Aired 32 years ago - May 07, 1992
A furious Jim goes to the Mexican border to retrieve Brenda. Jim bans Dylan from the Walsh house. Jackie learns that Kelly covered for Brenda, and embarrasses her by yelling at her in front of Jake. Brenda and Kelly get into a shouting match at the
wedding rehearsal because they are tired of listening to each other whine about their love lives. A pipe bursts in Jackie's house two days before the wedding. The Walshes agree to host the ceremony. Andrea believes she has been snubbed, but her mother eventually gives her the lost wedding invitation. Cindy tries to facilitate a truce between Dylan and Jim. They argue, and a hurt Dylan later rebuffs Jim's olive branch and drives off angrily. Jim orders Brenda to stay away from Dylan. Kelly and Steve agree that they should only be friends. Jake finishes his job and walks out of Kelly's life, but shows up at the wedding and admits his feelings for her. Music: 'Wedding Bell Blues' by The Fifth Dimension, 'Bye Bye Love' by the Everly Brothers.
But you have just broken that trust.
Mom, please don't do that.
without having to deal
with this kind of nonsense.
- Let me talk to her.
- No.
How's everything going
at the Walsh house of detention?
Yeah, l guess so.
l never thought l'd be so happy
to come to school.
Tell that to your father.
So you were just gonna leave
without saying goodbye?
Jake, l want you to go with me
to my mom's wedding.
That's probably
why you like him so much.
How can you compare
your problems with Jake,
No, l didn't think so.
But l-- l wasn't sure.
Oh, hi, Jackie.
Yeah. Well, where's that guy Jake
when you need him?
that the two of you
need to give it some space.
Hi, Mom.
l know your pride is very important
to you and it should be.
Brenda's room, l guess.
l know we didn't know
each other for that long
Actually, Dylan,
l think l've been pretty damn tolerant.
What kind of band
are you gonna have?
Tears of terror.
Come on.
my mother would be marrying
David's father?
You know, Bren, only one person's
ever made me feel that bad.
Don't press your luck.
You're very, very bright.
and Kelly's mom's
been divorced three times
No, no, no,
l got you both a pair of earrings.
l'm tired of putting my trust in people
and have them slam the door.
And l was beginning to realise
that maybe l've been a little unfair.
Aired 32 years ago - Apr 30, 1992
Brenda upsets her father by consistently violating her curfew. She promises to demonstrate more mature behavior. Jim and Cindy agree to let Brenda join Dylan for a weekend in Mexico. Brenda falls asleep while watching a movie at Dylan's, and doesn't
come home until 4 a.m. Her parents forbid her from taking the trip. Dylan encourages Brenda to stand up for herself, but she instead tells Jim and Cindy that she is spending the weekend at Kelly's house. Brenda pushes Dylan away when she discovers that he took a girl to Baja during their summer separation. They soon make up but run into problems with customs. Brenda does not have any identification because she has yet to replace her stolen license. In order to re-enter her country, she must call Jim and have him come vouch for her. Dylan's older friend, the handsome Jake Hanson, is hired to build a wedding canopy for Jackie. His presence cheers Kelly, who had been in a funk about the wedding and her new family. Jake and Kelly have dinner together and share a kiss. Kelly's involvement with Jake forces Steve to realize that he must move on. Music: 'Runaway' by by Del Shannon.
l've really got to get home.
You know, we haven't talked
about this in quite some time.
Good night.
- l mean, do you mind?
- Yeah, l mind.
Dylan and l made other plans.
- Dad, please.
- Let me and Dad talk about it.
- Something like that?
- You know, Dad.
l love you, Dad. Thanks, Mom.
- l heard you were living up in Seattle.
- Eugene. l've been back a year now.
How to surf,
how to ride a motorcycle.
What do you wanna take your
girlfriend with you to Mexico for?
how can l trust you
when you're on your own in Mexico?
- And it worked?
- Like a charm.
ever since Mel and l
announced our engagement.
l'm Jake Hanson.
l wanna go with you so bad,
but l'm not used to lying to my parents.
Fine. l've made up my mind.
And what, pray tell,
do you expect me to say?
Right. And you know
how those places are,
Have you seen her yet?
She's out to here:
- Bren?
- ls everything cool?
- Last summer.
- We were going out last summer.
lt doesn't have to be.
- Lot of elaborate plans for nothing.
- l can't believe l even came.
Steve, wait.
Yeah, maybe you should.
Some stupid girl named Stacy,
and l'm not wasting anything.
And a wonderful weekend
in Mexico.
So, what are you moping about?
This is great.
- What do you mean?
- l don't know.
Bren, you redefine
The Endless Summer.
Aired 32 years ago - Apr 23, 1992
On a rainy Saturday afternoon Brenda, Kelly, Donna and David head to the Bel Age Hotel to meet Donna's favorite group, Color Me Badd. David rents a room so that the foursome can get into the hotel. Donna sees her mother, supposedly at the hotel for
a conference, and fears that she will get in trouble. Kelly lifts a key to the penthouse and gets to hang out with the group. Donna, fearing reprisal, jumps out of the elevator on an earlier floor. She sees her mother come out of a room and kiss a man in the hallway. When Felice later confronts Donna about being at the hotel, Donna forces her to admit that she is having an affair. Donna is devastated, but Cindy explains that her parents' marital problems do not have anything to do with her. Kelly attends the Color Me Badd concert with a free pass, and brings the group to the Peach Pit to serenade the forlorn Donna. Steve, Brandon and Dylan hire a stripper, but their plans are complicated when Andrea shows up at the house. The stripper turns out to be an engaging young woman (a grad student and mother), and Brandon and Dylan won't let her perform because they now consider her a friend. Music: 'I Adore Mi Amor' / 'I Wanna Sex You Up' / 'All 4 Love' by Color Me Badd.
Bren, you are a genius.
Kelly, come on, get the phone ready.
- Hello.
- You've just won--
- Come on, Jim.
- Have fun, Dad.
l happen to have gone to two of my
cousin's bachelor parties this year.
Donna, you're gonna have
to talk to her.
Wait a second, wait a second.
- Don't you have to be 21 ?
- lf your plastic is good, you're in.
- ls that okay?
- Yeah, sure.
l don't think this is such a good idea
- What are you gonna say?
- Yeah, what do you want?
Why aren't we moving?
David Silver,
this is a wild goose chase.
l think she likes me.
Different strokes.
- lt's all right?
- Yeah.
For real?
We've got to catch up with that girl.
l'm not some, like, totally weird
groupie fan.
Really? l kind of miss it.
so we came to hang by the pool
but it's raining.
- George, the father of my son.
- George.
l don't know. lt's like, you're kind
of our friend now, you know?
- Hi.
- Hello.
Look, you guys, this just isn't working.
l have to get out of here.
Look, she'd kill you if you didn't go
and report back all the details.
l've been up to my ears
in committees and budgets.
Donna, you do have a family.
lt's just...
Excuse me.
All right, Donna. l am not gonna speak
to you until you calm down.
it's like walking a tightrope.
Same Donna,
more complicated world.
And l feel like l've suddenly asked you
to grow up much too fast.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Did you go? How was it?
Aired 33 years ago - Apr 02, 1992
The gang stays at the Peach Pit after hours to study for midterms. Brenda is left alone while Brandon and Dylan take out the recycling. A gunman enters through the unlocked door, holds a rifle to her head, and forces her to empty the cash register.
Brenda puts on a brave front for family and friends, but suffers nightmares and behaves erratically. She has a flashback during a midterm, screams, and runs out of the classroom. A psychiatrist helps her begin to deal with her fears. Brenda reluctantly views a police line-up, resulting in the arrest of the 17-year-old gunman. Music: 'Let the Good Times Roll' by Shirley and Lee, 'Mountain of Love' by Johnny Rivers.
