♪ Slow dancing with somebody ♪
♪ Does a star shine ♪
If anyone realizes what we know,
Yes. He told me months ago.
all the craziness, do
you believe me, Chloe?
It appears so, Detective.
We are talking about the
world's first killer, after all.
- who would do something this terrible.
- CHLOE: Hey, Ella,
Good luck.
If we can figure out who
owes Pierce the favor,
Charlotte Richards was murdered.
I don't... yes. That one.
That's exactly what someone
trying to kill her would say.
What? It's a charity event.
All right. We're gonna need that phone.
You need to go home.
but told me not to tell anyone.
Everyone hated me for it.
Well, I'd just saved Mum, hadn't I?
[LAUGHS] you were selfless.
- Help! Help, I'm being attacked!
- What on earth are you doing?
ELLA: Hey, we're O.G.
[LAUGHS] Just a bunch
of, uh, uh, crazy stuff.
Was anything that happened
between us real, any of it?
12 people.
You don't have to say anything.
Everything's gonna be fine.
But this many bad things,
Oh, God, listen, save
whatever threats you think...
So if you're wondering,
Once we can prove she's safe,
All right, well, first things first.
I believed everything you said,
What? No, no, no, no, no, no.
I have to go.
Aired 7 years ago - May 29, 2017
After Charlotte accidentally charbroils a man to death in self-defense, Lucifer must try and keep Chloe from figuring out the truth. Lucifer puts Maze in charge of finding Charlotte and Amenadiel, who have both gone missing in light of recent circumstances, while he finds a permanent solution for the ticking-time-bomb he calls Mom.
but patching people up isn't my thing.
Yes, well, u-until you do,
and I can see my... I
can... I can see my children.
then she is quite literally toast.
before Mum spews light everywhere.
and it came back as your brother Chet.
No one deserves to die like that.
Well, there is one thing I'm waiting on.
I'm the favorite son.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Totally understand.
Yeah, like this poor guy,
died of a heart attack.
You know I don't lie, Detective.
All right.
You think our two
sweet, "legit" cleaners
I've been thinking about this, deeply.
You've seen what's happening to me.
It's me, only me.
Well, if anyone can find
that wily goddess, it's Maze.
Damn it.
Don't you just hate
being kept in the dark?
You want... you want me back in Hell?
I'm sorry. I had no choice.
Where are you?
with one little human, but... fine.
Let me go? Really?
We just need more time.
I can take care of it for both of us.
The last thing I want
is to hurt my children.
I think you would be the first to agree.
Aired 7 years ago - May 22, 2017
When the man who had the final piece of the Flaming Sword is murdered and the piece goes missing, Mom joins Chloe and Lucifer on the case to track down the killer. But when Lucifer gets sidelined, Maze recruits him to help save Dr. Linda's endangered career and confronts him about the secrets he's been keeping.
Aired 7 years ago - May 15, 2017
When a grisly murder takes place at an insane asylum, the prime suspect calls himself God. After realizing that this man could actually be his father, Lucifer struggles with his feelings towards him and tries to find the truth, all while trying to discover who the real killer is.
- Body was found here.
- Okay.
And there's something strange about...
They match one Earl Johnson,
Preferably one with a view.
I like it.
He scored me an extra
Jell-O at snack time.
It really is you.
You see, Detective,
uh, fiancé? I mean, uh, boyfriend?
hands dirty.
then she appeared.
He was just trying to be helpful.
ELLA (singing along): ♪
What if God was one of us?
I could see if you're mentally troubled,
What on earth are you doing here anyway?
Come on.
Oh, an orgy? Definitely off the table.
Only since the beginning of time.
Yes, I know.
What I need is a friend.
So tell me, how, how do you
have your job and stay sane?
and took God Johnson with him.
For the life of me, I can't even
remember why we were fighting.
This time, we make it together.
and, uh, I needed to
do a little matchmaking.
I, um...
- It should be in there.
- Okay, two things.
It's because he's God!
- Bingo.
- Wow.
You had every right to destroy her.
God is gonna kill Lucifer,
Well, then I guess I
can't say as I blame you.
Yes, I think this is what
Uriel was trying to tell me.
And when he found out that
he could heal like that, he...
Aired 7 years ago - May 08, 2017
When it is discovered that the flaming sword is the only hope for the family returning home safely, the pressure is on for Lucifer to control what he has never been able to control before – his emotions – in order to ignite it. Meanwhile, Chloe
wants to air some emotions of her own, but when a therapist and head of admissions at a prestigious private school turns up dead, the team must get to the bottom of it.
or trying to avoid feeling.
