Aired 6 years ago - May 04, 2018
MacGyver gets a shocking surprise when he tries to tell Matty that he's quitting the Phoenix Foundation.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 27, 2018
Mac and Riley are attacked by a group of masked men after the government calls them in to examine a mysterious object that crash-landed in the Nevada desert. Also, Riley uncovers new information about Mac’s father but questions whether to deliver it to him after he says he needs to move on.
on finally making contact
with an alien life-form.
then the military, who quickly retrieved
and we better know what it is
before they ask for it back.
but giving up is not something
I've ever seen you do.
will yield results more quickly.
I'm not gonna touch it.
Yeah, yeah.
maybe we can start making
some actual progress.
a "Dear Abby"-like column
I wrote in high school.
or do I let him move on and
pretend like I never saw it?
Okay? Your skills just
weren't needed on this op.
I just got to ask one more
time, are you sure about this?
Yes, I see that, too.
- Yeah.
- Seriously? Did it ever
I did to keep Mac safe.
- in a wet towel in Total Recall.
- Exactly.
I'm gonna need yours, too.
- this is a straight shot to Groom Lake.
- Groom Lake?
You lost me at "smelting."
in here ten minutes
ago, said we had to talk,
I said "everything I did,
I did to protect Mac."
"let the cows out of the barn."
Yeah, I mean...
- to have any hope...
- 37 degrees,
Yeah. Yeah, I hear it.
Only personnel currently stationed
They left eight dead at the lab.
All it took to get rid of him?
is somehow interacting with the sphere,
reshape itself mid-flight,
and finish welding
that door, right, Mac?
Hey, wait, let's trade
numbers. I'd love to come
and they save your life.
No. These guys are very human,
Area 5-1. Whoo.
You got me good.
Didn't you?
I didn't get banned as much...
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 20, 2018
While MacGyver is in Puerto Rico helping his friend rebuild his hurricane-damaged home, he is taken hostage in the bank his friend manages when robbers attempt to steal $2 million.
a reconstruir la casa de mi
viejo amigo del Ejército.
Lo haremos un par de
veces hasta levantarlo.
Qué bien. Gracias, Bozer, buen trabajo.
Revisa esto primero... sí.
Le pedí a mi madre que me hiciera
el cabello como el tuyo hoy.
porque esta noche volverán a mi casa
y sanos, y eso es todo lo que importa.
sino de todo Puerto Rico.
Papá se levanta al amanecer.
Ya debería de estar aquí.
Ha dejado el motor encendido
con las llaves en el encendido.
y no creo que fueran
por accidente, ¿si?
- Sí.
- Bien.
Anoche, tuve la impresión
que había una historia
- Sí.
- Gracias.
Te lo juro, ni siquiera sabía que
Carlos estaba desaparecido.
Ahora nuestra única pista acaba de
convertirse en un callejón sin salida.
La mitad de la fuerza está en una
asignación de protección especial.
Ahí, es Carlos entrando al banco ahora.
- ¡Las manos! ¡Déjame verlas!
- Sí, sí, sí.
Ahora bien, la buena noticia es
bueno, menos que cooperativos.
Oye, he dicho de pie.
¿Qué, e irme antes de poder conseguir
Ve ahí junto al mostrador
del banco. ¡Muévete!
- Se acabó el tiempo.
- Sí, casi...
Está vivo y estable por ahora.
¿Cómo vamos a hacerlo?
Vamos, Mac, haz que esos
pequeños hámsters en tu cerebro
A estos dos realmente no les va
bien cuando están separados, ¿no?
Ponme al superintendente
en línea y buscame
Vamos, todos, andando, levantense.
Pues supongo que debiste
haber sido más específico.
Y si no son completamente tontos,
Vamos, vamos.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 13, 2018
Mac and Jack attempt to rescue a billionaire’s son after he is kidnapped by a former Navy SEAL who uses an EMP weapon to cut off power and communication lines to the Shanghai skyscraper where the boy lives.
interceptamos una charla sugiriendo
a través de Seúl a 150
kilómetros por hora?
Desde que saltó de aquel avión,
Tiene muy buena precisión en el manejo.
necesitaré algunas
selfies como evidencia.
- Gracias.
- Muy bien, mira,
Dios mío, me he olvidado de ellos.
- Somo exmilitares...
- No.
Escúchame, Edith, deja
de hacer que me irrite.
en el maestro de la improvisación.
Acaban de salir de la
escalera en el piso 90.
Van a activar el PEM.
Volamos a ciegas aquí.
- No está bien, amigo.
- Pero, oye,
Lucharás contra el mar de personas
asustadas de camino arriba.
Ya deben haber robado
la caja fuerte y marchado.
Pues no puedo decirle a Riley que
hemos perdido ese PEM de nuevo.
Aún no lo ha pensado.
Morales debe estar
intentando robar otra cosa.
No tienes que luchar
conmigo. Estoy de tu lado.
No. Todo lo opuesto, en realidad.
Le pago a su empresa
mucho dinero para saber
pero estamos trabajando
con información limitada.
en Nigeria.
Así que necesito saber dónde
están Mac y Ethan ahora mismo.
esas dos manchas que se dirigen
a un hueco de ascensor
Te diré algo, MacGyver.
Y acabamos de perder
nuestra única salida.
No es que siquiera lo note.
¿Qué? ¿Quieres detallarnos aquí?
Es un momento de enseñanza aquí.
Y como estamos en el primer piso,
¿Papá? ¿Estás ahí?
- Claro que lo soy.
- ¿Ves?
Probablemente me habrías perdido...
- Gracias.
