Aired 6 years ago - May 28, 2018
Lucifer’s dad creates an alternate dimension in which Lucifer now lives in a world where he not only has never met Chloe, but is granted the freedom of choice.
Oi, Stryder.
Não sei. Talvez eu esteja
em LA há muito tempo.
- E sou boa fazendo policial.
- Você é.
eu estaria louca
e teria parado de trabalhar.
para essa questão,
mas eu posso.
- Somos inteligentes.
- Somos inteligentes. Isso aí.
Eu não jogo coisas
em ninguém.
a inspirou a seguir seus passos
e se tornar policial.
Você o conhecia.
Macaquinha, sinto muito.
do que nos filmes, querida.
Foi usado em um assassinato?
Mas parece que foi retirada.
Você me conhece.
Agora já sei quem procurar.
Assumirei daqui.
para contratar alguém tipo eu,
que sempre os livram?
Preciso que fique vigiando
para que ninguém entre depois.
- No inferno.
- Você nunca está ocupado.
Se seu orgulho
não te deixa voltar, irmão,
Apenas me dê um minuto,
saio daqui em...
Mas que merda!
Ele precisava da grana
para se livrar de encrenca.
Assim, você é
uma boa adversária,
Uau, Linda, me impressiono
todo o dia com seu trabalho.
O que é mais importante
para você?
- Sinto muito.
- Sim.
se eu vir você e seu namoradinho
em Los Angeles de novo,
Com os olhos.
quem achou mesmo
que eu resolveria um homicídio?
O parceiro não aceitaria bem
Meu Deus.
Bem, não. Nunca assisti mesmo
até o fim.
Eu dirijo.
O quê? É bem específico.
Por que diz?
O quê? Não estou
roubando o carro.
Não queria isso, nada disso.
Então por que toda vez
Escolha é uma coisa engraçada.
Aired 6 years ago - May 28, 2018
Lucifer and the team investigate the murder of a child psychiatrist, while Ella thinks about a big childhood secret that she’s been hiding.
Parece ter uma mancha aqui,
como se tivessem
Queremos falar com ele,
saber se ele viu algo.
Sabia que quando eu tinha
a sua idade
- por favor, me liguem.
- Certo.
É só... meio estranho demais.
Tá bom?
Porque apareceu do nada.
Lembra a vez em que o terapeuta
achou que era totalmente louca
Então quando acabar este caso
você vai embora de novo?
- Vai me ajudar ou não?
- É claro, Daniel.
E, no geral,
não seja estranha.
Sei que não tem boa fama,
mas quase nunca é sexual.
Acho que isso fere
a regra dos fantasmas.
Digamos que eu tenho
negócios inacabados.
Personagem original.
E Beth o copiou completamente.
Isso existe?
- Diga que não é tão chato.
- Não sou chato.
Deveríamos passar lá
depois de acabarmos aqui.
E sei que está pensando
em voltar para Detroit.
- Obrigado.
- Não, obrigado você.
- O quê?
- Ela levou meu distintivo.
É um adesivo
da Escola Rancho,
Um cheque de cinco mil.
Se isso for verdade,
então voltamos à estaca zero.
Quer saber, cara?
Agora é importante.
Isso é sério, Beckett.
Acho que ela é alérgica
a uma fragrância. Frésia?
se eu te dissesse que...
Eu sei que eu não serei.
e te olharem
com pena nos olhos
O que é? Frésia?
Na verdade, o estava encorajando
a fazer novas atividades.
E é isso
que o faz especial.
E foi quando a vi
pela primeira vez.
Bem, olá, Azrael.
perdi meu irmão mais velho
favorito, seu tapado.
e como a srta. Lopez
te conhece?
Aired 6 years ago - May 07, 2018
When Lucifer and Chloe investigate the death of a woman, they discover that they may be pursuing the wrong suspect. Then, Charlotte risks her safety when she decides to take matters into her own hands, and just as Lucifer makes a huge confession, he gets a tragic phone call that changes everything.
Onwards, Detective.
but Clay... (SPITS)
next to that suspect's car.
Look, we did a good thing.
Hope in the face of hopelessness.
He's the killer.
There was dried blood on
the outside of that bag.
Something Charlotte said made me think.
Dad never told me any of those things.
- But there was neither.
- So what caused the wound?
and that he was at your apartment
Until you weaseled your way out of it.
I mean, come on, you're a demon.
because of some stupid company,
♫.. Ooh, ooh, ooh ..♫
You tell yourself
(WHISPERS): Maybe you can try, too.
I mean, even his shoes are so boring.
to see you're back to your
normal douchey ways, Daniel.
that kind of money unless
they're trying to cover up
I can come back.
but it is never too late
and no play makes the
detective... a shoe.
♫.. Can you hear me? ..♫
I-I think you should go.
I drank a lot of caffeine. Like, a lot.
Uh, you can help me focus on work.
A.J. got out of prison
just three weeks ago.
Only she didn't tell me
that was his name back then.
So the detective caught the bad guy.
Now I'm...
