Follows the lives and families of three adults living and growing up in the United States of America in present and past times. As their paths cross and their life stories intertwine in curious ways, we find that several of them share the same birthday - and so much more than anyone would expect.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 14, 2017
In the season finale, Jack heads to Cleveland to make things right with Rebecca on the night of her first big gig with the band. Randall, Kate and Kevin make big decisions about their futures.
I'm so sorry. Yeah, probably not.
And maybe you're gonna
be the next Carole King.
(clears throat)
Let's all... raise a glass
ANNOUNCER: Now here's Clemente...
341 last year, 86 RBIs,
Pearson and McGee Auto Body Shop.
We're gonna make it, D.
No? Okay. Good.
Oh, I knew it. I knew it. You see? I...
You know, I watched him,
over the years, my father.
And look where it's gotten me.
Yeah, I'm gonna take the life
that I was supposed to have,
That you were fulfilled? Go ahead.
You didn't want me to have a career.
You want a house, you want a kid.
And I followed, followed, followed.
♪ Hark, now hear the sailors cry ♪
I think you should go stay
with Miguel for a while.
This is kind of awkward, but
I'm here for a blind date.
Now, you're gonna be watching all this
♪ Did you pay your dues?
No, the kids are gonna be fine.
But, you know, each
one's got their perks.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 07, 2017
The entire Pearson family gathers at Randall's for an unusual party. Kevin and Sophie's relationship deepens on the night of his play's premiere. Kate struggles to open up to Toby about her father's death. Tensions are high between Jack and Rebecca as she leaves on tour with her band.
Well, we're dating exclusively,
So, it seems your grandpa left you some instructions.
I know funerals can be difficult.
Uh, yeah.
What time did he leave?
And please, please do not let Kevin and Sophie
Good luck, Mom.
I'm with my sister in Chicago right now.
so the boy would have someone to relate to.
you're nothing but a 40-year-old playboy
Well, first off, it's two hours away.
- Everything okay? - Yeah, I'm fine.
And remember to take his pills.
I didn't know. How could I have known?
Attention, everyone.
William's moves weren't fast,
Hey, Kate.
- It's okay. - I'm so sorry
I got all three kids in the driveway there.
Come back.
So now we're gonna go on his walk.
All right.
he taught you a lot about honesty and courage.
When I first met him, he was so far gone, Randall.
And such a long lie.
And I know that he loved me.
Yeah, we'll see.
for sneaking back here; it means a lot to me.
Good move not showing your penis.
Randall, thank God.
you sent a card
I came, I saw... I conquered.
It made me sad, I'm not gonna lie to you.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 21, 2017
Randall and William take a road trip to Memphis, where Randall learns about his biological father's past.
You want a banana? Something
to put in your stomach?
I mean, it... it's hard to fathom.
I got a job down at the library.
I just ain't ready to give
up that whole rack of ribs!"
♪ Everything's gonna be all right ♪
You should try to enjoy
it more, William!
William, you know where
you want to go first?
I can't stop looking at that door.
Damn near hyperventilated, the poor kid.
- What the hell is he doing?
- I don't know. I'm not...
thank you, folks. God bless you.
Appreciate it.
That's how you pay me back.
All right?
I do? 'Cause, you know, I've
had a few people say that to me,
I told you not to come.
It won't be long, at least.
when you were a child.
Oh, so you get a cousin!
♪ Yeah, I may be a little drunk ♪
♪ When skies are gray. ♪
Honestly, it's a bit of a miracle
he was able to make the trip.
I'm very sorry, but you asked
me to be direct, so I will be.
My beautiful boy.
'Cause the two best things in my life...
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 14, 2017
As Kevin stresses about the premiere of his play, he receives support from an unexpected source. Randall struggles under the pressure of both his work and ailing father. Rebecca and Jack's Valentine's Day doesn't go as planned.
I was actually "Guy in toe socks."
You, Kevin Pearson,
I know all my lines.