- Nos vemos, rulitos.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 06, 2018
As Mac and the team investigate the suspicious death of Dawn's CIA supervisor, the evidence leads to a dirty CIA agent and a massive counterfeiting ring.
And I can't help feeling like,
- Mm-hmm.
- You seem to forget
to the CIA, looks can be deceiving.
And by "injury leave,"
Everything's gone. Somebody
must have wiped his hard drive.
Think I got something.
and someone killed him to cover it up.
So I need you guys to
proceed with caution.
All right, good point.
I mean, my life wasn't like
any of the families on TV.
- Now you've gone and lost...
- No, seriously.
Hi, Julian.
running is a smart move.
Because they're not protecting
what it is now, Jack.
any of it were real.
is real, which I'm hoping
I-I-I like her. I like her.
Maybe she doesn't like her, either.
Is it because
But you have spent your life
a satellite to track it to
the airport till we land.
Okay, guys, I'm still
tracking our money mule
I do not like waiting to make
bail in a foreign country, man.
So, now we have to ID Echo
are gonna roughly be using
this bank account opened in
the British Virgin Islands
you're gonna have to wait in the car.
I-I just think it's funny
you're trying to run her off
Come on.
because we are running
into a brick wall here.
head of security. They
searched every floor.
was much simpler.
How are Alex and Laney, anyway?
He'll never see them fall
in love or get married.
And that, ladies and gentlemen,
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 30, 2018
When Matty and the team search for a former government tech who stole classified intel and has been evading capture, they reunite with the Coltons, the family of bounty hunters, who are pursuing the same man for different reasons.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 09, 2018
Mac, Jack and Riley set out to find a mobster-turned-informant after he’s kidnapped and taken to Chernobyl by an international crime boss who’s worried he will deliver incriminating information to the CIA. Also, Bozer struggles to keep a secret from Matty.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 02, 2018
MacGyver, Leanna, Riley and Bozer pose as honeymoon couples at a resort in order to gain information about a Serbian war criminal from his newly married son. Also, Bozer wonders if Matty knows about his relationship with Leanna, and Jack recruits Elwood to help him break into Matty's home.
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 02, 2018
After one of Murdoc's go-to assassins agrees to hand over Murdoc to MacGyver in exchange for $10 million, the team finds itself protecting Murdoc from his former mentor, Nicholas Helman, who wants him dead. Also, Jack realizes he may still have feelings for Riley's mother, Diane.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 19, 2018
When the team heads to New Orleans to track down the con artist who is posing as the wife of “Duke Jacoby,” one of Jack’s old CIA aliases, Jack finds himself in jeopardy when “Duke’s” old enemies resurface looking for revenge.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 12, 2018
While Mac participates in a challenge for government operatives to create robotic combat machines, Mac must help his biggest competitor, Allie, when her vehicle is hacked and heads to the Pentagon. Also, Jack attends his high school reunion, hoping for a showdown with his old rival who beat him out for homecoming king.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 05, 2018
When Mac and Jack are trapped inside Mac’s house, which his nemesis, The Ghost, has rigged with explosives, Mac uses a karaoke mic and an audio transformer to let the team know that this bomb is a distraction for a bigger one. Also, through flashbacks, Mac and Jack’s contentious first meeting unfolds.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 15, 2017
The LAPD interrupts the team’s Christmas celebration to arrest Mac for terrorism when they find a body in a building destroyed by a bomb Mac built.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 08, 2017
When 32 college students are stranded on a research ship in the Arctic Ocean with no heat and erupting fires, Mac develops an emotional connection to the group leader, via video chat, as he relays how to stay alive as they await a rescue ship. Also,
Jack kidnaps Elwood to find out what scam he’s up to next, and Bozer’s feelings toward Leanna grow stronger.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 01, 2017
Mac and the team follow a group of Indonesian mercenaries who are transporting a lethal amount of stolen nerve gas in the hopes of tracking them to their dangerous leader. Also, Jack confronts Elwood about Riley, and Bozer is pushed to his limit in spy school.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 17, 2017
When MacGyver and Jack “steal” a priceless painting, using a table cloth and a shoe lace, in order to draw an infamous stolen art dealer out of hiding, they wind up getting conned out of the painting by the dealer’s team. Also, Riley’s estranged father, Elwood, asks to be part of her life, and Matty sends Bozer to a spy training camp.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 10, 2017
MacGyver uses a heater and tabasco sauce to help a key presidential candidate in Ecuador receive a heart transplant he desperately needs after a rebel group tries to sabotage delivery of the organ.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 03, 2017
Using a cassette player and a plastic bucket, Mac and the team attempt to extinguish a massive oil wellhead fire in a Nigerian village, set by a rebel group, which is trying to topple its government by destroying their most valuable resource.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 27, 2017
The team is pulled away from their Halloween plans when they head into the dreaded Bermuda Triangle to retrieve the Vice President’s son after his plane goes down with a mysterious prisoner on board.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 20, 2017
When Murdoc drugs and kidnaps MacGyver, Mac uses a needle and his teeth to escape and join the team to save Murdoc’s next victim.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 13, 2017
Using cuff links and wire, MacGyver and the team go undercover in a high stakes casino to steal diamonds from a vault before a terrorist group gets there first and trades the jewels for a weapon of mass destruction.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 06, 2017
Using a necklace and a microwave transmitter, Mac and the team attempt to locate Riley after her first solo mission with a group of dangerous hackers goes off the rails.
Aired 7 years ago - Sep 29, 2017
Using a cell phone and soccer ball, MacGyver and the team search for a Navy SEAL who is believed to be alive in captivity in the Middle East.