Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction
When heroes alone are not enough ... the world needs legends. Having seen the future, one he will desperately try to prevent from happening, time-traveling rogue Rip Hunter is tasked with assembling a disparate group of both heroes and villains to confront an unstoppable threat — one in which not only is the planet at stake, but all of time itself. Can this ragtag team defeat an immortal threat unlike anything they have ever known?
Aired 8 years ago - May 19, 2016
After the numerous sacrifices the team has made since the beginning of this ride, Rip decides that it’s time they each decide their own destiny and returns them to Central City a few months after they first left. Returned to their normal lives, each
team member must individually decide if they are willing to sacrifice everything in order to save the world. Meanwhile, Sara visits with her father who delivers some heartbreaking news about her sister.
I got you.
Well you didn't
waste any time
I think Snart knew.
My sabbatical was, um...
- And love you.
- Captain,
You dropped us off
five months later
assuming that Kendra and Carter
are still on his timeship.
- Gideon?
- Yes, Captain.
You've had 4,000 years
to do so,
Look, if you were able
to try to save Laurel,
Get them!
was actually
three meteors.
Is that Raymond and Kendra's
lucky vase?
Come on.
How can you
destroy the world
are in sync
are 1975 and 2021.
And Savage
is about to unleash
to take us back
to where it all began.
Um, we got
a nuclear bomb, here.
No, I expected
to take it from you by force.
Glad we're past the point
of worrying about the timeline.
my love.
Never speak
their names again.
It's up to you now,
I wanted to be
the one to kill him.
It's been a pleasure,
Our time
will remain intact.
Now, who fancies
a return trip to 2016?
Then Laurel convinced me.
I decided to decline
the invitation.
I could never forgive myself
if I kept you from it,
I just wanted to talk.
Aired 8 years ago - May 12, 2016
Being in the vicinity of the Time Masters leaves Rip and Rory incredibly disturbed for very different reasons. Meanwhile, Sara takes over the Waverider, Kendra is reunited with Carter and Snart decides he might be a hero after all.
Aired 8 years ago - May 05, 2016
After numerous attempts in many different time periods, the team has successfully captured Vandal Savage. However, Savage tells Kendra that he can reunite her with Carter so she struggles with whether she should kill him. Rip decides they will
deliver Savage to the Time Masters which doesn’t sit well with Snart and Rory. The duo decides it may be time to jump ship and return to their old life. Meanwhile, Savage taunts Ray about his place in Kendra’s life.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 28, 2016
Rip takes the team to London in the year 2166, three months before his family is killed. He believes this to be their final opportunity to take out Savage who is, unfortunately, at the height of his power. However, the team discovers two key elements to defeating him – Savage’s daughter and the means to kill Savage once and for all.
It's a bracelet; how are you
supposed to kill Savage with it?
I just love hiking
through the woods
and we... we raced
towards the Waverider,
Funny feeling knowing
that the universe itself
Last week, Savage's forces
laid waste to Tokyo.
the rebels are
as good as dead.
seems like it'd be
hard to get over.
being particularly tough
to be pinned down.
like that bracelet.
I see Savage has been rather
chatty with his lieutenants.
It's not like we're on Savage's
Christmas card list.
those details out of her?
Our fathers
are nothing alike,
So you can torture me
if you like.
- I'm sure.
- Well, you better be.
What am I supposed
to be seeing?
they wouldn't have rebelled
against my father.
That includes everyone here.
Professor, you are gonna be
just fine.
but deep down,
he's not a bad guy."
From what, untrained civilians
with barely any weapons?
Two, he was hardly
a criminal mastermind.
even if the fight
may be futile.
Call the ones
that you no doubt helped
You are a monster.
you didn't get the memo.
Strike me down.
If I kill Savage,
his mind will be lost.
Because she's an asset
to the cause.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 21, 2016
The team is targeted by The Pilgrim, a deadly assassin who wants to erase the Legends from the timeline by killing their younger, non-superhero selves. As a protective countermeasure, Rip decides Sara, Snart, Rory, Professor Stein and Jax need to
kidnap their past selves first before The Pilgrim gets to them. Coming face-to-face with the younger versions of themselves proves to be both a physical and emotional challenge for certain members of the team who would rather forget their past. Rip tells them he has a refuge for their precious cargo – an orphanage that raises future Time Masters and where he himself grew up.
the woman I met in 1871 was me.
could do irreparable temporal damage.
on our little tour.
