Aired 7 years ago - May 22, 2017
Supergirl challenges Rhea to battle to save National City. Meanwhile, Superman returns and Cat Grant offers Supergirl some sage advice.
Aired 7 years ago - May 15, 2017
The Daxamites launch a full invasion of National City, killing and arresting civilians. They also attack the DEO, but Alex and Winn manage to escape. Mon-El learns that he has to marry Lena in order to unite the people of Earth with Daxam.
It's gonna be beautiful when
we're finished with it.
If you think that the people of Earth will
just lay down and take this, you are wrong,
that won the "marry an
alien invader" sweepstakes?
with the mothership
hovering over the city.
I did tell you so.
I'm asking you to work with me.
Call me if you change your mind.
when I demand that you abandon
your siege of National City.
So let's just roll up our
sleeves and talk peace.
So we are three strong, formidable women
Well, um, Ms. Grant, we work for a
clandestine government organization
What are you saying exactly?
Madeleine, hi!
And J'onn J'onzz is still injured,
That is an order.
Daxamites can generate a child
using just locks of hair.
It's one of the things I've
always liked about you, Lena,
the Luthor's Children's Hospital
isn't the only hospital in town.
You're not actually thinking
of going through with this?
And she answered, "Bhutan."
because I was missing the point.
He discovered your cousin keeps
It'll be a tight squeeze to find
Lena and Mon-El before she fires.
A well-placed bullet will take them out.
What you said before
about Maggie, if, um...
Right now our interests are aligned,
There are free weights in my office.
Are you, are you ready?
only one will lead you
down the correct path.
Resist these invaders with
everything you've got.
and we are not going to be conquered.
I put everything on the
line to save you from them.
Well, I'm not going without you.
Whoa! Go, go, go.
Aired 7 years ago - May 08, 2017
The DEO investigates a Phorian woman who uses her telekinetic powers to cause rampage. James tracks down her son, Marcus, who refuses to speak with anyone but James, who spends time bonding with him. With Rhea's encouragement, Lena completes the matter transporter, which Rhea activates, causing Marcus to nearly destroy the office with his powers.
Aired 7 years ago - May 01, 2017
Alex is kidnapped and the kidnapper threatens to kill her unless Supergirl releases a notorious criminal from prison. Supergirl and Maggie have always had different approaches to apprehending criminals but this time they must work together to save Alex. Meanwhile, Rhea has an interesting proposal for Lena.
Oh, this is so much
better than grief-baking.
Go enjoy the free cheese, Ponytail,
but he finally cracked the code.
with any of our medical products.
Kara Danvers, right?
- (CHUCKLES) Okay.
- Mmm...
We should be encouraging this!
My name is Joe Watkins.
get a FOIA for you.
- Well...
- Hold on.
but you have no interest
in dinner, bad news.
I mean, ruining your eyesight
staring into a microscope.
No, get 'em off! Get 'em off me!
- Okay. Hey, hey, hey. Breathe. Breathe.
- And I have no idea
What a complete and utter coincidence.
Is that the only reason you came?
See, bees need a base, a
queen, to revolve around.
We should hang. You should call me.
If I could still do that.
- (CLICKS TONGUE) Sorry about last night.
Human trial one.
I won't go see him, I promise.
- Mmm.
- Why are you trying so hard around me?
For how long?
What's in it for you, Ponytail?
They had no control. We could
make them do whatever we wanted.
I mean, he didn't choose to, and
he doesn't remember, but he did.
into every hospital, army
base, and eventually, home.
Jack, make it stop!
- I'm almost there, okay?
- BETH: You'll kill him.
We have got a black and white cat
Dude, so does Lyra. (SCOFFS)
Aired 7 years ago - Apr 24, 2017
Lena’s ex-boyfriend, Jack Spheer, comes to National City to unveil his big breakthrough in nano-technology, which has the potential to eradicate all diseases. Lena asks Kara to attend Jack’s conference with her for support. When Kara sees Snapper in
attendance she’s inspired to tap back into her reporter skills and questions Jack on his discovery, which ultimately leads to a bigger investigation that puts everyone in danger.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 27, 2017
A large bounty is put out on Supergirl and aliens from far and near attack National City intent on taking out the woman of steel. Alex and Maggie run into Maggie’s ex-girlfriend, Emily, who is in town for a week. Hank gets an interesting order from President Marsdin.
