Aired 6 years ago - Apr 09, 2018
The Legends plan to vanquish Mallus by using the totems doesn’t go as planned, forcing Rip to improvise. The team finds itself regrouping in the Wild West where they run into their old pal Jonah Hex. Sara leaves Ray in charge of watching Damien
Darhk, while she comes up with a new plan. Meanwhile, Amaya is determined to find a way to use the totems to destroy Mallus.
I'm a little busy at the moment, Sara.
Gideon, get us out of here.
You deserve to live out
the rest of your days
So we know that the six
totems are the only thing
Obviously joking.
Mallus has brought back our old buddies.
You have been warned.
So you decide to load Damien
Darhk onto the Jumpship?
Did you hear me over comms?
so they can teach you
the totem user manual.
They stopped Mallus together.
Sara wants us to find new totem bearers,
Hello, this is Nathaniel
Heywood speaking,
Right, well, weren't all of
the original totem bearers
All right, Amaya. It's your show.
We need death to kill
him once and for all.
Concentrate, Nate.
and Jax is wearing a wedding ring?
You thought destroying this
vessel would thwart my return?
It worked.
but the Legends were the
ones that inspired me.
And, uh, it's a good point.
- Uh, not exactly.
- And what about Damien Darhk?
Uh, not to be a buzzkill,
but this doesn't look good.
Something's forming.
Mm, I lo... lo... love you.
I'm just glad the ancestors
aren't here to see this.
- Oh, no, thank you.
- I bet you're damn good at it.
But I have another family waiting for me
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 02, 2018
With the timeline barely stable, the Legends must tackle two anachronisms at the same time to try and keep Mallus at bay. Sara and Rip team up to stop Grodd from going after a particular target leaving Nate and Wally to stop Amaya from changing her
future. Meanwhile, the Legends think they have found a way to destroy Mallus, but they will have to create an uneasy alliance with one of their enemies.
That's what we always wanted.
Preventing the genocide
of my people tomorrow.
Well, according to Ray's
song, this is a code 2-2-2.
- Really?
- Yeah.
but I know that he loves his daughter.
That Amaya.
Okay, so you go talk to your daughter,
You sound like some government...
and you deserve to know.
From escaping his
inter-dimensional prison
♪ ♪
Not like that.
And how can we get him
without dealing with his agent?
Oh, studio note. Very
good note, yeah, all right.
That's not true.
Nate, I... now that you
have some space from her,
She doesn't know what she wants.
as to what to do next.
Your father will lead you to them.
trapped with my name
and my foolish dreams.
You're special.
You don't understand.
But we can't undo the
things that we've done.
♪ ♪
You know why that is?
Or Mallus is freed.
I needn't remind you what happened
Rip, let's go. We have work to do.
and all I have right
now are the rules, okay?
Like mother, like daughter.
Well, as a man of steel,
which is an element,
You're here but... how?
- Amaya! Amaya!
but now I'm unstoppable.
You are now mine to control.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 26, 2018
When Ava disappears, Sara and Ray set out to find her after some prodding from Time Bureau agent Gary and a disturbing truth about Ava. Amaya tasks Zari with helping train Rory in controlling his own Totem power. Meanwhile, Nate and Wally set out on a mission that goes awry when they pair with an unlikely person to try and get a Totem.
Just be careful.
That is not why I'm leaving.
I'll have someone come grab
you when she wakes up.
If Ava comes back and finds us
snooping through her office...
Think she might've gone to Fresno?
Ah, as soon as I catch my breath,
Well, unfortunately, Ava...
Almost too good to be true.
- Sara.
- Okay, fine!
whatever your real names are.
So observe it on a full stomach.
Well, clearly I'm no
longer missing, so...
Do you really wanna be one against five?
Meaning, the Courier you stole from
Ava doesn't do you any good,
What do you mean, the
mother ship is on the move?
Just down across, and make a left.
that she's secretly a robot.
She's strong, just like you.
I'll be fine.
Just let us go, it'll be fine.
Oh, I... I didn't mean you.
