S3 E4

Season 3  "If You Swear, You’ll Catch No Fish"  3x4

Aired 5 years ago - Dec 23, 2018

Torres risks everything to bring a fallen comrade back to Berlin. April learns the true value of her asset's medical tech, and works with Sofia to track down the troll farm spreading disinformation in Estonia.

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Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 2 #2 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 3 #3 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 4 #4 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 5 #5 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 6
you got to be able to let it go.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 7
anything that might point to Russia.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 8
Just coming off a late shift?
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 9
Everything's set up in the safe house for her to work.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 10
My mind wouldn't stop spinning, so...
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 11 #11 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 12
I don't envy you, my man.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 13
This... World seismic activity chart.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 14
The Kremlin wants nothing more than to take back the Baltics.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 15
don't you dare call this an intelligence failure.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 16 #16 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 17 #17 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 18
until all hell broke loose in Tallinn.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 19 #19 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 20
Where are we with surveillance?
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How can I help?
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in the Baltics, it could very well destroy your country.
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there's not gonna be a next time.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 25
You're not alone in this.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 26 #26 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 27 #27 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 28
Yes, yes, old mobster wisdom.
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 29 #29 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 30 #30 Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 31
What? That's crazy...
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 32
My time hacking actually led me to create my Sama Kaart program.
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I'm just looking at the facts.
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I think that hint of hero worship
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I've always wondered if, uh, if there was someone else...
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Okay, there's not enough ketchup in the world
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and focuses them on specific areas of the body.
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ultrasound pen represents... What am I looking at?
Recap of Berlin Station Season 3 Episode 4 (S03E04) - 39
Uh, we should know soon. Yeah.
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The Kremlin can say that it was ex-Spetsnaz,
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Jesus, how is that fair?
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It's still not definitive enough to take to the Oval.
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It might be a good idea to go outside the Company.
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No idea.