Aired 5 years ago - May 03, 2019
(A Stranger Only for a Day) While McGarrett helps his visiting sister, Mary, spy on her shady neighbors, Five-0 investigates the murders of a ride-share driver and his passenger. Also, the team teases the youngest members of Five-0 when Junior escorts Tani to a wedding.
(horn honking)
♪ Hawaii Five-O 9x23 ♪
Ho‘okāhi no lā o ka malihini
Child, please.
beats the heart
of a puppy dog.
we're about to hear'll wipe
that glow right off your face.
The hostage taker
is Carter Hill.
We can ask the killer
that when we find him.
We need to figure out
what made Hill so desperate
Says you.
but it's not really
any of your business, Mary.
into spending my vacation
but hey, it's okay.
I mean, as much as I love my
brother, he just doesn't have
- You do?
- Yep.
is there anything interesting
about this man?
"as the crow flies" refers
to a direct route,
the wrong kind of attention
from the wrong kind of people,
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah. He checked in
late last night. Paid cash.
to get high in-- the
whole thing ends up
I reached out to Narcotics
to see if they might know
Aha. Okay, so you were spying
Are you prepared
to take that risk?
Yeah. I remember him.
And this morning
he was found murdered.
as our killer,
except for one thing.
finds Pukahi in a car
a couple of blocks away
So he goes to open the trunk.
Everyone knows if you light
a cigarette in a meth lab
'cause I was a really
bad judge of character.
Why doesn't it go
all the way up?
(coughing continues)
of rock wall between us and her.
- No, I have to go
- - What?
Uh, people in life
with all that.
The guy who ghosted you?
Okay. Mm-hmm.
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 26, 2019
(The teacher, the pupil – let it come forth) While Adam investigates the murder of an undercover FBI agent about to wed the daughter of a Yakuza leader, Noelani is held hostage and forced, along with her mentor Dr. Chu, to operate at gunpoint on a criminal.
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 12, 2019
(Offspring of an Owl) Five-0 investigates the murder of a man whose body may hold the key to a 20-year-old case involving a kidnapped girl whose father never stopped looking for her.
Danny. Wow.
by letting me crash
on his couch last year.
You remember I asked you
to complete the HPD Academy
But, respectfully,
I must ask the question...
they pin the murder on me.
Okay. All right.
So, spoke to her.
Bookings for massages at a spa.
You know, I can see your
face is still bruised.
My Intel suggested
that it wasn't Hideki,
Then you'll go down for murder.
Do not apologize
for him, please.
I think Ray underestimated
how resilient you are.
They said, that
a spot opened up.
I'm pretty sure he knows
that Adam isn't the killer,
Half his face is blown off.
Those are his tats, though.
It's all right.
this should be about you,
not about him.
Joining the force
was never about me being happy.
And I decided that it was
time to set the right one.
We have a wreck,
my wife is gonna kick your ass.
I will hold him in his car until
you guys get here, all right?
Are you gonna charge me
with something, Officer?
You believe that?
Had a family, moved on.
So, if he has any reason
to question the commitment
that the task force existed
in the first place?
You ride a scooter.
What's your name?
- Wait. I don't understand.
- What?
Here we go.
Okay, good.
was thinking about
making a move.
and then you... You know what?
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 05, 2019
(Way of the Gun) When Five-0 must locate a teen girl who purchased a gun from a junkie, it discovers that the firearm, over the course of decades, has affected all of their lives.
Ioane thought he was smart
and-and super anonymous.
Well, Chief, I, uh...
I have to go.
I love you.
My wife... left.
So, our girl buys a .38,
and less than 24 hours later,
Yeah, with one less bullet
in it.
Hey, so I just got off
the phone with Noelani.
You know why it was
a good flight?
Try taking the tie off.
That might be a start.
[woman screams]
my-my daughter of murder
based on what?
Now, I got to get back
Hey, Jerry, where are we at
with tracking the mother?
♪ What can I say? I work
for this, work for this... ♪
Baby bro, give it here.