No communication or signs
of activity for days.
We should catch up sometime.
See, that wasn't so bad.
I too think that you should hide.
Absolutely. Well, I had
plans but I will cancel.
Hey, Mon-El, can I grab a pint?
that I was just going to change
my mind and come back with you?
you used to grab my leg with both arms
every time I tried to leave the room.
So, when she said that I
didn't deserve to be happy,
And not just because you
have super strength.
I had that coming.
and thought he could use
him to kill Supergirl.
We need to retaliate.
Yeah, I've heard of it.
But J'onn just said we
can't engage with them.
Okay, well, I'll contact the ship.
Look, Mother, I know
that you love me, okay?
And that comes from somewhere.
Our planet is littered
with the corpse of yours.
Call off the bounty on Kara. Now.
I wanted to.
Okay? I'm not here to judge you for
things that happened in the past,
I have to get to the DEO.
Because it's what the people need.
relative to us as we spin on the Earth's
axis at about 1,000 miles per hour.
Yeah, but... Kara...
That will be all for now.
And I'm sorry I forced
you to talk to your mom.
I don't even understand it.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 20, 2017
A new villain comes to National City, putting Supergirl on high alert. Meanwhile, Winn's girlfriend, Lyra, gets Winn in trouble with the law. Maggie attempts to help Winn but old loyalties get in the way. The Music Meister attacks Supergirl.
Oh, wow, this is a little complicated
so it just might take me...
This is my decision.
I didn't want you
to come up here by yourself.
At long last.
it's just like a whole...
I don't know.
but if I didn't actually witness
anything, can I just...
Or have you been distracted
by Kryptonians in capes
We liberated them
from greater hardship.
Yes. I would love
to hear about that.
Can you really blame me
for wanting to just be Mon-El,
his 30th arrest of the month.
That's a station record.
They're wonderful bruises.
And well...
Hey, sometimes the people closest
to us are our biggest blind spots.
Okay, enough with the over-enthusiastic
deflecting, all right.
Talk to him, okay?
Give him a chance to explain.
Even if I did know something,
why would I tell you?
I didn't thank you earlier
for looking after my son.
For our people to rise again,
they need a future.
And he has no idea how
unforgiving your people can be.
And if you can tell me that you didn't
care for me, that I'm just some mark,
You get Lyra, I got these two.
I told you a lot of things.
You were different.
I had a nice chat
with your mother.
They love you.
I check my product first.
Keeping secrets?
might have with previous thefts?
- There's...
- I'm not dumb, I see things.
And the way that you fight
for those you care for.
- Kara, don't.
- I can't... I can't do this.
Excuse me?
I got a little something
to perk you up.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 06, 2017
As Alex searches for Jeremiah and Kara investigates a series of alien kidnappings, the sisters realize they must break the rules to foil a new Cadmus plot. In an effort to get Snapper Carr to run a story that would help her stop Cadmus, Kara agrees to set up an interview between Snapper and Supergirl.
I volunteer to tell everybody
at the alien dive bar.
Sources. Plural.
But, Maggie, I know him.
- except for...
- The sandworms.
- Well, well, well.
- What?
I'm sorry, but this is his fault.
Agent schott.
I just want to help winn
find lyra. I wanted...
Snapper carr.
Pleasure to meet you.
I won't reveal their name,
- You can quote me on that.
- Great.
All Lillian has to do
is press one button.
Let's go! Let's go!
And I need you
to explain that to j'onn,
And when we find them,
you risk making a bad call,
My god.
Post a blog.
Tweet the hell out of it.
And I'll pay you back
right after.
- Want me to go with you?
- No, I gotta do it alone.