And sure, he got it annulled
right away, but, you know,
Oh, come on.
You know, money gets thrown around.
But up here... lot of darkness.
We're all devastated.
Let the schooling begin!
Did she have any enemies
here at work that you know of?
A Starford education
We could never kill anyone.
- On what charge?
- Ladies,
with my mum's hands all over it, so...
- So she's lying.
- But what if she wasn't lying?
What? I said I'd drive you to school.
Uh... uh...
Well, I think I know just the class.
But I'm-I'm under a lot of pressure
My son Ranger knows this. Right, Ranger?
welcome to the club of
parental deceit, child.
No. This is a picture of
my mommy stabbing Debbie.
Oh... I'm not mad at you.
Speaking of, a deal's a deal.
I'm not angry!
One morning at Starford,
and she's been opening up
No, I-I said I wanted to kill her.
Mr. Taylor?
you can help me with... with this now.
She's a homicide detective.
- Hmm.
- They're miserable.
Too much of that will make you go blind.
Can't you just be grateful for once?
Somebody here is going to jail.
- Mr. Morningstar.
- Yes.
handsome face and your chiseled abs
expose Mr. Taylor as Ranger's
We can't control our emotions.
I mean, sometimes people feel like...
And anyone who does risks
turning into a murderous lunatic
Won't God destroy her?
Aired 7 years ago - May 01, 2017
Two weeks after Chloe’s near death, Lucifer has gone off the grid, cutting off all contact from his family and the police department. He materializes just in time to help solve an up-and-coming guitarist’s murder and introduces the department to a
ditzy stripper named Candy, a mysterious new woman in his life. While Lucifer’s mom desperately tries to contact her son, Chloe tries to push him away. Lucifer must find a way to prove himself in order to be invited back onto the team.
You just... you go AWOL for two weeks,
Lucifer, who is this?
Run an online clothing company.
So, you want to explain
You're kidding.
Well, Courtney's story checked out.
I'll track him down. Nice.
The Bangles, N'Sync,
Well, surely you don't mean that. I do.
I think I've thought through
everything quite carefully.
Look, anyway, baby, bathwater,
I think I know exactly how
to get back on the case.
Yeah, I've been there.
Okay, we're done here.
Oh, my gosh, are you Lucifer's sister?
I want to hear all
about you and Lucifer.
Look, I know Lucifer
better than anyone, okay,
I mean, thank God
This is gonna be hard for
you to understand, but...
And it worked.
Perhaps Marla didn't want
to be the fifth Beatle.
No, I think the mattress in
the penthouse is pretty new.
I want you to know,
I got Lucifer's back.
this preening mouth breather
because he likes her?
Public intoxication, vandalism.
but it sure looks like Tetris to me.
Hello, Los Angeles.
♪ Do you feel my heart beating? ♪
The woman I'm singing for is...
♪ Don't over think it... ♪
You see, because I thought
that she meant something to you.
You have proof?
Let him go, Doug.
Or better still, you
shoot, Detective. Come on.
Thank you! Oh!
And I... I guess he did, too.
I deserve that.
Lucifer, wait.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 30, 2017
Lucifer must find the antidote to the Professor's poison before it kills Chloe. He travels to hell to find the Professor's soul and get him to turn over the antidote. While he's there, he is forced to confront his guilt about Uriel's death. Mom
heads to hell to get Lucifer back, but Lucifer still feels betrayed by his parents because of something he discovers.
I got your text. What's so urgent?
Is she simply another
pawn as well or is she...
Oh. Well, my heart bleeds for you.
I'll party every night until the trial,
And we'll start by
following up on your lead.
Dearie me, these are atrocious.
give me one minute? Yeah.
You are making a big mistake.
All I want...
He liked to brag about
Well, if it's any consolation,
This is a terrible idea.
I absolutely forbid it.
Do you guys do this a lot?
Having spent millennia
in that terrible place,
Now that party pooper's gone,
let's get started, shall we?
No, no, no. The entire time.
How many more ingredients do we need?
of this doohickey will stop my heart?
LINDA: Okay, Maze,
just like I showed you.
(echoing footsteps)
There might be bad people in
the world, but you know what?
- Killer.
- Coward!
Oh, God, no, no, no.
I-I don't understand, Azrael's blade,
The... the final ramblings
of a dying brain. I...