Yeah, something
like that.
was from a crew that's been
beefing with yours.
when I knew that
that scumbag
You'd kill him first?
Give us a minute, Bonnie, okay?
Just stay here.
Maybe you know this, maybe
you don't, but Damien's crew
but we'd like to hear it
from you, if that's okay.
Um, I-I guess that-that Bonnie,
you know, got ahold of it
you know, slap him around
a little bit, you know?
she loves our daughter
unconditionally, for sure.
The lab sent over their
ballistics report on our .38.
a bite to eat,
and the shop owner
You never let
anything go, just like,
The look
on my father's face when
I mean, it's possible,
after all these years,
They were not your people
to begin with, okay?
is the same gun
that almost got me killed
Okay. Happy hunting.
Anyway, she's gonna ask you
a question. If you answer it,
You, uh,
your remember this?
Aired 5 years ago - Mar 15, 2019
(The Octopus of the Deep Spews its Ink) Five-0 investigate the murder of a window washer and find that the victim is actually a renowned street artist who may have a politically motivated bounty on his head. Also, Grover and Adam look into the murder of a gambler, and Junior helps his father when they are reminded of his sister’s death.
Maybe he had beef that was
completely unrelated to his job.
Well, I checked his travel
records, you know, just to see
Actually, Jerrys
covering that right now.
Yeah, then Cooper
tries to escape.
Were gonna get the answers
we want soon as we find her.
the blood that I noticed
his fingerprints,
Cause I-I don't know if
that's gonna help, Jer.
Bad never rests, baby.
Neither do we.
the shirt off the guys back?
You see, some of us have
to make a little effort
but we can have HPD sit
on those.
we found my sisters
old charm bracelet
Wait, are you telling me
He was an artist.
And, by the looks of it,
an overarching aesthetic
You have found the studio
for that whole time?
Ill show you.
All I know is our suspects
All right, let me
see what you got.
Yeah. W-What can I get for that?
So I just...
I could use her prints
to get access.
I think you're talented,
you're talented.
I truly hope it was worth
the murder charge.
Question: Why?
Definitely not.
enough to run
facial recognition.
Laptop has hours
of footage like this.
Has his eye set
on the presidency.
I mean, for somebody like her,
Cashed out early, around 2:00,
a live video signal
transmitting from Oahu
Im guessing they have
some kind of leverage.
You see, we pulled
your phone records.
He is the lawyer that's
handling Brikzs estate.
Thank you.
Aired 5 years ago - Mar 08, 2019
(He Who Eats 'ape is Bound to Have His Mouth Itch) Tani and Junior go undercover at a gym to track down a deadly batch of steroids that’s killing users, before the drugs claim any more victims. Also, Danny and McGarrett sub as bodyguards for Danny’s
high maintenance ex-mother-in-law, Amanda Savage, a wildly famous romance novelist with whom he has never gotten along.
24 years old.
but what's Pyro... Pyro...
A high dose like this,
and pyrovalerone is extremely lethal.
And of course, also...
Oh, no, I-I do.
My name's Steven.
- ex-Navy SEAL.
- STEVE: Mm-hmm.
She didn't give me
any champagne.
Well, obviously, you had
yourself one talented boy.
Target him?
the day of the week
that he took the dose.
was just an expression.
I may actually
I mean that-that--
you-you really,
Yeah, except he
can't actually read
Really classed it up,
you know?
Got it.
♪ Uh, uh ♪
it was swimming with
these muscle heads.
So, my new bestie,
Millie the dance instructor?
skull crushers,
close-grip push-ups.
Welcome to Booty Boost 101.
You all right?
Yeah. Specifically, she said,
"Oh, uh, I'm gonna tell Rachel
You broke my nose, man.
Just heard from Junior.
of those tainted steroids,
not Brad Chen.
by pushing him for answers.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
then you're gonna think
this is very childish.
It's gonna take a while
to sort that out.
and stop Father Time
in his tracks.
