Aired 6 years ago - May 18, 2018
(Ancients Exposed) McGarrett and Five-0 discover a Russian spy ring hiding in plain sight when a Russian nuclear attack submarine appears off the coast of Waikiki. Also, Tani is conflicted by her unnerving discovery at Adam’s house.
Season Finale
- “We're cops”?
- Yeah.
(excited chatter, gasping)
no other Russian naval ships
or subs in the area.
There's got to be an easier way
to do that. Steve?
According to her conversation
with the president,
Where's the man
who shot him?
Petrov escaped
through the torpedo bay.
anybody he might go to?
Okay, we know you like
it here in Hawaii.
All right.
my government did not formally
give you permission to go in.
and then pow,
bullet right in the head.
You being sarcastic?
No, I'm being sincere.
a man with children--
now, that may not mean anything to you,
Yeah, HPD's on that right now.
out of a torpedo tube
to get himself on the island?
or Russia, for that matter.
You look like a man
who wanted a better life.
Does it look like anything
else is missing?
Beauty before the beast.
They got a team in the house
right now, scrubbing it.
Well, before he died,
Mr. Sterling went
a listening device
hidden inside the house.
so it probably went
to voice mail, but get this.
Well, it looks like Petrov's
already been here.
This is actually
not bad, I like it.
I really love the name
“Steve's.” You don't like it?
Aired 6 years ago - May 11, 2018
(The Tough Branch That Does Not Break in the Kona Gale) McGarrett joins Junior and his SEAL Team on a high risk covert mission to capture an elusive target who is holding his mentor, Joe White, hostage. Also, Gerard Hirsch and Kamekona help Grover
and Tani on a murder case involving masterpieces stolen by the Nazis during WWII and Tani makes a shocking discovery,
You know, I still need to apply,
and I might not get it, so...
- I would, I would.
- Mm-hmm.
I mean...
Two paintings. So what?
Hey, what's a first date
without an unplanned trip
Just listen to me, please.
If you've come for him, I'm
afraid the Navy has first dibs.
This is way too personal
But do not forget the priority.
my life would be very different
if Joe never came into it.
Crashed through a tree.
you were gonna take on some
new blood. Uh, Gerard Hirsch.
Oh, a-actually,
We also spoke
with the FBI Art Theft Unit.
♪ What you gonna do
when they come for you? ♪
and knows the cops
might've seen 'em,
in the upstairs bathroom earlier
today and cracked the window.
you find the lead yet?
with you, kiddo.
Yeah. I'll help you
look when we get back.
Hey. Okay, easy, easy.
I make bad decisions sometimes.
No, are you kidding?
I don't want to screw that up.
Take this.
How are you doing?
I needed to see you.
ETHAN: I agree, but our
orders are to get Reaper.
You know, unlike the two of you,
everybody in the world
Yes and no.
Navy just launched
an air strike.
Where's the guard?
But I want you
to promise me two things.
- It's been an honor serving with you two.
- Oh, yeah.
Problem is, nobody
that was staying
Hmm. (chuckles)
Well, and if they do,
Aired 6 years ago - May 04, 2018
(What Parents Do, Children Will Do) McGarrett and Five-0 take on the mob when a former boss is killed and Junior’s friend Cammy Lin is on the run after witnessing the hit.
taking better care
of your bodies.
Oh, yes, that-that...
that would work, for sure.
HPD daily briefs each morning
that I do, do you not?
cordite residue
on Mr. Boyle's trigger finger,
disguised to look like, uh,
he killed himself.
You made it up.
I made it up to make a point.
Giving a dead man some dignity.
the week after he moves out here
luck, but hey,
She also has a daughter.
Her name is Cammy.
Junior, it's Cammy.
You're the only one I can trust.
come back,
the whole thing is blown.
or you know who did.
You sure you didn't give him
brain damage
All right, enough small talk.
while you do nothing.
So they didn't let him sail off
into the sunset after all.
After everyone's gone?
- He must be a very busy guy.
- All right. Okay.
any disrespect, Mr. Leung.
I wish you the greatest
success with that.
Mr. Leung, the son is, uh...
he's acting pretty strange.
his father was a dinosaur.
