Aired 6 years ago - May 08, 2018
The squad is on high alert after an apparent threat is made on Riggs' life. With Murtaugh taking on more responsibility at work, he and Riggs have to deal with their changing relationship. Meanwhile, Trish gets caught up in some trouble and Molly asks Riggs to make a big decision about their future.
- Bine.
- Ok, vrei o petrecere surprizã?
Ai spus partenerului tãu?
ªi sã ºtii, în viaþã...
ciclul vieþii...
Pentru cã...
Îþi aminteºti când ai fãcut baie
la spãlãtoria auto?
Am avut o situaþie urâtã,
Ai venit tocmai pânã aici... e ceva.
- Da. Dar... nu e acasã.
- Aºa e.
"Cineva a încercat sã-l asasineze pe Riggs.
Totul e-n regulã."
Dar ºtii cã nu te pot lãsa sã faci asta.
Vezi tu, era acest Harley
Hai sã luãm un mandat,
s-o facem cum trebuie.
N-am sã uit niciodatã privirea
din ochii celui care
Nu ºtiu.
Pânã când nu te vei ierta,
nu vei gãsi pacea
dar încerc sã recuperez.
Nu spui nimic despre ce?
ºi asta înseamnã cã n-ai fost plãtit,
pentru cã trãiesc în continuare.
Hei! A fost Nathan Riggs?
Cu toate. Cu grijile din fiecare zi
Alan, ce mai faci aici?
sã te deschizi.
Mai multe apeluri
de la o firmã de avocaturã.
Îl suni?
Vorbeºti cu el?
Am copii ºi un soþ.
Auzi, Riggs...
Nu e o rugãminte.
Iubito, eºti bine?
Te simþi bine?
ªi mã bucur cã n-am fost înarmat.
E bine?
Aired 6 years ago - May 01, 2018
On Murtaugh's first day on the job as interim captain, the wife of a popular businessman is abducted and the squad finds a connection in the case to Riggs' father. Meanwhile, Riggs is left to grapple with his family and work.
Poate cã nu pot angaja sau concedia
pe oricine.
Fibre, fibre, fibre.
o linie de comunicare cu ei.
Bine, aceºti detectivi nu se vor odihni
pânã nu se întoarce Lisa.
ªi pentru o îmbrãþiºare sincerã
sã te dezici de tine
poþi fi sigur cã vor ajunge la mine.
Asta va acoperi pagubele.
Fugi, fugi, fugi, fugi! Bailey, fugi!
Nu, acum îmi cer scuze.
ªtiu, dar markerii genetici indicã
Pentru cã e mai greu.
Leo, spune-mi te rog cã nu-l hãrþuieºti
... Casa Empena?
Spune cã e de la poliþie.
Eºti nebun, omule!
trebuia sã acþionãm pe moment.
Înþelegerea a fost cã te ajut,
Noi nu renunþãm niciodatã.
Auzi, Riggs, n-o sã-þi vinã sã crezi
ce pot rechiziþiona.
Bine, dar ai fost ieri în autobuzul
ca s-o producã singuri.
ºi ea va fi moartã.
Hei, n-am auzit ce-ai spus.
Ostaticul numãrul 1.
Da, e ca un Uber,
doar cã are cãtuºe, aºa cã...
Candideze pentru consilier. Da.
Dar pe de altã parte, e din familie.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 24, 2018
After a mansion break-in turns into a homicide, Murtaugh and Riggs set out to find the culprit. Murtaugh and Trish question their trust in Riana as she gets into some trouble with new friends. Meanwhile, Riggs recalls his troubling childhood and finds a true family with Molly and Ben.
E nebun, n-am reuºit niciodatã
sã-l mulþumesc.
Nu te mai prosti.
Am fãcut un inventar cu menajera,
poate a luat-o pe alte drumuri.
Deci nu la bibliotecã.
ªi, norocul tãu, mergi cu escorta poliþiei.
pe care þi-am spus-o despre el?
Arãþi destul de inteligentã
Randy nici nu trebuia sã fie acasã.
Am de prins un avion,
iar Phoebe are de fãcut teme.
dar contravenþiile privind parcarea
sunt destul de serioase
Nu fiecare copil e un sportiv.
