Aired 7 years ago - Apr 04, 2017
As the Legends are about to take off for their next destination, a massive timequake rocks the ship. In order to try and fix what has happened, they are forced to break the one cardinal rule of time travel. But if they are able to destroy the spear, they will face the ultimate consequence.
All right, let's split up.
- Ah!
- Then I realized,
the scope of the time
paradox by avoiding contact
Huh, listen. Why don't
we just go to Aruba,
You know, my allies
keep giving me the same,
that we cannot interact with ourselves.
Okay. I mean your future.
Yeah, and I need to
get the Spear... a beer.
you've seen a ghost.
I miss you so much.
Yes, and if you come
out of the ship now,
off of the ship right away.
- Take her out.
- What about the other Jax?
We can't. Our prior selves
our out there right now.
All right. Who's wearing whose faces?
Just imagining what you'd
look like without teeth.
Perhaps you should go with her.
The Spear... It draws on our desires,
You're in love with her.
than looking back at
your life with regret.
You want us to time jump together again?
and Nate can't Steel?
This isn't real.
Lian Yu,
means not having you back?
So what are we doing here?
Say, "Nate, come with me to 1942."
I was joking.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 28, 2017
After obtaining the Spear of Destiny, the Legion of Doom rewrites reality, leaving the Legends changed, perhaps forever. Frightfully, the Legends’ and the world’s hopes rest with Rory, but being the “hero” is not easy for him. Meanwhile, there is
tension within the Legion of Doom and the reason why the Spear of Destiny needs to be destroyed is revealed.
That's because you destroyed
the Kalabros Manuscript.
and yours.
They've got a fancy new vault
I've been dying to crack.
over the last year,
Captain. These cakes are
You want to see your family?
And then, uh, golf on Sunday.
Reality's at stake.
The world isn't right.
Um, I call 'em scars.
Am I right?
except when you refuse to
tell me what's going on.
you something called
it "Spearing of Destiny"
We need your help.
I kinda built it on impulse.
No, he's Axel.
Mick's just a little
confused. I can control him.
So many.
how we can rescue the rest of the team,
right... here...
I want to arrange a meeting with Thawne.
she never stays dead for very long.
It was so... delicious,
If Thawne made this world to punish us,
Unless he figured out there's
another way, by incinerating it.
Mick, would you be able to
recognize the incantation?
to restore Stein's mind
before we get to the lab.
Our old friend Eobard has built
a device to destroy the Spear.
We're at the building.
Just keep him there.
any of you
Oh, Sara.
Now hand it over.
but that's why we're partners, remember?
about the Spear being destroyed?
But because it is so...
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 21, 2017
The Legends must devise a plan to retrieve the last remaining fragments of the Spear of Destiny from the Legion of Doom. They find themselves in France at the height of World War I faced with the knowledge that they must destroy the mystical
object. They enlist the help of a soldier by the name of John Ronald Reuel Tolkin and find that the Spear is leading them into the heart of the war. Meanwhile, the team must all resist the temptation of the Spear, and the return of a former teammate.
vibrational energy from this.
Mick, we gotta go.
♪ ♪
Whoa, you thought that was easy?
It will draw on our weaknesses,
our desires, our regrets.
There's something written on it.
It is impervious to destruction.
to destroy the spear...
- The blood of Christ.
- Exactly.
during the Battle of the
Somme as a Second Lieutenant
Yeah, I'm a glass half-full kind of guy...
and was transferred to a
first aid outpost to await
We're at the outpost. God, it's a madhouse.
Miss, please, help me.
♪ ♪
the guy who's buried with Jesus' blood.
Nonsense, I... I'm perfectly fine.
They may act all friendly to you,
♪ ♪
In short, my fellow travelers and I...
How'd it go out there?
And her daughter turned into an orphan.
♪ ♪
It's in a cathedral in Amiens.
finishing each others' dire warnings.
♪ ♪
Well, if that's not an entrance line,
♪ ♪
the fact that you told him
about our plan speaks volumes.
In your eyes, I'm always
gonna be a... criminal.
Proof I belong in a
library, and not on a...
She's begging me to help our people.
is hidden right smack in
the middle of no-man's land.
I know a thing or two about
wielding mystical artifacts.
[rousing music]
♪ ♪
2,300 dead.
It seems neither side
wants to give up the fight.
[gunfire, explosions, shouting]
There are casualties on the battlefield.
but today is not that day.