You go to the archives
and get me the tax returns
Big time. Yeah.
I found something.
Well, I'm glad you're here. I have
something you'll both want to know.
and I declare war
on your whole family.
is to drop that stick.
- Report!
- Detecting spacecraft launch on a hyperbolic trajectory.
- It's a happy ending to what was...
- Winn!
I did it because I thought you might
be reckless and get yourself hurt.
'Cause I'm not dating
some unemployed slacker.!
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 27, 2017
When Jeremiah Danvers is rescued from Cadmus, Alex and Kara are thrilled to have their father back. The Danvers arrange a family dinner to celebrate but things go awry when a suspicious Mon-El starts to question Jeremiah about his sudden return.
Wait, you're serious?
I came to at Cadmus.
It's okay, by...
Well, it's more than luck.
Oh, my God.
using Kara's other-worldly
heat vision radiation,
The last time I saw you two set a table,
And you're right. Alex
deserves the best.
- It's harder, one-handed.
- Here, let me.
I mean that I love you and I
have missed you every day.
Oh, hey! I forgot to
do something earlier.
But in the process,
they made me dangerous.
So, we're just gonna give him free rein?
I am not baseball.
It's Jeremiah's return.
for the past 15 years.
Knowing who I really was.
You are not listening!
Earlier today, you accessed
some highly classified files
I'm sorry.
I am just as hurt and scared as you are.
He missed out on over a
decade as our father.
stabbed fish-head dude.
Yo, hold up.
Ready when you are, J'onn.
I'm sorry.
Our family,
Now, I have to go check down
on the mainframe and then
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, hold on.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 20, 2017
When Mr. Mxyzptlk, a magical imp, shows up on Earth and declares his love for Kara, she tries to let him down easy, thinking him harmless. However, he decides it’s a challenge and starts to wreak havoc on National City. Mon-El has seen beings like
Mr. Mxyzptlk on Daxam and knows how dangerous they can be. He and Kara argue over how to get rid of Mr. Mxyzptlk, further straining their relationship. Meanwhile, Alex and Maggie celebrate their first Valentine’s Day together.
Don't be sorry, buttercup,
I know what you're doing.
Wait, you've seen one
of these things before?
We Martians are a psychic people.
I mean, of all the girls in all the galaxies,
that the little imp had to pick you
Yeah... That is a very, very valid point.
Not that I needed it because
I totally had those guys.
Clearly your friend hasn't
been off-world in a while.
Yes, it is.
Thank you, Supergirl.
No. Absolutely not.
I can handle Mxyzptlk, but
it's Mon-El who's infuriating.
Yeah... I don't need a reservation, Kara.
That's precisely the problem.
Well, she loves scotch.
You know, that's, um...
I mean, do you think this fraud
could have helped you save the day?
Hey. I cannot believe you sided with
that fast-talking, nefarious twerp.
First of all, it's hard
enough to say it forward,
because I expect bad behavior
from him, but from you,
Oh, you know. Believe it or
not, I'm having a girl issue.
I have almost no Earthly idea,
but it tested off the charts
Now it's your turn.
And then they called my parents.
It's Mxyzptlk spelled backwards.
If we're going to take part in a
proper duel, we're gonna do it
Yes, I've thought about
it, and you're right.
I will respect you, just please,
just give me another chance...
to spend a romantic holiday
with someone she cares about.
If you have to hold Kara down till she sees
reason and becomes my bride, you will?
Sorry, Uncle Jor-El.
The Fortress has one of the most
powerful fusion furnaces on Earth.
I'd rather die in here than be with you.
I can make that happen.
Just don't kill yourself.
- You tricked me.
- No.
Well, now you have.
and that's just way too much chaos.
That's too fast...
And you deserve an amazing romance
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 13, 2017
After Metallo breaks out of prison and frees Lillian Luthor, the police blame Lena for his escape and arrest her. Despite overwhelming evidence, Kara refuses to believe her friend is guilty and fights to clear Lena’s name. Flashbacks reveal how Lena came to be a Luthor.
- What?