La revedere.
Ai fost vreodatã în culcuºul Rianei?
Se numeºte Nico Vicente.
Fost militar.
te-a scos din joc toatã ziua,
Totul e despre prizã.
Moale, exact ce spuneam.
- Hei!
- Da!
Serios? Bãiatul cu care a ieºit
când era pedepsitã.
Nici mãcar nu ºtiu de ce þi-am spus.
- Ok?
- Ok.
Dar poate ai sãrit calul,
Bine, sã mergem sus sã vorbim
cu tatãl tãu.
Da, doar... poza, da.
Mai ai diamantele alea la tine?
Unde sunt diamantele, Phoebe?
Stai, Riana mã place?
Cred cã voi mai încerca o datã.
ne-ai minþit,
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 17, 2018
When Riggs and Murtaugh attend Leo Getz's surprise wedding, they end up investigating a missing person. Then, Riggs comes face to face with someone from his past and Murtaugh receives news that might change his life forever.
Salut, Rog, ai ieºit regina frumuseþii?
cu cavalerul de onoare.
E sedat la greu.
Ai confirmat cã "nu vii" ºi m-ai lãsat
sã mã descurc singur.
Nu vreau sã vomit.
Cam mulþi martori.
- cã se întâmplã ceva, aºa cã...
- Stai.
Voi avea 70 ani.
Sau urãºti asta?
Sunt un bãrbat
Îmi pare rãu, gumiþã!
în jurul forþelor de ordine,
aºa cã poate are nevoie de un moment
Genul unde foloseºti orice
pentru garanþie... cash,
De ce ai furat cocainã în seara
dinaintea nunþii?
Cum adicã n-a mai ajuns?
Pentru cã...
Stai cuminte.
pentru cã am gãsit un test.
Bine, ultima datã n-a fost aºa.
ªtii ce? Putem încerca sã nu distrugem
ce avem,
Dumnezeule... tu ai... nu sunt însãrcinatã.
Mi-a fost rãu toatã ziua,
Da, sã-mi furi libertatea,
De ce eºti aici?
Asta va dura mai puþin de 5 minute.
Scuipã guma.
L-am reperat pe Jake.
cã nu se va termina prea bine.
O iubesc, Jake.
Nu, du-te tu primul. Terminã.
- Bebeluº.
- Bebeluºul.
Da, ºi cu rochia asta de acum...
ªtii ce, sunã de parcã Lois e însãrcinatã.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 10, 2018
The duo sets out to unlock a case about a veteran hitman who Murtaugh has followed for years. Meanwhile, Riggs struggles to find a connection with his father, Murtaugh scares Riana with his overprotective driving lessons, and the team finds themselves wedged in a dangerous incident that tests their trust.
- C'est quoi ?
- J'appelle ça le test de la soupe.
Donc c'est ton idée pour me contacter ?
J'aimerais pouvoir avoir
de tes nouvelles de temps en temps.
Je te répondais juste.
le nom Frank Kelso apparaîtra.
Il finira bien par mourir.
Frank était plus dur à trouver
que je m'y attendais.
Si on enfance la porte, on est morts.
Et pourquoi je ferais ça ?
- Oui ?
- Riggs, c'est moi.
Il n'y avait pas grand-chose,
Il y a quatre ans, tu as été en prison
avec un certain Danny Mancini.
Je l'imaginais bien différent.
Riggs, juste ici.
Mince, Rog, ce type pisse devant toi,
Mais tu as bien fini.
- Je sais.
- Et j'ai échoué.
Elle était effondrée en rentrant.
C'était terrible.
tu me haïras beaucoup moins
quand tu auras vu ça.
Aucun tueur ne sent la lavande.
Frankie, tant que tu ne commets
pas de crime,
Unité 5, les inspecteurs Murtaugh et Riggs
J'allais me faire du thé. Tu en veux ?
Ne t'en fais pas.
Et tous les endroits merveilleux
où elle t'amènera.
Frankie ?
Redevable ?
qui n'avait qu'un bateau pas fini
qui n'a jamais navigué.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 06, 2018
After the fatal end to an argument on a construction site, the squad works to untangle facts about the incident. Meanwhile, Riggs struggles to rekindle his relationship with Molly, Trish's job is on the line as she tries to close a big deal at work, and Murtaugh gets one last chance to make it right at home.