♪ ♪
Ever since I've been on that ship,
I hereby declare that
the armistice is over.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 14, 2017
When the Legends track Commander Steel to NASA Headquarters in 1970, they learn where Nate’s grandfather hid the last fragment of the Spear of Destiny. The team notices a time aberration during the Apollo 13 mission and believes that the Legion of
Doom might be involved. As the Legends journey into space to intercept Apollo 13, the Waverider suffers massive internal damage and Ray’s life is left in jeopardy when he is stranded on the moon. Meanwhile, tension grows between Rip and Sara as to who is the leader of the team.
We've already found him.
Because I'm looking right at him.
Is that Rip?
Neil Armstrong planted on the moon.
Houston, we are about to enter
the dark side of the moon.
We have to intercept "Apollo
13" before it lands on the Moon.
Of course.
Gideon, pull up "Apollo
13's" original flight pattern.
raising our son by herself.
Wait, I was... I was just
talking hypothetically.
I'm entering the Command Module.
Looks like a stowaway.
[electricity sparking]
Houston, we have a problem.
both: ♪ Daylight come
and me wan' go home ♪
- Nice voice, Professor.
- Thank you very much.
Roger that.
Look, my childhood was miserable.
Good news, we found the Command Module.
You put the Waverider in front of a nuke
We're clear.
in a tin can with the likes of you.
of dwarf star, then the LEM
could explode mid-launch.
he could become an
entirely different person,
[solemn music]
then tell me,
Oh, it's the great irony of time travel,
♪ ♪
You killed Barry's mother.
with your small, pathetic life.
Rip, how's our trajectory looking?
♪ ♪
I'm sorry, sir, but they're just... gone.
You don't seem happy, Professor.
Welcome aboard.
It isn't enough.
What's the status of
your secondary thrusters?
which is not readily available in 1970.
So that he can kill us when we land.
Stein, we're a go for re-entry.
Talk me through this.
Your son is at Mission Control.
We're gonna make it.
about Rip Hunter's anti-speedster weapons:
He just, um...
must be hard coming back to your ship
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 21, 2017
The Legends continue their quest to hunt down the Spear of Destiny before the pieces fall into the hands of the Legion of Doom. The Legends discover that pieces of the Spear are each being guarded in different time periods by members of the JSA.
Their first stop is the future where they find Dr. Mid-Nite which eventually leads them to the past and King Arthur’s Camelot, where Stargirl is protecting her piece of the Spear. In order to protect the Spear shard from the now-evil Rip Hunter, the Legends must join forces with the Knights of the Round Table.
Maybe not. Gideon,
This is Dr. Mid-Nite
of the Justice Society.
Because we're not killers, Amaya.
in the year 507 AD.
you would know that there were not jousts.
You all look like you're
going to a Renaissance Fair.
I am Guinevere.
while tracking the
Black Knight, Your Grace.
What are you doing in Camelot?
and keep it from falling into enemy hands.
Where is the good king?
Then you are an idiot.
I'm gonna go introduce myself.
It's hard to explain.
Oh! Hey, guys.
As long as I live, you will never have it.
Camelot... or the Spear.
How do you know this Black Knight?
Look, sometimes the mantle...
it just falls into your lap.
Clearly it's the same technology I...
with a preternaturally powerful brain.
Who knew these things would come in handy?
We're brothers and sisters.
These guys don't stand a chance out there.
Hey, we have enough enemies as it is
the world, as we know it, is over.
I couldn't resist.
No, Nate, look around you.
Sir Raymond of the Palms,
defender of Camelot.
- We're on it.
- We are?
Wait, did you shut up
because you wanted to,
A thousand pardons, Your Majesty.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 07, 2017
When The Legends find a new Time Aberration they learn they must travel to the winter of 1776 to protect George Washington and the American Revolutionary War. Unfortunately, things don’t go as planned, forcing Sara to send out Nate and Amaya to
help. Meanwhile, Jax and Stein who are busy protecting the incapacitated Waverider from their new enemy, are forced to step into roles that they don’t think they are prepared for.
processing unit by
shutting off life support.
- It feels almost normal.
- Right?
Can you please get it off?
- Very effectively, I might add.
- Yeah.
Let's buckle up.
All right, let's go save America.
You're from Boston.
Now tell me, from which
of our 13 fair colonies
Me-rry Christmas!
Protecting you is our first priority.
in a miniaturized state.
Grey, do something. - She's still alive.
No, we gotta save him.
No matter what it takes.