You kept him from me
my entire life?
Three teenagers at home.
I guess I was afraid that
you might fall for him.
Oh. Kind of?
- He's kind of Jared Leto-ish.
- I don't know.
So, like, when did that start?
I'm your 11:45, Randall.
- Condoms.
- I know, I'm not stupid.
Yeah, I have...
that I had leftover from
my wisdom tooth surgery.
- Okay. Yeah. Okay.
- All right.
♪ Well, you don't have to answer... ♪
and don't die when nobody's looking.
♪ I know I've only hurt myself... ♪
I should go back to The
Manny, ask for my job back.
Yeah, that was my dad. That's very true.
all you have to do is
remind yourself of that.
(clears throat)
Yep, I know.
You know what, uh...
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, no, I'm fine. I just, uh...
And then, when we're ready,
That you would have
everything taken care of,
you would spin out about it
Uh, you called me. Right?
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 07, 2017
Toby throws a wrench in Kate's weight loss journey. Randall struggles to accept his father's deteriorating health. Miguel and Shelly break some devastating news to Jack and Rebecca, which makes them worry about their own relationship. Rebecca receives an amazing work opportunity. Kevin examines his romantic past.
with a load of whites,
and there's Kevin
Miguel and Shelly?
I'm not Shelly,
you're not Miguel.
Where is everybody?
Remember that.
You and Annie can sleep
with us tonight.
And I got seasick
on the ferry ride out there.
Yeah, I was.
You better be dying.
Never gonna happen.
we got that body wash that
makes you smell like Hawaii.
You do not miss one,
all right?
Um, we have
two young girls
Congrats again
on figuring that out.
You eat like a truck driver.
It's so nice to talk to you,
you know?
You want to talk
about the cheating?
Oh. Well, that...
She says that her day
Just sometimes it happens
early on, first fight...
Wants us to be part
of an East Coast tour.
and he comes home
absolutely exhausted.
I told Simon about doing one,
I need my teammate.
'cause I got, like,
a heart thing.
I've always hated that.
For a long time.
I'll be sitting in our booth,
waiting for you.
And here I was, thinking
I was just being myself.
And I want you to be here.
Can I take this thing off yet?
I tried to lose the weight,
It sure is a hell
of a lot more fun, too.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 24, 2017
Jack and Rebecca get in over their heads when they decide to throw Kate, Kevin and Randall three separate parties for their 10th birthday. Randall struggles to make time for William as things intensify at the office. Kevin makes a major decision in his romantic life. Kate's gastric bypass journey takes an unexpected turn.
Meeting's over. Thank you, everybody.
I have a fiancé. I feel so French.
Tess lent me her iPad.
Good to hear. Mine was all right.
I, um, saw a movie...
Are you sure that you're
okay with me doing this?
But I'm not gonna be one of
those people who complains.
Randall Pearson.
Get it to me by the end of the week.
REBECCA: Close, close, close.
♪ ♪
you are the love of my life.
- (phone buzzing)
- Oh...
And I know she would love to meet you.
- Yeah.
- Oh, they're probably not gonna come.
Those racist bastards.
Please give my regards to Sasha.
you know, a-and... and dark and sexy
outside in the backyard.
Oh, yeah, my teachers are awesome.
I'd take another look at that last pair.
And I know that we can't
take credit for his genes,
Your voice is annoying me, too.
is not a joke.
♪ You just keep on
pushing my love... ♪
Can you show me?
♪ Borderline... ♪
at the love of your life.
Oh, okay, no problem.
Then I got plenty of time.
Driving around in a cool car,
(drumming continues)
- What?
- I was head-over-heels in love with you
comma, not... ever.
Say, um...
I needed it.
But this?
And that's like...
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 17, 2017
As the birth date of her triplets quickly approaches, a frazzled and emotional Rebecca forgets Jack's birthday. Dr. K struggles with the loss of his wife and wonders how he'll be able to continue on with his life without her. Joe - the firefighter who delivered baby Randall to the hospital - fights to save his marriage.