Because I haven't run into her yet.
And when might that be?
- It's a living nightmare.
- Yeah, it is.
A clue.
Could you, uh, see anything
Uh, where are you?
Lying is usually better for no one.
A butler?
Hey, hey! What's up, Gary?
No, we're fine, Guillermo.
But in all fairness, Trish,
interrupting your event
Look, Trish, I understand your passion,
Having dinner with him tonight.
Why do you keep doing that?
You're making me nervous.
It reminds me of home.
Now I'm down to one shirt.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Butler is in the other room,
They really love the, uh,
little barbecue sausage things.
- ...with some job. I mean, what is...
- Molly.
You're doing that very thing
this very moment.
Bailey, pull those blueprints for me.
- Trish.
- Hmm?
with Trish by staying
in your clammy, little trailer.
- Is he?
- I don't know.
The office pool.
Doc, I think I may have ruined
something good...
Well, either somebody got a big
payday or a big boost in fiber.
as in diddly, as in nothing. Nothing!
What were you thinking? Huh?
Now... if you want to end it,
I'll understand.
Or you're gonna be filling the next hole.
- Sorry, Rog.
- No!
Go, go, go.
I can't believe squash
brought down a killer.
But there were extenuating circumstances.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 27, 2018
After the city's gun buy-back program is robbed, the team is on a hunt for those responsible. Meanwhile, Murtaugh walks on thin ice with Trish, Riggs finds an unlikely friend in Ruthie, and Captain Avery is reunited with a college "frenemy" who has key information about the case.
Look, whatever's going on
between you and Mom,
Right in the middle of the bed...
(SCOFFS) Am I supposed to take advice
BOWMAN: Imagine?
A doughnut without a hole...
I like a man who appreciates
the classics,
Oh, that's all right. Look, I, uh...
And I think I believe him.
Just... no, don't-don't ask.
It was a chop shop in El Monte.
Two steps back
or we're gonna have a problem.
that tries to reach her finds me.
There was no undercover operation.
I understand why you went off the rails.
You should think about what you're doing.
You left your bike in the
middle of the driveway.
Oh, was it?
You booted my RV.
I would love to tell you that,
but, technically,
You know what they say.
to be riding that motorcycle.
Who's this?
That's so next time...
Not enough to kill me, you know,
who built the cabin I grew up in.
Funny. That's not what Denzel said.
Now, I'm more than happy
to be proven wrong.
I want you to shoot me.
Hey, Randy?
- How's your shoulder?
...and a romantic
apology weekend for your wife?
you know, something maybe
in the apology arena.
♪ Take a load off, Fanny ♪
♪ Take a load off, Fanny ♪
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 06, 2018
Murtaugh and Riggs search for the culprit of a local jewelry heist. Meanwhile, Murtaugh gets called "grandpa" by another parent while at the playground with Harper, sending him into a tizzy, and Riggs deals with withdrawal from drinking.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 23, 2018
When Detective Bailey's sister, Jess, runs into trouble with the law, Bailey must decide how far she's willing to go to protect her family. Meanwhile, with Trish away on a company retreat, Murtaugh is left to help Riana navigate boy problems, and Riggs deals with the fallout of a night of heavy drinking.
I can catch him.
MURTAUGH: Looks like somebody
partied hard last night.
Uh-huh, okay, yeah. So you walked here?
No, nothing over a ton.
Need you to bag this up;
there's faint lipstick marks
Of course. Clearly,
Roger's going through something.
If it wasn't Drexel, what other dealer
We sent you home in a cab.
It's my wife's favorite,
and you bet your ass
to worry about.
Don't do that, all right? I'm on it.
Oh, why? So you can ditch us?
♪ I'm on fire... ♪
- RIGGS: What's your point?
- No, Cap, this is all on me.
So, therefore, when CJ used
his credit card at the hotel...
- 30 seconds ago.
- And then, um...
Okay, well, maybe it's a
coincidence and she works here.
We don't know where Jess is
anyway, and we need to find
and then you just started again.
Ah, there's n-nothing
unnatural about that.
You got any baggage you
want to share with me?