- It is geometry with sticks, folks.
I am human.
by visiting her and telling
her how you really feel?
Measured, succinct, believable.
By making me feel unwanted.
until I went to surprise
him on a business trip,
So, I stayed away.
She's the doctor who saved my life.
She wanted to save you. Until
Supergirl silenced her.
but it was to visit Lillian Luthor.
- Maggie, did you find Lillian?
- No, we didn't.
Kara, come on, wait.
She shot Corben and then her crazy
mom turned Corben into Metallo.
For years.
I'm sure it's extra busy.
Uh, she mentioned it.
He could've fixed this
planet for generations.
And with no Luthor men to divide us,
We're fugitives, we can't go back.
I know this code.
Yep! 50 miles north of Mount Whitney.
Minutes. I mean, its half-life
is decreasing exponentially.
for your best interests, after all.
Sorry, she's gotta pay for what
her cousin did to your brother.
Today she's not.
Supergirl told me that
it was you who sent her.
- Hi.
- Thanks for coming.
Aired 8 years ago - Feb 06, 2017
Armek, a White Martian, descends on National City intent on taking M’gann back to Mars to face her punishment as a traitor. Hank and Supergirl determine the best way to keep M’gann safe is to bring her to the DEO. However, when it is revealed that
Armek shape-shifted into M’gann and is now loose in the building, the team realize he could be disguised as any one of them.
I know we celebrate every
year, but the thing is,
Sounds like you guys are gonna
have a lot of fun tonight.
- Of course not.
- But you still don't trust me!
Thought you might be off
Guardian-ing or whatever.
They're telling me.
The Council wants to see you
dead more than J'onn J'onzz.
Maybe not.
After what my people did.
No. No.
I know I got a little over-excited.
I hate them even more than you do.
Why are you putting us in lock-down?
everything that makes you who you are.
No, I can't.
- Are you crazy?
- Will somebody take his gun?
What did the fire do?
No, thanks. I'm armed.
It doesn't matter to Armek.
Look, I don't want to feel bad for
wanting to spend time with Maggie.
I've been abandoned before, and I
didn't wanna be abandoned again.
I'm brave because you
showed me how to be.
- Supergirl!
- What's up, J'onn?
Maybe heat vision isn't a good idea
I'm gonna make sure she's okay.
- About four minutes?
- Good answer.
We're the monsters, Armek.
This skin is beautiful.
You okay?
Hey, you did a great job with
that decoding down there.
I should be thanking you.
but just need a push
to do the right thing.
when deadly aliens besiege my place
of work, that takes precedence.
But is that the only reason
you made such big plans?
But it's not just about
him, it's about me.
I can transmat up to it from here.
You have changed me forever.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 30, 2017
After Livewire seemingly breaks out of prison, Supergirl is intent on recapturing her. After training Mon-El, Supergirl takes him with her when she sees Livewire attack the NCPD but things go awry when Mon-El puts Supergirl before the citizens of
National City. Meanwhile, James decides to come clean with Kara and M’Gann, has a psychic attack, and collapses into a coma.
And that already on top of me having to make Mon-El a suit.
She was screaming like she was being attacked.
Do you ever miss it, Leslie?
I am pruning, by the way.
Every atom in you, it just burns electric.
Who knows what havoc she will wreak when she resurfaces.
What's the big deal?
But having a nemesis is stressful.
than having powers to being a hero.
I came in here and bulldozed you.
- Yeah. - Oh, yes, yes.
You are never going to be strong enough for this.
I mean, if you can see into her past,
We need to talk.
Do I like...
You keep working.
I took him behind the barracks.
You meet me, a Green Martian.
Guardian and Mon-El are inside.
Well, it's clear that my current prototypes aren't strong enough.
You two, go get them, I'll save Livewire.
But you wouldn't be who you are if not for me.
maybe I'll wait to chase you until after he's in jail.
- Dead? - Fired!
But maybe she'll come looking for help.
- Come on in. - Thanks.