Wait a minute. Jerry,
♪ ♪
Okay, she can't take
much more of this.
Do you mind
if I sit down?
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 22, 2019
(Offer Young Taro Leaves To) Junior is torn between his duties as a member of Five-0 and his feelings for his former girlfriend when her new love, the father of her son, is one of the culprits in a bank-heist-turned-homicide.
Yo, what the
hell was that?
Not unless they changed
their MO.
Wow, well, I'm sorry we
have to meet like this.
Except it looks like
they had their own truck.
Is he okay?
This doesn't
look great.
Yup, and check this out.
Hey, it's okay.
Listen very carefully
and don't say a word.
Yeah, that was, uh,
that Tory was involved.
providing for his family.
seven minutes after
the crew fled the bank,
Let me take you in,
and if you cooperate
but they are believed to be
a bank employee
Who said we're doing time?
A guy I know in the department
confirmed it.
Yeah, about that.
The one that we assumed
belonged to whoever was planning
All right, we're gonna
need to see that room.
he himself used to handle
the pickups
the key to a very large
safety-deposit box
Come here.
If you cooperate,
I can get you a deal.
You ain't no killer.
HPD's on the way. Where are you?
And you'll get to
see your son again.
It's the only way, man.
No! No!
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 22, 2019
(When Covetousness is Conceived, Sin is Born) When the top salesperson for a beauty company/pyramid scheme is murdered, Five-0 sifts through a long list of possible suspects who would want her dead. Also, Adam befriends a homeless man estranged from his family.
if you need to put down
an address,
tell me what you need,
They also pay up to $10,000
for these custom silicone tails.
Because most rat poisons are
anticoagulants, which explains
my sales commissions
I have no idea
what shes selling.
- That's what it is.
- Our victim
on Gwendolines phone.
And this is for you.
Just say yes.
Because everyone deserves
Shed already
been poisoned by then.
if a certain someone
report to boring meetings,
fight rush-hour traffic,
You-you didn't... you didn't
want to cancel this then,
into our Golden Circle.
Of course.
Whatever you need.
Yeah, Im guessing that didn't
work out for you, did it?
So, Makani spent the last
48 hours at a detox center.
were in Gwendolines stomach
when she died.
I keep telling you,
I didn't kill my wife.
the Warfarin... your wifes
Warfarin prescription
Id take a closer look
at Plum & Rose.
God bless that man.
Doing a good thing.
I got from her boss Jocelyn,
that has been linked to
the Mack Avenue Crew. Oh.
"How to dry foxglove leaves."
That has easy access,
good storage, good security.
25 minutes to get there,
you understand?
that I-I do have family.
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 15, 2019
(Made Prisoner by the Reign of the Rain) As a dangerous hurricane hits Oahu, Five-0 is tasked with protecting El Diablo, a captured serial killer who is being hunted by an assassin. Also, Tani’s civilian safety check during the storm turns deadly and Rachel and Charlie evacuate to Danny’s house, where the ex-spouses reminisce.
Yeah, I know. Not so much
for my bank account though.
And you should be, because
hauling a load of your crap
What's up?
Ah, congratulations.
That's a big catch.
at the Justice Department.
Here you go, sir.
Horrified's more like it.
This guy's pure evil.
Well, regardless,
two of his escapes happened
La Guerra.
- This is my wife Shona.
- Hi.
- Yeah, sure.
- Thank you.
it will dry better
if we spread it out.
That was when we were...
Pretty good. We got agents
at every key access point
Hang in there, buddy.
We're gonna get you some help.
Uh, okay.
Um, how's the bleeding,
Blue windbreaker, okay.
You're doing... all right.
There's no such thing.
Go. Roll. Go.
I'm gonna head back to HQ,
Come here. Come closer.
I'm one of the best.
All right, good work, Jerry.
Guy like Vega's got enough
information to put away
Let's get him up.
Haku. You'll be fine as long
as you keep looking at me.
apartment building to
clear it of squatters.
What did you do?
in cash and product.