How about Friday, 1 0 a.m.?
Tertiary, Cretaceous,
Jurassic, Triassic. That's it.
So...gonna be here when l get back?
Do you understand?
Good girl. Put the money in the bag.
Now, when l say go,
you start counting.
Come on, woman. Time's up.
l knew l should've put in
that video camera.
Brenda, we promise you one thing:
we'll never leave you alone again.
Gave her one of his famous
Walsh pep talks and lo and behold--
Brenda, if you need us, we're here.
- How's Brenda?
- l didn't see her.
- How you doing?
- Fine. Shouldn't l be?
Well, you have to keep
your sense of humour.
lt tolls for me if l don't read
Crime and Punishment by tomorrow.
l'm sorry.
What do you say
we make it a threesome?
l decided that organizing this mess
was a much more pressing task.
You had a Mr. Lion,
Sweetheart, you got midterms.
- Come on, woman. Time's up.
- No, go back!
lt's not, Dylan.
lt's not gonna be okay.
Feel like coming downstairs
for supper?
And l guess l wanted to believe
that with all our love and support,
Oh, my God.
Don't get me started.
l mean, like, if we'd only gone inside.
Well, not at first.
Brenda, l want you to think back
and give me a memory
We'll call that your safe place.
in a friendly game of Twister...yeah.
- What? We're playing Scrabble.
- Yeah.
l mean, l didn't wanna
go at all at first.
but it was nice to hear someone give
me a reason for what l was feeling.
You don't have to go
if you don't want to.
may be easily changed.
Aired 33 years ago - Mar 19, 1992
Brandon participates in a teen review committee that provides input to one of Jim's clients, who is building a gigantic new mall. Marcie, the developer's college-age daughter, aggressively pursues Brandon. Brandon is incensed to learn that the
project would require the demolition of the Peach Pit. He squares off with Jim, who promises to stand up for Nat's interests. Brandon takes Marcie to the Peach Pit in the hopes of gaining her support, but realizes that she only cares about her father and his business. The gang (except Brenda) tries to stage a rally, but Nat has already agreed to sell. Brandon becomes jaded, and refuses to listen when Jim explains the financial realities associated with adulthood. The deal eventually falls through, allowing Nat to keep the Peach Pit. Music: 'Blue Suede Shoes' by Carl Perkins, 'Don't Get Around Much Anymore' by Nat King Cole.
What happened to that last shipment
that was delivered?
- Why, what's wrong with Willie?
- He wants a raise.
You think Dad would mind
if l let this become Brenda's thing?
Do l have a choice?
Your father's really a great guy,
but l guess you already know that.
lt's a ''total environmental experience.''
Who put you up to this?
l don't know, Brandon.
She looks awfully professional to me.
All these open plazas.
- You're a good man, Nat.
- No, you wanna know a good guy?
for an urban community
on the edge of the next millennium.
No, not really. See, it's a long story.
Brandon! You apologise
to your father right now.
Are you friends of the bride
or the groom?
- l should've known you were a rebel.
- Yeah, that's my brother.
l'm exactly the kind of guy
they're looking for.
Remember that big modern building
we walked passed on the way in?
He basically took a dying waterfront
and brought it back to life.
Why don't we go some place
and celebrate?
because she would always switch
from fries to cottage cheese.
According to my father, that's
the way DSC Development wants it.
When l remodelled this joint, l agreed
to some changes in the fine print.
Brandon was actually my point man
on the Teen Board, Daddy.
Her research provided
many of the innovative aspects
l don't know what's going on here,
Walsh, but control your son.
You guys.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
So, what about everything you said?
What about the Pit?
l thought we were fighting
for something important.
Please, do we have to go through
all this again?
l may have never figured it out.
- You know, l'm gonna miss that place.
- Yeah.
Don't beat yourself up.
You did what you had to do.
And, Brandon,
l just want to say one thing.
l think l'm starting to get an idea.
You could probably get 50 cents
on the dollar for most of this stuff.
Aired 33 years ago - Feb 27, 1992
Dylan's friend Sarah comes to an AA meeting. He offers his support, and she begins to rely on him. She seeks his help in throwing her abusive boyfriend out of the apartment. She kisses Dylan, but he points out that romances between addicts can be
dangerous. Dylan's decision to help Sarah puts a strain on his relationship with Brenda. She flirts with Tim, a college guy from her aerobics class. They kiss in the Walsh driveway after he gives her a ride home. Dylan finds Sarah drinking with her boyfriend. She refuses his help and claims that he is to blame for her relapse because he rejected her. Dylan and Brenda reaffirm their relationship. Nat installs a karaoke machine in the hopes of increasing business. The machine is a big hit with Jim and the kids, but the novelty quickly wears off. Music: 'We Want the Funk' by Gerardo.
Aired 33 years ago - Feb 13, 1992
Kelly confides in Brenda and Donna about her mother's pregnancy, but they can't keep a secret. David tells Donna that Mel is planning to propose, then learns about the pregnancy. He doesn't share the news with his father, who is clueless about
Jackie's condition. Jackie assumes that Mel only wants to marry her to fulfill his obligation, so she dumps him. Everyone is miserable, but David manages to clear things up and get the couple back together. Andrea shows an amazing capacity for picking winning race horses, to Nat's benefit. Nat takes Brandon, Andrea and Steve to the track so that they can all reap the rewards of her gift. Dylan refuses to reveal his Valentine's Day plans to Brenda. They attend a play, but he first takes her to donate blood. He was involved in a serious car accident as a child (on February 14), and donated blood saved his life. He vowed that he would return the favor by becoming a donor when he reached the legal age. Music: 'All 4 Love' by Color Me Badd, 'Do You Believe in Magic' by The Lovin' Spoonful.
Why don't you tell him
you're taking care of it?
Look, l gotta go start my show.
l'll see you guys later.
My dad told me he's planning on
asking Kelly's mom to marry him
How well they did
in their last few races.
l had a girlfriend once,
used to do the same thing.
Well, you must have shot up
three inches since then.
but you'll see, before you know it,
we'll be one big, happy family.
Well, see, l thought David knew,
and l guess l let it slip.
So, what would you say if l told you
- No, l didn't, Mom guessed.
- Right.
l guess l was wrong.
Of course not.
Hey, l been waiting
for you guys all day.
Come on, feel it, baby.
- The Jackie?
- Yeah.
And l believe in a woman's
right to choose. l really do.
Red, warm and close to my heart.
l don't have a clue.
No, l'm not gonna take your money.
lt's a part of me.
When l was little l always used to want
a little brother or a little sister.
So, Andrea, what do you think?
Anything brewing?
- Good luck.
- Bye.
- Jackie broke up with me, David.
- What?
- Donna told-- How did Donna know?
- lt's a long story.
l'm sorry, Dad.
And Grande Amour
has won it from Ali's Knee,
my whole life is about to fall apart.
Wait a minute,
maybe l'm missing something here,
What's going on
with you and my dad?
No, l told Donna
that my dad wanted to marry you
- Really?
- Yeah.
while enjoying something red,
warm and close to the heart.
lt's the last race, what do you think?
- ln fact, l'm starving.
- Me too.
- That's what Nat said.
- Well, he was right.
Follow Me Home.
General Lyon and Holly Knoll
came out well.
Smart girl.
l made such a fool of myself.
l'm so sorry.
- Happy Valentine's Day.
- Happy Valentine's Day.