The old-fashioned
way, right?
for your time.
Really appreciate it.
I don't have to do that.
You understand?
Excuse me.
If it's any consolation,
You were right.
and then move in on 'em.
big door latching.
She wanted to meet up for lunch.
TOMMY: You brought me
this deal, son.
(door bangs open)
It's a paralyzing agent.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 27, 2018
(Though the Fish is Well Salted, the Maggots Crawl) Five-0 must help Duke after he is forced to steal crucial evidence from the police locker in exchange for his kidnapped granddaughter. Also, Jerry goes undercover at a mental health facility in order to solve a murder.
Plus, I volunteered.
Right now, that seems to be
the most likely scenario.
why I'm the one
who's supposed to do it.
All right, so where are we at?
What's going on?
We don't even know
what this thing's about.
Otherwise, it'll be
the same thing next week.
him and Sergeant Lukela
are making small talk...
no matter how crazy it sounds.
Tell you what...
I'll cut you a deal.
This isn't Duke. I mean,
none of this makes any sense.
Anything? No.
whatever's going on
with you, with him,
I understand.
tell him to call one of us.
We can help him.
From this moment on,
this is a Five-O matter.
One, two, three, four.
Don't hold back.
I'm pretty good.
We play chess every day
for two hours.
Same routine every day?
Price Is Right,
Wheel of Fortune,
I'm pretty sure Ben
just watched his shows there.
What did Kosaki do
when Ben said that?
You following me?
to see if the phone connected
I unzipped the bag.
There was at least
You have one hour. If you don't
have it by then, she's dead.
But he said he
didn't know anything.
So... your client
had somebody rob a cop
then, prove it.
And I mean right now...
Or you can keep acting
Okay. Will do.
and you dump him in a ravine.
All right, wait for my word.
She's okay.
Look, we're gonna
do everything we can.
Yeah, yeah, we gotta...
we gotta go see Duke.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 20, 2018
(The Answer to the Riddle is Seen) Harry Langford enlists McGarrett and Danny’s help to track down Lady Sophie, a teenage British royal who has run away while under his protection. Also, Grover, Tani and Junior work a 25-year-old murder case after a mysterious Betamax tape arrives at 5-0 headquarters.
We had to, uh, knock a couple
guys out to get to the elevator.
So, let me get
this straight.
This is Lady Sophie's
standard holiday move.
I appreciate
your patience, gents.
How we doing in there?
There's no return address,
and according to the lab,
that were operating
at that time.
You see how it gets
brighter there?
Yeah, except
the room number... 13.
is looking for her.
We're gonna find her. Promise.
Where is she?
I think I'm done
with this call.
Hi. I'm calling
because I think my parents
From our point of view.
Doesn't have a driver's
license, either.
less than an hour ago
from the Muse Beach Club.
This is crazy.
I didn't do anything.
Excellent decision.
And then I find out
she's some kind of princess
You're a photographer, right?
Freelance, I'm guessing.
Those pictures are worth
a lot of money to me.
Look what I found.
no one at the time
that cared enough about her
No closure, no healing.
He was admitted to the hospital
I'm sure you wanted
to go to the police
It was so long ago now.
he hit me.
There is no James Hollis.
It's a fake name.
And the dates match
with those her roommate provided
every Thursday
for a few months.
I'd really much rather not.
A bona fide princess
like yourself
SS Martha.
maybe he won't care about
a few bruises on your body.
- you two in the head and dump
- Whoa, whoa.
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 13, 2018
(Kind is the Bird of Kaiona) Catherine Rollins recruits McGarrett and Jerry to help her track down a uranium deposit thought to be hidden on an abandoned Hawaiian island before a suspected terrorist can make dirty bombs with it. Also, when Junior falls and is trapped in a ravine, he reflects on his estranged relationship with his father.
She's right. All we know
is that he's buried in Hawaii.
You know, I've actually had one
of those snicker-poodle things.
why I came over here
this morning.
You want him to go
that was found
in Masari's possession
thought it'd be
nice to catch up.
A lot worse.
Yeah. We haven't had
Wait. Okay, this is interesting.
on the mother
of all archaeological digs.