But you are in love with my Nana Baa.
Talk? You don't have
to torture me to talk.
You know what? Since you're gonna
die, I might as well tell you.
Director Sharpe?
I mean, did you see the way she reacted?
not to be a vigilante,
and she is stubborn.
to abandon your family and Zambesi.
I created an UpSwipz profile.
What the hell are those things,
and why do they all look like me?
They're... they're not real.
I'm not even real.
There's so much blood.
Let's get back to the
ship before more show up.
I'm not here for you.
We have to leave.
Still, I shouldn't have
gone behind your back.
I mean, that's how time works.
I don't know, Nathaniel.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 19, 2018
When Mallus’ power over Sara resurfaces, she unwittingly becomes the bearer of one of the Totems. Rory must conquer his dark side in order to wield his own Totem power to help save the crew. Meanwhile, Agent Sharpe notices that something is wrong and recruits someone unorthodox to help.
on anachronisms, so, so are we.
find and return a dog named Laika
My hypothesis is that the Fire Totem
Because God forbid
he'd do anything normal.
It calls to you, doesn't it?
The six totems need six totem bearers.
Gideon? Where's Ray?
Mick and I will search the ship.
I am...
that Mallus' power was inside Sara.
What the hell is going on here?
Door's locked.
You're everything.
Well, about this so-called Death Totem.
Sara's gonna take us out one by one.
You both slept with Captain Lance?
Mallus, Aken, Ka, Ren, Ba, Ib, Sheut,
Sara must have shot him with
the anti-speedster gun.
Please. You know the one.
Sorry, I couldn't tell.
Yeah, and I really wanna believe her.
a bard,
The best way to defeat a totem bearer
You're gonna die.
we're alike.
Once a killer, always a killer.
Eons ago, the sixth tribe of Zambesi
What's the matter, Nathaniel?
Houston, 1970.
Exorcizamus te,
and you never back down.
Well, at this point,
She's a good one.
and using my darkest fears.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 12, 2018
When the Legends learn that a mysterious tragedy destroyed Memphis in 1954, thus eradicating the birthplace of rock and roll, they embark on their most important mission – to save music. Nate is excited to show Amaya why music is important to him
and he is surprised it leads to a rock legend as well as the sixth and final totem, the Death Totem. Meanwhile, Zari helps their newest member try to adjust to the team.
Guess you and me are bunkmates,
Hold on, Axl. Sandwich is coming.
Just got to find the damn mayo.
And who the hell
changed the name of my rat?
He was taken to the
Boulevard State hospital.
You know, you usually send us into
the field with a little more pizzazz.
That's it, Elvis.
Put a little sauce on it.
Josh Groban.
there are several words that rhyme
with "Nate."
I mean, he's gone. All of a sudden,
I just don't know where he is.
Okay, Axl, time to break the seal.
Look, my brother's out there somewhere
without me.
It could turn this
whole place into a ghost town.
But the music moment is different.
I got talent.
My manager says so.
You keep on preaching hate.
At least I still got you, Jesse.
Now, let's go talk to the preacher
like human beings.
is one and half to two
and a half years, so, you know,
I mean, before he came along,
sure, there were songs,
Charles Dickens once wrote,
- Oh, no. You're doing a great job.
- Thank you.
To Axl.
Okay, Mick, time to send him off.
The cemetery outside your uncle's church.
Should we take 'em out?
Oh, Jesse ain't really gone.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 05, 2018
When Damien and Nora Darhk take Ray hostage they force him to try and fix the Fire Totem, but Ray tries to use the power struggle between them to his advantage. Ray and Nora find themselves working together in 1960's East Germany in order to fix the
totem, but soon come face to face with a younger and deadlier version of Damien Darhk. Meanwhile, Sara seems to be taking positive steps in her personal life.
[dramatic music]
♪ ♪
And that's sweet,
for accompanying me
on this excursion.
you could use all the allies
you can get.
Uh, I would've brought more,
my very next stop
was here in 2166.
Time wants to happen.