Aired 8 years ago - Jan 23, 2017
When Kara investigates the story of a missing woman, she and Mon-El end up being thrust through a portal to another planet where the downtrodden are sold as slaves.
The title of the episode is a nod to the script Smith wrote for the unproduced film Superman Lives.
I'm gonna get Botox for that.
Go, honey.
I don't care if I ever go
to work again.
It was my birthday yesterday.
My coffee and my Danish, and the five minutes
of peace and quiet you stole from me.
Oh, that's a sad sound?
Yeah, what exactly is club soda?
It's your second day.
They told me two strapping young
millennials had dropped by,
Yes, we are very religious.
Like on Krypton and daxam.
- The portal is closed.
- We'll figure something out.
and the cops still haven't
found the suspicious vehicle.
- Uh, Kara?
- What?
We just...
No, we have to find the people
we came here for.
Yeah, yeah. I got it.
But I will help you.
All of you.
I can't join
this rescue mission.
I'm sorry, I can't...
These are prime specimens
If he'd showed up two
seconds later, I don't...
See, this is what I've been
telling you.
Come on, we gotta hurry.
- You found us?
- Always.
Start the car! Start the car!
We did it.
Oh, my baby.
You want a medal?
Forget every word of it
because I am back, baby!
You gotta give me
more than that.
- is, it's long.
- Yes, long list.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 28, 2016
Eliza comes to town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her daughters. Alex decides it’s time to come out to her mother; Kara is shocked when Eliza suggests Mon-El has feelings for her, and Winn and James consider telling Kara the truth about the
Guardian. Meanwhile, CADMUS unleashes a virus that instantly kills any alien in the vicinity so Kara enlists an unexpected ally – Lena Luthor. The epic superhero crossover kicks off tonight when Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon seek Kara’s help with an alien invasion on their Earth.
Part 1 - Supergirl - S02E08
Part 2 - The Flash - S03E08
Part 3 - Arrow - S05E08
Part 4 - DC's Legends of Tomorrow - S02E07
I'm also thankful for you, Kara, um...
Will do. I will tap every phone.
I'm just not sure how interesting my mother and I really are.
you wanted L-Corp to be a "Force for good."
- Great, let's get going. - No, no, no, no, no, no.
Usually that kind of thought is followed by the backstabbing jibe
I thought maybe you called me here to make amends.
I mean, please.
Sorry, I'm not following.
But he is infected.
But without a cure, the infection will win.
Alex, look at the life our family has led.
Kinda reminds me of the view from my room on Krypton.
thought their intentions were good, too.
No one's coming to your rescue!
on that crystal from the Fortress that'll help.
You know that door's not really an entrance.
You know, I thought you were different.
No, sorry. No new powers. Just...
He's the reason you are in so much pain,
Ask me for my help and I'll give it to you.
The Port isn't a drinkable water supply.
J'onn's White Martian blood cells.
You drooled.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 21, 2016
While Guardian tries to clear his name after being accused of a murder committed by another vigilante, Supergirl heads out on a solo mission to rescue Mon-El who has been captured by CADMUS. While fighting to free Mon-El, Supergirl comes face to face with Cyborg Superman.
Oh! The sister!
Yeah, I like you, Alex. It's
just, you know, the situation.
I, uh, whipped up a batch
of K'rkzar's tonic for you.
When the Guardian left,
that man was alive.
- You need to calm down.
- I cannot calm down!
on a drug shipment coming
in to the wharf tonight.
it brings me back to center.
- Hello, Kryptonian.
- Cadmus.
When I ran the DEO, we hunted aliens.
have no place on this planet.
Huh, she, she probably just missed him.
She's at CatCo, I'm sure.
to get you to tell me who Guardian
is, using my index finger.
News just gets better by the second.
Oh. Okay, I'm lost. What happened?
It was about my feelings
for this amazing woman.
Lex and Lena's mother.
But I can hurt him.
Dude, genius takes time. Okay.
This guy, now he was accused of
shooting a woman named Julie Karnowsky.
I thought it was my mind playing
tricks on me when I saw the vision
I have.
