Aired 6 years ago - Jun 18, 2018
Supergirl and team take on Serena in an epic battle for Earth.
I know the circumstances weren't
what you were expecting.
But here, I have
another chance, and...
You're smiling.
this design is the foundation
New world... New...
Her vitals are weak,
but they're steady.
But then again,
if we don't stop Reign,
And what is "Then there's this"?
But, no, this is my home. Why...
So, I don't know if it was
the humanity in my eyes,
A trap? I'm just guessing.
If all else fails,
♪ Hush-a-bye, don't you cry ♪
I'm so sorry I doubted you.
You cannot win.
I came in here ready to kill her.
She did, but I screwed up.
You saved me, remember?
because the Greek gods
have nothing on you.
the ups, the downs,
the particularly tough days.
You wouldn't be the man
you are, if you did.
if I don't reach out and take hold of
my future, of what my heart wants,
I lived with him, I learned from him.
you won't have to put yourself
in the field all day,
He's a hero.
Thank you.
No promises.
I'm really gonna miss you.
Eh... Ahh!
very own James Olsen is Guardian.
Aired 6 years ago - Jun 11, 2018
Supergirl learns the true depth of Serena’s nefarious plans for Earth. Supergirl, Mon-El and Alura must devise a plan to stop her before Serena gets to Earth. J’onn prepares to say goodbye to his father.
Alex, I hope we're not disturbing you.
gets his dignity
Is there anything I can do?
Kara, look.
while my culture has been forced
into the shadows, deemed unworthy.
And you're naive if you
think the people of Earth
Now I feel like I can
barely hold my head up.
- We will.
- We will.
An omnidirectional, self-maintaining,
sub-atomic personal shield.
Shall we kneel?
She had to have another
plan to get to Earth.
Hold the Harun-El perfectly still
to bring us our salvation,
We're gonna figure this out.
I promise, okay?
My mom and Mon-El are with me.
We're stranded on Argo.
The Dark Kryptonian witches
want to resurrect her
Just don't share them with
your imaginary friend, Zook.
you will not feel loss, J'onn.
from Argo's main grid.
I'm not sure I can do it again.
Find the blood of our sisters.
And when we reach past
the painful memories,
No, he's with Myr'nn.
My thoughts exactly.
Of course, I'm real.
I bowed down to you.
by three heat-vision blasts at once.
This is gonna hurt.
Aired 6 years ago - Jun 04, 2018
Kara makes a major life decision. J’onn finds out that special DEO-caliber guns have hit the streets of National City.
It's called Harun-El.
and it's exactly the same.
empty pit, a hollowness.
which means they have some sort
of synthetic gravity manipulator.
protect National City with
pride, and make you proud.
and shown me what it means to find
fulfillment in the work we do.
Uh, that sounds about right.
Thara Agfar
Okay, we really need to catch up.
she would absolutely love it.
I mean, only your father knows.
Do not forget what I've said, my son.
Yeah, we shot this
weapon at that shield
It just feels amazing to be normal.
Mr. J'onzz, Mr. Olsen.
of the assault rifle
we produce for you.
That is for military personnel,
trained officers, law enforcement.
can stay for as long as they want.
that thinks that having a gun
makes everybody safer, right?
Her brain is
And, uh, your children,
where are they tonight?
And your quality of sleep.
before he can use that
weapon on anybody else.
The remnants of your home that you
thought had been destroyed...
I think something's behind it,
How many guns did he buy?
we could predict each
other's thoughts.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I just didn't want to...
But I think I've been lying to myself.
And all I wanted was for you
to be in that field with me.
and now you try to kill the
daughter of the House of El?
Dude, that is as sure as you're
allowed to be in science.
We are agents of peace.
I really can't thank you
enough for bringing me on.
Aired 6 years ago - May 28, 2018
Supergirl is stunned to discover that a part of Krypton survived. Alex is attacked while out with Ruby. Lena considers how far she will go to keep Reign contained.
I think you'd be golden.
How much longer do you
think you can hold me?
And that's that you
need to be stopped.
That's the only thing
we've been right about.
What we do, the
responsibilities we have...
Um, why don't you go into
the conference room?
Look, the Hellgrammite and
Griggs have been in containment.