Most recently, Mia, of course.
Or rather, the bloody duffel bag.
Just get back and I mean it.
he will never hurt anyone ever again.
You did choose me.
It's monstrous, even.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 30, 2018
When Chloe takes some time off, Lucifer is forced to work with Dan on a murder case involving a dog show. Meanwhile, Charlotte and Maze have differing ideas for Chloe's party and after a wild night, Chloe rethinks a life-changing decision.
that she'd be capable of making
such a spectacularly bad one.
Well, good luck.
I... Well, how am I supposed
to get inside your head
And unfortunately, I
can't do that with her.
- would have formulated a working theory, so...
- Listen, dude.
Has there been any sign of her?
Oh, right, that is exactly
Apologize about what?
- Conference room.
- Yeah.
That's where you come in
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- And I'm just...
Any chance to get in
His good graces, I'm in.
Chloe will be drunk
in some stripper's arms
I mean, I'm following all the rules,
Thank you.
Right. Just be Lucifer.
- Careful. All right.
- Okay, okay.
Maybe this chair'll be luckier.
like a responsible detective would.
I can't believe that Maze legit
hijacked my bachelorette party.
How much time do we
have left? 30-odd years?
- ELLA: I did this two-ply
You didn't really think
we'd stay home, did you?
I found out later he
was a purebred Mastiff,
Hells yeah. This bus really
amped things up a notch!
[SIGHS] Agree.
Trust me,
my trusty detective gut and arrest you
And so bold.
From me? Well, I'm
not an expert. Clearly.
- after Pierce.
- Charlotte,
I mean, how can the detective's
actions be so easy to replicate
In fact, I think you're
the one who's afraid.
the full spectrum of her life.
Cornelia committed a very
serious infraction over there.
She's clearly feeling the strain.
I don't know, m-maybe I thought
Well, that's odd.
Cornelia only goes...
Then I found out about the puppies.
All I see, Daniel, is that I
can't rely on you as my partner.
Can't use the kid as a
human shield forever, Cain.
And-and-and that's why I...
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 23, 2018
When a prima ballerina is brutally murdered, Lucifer helps Chloe solve the case and attempts to keep her focus away from Pierce. Amenadiel begs Charlotte to help him with an important plan, and Maze remains devoted to a task from which Pierce asked her to back away.
Nie chcê braæ tego do siebie,
Jeli ci na niej zale¿y,
to przed czym j¹ chronisz?
¿e targaj¹ tob¹ uczucia...
Osi¹gnê³a ten tytu³ w cztery lata.
- To nie by³by pierwszy raz.
- To przypomina Pierce'a.
Ale prawda jest taka,
¿e nasz zwi¹zek to nie twoja sprawa.
¯e do reszty nie og³upia³a
na punkcie Pierce'a.
Jak siê przez to czujesz?
Dlaczego czujê,
¿e powinnam go powstrzymaæ?
Jestemy zale¿ni od siebie.
Wiem, ¿e ciê¿ko ci teraz.
Albo balerina.
Oni tylko robi¹ swoje.
Zaleta morderstwa.
- Czy to od...
- Marcusa.
Detektyw musi sobie zdaæ sprawê,
¿e woli mnie od tego kloca.
Nic nie wspomnia³em?
Powiem ci co zabawnego.
który mia³a poprowadziæ Raina,
S¹ rzeczy,
które lepiej robiê od Kupierce'a.
Codziennie noszê protezê,
ju¿ od jakiego czasu.
Muszê to udowodniæ,
Tak, Lucyferze,
bardzo imponuj¹ce.
ale to nie moja
najmocniejsza strona.
naprawdê s³odkich rzeczy,
¿eby mnie odzyskaæ.
- Dzieñ dobry. Zapraszam.
- Co ty tu robisz?
czego dowodem s¹ zdjêcia
Sterlinga i Reiny.
To absurd.
Nie obchodzi³o mnie,
A gdybym ja nie sz³a
na skróty, nie trafilibymy tu
Kiedy indziej.
To Pierce.
w sprawie Pierce'a,
chcia³bym mieæ szansê
Nie mo¿esz mieæ wszystkiego.
Te wszystkie razy,
gdy przyje¿d¿a³e j¹ powieæ.
- Pusta?
- Nie rozumiem.
Odk¹d ode mnie wyszed³e
szamota³am siê
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 16, 2018
Lucifer and Chloe investigate a murder during which a witness claims a winged guardian angel saved her life, causing Lucifer to become paranoid about his own actions. Meanwhile, Pierce and Chloe's relationship takes an interesting turn and Lucifer discovers something that could change everything.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 26, 2018
When Maze is the prime suspect in a murder, Lucifer and Chloe enter the world of bounty hunting to investigate. Maze decides she wants to go back to Hell, but after Lucifer refuses, she turns to Pierce for help. Meanwhile, Charlotte's sanity is questioned when she makes a big discovery and Chloe admits she's dating someone.
I just didn't expect to see you here.
'Cause he's a coworker, and,
you know, you're a coworker.
I can... I can see it all now.