Aired 33 years ago - Feb 06, 1992
Andrea is outraged when the school refuses to allow students to take part in a health survey that includes questions about sex. She goes before the school board and introduces a proposal to distribute condoms at West Beverly. The Walshes host a
heated parents association meeting where Donna debates her mother about the issue. Andrea launches a crusade to create awareness about AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. She loses her enthusiasm after Brandon suggests that she shouldn't preach about safe sex because she is a virgin. The school board defeats the motion; the woman casting the tie-breaking vote goes against her conscience out of loyalty to Felice Martin. Kelly eases Andrea's embarrassment about being a virgin by pointing out that having a "reputation" can also bring its share of pain. Andrea decides to go out with John, a newspaper colleague whom she had ignored because of Brandon. Dylan forbids Brenda from writing an article about her pregnancy scare because he considers it an invasion of his privacy. David misreads Donna's stance on the condom issue as a sign that she will sleep with him. She explains that she does not plan to have pre-marital sex. Jackie tells Kelly that she is pregnant. Music: 'I Want You' by Jody Watley, 'The Birds and the Bees' by Jewel Akens.
Aired 33 years ago - Jan 23, 1992
Brandon joins the track team, bumping Steve from the sprint relay. Many of his teammates dislike Brandon because he wrote negative articles about the football team. Brandon considers quitting the paper because he is tired of tearing people apart.
Several of the athletes are taking steroids to improve their performance. They ask Steve to participate in their 'program,' which causes him to develop mood swings. Brandon and Andrea decide to conduct an investigation, and Kelly's friend Kyle provides them with details. The track coach cancels all practices until the steroid users come forward. The other guys suspect that Steve was Brandon's source, and threaten to beat him up unless he takes the rap. Brandon allows Brenda to drive his car, but she gets into an accident. The other driver claims to have developed whiplash, and files a lawsuit. Brenda foils her plans when she catches her dancing in her living room. Music: 'Games People Play' by Joe South, 'Backfield in Motion' by Mel and Tim.
Did Chapman say anything
about me?
Well, we're still good friends.
Because l trust you.
Guys, guys, guys...
He said yes, so we went out
to the track and he timed me.
Thanks, Andrea.
Hi, guys, sorry l'm late.
- Yeah, l know.
- That was my position.
l am so sorry.
Controlled doses designed to peak
in mid-May
Well, then don't say anything,
and when he asks you about it,
- Excuse me?
- Let me guess.
You guys are doing it, aren't you?
He's a long shot, but maybe.
but that's about the stupidest thing
you ever said to me.
Suppose l came to you
with an article
l can't think of anything else
that can make you feel so alone.
l hear you.
Gee, l thought you went out
for that team last year.
- l don't know, Bren. You're the expert.
- Brandon.
Oh, my God.
Chapman's not gonna forfeit
a whole season
l've been advised
not to say anything.
You okay?
lf you wanna take responsibility
for something,
But when l started seeing
my friend's personality
She's in love with you.
She'll do anything you ask her to.
Bren. Bren...
Thanks, man.
Turns out this poor defenceless
woman is a scam artist.
Any bets?
Aired 33 years ago - Jan 09, 1992
Jim coaches a hockey team that includes Brandon, Steve and Dylan. After a practice, Brandon meets aspiring figure skater Trisha Kinney. They take a liking to each other, and Brandon gets up at 5:00 every morning to come to her practices. Trisha
considers giving up the sport after a poor showing in her sectional meet. Her coach shows up during her date with Brandon and announces that she was given an exemption to compete at nationals. She bars Brandon from practice because he was affecting her concentration. Brenda's boss, Deidre, encourages her to become a more persuasive salesperson. Brenda convinces David to buy Donna $190 perfume as a belated birthday present (her birthday was Christmas day). Deidre steals a large commission from Brenda, but Cindy helps Brenda plot revenge. Music: '(I've Had) The Time of My Life' by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes, 'Judy in Disguise (With Glasses)' by John Fred & His Playboy Band.
You can do it.
before the charge
of the ice brigade begins.
- Last lap.
- Go for it.
No, Mr. Kluklinski.
l can't think of anyone
l'd rather share my free time with.
lt doesn't work that way.
Little girls like that come along once,
maybe twice a generation.
and l'm having a power breakfast
with Diedre.
Strong family values,
not much makeup, not much jewellery.
l didn't hire you to fill in at Christmas
out of the goodness of my heart.
who needs to put all her focus
on the skating, without distractions.
Kind of like this one.
if l hadn't driven across town
to pick you up.
l mean, it's not her fault,
and it's not Dad's fault.
Very nice, very nice.
Not bad. Come here. Not bad.
Price is no object.
then price is no object, right?
There's no need for you to be driving
back and forth across the city.
new boots all the time,
coaching, medical treatments,
Well, l'm a big fan of L.A. Law.
Maybe l'll go to law school.
l didn't put a gun to his head.
Pull up a seat.
- That was great.
- No, she missed her toe loop.
Decide really
if you wanna gear up for '94.
trying to take an aggressive posture
in pursuit of a specific goal.
- You follow skating?
- Are you kidding?
Listen, l'm really sorry
about the sectionals.
A Pan-American delicacy, if you will.
lf you ring up that sale,
you get to take home the commission.
l know. But you love to skate, right?
They're giving me
another chance, Brandon.
''Service with a smile,''
for all the good that did me.
And he asked us one key question:
She's outside feeding her meter.
Now, are you taking notes on this?
And l'm wondering
if l need all those blouses.
lt's not coach, or my parents,
Aired 33 years ago - Dec 19, 1991
Steve arrives in Albuquerque and tracks down his grandfather, a diner owner. Al explains that his daughter gave up Steve because she was very young and wanted him to have a good home. He sadly reveals that Karen died in a car accident. Steve leaves
flowers at her grave and convinces an eccentric Santa-like charter pilot to fly him home for Christmas. Cindy is depressed about her first Christmas in Beverly Hills. She invites the kids' friends and their families for Christmas Eve dinner, but everyone has other plans. Brandon visits Emily in a psychiatric hospital, where she is doing very well. Brenda begins work at an upscale clothing boutique. She feels bad when her boss throws out a cheerful old man dressed as Santa Claus. She stops the police from harassing him and invites him over for dinner. Dylan goes to see his father in prison and talks with the same Santa. Jackie is furious when Mel backs out of Christmas Eve plans because his estranged wife asked him to come over with David. Samantha, Kelly, Jackie, Andrea, David, Mel, Donna, Dylan and Steve all show up at the Walsh house for dinner and caroling. The old man gives everyone presents and describes his lonely life; his children are grown and his wife died a year earlier. He thanks Brenda for her kindness and generosity and then mysteriously disappears as footsteps are heard on the roof. Music: 'White Christmas' by Bing Crosby, 'Christmas Is the Time To Say I Love You' By Billy Squier, 'Blue Christmas' by Elvis Presley.
- We'll see. Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Cindy, we did that last year. All of us
crammed into your parents' house.
Listen, why don't we have
a Minneapolis Christmas right here?
but we're all going skiing
in Mammoth over Christmas.
don't necessarily wanna be found.
So why don't we make
one little exception to the rule.
Merry Christmas, Sister.
l won't forget you for this.
Why didn't you tell me?
Oh, there used to be
some houses there.
She loves going on Christmas Eve.
There are never any lines.
Very funny.
Would you mind leaving, please?
Karen Brown or
a relative of Karen Brown's.
She gave birth to a baby boy
1 7 years ago.
well, important Mel
is becoming to me.
- Your wife.
- My soon-to-be ex-wife.
Merry Christmas.
My mom made this incredible
chocolate mousse.
- l tried calling, you know.
- l know.
- You did?
- l did.
Well, that's gonna be kind of tough.
You see, in the first place,
Especially after she sees
what l got her for Christmas.
l mean, it's not like Steve
to not call you on Christmas.
l always thought if l met my real mom,
maybe things would be different,
Brenda, you didn't tell your mom
we were coming?