Gonna go by the store later
and get some junk cereal
You should tell her
Don't worry about what just happened.
until you've had a
major attitude change.
I'm concerned that my wife
might be possessed by demons.
One, two...
Oh, hello, Anne. Yeah.
Well, that should do it.
Nah, man, it's...
it's not my thing, pal.
and I really want to make him this...
All of you do. Great. Okay.
There anybody out there
you might like to...
No, look, you're not buying anything.
I just, I want more time with them.
Really mean to him.
Uh, that'll be, uh, $4.25.
We should take him to the precinct.
I'm sorry I've been
complaining so much lately.
I don't know how much you
can tell from in there,
when you can't sleep.
And you're gonna be the
world's greatest dad.
Birthday tradition doesn't care.
14 months.
She's my wife.
The same day I asked Father
Williams for a miracle,
Okay, I'm ready.
He is your son, through and
through, that's for certain.
Every morning, I open
the, uh, medicine cabinet,
What the hell could this
thing possibly be for?
There she is.
We do.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 10, 2017
Kate struggles with her feelings in the aftermath of Toby's heart attack. As William begins to spend more time with Jesse, Randall has to get used to his father's new relationship. After receiving the news they're expecting triplets, Jack and
Rebecca must find a way to afford a home that can accommodate three babies. Olivia unexpectedly resurfaces, throwing both Kevin and Sloane for a loop.
Oh, okay. I keep getting
turned around in here.
- Come on, please.
- Toby.
there is an Uber here,
he's outside, uh...
- You really tried crying?
- Oh, yeah. Just full waterworks...
- Plus, your favorite coworker is gay.
- Keith's not gay.
But let's get serious for a minute.
- Ever think about selling it?
- Every day. But not today, pal.
Look. Anyhow, I, uh...
Please, just stay a little bit longer.
I said to myself, "Ron, old boy,
We're real. Get over here.
A lot. I like sleeping with you.
I made a physical change
I'm, I'm ready for something real.
Uh, we... There's nothing
to talk about, all right?
that can surgically be treated.
Rebecca, stop believing
every single thing you read.
What are you gonna do?
Either way, you can't have it.
is his sense of humor.
- What's with the text?
- Uh, I'm gonna do it.
I just don't want you
to freak out, okay?
and, uh, she wants to get back
together with me, of course,
But she's also British, which makes her
Hey, did you know that if
you squint your eyes real hard
'Cause they have all that space, and,
Yeah, I'm on it.
with a complete stranger
and forget I ever met you.
But I want to spend the rest
of my life with you, Toby.
You would?
Since you moved in.
You're not gonna be crawling underneath
You know, your mother
was bad with money, too.
What... what about a...
a down payment though?
Aired 8 years ago - Dec 06, 2016
The Pearson family finds themselves at the hospital on Christmas Eve after little Kate comes down with appendicitis. When they run into Dr. K, who is alone at the hospital, they realize they need to be there for him as much as he was once there for
them. Presently, Kevin celebrates Hanukkah with Olivia and her family, Kate continues to pursue her big surgery and someone from William's past reappears in his life.
What's... happening?
What's all this about?
I don't, I don't really understand.
REBECCA: And tonight...
we're gonna be his.
My dad said you're the
reason they adopted me.
I'll bet you that's just what
my Montana cabin looks like,
Our lead actress vanished a month ago,
(laughs) That seems weird.
- What do you want me to say?
- Well, I tell you what,
"You have to pray to the Greek gods,
The Jews rode strong until
the Greeks left Jerusalem.
Right? Screw these producers.
Listen, here's my point:
I don't care, okay?
everyone knows all the dangers.
- Yes.
- No.
I didn't know if I brought
up the food too much
'Cause you were just
my little baby girl.
take me out there pretty late.
And you gave me that.
of my heart could never
be stirred again.
And so I turned to my old habits
WILLIAM: Hey, Randall, it's me.