I was his stepmom. But he's a grown man.
Ah. So what was Pierce
doing at your house, then?
It's-it's on a... a whole other plane.
You told her to blow off some steam?
Maze asked me to take
her home, and I said no,
Copy that. I'll keep it
completely professional.
So romantic, the California
coastline, isn't it?
Lucifer, I'm not
discussing this with you.
It's always the quiet ones, isn't it?
Then I forgot all about it.
Well, I disagree.
Let me settle it for you.
Lucifer gave me this as a joke.
Look, I've told you already, Detective,
Did you happen to follow
the victim to a winery?
Well, I'm terribly busy,
Charlotte. I'm sorry.
Tell me what you know,
and don't lie to me.
You wanted the truth?
Even though there isn't
Well, if your prints are on that can,
I can't believe Maze used me.
Because that's where
the bail bondsman's name
Which I am so okay with.
Hey! Which one of you
mid-life crises is Barry Hill?
Now, just stay there and look pretty.
Okay, what's this all about?
She prefers her violence up
close and personal, believe me.
Mm. Perhaps you hated her.
Because she's worth it.
Monte De Oro Winery.
Prison not agreeing
with Momma's little boy?
relationships, apartment walls.
to Trixie, to me.
I don't think we have much of a choice.
No. It's-it's...
All good now?
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 19, 2018
As Chloe and Lucifer go on the hunt for a serial killer targeting couples in love, Pierce realizes the case is connected to a murder he previously 1958. Then, Lucifer becomes upset when Pierce has a change of heart about an important decision.
I was thinking something quieter.
For the record, Detective,
I'd like you to note
So, what?
Unless his death inspired a copycat.
And he smells bad.
I could tell Chloe, too.
Great. The more the merrier.
I-I may have gone a little nuts
We don't have to. Another couple
We actually ended up finding
After all, the sooner
we finish this case,
but you choose to work in this bar.
Sometimes they'll come
in here days ahead of time
actually quite promising.
I may have run into Charlotte
Wow. Sorry you had to witness that.
But Charlotte is a
woman who has literally
he'll incriminate himself.
Finally, this bloody charade is over,
but this is taking things too far.
He caught the guy red-handed,
And he came over, at which
point, I think I said, "Hey,"
Thank you.
Or what, Douche?
What is your problem today?
Let me guess, you already
have your next case.
the copycat's doing the same thing.
Actually, the addresses are beeped out.
No, no. No one ever wants
to believe that, do they?
Cheating on you with the boss?
Okay, thanks.
but what I love about this
place is the killer view.
- You didn't replace me.
- Well, true, true.
um, Marcus, maybe we shouldn't do this.
The only reason I'm interning
You all right?
You were my mom.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 12, 2018
When a superstar singer's life is threatened, the team is thrust into the world of big-ticket stadium shows, crazed fans and divas, giving Lucifer a run for his money. Meanwhile, Charlotte tries to help Linda and Maze repair their friendship.
Right again.
Two arms, two compliments.
she was looking to get...
Okay, but you're the manager, correct?
Let's not panic until we know
exactly what happened here.
== Synced & corrected by MaxPayne ==
And who might Patrick be?
I brought you a gift to,
you know, bury the hatchet.
- That's me, honey.
- Wow.
Ask around.
"I can't wait for
our love to be real."
At any time.
Right and factor in Benny's VIP
pass which means he had access.
And until then,
it's LAPD jurisdiction.
Clearly, something is
on your mind.
Although that might...
This month's
winner is...
No, seriously, man,
I'm happy.
You know, maybe you
should wait in the car.
While you're in danger,
you're under
the only reason I'm agreeing
to this is hiding Axara
Italian leather settee does, too.
Wh-Where's my
fresh turmeric?
Is that also insane?
Brave start, Mazikeen.
Resolving conflict
Hos before bros.
You know what?
You can't let anyone come
in between you
Epic toxicology report.
Beard-to-misery quotient.
because this means I did it.
You're gonna hurt someone.
My music means more to me
than anything.
Great, I'll see you later.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 05, 2018
When a murder investigation reveals the dark side of Hollywood, Chloe puts her life on the line to protect an innocent victim. Then, Lucifer comes up with a hell-raising scheme to help Cain, but when Amenadiel and Maze get involved, things don't quite go as planned.
Bomb squad did
their threat report.
Did any one threat
stand out at all?
We failed.
"Hey, Decker.
We broke Abel out of Hell,
Hang on.
Let's start there.
Okay, well, it's not really
about what you think you need.
What'd you do to him?
Okay? It would always be you
killing him,
caveman Lucifer go?
Right, Chloe?
You read my message.
big, molten apocalypse.
since The Plunge premiered?
Or any other man.
And what does he do?
Why, as many as it takes.
Hell is all about your own guilt
torturing you, right?
he was hoarding
for the apocalypse.
This is my contact from the TSA.
Again with the fearmongering.
Why does the Bolivian cartel
want a Hollywood assistant dead?
Yes, well, you could say
she's like a new man.
you have with these investors.