[Pilgrim groans]
And as a former Time Master,
The next time, hit with a flat palm.
I go to those two years in Hub City,
on December 19, 2014,
I guess you found the ring.
Gideon, prepare for multiple time jumps.
That's hard.
Look for the one with horns.
Sara Lance.
Let's call it paradox prevention.
[baby crying]
We need to hold off on
taking Baby Jefferson.
You were supposed to be shipping out.
♪ ♪
Again, where is here?
we'll only be here for a few minutes,
When Michael arrived at the Refuge,
You don't know me.
[children laughing]
you go away with my best serving dish
Wait, please.
Other than Carter.
I'm going to make this very
quick and very simple.
Yes, well, I'm not talking about me now.
I thought we were supposed to be
picking up your younger self.
All in perfect condition...
Send the boy, and I'll send the father.
Have I done something wrong, miss?
Now you'll watch
those closest to you die.
That's you.
You did the same for me.
I'm you.
♪ ♪
protecting people.
Look, I've told you before
But now, I know for you to be the man
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 14, 2016
The Legends travel back to the Old Wild West and gain the aid of a true legend, a morally ambiguous gunslinger with a penchant for danger, Jonah Hex, who has been battling outlaws and gangs and happens to know a thing or two about time travel. Hex warns the Legends to be extra careful in their journey to the small town of Salvation.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 07, 2016
Rip tells the team they are headed to the future to take out a powerful ally that Savage needs in order to conquer the world. However, when Rip reveals the ally is a 14 year-old boy who will one day grow into an evil dictator, the team is split
about the morality of killing a child, even if it does save the world. Meanwhile, Sara talks Snart through a rough patch and Ray learns something that could impact his future with Kendra.
and most of them end up dead.
Tor Degaton holds daily meetings
We've been through this.
The problem is, my young student,
Per Degaton primes the world for dictatorship,
Who hasn't done anything to anyone...
Not for the Kasnian citizens
It's--it's just a feeling.
The Nazi scientist who invented the V2 rocket,
What a strange age for dating.
You don't look fine.
why his mother and father keep moving every couple of years,
like the Stone Age.
Instead of us arguing about whether we should kill him,
told me about your partnership, your friendship.
What was that?
To Captain Hunter, this isn't about a killing.
Where are we going?
I already know that story.
The flashes I've been having, they aren't of Savage.
I guess this isn't a great time to talk about
Ray, how could I ever think less of you?
Here's an idea: why don't you fire back?
I am your great-great-great-great
Because if you have even a drop of Palmer blood
as soon as you guarantee our safe passage.
I open this cell, we let our fists do the talking.
It's your room too. Yeah, I know.
Well, I never met you before.
He was a prince of thieves before his father exiled him.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 31, 2016
Ray, Sara and Kendra are shocked after they watch the Waverider fly off without them, leaving them stranded in the ‘50s. After waiting months for their teammates to come back, the three realize they must move on with their lives. Ray and Kendra bond as a couple but Sara decides to return to the League of Assassins and Ra’s al Ghul.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 10, 2016
The team tracks Savage to a small town in Oregon during the 1950s. Upon arrival, they discover there have been a recent string of murders and they suspect Savage is involved. Professor Stein and Sara go undercover at a psychiatric hospital, where
Savage is working as a doctor, to find out his plan. While there, Sara meets a nurse named Lindsay and sparks fly. Meanwhile, Ray and Kendra pretend to be a married couple to gain the neighborhood’s trust, but an interracial couple in the ‘50s isn’t something that goes unnoticed. Soon, Savage is at their door.
between the victims,
The sanitarium is in
need of a replacement.
Where does that leave me?
and a really nasty disposition.
And a man.
and find out what she knows?"
Mm-mm, don't knock it
till you tried it, girl.
Hey. Let's go.
but this is all pretend.
and most of the nurses all say yes,
It's for Dr. Knox's patients.
Curtis and Gail.
Hmm, something you both have in common.
Oh, we are just glad that you could attend.