Look, if this isn't enough,
l'll mail you a cheque for more.
Oh, thank you. Oh, l'm sorry, Andrea,
This is Mrs. Sanders.
Here. l got you some stuff.
lt's not a lot.
Because all l do is
Oh, it's beautiful.
- And then it hit him.
- Okay, David, that's enough.
but l should be going home.
- What's this?
- Well, open it.
And there really is a Santa Claus and
he's sitting in our living room right now.
She's beautiful and she's caring.
except their own birthday?
Even when l was little,
l didn't believe in Santa.
Santa used to visit them UPS
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Aired 33 years ago - Dec 12, 1991
Chuck Wilson, Samantha Sanders' old sitcom co-star and Steve's childhood nemesis, transfers to West Beverly after being kicked out of private school. Steve is depressed when Kelly agrees to go to a dance with Chuck. Samantha orders Steve to be nice
to Chuck in the hopes of persuading him to appear in a reunion movie. Chuck taunts Steve about being adopted, and reveals that he knew about the adoption nine years before Steve. Steve punches him, but takes all the blame for the fight so that Chuck will sign the movie deal. He is hurt that once again his mother has put her career ahead of him, and decides to search for his biological parents. Samantha backs out on the film after learning that her agent told Chuck about the adoption. Kelly stands up to Chuck and brings Steve to the dance, but a teacher kicks him out because he is suspended. Steve's friends see him off as he catches a bus to Albuquerque to search for his mother, Karen Brown. Everyone teases Donna about going to the dance with David, so she claims they are only friends. However, she kisses him in the middle of the dance floor and announces to everyone that she likes him. Music: 'Donna' by Ritchie Valens, 'Jingle Bell Rock' by Bobby Helms, 'Hey Donna' by Rhythm Syndicate, 'I Adore Mi Amor' by Color Me Badd, '2000 Miles' by the Pretenders.
Why is it that every time
some guy likes me, you try to ruin it?
Hi, Mom.
lt was all part of the job.
Know your lines, be nice to Chuckie.
We may even get a TV movie,
if Charles agrees to it.
That Kelly Taylor
is a really great first date.
l did not.
Nothing changes. Nothing!
This isn't a puff piece.
Right, l'll have my people
call your people.
Look, l came here to apologise.
l wonder what took her so long.
You know, Steve--
l'm not gonna do
your mother's little reunion show.
if you get suspended,
you can't take finals.
l need you now.
l was counting on you to help me.
l need this job, you know that.
This is the kind of thing the kids
around here want to read about.
l love you, Chuckie.
And that person was me.
Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
- l don't know. l swear, l don't know.
- At least now l know
But l did the best l could. l love you.
and told you they wanted to find
their real parents?
but about the dance,
either my dad drives or you do,
Kelly, can l talk to you for a second?
Well, Chuckie knows.
l've put up with this for far too long.
l've had enough.
You look like your mom
or your father?
So Samantha Sanders
didn't give birth to you.
You mean, you don't feel weird at all
going out with me?
l'm really sorry.
l don't know what got into me.
My mother's name was Karen.
Yeah, l do.
Well, listen, Brandon,
you were right about the story.
l don't go out with people
who hurt my friends.
Steve, wait, we'll all go with you.
is ready for boarding at Gate 4.
Aired 33 years ago - Nov 21, 1991
Emily refuses to accept the fact that Brandon no longer wants to see her. She slashes her own tires and pretends that her parents are out of town so that Brandon will invite her to stay over. She sneaks into his bedroom and tries to seduce him.
After he makes it clear that he is not interested, she begins to make crank phone calls. Andrea discovers that Emily is the person who has been sending menacing letters to the school paper. Emily shows up at Brandon's house and douses the gang's homecoming float with gasoline. Brenda and Dylan find her sitting on the float with a lighter, but Brenda is able to calm her. Emily agrees to seek help. Brenda and Dylan attend cultural events because she fears they spend too much time making out.
Music: 'Baby I'm Yours' by Barbara Lewis.
and we'll see you at halftime.
l like it a lot.
No, he's not. He's part of the family.
And it's on the house.
Emily, it's all l have been thinking
about for the last two weeks.
No, Emily. We're not doing this.
You better go.
Okay, love you. Bye-bye.
l'm not getting paint on these clothes.
Come on, you two, pitch in.
l wanna see you sweat.
- Hi.
- Hi.
This ain't gossip, Brandon.
This one is psycho time.
Hello. Hello, Emily?
l'm getting sick of this.
Kind of?
Boy, she washes, irons and cooks.
This has probably seen wars,
Ten, nine, eight,
We should just call her parents.
Don't you see, she wanted me
to discover these.
l mean, she's looking for something
more stable, something permanent
You've hated me since the first day
l started school here.
After the way Brandon dumped me?
Humiliated me in front of everyone?
you have to give him his space.
l'm sorry for the phone calls,
Aired 33 years ago - Nov 14, 1991
Emily invites everyone to join her at an underground club. The location is a secret; the gang must exchange an egg at a convenience store for this information. The others leave without Steve and Andrea, who end up going to the wrong store and
embarrassing themselves. Kelly is mortified when David drinks an entire bottle of whiskey, but Donna dances with him and has a good time. Emily slips a drug called U4EA into Brandon's drink to get him to loosen up. He is too wasted to drive, and vandals trash his car when he leaves it at the club overnight. Brandon does not expose Emily's deed to his parents, but breaks up with her because he no longer trusts her. Music: 'Come Inside' by The Thompson Twins, 'Dominion' by the Sisters of Mercy, 'The Beginning' by Seal, 'Go!' by Tones on Tail.
- Well, what did you have in mind?
- This.
you gotta come with us tonight.
Não se não houver nada ilegal
What are you gonna tell your mom?
- Bran, l hate lying to them.
- Okay, fine, we'll keep it simple, then.
Really? l'll let you know.
We're just gonna grab a--
- l will.
- Okay.
You really don't like her, do you?
l like that.
Wow, this is trippy.
- l'll get it.
- You've gotta be kidding me.
Ele vende aqui, Ã s claras,
diante de Deus e de todos?
Brenda, you can see his nipples.
No. Do l need a receipt?
l mean, is that part of the thing?
- Never.
- How's your friend?
You know, l try this,
what's gonna happen?
l believe that. l believe that.
Feeling a little euphoric?
Aproveite, Brandon.
A primeira vez é sempre a melhor.
What am l supposed to do?
No, we can't leave David, Kelly.
- Brandon, você está alto?
- O quê?
Here, man, 40 bucks.
Jones, get in a cab.
Come on. Come on, lady.
Did you tell them anything?
People talk about drugs
like they're so cool,
Only now l feel awful.
- Tell me you weren't drinking.
- l wasn't drinking, l swear.
except for the worst headache
known to man.
Brandon, your car.
are you sure you're all right?
Só tentei relaxá-lo um pouco.
Aired 33 years ago - Nov 07, 1991
The students of West Beverly unearth a time capsule from 1941 and put together a capsule of their own. Mrs. Scanlon organizes a surprise party for Scott's birthday and pushes David to round up the guests. Donna is the only person who wants to
attend. Kelly, Steve, Brenda, Brandon and Emily reluctantly come to the party, but act like jerks and refuse to participate in the activities. David tries to save the party by getting everyone to dance, but Brandon and Emily sneak upstairs to make out in the bedroom of Scott's little brother. Mrs. Scanlon throws them out, and the others act really indignant and walk out on the party. Scott goes to his father's den to get matches for the cake and finds a gun in a locked desk drawer. He tries to twirl it for David, but accidentally shoots himself in the stomach and dies. David's friends and teachers annoy him by constantly asking about his well-being, while Mrs. Scanlon keeps trying to give him Scott's belongings. Donna takes offense when David continually snaps at her. When Brandon tries to interview him about Scott, David erupts (with the microphone in the radio booth on). He expresses his anger at those who pretend to care about Scott after his death and his guilt over breaking off their friendship. The gang dedicates the time capsule to Scott, and David donates Scott's cowboy hat to ensure that he won't be forgotten. Music: 'Friends in Low Places' by Garth Brooks, 'Work It Out' by Monie Love, 'In Your Room' by the Bangles, 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door' by BOOTLEG.