However, if the king's
burial site is on Kaho'olawe,
- Also the brown tree snake.
- And...
Jerry, you lied to us.
But not about
Believe me, she's already there.
It's kind of hard
to keep a relationship going
Okay. Okay?
Whoa, whoa, what about the maps?
The-the sat phone?
I know.
I don't know, probably a kids'
movie, but it looks kind of fun.
He must have tampered
with these shells,
Well, where's Junior?
Come on, Junes!
You never flinched. Not once.
I was proud like you.
I was stubborn like you.
I'll have a rescue crew here
in no time.
Yeah, I mean, take away
the spike pit,
Aired 6 years ago - Apr 06, 2018
(No One Has Ever Died For the Mistakes He Has Made; Only Because He Didn't Repent) A hitman, Leroy Davis, McGarrett's father failed to arrest comes to McGarrett to finally confess his crimes and admit where he buried his victims. Also, Jessie makes a dangerous decision that could ruin Adam's life.
take me away
from this situation.
too scared to
come after me.
I'm an old man.
You should know you
sealed your fate...
Excuse me.
You can replace these newspapers
with kindling
But still plenty
of access to the roads.
Hey, Noelani, listen.
if I want something,
I have to take it.
Tell me something--
how did you learn about me?
Unfortunately for me,
It's a motel
in Amarillo, Texas.
This is only gonna
take a second.
Now, come on. It's been around
since the 1800s.
if I knew it would
have come to this...
than owing a debt
to Hideki Tashiro.
with the other I.D.'s
as soon as possible, all right?
I guess, in a way...
What do we know
about him?
When I was 11, he had me look
after that juniper for a year.
I see.
Unlike a normal bank...
Not McGarrett, not even my wife.
Even when I wore the uniform.
My old man fought
in that same war.
That's all six.
Oh no.
Take it from someone
who's gone into hiding--
Thank you.
That's his wife, Linda.
That's nice.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 30, 2018
(To Do One's Duty) The ex-wife of the man who shot Danny reveals how Danny helped save her life; Tani and Junior are assigned to walk the beat as uniformed officers for the day; Adam is framed for the murder of the crime boss he has been tracking. Jimmy Buffett returns, Alex O'Loughlin directs his first episode and plays the guitar.
Aired 6 years ago - Mar 09, 2018
(The Fire Blazed Up, Then Only Ashes Were Left) Adam's mission to take down organized crime on the Island goes sideways when deadly chlorine gas he was using to bait a big fish falls into the wrong hands. Also, Adam begins to doubt Jessie's allegiance.
Aired 7 years ago - Mar 02, 2018
(Only the Stars of Heaven Know Where Pae Is) Tani and Junior go undercover as prospective parents in order to infiltrate a private school where the headmaster was murdered. Also, Adam's life is on the line when he is held captive and forced to produce a hidden massive amount of money.
Aired 7 years ago - Feb 02, 2018
(A Coral Reef Strengthens Out into Land) McGarrett and Danny investigate the murder of a private detective whose client was killed the same way, and Adam sends Jessie into a dangerous situation with disastrous consequences. Also, Danny's uncle, Vito, comes to town to help Danny and McGarrett get their restaurant up and running.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 19, 2018
(The Children of Kalaihaohia) When the corpse of a diamond smuggler is stolen from a graveyard, Five-0 tracks down his partner, Voss, who will stop at nothing to retrieve their latest batch of contraband. Also, Adam recruits a new confidential
informant, Jessie Nomura, Tani gets a devastating call, and McGarrett tasks Pua to find his and Danny's stolen tools.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 12, 2018
(What is Gone is Gone) When a man accused of killing his wife threatens to commit suicide, Grover reveals how he too was once on the brink of taking his own life.
Aired 7 years ago - Jan 05, 2018
(The Round Up) When an FBI agent who was cracking down on organized crime is killed, McGarrett rounds up every gang-related criminal on the island to find the culprit. Also, McGarrett tasks Adam with forming a new division within Five-0 to take on organized crime.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 15, 2017
(A Tall Tree Stands Above the Others) It's Christmas Eve and Danny tells Charlie a bedtime story about a recent Five-0 case involving bad Santas and a holiday miracle.