Those guys out there,
Steve, you good?
is that the mole doesn't know
we're on to him.
Save yourself the hurt
and give it up!
Oh, you're in trouble now.
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 01, 2019
(Depressed with the Heat of Kealwalua) While investigating Flippa’s friend’s murder, McGarrett and Grover uncover a deadly plan by an extremist group on the Island. Also, Grover has an emotional reaction to the case.
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 18, 2019
(Those Above Are Descending) Adam, Junior and Tani travel to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean when a murder takes place in a remote underwater lab, and the killer may still be on board.
John Doe. Couple surfers
found him this morning.
I mean, the guy
looks like he's ready
♪ ♪
until you make up some excuse
to go run off.
and they are studying the
effects the Kilauea's lava flow
Do you know anybody down there
who had a beef with him?
Jim Walker, Linda Brady,
Marcus Nash and Nina Kane.
KAMAKA: Anyway, buddy,
I hope you're taking care
But insurance won't cover it?
were being monitored.
Mrs. Kamaka,
and that's when Nash came out
of nowhere and he attacked me.
You guys have any oxygen?
because they're shiny
and pretty.
GROVER: Yeah, but he wasn't
the only one who got misled.
walking up and down that hallway
every night
I saw Nash with the knife.
Oh, he's awake.
was nothing more
than a business expense.
I'm not sure there's much
he wouldn't do to protect it.
about the betterment of
humanity "Kumbaya" stuff
can access them remotely,
including me.
All right. Well, I need you to
just keep an eye on him, okay?
that you're affected, too?
We can't. The comms are down.
exfil plan was
after killing Kamaka
our guys are down there
stranded or worse.
and sends a crew down...
- I know. It's a Hail Mary,
I'm sorry.
which means we've got 160
cubic feet of trimix, right?
Ideally, I'd have some kind
of guideline, but I don't.
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 11, 2019
(A Bruise Inflicted on an Innocent Person Vanishes Quickly) McGarrett and the team support Danny and Rachel by determining what happened when Grace gets into a life-threatening car accident and lands in critical condition. Also, Tani helps Koa when his rehab patient goes missing.
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 04, 2019
(Gone on the Road from which There Is No Returning) Still reeling from the murder of one of their ohana, Steve and Catherine, along with Danny, Junior and some old friends, Harry Langford and Wade Gutches, hunt down the killer.
Aired 6 years ago - Dec 07, 2018
(When the Light Goes Out, the House Is Dark) After fighting off an assassin in his own home, McGarrett and Joe White flee to Montana to prepare for a battle against those exacting revenge for a past SEAL mission.
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 30, 2018
(Truth Comes from the Night) A renowned urban vigilante is killed after making another citizen’s arrest, and Five-0 delves into the world of super heroes and comic books to find the killer. Also, Adam finally gets closer to finding out who killed his sister.
He pulled a gun on me.
♪ Hawaii Five-O 9x09 ♪
Mai Ka Po Mai Ka 'Oia'i'o
making videos of himself
confronting criminals.
As tragic as this is,
it's hardly surprising.
I'm making a citizen's arrest.
I-I don't know what that means.
Can you help me, millennials?
Any bells going off now?
Like I told the cops,
Wait a minute. Hold on.
even when it looked like
maybe you shouldn't.
I also noticed an Xbox, some
cash and a statue of Ultraman.
possibly without
realizing it,
Well, if Night Sentinel's Oahu's
original vigilante hero...
It's a recording of a
threatening voice mail
You know
what I mean?
Okay? All right,
when I was a child,
Look, I-I can explain
What happened to
the other guy?
I also never made any
threatening phone calls,
We looked at your finances.
Without this, you got nothing.
Therein is contained a comic
book collection worth 30 grand.
Well, I doubt our perp
walked back from there.
Yeah, he is.
Oh, yeah.
and they were stronger
because of it.
You've been in here
before, right?
We learned that
Gene recently
and I was happy
to cut Gene a deal.
Hold up.