Okay, that's definitely
a discussion topic
to the skin... (grunts)
I can't let her leave.
from your shady shenanigans.
I had no choice.
You were... you were
just trying to save us.
I pushed you and that human closer,
♪ If you love me ♪
♪ Dad, I know you're trying ♪
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 23, 2017
Lucifer and Chloe investigate a mysterious masked killer who is poisoning college students. They also try to make sense of their new relationship, after a long-awaited kiss. Meanwhile, Charlotte visits Linda for advice on a touchy subject.
for the detective.
after everything I said about
my less positive qualities,
It was fine, thank you.
throw caution to
the... Never mind, it...
Any idea
We all loved Ricky.
and handsome young
man, wouldn't you say?
Beloved by critics and the public alike.
and it was so...
Excuse me.
The detective kissed me
and I need to know why.
Ah, ah, ah. Better safe than sorry.
There is an e-mail there.
You have 24 hours to decide.
- You're staring.
- I... fine.
Remember, we're not here to party,
I'm looking for Ashley Corbett.
Taken an oath to do no harm.
or did you just rock my world?
- Is this her?
- Yes.
against his Father.
But my loyalties are
to my patient, your son.
Now I see the resemblance.
there's a...
is he has hot spots all over
him, almost like the poison...
when you could've been
poisoned yesterday?
He was a professor at Malibu
until this video went viral.
Okay. Well, we need to find him
or else we need to figure out
Thank you.
only mutilated her hand
because she was being observed
and the only place the formula lives
Oh, really? And why's that?
Right. But this only tells
us where the professor was.
In this vial, an antidote
that will save Benji's life.
If you go into that room
right now, you'll die.
I didn't want anyone to get hurt,
Where is he?
Chloe and I are real.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 16, 2017
After Lucifer and Chloe have an interrupted "moment," the tension between the two of them makes it difficult to investigate the murder of two victims, who happen to be Lucifer's ex-flames. Since Lucifer seems to be the only connection, interviews
are conducted with his recent paramours and a surprising connection is made that helps lead them to the killer. Meanwhile, Charlotte continues to try and manipulate Chloe and Lucifer's impending romance and a larger threat is revealed.
Okay. But only because
I missed story time.
Someone got his ass.
...was wrong.
But I do know that Chloe
proved herself to you.
Guilty as charged.
- Right.
- Maybe her last name,
What the hell are you doing here?
until all this blows
over. Do you get it?
Well, I mean, I prefer scotch in
a lowball to sex on the beach...
You're blocking my view.
Meet Sharon.
Ballistics match our flight attendant.
between the two, and so far
- Yeah.
- Okay,
Yes. Bit of a dry spell
the last couple of months.
- Did that bother you?
- I knew what I was in for.
It's bloody brilliant.
There was no reason to hurt anyone.
I wanted to tell you that
You say some really weird things, man.
I'm a demon.
Did anyone threaten you?
question the way he's lived his life.
dangerous, and...
Care to explain the wall?
Raj is Jana's GBFFN.
Ask him.
All this chemistry
On our terms.
You have quick travel,
lax customs agents...
No, I'm gonna catch
our killer, Detective.
My two closest friends
just got murdered.
- But then I adopted Twinkle...
- Right,
Uh, Tim, who else was on the flight?
Do you think I'm boyfriend material?
when it comes to Chloe...
You need to own up to what you did.
I mean, not that I want to.
Are you ready for the package?
Yeah, I don't believe you.
but she deserved better than that...
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 28, 2016
Charlotte is determined to get Lucifer to leave Earth by turning Chloe against him. Meanwhile, Amenadiel has begun working as Charlotte's soldier, which makes Maze question his loyalty.
Listen, you know, I get it.
Actually, Detective, that isn't
what I was going to say, I...
Not talk about myself
'cause that would be selfish.
Trust me, she is way out of my league.
The detective obviously
gets her strength from you.
(whispering): This is the worst thing
that could be happening right now.
was defending Perry.
and still is unshakable.
In light of the death of our key witness,
Oh, please. You've
sacrificed more for her
Mother, I swear,
if you hurt her, I will rip...
I know this isn't my case,
but I'm freaking out, Dan.
The cut on Boris' neck is
extremely precise.
Well, I figured there's no reason for us
- Thank you.
- (laughter, applause)
No questions asked, unless I wanted
the LAPD, and Detective Decker,
in particular,
that is remarkable about this prison?
Just one small question, Mr. Morningstar.
She is. That's why she
your relationship with Charlotte
wouldn't affect this trial.
before we have the sex.
