Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
A preacher sets out on a mission to make the almighty himself confess his sin of abandoning the world. With his best friend Cassidy, an alcoholic Irish vampire, his love Tulip, a red blooded gun towing Texan, and the power of genesis, an unholy child born from an angel and a devil, Jesse gives up everything to set the world straight with its creator.
Jesse hopes to follow through on his promise to obtain answers from heaven; the entire town waits with bated breath.
Jesse's in the wind while those close to him face life-changing decisions; the Cowboy comes back to Ratwater seeking his revenge.
Jesse protects his church in a vicious gun battle against Quincannon and the Meat Men; Tulip hopes to save a friend.
Jesse's actions alienate and endanger those closest to him as we glimpse into his past and finally learn the root of all of his guilt.
Jesse finally comes face to face with Deblanc and Fiore and learns about the mysterious entity that has taken over his body.
Efter hans stunt med Quincannon, er Jesse Annvilles nye rockstjerne, og Tulip og Cassidy bonder. Imens tager The Cowboy en tragisk beslutning.
Jesse makes Quincannon a bet he can't refuse; and Cassidy works to fend off the angels. Meanwhile, Tulip tries to bring justice to Annville.
Jesse explores his newfound power with Cassidy's help. Meanwhile, armed with new information, Tulip tries to convince Jesse to set out for revenge.
Jesse tries to be a "good preacher," unaware that a mysterious duo is after him. Meanwhile, the enigmatic Cowboy is introduced.
Jesse struggles to escape a past that is slowly catching up to him. A mysterious entity comes to earth, leaving a wave of destruction in its wake.