Oh... stop. You ruined
a perfectly nice moment.
Jess Bailey?
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- Blonde, mustache.
Go babysit the guy inside.
like, with, uh,
with the clothes situation?
This is on me now.
♪ When the night is coming ♪
is this as bad as it gets?
when I was, like, 13.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 16, 2018
Murtaugh and Riggs respond to the murder of an escaped patient of Dr. Cahill's who mysteriously goes off the rails. The investigation brings to light a hidden scheme far bigger than they imagined. Meanwhile, Riggs' anger gets the better of him once
again, causing Avery to consider whether or not he is fit to serve. Also, family tension runs high between Murtaugh and Trish, who have to make big decisions about R.J.
You should be in an institution!
...if I gave you a hug?
I thought you were less crazy,
less angry.
No, it doesn't, it doesn't make sense.
You know, hey,
look how far I've come along.
- the department psychiatrist.
- Intensively.
Avery's wrong and Gina's wrong
and the deputy mayor's wrong?
Look, we're gonna go get Carl Edwards,
Hmm. Okay, well...
That's the best alibi I've heard all day.
We did a job together.
to continue working for the LAPD.
I don't know.
You know me better than anybody.
Hey, watch it, man!
Guys, get out of here! Go!
and told him that it was the tooth fairy.
Well, RJ asked me to talk to you.
on his head when he was just a baby.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
So I missed that, too.
I mean, not when I was a kid, you know.
I should probably get going.
and selling them on the street.
- What's happening there?
- That's all you do
Welcome to Copeland.
So no questions?
Mom! Mom!
And you have the signed
affidavit saying as much.
Look, I hit you,
so now if you don't hit me,
Hey, no judgment.
I understand the appeal.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 09, 2018
When Riggs visits his father-in-law in prison, a walk down memory lane reveals an old secret about his deceased wife. Meanwhile Murtaugh tries to impress Captain Avery, and, united by the death of a mutual friend, Trish and Leo Getz try and solve a murder on their own
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 02, 2018
Riggs and Murtaugh are thrown into the world of counterfeit money. When a group of teenagers inadvertently gets involved, it strikes a chord with Murtaugh, who is dealing with his own issues regarding his son, RJ. Meanwhile, Riggs decides to pay a visit to someone from his past.
So where are you?
Wait, is today Tuesday?
d-does it feel something like this?
just told me that I'm oh for two.
No. Like I told Eastwood,
when he played me
We call him Degas.
protecting a certain silver-haired
You took money off of a dead man?
So, the guy with the gun,
Is that what you thought?
Frida Kahlo.
Change your life.
but I could be persuaded to, uh...
I'd view it as a... a win-win.
Why would he want to quit?
Get down and stay down.
Chuck Norris!
Until you don't find the dog.
You're just so hard to reach lately.
- econ classes, physics and English.
- I can explain.
Feel free to keep yelling,
Said-said it was
a school project on elder care.
All right, let's go.
No. Too supportive.
We are not done raising our boy,
Look, where you start
in this world is not where you end up.
Well, I won't hold you up.
Uh, he was dead...
on the side of the road.
Welcome to the life of crime.
But listen, he could be halfway to...
Hey, Ty! Hey, hey. Look, man,
What if this doesn't work out?
we're going to be... supportive.
I-I was working up the nerve
to talk to you.
I screwed up. I should have
never done that to you guys.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 12, 2017
It's Christmas time and the Murtaugh family is headed to Hawaii. However, Murtaugh's vacation is put on hold when he and Riggs are called to a homicide and the victim is an old friend. Meanwhile, Riggs gets a surprise phone call from a relative just in time for Christmas.
I love you, but your vacation
shirt isn't a substitute
- No, Dad.
- And so, if you or Riana
I'm on a later one.
you asked for, and a...
That's on the way to the airport.
He was on the right track.
We'd prefer you don't
manhandle the locker.
But is... is this yours? The cocaine?
sometimes I don't jump,
but that's my choice.
Am I right? They always say,
"This is not my gun."
Oh, dibs on the walk-in closet!
It-It's... it's a work thing.
No. No, no, no, no.
What? No. Roger's at the airport.
...this is a lot worse than I thought.