Well, s...
your advice is?
Lucifer called me here.
You know, in a very personal way.
I'm why she knew Chloe
was first at the scene.
- What...?
- I'm the Devil.
♪ ♪
♪ I'm deep, I'm deep ♪
on Boris' killer,
and it may implicate Perry.
Aren't you?
LAPD! Put your hands where I can see 'em!
This trial is over.
call Lucifer a liar.
He owns a nightclub.
on this stand is absolutely true.
But now, I'm not so sure.
♪ I'm the one that goes
bump in the night... ♪
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 21, 2016
Following the murder of the owner of the building in which Lux is located, Lucifer and Chloe search for the killer, while Lucifer also deals with the fact that the new owner wants to evict him and demolish the place. Lucifer goes to great lengths to
protect his home, and is entirely shocked when Chloe is supportive of him. Meanwhile, Maze and Amenadiel follow Charlotte around, as she comes up with a plan to upset Lucifer enough to want to leave earth and go back to Heaven.
That he's a fallen angel.
I find that people
Like when you open a bottle,
his neck was the...
Maze will undoubtedly fix the
problem herself, which usually
so I'm sure you and I can
come to some agreement.
It's not that easy to remove me.
The man wasn't destroyed
by the Goddess of Creation.
so he can help you get back
But it might be able to
be used to our advantage.
Hey, Lucifer. So, did you splint
You're saying that Dean Cooper's son
for Daddy's cold hard cash.
Dean Cooper died yesterday.
But let's go talk to Eleanor Bloom.
It's a lawyer thing.
- It's rather cruel.
- And I bought
So, how about everything apart from that?
The accountants I had
looking over the deal
I'm sorry about your home. I am.
Enough pepperoni to
feed a family of four."
You think you can come in
here and take apart my life
He wasn't gonna let this
place go without a fight.
But a mother doesn't have to
Our relationship must give
you a lot to talk about.
How can you know who to trust?
Well, you heard the lady.
to the timing of any of
Cooper's new hires.
that very stool, Detective,
Listen, when I first came to Earth,
forward of me but...
She came from Nowheresville, Michigan,
It was a lot of money.
You know, as soon as I walked
into that interrogation room,
Yes, it certainly does clarify things.
They're gonna...
Mr. Cooper, sorry to bother you.
I flew into a rage.
little history lesson as inspiration.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 14, 2016
After discovering that Azrael’s blade has been stolen by a human, Lucifer quickly connects it with a string of violent stabbings revolving around a local yoga studio. While Chloe investigates the murders, Lucifer enlists Ella’s help in locating the sword to stop the carnage.
- scared you off for good.
- Yes,
I'm actually a bit worried for her.
We got substantial bruising to the skin,
Bounty business is booming, okay?
Listen, we're wasting time here.
inappropriate among colleagues.
Does your favor involve killing me?
Thai's not how analytical science works.
I'm sorry. The glory what?
No. Maddie was a wholesome
soul, a true light.
Shall we see how this list is getting on?
Right. What was the second thing?
so I thought I'd dive into my employment.
Why in the world would you tell people?
and I can't, for the life of me,
figure out why.
at an ashram in Sedona, so, not our guy.
Even... even if it's about another guy.
Duncan Watts.
Duncan Watts, Maze.
- Mm-hmm?
- It's really not that...
Seems this class took
corpse pose quite literally.
in a game of murderous hot potato.
Okay, number four picked it up, right?
Jenson Glory himself.
Kind of a stretch, right?
So, my mum asked me why I care so much
the guru with the doo-doo
juju has been picked up.
I've been... sick.
Of course. No one's gonna
find their "home self"
If you wouldn't mind.
are connected.
Well, I guess faith isn't faith
and guess who was subbing for Jenson.
Huh? Anyone?
We were alone in the studio.
My entire life imploded because of you.
Oh, man, you're bleeding.
Always the truth.
with a complicated family.
that this is the favor that you desire?
I should at least give someone
a reason to go to confession.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 07, 2016
When the prisoner convicted of killing Chloe's father is murdered, new evidence suggests he was actually framed. Meanwhile, Maze tries to find a job and Lucifer shadows Dan in order to learn how to be "normal".
Everywhere I go, someone gets hurt.
You're letting him off on family leave?
What? It's not a good time, Lucifer.
to be part of this case.
You're gonna pay for what you've done.
I didn't kill your father.
Sorry, not sorry.
a nacho burrito dog, sitting on that car?