Not much of an appetite.
I was wrong not to give us that.
Just gotta take carea little business.
See you then.
The adult in you is probably all good,
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Just be cool, all right? I am cool.
You be cool.
Catherine was good, always there.
My kid, gone. My career, gone.
No. I wasn't scared, Randall.
Good God, man, you made a mistake.
And your daughter-- what's her name?
Uh, yeah, we finished early, so...
Of course it is.
Hey. Toby. How are you?
I can live without pizza and cookies
I... I brought a friend.
Uh, not to me.
Your shirt's buttoned wrong.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 29, 2016
Kate, Kevin and Randall head to their family's cabin to get away after their chaotic family Thanksgiving. A very angry Randall finds comfort and explanation from his father, Jack. Olivia speaks a harsh truth to Kate, which drives a wedge between
Kate and Kevin. Rebecca and Jack struggle with what to do when 9-year-old Randall tells them that he's been looking for his birth parents.
Look at me a sec.
- Am I doing it?
- It's so sad.
at this rate, I would be 106 years old
With the language barrier,
sometimes Olivia's funnier
Come on, indulge us. Sit down.
What? No, I mean, you know, I
told her that we were here.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
And it's...
If only Gertrude Stein had one of these
S... So, is that Liv, like Olivia?
is totally safe, don't even
worry about him. He's having
And Mom admitted it.
- for classes, she said.
- Yeah. This is my son, Randall.
- The one with the David Bowie eyes?
- (chuckles) Yeah. Yeah.
- to the dojo place Yvette recommended.
- Look,
Of course not. That's ridiculous.
Of you?
to be real that you can't see
how fake these people are?
that I had these great parents
You weren't a choice,
Randall, you were a fact.
That's great.
My... my husband went out
of town for work last month
Seems like it was right, though.
But I... Is he musical at all?
There's not some sort of
international cities.
That's not cool.
I'm starting to feel like...
- (car leaving outside)
- My car!
- "Kate was here."
- (Kevin laughs)
that you couldn't give me,
and you actively denied me
- all the wrong way.
- What other way could there possibly be?
I certainly wasn't.
RAY: Randall, how old are you, son?
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 22, 2016
As Jack, Rebecca and the three kids make their way to Rebecca's parents' house for their traditional Thanksgiving holiday, an unforeseen detour occurs. Kate makes two drastic life-changing decisions. Kevin brings Olivia to Randall's house for
Thanksgiving. Randall's heart is broken when he learns about a lifelong secret his mother has kept from him.
vomiting my guts out, while
everybody else is watching football.
about the time I met Streisand.
Parents love Streisand.
would bend over backwards
for the woman that he loves.
on the weight and on all of it.
Have a good break, Kevin.
Now, don't you want to
see that up close, huh?
- It's turkey day.
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah, no, it's good because
it's time to get up anyway.
He's our stepdad, not ISIS.
the Thanksgiving picnic
blankets, please.
My mom and biological father
eating at the same table?
Rebecca, I don't know how things work
- I'm sorry, I've been cooking.
- No.
- Are you okay?
- Everyone okay?
- Hey, Uncle Kevin.
- How are you?
- Hi, Olivia. I'm Rebecca.
- Hi.
I know, I know, I'm sorry. I just, uh...
and I don't think we ever
once made it to dessert.
Everyone would bring their
instruments, and we'd jam all night.
I feel like we've been walking for days.
- I'm not doing it either.
- Me, neither.
Why don't I come with you
and keep you company?
Are they gonna get us
a tow truck in there?
- Hmm.
- Okay.
How it rolls up from his chest.
Because sooner than you
know it, you'll be old.
You're doing a bit.
You're doing a bit...
Why is it so hot in here?
I should have had my dad come to get us.
Just some very fast moving cold front.
Tonight, on the itinerary...
we're gonna wrap it in cheese
a couple of young little pilgrims...
Let Pilgrim Rick tell you
a Thanksgiving story.
