Aired 5 years ago - May 10, 2019
As Jamie and Eddie’s wedding day approaches, Erin interviews a witness whose story leads her to doubt Eddie’s honesty, as she took his initial statement. Also, Danny and Baez unravel the complicated love life of a young man who was murdered, and Frank squabbles with his top brass while worrying about the toast he’ll deliver at the rehearsal dinner.
He says it's not true.
What I wrote
in the report is exactly
at the Patrol
Guide because,
bruised egos
and stepped-on toes.
they arrive at Patrick's
place of residence.
Of course, because nothing's
ever good enough for you, sis.
if he didn't take her back.
She said, "Someone is
lying," and then she said
Not yet. Top of the list.
I'm not sure I'll even have time
Oh, my God. Are you saying...?
When she's in my
office, she's a cop.
She has no
prints in the system.
I do.
0600 hours?
and that I was just trying
to look out for you.
Um... quote me?
of some nerd reporter?"
including a super user password.
Do you have it?
He's having doubts.
What is that?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Easing right into it, huh?
It does?
Jamie, don't...
and he still wound up dead.
We were helpful, right?
Oh, please. I wouldn't
get out of the driveway.
this entire city
would be behind bars.
Well, I'm glad I was able
to see this one through.
- I don't think you do.
- So I'm making a choice here.
as much as I do.
Tomorrow morning,
giving away his daughter.
And, hopefully, as a mother.
Aired 5 years ago - May 03, 2019
DNA evidence in a murder case leads Danny and Baez to identical twins with identical alibis. Also, Frank learns Nicky is interviewing for a job at the Justice Coalition, which he rarely sees eye-to-eye with, and Jamie visits Eddie’s father, Armin, in prison.
- Back up, everybody. Back up!
- Get her badge number.
state agencies from asking
a person's immigration status.
he's now awaiting trial
I'm not feeling natural causes.
Things have been very quiet
since Joan left him.
What would you call "drinking
a lot" if you were him?
People want to take
advantage of you.
but sometimes it's
just practical.
We weren't getting along.
Well, fortunately for Bruce,
it's my priority.
I'd been assigned the same
Did you feel threatened
for your life or Rivera's?
He ever hurt you?
Yeah, we are.
"Ballgame I'm good at."
Can I get back to you on Monday?
thinking she's gonna
change the way things work.
Nice in theory, but...
Two cop uncles, and her father
an FDNY battalion chief?
Wrong how? He's freaking out.
No, no. Just...
firstday jitters.
You got it. Thank you.
in a twoincome household?
Now it's only one.
I got to take this.
and showed up on my doorstep.
You implicating your son,
Mrs. Daniels?
but I just thought he was
trying to get out of it.
And I think it helped.
Where did you get the poison?
It can be good.
Guys, I got to admit something.
And your relationship to her CO?
so the word goes out
at that level,
This department is the life.
That is not the point, and your
name is not the problem here.
I will talk to them.
Maybe you should pay attention
when you're saying grace.
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 26, 2019
Erin must convince Frank to back a new state police bill as part of a bargain she made with Governor Mendez. Also, Danny and Baez pursue the same perp twice after the DA’s office is unconvinced by their initial lineup, and Frank faces a challenge when a cop killer comes up for parole.
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 12, 2019
After someone breaks into Luis Delgado’s home and kills his wife, Luis and Danny team up to take down the vicious murderer who may also be responsible for Linda’s death. Also, Frank finally meets Eddie’s mother, Lena, and Jamie and Erin are at odds after Jamie seeks her help charging a man who confessed to him while under the influence.
All right, come here.
Come here. I'm here now.
No, no.
GORMLEY: Tomorrow morning,
we're rolling out
stuff like that.
in the second degree for
the death of Stephen Campbell.
Lena, nice to
finally meet you.
Well, see, we try very hard
not to use the job
She would be very disappointed
that she wasn't here for it.
Agent John Wise, DEA.
Okay, but, uh,
you need to be careful.
What are you trying to say?
Even if the confession wasn't
thrown out, his lawyer would've
The better question
is why you're not.
we'll have an
agreed upon word
that her fiancé
was murdered in a bar fight
Really? I mean,
it never feels like that.
The judge threw it out;
I didn't.
- How's that?
- Somebody spray-painted her door.
Thank you.
Maybe we could find
another way to get Sanzo.
is why that woman didn't file
a police report either time.
So it follows
that a lot of people
it has been my experience
that, if you do that,
That was before
Stephen Campbell died.
- Did he stab him?!
- What did he do with the knife?!
to work with the DEA.
Stay right there.