He made them promise to give it to me when he died.
you don't get any money.
Linda, you're not afraid of me, are you?
is the kitchen.
Lucifer, I'm not kidding.
to the next of kin within 72 hours, but, uh...
but they could be the killer's.
Lucifer Morningstar.
Go and take care of this Lucifer person.
It's why I'm not on the case
You see, man... Hmm?
I can't find the right job.
how do you know what feels right?
That is not me!
You drive fancy cars, you date hot girls.
because I'm a perfect guy?
- I didn't think that showing… - See, that's the problem.
He wouldn't.
Deputy Warden Perry Smith
The warden gave us the slip.
in the meantime, since your offspring's with Dan...
I'll give you money.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 31, 2016
Guilty and self-destructive, Lucifer clashes with Chloe during an investigation, leading her to team up with Dan instead. Meanwhile, Amenadiel bonds with Charlotte, and Maze takes Trixie trick-or-treating.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 24, 2016
Lucifer is excited to investigate the murder of his favorite action movie hero, Wesley Cabot. Longtime rival Rolf Van Zandt initially is a suspect, but the investigation soon shifts. Meanwhile, Uriel shows up and Amenadiel is forced to come clean about his lost powers. Also, Lucifer and Uriel fight about Chloe and their mother.
Hi, Lucifer.
Oh, no, actually, this
is better birth control.
I call it a Tuesday.
Well, he rips men's hearts out,
Hello, brother.
Time to pay up. So...
that Uriel can play with patterns.
Oh. Well played, Detective.
Jamie Lee Adrienne.
I have no idea what that means.
and her current husband.
and his eventual ambiguous ally, but...
that pants need to be
worn every day, now.
other siblings will come
down here looking for you.
On the ground.
So you, former A-list, B-list actor,
- Could've fooled me.
- We had a public rivalry,
N-No. No!
I literally don't know what
to say to you right now.
Amenadiel. Firstborn.
You know what to do.
I'm here to help.
Okay. You're right.
says he's entitled to one percent
It's like, get a room already, right?
Maybe she's working with Ryan.
Slept with a demon? Is it
because I'm working with you?
- My mess?
- Uriel's still out there.
I don't think that's how time outs work.
I would never steal from my clients.
No, please!
And I've spent the last few days
But just... buckle up,
Detective, please.
It's what's best for everyone.
No more.
the pattern faltered.
in your version, I deliver Mom to you,
Mom's out. It's only a matter of time
and you've run out of time.
Well, you didn't see
that coming, did you?
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 17, 2016
After the bodies of two young L.A. transplants are found poisoned, Chloe and Lucifer hunt for the killer. Upon Maze convincing Chloe to go out for drinks, which the detective perceives as an act of friendship, but is actually part of a bet between Maze and Lucifer, the two make a shocking decision.
- No.
- Ergo, the more I distract,
Yeah, well, I'm a big girl
and I need my space,
You know, where humans go to have "fun"?
We know you were the last
one to see her alive.
Ella's got something.
I'm still on a sabbatical from work,
Everybody could!
Food is supposed to be amaze-balls.
Get the hell off of my property!
We're making artisanal sausage.
So you're saying your wife is your alibi?
The detective is annoying
me with questions
Do not leave town.
I doubt that.
Want an animal to stare
at you with contempt?
Lovely. Why don't we
go up to the penthouse,
to Daria's stomach lining,
How not to get laid.
Hmm. Well, you basically still
live there, and it's not like
I love that we just
skipped the small talk.
uh, possible homelessness and...
Well, you're a lot more tolerable
I don't think she...
that I can't quite remember anything.
Uh-huh. Men only. And I got you a date.
Well, the world's oldest profession
for God's sake, be chill?
Not so fast, buddy boy.
Their drinks were clean when I made 'em.
Come on. Rise and shine, Crantini.
Well, the chef's wife, Gisele,
fits that description.
What did Maze win
- ask for a refund.
- I know.
No. But I have a picture.
You wouldn't either if
two of your neighbors
Nice wig, by the way.
I was just trying to loosen them up.
Are you seriously suggesting
that I should move
What was all that stuff
about being my tribe?
You're a very, very deranged person.
Oh, my...
Fine. Pick any bottle, pull two glasses.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 10, 2016
Lucifer and Chloe investigate a gruesome murder after a video of the crime surfaces on social media. When a second video appears, they realize they have a serial killer on their hands. Meanwhile, Lucifer’s mom returns as Charlotte Richards. Also, Amenadiel, struggling with his loss of power, has an appointment with Linda.