I didn't say anything to him, I swear!
especially for a strip club.
Diego wouldn't tell me anything.
Hey, would you, uh, take Ben
to grab a snack? Sugar-free.
He was a hero to me.
a Detective Martin Riggs.
and pinned on someone else.
Hey, you know what, Riggs,
There you go.
don't ask me to collect your mail.
we're-we're gonna rebuild this wall
You know, and they just don't
strike me as a loyal bunch.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 05, 2017
Riggs and Murtaugh are drawn into a fatal world of conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, Riggs' relationship with Molly evolves and Murtaugh and Trish attempt to get Harper into a fancy pre-school.
life always lets you down.
No I.D. Bullet to the head.
Hm, twisting things around.
Look, stay focused, Doc.
She's with the sketch artist now,
Looks like our guy
is following this woman.
He's catching bad guys.
He's brilliant.
When we get there, let me do the talking.
Not-not the fella I showed up with.
I think I'm losing my mind.
Your doctor's gonna
meet us at the hospital.
Do you want a hand?
Where's that list?
really let me ground myself
in a child's experience.
Well, we want her to be happy
Uh, very few boundaries,
Gluten-free macaroon?
Hey, get out of the way!
Sounds like my kind of night.
So, I-I posted a video about it,
and as soon as I did,
I know I don't always see clearly.
It's just that Hollywood's
a mess, and this light
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Look, you told me to come and find you,
Good. I'm-I'm glad you're on board.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
uh, I have just found out
You... you haven't changed a bit.
Hands where I can see 'em! Ah.
You know Kellogg's policy
on popular culture.
Okay, so that's not the only copy.
He's a superhero.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 28, 2017
Riggs and Murtaugh are led into the underground mob world as they investigate a murder in a hospital. Meanwhile, Murtaugh learns that Riana is secretly dating his neighbor and nemesis' son. Also, Riggs spends more time with his childhood friend, Molly, and Scorsese's real name is revealed.
He's a dentist.
- It'll peter out on its own.
- Yeah,
Someone without a gun?
until May 22, 2012,
out here in sunny Los Angeles,
thinks he's in the clear,
I did. Very insightful, actually.
Eh, she doesn't always
running from the mob go to a LargeMart?
He came back for the diapers.
Sorry, Detective,
that's all I'm permitted
- Well...
- Ridiculous.
from criminals.
Grizzled veteran past his prime,
Yeah, this is that doctor that
got whacked five years ago.
Yeah, okay, try to keep up, T.J. Hooker.
You flew cross-country
to make sure we arrested him.
I was coerced into promising
that I would leave it alone.
I'm starting to respect you, McNeile.
Two weeks?
That's the way it goes.
All right, then why are you letting him
I promise.
But I'm out of that line of work.
She broke the house rule
by having a boy in her room.
Make it right with Riana, huh?
Would you describe me
as someone who's safe?
Wait, if I help you, they'll kill me.
You picked him over me!
Hey, Riggs.
Though they are real towns.
uh, their families hate
each other, you know.
And that would explain why
you tried to kiss me that night.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 21, 2017
Riggs and Murtaugh investigate the death of a surfer. Meanwhile, Murtaugh grows suspicious of Trish's new friend, with whom she's been working on a charity event - and then learns it's NBA champion Scottie Pippen. Also, Riggs has violent nightmares that bring up scars from his childhood.
Who is texting you?
Oh, I forgot to ask Avery
if I can leave early.
You two look... not great.
Living the dream, buddy.
Got more info on our dead surfer.
"Shred" is surf slang.
Innocence Project dinner.
You're going to this?
Blade? What?
You can ask the hospital if you want.
corrosion-resistant materials,
Scott is Scottie?!
if he didn't have you by his side?
Arrest Tom Noble. I just found a bunch
filled with 30 kilos of cocaine.
My apologies to Mr. Noble.
I'm gonna go find out
who stole Noble's boat.
RJ's next semester in college.
What about my, my taste?
your little punk ass
to sleep, didn't you?
Is she still pissed?
one of the cops who came
to talk to my dad.
if-if you could describe
this nightmare with one word,
I punched a dolphin, not a shark.
Slow and easy, Austin.
and then he started doing him,
you know, favors.