I'm sorry, that would have... That would
made you 17 when you arrested him.
Identify yourself.
Thank you.
His legacy keeps our air breathable,
and shields us from invaders.
I was hoping to get
to know my daughter.
All I've done is monitor about
10 million miles of outer space
I'm exhausted, too.
I'm not surprised.
Every time I close my eyes,
I see that young boy's face.
All the more reason to cull it.
You kept one in my room
when I was little.
I gave up hope. I thought
you had died with Krypton.
I've thought of her so much.
So did Astra.
and we needed to borrow these
so we could, uh, fit in.
So is this.
And if she doesn't?
Is everyone in position?
during the dark days before
Krypton's destruction.
to believe that such a
thing could be real,
Of Harun-El.
Argo City is all that remains.
J'onn, we're made.
There are people on Earth
who work every day
is threatened by this Worldkiller
of Kryptonian making.
Hello, Agent Danvers.
in their time of need?
We must set an example
for future generations.
But you, J'onn, you gave me purpose.
You know, whether I'm with somebody
or if I'm doing it by myself.
Aired 6 years ago - May 21, 2018
When Tanya, a disciple of Coville’s, escapes from what’s left of his cult, she gives Kara and James a journal that could hold the key to saving Sam. Someone learns Guardian’s identity and threatens to expose James if he doesn’t do what they ask. James contemplates what it means to be a black vigilante without a mask in America.
Are you okay?
But when Reign came,
Look, I know I should
have left earlier,
Why don't we get you a cat?
We got separated, and I need
to know that she's okay.
Help! Help! James!
No, it's not him, it's them.
You forget, they did shoot me.
get through this whole
ordeal with her mom."
I just wish there was some way
I could slow down the illness.
Hey, hey. Um...
But she was the first one to
turn on Coville at the stadium.
to the corner of Pacific
and First at 5:00 p.m.
Ruby, I know you miss your mom.
Coville and his followers were
going to hurt people in my name,
It's a sacrifice you're making
to protect her.
Well, if the Rock of Yuda Kal can
be used to make a Worldkiller,
or make a mistake.
and in the next, I'm shielding
my eyes from police lights.
And my mom was there.
that I had the opportunity
to be judged on my actions
especially not me.
Ruby, can you please stay with Myr'nn?
What happened?
I can show you.
Mon-El found a frequency
I can hear. Let's go.
This is Coville's life.
- What's wrong?
- I can't get it...
I understand it.
Because Ms. Luthor and I
very intelligently recorded
Aired 6 years ago - May 14, 2018
When Reign starts hunting Ruby, Supergirl and Alex work together to keep her safe. Supergirl and J’onn look to Sam’s mother for advice on how to stop Reign and come away with some shocking news.
they were never infected.
I assessed you as a
first-level intellect.
No, I ran a diagnostic
of your personality,
I have faith that I'll see her again.
But I can honestly say now,
Supergirl and I will go
get Patricia to safety
And how does Lex know about it?
It was like something inside
her just needed to get out...
and the fact that the owner
was a serial killer.
Since the incident at the DEO, he
has become increasingly depressed.
This view is beautiful.
On their own, they have a
51% chance of success.
I'm going to check the stasis chambers
so she's now more dangerous than ever.
Supergirl has seen
Kryptonite in a certain way,
Mrs. Queller told me that
they have Young Frankenstein,
White Martians are as
soulless as Reign.
Father, this is not Ursula.
This is Kara, my friend.
J'onn told me that when the
Greens chose to fight the Whites,
We're approaching the disruption.
you'd put your feelings
for Kara behind you.
But James Olsen convinced me
that we were on the same side.
I don't know, it sounds like exactly
what you need to subdue Reign.
We can't get to the phone,
so leave us a message.
You can't kill her.
Without your Kryptonite,
we wouldn't have stopped her.
Well, it seems that Brainy might
have put a nanny cam in Winn's dirt.
I'm gonna go talk to Ruby.
Aired 6 years ago - May 07, 2018
Still reeling after learning about Lena’s secret, Supergirl asks Guardian for a favor that could alter his relationship with Lena forever. Meanwhile, with all three Worldkillers united, Supergirl and the team brace for an epic battle.
that you're all finally together.