I remember this guy.
- Jerry, English?
- A hidden room.
We're gonna go this way.
right where it left off, looking
into the same conspiracy.
Actually, we believe we do.
Yeah, and I
looked into Frank Willoughby.
I don't know. To be honest,
I never wanted to know.
insisted to be
present for this.
and I-I don't bring this up
lightly, sir,
All right? As captain,
you're under a lot of pressure,
he pistol-whipped a guy so badly
that he fractured
- He just had the wrong guy.
- Yeah, you were right.
a distorted voice message
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 16, 2018
(Birds of a Feather) Thanksgiving brings Grover’s parents and brother Percy, Jr. to Oahu for a visit tainted by sibling rivalry, and Five-0 investigates a thief who is crushed to death by an empty safe.
Oh, you're really missing
Grover out there, huh?
maybe you want to try, you know,
some bump and run coverage,
[all shouting]
Yeah. We're on the way.
Broken back door looks to be
the point of entry.
We found metal shavings
next to the body,
[pots clattering]
A handgun, couple Rolexes.
as you were
when you two got married.
Mmm! What is that?
my house.
Jealousy is a ugly cloak.
at my Thanksgiving table
for two years.
You do things for your family.
You ain't getting off
that easy. A bet's a bet.
No, no, no, no.
The bet's off, man.
You guys like the
head on or off?
The most important person
I ever met in my life.
In the future,
if you're lucky,
.331 career batting average.
That's great,
Looks like you won't be
making that dinner.
♪ I can't wait...
Percy gonna wish he
never made that bet.
Fun? Do you even
hear yourself, Lou?
1948 Leaf Stan Musial
baseball card.
I certainly wouldn't wait till
last minute to buy the tools.
[laughter]He could eat.
It is.
You've been two steps away
from jail since you could crawl.
Actually, Mr. Henman,
that's why we're here.
It's on her plate here.
His plate there.
When I told him
that meant
Hey, you want to hear
something funny?
I want to apologize
from when you won
the state semis.
more disciplined.
It's a good thing we got another
turkey. See? Came in handy.
Yeah, i-it's a start.
I guess, at some point,
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 09, 2018
(The Smoke Seen in the Dream Now Rises) McGarrett investigates a cold case from the 1940s, one that his grandfather and the famous Honolulu detective Chang Apana worked on, and he tries to deduce how the case could have been solved. Also, McGarrett and Danny get ready for the opening of their restaurant.
Please, Milton.
Yeah, it does.
Everybody I spoke to
said it was awesome.
every time Chang Apana's name
gets brought up?
Apprehended every one
of his suspects.
there's a-there's a lot
of stuff in here. I just...
Anyway, so, I told you I put
the word out to my stoolies.
No. It was dark and over
quickly, like my first marriage.
You're cute.All right,
But, uh, we do know that it's
probably the last photograph
The last two times that
we made a visit to this guy
Who the hell are you?
But it's been nine years now,
of your heart or did she
have to do something for you?
"thank you for saving me
from being barbecued"?
You have a nice
bedside manner.
Take a look at the sweater
under her leg.
♪ Makes me luckier
than throwing a seven ♪
[indistinct chatter]
in this fine establishment
with this
♪ Until I find someone
like you. ♪
We were at the
same joint,
James? James who?
Guns and badges. I'm taking yous
both off the street
That is definitely
a "fancy car."
STEVE: April 18.STEVE:
That's-that's the same day
Yes, indeed, but the previous
photo you showed us, Flanagan,
The man was a known associate
of Clarence Whitmour.
Yeah, I do now.
Cops? What, you see any badges?
next to his hula girl
it's a good--
W-What's the matter with you?
Nothing. I-I just realized
I'm not gonna get any peace
cut through the frame
of the car,
January 23, 1932.
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 02, 2018
(Is Borne on the Back; Is Borne in the Arms) McGarrett crosses the line and is arrested while investigating the death of his former SEAL buddy, who died while making an emergency landing on an aircraft carrier, and the only survivor is a baby. Also, Adam returns to Oahu with some devastating news about his marriage.