So when do you stop throwing money
Don't hurt him! Please!
Still afraid of me.
Then I just watched him drown.
I don't get it.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 14, 2017
Riggs is reunited with childhood friends and comes to realize they might be mixed up in the robbery-homicide case he and Murtaugh are investigating. Meanwhile, Murtaugh finds a joint stashed in his kitchen that he brings to Scorsese for testing in effort to bust one of his kids
- And you, too.
- Come on, let's go. Load up.
- RJ, do you not understand
- Hey!
to a high-tech
law enforcement laboratory,
You know, nice to see a familiar face.
Single GSW.
on the Stokes case?
to lift the numbers.
Molly Hendricks, an L.A. girl.
I just wish some day
he'd get his life together.
- Hey.
- The numbers on Kenny's hands
Thank you.
he was 16, he'd begun an illustrious...
in our parole officer's waiting room.
- What was it, the bogeyman?
- Bogey... Stop it.
Shut up.
Analyze it.
We found a hair
near the back door of the house.
What a day.
How hard did you hit your head?
Take it.
the parole office.
Obviously, I knew it wasn't for me.
And then piggybacks off their scores.
Okay... okay what?
Yep, Jake is on the run.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 31, 2017
Murtaugh and Riggs investigate a death that occurs moments before the victim's bet wins a horse race. Leo Getz insists it's a homicide and aids in the investigation. Meanwhile, Murtaugh updates his will, while Riggs struggles to come to terms with his past
- Where the hell's all your food?
- It... no, it says
- No.
- Look. Hey.
Oh, "fleeing." Yes. Fleeing.
For the past few weeks,
he's had an impending sense
Besides, he misses you.
Get the lights, please?
After that opening,
you can expect all the...
You really need to be taking notes.
Imagine that, Riggs.
I stood there,
Ticket stub found in his pocket
places him at the track
You sure you don't want
to take him with you?
is to help you do yours.
I don't know that you do.
you can stay at our house.
- Not a cobbler.
- Mime?
- Looks like a churro.
- Well, it looks
He was at the track, he sent
the thug to Howard's house,
because he lost some money on
a horse that was named Yngwie
It's his nerve,
You are making it very hard.
Howard's so-called friends.
Classy to the end, Leo.
Not just any ashes,
this was Mr. Howard Trotter, okay?
Just a couple Girl Scouts!
We don't have to do this!
Great work from the B-Team.
"Pain and suffering"?
No. This is about justice.
that leave the door open
even when you're at your worst.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 17, 2017
Murtaugh and Riggs respond to a robbery that took place 20,000 feet in the air. The investigation turns into an ongoing hunt for an unreliable father, with his daughter being their main witness. Meanwhile, Murtaugh faces hostility from his own daughter, Riana, as he tries to connect with her.
And you're not even listening.
You do it every time Mom goes away.
where a man robbed
the rich at 20,000 feet
You know, look, I hate to say it,
If you really want to get rid of stuff,
He's got a record.
You know what, I don't love him,
"Is the suspect your father?"
Convinced me he was there
to make up for lost time,
while he hid in the Dumpster
looking out for cops.
That wasn't so difficult, was it?
- Yeah.
- Sweet.
Oh. You know,
everyone loves a charming thief.
this mouth is staying shut.
Never underestimate the bond
Whose stupid idea was this?
And against my wishes, it's to
help find who wants to kill you.
- Yeah.
- 1A.
I was at the trailer cleaning up.
the end, you know?
Hey. Did you lose an earring?
The people who tried to kill
Cooper... they now have Nora.
thinking about running
doesn't make you a bad father.
It's what fathers do; it's built in.
I'll let her go.
Drop the case now or they kill her.
Say the word and I will
have you transferred
Don't "take it" take it.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 10, 2017
Murtaugh and Riggs investigate the mysterious death of famous singer Shaye's bodyguard. Murtaugh turns to his daughter, a fan of the singer, to learn more about Shaye's background and uncover the possible suspects. Meanwhile, Riggs learns the responsibilities that come with being in a relationship with help from Murtaugh.
What is it you keep saying, honey?
I'm personally thrilled
- Brunch just took a turn.