Maybe Professor Stein and I
should survey the wreckage,
at his command, and here now,
at the eleventh hour,
Besides, Carter is my past.
We were only married in...
eight lifetimes.
or life... without you.
[ominous music]
Oh, we thought you said
She knew who I was.
Apparently it's true.
There's a lid for every pot.
I know we're in the midst
of a war,
to endure the
most extreme suffering?
except for my father.
and I'm guessing you've killed
a grand total of nobody.
Look at the photos here.
This is the camp.
Find my daughter.
Everything's fine.
- That's...
- Incredible.
All right, our only option
is to take the Jumpship
I was wrong.
Your dad's a gem.
These are the ones
we could save.
something we agree on.
[dark music]
Everyone aboard
is as dead as my...
♪ ♪
- Ray, if anything...
- No, no.
You know,
if this doesn't work...
♪ ♪
Ray, you got this.
They showed me the truth
of what you've done.
Well, whatever they're called,
just hit him with them.
[all grunting]
♪ ♪
He doesn't even remember
who he was...
just choices.
I can't.
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 26, 2018
When Sara decides to take some private time, the Legends pursue a lead on the whereabouts of the long-lost Earth Totem. Without Sara's knowledge, the Legends find themselves in 1717 to hunt for Blackbeard's long-lost treasure, but in true Legends
fashion things go awry. Meanwhile, Ray feels guilty about something he has done and tries to make amends, which lands him in even bigger trouble.
I might sit this one out,
on a completely normal first date.
Ray-Ray, you go first.
So, Blackbeard has the Earth Totem.
Well, we could ask a pirate nicely.
I assume that your recent heartbreak
It'd be a shame to waste a trip.
- So, do it.
- It's not that simple.
Well... I do.
I got up on stage in the first scene,
Yeah, totally fine. Normal, in fact.
That's because dead men tell no tales.
Why is everyone staring at me?
Welcome to Nassau.
What we seek is treasure.
but at a price.
I can't promise to make it to scale,
So is Barry and Caitlin and Wells.
but first, I need the teenciest,
and one...
like the one I brought
on that fool admiral.
Did you check if HQ is secure?
- TOKYO - 1992
- ¶ Time can never mend ¶
I just thought it was
gonna be a longer story.
We can't let the Darhks
beat us to Grace Island
and I'm a man of me word.
Don't "hi, Ava" me.
You stood me up, jerk.
and dastardly woman I've ever
had the pleasure of meeting...
Oh, my... Rip broke into the Time Bureau.
Come on.
Thanks for saving me life
you wouldn't have lost yours.
Do you yield, sir?
I should have been honest with you
In fact, some might say
that they become...
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 19, 2018
After the team returns from a mission, Zari finds herself trapped in a time loop that results in the Waverider blowing up over and over again. Zari soon begins to suspect that the answer to stop what is happening might lie hidden among her fellow shipmates' secrets. But in investigating them she starts to understand her place on the team.
I was never planning on
sticking around for long.
Have you ever had déjà vu?
I'm your captain.
I don't want you hurting yourself,
All right, if what
you're saying is true,
- I can't.
- Just try.
So lay it on me. What's
happening? All right.
- I'll find out what's going on.
- All right.
I'm not as strong as I'd like to be.
"her heaving bosom undulated
Yeah, actually, 24 minutes.
I mean, you always look good, I just...
It's just... I don't even want
to start looking for loopholes,
Well, maybe I should come over.
It sounds like there's
a fly in the jumpship.
Yeah, like forever.
Stop touching my clothes.
He just destroyed the chrono-repeater
All right, people,
we've got five minutes
you really have no idea how it works.
Follow your heart, and keep writing.
But being nice and polite's
only gonna get you so far,
Not now, Gary!
You should know by now I'm
not good at following orders.
and there was an accident.
In order to save 2042, to
find your so-called loophole,
But the real problem was you.
I am terrified and
in awe of you, Gideon.
While I was out,
Ray, what did Constantine
tell you about me?
You're afraid of historical loopholes
and as far as I'm concerned,
That's what I was told... by you.