Wow, you do not hold back.
- You know.
- A lesbian?
You know what, Doc?
I'm unfamiliar with the term "man cave."
No, no, no, no. You don't have time.
Lonely? Yes.
We were drag racing down on Route 7
and I'm gonna take her to the hospital.
had a pretty lousy first date.
It seems Mr. Fuller has come into contact
Doesn't matter.
so that makes it about you and me.
And then when Lindsey kissed me...
Forgive my friend for his ignorance.
in your next life.
Despite your bravado, Mr. Snart,
I thought this might make up for it.
Look, I was wrong to think that I could
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 03, 2016
After receiving a distress call from another timeship stranded in space, Rip decides to answer the call in order to use the other ship’s computer to track Savage. The team is suspicious and warns him this could be a trap but he moves forward with
his plan. Ultimately, the team was right and they have to battle time pirates. With most of the team captured, it is up to Professor Stein to rescue them all.
for the Acheron's position in deep space.
Dr. Palmer.
NASA has rather strict guidelines regarding
Look, I enjoy a suicide mission
She demonstrated unconventional thinking
Relationships are strictly forbidden.
Captain's log. Stardate 837.9.
Yeah, I bet that one sounded
more convincing in your head.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay.
of the boarding party hostage.
Now, if I were the weapons targeting system
But either way, we are
taking the Waverider.
I'm gonna run out of charge.
We're dead?
The great Rip Hunter,
As well as anyone else you might love.
I suppose this feels like
a day at the beach for you?
I mean, I don't like you, but
at least I'm not dying alone.
He's been standing up for me ever since.
But I think we both know
I'm in charge either way.
Let's pretend, just for a
moment, that you're the captain,
of getting us off this pirate ship.
No, actually I can.
'Cause I failed both my wife and my son.
They've dismissed the charges?
It's kind of like having a favorite Beatle.
allowing Mr. Snart and Ms.
Lance to escape the engine room.
How did he even find us?
and get off the Acheron.
I need you to listen to me very,
What are you gonna do, Snart?
in Harmony Falls,
Oregon, in March of 1958.
I... I can't understand why you would...
that turns its back on the truth.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 25, 2016
When a malfunction sends the Waverider crashing into 2046 Star City, our heroes face a startling version of their own future where they never stop Savage and never return home. The city is in ruins and overrun by criminals, which thrills Rory. Sara
is despondent over the destruction of her home and stunned when she learns what happened to her old friend, Oliver Queen.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 18, 2016
After some of the Legends are captured and thrown into a Russian gulag during the height of the Cold War of 1986, Snart leads the team in an elaborate escape plan to free their comrades. However, Rip gives Sara a secret side mission that could prove not only to be a liability, but fatal to the team.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 11, 2016
Vandal Savage retreats behind the Iron Curtain in the early 1980s, a string of nuclear scientists begins to mysteriously disappear. The team follows Vandal’s trail straight into the heart of the Soviet Union in an attempt to find his next target.
Ray tries to bond with a beautiful Soviet scientist, Valentina Vostock, in the hopes of finding out Vandal's next move. When Valentina rejects him, it’s Snart to the rescue. Stein pushes Jax to be better, which frustrates Jax and ultimately threatens the Firestorm matrix. Rip asks Sara to train Kendra.
All personnel are subject to search
I'm going to need to
see your key card, ma'am.
Abort. I repeat, abort.
Because it's my body on the
line out there, not yours.
for the Soviet Union.
Good news, Captain.
I say we put two in the back of her head
Gideon, bone me.
If Kendra needs someone to
talk through her grief with...
physics department.
and then I meet Carter, and he convinces me
Mr. Rory,
Sorry, is this man bothering you?
- I hate nature.
- Shh, shh, shh, shh.
lest it be discovered by the Soviets.
to the vanishing point.
So what is it about the ballet
that you love, Valentina?
So, uh, what happens?
or about how dangerous
this mission would be.
I've endangered the very
fabric of time itself.
Who says I'm alone?
And we need to get you to the med bay.
I had a mom,
as terrible as that might
be for your mother, or me,
I've tried everything else.
What if she doesn't exist anymore?
Jefferson's still
recovering from his injuries.