All right.
I have, uh...
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 15, 2016
The dynamic of Randall and Kevin's rocky relationship is explained. Beth and William spend time together, which unexpectedly brings to light a secret William has been keeping. As Rebecca gets back to work for the first time in years, both she and
Jack acknowledge that there is distance between them. Toby is caught straying from his diet regimen, throwing Kate into crisis.
Bye, kiddos.
So, what this mean, "Really?"
Okay, I kill myself for
weeks, and I'm down a pound?
- It's no biggie.
- No. You are no biggie... anymore.
Come on, guys, nothing? That was...
Yeah, but it's my first
rehearsal in ten years.
And a big day for Kevin, so...
Hey! How are you?
Hey, everybody.
Do you have a...
Yeah, I'm ready. Okay.
Yeah. Come on in.
Depriving myself,
way more disgusting than
I remembered, by the way.
In a couple days you won't notice
that funky mildew, And the asbestos.
Yes, definitely.
or was she floating?
I must have missed that episode.
- Just finish the dinner, man.
- It's all right, it's all right,
Down, set, hut.
Get down, set!
No, it's all right, Randall. I'm
just gonna go back to my hotel.
Now that... that is funny.
Randall, hold... No.
What does that mean?
My face...
I love it when there's
a new moon like this.
Get your asses in the car.
You're right.
you've said the words,
"He's my brother."
when he asked.
That's pretty cool.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 01, 2016
Kate interviews for a new job that seems just about perfect, although it comes with a catch. Randall doubts his career choice and wonders if he followed the right path. Kevin and Olivia's relationship moves in a new direction. Rebecca and Jack are conflicted on what to do when Randall tests as a gifted child.
I have been doing way too much
third grade science homework.
Hope you don't mind. Pianos get
forlorn if you don't play 'em.
I like spinning in your chair.
M-Maybe is the-the teacher prejudiced?
I just want to touch you one more time.
Well, you know, Ron, it's not my job
(door opens)
Oh, I love that movie. Oh. Right?
It's part event coordinator,
part development associate.
(clicks tongue)
You know, maybe I've had an
artistic side in me all along
why don't you try out
this-this crazy artist side
Hey, Tanner, it's Kate.
than Randall's already
pretty white other school.
Look, I... I wasn't gonna say anything
- I mean it.
- Okay.
because a few C-list
celebrities take your calls?
I love American cheese. Mm.
I appreciate it. Now I'm
gonna go have a drink.
Because I asked Jeremy,
we had a whole fleet of them;
we had just rows and rows,
I wouldn't wear it, I wouldn't
even look at it, but now it's...
Best two out of three.
marching around like it's Nazi Germany.
See you, guys.
Let's give it up for
Kendal's mom, Mandy! Yeah.
and so, um...
♪ Protect your crops ♪
Ah, there you are.
Why do you push all of that away?
because you didn't come
back, so I pressed.
I am sorry and it's really
not the only reason.
Okay, too far.
- Cool.
- Yeah.
I don't.
Different from who? Who,
the kids at school?
Maybe I.. I don't want you
to feel like you stand out.
I think I skipped the montage.
I got ya.
She still gets hit on by everyone.
- and it's what you're wearing.
- I hate you!
Hey, wait. Come here.
I put one on every day
because I want to.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 25, 2016
Jack and Rebecca argue about the idea of starting a family; the story behind the family's love for the Pittsburgh Steelers is revealed; Kevin discovers that the script for his part in the play is relevant to his own life.
- right?
- Yeah.
I saw this as an opportunity
to hang with you two,
Technically, I played an au pair on TV.
Yeah. What's on top?
Oh! Shelly, Miguel.
I think it's time for shots.
Um, what did you mean before when, uh...
L.A. fans have to be happy, Paul.
- Yes.
- It's a little too far.
there are other crackers
that I like than-than
on business, so I was used to being...
you want to read the play with me?