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 12, 2018
After Sara's encounter with Mallus, the Legends are paid a visit by John Constantine, a demonologist detective. The Legends agree to accompany him to a present-day psychiatric hospital and they are surprised to discover who Constantine is trying to
help. During the exorcism, Sara, Leo and Constantine go missing, leaving Ray and Zari to try to take care of Constantine's client. Meanwhile, Amaya and Nate once again come face to face with Kuasa.
Well, you are not
wrong about that, love.
So, what's your story then, handsome?
You really wanna rush me?
I was speaking of them
metaphorically, but
You wanna tag along for an exorcism?
Ava, hi.
- Just don't.
- Come, come, Captain.
All right, now... where
to perform an exorcism?
that's not my name.
See if you can find some adrenaline.
She was gonna kill you, Amaya.
Who are you? Where am I?
Bloody hell.
Look, they still have the
same paintings on the walls.
Z, would you please tell her
talking to Kuasa is a bad idea?
Friends of ours came
to see you last night.
We need somewhere sunny and boring.
- Is that you?
- Please.
Fear, anger, he's using
your darkest emotions
Take it from one who's
It's strange to be
called "grandmother."
I watched the men
You said I was strong
enough to hold my own self.
We're live on News 52 with
the latest in the ongoing...
but now I think she meant you.
You wanna stay here forever?
I don't like what I'm doing out there.
But now you get to make a choice.
If you're gonna kill
me, pull the trigger.
and every place I've
gone has been terrible,
Now, we're gonna have to
part for a little while.
I have... numerous
contacts I can draw on.
and they all need my help.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 05, 2017
Rattled by recent events, the Legends dive into work which finds them investigating an Anachronism in a Viking settlement in the New World. The Legends realize that the Norsemen are worshipping an artifact as their god and are surprised by the
artifact’s origin. For the first time, Sara is worried that they might need back up when Damien Darhk shows up. Meanwhile, Jax finds a loophole that could potentially change history, but it is a risk he is willing to take.
What would you like to
say to me, Nathaniel?
I should've been strong
enough for both of us.
Level Ten didn't do it justice.
kicking ass is how we heal.
Uh, let's just stay on mission.
Jefferson? What are you doing here?
It's a Hannukah gift for Lily.
So, the Vikings think
that Beebo is a God,
Freydis usurped my position
Martin made his choice, Jax,
No alcohol allowed.
under the same roof?
A Yuletide surprise.
this would not be my first pick.
Beebo thirsty.
Tell us...
I thought you said this
was an undercover operation.
Unhand him or die!
- Yeah, but Sara...
- Just 'cause she's the Captain
to lead you into battle.
Another Timequake.
You've been awfully quiet, Jefferson.
And your past.
Hello, friend.
then I'll leave,
what Director Bennett showed me, please?
Look, I know Darhk is personal for you,
The Time Bureau thinks the
Darhks can't be defeated,
You're gonna need backup.
How 'bout a little ice?
It was about what I... felt.
Sounds like our work here is done.
Happy Hanukah.
who was willing to risk
far, far too much for me.
What do you mean? Like...
Don't tell the others until I'm gone.
You didn't really think
we were just gonna let you
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 28, 2017
Barry and Iris's wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold, The Ray, Felicity Smoak, Iris West and
Alex Danvers to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth's mightiest heroes - Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and White Canary - lead their teams into battle to save the world.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 21, 2017
With Sara out of commission, the team finds a new Anachronism that leads them to the jungles of Vietnam and right in the middle of the war. Ray, Amaya and Zari pose as journalists and trek through the jungle when they are lead to time-displaced Gorilla Grodd. Meanwhile, Nate and Rory run into someone Rory knows which give a glimpse into his past.
thanks to Damien Darhk's
daughter laying her out.
So where do we start?
and the reasons for getting
involved were murky.
about what happened with your squad.
Nothing good.
I won't just tell you what's happening.
This has become Operation Tough Love.
There's only one way to
safely split the thermacore.
You are unusual journalists.
I think the comms are down.