Yeah. Except l made plans
with Emily Saturday night.
Silver, cut it out, will you?
We just shot it
before the assembly today.
You know, l don't think Saturday
is such a good day.
l hate surprise parties.
Spencer, l asked you not to do that.
- Well, nobody told me.
- Let's go, please.
Yeah, Brenda said
5070 Foothill Drive.
l can't believe how clueless
that woman is.
David, unless you do
something drastic, this party is history.
- So come on.
- We should make a run for it now.
And Brandon's just not even doing
anything but standing there.
- l really appreciate it.
- You're welcome. Bye.
We don't have any matches, David.
- Big piece.
- Big piece.
Peace and quiet and open air
Well, obviously
it shouldn't be Brandon.
Hi. Where's Kelly?
Our timing is just way off
with this whole death thing, you know?
How are you doing?
But to answer your question,
l'm fine, okay?
Michael Shepherd offered
to edit that video if...
like yesterday's news
every time she comes around.
the one l was looking for
that's got you and Scotty.
We're all experiencing your grief.
Now, you have to remember,
in December of '4 1,
Who talked to you when no one
else would give you the time of day?
l'm doing man-on-the-street
No, a punji stick in my leg
and it was crazy, man.
Come on, David, we're putting out
this issue as a tribute to Scott.
So they're looking at me. So what?
l know that Scott
would be really pleased
Aired 33 years ago - Oct 31, 1991
Brenda, Dylan, Steve, Donna and Kelly attend a Halloween party. Donna dresses as a mermaid; but her fins inhibit dancing, walking, and trips to the bathroom. Kelly's seductive costume catches the eye of a college student. She goes upstairs to talk
with him, then becomes uncomfortable. The guy accuses her of leading him on and tries to rape her. Brenda and Donna enter in the nick of time, and Steve punches out the guy. Brandon stays home to hand out candy (actually raisins), but Emily comes to the door with her niece and nephew. Brandon joins them for trick-or-treating, but he and Emily get caught up in their conversation and temporarily lose the kids. David blows off the party and finds Scott hiding out in the bushes. They reminisce about the old days while waiting for an egg fight that never materializes. Music: 'Romantic' by Karyn White; 'Lily Was Here' by Candy Dulfer and Dave Stewart; 'The Monster Mash' by Bobby 'Boris' Pickett, 'Sweet, Sweet Baby' by Erasure, '24/7' by Dino.
That's what the homeowners'
association wants you to believe.
That's Christmas.
And you can't fool me.
Anyway, l'm renting.
So, what's Brandon going as?
So what?
You and Dylan already have,
Well, you know it.
Now let's find out who Dylan is.
So l'm gonna go find something fun.
Fine, l guess it's not
all that Halloween-y.
Say cheese.
- Did you see it?
- No, it's supposed to be a surprise.
- And you?
- That's Donatello.
l think l might-- l might be getting
too old for Halloween.
Yeah, well, l got ruled out.
''Just hold out a Milk-Bone
and he'll squeeze through.''
- Happy now?
- Whoop-de-doo, nature's candy.
Kelly Taylor? Michael Cetta.
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
that was truly excellent.
Exactly how l felt.
Brandon, it's really okay.
l think we can handle it.
- USC.
- Really?
is the sound they made
when you walked through them.
l have no idea which way they went.
They were behind us a minute ago--
No, l just thought it'd be fun.
Yeah, we were ancient Egyptians.
They said you told them
if they got separated from you,
Hey, Bewitched,
l'm not a big one for architecture.
The answer is no, okay?
- She's kidding.
- lt's not kidding.
Kelly, you said no.
telling you what to do
or what to think.
How can we know anything?
Aired 33 years ago - Oct 17, 1991
Brandon submits one of Andrea's articles to a high school journalism contest. She wins the contest, but panics because a school district representative wants to conduct a home interview. Andrea asks her grandmother to say that she lives with her,
but Rose does not want to play along. The school district initiates an investigation because they suspect that Andrea lives out of district. Andrea moves in with Rose, but decides to give up her fight because she cannot stand to be in the middle of the long-running feud between her parents and grandmother. Rose decides to let Andrea stay and agrees to talk to her daughter-in-law. Steve gets a girlfriend through a ""chance encounter"" at the Peach Pit, but Kelly suspects that the girl is only interested in his bank account. Music: 'Radio Song' / 'Shiny Happy People' / 'Losing My Religion' by R.E.M., 'I'll Turn to Stone' by The Four Tops, 'Build Me Up Buttercup' by The Foundations, 'Over and Over' by Dave Clark Five.
Did you win?
if they didn't call you by now,
Well, l'm gonna give him
one more song and that's it.
- Yeah.
- Well, what's the matter?
She was, like,
America's favourite mom.
Of course, right.
Well, congratulations again.
No preservatives, no cholesterol.
We've been playing Kalooki every
Thursday since before you were born.
And what did l say?
l said, as long as l wasn't involved.
but l am not going to lie.
Mr. Kramer, you know
what you should put in your profile?
Maybe to you, it is.
No, no, no, stay right here.
Hey, hey, hey, come on.
Don't talk like that.
Thank you.
l hope l didn't bring up
any bad memories for you.
Well, l don't know, l thought maybe
you'd want to go backstage afterwards.
we could go to a jewellery store
and pick out a token of my affection.
- Have we decided where we're going?
- l haven't spoken to Christine yet.
l'm upset because the investigator
is gonna come tomorrow
Yeah, well, all right, look, look, look,
you ladies dangle somewhere,
Oh, l'm having a slight recession
in my chequebook.
And you're Julia Roberts, right?
l mean, she admitted to me
that she was using you.
Grandma, can you--? Grandma!
Please, stop vacuuming.
Grandma, l can't defend my parents.
l don't know what really happened.
Tell her l'm a liar,
tell her it didn't work out,
And l know that there's more to them
and l started to see Christine
in a new light.
lf you want.
l hope you like it. l already paid for it.
Steve. What'll it be, pal?
remembering all the stupid cracks
l've said to people,
Well, in that case,
you think l'm sewy?
- What's in three weeks?
- A follow-up visit.
l got a little arthritis, a couple aches
and pains here and there,
Aired 33 years ago - Oct 10, 1991
Brandon and Brenda's cousin Bobby visits, as he is considering transferring to UCLA. He is a paraplegic, the result of a skiing accident three years earlier. Bobby and Kelly develop a mutual interest, but Brenda fears that Kelly will break her
cousin's heart. Although Bobby is extremely well-adjusted, he feels uncomfortable when he attends a party with the gang. After seeing Kelly dance with another guy, Bobby becomes depressed and asks to leave. He squelches his relationship with Kelly because he believes that she would lose interest in him. Brandon confesses his guilt about the accident to Bobby, who insists that Brandon should not blame himself for daring him to take the fateful ski jump. Brenda finally passes her driver's test, but is afraid to get behind the wheel. Emily joins the school paper. David asks Donna for a date. Music: 'Romantic' by Karyn White, 'Crazy' by Seal.
about taking your driver's test?
So far so good.
l assume that we're
going to share it.