- I don't see anything.
- That's because he's mine.
I was working to rid Sam
of Reign, to free her.
I've had enough of that today.
I've, um... I've gotta go.
they were all created by Kryptonian
witches to do one thing.
You dreamt of Julia Freeman, too.
She turned out to be real.
You want me to broadcast
your consciousness
What's more, I know Sam,
and you don't.
I am Purity. I am Purity.
You killed us.
I know how bad Kryptonite is,
So, let's put this to bed.
Once and for all.
Yep, this place bites.
I thought I knew everything
I needed to know,
That's a Kryptonian demon.
I've seen them before.
Julia. Julia!
Yeah. It's almost as if she didn't
want anybody to get in there.
Hey. Hey! We have to
get you out of here.
- Okay.
- Okay.
What if I told you the
future is magnets?
I know. Pull up 6,000 feet,
and vent the engines.
I guess so.
The fortress is gone,
like it was never there.
Hey, we didn't get to talk earlier.
Any reason I could to distrust you.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 30, 2018
Supergirl and Imra have different ideas on how to stop the third Worldkiller, Pestilence. However, when both Alex and Winn are seriously injured by Pestilence, Supergirl and Imra team up to stop the destruction.
Yes. And if we can isolate it,
we can eliminate it.
No. I'm not sick, just scared.
The last thing we need is a panic.
Brainy and Mon-El are getting
the transfer set up now.
You of all people understand
how important it is
We got the wrong person,
she's a human. A victim.
I've got every reporter in the
building working on this.
Look, I don't wanna
kill her or anyone.
Whatever you do in this time
to try to stop her, fails.
Your friend, she's breaking your body.
It's like facing your shadow.
Do you think I'll get
through to Pestilence?
And laugh.
You keep saying this
is a Legion mission,
- To come back.
- How do you know?
Millions of people will be saved.
Oh, yes, there it is. I see it now.
so much of my baggage was
tied into her abandoning me.
Like, I could be the next Steve Jobs.
I'm really sorry I can't
be there with you.
I will kill Ruby.
If I go to Supergirl or the government
Well, I'm doing the best I can here.
That's that doctor. She was talking
to Winn and Alex at City Hall.
You sit here wallowing
in your own ignorance.
You're a doctor, Grace.
Yes, I'm just fine.
I don't know what to follow.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 23, 2018
Myr'nn inadvertently causes psychic disturbances at the DEO; Supergirl must work with J'onn to contain the chaos; Mon-El begins training Kara in fighting techniques he's learned in the future.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 16, 2018
When Winn’s father dies, his estranged mother, Mary, reappears trying to reconnect and to explain why she abandoned him all those years ago. Winn is too embittered from his rough childhood to forgive her but when a copycat Toyman attacks, the two
must work together to stop him. Mon-El tells Kara something important about the Worldkillers, and Alex becomes suspicious of Myr’nn’s recent behavior.
You seein' anybody?
But I like it.
Just go inside.
No one is helping him!
So, we should get to your place ASAP
and get that roast in the oven.
About being Daxam's prince,
about a lot of stuff.
Well, except for the fellows
hanging from the gallows.
No, Winn. He threatened yours.
And I'm sitting in the police station,
freezing cold,
Okay. Well, keep me posted.
My son has found goodhearted friends
in his time on this planet.
Alex, you need more...
- It's a fair point.
- Yeah.
That is a dangerous thought exercise
designed purely just to piss you off.
He doesn't always get the credit,
but he keeps us going around here.
- Does that make you feel better?
- Yes.
You mean besides K'hym and T'ania?
- You already knew?
- On Mars we called it Za-alet.
And I choose how best
to protect him, not you.
Are you paid enough to care?
No, of course not.
Um, do you remember when I took you
to Disneyland when you were nine?
but now, now I can use it.
Let's go.
His apprentice. His protege.
So glad Junior brought his friends.
Most important thing
your father taught me,
When was your last tetanus shot?
what the loss of your father,
what the loss of me did to you,
And, frankly,
it doesn't really feel great for me.
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 05, 2018
The DEO captures a second Worldkiller, Purity. Supergirl and Alex use very different methods of interrogation with Purity in the hopes of finding out how to defeat Reign. However, Purity escapes and attacks the city’s subway tunnels. Meanwhile, J’onn, Winn and Mon-El band together to fix the Legion ship.