Bolivian drug lord
comes around, okay?
Usually boobs.
How do you know my name?
Your punishment
was to get killed
the Bolivians don't kill him.
I would do anything to avoid
returning to that Hell.
It wasn't easy for me
to track you down,
Well, my finger goes wherever
the lady tells me it goes.
And when the nice way
didn't work,
What do you mean,
you're not going anywhere?
one of Alexa's prints
from the explosive.
you wouldn't have been in danger
in the first place.
And then, a man
It's a new morning.
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 26, 2018
When a best-selling novelist is murdered, Lucifer and Chloe discover that her books are based on real people from her past, and must infiltrate her high school reunion in order to catch her killer. Meanwhile, Amenadiel and Linda struggle with making their relationship public.
You never know when or where
inspiration will strike.
It's just, I have so much work to do.
you're gonna realize
what you've been missing.
Um... not really.
That's melted ice cream, anyway.
And then you say the first thing
that comes to your mind... and.
I really talked the book
up, hinting at this huge
Said she even explained
how she broke through it
- Maze.
- Maze. I know.
"And in the back seat of
her flying car, no less."
Exactly. So, speaking of the killer,
If he were nice,
seems even more boring.
Otherwise, I'll show
you the true meaning of
Man, she was the greatest
She asked you to help?
Max, Jessica, Isabel.
from the Class of 3001...
Exactly. Todd Cornwell.
If anyone needs me, I'm
gonna be in my office
Oh, that it so thoughtful of you, Maze,
Bed? It's morning.
Tristan and Jessica,
so we can question the suspects.
- Sure thing.
- Linda.
- I know.
- Mmm.
I was with Tristan.
you're in therapy.
I dig you, Chloe.
but I only did it because I
thought you slept with Emily.
Detective! None of these
people killed Kathleen.
And that's the best way to
clean out an abscessed tooth.
So, yeah, for once, I put myself first
You're not even in the books.
The way she described it, it...
of overeager fan who invented
some special flavor for her.
You're under arrest for
the murder of Kathleen Pike.
But even with Kathleen gone, you knew
The-the girly gossip,
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 05, 2018
When Chloe and Lucifer's investigation into the murder of a diamond thief points to one of Ella's brothers as the main suspect, Ella is driven to prove her brother's innocence and recruits an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, Linda is upset when Charlotte comes to her for help and Detective Pierce hashes out his issues with Amenadiel.
I'm, um, actually looking for you.
I'll pay!
who determines if diamonds are legit.
where are they then, hmm?
would be if you were a lefty.
You're just delaying her
inevitable disappointment.
telling you what I'm going through?
Our victim's Fahrid Nasser... he's
an international diamond salesman.
No security cameras, no witnesses,
But I knew what he was up to.
Well, I've watched
enough Real Housewives
But, uh, this diamond is...
or a security guard to start sweating.
- Fine.
- And for the record...
No one was supposed to get hurt.
You've... never seen
everything she did came rushing back.
- Why's that?
- Oh, it's practically an untraceable crime
Aw, man, us, too.
Sex. Music.
And, see, the good news for me is,
You know how I get when I'm nervous.
Look, I know that this is
tough, but I think it's best
to her job. If she truly
thinks Jay is innocent,
But I was only the messenger, Pierce.
Jay, the... door opens outward.
No. I swear, I didn't call them!
Why? No matter what I say or do,
The whole police force
thinks that he's guilty now.
Family shouldn't do that to each other.
not from the bathroom,
but from right here.
Do it right now.
Accept the punishment that you deserve.
That's what I wanted.
- I knew you were innocent.
- Are you two done?
I'm sure if any other cop
had been working this case,
I'd... I'd like to try and help.
Evil Lopez.
When, really, you're
no better than them.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 29, 2018
When an ecstasy cook-turned-chemistry-teacher is found murdered in a cozy Los Angeles suburb, Lucifer and Pierce must go undercover to help track down the killer. Meanwhile, Maze has a newfound attraction for someone that she used to despise and Charlotte has a revelation.
Well, I'm hoping that you all
could help me with that.
And then I stab 'em
with my blade.
Rub some of that on Pierce.
So in other words, you still
have no idea how to kill me?
Our vic's real name
is Sandra Jang,
Poor Daniel,
so behind the times.
You can stay.
Hell no.
What, um, exactly did you say
our relationship was?
He's sticking around L.A.
for a while.
She stole from the Korean Power?
the lieutenant
would get involved in?
Yes. So as you can see,
I'm in a bit of a rush.
word gets around, you know?
Why would she get back
in contact with you?
You know, alibis and stuff
for the night Sandra was killed.
You can't just hand out random,
illicit drug recipes. Ah-ah.
So, what do we think?
but I canvassed the
entire neighborhood.
How about you?
How'd you two meet?
Ah, I get it.
If she is.
Some of the neighbors
can be a little uptight.
Um, but remember,
we have to get get up early
I can smell it on you.
Question is, now,
The police should be
thanking me.
clueless enough to put a whole
body into a wood chipper? Wha...