Thanks to time travel, I got
to talk to my grandfather,
I don't like where this is heading.
He is the reason they are no
longer killing one another.
But you've never had any superpowers
Well, last I heard he
was in an ARGUS prison.
burning your own skin,
Yes, our comms are down.
Grodd's displacement in
1967 probably explains that.
He only cares about himself.
That's how dictators work.
We just intercepted radio communications
I don't take orders from the CIA.
Only pain. You're right.
Humans will always fear Grodd,
Mick? Mick.
Question him to safety?
I wouldn't have expected that from you.
I'll be a damn humdinger.
Follow my steps exactly.
Where is Captain Lance when I need her?
Professor Stein,
They need a leader.
Raymond, are you in there?
Yeah, I'm in here.
Yeah, you're welcome.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 14, 2017
When the Legends track down an anachronism in 1930s Hollywood, they discover it’s none other than a time-displaced Helen of Troy and she’s just started a war between two film studios. As the Legends try to fix history and return Helen to the Bronze
Age, things get complicated when they are blindsided by the appearance of a former enemy. Sara contemplates an offer she is made, which would make the Legends leave the anachronisms be. Meanwhile, Stein and Jax find themselves in an unusual predicament.
Uh, Ray, let's do it.
And mine appear to be African American.
Merging now could cause a meltdown of
insurmountable proportions.
And it got ugly fast.
He may die.
I don't wanna spook her.
She's out of her time.
That's right, honey. Don't do it.
Well, we've found that myths
tend to have some truth about them.
of Hedy Lamarr, my boyhood crush!
Or dance with Ginger Rogers.
[lively chatter and laughter]
to take something precious and debase it.
Surely someone with your talent
will find work as an actress.
Yeah, I hear they have
a decent theater scene in Troy.
You know I have the "killer instinct"
that this job requires.
and our conflict
is at a brief stand still.
The totem is now a part of me.
Just ignore them. They're being rude.
All right. Enough finger-pointing.
You don't offer a deal
unless you want something in return.
any more than you enjoy being inside me.
never thinking
I'd ever actually get the chance.
I dare you to come at me,
you dumb bastard!
Does this look like
a socket wrench to you?
Well, maybe they kinda did
for Amaya and me.
[telephone ringing]
Wait, excuse me? Either someone
got themselves a thesaurus,
Me too.
[mumbles indistinctly]
[whispers chant indistinctly]
We can't. It could cause
a catastrophic nuclear reaction.
You have to become the Nuclear Man.
Come on, Grey! Let's get 'em, baby.
-Can you guys hear me?
-[Ray] Loud and clear.
But it is more complicated
than you think.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 07, 2017
When Nate thinks he has found a pattern to the anachronisms, it leads the Legends to London in 1897 to hunt down a time-traveling vampire. When they arrive in London, they run into Rip, but not everyone welcomes him back so quickly, leaving Sara to
make a tough choice in the end. Amaya tries to connect with Zari, but she is still struggling with being part of the team. Meanwhile, Stein discovers what Ray and Jax are up to and is not entirely pleased.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 31, 2017
The Legends learn that Ray Palmer will die because they broke time, causing them to race back to 1988 to try and save his life. When they arrive, they are surprised to learn that young Ray Palmer has befriended a time-displaced baby Dominator
putting him in harm’s way with the government and the Dominator’s mother. New to the ship and missions, Zari must find her place and learn to trust the team. Meanwhile, Stein begins working on a secret project on the ship which makes Rory and Jax suspicious.
All right, you promised me
good coin for doing this.
He was found in the woods,
dead, only eight years old.
I'm in the paper.
I can't tell you how much of
my allowance I spent there.
It really reinforced some fundamentals.
I'm proud of you.
- Give that back!
- Here.
How can you not remember
befriending an alien?
You don't actually want to
be on the Waverider, do you?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
We're ready for retrieval.
Today I'm truant. This thing
is turning me into Rory.
♪ We've talked the
whole night through ♪
♪ Good morning,
good morning to you ♪
First you're starting a
fire in the science lab,
Yeah, we just got done wrestling a bear
- Captain Lance.