I tried to free as many
Green Martians as I could.
Are you okay?
Why am I the only one
who survived Daxam?
We have to move.
You guys survived Cadmus, the least we could
do is get you pizza and pot stickers.
You didn't find our
adjoining cells cozy?
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 14, 2016
The Guardian debuts to lend a hand after a parasite alien drains Supergirl of her power. Mon-El considers a less than desirable new career which then leads him to contemplate his motives. Alex struggles with a new reality.
You drink this drink, and
I will train with you.
That's not the first bomb
that's ever been dropped on me.
This is the biggest thing
that's ever happened to you,
Thorul Arctic Research
Station in Norway...
Kara, hey... Can I talk to you? Alone?
I mean... Um...
I'm just trying to make sense of it all.
And if I'm being honest, you
know, I realize that...
I'm fighting with her
over something so stupid.
Not today. But one day soon.
You can't stop what we're changing into.
What just happened?
Agent Schott, start looking into
And then what? You're not
going to be helping anyone.
Or when you're disappointed.
For not creating an environment
Brian here has a bad habit of not
paying back his debts promptly.
This goes against
everything we stand for.
You love people loving you.
I don't know. It might be one too
many alien DNAs in his system,
All right, this will be
the end of James Olsen.
My sister, she's the one
who believes in you.
He needs a blood transfusion. From you.
Who are you?
Mon-El is there doing what he can.
You want to keep on
doing this, don't you?
And, um, you should
experience that for yourself.
Aired 8 years ago - Nov 07, 2016
Supergirl must beat a ruthless new gang who has been armed with dangerous new alien technology. When Cadmus sends a video to the DEO, the team realizes Cadmus is the one staffing the criminals for a secret mission. Meanwhile, Kara gets Mon-El a job
as an intern at CatCo, James makes an important decision and Lena invites Kara to attend one her fundraisers.
I had Miss Teschmacher put
some reports on your desk
And you're telling me that you've never
used your powers to do these menial tasks?
Okay. Feel better.
That's the gun he was carrying.
the good guys got some of our own.
Don't sound so defeatist or anything.
Yeah, and it's this time and this place.
I was hoping you'd come.
Okay, because the photon cannon
is powered by electromagnetism,
Mm-hmm. Like you stayed out
of Kara's relationships?
You're being reckless, Mr. Miner. Lazy.
There's a great pinball
bar that I know...
Mike, do
you have protection?
'Cause I've been watching
this TV show about doctors,
We have agents on the lookout on
the more probable attack vectors.
Run! Get out! Move!
I helped him get an internship.
Forced you to listen to
the music that I liked.
When Corben was after
you and now this. Why?
Well, why don't we wait and
see how the evening pans out.
- Um, are you gonna yell at me again?
- I'm not gonna yell at you...
Yeah, a trap that will fail unless
I can get this operational.
- I can ID her.
- Well, I'm all ears.
I used to be so terrified
to walk in here.
I am, and it's amazing. I get it.
When we're ready...
Everybody's gonna know it.
Ultimately I had to make my own choices.
- It's a guide to National City.
- Hmm.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 31, 2016
When Kara and Alex investigate the murder of an unregistered alien, the trail leads to an alien fight club run by Roulette, the ringmaster who commands aliens to fight in mortal combat for the entertainment of rich humans. While trying to stop the
fighting, Supergirl and Martian Manhunter find themselves up against a surprising opponent. Meanwhile, Hank is thrilled to have found another Martian and tries to get to know M'Gann better. Supergirl takes Mon-El under her wing and begins to train him.
For your own protection.
heavy bruising on the knuckles.
You're supposed to be at
the Sanitation Department
Go bake it fully, then I'll talk to you.
- J'onn...
- Forgive me, I'm sorry. I just...
I've never known one to show mercy.
She didn't seem to think so.
Or me, for that matter.
Daxam. Sister world to Krypton.
Well, perhaps you can.
Couple hedge fund managers.
and they are here for you.
Something very special.
No flight either, but your
leaping is fantastic.