Somalia and Bosnia.
- Yeah.
God, I thought
that was it for me.
Who do you think
taught you that?
- Oh, yeah.
- Plus, I could never
He was staying
at the Aupani Hotel.
doing the rounds to see
if there's any new admit
turns out NCIS does not have
its own hangar on Oahu.
where you're going.
Come on, come with me.
You got all kinds of riffraff
in here just wandering about.
It's crossed my mind.
let me do my job.
- Yeah, you did.
on a piece of tape
and stick it somewhere out of sight:
The flight records show
that Carson paid cash
The, um...
All of it. I shouldn't
have done any of it.
Okay. Lead with that next time.
Anyway, uh, sit tight.
she told everybody else.
- I'm okay.
- You're okay?
Mahalo, Danny.
Okay. All right.
Can I... can I post this
on my Instagram account?
- I see. You just like to fight.
- No.
Let me ask you
guys a question.
what, for a little R&R?
I pray you find her.
She needs help.
Of course.
by himself. No way.
- No.
Oh, check you out
of Kent International,
a private security company
This is Steve McGarrett
and Danny Williams
We were waiting on new passports
when Carson showed up.
He said he was gonna get us to
safety, throw Lee off my trail.
the strength to make it out
of there,
tell me you didn't let him
anywhere near my baby.
No, no, no.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 26, 2018
(Nothing More for the Eyes to Search for) On Halloween, Jerry and his friends search his childhood camp for evidence to a murder he witnessed as a boy, while McGarrett investigates a little girl who drew pictures depicting the scene of a recent murder before it was discovered.
Okay, first of all, destroying
you guys at Donkey Kong
Whole property's been
sold to developers.
An HWP crew called to repair
a broken water line
Katie drew that?
The kid definitely knew
about this murder.
and to prove it,
let's see what the Internet
It's accessible from
the road, by the river,
you got a real solid
There wasn't a dead body
I wasn't gonna
give up that easy.
bring her justice.
Anyway, so I was
at a costume party
Do you know who that woman
in the picture is?
but our pediatrician
I found something.
This is awesome.
It throws off scavengers
and search teams.
Look, just go.
Handwriting analysis determined
that Katie didn't draw them.
Not cool, but funny.
Well, at least we know that
Katie's telling the truth.
So if I hadn't gotten away...
would've witnessed
three different murders?
You've gone too far this time.
just kind of snowballed
from there.
Only one person that could be.
because of her drug history.
Shh. He's sleeping.
ever since.
for saving our lives.
Well, I had help.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 19, 2018
(On the Slope of the Cliff, Not One Jutting Rock Is Hidden from Sight) Jerry accompanies Junior as he escorts a fallen soldier home to Oahu. Also, McGarrett and Danny discover a dead body when they delve into the illegal and highly profitable black market for sand.
Looks like
they're ready.
Wait. W-What are you
talking about? Why not?
which is why you got
to get in there tomorrow,
About 9:30 this morning, HPD
spots a truck with no plates,
and starts
sucking up sand and...
People are stronger
than you think, son.
When the Blackhawk went down,
I'm gonna try
and catch some Zs.
That tells me that his feet
were ripped off,
Cross reference that against
hospital records,
Why? Why does
he got to go?
if you're here for the scampi
special, you're out of luck.
Anything for you, brother.
too fine.
- This is riveting.
That sounded terrible.
but there's no shame in that.
Hope I don't drop it
on your foot.
You're making this about you,
and it's not. It's about him.
you do not know that,
which is another reason why
♪ ♪
People can say some hurtful
things when they're upset.
sand dredger, it's possible
her body is still there,
an old graduation photo.
uh, three years now.
who may have possibly had
some sort of a problem
at the bottom of the ocean?
uh, going after people
with that name?
- Excuse me?
STEVE: Mr. Alana, do you know
Yeah, this guy already made one.
I'm gonna fight
to get my job back.