Don't worry, Decker, we'll be
checking handwriting
to us even being here.
you can't change
your partner.
I mean, after all, you may be
the only person on this planet
Brian. Bri...
I'm not stupid.
For you, so that I could
go back to being the guy
about the other night.
You are unlike anyone
I have ever met.
I just...
Listen, it's just
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 22, 2018
After Lt. Pierce's true identity is revealed, Lucifer tries to figure out his motives. In order to earn Chloe's assistance in his investigation of Pierce, Lucifer goes above and beyond to help her solve the murder of a professional surfer. Meanwhile, Amenadiel deals with a personal health issue.
Maze, what the hell was that?
I'm sorry.
* Yeah, watch 'em fall... *
Uh, I'm trying to get in
the water before work
- Yeah.
- It's okay, Detective!
I just...
Oh, that is brilliant, Doctor.
can you match that to the wound
on Manny's throat?
built my own firm,
and here I am.
Well, maybe you should take
some time to think about it.
Now, the important thing
is to focus on next steps.
just in case it wasn't her.
to Mr. Dangerous Doug Libby.
Hey, there.
Is-is this your board?
Oh, yeah.
That poor seal. I killed him.
Have we even met?
French toast, whipped
cream, homemade jam.
the whole me not wanting you
and Amenadiel to bone thing.
Dodged that bullet, huh?
the Orcas tag
was recently put up all around
Dan, do you see anything?
* In my bag is everything...
Afraid not. No. Uh...
* D-D-D-Degradation is a must
You know?
Do your thing.
What does the detective
have to do with wanting to die?
So that little bit
of hope I had?
What's up?
I-I said that must have been
what you did to my boy Moondog.
I came here today
to find his killer.
For Moondog.
Oh, and "Boring Crimes" pile,
to be ignored, of course.
with this investigation
of yours.
The Orcas.
Remember how they said
You know, someone must have
taken them down.
But that was the problem,
wasn't it?
it wasn't personal at all?
I'm so relieved
to hear you say that,
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 01, 2018
In a flashback episode that takes place when Lucifer first came to LA, Amenadiel comes to retrieve his fallen brother, but is shocked when he is mugged. Amenadiel enlists Lucifer's help to track down the mugger and Lucifer, in turn, offers his
assistance - but only in exchange for a favor. Meanwhile, Chloe and Dan - who are still married - investigate the murder of an MMA fighter, Aidan Scott, at the hands of the same killer who mugged Amenadiel.
Just go in the other room.
So a jack-o'-lantern
stole your necklace?
That's so weird;
a guy just came in,
Well, you've always
been crafty...
Could be,
but even if it is,
(piano playing jazz music)
The LAPD currently
have no leads.
Well, there was a picture
of our dead man
Oh, come on, Luci.
Oh. Well, my dream
is to sing,
Time to see the family jewels.
Whoever tried to bribe Aiden
to throw that fight
Uh, do you know if Aiden ran
the same route every day?
I could get used
to this place.
It's not distraction, Brother.
Undefeated in battle,
one of God's finest.
* Yeah, we just
want to have fun. *
If we want to be approached,
* Nothing's gonna
ever keep you down *
As in the Sarkisian
crime family?
(school bell rings over TV,
TV clicks off)
I could hurt you.
Tio doesn't know
who that is, either.
then we wait wherever the money
is supposed to be dropped off,
So if he agrees
to speak with us,
to lose your first
fight ever, Brother.
You are the Devil, after all.
I'll make sure I tell
everyone in Heaven and Hell
Fight me!
Our entire case against
them is destroyed.
The sooner I can grab him
and retrieve it,
Thought we needed
a bit of privacy.
I went to try to scare him,
(air whooshes)
(chuckles softly)
the rebel.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 11, 2017
With the Sinnerman in custody, Lucifer is prepared to go to any length to get his devil face back. But, with another victim's life on the line, will Lucifer's conscience hinder or help? Meanwhile, Trixie is introduced to Charlotte and questions the relationship she has with her father.
Holy bananas, he must
totally need a hug.
I mean, can you imagine living in L.A.
Ah. No. I'm-I'm sorry.
Who's up for a field trip?
so, like, zilch way
to track her, which is...
the bombastic Blazing Banshees!
on a missing person... Maggie Cole.
Eat me!
One beer, please.
Abduct? What? No. I just
roughed her up a bit.
Well, come on, Detective, chop-chop.
She's my, uh,
Daddy, I have an idea.
But in order for it to work, you
need to do exactly what I say.
Pierce's personal business
all over the precinct.
How hard can it be to find one tiny key?
I mean, our sightless scoundrel
doesn't exactly blend.
And that makes no sense.
Military terms.
Weren't you a serviceman?
Come on.
No. Breaking the Sinnerman
out was my idea.
by faking your own kidnapping?
I'm not gonna tell you anything.
you have to draw a pentagram,
The pleasure's all mine.
Not the word I had in mind. Stalker.
is Angel No-No's 101.