I don't know. Let's see.
(bells jingling)
MAN: Merry Christmas!
Wait a second.
dressed like Santa?
See that?
Yes, of course they're
the good guys.
at this parade, okay?
All right, all right.
All right.
That's a very
good question.
You're supposed to be singing
the Dean Martin part.
Hey. Hey.
- (whimpering)
surround the place like that.
they are not afraid
to use those weapons,
Reggie, Frank, Josie.
I have all the respect
in the world
I think, you know,
You got cameras inside
Lou, TANI, let's go get
some bad guys.
That's a lot of stuff
you've got there.
uh, a list--
like, a bad-guy list.
Outside of high school
marching band... no.
This one guy Henry,
he had a very important job.
So that's how you found the
bad Santa's secret identity.
every nook and cranny
of this mall. All right?
We just found two men tied up
in a janitor's closet.
Hey! Hey, Santy Claus.
Are you sure?
Show yourself with your hands
raised above your head.
Steve was really lucky.
I'm scared the bad guys
are gonna get Uncle Steve.
listening to Steve's big mouth
that he just fell right asleep.
♪ Just hear those sleigh bells
ring-a-ling... ♪
those honors to somebody else
later on in the night.
Okay? It means a lot to me.
have showed that
initiative today,
that you're more
than ready for that.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 15, 2017
(The Future is in the Past) When Danny is shot while quarantined in the hospital with McGarrett, Tani and Junior, he's left unconscious and clinging to life, imagining a future for everyone in Five-0.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 08, 2017
(Death at Sea) When investigating a deserted yacht adrift at sea, McGarrett, Danny, Tani and Junior are exposed to a deadly bioweapon and the rest of Five-0 have only eight hours to find an antidote.
Aired 7 years ago - Dec 01, 2017
(The Trail Leads to a Diving Place, Do Not Follow After) McGarrett poses as a pilot to investigate the cause of a plane crash that led to the death of a pilot in an air race.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 17, 2017
(The Royal Eyes Rest Above) Junior and Adam back up McGarrett when a bank heist in progress forces Steve to make a potentially heartbreaking mistake. Also, Adam is forced to face an empty home without Kono.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 10, 2017
(Unfolded by the Water are the Faces of the Flowers) The murder of two tourists leads Five-0 to a man suffering from multiple personality disorder, where one of them becomes violent and another is a child. McGarrett is accompanied on the case by a stress management consultant, whom Danny and the others have hired to help him manage his health.
Aired 7 years ago - Nov 03, 2017
(At Kama'oma'o, The Land of Activities) At Halloween, Five-0 must investigate a string of murders that mirror stories from well-known Hawaiian folklore. Also, Grover is called to visit a man hours away from execution who may hold the key to a case that has plagued Grover for years.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 20, 2017
(No Matter How Much One Covers a Steaming Imu, The Smoke Will Rise) The lives of Five-0's informants are in danger when the HPD system is hacked and one ends up dead, forcing McGarrett to enlist the help of hacker Aaron Wright.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 13, 2017
(Your Knife, My Back. My Gun, Your Head) The team enlists an old friend when a crime boss is murdered, triggering revenge killings across the island; McGarrett and Danny work out details concerning their new restaurant venture.
Aired 7 years ago - Oct 06, 2017
(Dog Days) McGarrett and Five-0 work with an injured police dog who is the only witness to an ambushed drug bust. Also, McGarrett is visited by Junior Reigns, a former SEAL, who is looking to join the task force.
Aired 7 years ago - Sep 29, 2017
(Fire Will Never Say that It Has Had Enough) The team investigates a world class hacker who turns out to be the brother of serial hacker Ian Wright, who hacks into the Hawaii State prison and releases serial murderer/arsonist Jason DuClair. He soon
begins a massive wildfire. With Kono and Chin on the mainland running their own respective task forces, McGarrett and Danny recruit lifeguard and former Police candidate Tani Rey to join the task force to help out but is reluctant to join. Meanwhile, McGarrett and Danny begin to invest in a restaurant.