He's thinking of transferring
to UCLA.
Don't you ever feel
like we just abandoned Bobby
Hey, hey, hey, talk to your dad. He's
the one with the height advantage,
So how is the female situation?
you should be
talking with your brother about?
Aunt Cindy, you act like
l'm crippled or something.
l think Brandon can do it.
Look, he doesn't need your pity.
What do you say?
- Sorry.
- Brenda, you drove?
Kelly, sit here.
Guys, l hate to be a drag
but l am beat.
So how long ago was it that--?
Are you kidding?
l love to ride. Yeah.
Probably the same as any other guy
who likes a girl.
Come on, Bren.
Hey, hey, don't worry about it.
We can handle the situation.
Oh, well, Kelly used to date him,
but then he moved on.
You hear what that dude
in the wheelchair said to me?
Last time we had beer,
we ran into some problems
- l can't do much but sit here.
- That's not true.
and you wanna dance
with your boyfriend.
l don't know. You tell me.
Everything in my life is an effort.
lt doesn't make any sense.
And when did l ever need you
to goad me into taking a jump? Huh?
l'm here for you, Bobby.
l can handle it.
So get some sleep, buddy.
Aired 33 years ago - Sep 26, 1991
Dylan cannot stand the fact that his free-spirited mother, Iris, has moved in with him. He begins drinking, skips school, and spends all of his time at a pool hall. Brenda resents Iris for abandoning Dylan as a child, and for trying to step in and
control his every move. Cindy, however, forms a bond with Iris and joins her for a number of new-age experiences. Brandon tries to watch over Dylan, who loses a lot of money in a pool game and is beaten when he can't pay off the debt. Although she wants to be a part of her son's life, Iris realizes that her presence is only hurting Dylan. She decides to return to Hawaii, and sets up a trust fund for Dylan with money Jack had once paid her to stay away. Brandon takes Dylan to an AA meeting. After Donna displays a knack for picking stocks in an economics assignment, Steve talks her into investing in the market with him. Music: 'Mother-in-Law' by Ernie K-Doe, 'Born Under a Bad Sign' by Albert King, 'The Forecast (Calls For Pain)' by Robert Cray.
Our households
aren't exactly Walsh heaven.
Let's see here.
Steve, biotechs are doing very nicely.
- How real?
- We've all got something stashed.
- What?
- You haven't heard a word l've said.
You know, your mom and l
have a lot in common, Dylan.
Seeing on how she's just planning on
throwing it away anyway.
Not Hana, though.
That is my little piece of heaven.
Oh, come on, Dad, let's do it.
Let's just drop out for a while.
Remember a couple of weeks ago
when we went on that camping trip?
l don't know.
Well, such a Scorp.
A Scorpio. You're a Libra.
Brenda, there's probably nothing
we can do but listen.
When you skip school
three days in a row, l worry about you.
l guarantee it'll last
at least through dinner.
l expected to be treated like a pariah
for having walked out on my son.
- What's with you guys?
- We're rich.
From what she's been telling me,
he hasn't made it easy for her either.
You've been drinking.
He's been clean for so long.
You're out of here.
You smell like a brewery.
l better get you out of here.
But just trust me,
you have to let him hit bottom.
Anywhere you wanna go,
l'll take you.
Look, lris,
l know what you're going through.
lt's like Brandon said,
we lost track of time.
the kind of problems that Dylan has
When Jack was arrested,
l thought to myself,
Yeah, well, he's probably right.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- l told you we should have sold.
Dylan, l'm here for you.
l know that some people may say
that l'm copping out.
l've got a tree house
on a pineapple mountain, remember?
Aired 33 years ago - Sep 19, 1991
The Walshes sign up for a neighborhood security patrol, but can't figure out how to work the alarm system. A wealthy African American family moves into the neighborhood. Brandon befriends freshman Robbie (who tries out for Blaze staff photographer),
but gets into a car accident with his sister Charise. Charise commutes to her old school because she thinks that West Beverly is full of snobs. While Charise is having dinner with Brandon, her boyfriend Devo tries to visit her house and bring her flowers. He is harassed and beaten by the security patrol for no reason. Brandon wants to write a story about the incident, but initially receives little cooperation from Devo, Robbie and Charise.
But the worst is that Caplan
over at 1 41 0,
l don't know, why don't you ask him?
l think he has Tech this period.
Can l get a ride home
with you today?
l love your house. lt's my favourite
in the whole neighbourhood.
- He was joking, of course.
- Oh, l knew that.
Your dad is the Poppa
of Poppa's Popcorn?
and our insurance premiums intact.
- But, Daddy, it was his fault.
- l sincerely doubt that,
tell that young man that your father
insists on paying for the damages?
This is a very loud way
to wake up in the morning!
You're right.
lt's just that l'm late for school.
We're talking beaucoup bucks here.
Why don't you ask Robbie
to help you?
Speaking of sisters,
- Oh, Mom.
- What?
- Charise--
- lf you wanna break up, that's fine.
l got two cousins
working in Beverly Hills.
Oh, of course, the dogs.
l can really hear them barking.
l don't know the exact address.
Her name is Ashe.
Yeah, she even liked Steve.
l think it's me she didn't like.
What happened is the security
was called and all hell broke loose.
What l don't like is my daughter
Yeah, sorry. l'll put it together.
- l came in a little late this morning.
- Hey, listen,
You use every opportunity
you can find
More like a neighbour.
or being in the wrong place at
the wrong time with the wrong colour?
Aired 33 years ago - Sep 12, 1991
On the first day of school Dylan makes a date with Emily Valentine, a new student who plays guitar and rides a motorcycle. She also makes a date with Brandon, and all of the guys seem quite taken with her. Emily offers to help Brenda, Kelly and
Donna put together an act for the school's welcome assembly. Dylan and Emily park at a spot overlooking the bluff and share a kiss. Brandon takes her to the same place the next night, and they also kiss. Brenda becomes extremely jealous and possessive after learning of Emily's involvement with Dylan. She accuses her of being a tramp and treats her terribly at a Walsh family barbecue. Later, Brenda apologizes to Emily and pleads with her to stay in the act, so that they have someone with talent. Brenda realizes that she still loves Dylan, and they get back together. Scott returns from his summer vacation in Oklahoma sporting a cowboy hat, with sudden interests in country music, fireworks and guns. David freaks out and decides to distance himself from Scott, warning his old friend to "cool it with the guns." Music: 'Addicted to Love' by Robert Palmer, 'Teenage Mutant Kung Fu Chicken' by Ray Stevens. 'Leader of the Pack' by the Shangri-Las, 'Wicked Game' by Chris Isaak.
Don't they all?
Did you score?
Oh, yeah. l love smog,
strip malls, traffic jams...
Well, l guess all lockers
are not created equal.
- You're a writer?
- Sports editor.
l just want this year's paper
to be better than last year's, you know?
l don't think so. l hardly know
my way around here yet.
Well, l don't wanna interrupt
genius here.
Cute little scar on his right eyebrow?
Oh, l like this girl.
Kelly, l made up my mind.
We're seeing other people.
We're not really broken up,
Well, Dylan is free to see
whoever he wants.
Boy, am l glad to see you.
l mean, you told Dylan
to see other people,
The whole school does.
l'm a tastemaker.
Smart move.
So tell me, Dylan,
why are you really going out with her?
l don't know your name,
beautiful one,
Oh, God.
l'd love to,
l will.
lt's not mine either.
but l gotta tell you,
L.A. takes the prize.
What's that?
l did.
Brenda, just put yourself
in her place.
After last night,
l don't think she's gonna show.
A little closer to the heart.
Think of all that we've been through
We were awesome.
He's a hell of a guy.