Just... hope we can get there
Apple, tree?
Your true desire was to die.
I know you didn't want it
to end this way.
Detective, I understand
that my interest in getting
You are the best wingman ever.
oh, my God, you killed it.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 04, 2017
Lucifer is worried when he realizes that recipients of his favors start to turn up dead. After he and Chloe investigate, they are finally brought face-to-face with the Sinnerman. Meanwhile, Detective Pierce returns to work after taking a bullet, Charlotte finds a new career and Amenadiel has a new love interest.
I help people do whatever...
Or whomever... they want.
Now's good. What do you want, Decker?
Looks like some sort of poor
man's penthouse, isn't it?
I'd never stop granting
favors, Detective.
Joey's legs were broken postmortem.
I mean, how does any of it all work?
And quite honestly,
I never saw the point.
Guess we should get
back to the case, right?
Frankie the Knife. Sweet chap.
I defended him once.
Yeah, tell me about it.
Tell me, Frankie.
That means he would kill him.
This isn't just a murder.
It's another message.
Right. Well, then I guess
she got what she wanted.
I ran into him in Chicago. I
couldn't get my hands on him.
looking for this Sinnerman fellow.
And I thought you were looking for me.
Aw, no biggie.
Um, so Ella found the Sinnerman's DNA
You know, it's quite the party foul
Well played.
And, unfortunately for you,
Let me save us both some time.
Well, there is.
Sorry, ladies.
you'll be waiting.
Oh, you're a sight for sore eyes.
That's awfully greedy of you, Maze.
This is personal, isn't it?
It was a long time ago.
though he dresses like an old man.
seeing you and Amenadiel so... chummy.
Any-Anyway, um...
I'm not.
But I don't quit...
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 20, 2017
When a murder is connected to a celebrity dating app, Lucifer and Chloe question all they know about the world of social media in order to solve the case. Meanwhile, Ella tries to avoid Charlotte, and Amenadiel helps Linda deal with the death of her ex-husband.
I mean, even her fruit
bowl's so tragically safe...
I wish Amenadiel were
here so he could see
Don't let the boring
detective spoil things.
A recent breakup, a fight?
Top Meet. Interesting
name for a Thai restaurant.
If you are here for
the selection interview,
If you didn't know her, then
how did you fight with her?
Well, I'd like to talk to anyone
who can corroborate your alibi.
How? When?
Somewhere other than Hell.
That one?
as a hunting ground; he could
be targeting somebody right now.
That's never stopped me before, Daniel.
There's, like, 300
hot dogs in my freezer.
And enough with the tips.
But... oh.
Not beer. Prosecco.
on an empty stomach.
He's lucky it's not a
crime to be a cheeseball.
Enjoy the Prosecco, Lucinda.
I've always wanted to try surfing.
I mean, the things Dad gets credit for.
We matched on the Top
Meet app a few weeks ago.
Wait, uh, go back.
Connecting with people isn't a waste.
that I can't stop thinking about me.
Chameleons are cool.
So, when was this photo taken?
Now, you're too sophisticated
But you said you didn't work out.
before you turn me into a shoe.
This was... this was
back when I was an angel
between the dead girl and
that exclusive dating app.
barely graduated high school.
That's the windfall she was expecting.
You're never getting that warrant.
But not to worry,
Basic deduction doesn't
make you a genius, Mack.
Well, I would, but I
have no boring side.
Oh, God!
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 13, 2017
A reporter seeks revenge after he discovers that Lucifer has been sleeping with his estranged wife. However, when it's revealed that Linda is the reporter's estranged wife, things get messy. Lucifer's reputation and safety are on the line, especially when a serial killer from the past resurfaces.
Uh, sorry to interrupt, but I need
Whatever it is, the people
deserve to know the truth.
No. What, an entire
article dedicated to me?
I'm here to write a story
about you and Lucifer.
REESE: So, you just started
showing up at crime scenes,
LUCIFER: They're called
"fun bags" for a reason.
Needle mark on the lip,
All three victims had trace amounts of
Leave Lucifer Morningstar alone.
How do I look?
I have been more than
patient, but it's time.
It's a self-defense
mechanism that you...
I'm gonna expose you
for the fraud you are.
The detective just called
with some sort of lead.
I do.
There's no story here.
I mean...
I guess if you want to vilify him
♪ Skin, leather-baking brown ♪
Well, the comments are public.
I'm starting to think
So we're tunnel buddies.
[GASPS] I saw his real face.
- He's evil incarnate!
- No.
Are you still working on
this nightclub owner thing?
♪ Are you ready for the Devil, man? ♪
♪ Are you ready for the Devil, man? ♪
I'm a reporter.
Uh, but first,
Uh, no, no. I'm sorry.
WOMAN: Help! Help, help!
You ruined my life. You
drove me to do things
to relive your sins over and over.
Oh, you're a complicated
one, aren't you, Reese?
How did you convince her that
the Devil, of all people...
I thought that you were
honestly taking responsibility.