I know why he chose me.
You know my friend
I told you about, Mika,
Which is why I'm here.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 12, 2018
(When the Sea Draws Out the Tidal Wave, the Rocks Where the Cowries Hide Are Exposed) Crime spikes when a heat wave hits Oahu, causing McGarrett and Danny to hunt down a bank thief, and Tani and Junior’s car is stolen while they’re on duty. Also,
Grover plays the golf game of a lifetime, and Kamekona incites a riot by price-gouging on his shave ice.
I'll go knock on the door.
- Where do they go? - Wagyu meatballs?
-Yeah. Where do they go?
in this venture, I'll help
you guys out this one time.
with just a little urgency
instead of sitting down
Who were the officers?
Okay, what did she get
picked up for this morning?
Bruddah, why don't you
come join me?
There's-- Look around,
there's no one else out here.
He's, uh, he's pretty out of it.
And when I screamed for help,
she left.
a couple years ago and there was
an insurance settlement.
Just getting the optimal
"vent to armpit" angle.
Do I still just call you Junior,
or is it McGarrett Junior now?
Shots fired at 329 Alewa Drive.
Home invasion in progress.
but he got back
and he pulled a gun on us.
Hey, Makaio, can you tell me,
are you on any medication?
and come inside.
And, uh, she got
really disoriented once.
This heat is doing wonders
for my knee.
Thanks, buddy.
Seems our competition's
completely tapped out.
It's the natural order
of things, bruh.
when they killed
a security guard.
You might take
an early retirement, too,
He was speeding and...
All I got to do is
sink you one more time,
Uh, uh...
That motorcycle's
still downstairs.
♪ About a thing ♪
What's wrong, baby?
a lucky 75-foot putt, and you're
still talking about it.
I didn't steal anything.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 05, 2018
(The Man Who Fell from the Sky) When a vacationing dad on a flight to Honolulu is kidnapped and force to parachute mid-flight, Danny, Tani and Junior track him through the jungle to discover that he may not be who he seems. Also, McGarrett is threatened with a secret from his past.
that made it into the water.
- Okay, good.
and if you had've shown up,
put your back
Buy it a toy.
Buy it a stuffy.
You let her go, you let her go.
the difficulty of that jump?
Our victim is Jack Teague.
He's a systems analyst
like scratching your nose,
Realize this is more
than a little awkward.
what I was gonna say
the whole way over here,
Well, from what I understand,
Commander McGarrett isn't really
these people are the only family
that I have.
You're a rule breaker, Ms. Rey.
That's a lot of
jungle to search
So if we just filter
out that color...
Let's assume one of them
or both of them are injured.
is being Father of the Year.
waiting to meet Ward Cleaver?
Last time, I promise. Anyway,
Do You know something,
Well, you know,
that's what happens
of killing an air marshal,
He's trying to throw off
any of his pursuers.
But that in no way
invalidates my point.
crossed, went over.
Let me see that.
Please, it'll only
take a few minutes.
at HNL arrivals today,
waiting for Jack Teague's plane to arrive.
has been working
as a double agent,
to Oahu. The plan
is for me to meet him there,
We got a team on the ground
in that jungle right now.
is the 9mm that Teague
took off the kidnapper.
Teague's running!
DANNY: I got him.
Jun, let's, uh, get Jerry to
redirect satellite surveillance.
You like to pretend the
work we do is so noble.
of doing some
greater good.
on it that she's been using
to monitor Agent Miller's comms:
Greer was up on your phone,
which means we have to assume
a, uh, serial number
or a part number.
you ever done since I known you.
- Oh, it is?
You know Renee is gonna
kill me. You know that, right?
Aired 6 years ago - Sep 28, 2018
(Cocoon) After Steve’s CIA agent friend is killed, McGarrett lets himself be captured by the group he thinks is responsible and endures a torturous sensory deprivation tank to find the killer. Also, Tani wrestles with whether or not she will tell McGarrett about the murder weapon she found at Adam’s house.