Well, MRI's don't hurt.
to kill me and get rid of the problem.
I got a story for ya!
my car steers itself off the
road, explodes into the water.
And security knows better
than to let him in again.
Let your friends help you.
Lies to Lena about my whereabouts,
I'm gonna make it painless.
- I'll be fine.
- I know what it's like
Yeah, I thought of that guy too,
but there's no connection to Edge.
Her brain and her heart
are going to shut down.
Maybe you wanna dangle one of
them over the side of a building
People are acting, reacting,
escalating behaviors.
It's more important than if you
ever were to catch another bullet.
You're not thinking
clearly right now, okay?
I'm impressed.
Do you know of any other mother
who would kill for her daughter?
There you go again, devaluing yourself.
You gave all that up to
buy a vanity business?
Please let me prove to
you how much I love you.
You shouldn't have had
to go through this alone.
and I just stared at her in awe.
Only reason he's still
alive is he outsmarted me.
That was low, even for you.
But why?
You're insane, you know that?
MonEl, I've hacked
the drone, it is ready.
Thank you for letting me borrow this.
Excuse me.
Maybe you can enlighten me
when you visit me in prison.
We'll figure it out, okay? I promise.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 29, 2018
Someone tries to kill Morgan Edge and he barely survives. He accuses Lena of being behind the attempt and vows to destroy her. When Lena fears her hatred for Morgan will take her to the Luthor dark side, Kara steps in to help her friend. Meanwhile,
after Sam realizes she’s losing time, she confides in Alex who decides to run some medical tests to see if she can find out what’s going on with her new friend.
Well, MRI's don't hurt.
my car steers itself off the
road, explodes into the water.
He's not gonna come back
and try again in person.
Lies to Lena about my whereabouts,
I'm gonna make it painless.
- I'll be fine.
- I know what it's like
Yeah, I thought of that guy too,
but there's no connection to Edge.
Her brain and her heart
are going to shut down.
before you make an enemy out of me.
People are acting, reacting,
escalating behaviors.
You were poisoned.
You're not thinking
clearly right now, okay?
There you go again, devaluing yourself.
Talking heads who regurgitate the news?
Please let me prove to
you how much I love you.
You shouldn't have had
to go through this alone.
and I just stared at her in awe.
You have no idea what that means to me.
Cunning. Strategic. I think
steps ahead of most people.
At least crashing a plane had a
certain kind of elaborate elegance,
Because you screwed with her daughter.
Holy crap, is that the
Lexosuit? That is awesome.
Although, I may have to
expense you another one,
If I'm still there.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 22, 2018
As Reign continues to terrorize the city, Supergirl teams up with Saturn Girl, and the two recruit Supergirl’s former enemies, Livewire and Psi, to form a team for a mission to Fort Rozz to recover a prisoner who has information on how to defeat Reign once and for all. Meanwhile, Alex babysits Ruby.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 15, 2018
Struggling to heal from her injuries inflicted by Reign, Supergirl remains in a dreamlike state, unable to be reached. Mon-El recruits one of the Legion members, Brainiac-5, to try to bring her back. Meanwhile, Reign continues her rampage on the city so the DEO teams up with the Legion of Super-Heroes to try to stop her.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 04, 2017
Supergirl investigates a mysterious symbol popping up all over National City, tracing its origins back to an ancient prophecy and the mark of the World Killer, Reign. Meanwhile, the tension between Lena and Morgan Edge continues to build, causing James to step in and offer up some protection, and possibly igniting a spark in the process.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 27, 2017
Barry and Iris’s wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super friends like Citizen Cold, The Ray, Felicity Smoak, Iris West and
Alex Danvers to take on their most formidable villains yet. Earth’s mightiest heroes – Green Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and White Canary – lead their teams into battle to save the world.
Barry, we have a major problem.
Well, it's not like you're
dealing with Damien Darhk,
It'll be your neck if we're late.
We got a wedding to prepare for!
And every night I'd make up all these
scenarios of how I'd see him again
What? Wait, what are we doing?
but thank you for letting me
bring my sister as my plus-one.
it's just not the right time.