I saw that with Bobby Padusky.
No, we're working on it.
My body heat will keep you warm.
You can do this.
in a manner which is
befitting of my rank.
Even by your modern standards?
It's a job that the Legion
will reward me handsomely for,
of hereditary privilege.
Okay, please don't let this kill me.
Wait, I know where the
piece of the spear is.
that time is worth saving, and
you were even bigger fools
Now, one last time, where's
the piece of the spear?
You say her name as if she's
supposed to matter to me.
Honest to a fault, Jax.
Let's see what I can do, shall we?
There's no rhyme nor
reason to any of this, Jax.
I'm protecting you.
This is last of them.
You sneaky bastard.
So, how you feeling, Captain?
And you try to hold on to your humanity.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 31, 2017
The Legends are determined to find and rescue Rip, but first must focus on locating the Spear of Destiny. Stein thinks he has the perfect person to help but knows involving her will be risky. Meanwhile, Malcom Merlyn and Damien Darhk realize that Thawne is pitting them against each other.
Regression therapy.
They're idiots.
And I hate to say it, but so is Mick.
Look, I couldn't get Hunter to remember
I don't like this situation.
To end Mr. Thawne's tedious threats.
Captain Hunter is British.
What the hell is going on with you, man?
You brought it to a coffee shop?
I... I absolutely cannot believe it.
But might this squeamishness
that I'm witnessing
Wait, she wants to try
networking an ancient amulet
I don't even know why you're
getting me to wear this...
This would be easier if
we just killed everybody.
need to rely on anyone?
which makes sense, because
speedsters can time travel.
It's an eye scan. Part
of the bank's security.
No, don't.
and feed you your testicles.
Okay, that should just about do it.
It's pretty remarkable
considering we just mainlined
which is pretty much
synthetic to being with.
Aber... Aberration!
yet seem not to know about a passcode.
Do you recall how we resolved
disputes within the League?
Dad? Am I...
Okay, Dad. We've already
had the birds and bees talk.
Yeah, I know, I know.
Dude, what is going on with you?
Mr. Rory spilled the
beans, as predicted.
the kind of father that he was.
- One second, Professor.
- I'm sorry!
He was protected from
his ancestor's death
why would a man who
can travel through time
He held me captive for months
and when I finally got loose,
got what you wanted, you managed
to balance our partnership.
No, I'm... I'm the one who's sorry.
But it... it's quite adept
at giving us what we need.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 24, 2017
When Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn try to capture Rip Hunter in 1967, they create an Aberration big enough to draw the attention of the Legends. However, when the team arrives they discover that Rip has no memories of his past due to “time drift”
and is just a graduate film student. After trying to convince Rip of who he was, they discover that he possesses an incredibly powerful artifact known as the Spear of Destiny, which the Legion of Doom is after. Ray and Nate realize that the Aberration has also affected them personally making it difficult to help the team. Meanwhile, Rory asks Stein for help and makes him promise to keep it a secret from the team.
- Snart.
- Snart what?
Not together.
circa 30 A.D. I also sketched
Now that blood allegedly
got on the medallion
Changes to history cause
timequakes and aberrations,
I said “when we're done.”
As far as magical artifacts go,
That charming-looking
fellow is Cal DeVito.
I don't know. He's being kind of
And everyone take five.
It's nice to see your reputation
We'll find out what the
hell is going on with him.
the fear of giant toads.
It's Rip. Here's here in 1967.
Astonishing. It's really you.
- Hey, okay, hey, hey, hey.
- Help! Help!
All right, we're here.
- Let's go!
- Guys, come on!
from the... uh... From the...
I'm gonna go tell the others.
Hey, what's up?
Yeah, I feel it, too,
it's happening right now.
on May 14th, 1944.
Named Modesto Hartman's
an improbably handsome archaeologist.
I don't become a brilliant inventor.
are from the future,
that you've somehow seen
- Oh, my God.
- What is it?
to put a device inside your brain
He's telling me I've gone soft
because I'm still on the ship.
- any memories for you?
- Listen, lady,
but this is definitely the team.
I thought it'd be a cool movie prop.
that we have traveled
a very long way to find.
What spear?
Perhaps they need a little incentive.
Dealer's choice.
Would you stop calling me that, please?
Say it, George. Say it out loud.
On the contrary, for the first time
Look, Sara, you can't
beat yourself up about this.
Leonard Snart truly is no more.
I thought you got your smarts back.