- What's up?
Come on.
Yeah, but he wouldn't do that.
Right, right, if we just had a timeship,
Kid, I know you're in there.
- subject has been located.
- You lied to me.
We have the girl in a storage room,
A breath mint?
Dermatologist recommendation?
Yo, aw, Mick, come on, man.
I just souped this baby up.
Okay, I will see you there. Bye, Dad.
We got to move. They
won't stay down long.
and make it out of here together.
Well, that story's about to
get a lot more interesting
Family of possums?
And I liked it.
Ray, turn it back on.
♪ Good morning, good morning ♪
Guys, we've got the baby.
Go to your mama.
I'm sorry, man. I...
It's mating season.
Letting him go.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 24, 2017
When Sara receives a distress call from their “befriended” agent at the Time Bureau, she learns that they have been tasked with going to the future to capture a rogue time traveler. Unfortunately, the Legends make things worse by trying to protect
an outlaw named Zari, to hopefully lure in the time travelling assassin. Meanwhile, Stein tries to diagnose Amaya’s condition, but Nate discovers an unusual treatment that Amaya begrudgingly agrees to.
- You're not supposed
to wake a sleepwalker,
Gary! Gary!
- No, you guys
really have no idea
See if you can ID the prisoner.
- Who's gonna protect you?
Under the Meta-human Act
of 2021,
- I'm sitting right here,
Which now includes
an at-large time assassin
- My bar.
water bitch.
- Oh, a pool party.
Who wants to fight?
Civilians are not allowed
to know about time travel.
Since you have no way
of tracking this water psycho,
Turns out there's a root
from your region of Zambesi
- Which is why I did a quality
control test on myself first.
So what do we do now?
- You guys got a location
on the other security console?
- Yeah, about that...sorry.
- I believe he's checking
on Ms. Giwe.
I'm just saying, do we really
want to be the people
It's safe, I think.
This was our last hope.
- You gotta be kidding me.
- At least you seem to be
feeling better, Ms. Ziwe.
- Would you please help me
talk some sense into her?
- Last chance, Ms. Lance!
- All right, Gideon.
How are we doing?
and now that it's back
in whack...
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 17, 2017
The Legends find themselves in 1870 to fix the anachronism which happens to be at P.T. Barnum's fledgling circus. However, Nate and Ray accidently free a saber toothed tiger, creating a bigger problem. Meanwhile, P.T. Barnum is on the hunt to capture Nate and Ray to make his show even more exciting for the crowd.
of the tech from my suit.
and potential difficulty.
The anachronism is
located at the grounds
That is a working title.
Oh. Where there's poop...
Look, I'm not asking
you to join back up.
Hello, Nathaniel.
You didn't tell Nathaniel, did you?
It looks like he stopped
here to sharpen his claws.
Small-minded folk everywhere.
Hey, hey, hey!
Oh, you got to tell me,
where I guarantee I've got
Well, I'm glad Nate
finally took our advice
Shh. Yelling.
But the fates have smiled on me again,
So... chop-chop.
It must have been
upsetting when I just...
Please tell me you found the Hardy Boys.
or ditching me on my birthday
You're right. It doesn't.
And I wanted to protect you.
which caused things to, well,
chronometric interference, Captain.
of the Global Treaty on Time Travel,
Get a grip, man!
for the jaw-dropping spectacle
that you are about to see
are going to burn my circus down
Amaya, no, no, no.
I'm right here. I got you.
is now a more manageable size.
Your sister, I presume?
As if the animal was in charge, not me.
What if I lose control around my village?
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 10, 2017
When the Legends realize that they broke the timeline, Rip Hunter arrives with his new organization – the Time Bureau – to relieve them of duty. The Legends are thrilled to get a chance to put the team back together but a new threat arises when Rory
spots Julius Caesar in Aruba. Sara, Nate and Ray devise a plan to steal the Waverider back from the Time Bureau in order to try and stop Julius Caesar from conquering the modern world.