Here's hoping the key that Mr. Snart stole
Operation Svarog.
They're on their way.
How we doing, Boy Scout?
It's the Scout motto.
Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart.
You idiot.
Now, it's my turn.
your partner will not
be the only one who dies.
We have something far better.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 04, 2016
Rip decides to weaken Vandal Savage by going after his financial assets. Rip and Sara infiltrate Savage’s bank, but are discovered by his men. Meanwhile, Snart and Rory talk Jax into taking the jump ship back to Central City so they can steal a valuable emerald.
Wait, Jumpship?
You don't actually have
a plan, do you?
with a really long lifespan.
of using scientific analysis,
not this bravado.
And if it helps,
I'm not giving you a choice.
Oh, don't be so alarmist.
You know I'm a killer.
Ha! Nice ride!
There won't be a next time.
For someone who doesn't
remember me,
And what is your name?
No, if you want us
to do this...
and yet I couldn't...
Let's try this again.
locate at Greyhill Building
That's why you wanted
to steal the Maximilian Emerald.
and I had one particularly
gifted student.
but you can save Kendra.
Don't ever let anyone hurt you.
I know the man you become
I thought there
was no way I could go on,
This area's restricted,
Well done,
just one more fragment to go.
Because you needed a push.
but while money has its uses,
4,000 years?
Hym nu setta, rash mun setta.
I can share a taste...
with my faithful.
Apparently, there's some sort
of private event.
Ah, your wife, I take it.
This is a perversion.
I am looking forward
to meeting them.
Two days from now,
your father will be arrested
Words that would restore hope
to us in the wake of our losses,
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 28, 2016
Tipped off to Vandal Savage’s whereabouts, the team infiltrates a munitions deal with Professor Stein as their leader. Surrounded by some of the toughest criminals in the world, things quickly go from bad to worse when Savage realizes they don’t
belong there. A massive fight ensues and a piece of the Atom’s suit falls off and into the wrong hands, which could potentially cause disastrous consequences in the future. Stein realizes the best way to retrieve the missing piece is to contact a brilliant man – his younger self. He, Sara and Jax head off in search of young Martin Stein, much to Rip’s consternation. Meanwhile, Snart and Rory plan to steal a key element in defeating Savage but still unsure of his new teammates, Ray demands to come along on the mission.
Aired 9 years ago - Jan 21, 2016
In the year 2166, the immortal villain Vandal Savage is on the verge of his final victory – total chaos and the utter destruction of humanity. As the world crumbles, the Time Master Rip Hunter takes matters into his own hands; he travels 150 years
into the past to assemble a carefully selected team of heroes and rogues to stop him. Hunter has chosen what seems like an ill-matched group: billionaire inventor Ray Palmer, who has created an exo-suit with the power to shrink him to miniscule size, as the Atom; Sara Lance, the White Canary, a trained assassin; Professor Martin Stein and Jefferson “Jax” Jackson, who together form the meta-human Firestorm; Leonard Snart, known as Captain Cold, and his partner Mick Rory, AKA Heat Wave, a pair of career criminals; and Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall AKA Hawkgirl and Hawkman. Together this unlikely group will attempt to stop one of the most formidable villains of all time, while they must learn how to not only be a team, but heroes as well.
You usually prefer to
work alone, Captain.
It's time to start growing.
Kendra Saunders
and Carter Hall.
of Vandal Savage.
- "Hero" ain't on my resume.
- Or mine.
Well, I'm cynical,
Yeah, and I'm not too eager
about making it 207.
I know.
Then don't be the Canary.
I have no desire
to save the world.
In case you haven't noticed,
Knock yourself out.
that didn't quite
agree with him.
Shall we?
I don't remember you,
Mr. Palmer.
where or when we can find him.
Hey, haircut!
So, where can we find
Professor Boardman?
A fellow historian,
But Chay-Ara had
a prayer of her own,
it was after World War I,
never drawing
too much attention,
But your lady,
on the other hand,
Good for you,
Course heading?
Chronos was clearly sent
to bring me in.
who time really doesn't
give a damn about.
They continue
to turn a blind eye.
see the mysteries
of the universe revealed,
Anyway... the best feeling
What's the point of us even
giving this a second thought?