Aired 8 years ago - Dec 08, 2016
When a new Time Aberration is discovered by the Legends, they find themselves headed to 1927 Chicago. The Legends quickly realize that they have been set up by Eobard Thawne, Damien Darhk and the newest member of the Legion of Doom, Malcolm Merlyn.
While everyone is trying to help fix what they think is the mission, Jax encourages a reluctant Stein to share his secret with the other Legends. Stein is taken captive and Sara must make the tough choice of either stopping the Legion of Doom or saving Stein. Meanwhile, Rory gets an unexpected visitor and is not sure how to handle it.
is because you convinced your younger self
in Chicago, Illinois, October
17th in the year 1927.
and I'd see photos of Chicago.
It'd be best if you came with me.
He's being escorted by two police officers.
the day Al Capone originally
went down for tax evasion,
Now, come on, try 'em on.
not until the fight is done.
But we have a bigger problem.
I mean, another problem.
Ray, I'm sorry, but Nate knows more
about this area than any of us.
- You feeling all right? - Fine.
Darhk and his speedster pal knew
it'd attract our attention.
a rather predictable
bedfellow for Al Capone.
That was the day everything
changed for you, Sara,
over a dream that's a lie.
You really weren't tempted?
But the memories are real.
Oh, I fear with your
league-training torture,
I'm not gonna lie to ya. This, um,
She's talking about you.
and had exquisite penmanship.
and doing the right thing gets you killed.
that makes me feel any better is killing.
You sure Mr. Thawne ain't gonna
be mad 'cause we let 'em go?
And he wanted the Amulet that
I took off of Darhk in 1987.
Thank you.
Trust me.
Perhaps some other time.
- Ship stuff? - Yeah.
Capone's men are taking over the ship.
Ah, yeah.
you'll be joining Mr. Tyler soon enough.
You know, if this is the week
the Feds get Capone's ledger,
It'll take me weeks to reorganize my notes.
Aired 8 years ago - Dec 01, 2016
After learning the Dominators’ plan for the world, the Legends must work together with The Flash, Supergirl and Green Arrow to kill them once and for all. Meanwhile, Stein figures out, with the help of others, how the team can terminate the
Dominators, but is distracted by the aberration he realizes he created in 1987.
Part 1 - Supergirl - S02E08
Part 2 - The Flash - S03E08
Part 3 - Arrow - S05E08
Part 4 - DC's Legends of Tomorrow - S02E07
for the Acheron's position in deep space.
Dr. Palmer.
NASA has rather strict guidelines regarding
Look, I enjoy a suicide mission
She demonstrated unconventional thinking
Relationships are strictly forbidden.
Captain's log. Stardate 837.9.
Yeah, I bet that one sounded
more convincing in your head.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay.
of the boarding party hostage.
Now, if I were the weapons targeting system
But either way, we are
taking the Waverider.
I'm gonna run out of charge.
We're dead?
The great Rip Hunter,
As well as anyone else you might love.
I suppose this feels like
a day at the beach for you?
I mean, I don't like you, but
at least I'm not dying alone.
He's been standing up for me ever since.
But I think we both know
I'm in charge either way.
Let's pretend, just for a
moment, that you're the captain,
of getting us off this pirate ship.
No, actually I can.
'Cause I failed both my wife and my son.
They've dismissed the charges?
It's kind of like having a favorite Beatle.
allowing Mr. Snart and Ms.
Lance to escape the engine room.
How did he even find us?
and get off the Acheron.
I need you to listen to me very,
What are you gonna do, Snart?
in Harmony Falls,
Oregon, in March of 1958.
I... I can't understand why you would...
that turns its back on the truth.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 17, 2016
The Legends are still reeling from the news that their time travel-nemesis is a speedster when they are alerted to an Aberration in the Old West. When the Legends arrive they find their old friend Jonah Hex in trouble with his arch-nemesis, Quentin
Turnbull. The team soon discovers that they need to stop Turnbull and his gang from conquering the West and branding it his own lawless territory. To Hex’s surprise, Sara is in charge and dispatches the team. Rory is ecstatic to be in the Wild West, but Sara makes Amaya work with him to keep him on task, which is easier said than done. Meanwhile, Nate, Ray and Jax try to infiltrate Turnball’s gang, but find themselves in a shootout leaving Nate’s confidence shaken.
You would tell me if something
was up, right?
I would spend less time in
the library than my old job.
I don't know how to use 'em,
but I'm wearing spurs.
Oh, I know a few things
about the Old West.