You wait for backup.
Just kill him!
It's being tested for DNA,
but the latent prints confirm
that both of you were wrong.
Because Rojas didn't win.
I hope they turn out like you.
I'm sorry about your wife.
All good?
but you'd probably know
that I was lying, so, uh...
Aired 5 years ago - Apr 05, 2019
After an incident where Officer Witten’s backup physically could not keep up with a chase, Frank must decide whether to implement a more rigorous fitness test for the NYPD. Also, Danny is hesitant to pursue a cold case after learning who the
original detective was; Anthony begs Erin to stall a murder trial so he can gather more evidence; and Eddie is vexed by Jamie’s disapproval of her joining a fraternal organization.
who can't climb
a few flights of stairs.
But I can't unsee
what I watched.
"Detective Sid Gormley."
- Why not?
- She's a rookie.
Since I was 14,
so almost two years.
I mean, anyone else with you?
I think he had an alibi,
for starters.
I'm sure you realize that if we
require better physical health
To the cops.
and schedules for
female officers.
- What the hell happened?
- It's on me, I can explain.
There will be no more surprises
on this one, I promise.
Make his a double.
I'm a really great shortstop,
thank you very much.
I'm being, uh, like,
Sloan was living a double life.
Yeah, well...
in my family not
to go to prison.
William Sloan?
But you were
Uh, no.
More like an iceberg.
50 pounds overweight.
We're putting the killer away.
That case happened during one
of the worst years of my life.
I bagged on the softball team,
like you told me to.
We belong to the ancient ones,
Eddie, it's not the same thing.
I got locked out again.
- Hmm.
- Meatballs.
You're as vain about the
department as he ever was.
Crappy taste in friends?
just happened to stumble upon
this groundbreaking connection,
You didn't forget her birthday
three years in a row.
All right, so Caroline and I
had some issues.
Help me help you.
How's Sam doing?
and gain credit towards
the Academy's requirements.
But if we were gonna be happy,
she had to be happy,
Things changed,
they got rotten, and...
like a test.
I know, but what if you got
one cop who's quick on his feet,
Aired 5 years ago - Mar 15, 2019
Frank’s longtime friend Lenny reveals to him that an upcoming exposé will air some of the NYPD’s dirty laundry. Also, Erin must decide how to charge a doctor whose experimental treatments led to the death of his terminally ill daughter; Danny and
Baez investigate the mysterious overdose of a promising artist; and Jamie follows a lead about a corrupt officer in his precinct.
but it wasn't
uncommon in our crowd.
I go, "Oh, good.
Lenny's back."
Boy... there's a name I
haven't heard for a while.
♪ Blue Bloods 9x17 ♪
Original Air Date on March 15, 2019
"Sometimes we're blindest
to those who are closest to us."
With all due respect,
I think the time for secrets
Probably not,
but what you got?
- Yes.
- Yes.
because I knew
how it was all gonna end.
he seemed to know a lot
about our operations
I made the notification to IAB.
People are saying she overdosed.
- Ah, Commissioner.
- Mr. Breen.
and rightly so.
who his cop on the inside was.
We're waiting for that
report on Sarah Peterson.
You recently purchased work from
a young artist, Danielle Zora.
My friend's son
is an aspiring artist.
Problem is it costs
$4,000 to sign up,
And you can't know
what that's like.
"He managed to squeeze
in one last party,
Lenny, he said you
confessed voluntarily.
Well, you're not, so let it be.
Can we get you
a cup of coffee or something?
Well, I mean,
I-I hate to play this card,
That's probably
very frustrating.
- Fentanyl.
- Fentanyl, right.
got 'em to take a closer look.
He killed our daughter.
It was the most horrible moment
of my life.
Not your call.
Frank, there's nothing
you can do about this.
I know we just said grace,
Aired 5 years ago - Mar 08, 2019
After a woman is murdered in her apartment, Danny and Baez turn to her daughter, Margo, for help, but instead she complicates the investigation. Also, someone from Jamie and Eddie’s past launches a smear campaign against them, and a mobster shows up in the DA’s office claiming to be Anthony’s long-lost brother.
'Cause I'm his little brother
♪ Blue Bloods 9x16 ♪
Past Tense
Original Air Date on March 8, 2019
And you was a lot skinnier.
is a chance to put
Freddy Fallaci in prison.
- Can we speak to her?
- Gently.
uh, then I heard her yell
and something got knocked over.
Maybe I.D. Theft Squad
or Computer Crimes
- That's confidential.
- Let me guess.
What about him
harassing the guy?
