room. Brenda announces that she is not interested in returning to college. Dylan grows tired of waiting
to register and also chooses to forego college, much to Kelly's chagrin. Brenda and Dylan spend a relaxing day fishing, and elect to enroll in California University after all. Andrea tries out for the college paper and must review the Peach Pit. She catches Nat on a very bad day and writes a scathing review. Andrea decides to pass on the paper and enroll in pre-med courses. Josh Richland, editor of the Condor, asks Brandon to run for Student Senate for the Progressive party. David and Donna interview for the campus radio station, and he is furious when she lets their aircheck tape melt in the car. The station manager enjoys their banter and gives them the overnight show. Steve cheats on his math placement exam, but it nearly backfires. Music: 'Feel Like a Number' by Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band, 'Earth Angel' by the Penguins.
Aired 31 years ago - Sep 15, 1993
Brandon and Steve become very competitive over a tennis match, and nearly come to blows when Steve purposely hits Jill with the ball. During a makeout session Jill pushes Brandon away. She confesses that she was recently raped and isn't quite over
it. Brandon agrees to sleep beside her because she is not ready for sex, but cannot talk her out of returning to New York. Dylan returns from Europe and Kelly avoids him. She explains to Donna that Dylan became extremely moody after U.C. Berkeley rejected him. Kelly returned from a shopping trip to find him flirting with a girl, and responded by going out with a bartender before leaving for the States. Kelly finally goes to see Dylan and they quickly make up. Donna's parents are moving to Houston for a year. Kelly and Donna struggle to prevent Felice from finding out that they are living with David. David believes that Donna will now sleep with him, but she has other ideas. Brenda cannot get into any of her desired classes. Darla (her roommate and best friend from junior high) monopolizes the room for liaisons with her boyfriend, and Brenda's "friends" talk about her behind her back. Brenda drops out of school and heads back to Los Angeles.
Hardaway party, Court 9.
Cel, hit the ball towards Brandon.
He's got a big hole in his racquet.
Of course I do.
I mean, the two of us rattling around
in this great, big, empty house?
Jill Flemming has been the object
of every fantasy I have ever had.
Thank you for those
pearls of wisdom, Steve.
I can't believe I'm actually moving
two households in one week.
Well, entre nous,
You know, they have colleges
out here. You could transfer.
Saved by the proverbial bell.
I gotta deal with it sometime.
Yeah. She got back last week.
Me too. I don't wanna play anymore.
I was great with oranges,
Haven't you talked to them?
You've got this all figured out,
don't you?
We'll go shopping, we'll go sightseeing,
anything to get out of here.
She doesn't speak any English.
I go away for three days
and suddenly you're all cheered up.
- Will you quiet? I'm not talking to you.
- Man, you've got a problem.
- Yeah, so did you, Brandon.
- It was just a guy thing.
Besides, who cares?
There's a floor party tonight.
Anything you wanna talk about?
God. Everything I have is so preppy.
What do you think, Brenda?
- Thanks, Darla.
- Sure. What are friends for?
There was this cute bartender
at the café in the hotel.
Who's whining
and complaining now?
I like it slow.
It's what everyone says, anyway.
in the land of the living again.
I wanna feel your arms around me
and know what it's like
And we'll be home on weekends.
Soon, I promise.
- It's really... It's a mess.
- Well, I'll shut my eyes, I promise.
- Yeah, me too. I'm beat.
- Night all.
Were you ever gonna give me
your number?
Forever was a long time ago.
Okay, now, connect the cable
from the laser disc player output
Aired 31 years ago - Sep 08, 1993
Steve is accepted to California University. A producer hoping to entice Samantha to star in a sitcom allows Steve, Brandon and Celeste to use his beach house for a few weeks. The gang throws a blow-out bash the night before Brenda is to leave for
Minnesota. Kelly comes home early from Europe... without Dylan. She claims that all is well but later confesses to Donna that the couple broke up. The next morning, Jill, the producer's daughter, finds Brandon in her father's trashed house and believes that he is a burglar. She's about to attack him with mace but Brandon talks her down. It turns out that Steve has had a crush on Jill for years and annoys Celeste by falling all over her. But Jill only has eyes for Brandon. Brenda's friends and roommates in Minnesota constantly pepper her with questions about Beverly Hills. Not only that, but they talk behind her back and leave her out of activities. She fears she has made a terrible mistake, but Cindy insists that the situation will improve. Dylan tries to call Brenda from Europe, but she is not in her room and misses his call. David has difficulty finding an apartment after he fails to get into a dormitory. Kelly and Donna decide to give up their dorm room to share a beautiful beach-front apartment with David. Andrea, concerned by her grandmother's poor health, passes on Yale to attend California University. She is hurt when Gil not-so-nicely teases her about her decision and is disappointed to learn that he is engaged. Music: 'Summer Means Fun' by Bruce and Terry, 'Summertime Blues' by Eddie Cochran, 'Tip of My Tongue' by Diesel, 'Surfer Gir'l by Beach Boys.
You're gonna see
how the other half lives, Brandon.
- It's a bouncy five.
- Let's go.
Hey, man, do you think we could have
Brenda's going away party out here?
and open up my own restaurant,
what do you think?
Of course I am.
Brenda, I really admire you
for going out on your own,
- Who wants a beer?
- Yeah.
- So when did you get home?
- About two hours ago.
Yeah, he wanted to go to Greece,
So before you go, Bren,
All right.
What'd you expect,
all this stuff to just go poof?
- Good morning.
- Hey, Andrea.
But it's the best one I could find.
Well, with my grandmother
being sick
What's the weather
like in Beverly Hills, Brenda?
Mother, that wasn't me,
that was Paula.
No, Mother, I lived here.
Paula lived in Brewster House.
- Sure.
- What's Tom Cruise really like?
In five minutes, I've seen Bruce Willis,
Rob Reiner, and Diana Ross.
- I guess I overreacted a little bit.
- A little bit?
Oh, I wanted to surprise him.
What, he's not in town?
Celeste, this is Jill. Jill, Celeste.
- He's not a snob?
- He's my brother's best friend.
If someone doesn't like me because
I'm from Beverly Hills, that's their loss.
And at that point we had been
at that old castle for about two weeks,
Excuse me.
there's plenty of parking in the rear
and the view is worth a million bucks.
I'll need the first and last month's rent,
and a security deposit.
The fact of the matter is
since before puberty.
- You wanna stay for lunch?
- Well, I don't wanna put you out.
And I would always get
a cherry Popsicle,
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
before you get all pious on me,
You know, you're much better-looking
without your Mace.
No, my dad's getting a fellowship
for medical school.