S4 E4

Season 4  "Four Arrows"  4x4

Aired 8 years ago - Sep 10, 2015

A body found in the luggage of a tour bus further complicates Walt's troubles with Nighthorse. Henry makes a bold move to help a mother and son.

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Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 2 #2 Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 3
The resort's only half-done, so all the hotels are overbooked.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 4 #4 Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 5
He's on loan from Cumberland County. I sent you his résumé.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 6
He said if we danced long enough, we'd fall into a trance,
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 7
Come on through! Come on through!
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 8
There ain't nobody hurt and definitely nobody shot.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 9
Where's my drink? Give me my drink!
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 10 #10 Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 11 #11 Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 12
I'm here on business.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 13
Came in on the charter bus about an hour ago.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 14
For the record, Walt, that was the worst apology I've ever received.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 15
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 16
You own a black duffel bag, Mr. Loftus?
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 17
Oh, I spent a few years working rigs, mostly roughnecking in Alaska.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 18
I hope your mom gets well soon, Cade.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 19 #19 Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 20
Yeah, I know. You're right. I just... I like it around here.
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Why don't you just get on the damn P.A. and wrangle everybody who was out there?
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 22 #22 Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 23
How'd they handle the rejection?
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 24
Yeah, yeah, I think that would qualify.
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Damn it.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 29
I told you. I only remember the heavy ones.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 30
Turn on Channel 11. Or 2 or 7.
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It's backpack-y, kind of like something Delia would have.
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Was she like your wife?
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He's fine.
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 39
Apparently, they all had a crush on a girl from the church group, so...
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 40 #40 Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 41 #41 Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 42
He said she took four days off to come on this trip,
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 43
I was hoping you could, uh, give me some insight into Delia,
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 44
These girls never saw the bag that Delia was stuffed into, but you saw it,
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I'm sorry. He didn't deserve you anyway.
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I'm only one county away, and, uh, well, now I got your number and you got mine.
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A neighbor reported seeing you drop the boy off near his house
Recap of Longmire Season 4 Episode 4 (S04E04) - 50 #50