So, when I become a superhero,
I'll need a costume, right?
I'm gonna have to come
back to you with that one.
Well, I wouldn't want to
be culturally insensitive.
- Come on in.
- You lied to me.
and earn a little cash, too.
of the spoiled rich who pay good
money to see blood spilled.
Do you think she has the only
thing to offer to aliens?
How is this my fault?
You look like crap.
They weren't perfect.
Another Green Martian.
No sign of where they went.
Do you know of a woman
named Veronica Sinclair?
Were those
fights dangerous enough?
And I will not fight you.
That's what they want
everyone to believe.
We have to let her go.
er, she wanted to help. A lot.
Yeah, I thought it would be
fun to have these powers.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 24, 2016
An attack is made on the President as hot-button, alien vs. human rights issues heat up in National City. Supergirl and the DEO are assigned to protect the President and bring in the responsible party. Alex teams up with Detective Maggie Sawyer to
investigate the case while Kara searches for a recently escaped Mon-El, who she fears may be the alien behind the assault.
Believe me, she's hard-hitting.
No, no, not yet, but...
See you around, Danvers.
- You disagree, Director? - I do, Madam President.
People are going to quote her.
Although if you're here on the same day the President is in town
I'm a business woman. L-Corp is in the business of making money
I got the tracker on his DEO-issued medical bracelet back online
Winn, we missed him, he could be anywhere.
No, I was gonna say, "You should have waited for me, dummy."
at the financial prospects of such a device,
This is over-saturated with your pro-alien slant.
would've handed over her entire company to someone
telepathic connections by making physical contact
Careful, she likes shooting aliens.
Deep space signal. Loud and clear.
You've never mentioned it before.
No, I'll do it.
Is it because I didn't say "Please"?
It was a distress call.
Oh, that's better.
but after I heard your bleeding heart,
You know, when I was first adopted by the Luthors, I adored Lex.
Thank you again for all your help.
stand as one with history.
Here we go.
we could have been out there searching for the real assassin.
Of course, a couple hundred might jog my memory.
"Amnesty" is just another mask to disguise registration.
Right here, Red Hot!
Then I'll walk.
See you around, Danvers.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 17, 2016
CADMUS attacks National City with a Kryptonite-powered villain who ends up seriously hurting Supergirl. Superman blames Hank because the Kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. Meanwhile, Kara’s first day at her new job doesn’t go as planned after she meets her new boss, Snapper Carr.
Aired 8 years ago - Oct 10, 2016
When a new threat emerges in National City, Kara/Supergirl teams up with her cousin, Clark Kent/Superman, to stop it. Kara is thrilled to have family in town but it leaves Alex feeling a bit left out. Meanwhile, Hank and Supergirl are stunned by the pod that came crashing to Earth.
Sir, I would request that Winn
help with the investigation.
You're doing that thing
where you say "Okay,"
seeking existential answers
to their meaningless lives?
- Sleeping is for slackers.
- Right.
A calling is something
that is within you.
Well, maybe I'll just put
it on without the sound.
but keep it right here, and we'll
continue to bring you the very latest.
Uh, I just invited Superman
to visit our mystery guest.
passed through something
called the Segara Beyal.
while he's here in National City.
It's good to see you, buddy.
Ms. Grant, it's good to see you.
She actually sent him a drunk text once.
It was...
- Clark.
- Yeah.
That button right there.
regarding the planning for a
ceremony I'm holding tomorrow.
You wouldn't be asking me
if my last name was Smith.
but I kinda believed her.
Jimmy and I are friends, we talk.
If things are right with
James, you'll know it.
he started heaving.
Lena Luthor wasn't
behind the explosion.
or that I'm imagining
something, 'cause I know you.
Oh, Ker-rah.
I feel so strong and confident,
you will have become a new person.
This thing is like
People think we should talk.
I don't need a Star Wars reference
Well, if I can make a
believer out of Clark Kent,
Being a reporter is about
connecting with people,
and I hired you on the spot.
You know, you do have a really
good instinct about other people,