S3 E2

Season 3  "A Skinner, Darkly"  3x2

Aired 7 years ago - Jul 07, 2017

Turin insists Dutch and D’avin take a few of the RAC’s best brains for a test drive mission, in search for a temporary replacement for Johnny. The rookies soon find themselves in over their heads, trapped in an abandoned black site bent on killing them all. Across the J, Johnny finds himself in hot water of his own as his search for Clara leads him to a mysterious skin rejuvenation center, hiding an even bigger mystery under its surface.

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Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 2
- She'll pull through. - Yeah?
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 3
Which is why you and your girl
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 4
we can all go home.
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 5
Who's behind it?
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 6
going on, they're not just gonna let us
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 7
Ugh, gross.
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It's now been 56.
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 9 #9 Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 10
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 11 #11 Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 12
We got a body.
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 13
And a mop, maybe.
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human ash...
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 16
I brought you a parting gift for that.
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 17
Okay, let me get this straight.
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Uh, science doesn't really work like that.
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I know who she was.
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 20
There were flashes of a transport ship.
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have that mod in your chest, right?
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Listen to me, listen, we don't know if that will hurt you.
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So she wants to help you.
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Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 25 #25 Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 26
Talk her home. Now.
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We're either running or we're owned,
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I don't know how.
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that someone took your damn leg,
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You know what the skinning is about, right?
Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 35
When we get back, we are calling
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they find out you're jacking around with their plasma.
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And I don't feel like using them
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Or is this where you get your asses kicked?
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I'm doing my job and completing the real mission
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It wasn't real?
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"if you think that you're gonna take me
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But that doesn't mean we should forgive them.
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Recap of Killjoys Season 3 Episode 2 (S03E02) - 47
The thing we're fighting, it's organic.
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Drinks are on Ollie.
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Yeah, the fact that we're all hackmods here
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Pinky swear?