Trying to be funny. Okay. So if you
And it doesn't have to be marathon sex.
what to order on pay-per-view.
You want to do this now?
Okay. Let's do it.
You are right.
I was thinking more your sister.
Yeah, we should really be having kids.
No, my issues are nothing
compared to yours.
Yeah. It's a really nice TV...
Yeah, just for a second. Listen to this.
She's gone and she's never coming back.
- No.
- No. Okay.
What happens when you die?
Mommy and Daddy are gonna die.
She's totally right.
This isn't the night I had planned.
using it for their who knows what?
Nah. I like the way you do it.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.
didn't want anything to do with me.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I love it right now.
The Steelers won the Super Bowl.
So, uh...
It wasn't until the
2006 AFC Championship
And I know it's gonna
be a little creepy.
All that adult stuff
we were reading about.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 18, 2016
Rebecca and Jack take Kevin, Kate, and Randall to the community pool on a hot day and quickly realize each child is going through their own struggles. Kevin auditions for his first Broadway play in New York and meets a determined actress who is less
than impressed by him. Toby runs into his ex-wife while at a restaurant with Kate, which sends Kate into a spiral of self-doubt. William is mistakenly reported as a loiterer in Randall's predominately white neighborhood, which exposes deep-rooted issues of race.
- Maybe we don't tell that story.
- Oh, no, it's not a bad one.
You're kidding me!
Come here.
And does Randall need sunscreen?
The edges are gone...
I judged, uh, Miss USA for Trump once,
I'll just say it.
I'm paying, just take the pants.
Like I have done every day of my life.
This is from all of us.
Okay? I mean, that
woman made me so nervous,
Although you weren't super helpful.
Okay, it's... I-I have
him now. I'm sorry,
That's my son, and I'm his mother.
- I think you should go back there.
- I know, right?
It was a TV show, actually,
called, uh, The Man-ny.
- Wait, I'm sorry, what?
- They think the nanny
If you are missing a child,
- Come on...
- Don't touch me.
- Okay.
- Can I have a hug?
When he gets out of the pool, you need
to put lotion on him or he gets ashy.
I don't. I look like a pacifier.
No, you may never go to Daytona Beach.
vitamin drinks and... I chased them off.
Need to find you a crown.
So I wondered, like was she
fat and then she got skinny?
I empathize, clearly.
That story you told about helping to
bus little black kids in Pittsburgh.
- for any of it.
- You shouldn't.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 11, 2016
Rebecca makes a surprise visit to Randall's home where she encounters his biological father, William. Kevin anxiously decides to take the plunge and move to New York to pursue a Broadway job, with the expectation that his sister, Kate, will move
with him. Toby is determined to get Kate out of Kevin's shadow and prepares a special day where she is in the limelight. Jack and Rebecca take home their babies from the hospital and adjust to the new life of parenthood, while coping with the loss of their other child. Rebecca struggles to connect with their adopted child and searches for answers.
This was not the plan.
Luckily, I have all this
fat to soften the blow.
One more song. KEVIN: Okay, Kate,
We should look into the
meat-packing district.
That's it?
Car seats are installed.
Probably the one that hates me.
He's fine, Bec.
Whatever biological fathers and
adopted mothers talk about.
in front of his marriage,
and free weight... Great.
thanks for dropping by unexpectedly.
You'd try and stop me 'cause you
were raised to be a good man.
you are getting in the car right now,
an instrumental copy
of "Time after Time,"
they've seen worse.
for the father to be here alone.
'Cause I believe in good people.
I'm actually, uh,
♪ The drum beats out of time ♪
I found it in the Cloud.
Kate, I'm not some nut job
who performs grand gestures
to a point where there's
really not much we can do.
My world spun on every axis that day.
I... I lost one of the
babies during delivery,
I-I also need to know...
but every time I look at his face...
I have no idea how I
came from that man.
or even if you do, but I do know
So he takes me to a nursing home...
and I don't even need to
be in a relationship.
I don't really know who I
am if I'm not your sister.