I'm surprised he hasn't come
sniffing around already.
You're lucky I like you.
Okay, yeah. Two seconds.
Ella, do we know how the fire started?
- so don't tell anyone.
- Hey, guys?
I mean, I reserve this kind of treatment
E-mails from Nick's supervisor at Wobble.
Would you say things sort of flamed out,
Ray, can you come in here, please?
and even though it was
quickly taken down,
So after everything that happened, what,
to know that he got his revenge.
I simply smiled at a male
human and asked him to take me.
What? No, I mean me.
Well, he's got broken ribs,
a ruptured spleen
Yeah, but what's with the outfit?
What, so our poor, sexy teacher's dead,
It's hard going out on your own.
You and Lucifer are very close.
No, I want to spare
us all heartache and...
I understand now why you
have this provocative club.
Can I see that again?
Yes. And lucky for me, I found
out where you were headed.
I want her gone,
but he won't listen to me.
She's known what we've been
doing every step of the way.
He's not here.
Are you a good son?
I'm tired of fighting for things
that I'm never gonna have.
Yeah, I just saw it.
I'm already working on a trace.
Well, I know images can be deceiving,
Shh. Listen.
Okay, Detective, this
next part will be much easier
It travels, doesn't it?
Yes, it started with Nick...
that was impulsive.
is that you became
part of the problem, Ray.
Shall we get you untied?
and I feel like, for the sake of Trixie,
Easy, Lucifer.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 03, 2016
When Lucifer’s mother, Charlotte, turns up at the scene of a grizzly murder pleading innocence, Lucifer is hesitant to believe her tale. Not wanting to leave her on her own, he instructs Maze to babysit her – and not to torture her, allowing him to investigate the case with Chloe.
You're the goddess of all creation.
I'd do anything to rectify that now.
You wouldn't believe me.
Gonna need to get you some clean clothes.
Well, you said the clothes were
a problem, so problem solved.
Is that her?
Can we get to work now, please?
All-American doll, and
now Trixie wants one.
Cause of death: single
puncture wound to the neck.
He kills the young lover, he wounds her,
But look at the size of the bruising,
clearly not man hands.
so I know who bought it, at least.
He must've gone for a wank or something.
I mean, after all, this is a...
Not my friends.
Oh, Charlotte, I'm so sorry!
the house with a package for
Charlotte, uh, last week.
Come on.
Ah, Detective, welcome to the party.
Humans are silly animals, aren't they?
Delivery for you.
We have to go through the court,
and we have to get a warrant.
The Carpenter? He's dead.
We need to find her.
Guess you should've been
slipping the boss your top gun.
Why would you divulge
privileged information to a guy
who did anything for you
at that hellhole?
- Oh, you little...
- Devil?
Apology accepted.
I saw it on the flat-screen.
So I want to do what I can
Aired 8 years ago - Sep 19, 2016
Lucifer is distracted by his mother’s escape from hell, as he and Chloe investigate the murder of a stand-in actress. Meanwhile, Chloe’s faith in Lucifer is tested by the new medical examiner, Ella. Also, Amenadiel hopes to rein in Lucifer’s wild side, as they both deal with the absence of Maze.
once upon a time, a boy met a girl,
Mum grew cold... distant.
If you're feeling nostalgic,
Well, womanhunt, and I
need to find her before...
sticking out of her head, but no,
And the only thing I confessed to was
You must be Detective Decker's
civilian consultant.
and then an innocent girl was found dead
You're making less sense
than you normally do.
Well, everything was fine until
you went all lovey-dovey on her.
if angel blood enters the police
department's forensic database?
Then Gillian found out
about it and was blackmailing her?
I know who you really are.
had an argument
right before she died. Why?
Just take-take it all away.
Of course I do, but it's
worse than I thought.
Well, I suppose none of
this would have happened
Are you insane?
this persona for himself...
Lucifer Morningstar, the Devil,
people at their most vulnerable...
that's really low.
love drugs.
Well, then I suppose it was
when my mother abandoned me.
Are we playing show and tell?
So I'm supposed to just come
running whenever you need me?
I think he would disagree.
I wish.
I thought you said
And all we have on this "other dealer"
where I fit in in
this world. And to do that,
Whoa. I was expecting more like,
Right? I mean, if you don't
question something,
So the rods were taken from a garden.
Was very impressive.
Filled in all the gaps.
What more could I ask for?