And, suddenly, this person
comes blasting out,
How did a... unique
fellow like yourself
Kinda made me like her a little.
And yet you somehow still
managed to squirm away.
You need to learn
about double jeopardy,
After I came down here and I personally
walked you through every single detail
Of course he walked.
You've been cleared
in the bodega shooting.
Surely, we can use a detective
of his caliber on the street.
You're right to consult
an attorney.
Look, after this,
I'm gonna take you to lunch,
No pressure.
how his distro works.
Ran Leo's name
through Narcotics.
What is it? Early
onset Alzheimer's?
to look into the shooting again.
and I told them
they could stuff it.
was enough to make him
back off altogether.
Nice? I don't know if he's nice.
You already got
that covered.
I grew up with
three brothers,
They still got PTSD from
what he did to them before.
Then I'll have their jobs.
- You more than anyone.
- You know, Erin,
He killed her,
I'm telling you!
so why don't you relieve
some of that stress
It's easy to check,
and if he's got an alibi...?
We got enough to get
this son of a bitch.
to move into
your house?
and you turn the knife
in everyone else.
Mm-hmm. Like you were just
Love is what good people feel
for each other, no matter what.
Then, big brother's
gonna teach him
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 15, 2019
While off duty, Danny encounters a gas station robbery in progress and is forced to use his weapon, leaving him shaken and his family and co-workers concerned. Also, Eddie apprehends a turnstile jumper who pleads for leniency by offering information
on a missing weapon that’s vital to one of Erin’s cases, and Frank learns that a top officer in his department has a dark past.
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 08, 2019
It’s Reagan versus Reagan when Danny goes against Jamie’s direct order during a hostage negotiation. Also, Nicky asks Erin for help when her friend is in jeopardy of losing his scholarship because of a crime he didn’t commit, and Frank helps a distraught officer who accidentally shot an innocent girl.
Aired 6 years ago - Feb 01, 2019
A medium approaches Danny and Baez claiming to know what happened to a woman who was found dead of an apparent suicide. Also, Jamie and Eddie help a woman who bought cheap insulin online that nearly killed her son; Frank goes against the wishes of
the archbishop to take down a man he believes is laundering money from a charity; and Erin’s ex-husband asks her for help with an assault and robbery case.
I'm lucky I'm
alive to tell it.
I got you.
Officer, I'm her mother.
This has all my information.
And what's this guy's scam?
He's early.
he's likely guilty
of grand larceny.
Then why are you, Kevin?
Mrs. Rodriguez?
There's no signs
of forced entry,
Figuring out if that's
accidental or intentional
But then she'd have to get
hoisted up there
Thank you so much for
inviting me up, Commissioner.
You know, this is all
a big misunderstanding.
And I have lawyers,
as does the archbishop,
Well, what if this,
Someone told me I can get
prescriptions cheaper online.
Which is what typically occurs
Oh, right. You prey on people
when they're most vulnerable.
No. Really.
so you can make points with her?
- The only woman
Not all scams
are about money.
I'd like to sing backup
at a Taylor Swift concert.
Did you know
Strike first,
and ask questions later.
admitting that no one's perfect.
And for that
incredible donation.
A security camera
when I tried to thank him.
she received a donation
covering the next year's worth
for information on a Steve Nagy.
He work here?
Okay? Just pull over
and let's talk about it.
you understand me?
at D-Day, Omaha Beach.
What I mean is,
who thinks like that?
which will be run by
an outside agency, not you.
Commissioner... thank you.
You're a single man and you
can date whomever you want.
I can do that.
And the archdiocese
is going to fold
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 11, 2019
After a former officer waits on Frank at a restaurant, he feels guilty about the circumstances surrounding why she was fired, and he tries to reinstate her. Also, Danny and Baez investigate the murder of a star college basketball player linked to sports betting, Erin seeks justice in an apparent DUI, and Jamie and Eddie pick a wedding venue.
Great high school player,
got better in college.
2-9 Sergeant.
Show us responding.
Face down.
Hands behind your back.
You were friends with
Wayne Brown before college ball? Yeah.
Yeah. There was a lot
of that going around.
but I thought
it was growing pains.
and we don't plan to,
You know this guy?
Desperate to help her daughter.
Either I sentence
a struggling young woman
Have you decided?
by me.
coffee gets spilled,
for it to be your wedding, too.
Freshman comes along,
who you bring onto the team,
Already did.
Thanks for coming in, Maureen.
It begs the question if
the drugs found in her system
and serve no jail time.
something extremely specific.
- My point exactly.
- Well, look at that.
and all the casinos
in New York State.
They legalize pot...