You're right.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 06, 2017
When Lucifer discovers his ex-fake-wife, Candy, has gone missing, he hightails it to Las Vegas with Ella in tow. Together, the two of them work to find her, but interesting secrets are revealed along the way that could compromise the investigation. Meanwhile, Chloe is upset that Lucifer left on her birthday, so Linda tries to lift her spirits.
I hate to think I haven't
fulfilled my end of the bargain.
Excuse me?
Chloe again?
Okay, not judging here,
but really?
Um, Lucifer Morningstar.
So, my travel buddy here,
not a suspect.
In case you want
any more advice.
he just bailed, and now he's
not answering my calls, so...
But, you know, it's my birthday.
So, we got to find a lead, stat.
Not who I thought she was.
They teach lock picking
in forensic class?
Oh, dearie me.
Oh, bust of Caesar you ordered.
so maybe he did go out of town.
just don't say we're here.
But, I mean, Vegas?
for something like
a trip to Vegas
It looks like she's
the casino's pit boss.
Okay, looks like Roxie's
working the blackjack floor.
Teamwork is dream work.
Yeah, I don't think
that's where they're taking us.
I mean... and secondly,
and I think I'm really close
to getting a hole in one.
you're a little too curious
to leave well enough alone,
You know, like, like the way
you are avoiding Chloe.
But, uh, I'm afraid that you
can't keep this little beauty.
Bravo, you really are
quite the performer, aren't you?
putting the detective
in your path is kind of fuzzy,
"How the hell
did I end up here?"
We're quite similar,
you and I, aren't we?
Hmm. Okay, so,
you fake-married Candy
So I thought, well, maybe Louie
told Roxie about the deed,
The only thing he cares about
are the complimentary crab legs.
Oh, thank you all so much.
I'm here all night.
because no matter what we find,
It's fine.
is that because
I know you're the killer
I was gambling again.
I was drowning in debt.
And don't worry, I'll give
you props for the arrest.
Lopez! Get a wriggle on!
♪ Nothing hurts us
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 30, 2017
When a food chemist is found dead, Lucifer and Chloe's investigation pits them against an unexpected face - criminal defense attorney Charlotte Richards. Everyone is caught off guard when they see her back in the precinct. As Lucifer tries to understand her return, he makes a shocking discovery that helps solve the case.
"Bad" words.
Right, because that makes
more sense than someone
LUCIFER: And apparently
Maybe I could have prevented this.
Oh, excellent.
No one knows you can't
remember the last few months.
nor will your request
for any security footage.
not visible from any of the angles.
- have solid alibis.
- You don't say.
I approve.
♪ Heavy and it's driving me mad ♪
licked the pudding off every
inch of his beautiful...
My greatest desire...
he was murdered and not by me.
Saw you watching us earlier.
Whether you understand it or not,
Well, she called her math
homework a "cluster duck"
- Mm! Mm!
Your desperate messages,
needing to see me.
♪ ♪
You're just an innocent, aren't you?
Do you realize who you're talking to?
Well, uh, this is your
second chance, correct?
I can't just quit cold turkey, Ella.
would you consider Mr. Fisher "handled"?
Do you know how much
money is in pudding?
But when combined, they
create a hard-to-detect toxin
and you get sued for
a couple of million,
Charlotte, where are you going?
For you. Obviously.
A bunch of drunken nonsense?
To keep us investigating the companies.
which one of you murdered Simon Fisher.
as we speak.
must have done it.
- or another.
- Charlotte.
I've lived my life
There's more to her than I thought.
Charlotte, ready for that ride home?
that we shouldn't swear
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 23, 2017
When a youth counselor is found murdered, Lucifer and Chloe venture into the world of high-end reform programs to find the killer. Meanwhile, Amenadiel adjusts his lifestyle in an attempt to help Lucifer, and Chloe questions Lt. Pierce's feelings towards her.
Well, truth be told,
I've been experiencing
Anything else?
Lucifer. Where have you been?
Well, tell me how to...
So, what, she drown?
Jerry Blackcrow...
Founder of Firehawk Ranch.
Perhaps they just need the
right kind of motivation.
- "Nine five four four."
- We keep strict records
A most vile manipulation.
Hey, Decker, how's it going
with the Firehawk case?
Go fish.
And you've been arrested here twice.
Okay, look, I take it back,
all right? I take it back.
Oh, my God.
Oh, finally, we're getting somewhere.
Well, don't let your day job keep you.
- This won't happen again.
- Why not?
your substitute counselor
and resident bad influence.
The only things you
need to be your own CEO
What are you so upset about?
Sorry, I taught her that.
I know what a prostitute is!
And then, Carly lawyered up
before we could get to her.
I guess I've been enlightened
by the Firehawk Path.
Wait a minute. What if
Lucifer really is right?
And who am I if I'm not a
devil of my word? Besides,
He's a bit, uh...
That job is for has-beens.
Hey, can we talk about this later?
a ploy to bilk desperate
parents into falsely believing
You know, when I was shot,
I was completely freaked out.
You earned it, buddy.