- I'm not in... I was just saying,
they were fooling around
in the back seat.
You guys really are doing the soup?
So what exactly happened last night?
So, we know you were sleeping
with the bodyguard.
We were just tearing into each
other at the end there like...
that you're cut out for something else,
and that's how most of the great
- or did you wait till after?
- I love you, Shaye.
and cheese, which is your
constructive criticism,
for 24/7 protective detail on Shaye.
Even though, uh, she did show me
her Bob Marley guitar,
Hey, Murtaugh just said the same thing.
imagine the possibilities.
I did. My boss owns the restaurant...
he likes to meet there.
Yeah? Well, they're for you...
the bruise on your neck.
Look, Shaye and I
Okay. You come with me.
Why does it seem that
those people don't even know
It was just that one time.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Look, I...
- That's what people do, Riggs.
But whoever it is,
I told you we've never seen him before.
Yeah, I've never seen him before.
This is... a great...
what are the chances
that we could look at a receipt
So that is clearly not why you called.
- I-I don't know...
- Shaye, this guy gets out of prison,
Do I know? Do you know
what's going on with Shaye?
East on Mulholland. Are you sure?
not one visit or phone call.
Help me.
You saved the girl's life.
I'm gonna lose everything.
Periscope, Twitter, TMZ.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 03, 2017
Riggs and Murtaugh respond to the death of a plastic surgeon, drawing them into a case involving an illegal drug ring run out of a wellness clinic. Things heat up when Palmer from the DEA and Riggs compete to solve the case first. Meanwhile, Trish and Murtaugh face the emotional challenges of sending their first son, RJ, off to college
Relax, Murtaugh. I'm on my way, buddy.
Come on, baby. You need to
monitor your heart rate.
You know what? For as long
as you are breathing,
Man, put the damn shades back on.
How many can I have?
Okay, I can roll with that.
Uh, can we put a pin in bringing
him around the kids for now?
he wasn't the target.
White Keds. Why?
I haven't assigned you guys
the case yet.
But now that I've seen it,
it is my duty to confiscate it.
When I got back home,
I wasn't the same man.
Okay, so did you do
the ping thing to get...?
Hey! It's okay, look!
Yeah, I think so.
He saw me, and then...
I'm from Texas.
You don't want him waking up
on some frat house lawn,
And I can't imagine
what he's been through.
What are you saying?
Is-is Riggs... Roscoe in this scenario?
and almost 100% accuracy.
what some gangbanger shooting
has to do with this company.
Did you get him?
I tell you that right now.
Consider yourself called upon.
Besides, we don't know
anything happened yet.
I'm gonna go inside.
I got this. I got it.
All right, we need to make it
look like I was ambushed
- Aw, it was nothing, it was just, um...
- Just what?
No more ribs?!
Aired 7 years ago - Sep 26, 2017
Murtaugh follows Riggs down to Mexico, where he plans to avenge his wife's death and finish off Tito Flores once and for all. Once back in the States, they have a few people to answer to during the ongoing investigation around Flores, including
Murtaugh's family. Meanwhile, Avery is questioned by Internal Affairs about the integrity of his department.
Don't you remember?
this is something
that Miranda never had.
This is a .357. It's gonna be a mess.
we book him,
I need morphine.
You're back!
how Tito Flores ended up
dead in your trunk?
It's true. The only reason
I did not kill Tito
is the best idea you've had all day.
- Over!
- Dad.
You picked a school without me?
Really, that is not okay.
Well, I didn't ask for his help, so...
Let's go.
Hey, Rog, you dead in there?
Since we're on suspension, we
have to do this under the radar.
Rewind that back, that's a confession.
...a month-long grovel. Deal?
That's a conversation
that your mother and I
There goes family dinner.
If he didn't do it, I'm still suspended.
This is what we in the
robbery/homicide business
Riggs said he looked Barnes in
the eyes and he didn't do it.
If I admit I'm innocent, will
you promise not to let me out?
Proof that he did it.
Then I'll take him out.
Okay, I'm gonna use
this opportunity, uh,
But someone beat me to it.
Let me summarize what he said
to the border patrol agent.
Just a few of the descriptors
the police commission used
- Who do I send invoices to?
- Oh, no. Hell no.