Aired 33 years ago - Aug 29, 1991
The gang takes off with plans to spend the weekend camping at Yosemite Park. A sudden monsoon forces the teens to seek refuge in a cramped one-bedroom cabin. Everyone quickly begins to get on each other's nerves. Steve and David go out for beer, but
an elderly couple takes Steve's money and splits without buying him anything. The honeymooning couple in the next cabin supplies the kids with food and firewood, but gets into a huge argument. The gang tries to provide counsel, and learns that the husband had commented on waiting to have kids, but the wife is already pregnant. Dylan storms out following a fight with Brenda and has a drink. Dylan and Brandon go for a hike, but Brandon slips on the rocks. Dylan saves him from falling off the cliff, and they decide to keep the incident to themselves.
Wait, wait a second...
Let's just see what we can do.
So let's get a little national park spirit
going here,
Hey, come on, guys,
this is a minor setback.
Maybe there's some bug spray
under the counter...
where l really sort of wish
l was right now.
l almost forgot.
Not everybody in this party's
got to be a deadbeat.
a new pair of hiking boots
while you're at it.
And listen, about the beer,
why did you say, ''Not this time''?
Oh, yes, l did. l missed you.
The problem is we don't have
any dry wood.
What feels right.
l'm developing a taste
for soggy cheese puffs.
This is great.
We don't even need a TV.
So she told you guys?
- Two divorces.
- And a trial separation.
No, it's because my dad
became a jerk.
You told me you loved kids.
Neil, you don't mind
if l use your cabin do you,
l've never seen you like this.
l know you got a bum deal,
well, we've got nine months
for the idea
A ''drink'' drink.
Now l feel...okay.
At this point, what good would it do?
We've heard tell of some wild boar
living in these parts.
You know, it's like, sometimes,
l try to imagine my future
Man, l thought my number was up.
Aired 33 years ago - Aug 15, 1991
Chris, the acting teacher, asks Brenda to perform a scene with Andrea to bring her out of her shell. Brenda admits her crush on Chris to Andrea, who soon develops her own interest in him. The girls take Chris on a tour of the city, and Brenda is
devastated when he seems more impressed with Andrea. Chris and Andrea share a good-night kiss. A jealous Brenda slaps Andrea hard during their scene. She forgets about Chris when Dylan returns home from Hawaii. Chris decides to move to Los Angeles permanently, but reveals that he has a girlfriend. Brandon refuses Jim's help as he purchases his dream car. He ends up blowing all of his summer earnings on a lemon. Jim takes pity on him and pays for the necessary repairs. Kelly and Steve lament the imminent end of summer vacation. Music: 'Little Bitty Pretty One' by Thurston Harris, 'Joyride' by Roxette; 'Gone Ridin'' by Chris Isaak, 'Sweet Talkin' Guy' by the Chiffons, 'A Summer Song' by Chad and Jeremy.
You know, l think it's starting
to get dark earlier.
You know, it seems a little unfair
that l can call you Andrea
l still have to swing by the bank
and pick up the cashier's cheque
Then most definitely.
l couldn't even pull it over.
- How's it going?
- lt's going-- lt could be better.
- Yeah, sure.
- Thanks.
- Brenda Walsh is your sister?
- Twin sister.
Okay, okay. Just say your line,
when l go to hit you,
You know, l was just about to order
if you'd like to join me. Us.
Our pleasure.
Never happen. Not with Courtney
You know, l'm still a little bit nervous,
but l think we can really get--
Brenda. Brenda, l am so terrified
about this scene.
But we do have a scene to do,
and if you don't mind,
- And what's that an excuse for?
- Trying to take away my child.
That is so lame.
You know, all school year,
l listened to you rattling on and on
What's happening
with the '65 'Stang?
- Nothing.
- No, no, no. Go on, say it.
Not better, different.
A while. But l guess
l can give you a trial run.
- For what?
- For screwing up at the used-car lot.
l'm so there.
And my father's playing poker, so...
And we just can't do this.
A huki, huki, huki, huki, hukilau
Robbing the cradle there, Bran.
Do you wanna be a free agent?
Aired 33 years ago - Aug 08, 1991
Jackie breaks her tooth during lunch at the beach club, but a nearby dentist comes to her rescue. He asks her out, then reveals that he is Mel Silver--David's father. Kelly is mortified when the pair hits it off, and imagines life as David's
step-sister. She determines that she must break up the couple, and behaves rudely during a dinner. Kelly breaks down in tears and explains that she is afraid of losing her mother. She apologizes to Mel and helps David deal with the realization that his parents won't reunite. Andrea goads Brandon into spending time with a fatherless boy from the youth center. Brandon develops a friendship with the boy, then discovers that his mother is beating him. He grapples over whether to report the abuse. Brenda cannot stop thinking about Dylan while he is away in Hawaii. Music: 'Summertime' by the Troggs.
Thanks, but l really need to talk
to Brandon.
What is this? Visitors' day?
Come on. One afternoon a week?
- Fine.
- Good.
- Get me some Krazy Glue.
- Yeah, sure.
- Wonderful, what's his name?
- David.
- l'm Suzanne, Felix's mom.
- Hi, Suzanne.
And l haven't heard from him
for three years.
Felix, be careful.
l'm telling you,
this kid is a royal pain in the--
l'd consider hanging out
with you again.
- What?
- You've got a friend for life.
Be careful. lt runs in the family.
Okay, that oil looks ready.
Now they want me
to stay for dinner.
Stepbrother and stepsister.
Kelly, you're going to make it.
he's going around telling everybody
he's your little brother.
- You promise?
- Promise.
David Silver? Humour him.
What's the big deal?
A romantic declaration of love
in front of the kids.
l don't think so.
What do you call those guys?
Why don't you just shut up?
You know what?
Not with David Silver.
- Kept me waiting for over an hour.
- Don't you have better things to do
No wonder so many guys
don't stick it out with you.
- l don't know. l'm not an expert.
- l know. l'm sorry.
l mean, true love
is kind of like a locomotive.
Dylan? Hello?
He came over for dinner
and he had a french-fry freak-out.
His father walked out on him
when he was 3.
So while it's cool
that my dad likes your mom,
l mean, l guess what's important
is that they're happy together.
- Yeah, well, he's a special kid.
- Yeah, he sure is.
- Look, l'm not a social worker--
- No, you're not,
l don't know. There must be some
free community social services--
Aired 33 years ago - Aug 01, 1991
Jim encourages Dylan to get in touch with his mother, but Dylan is too proud to ask her for financial help. Brandon, David, Steve and some friends hold an after-hours poker game at the beach club. Dylan joins them, and is furious when he loses a lot
of money. The club suffers a break-in, and Brandon's boss is questioned because of a past (unjust) robbery conviction. In spite of Steve's objections, Brandon comes to Henry's defense by telling the police about the poker game. Dylan becomes the prime suspect after electronic equipment is found in his car. Brenda and her parents stand behind him, but Brandon becomes suspicious after finding pawn shop tickets. He wonders how cash-poor Dylan was able to afford a plane ticket to Hawaii. Dylan reveals that he has been forced to pawn his belongings from the family storage locker. He had finally called his mother, who paid for his ticket. The laundry service turns out to be the culprit. Dylan flies to Hawaii to visit his mother. Brenda suffers a severe sunburn when she falls asleep while trying to get a tan. Music: 'What I Like About You' by the Romantics.
Hey, does Sea Shell Laundry
have anything strong enough
No, thanks. l'll just stay here.
lt's okay. Trust me.
But it's been going on
for 20 years or so.
But if you ever wanna play
for real change, give me a holler, huh?
Hawaii. Sounds nice.
A real gambler, he isn't in it to win,
or even to lose.
Thanks, Dylan.