It's just, it took you
walking a mile in my shoes
This is so good.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 16, 2017
After talking to Lucifer and Linda, Maze realizes that she is looking for more out of life and decides to head to Canada for a tricky case. Chloe however, becomes concerned when she feels that Maze is being deceived by a scheming conman. Upon
further investigation, Lucifer and Chloe make a stunning realization when they find that their target may be much closer than they thought.
You should hunt the most
challenging human you can.
Yeah, he's been moving around
for the last couple months.
Do you even know what
you're getting yourself into?
Maze is gonna be just fine.
Hey! Come back here! Help!
I'm just gonna surf, I'm gonna
do a little bit of hiking,
She needs a change of pace.
And Flapjack Fridays.
What-what are you doing?
He is, but that's not all.
Um, is it normal for
you to massage my boobs?
there's a corresponding
phone call to your office.
You seem to care about him quite a bit.
How could he get you to do all this?
Well, there's always time for a drink.
Oh, well, I knew it
would happen eventually.
is to run towards something else.
In fact, I'm great.
Now, did you tell her
Nice place.
I get it now. The handcuffs, the music.
I don't care.
Ow! What are you doing?!
That's helpful. Thank you.
Is it me, or did the
most skilled torturer
- With the lieutenant?
- Yeah.
If Rivers is so innocent,
why the hell did he run?
Well, I'm just, uh, I'm
surprised you actually agreed.
That's why Rivers is on the run.
Unless this is about you being
the overprotective mother.
that you saw Rivers shoot those
two kids at point-blank range?
By... I assume by
"back," you meant, like...
do you not get?
I hope I didn't lose the button.
Okay, wait a minute, all right? Wait.
The people he works for,
they'll never stop chasing me.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 09, 2017
After Lucifer removes his wings yet again, Linda becomes concerned that he is too focused on tracking down the Sinnerman and neglecting his own well-being. Tensions continue to rise between Lucifer and Chloe, but they realize they must put their
differences aside to solve a case in which Lucifer takes a sudden interest. Once Detective Pierce's past is revealed though, everyone realizes that the Sinnerman is much more dangerous than they thought.
And there's nothing I can do to help?
Who? The missing link?
New case came in, you're up.
until then, consider this case closed.
So what are these? Jokes?
How did I not know that? And how did he?
And that he could prove it.
Yeah. I-I see what you're saying there,
So, Linda, what's going on?
Ah, don't be.
Oh. Severed angel wings in a closet.
Pretty sure we're on exactly
the foot I want to be on.
We want to talk to you about
the murder of JD Woodstock.
I can't believe it.
Oh, come on now, Bobby.
Hey, mind your own business, Dr. Who.
Oh, don't worry, everyone.
Ah, I see.
You know what the biggest joke is?
And if JD revealed
that you were stealing
No, that happened later.
but surely you can find time
to track him down for me.
I have no idea why you prance around
I know you're looking into him,
He stole from me, Lieutenant,
and I won't stand for it.
I thought this would be a
little more... reverential?
Yet. He warned me not to
talk about the Sinnerman.
Uh, in fact,
Shame on you
You undermined the entire sting.
Well done, Detective.
Right, just to be sure,
One in particular, I told some stories,
- As if that'd happen.
- Why?
Well, I still don't understand.
Jokes don't make a comedian.
You're not gonna throw
atomato at me, are you?
You brought the Sinnerman's
murderous thug in.
No one touches my girl.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 02, 2017
After a confused Lucifer wakes up in the middle of the desert with his wings back, he recruits the help of Chloe to help figure out what happened to him and why. Upon doing their own research, they come across a crime scene that could be tied to
Lucifer's kidnapping. When the Lancaster Police Department get involved, newcomer Lieutenant Marcus Pierce fails to make a great impression on everyone with his stern demeanor. The investigation goes awry when Lucifer finds himself in another compromising situation and something much darker is revealed.
Don't move!
But not to worry.
Emissary? You think God sent
someone to do this to you?
I'm fairly certain that
my Father's behind it.
because I am not lying.
I suppose we'll get more answers
once we find our assailant.
I mean, not that I
don't trust Lancaster.
Not a compliment. Your file
is as long as my Johnson.
she loves you very much,
et cetera, et cetera, but
Yes, I was able to slow time, but...
Then, I whipped out the color
fluorescent film, and whammo.
Words this time, please!
I swear, I've never seen you
The more money we made,
the crazier the prank.
I wish. All we found
there was that key chain
Oh, and I wasn't sure you
thought there was one.
And... that-that is why I
left you that message.
I have tried to be honest with you,
And, sure, that makes, uh, makes sense.
Right, I'll check in with
McMillian at the lookout point.
I'm sure it's all part of His plan.
Right. Right.
Hmm? How did you render me unconscious?
Kidnappers must have tossed it.
I suppose you also deny abducting Mr.
Remember the detective
who found the key chain?
That's the van that ran over Leo.
And I'm sorry I left that
Steve guy there, too.
How are you doing this?
Put your hands behind your back.
And will be even more so
when I stop investing
You can't save them all.