I call it, "The calm
after the Firestorm".
"Fields". I've got a million fields.
This is fantastic news, isn't it?
But I need time to test it.
Ronnie was such a great man.
We better get going.
♪ Call you in the day time
Fair enough.
The contents of this
file will rewrite your DNA
Well, I'm sure Cisco could fashion
you a more exciting sobriquet.
about Barry and Iris that everyone
in this room doesn't already know?
and love, so much love...
that he gives to Barry
so that he can get drunk,
of talking about
anything else right now.
♪ 'Cause love is emotional
Ah. Professor.
Hey, Kara. Alex.
Like, twice, I think. Three times.
Well, considering I've tried to
kill the groom a couple of times,
- Sparkling?
- Excuse me?
No. No, I'm a complete
and total stranger.
♪ But I want you in it
♪ Keep running home to you
And look, who knew
that Monique Lhuillier
before this is all over.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 20, 2017
When Winn and the team discover an alien ship has crash landed deep underwater beneath National City, Kara/Supergirl is called in to investigate. Meanwhile, Hank attempts to bond with his father, Myr’nn. Samantha, eager for some understanding of the changes she has been experiencing, looks to her estranged mother, Patricia Arias, for answers.
Exactly why I think that
you might wanna take him out.
Yep. I mean, luckily, their
emergency systems kicked in
Okay, slow down, slow down. We're
getting close, we're getting close.
Did someone cure you?
I'm sorry, guys, I was in
hypersleep, and it's all, um...
Seven months?
That's not what I wanted
to have happen at all.
That you would be better off
You feel that?
I will alert you if anything happens.
It's only a short walk from the DEO.
You can come down here any time.
I know I am not a prisoner
of the DEO, my son.
He's... I just made him help me.
How could you have changed so much?
It's only been seven months.
Without power to the ship she may have been
I thought it might be a
better fit than the DEO.
Yeah, and I should have known better.
I can't believe it's really you.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 13, 2017
Kara and Alex head home to Midvale for a little R&R. While there, Kara recalls a painful memory of a childhood friend’s death and how that traumatic experience brought the Danver sisters closer together.
It was a lead-dispersal
bomb that drove 'em away.
I thought about it.
Have you ever heard of
the cobra effect, Lena?
Supergirl would be just as much to blame.
There has to be another explanation.
so whatever we report, good or bad,
where bureaucracy got in the way.
Your faith is something I have
worked harder than you may realize
We have some sensors that
will analyze the particulate.
♪ I'll be awake
And I'll be with you ♪
Um, the medical team at L-Corp
Bank statements. Let's follow the money.
Could be something there.
something that I've always known.
I wish I could change the way I feel.
Every Tuesday and Thursday.
that no one was ever gonna use
it and I said to him, I said,
They've been using it instead of chlorine.
gets all the stuff that he's gonna
use to kill the roadrunner from, right?
- Distress call.
- What distress call?
- Let me go.
- No!
- Too bad.
- You know, I was thinking...
Well, feel better, Jimmy Olsen.
Uh, more than pretty good,
if I do say so myself.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 06, 2017
When multiple children get sick from lead poisoning, Morgan Edge points the finger at Lena and blames her creation of the lead bomb she made to save National City from the Daxamites. While Lena knows she never intended any harm, she fears there may
have been a flaw in her design, leaving her responsible. Kara teams up with Samantha to clear Lena's name, but it turns out to be harder than they thought. Meanwhile, Alex and Maggie make a crucial decision about the future of their relationship.
Just a perception thing.
It was a lead-dispersal bomb that drove 'em away.
I was hoping you'd take longer getting home.
So this is what your revenge looks like?
You wanted to be a hero so bad you didn't care who you hurt.
Right away. And, uh, I'm so sorry.
Which, in my opinion...
or even profiting from the sick.
You're gonna answer for what you did to my son.
Which is why we're testing it.
Winn, what's the percentage?
You gave me a break when I needed it the most.
I came to let you know that I'm not done.
Stop believing me, okay?
Okay, what's this?
There's gotta be some way these kids are connected.
They were all there.
Give up on something tangible and real...
And it wasn't some, you know, I...
It wasn't Lena.