- l learned to play on this guitar.
- l can't use this.
Henry works for you
and l work for him.
- All right, l knew you'd come through.
- l'll think about it.
What's it like having Dylan
living with you in your house?
l guess deep down inside,
l still love him.
Hi, sweetheart.
l thought you had
a problem with gambling.
So, Dylan, how many cards?
Go back, you play.
l'll just let myself out later.
- l wanna ask you a question.
- Shoot.
Thanks a lot.
lt's not like they're gonna blame you.
You're telling me your employers
didn't even know about your history?
l had a cigar.
No, no problem.
Hauled us all down to the police station
today for questioning.
Well, looks like he changed
his mind.
l'd like to believe him, Brenda.
He's my friend.
No, just somebody who's gotten
to know him a little bit.
l said, are you done yet?
There's a water shortage, you know.
l called her, spoke with her,
and she paid for it.
l just laugh at the sun.
Hey, Henry, this doesn't mean
l'm gonna have to take all the towels
Aired 33 years ago - Jul 25, 1991
Dylan's father is taken into custody, and all his assets are frozen. Dylan refuses to spend the summer in Hawaii with his flaky mother. He is injured in a surfing accident, and Cindy agrees to take care of him during his recovery. Jim and Brenda are
unhappy with this arrangement. Jim catches Brenda and Dylan kissing, and orders Dylan to leave in two days. He sneaks out in the middle of the night and sleeps in a cabana at the beach club. Brandon finds him and convinces him to return to the Walsh house, where Jim helps him deal with his feelings about his father. Kelly gets a date with an attractive classmate, but is stung when he won't make a move on her. He admits that he is confused about his sexuality. Donna and David must perform a scene from Romeo and Juliet for their acting class. Music: 'You Are the Everything' by R.E.M., 'My Body Says Yes' by Titiyo, 'I Don't Get Much Sleep Anymore' by Chris Luke.
Finally caught up with the old man.
Check him out.
Anybody know what it was called?
Donna, how about you tell us?
Never was there a story of more woe
than this of Donna and her Romeo.
Nurse Morgan, to nurse's station ER.
Dylan, does your dad know?
- Brenda.
- Well, what do you want, Mom?
Oh, that's right.
Nothing ever gets to you, huh?
l've forgotten how nice it is
He can move. When it comes
to Brenda, he can move.
Well, maybe Kelly Taylor
can't have everything she wants.
where we lay our scene,
l know.
Well, not me. You can be
totally humiliated all by yourself,
Jim, listen to yourself.
What about us?
Kyle, is it true that you're dating
a girl at Beverly Hills High?
Okay, l guess Steve was right.
with you as a partner,
l'll get an F even if l don't quit.
it seems Dylan's mother
made arrangements for him
Dylan, come on out here, son.
You're missing all the fun.
- Kelly.
- Look, what do you want?
l have to help him. Please, help me.
Call me but love,
and l'll be new baptized.
Only next time, do it straight.
l've never slept with a girl before
and l don't know if l want to.
So l mean, it's not like you were
turning me down or anything, right?
Sounds like your father
got himself into a lot of trouble.
Aired 33 years ago - Jul 18, 1991
Brandon befriends Jerry Rattinger, an influential sports promoter and member of the beach club. At the same time, he looks to romance Sandy, a beleaguered co-worker who is many years his senior. Dylan warns Brandon that Sandy is not the right woman
for him. Jerry wishes to hire Brandon as his gopher and loan him money for a new car. Brandon does not understand why Jim disapproves. Jerry asks Brandon to drive his wife home; Mrs. Rattinger reveals that her husband wanted her out of the way so that he could spend time with his mistress, Sandy. Brandon severs all ties with Jerry, who tries to have him fired from the club. Sandy decides to leave town in the hopes of getting her life in order. As an acting class assignment, Brenda tries to recreate the experience of being lost in a mall as a child. Music: 'The Goodbye Look' / 'Maxine' by Donald Fagen, 'The Other Side of Summer' by Elvis Costello.
Listen, for the record, would you
please tell Miss Cynical what you saw.
Okay. Henry's cool,
lets me park my board here
- Yes.
- Please tell the story.
lt's beyond cold.
Our teacher, Mr. Suiter, is so brilliant,
and he's really teaching us
- New members.
- Come dance with me.
- Whatever you say.
- Jerry, give me a break.
- Hey.
- l hear you might join the club.
l don't think anything
could make me happy tonight.
Brandon, how many times
do l have to remind you
Did we? Yeah, l guess we did.
separate from your social life.
Listen, all right, far be it from me
to criticise your old man,
l had one of those too.
Another world, a different time.
- Wait a minute, where are you going?
- Home.
l'll be the chairman of the board,
Consider yourself warned.
He's giving me an advance
against my salary.
l do too. l just didn't know
he'd go after mine.
to do practically nothing.
And to be truthful, l agree.
By the time l get home, he'll be in--
God, this is so typical of him.
and no matter which way you go,
it's gotta be your own decision.
l'm just not about to pour my heart out
to a teenager from Beverly Hills.
and l was supposed
to stay with Brandon,
out in the parking lot, okay?
Normally, l'd do it myself,
but l have to stay here,
You're not the first
pretty boy he's hired
lt's not what you think, Brandon.
was because it was a money thing,
- Deceive them, intimidate them?
- Brandon, Brandon.
- Henry?
- Hey, Brando.
or what anybody was trying to tell me
that l was feeling at the time.
Wait, all right, listen,
we'll just take it over.
l really liked her, man.
Aired 33 years ago - Jul 11, 1991
After a home pregnancy test is inconclusive, Dylan and Kelly take Brenda to a gynecologist. The pregnancy scare turns out to be a false alarm, but Brenda is badly shaken by the experience. Cindy and Jim confront her after finding the pregnancy test
box in the trash. Brenda breaks it off with Dylan because she is overwhelmed by the issues that their relationship has forced her to confront. Hoping to earn extra cash during the Peach Pit's summer lull, Brandon tries out for lifeguard at the Beverly Hills Beach Club. He fails, but is offered a cabana boy position. He feels guilty when he must quit the Peach Pit without leaving notice. Brenda, Donna, Andrea and David enroll in a summer school acting class. Music: 'Rockin' Robin' by Bobby Day, 'Tell It Like It Is' by Aaron Neville; 'Wake Up Little Susie' by the Everly Brothers; 'Losing My Religion by R.E.M.
You'll have fun.
- l'm five days late.
- Oh, my God.
- Well, except, you know.
- What?
lt's kind of a pinkish green.
lt's got my name written all over it.
- What's prompting all this?
- Nothing. l'm just curious.
Damn, Bren, l don't believe it.
l mean, how?
We are looking for three lifeguards.
lt's just the way they examine you.
Dr. Strathmore,
you may not believe this.
l don't get it. What did l do?
l guess l'm just more
of a pool-guard type, huh?
- l think l can probably handle that.
- l think you can too.
and l guess Nat would understand.
He should understand.
Well, Nat'll understand.
it's only for a couple weeks
until Nat can find--
Well, l have a cool boyfriend
and we've had sex.
We just wanna know
what's going on.
God, l heard myself out there
sounding exactly like my father
- lt happens every year.
- l know that, Nat.
Believe it or not, this has nothing to do
with my parents.
to have sex
when l've said no before.
Bren, you're overreacting.
l guess l just wanted
to be my own person again.
Yeah? How does Nat feel
about you leaving?
- Donna, Dylan was not my life.
- God, you are so brave.
Born, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,
1 967,
Graduation loomed
and Broadway beckoned,
you will remember that every weekday
between 1 1 and 1 2,
Who is this Nat?
Yeah, l know.
And then l won the ninth-grade
scholastic achievement award