- Yee-haw!
- Whoo-whoo-whoo!
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
just as easily as I saved it.
It's means that we need to stop Turnbull
making sure nobody gets close to him.
You guys want to know how Turnbull
A shot.
Well, nobody likes paying taxes,
I'm kind of an expert
when it comes to revenge.
♪ ♪
[tense music]
I don't recognize you three.
♪ ♪
What is it?
Yeah. [grunts]
that men like you and me,
we wasn't meant to live in cages.
[both men laughing]
It seems that ore that I discovered...
Come on!
♪ ♪
I estimate his chance of survival at 51%.
I've been after Turnbull
for eight years now.
Set it on fire.
a side effect from multiple time jumps.
Trying to work out your frustration?
and painful my life is, forget it.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
"Nate, you don't have
to feel afraid again".
You know what, buddy?
Yeah, to blow the thing up.
You, Jax, and Ray, stop the train.
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
always got a place on my crew.
Only, I don't much care for peace.
♪ ♪
- Who's next?
- Mick, we got to go!
You murdered all those people!
dark prison cell.
♪ ♪
Or are you gonna keep
talking in metaphors?
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 10, 2016
When the Legends trace a timequake to President Reagan’s White House, they are shocked to discover their old enemy Damien Darhk is now a Senior Adviser to Reagan. As the team works to uncover what Darhk has up his devious sleeve, Sara struggles with
the choice of getting revenge or helping with the team’s larger mission. Thinking that the JSA members could be of help, Amaya and Nate break into the JSA and are surprised at what they find. Meanwhile, Stein tries to prevent his younger self from creating an even bigger time Abberation.
Our job is to protect history.
There's nothing wrong with the gun.
half a conversation since
you came on board,
So what?
Great, you two reach out to
the JSA while the rest of us
This is the JSA Academy?
but a lot can change in 45 years.
You don't know that.
I never stepped foot
inside the White House.
Soviet spies in their midst.
It's Obsidian.
We interrupt this broadcast
with breaking news:
It's you, you goof.
She brought me back from the dead.
Just old.
sent a team on a mission to Leipzig.
Potentially, if Damien Darhk
is still working with him.
more like Snart.
I hate the '80s!
What? But that... that's impossible.
Excuse me, I can't help
but notice you're wearing
Will one of you please shut me up?
Whatever Darhk is planning
to exchange with the Soviets,
And then he was cut down.
their younger self.
when the time comes.
Just... Just talk to her.
You all right? You seem tense.
Sometimes my husband has tunnel vision.
what do you say we get
down to the real business?
See, in about six minutes,
Reagan, Gorbachev,
would you all please leave
the dining room immediately?
And that's why I'm sparing your life.
For a fellow member of
the JSA, it was nothing.
And I promise you...
After the JSA disbanded,
I spent a lot of lonely years
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 03, 2016
When the Legends discover a time Aberration in 1863, they find themselves fighting for survival during the Civil War with Confederate soldiers who have been turned into zombies. With the Civil War outcome hanging in the balance, Jax must participate
in a daring mission by going to a slave plantation with Amaya. Meanwhile, Sara begins to feel the burden of the decisions she has to make as the leader, and Ray struggles to find his purpose on the team.
We gotta watch each
other's backs out there.
Because you think that,
me going back to 1863,
We isolate the target,
we eliminate the timeship,
That mean what I think it means?
It's a former slave providing
information to the Union Army.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Nice job blowing up the
Time Pirate's escape pod.
From General Ulysses S. Grant.
Look, Mick is already hurt,
and I don't like the idea
Okay. You do the talking.
But if we blow our cover now,
who fought on both sides,
Or you are a Confederate spy.
Just don't listen to her.
But we have a job to do.
all we have to do is go back in there
I'm with the additional staff
for tonight's festivities.
I found him and 50 others just like him
I suppose there's your answer.
Have you ever worked a day in your life?
They got caught less than a mile out.
♪ To carry you to freedom ♪
Actually, my invitation must
have gotten lost in the mail.
W-we're not doing anything.
all these zombies out,
even with perfect shots.
I thought you said if
we didn't do our job,
better than this.
Mr. Jackson.
Tell me something I don't know.
I have ever had in my ranks,
You may have just won this war for us.
I don't think that's something
I can ever get used to.