- that anyone has ever done for me.
- Okay, but that still doesn't...
Me, too.
Aired 8 years ago - Sep 27, 2016
Kate is furiously working hard to shed her unwanted pounds as she continues to struggle with impatience and discouragement. She receives support from her new boyfriend, Toby, as he helps her let loose and enjoy herself. Beth begins to question the
motives of Randall's biological father, William, and takes action in getting answers on his activities. Randall has a lot more on his mind with the new life-changing addition of having his biological father in his life. Marriage and raising three 8-year-old children is beginning to take its toll on Rebecca and Jack as they start to feel distant from one another. Kevin faces the aftermath of quitting his job as he deals with his agent, Lanie, and has to figure out how to move forward.
You know, Beth, we've been
together for 17 years.
I'm just trying to get him to
his first doctor's appointment,
It's hard to see the woman I
married sometimes, you know?
while you sit here
drinking not one, not two,
That was my vice.
Honey, here, take your lunch.
It's exciting. Exciting times
for everyone involved.
making you so famous that
you could wear a ski cap
They could bankrupt you.
Do you need me to show you
the video on YouTube?
Sounds about right. Yeah.
Nothing can live...
if I got to carry you up these stairs.
I know I'm ridiculous. I
know I'm a joke to you guys.
Kate, Lanie Shultz
the boyfriend-girlfriend zone,
- All right.
- Shut up!
consider this a... way-too-expensive
You have to reign it in, baby,
because I won't have it in my house.
in case I miss you in the morning.
But can't we all, at this point,
just, sort of, you know...
and my favorite wife and I
are going to move there.
isn't exactly drifting on
morphine, now is it, Kevin?
It's his twin sister.
catching up on some paperwork.
I was not a very good
brother to you, was I?
even though we couldn't
afford it whatsoever.
could literally no longer see
things through his eyes.
but it's also why I have to
protect him sometimes, you know?
Yes, I am.
It's not funny.
I'm thinking about it.
- This old thing?
- Uh-huh.
Adults always ask little kids that.
From here on out, I'm gonna
be an 11 for you, baby.
Aired 8 years ago - Sep 20, 2016
Sometimes life will surprise you. Starring Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia and Sterling K. Brown, this refreshingly honest and provocative series follows a unique ensemble. As their paths cross and their life stories intertwine in curious ways, we
find that several of them share the same birthday and so much more than anyone would expect. From the writer and directors of "Crazy, Stupid, Love" comes a smart, modern dramedy that will challenge your everyday presumptions about the people you think you know.
So close your eyes in
there, kids, because Daddy's about
- There's nothing you can say that's...
- My water just broke.
come raining down all over
the state of Florida.
We're 36.
I would marry a man like Dad.
You want to say that again?
- no, no, no. Now, stay with me.
- Oh, God. No, I need Dr. Schneider
because then I would retire
and spend my remaining days
Now, that was a bad joke, but
Who wants a T-shirt?
You are right, Kevin.
- Hi, Mommy!
- All right, well, she made a friend.
Oh! Go!
And now you can help others
be skinny like you."
She never let us eat pizza.
Yeah, that sounds nice.
So I'm gonna need everyone
in this room to believe me
Hey, clear my afternoon?
I was raised by two incredible parents,
that I didn't need a thing from you,
Seems to me you want me to try
to make amends so you can say,
that I don't remember.
I'll get my coat.
My lightweight dad.
But, um, we just got to, we
got to get a lighter version.
It's your fault for
demanding so little of us
Yeah, that was a lot of fun.
Your wife is in distress, Jack.
Hey, isn't that
what the kids do to be cool?
Oh, my God, baby, you're cracking up.
I am very interested in dessert.
Holy... Wait, are you the Man-ny?
And she'll be awake pretty soon.
But we lost our very first
child during the delivery.
that he sent me on,
maybe not the way you planned.
Sorry. Just had to put the girls down.
I'm dying, is all.