I'm in a cargo plane headed directly to the reservoir.
Release isn't working. I can't dump the payload.
Just needed a little gunshot residue on your hands.
Convenient. - Besides, I heard they found the guy.
you dumped me on a cargo ship in the middle of the sea.
Good. That's good.
Yeah, see you, Maggs.
The antidote L-Corp synthesized is working,
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 30, 2017
Kara investigates a secretive new group whose leader, Thomas Coville, has a mysterious connection to Supergirl. Meanwhile, Samantha feels like she’s letting Ruby down, and J’onn confesses an old secret.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 23, 2017
Eliza throws Alex and Maggie a wedding shower, which causes Maggie to reach out to her estranged father. Supergirl joins J’onn on a personal mission.
So, is this like an elevator to a secret hangar that'll... take us--
And I did want to make a bridal board for you too, Maggie,
That was the last thing that my father said to me.
What now?
he came to the wrong planet.
Myr'nn J'onzz is the high religious leader of the Green Martians.
They didn't realize how valuable he'd be to us.
You never told me the whole story about your dad and the car.
I don't need that.
I know how you must have felt,
will break me, you are a fool.
No, it's not a...
You think you have what it takes to break my father's mind?
What they'd think of the person you've become?
for your comfort if not for my own.
Phobos chose the staff.
to slaughter each other too.
Maggie loves Merlot.
Margarita, there's no picture of you up here.
Oh, I think I know who this is from.
I can't, I don't understand.
They're building a wall to keep us out
What is left to say?
There is no future for Mars.
That I had left worship early
J'onn, it's okay.
Hi! Hi!
I underestimated you.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 16, 2017
Psi, a thief with psychic powers, attacks National City. Able to immobilize people by tapping into their worst fears, Psi proves a formidable opponent for Supergirl. Meanwhile, James and Lena are at an impasse, and Samantha starts her new job at L-Corp.
about all your favorite things.
It's this new trend in CEOs,
Oh, yeah, right.
You just said "Jiggy"?
There are traces of a particular type
Okay, when you say "hit..."
and make sure that this is an isolated incident for her.
I really missed you there. - Shoot.
Someone else has come to play.
I'm here.
adapt our psychic dampening technology to stop her.
And then being stuck, floating through space for so long,
You have to be the one to solve this, that's why I'm telling you.
I told her that you rescued me at the waterfront,
I can, but there's something I have to do first.
I plan to get out of it everything I can.
I felt her in that elevator with me.
Okay, great. Yeah, thanks again. I'll see you tonight.
He told you, didn't he?
It's not always gonna feel like that, I promise.
What did you see? I wonder.
You've got gravel on your hair.
than I previously thought.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 09, 2017
Kara deals with the loss of Mon-El by focusing all her energy on being Supergirl and the mysterious new threat against National City. Alex confesses a secret to Maggie about their impending nuptials. A citizen of National City has a mysterious connection to Kara, and Lena makes a bold move.
It's not a win until
they're behind bars.
What? I'm not like that.
In six months, you've
done the impossible.
We all have.
You know, Edge, you are not as
powerful as you think you are.
(SIGHS) Best Press Secretary
since Robert Gibbs.
I'll do my best.
I'd like to announce a bold
new direction for my company.
Edge has been quietly buying
up shares until today,
for the part I played in
what happened to Mon-El.
- As frustrating as this is...
- Beyond.
Okay. Guardian means a lot to me.
the internal pressure
of an F-18 or a B-52
are gonna start talking.
once I have CatCo's
editorial under my control.
Or anywhere else on his
premises or person.
I have given you time to
grieve, without prodding,
So, if I could choose to be her,
was gone forever, what
would you be doing?
I will always make the decision I made.
She saved me more times
than Supergirl ever could.
It's the only place I could feel empty.
that I can't imagine. So, I just...
Ruby! Rubes, come here, baby.
I don't get it. The cloaking device
should not be able to cloak a missile.
I cannot track that explosion
to the source, you guys.
- Ruby!
- Mom?
Somebody help me!
Kara, answer me.
Please tell me you convinced
him not to buy CatCo.
You're more of a lunatic
than your brother is.
You can't just leave me here!
And, J'onn, I choose
you to be my family.