Being an outsider is a good thing.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 27, 2016
Nate is shocked to learn that he has powers but then accidentally lands himself and Ray in Feudal Japan. After Sara convinces their stowaway Amaya, AKA Vixen, that Rory is not a murderer, they all agree to find Nate and help him master his powers in
order to defend the Japanese village from the Shogun and his army of samurai warriors. Meanwhile, Jax and Stein stay back to help fix the ship and find a secret compartment but decide not to tell the rest of the team what they learn.
Except I don't know how I turned to steel in the first place.
you promise not to hurt Mick unless he really deserves it?
If Grandpa Heywood could see me now.
We're screwed.
I'm looking for a friend of mine.
Who hopefully are gonna find me.
- we're aiding a foreigner? - Please, Father.
About that. I'm, uh--
The sword did not cut any vital organs
I have to side with Mick on this one.
Fellas, getting a little cold in here without my suit.
A Samurai who fights without armor,
Yeah, met him. Not a fan.
About that, I'm having a little problem accessing my powers.
there were heavy-duty weapons on board?
- So it's impenetrable? - Not quite.
spare the village, and be a hero for once in my damn life?
Your powers are within you.
Protected by that?
from people like Mr. Rory.
It can be replaced, but the man
Does a child learn to laugh?
You dishonor my family and torture my village.
Yeah... you blew up the ATOM suit.
I was thinking now that, uh, your wedding is canceled...
That sword, what did you say your family name was?
and I've got no proof ninjas exist.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 20, 2016
The Legends travel to Nazi-occupied Paris and are surrounded by the Justice Society of America. They discover a time aberration that threatens the JSA, but the JSA doesn't want their help. Meanwhile, Nate tries to prove he should be part of the team.
by a teenager in a star-spangled leotard.
If we can even manage to get a word in.
after the birth of your son in 1955.
To win, the Reich will need their own.
Oh, well, simply put,
and I'm a member of the
Justice Society of America.
It was more like "fritzing" out.
That's the job.
The actual JSA.
assumed I was in charge.
getting the chance to meet him.
They aren't around my neck.
bears a passing resemblance to moi.
It's a long story.
Do you have any idea who I am?
The lady with the animal powers.
to General Gerd von Rundstedt.
Is this on?
? Every morning ?
? Bless my homeland ?
We came back to...
this time travel bunk,
but these fellas do have a timeship.
He may want the amulet
because it conveys
Well, you know how fragile
we historians can be.
but out there? Out there is history.
I'm mad because you blew my cover.
What the hell's going on down there?
This is not a science debate, Grey!
Once I have replicated the super-serum
when I can't even hear myself think?
We just need someone
who can call the shots.
I guess back at, uh, headquarters,
to protect their child,
If it means ending the
war one day sooner,
with training in edged weapons combat.
I suggest you save the
teary reunion for later.
- Get on!
- What are you doing here?
I'm sorry.
What'd the Nazis want with
a piece of jewelry anyway?
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 13, 2016
Dr. Nate Heywood, an unconventional historian, makes a shocking discovery. Nate then seeks out Oliver Queen for help to find the scattered Legends. Once reunited, they try to protect Albert Einstein from being kidnapped before the Nazis destroy New
York City with a nuclear bomb. Meanwhile, Ray notices that Sara has a mission of her own, which leads them both to face her nemesis, Damien Darhk.
They're dead.
♪ ♪
I knew we were all in trouble
when Rip made us put on blouses
you know, consummation, do I?
Meantime, I believe I've
identified out assassins
[upbeat music]
It's actually a chateau.
What's your plan?
And I'll bet she's
all warmed up for you.
Said if we set foot in
1942 we'd be all screwed,
just before she's supposed to conceive
Negative, that was a shock wave
I'd rather die than speak German.
so we just need to know where he is.
Perhaps these news
reports will prove useful.
Yes! Ha!
that we can't stop this
nuclear explosion,
We're sure to be in the
company of German spies.
♪ ♪
Shut your mouth, Ray. We got company.
The one who died or the one
who divorced me 30 years ago?
Until we get our hands on
the uranium he's selling,
would want to create such
a terrible weapon.
I deduced it, Herr Doktor.
to kill Laurel's killer in the past.
That anyone who spends a
lot of time around uranium...
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
Long time? For what?
Uh, guys, actually a big problem.
- Two microns.
- And if one wanted
They've knocked out
our telemetry, Captain.
It's the nuclear bomb.
Where is everybody?
I don't have time to time travel,
My liege, how may we entertain you?
all: Hang the witch! Hang the witch!
Final message?
♪ ♪