Who gets hurt the most?
and got fired for the
icing on the cake.
I'm sorry, Scott.
corner of 11th and Riverside.
If he goes out of the picture
en route to the hospital,
This school makes
a fortune off us,
Order in the court.
I'm right, aren't I?
That's-that's why you're here.
Good, 'cause you're
under arrest, too.
With your most expensive red,
please, Mike.
I mean, in things worth doing.
You're unafraid.
Thank you.
Aired 6 years ago - Jan 04, 2019
Frank questions whether a run-in with community activists was an accident or a setup. Also, Jamie strives to rely less on Frank’s input to makes decisions, Erin helps Anthony protect his daughter and ex-wife from a dangerous psychiatric patient, and Danny and his neighbor size each other up when they learn their kids are dating.
Aired 6 years ago - Dec 07, 2018
When a video surfaces of officers partaking in a clear case of entrapment, Frank focuses on finding the cop who leaked the video. Also, Eddie retaliates against a co-worker who is pranking Jamie; Danny and Baez investigate the murder of a tabloid
writer who worked in the hip-hop scene; and Erin gives a high-profile case to a young ADA under her tutelage.
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 30, 2018
When a video surfaces of cops being harassed by a group of people at a housing complex, Frank orders a raid to round up anyone with an outstanding warrant, against Garrett’s advice. Also, Danny is approached by a woman he put in jail who asks for his help keeping her brother out of trouble, and Nicky’s new boyfriend has ulterior motives.
No, sir.
Part of your
12-step program,
More like his mother
than his sister.
How do I look?
I agree with the
commissioner, sir.
I know it looks bad.
Aw, don't be silly.
I love your stories.
- Isn't that so cute?
- That sure is cute.
Oh. Yeah. I get it.
So much for
the honor roll, tough guy.
about a 16-year-old punk
walking around my city with a gun.
You know,
is there anything you can do?
That gun has been involved
in five different homicides.
All you have to do
is give us a name.
Why don't we take a seat?
talking about seeing things
as they really are
Wait, you...
Check in about what?
in return for a punch
in the face.
I get that.
for not cooperating with you.
The commissioner?
you might as well have
a bull's-eye on your forehead.
We're having a tiny little
situation with Jack. That's it.
You heard her, everybody.
I did.
I say good for you.
Let me just freshen up.
We're still packed to the gills
with the arrests from the raid.
that guy I collared from the
Beame Complex looked familiar?
Look, I can't just issue
press releases condemning thugs.
No. Abe Lincoln said it first.
And contact the detective
who worked this case.
Bobby Katz, September 2016.
- Yeah.
- And you can only become
ratted on each other.
I sure as hell hope so.
if your brother would've
actually went through with it.
All you got left?
and somehow, you know,
Thanks, Anthony.
I feel like such an idiot.
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 16, 2018
Erin and Frank clash over new legislation from the district attorney’s office that undermines Frank’s policies. Also, Erin is at odds with Governor Mendez over questionable sex-trafficking laws; Danny risks his badge to protect a friend from losing his; and an accident on the job forces Jamie to question whether he’s ready to be a sergeant.
Ramos. Ramos, how you doing?
Hey. You okay?
You should see what they did
to these girls, Erin.
hired a lawyer
to fight the subpoena.
Who's that? Me.
How many times
that son of a bitch
So the solution is
to undermine cops' morale.
I was really hoping we would
come to an understanding.
two... one.
I would've been shooting blind.
The cop still had his gun.
There's always
a deal to be made.
coerced, or defrauded
into performing sex acts
Therefore, no adjournment
to the shooter than you did.
and you weren't
straight with me,
What do you think I said?
I had your back.
So you're gonna force me
to take the stand?
will go right on hurting others.
Like the heads-up I got
on the new marijuana policy?
Hey, could we talk
about my wedding?
I'm sure it is.
Obviously, I wasn't born yet,
as often as we can,
dinner needs to be a green zone.
Giving those cops
a lesson in character?
Yeah, they are.
burn me with lit cigarettes.
That's them.
I'd be out on my ass.
Welcome to the varsity.
is no longer required,
I don't know, maybe.
Everything else I'll figure out.
Here I am, Pop.
The department can't function
without command.
A custom took hold in the 1930s.
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 09, 2018
Things get personal for Danny when Luis Delgado—the drug cartel hitman responsible for torching his house—resurfaces. An attack on an officer in the line of duty directly impacts a member of Frank’s team. Eddie reluctantly introduces Jamie to her mother. Erin deals with the consequences of her new role as boss.
Aired 6 years ago - Nov 02, 2018
Eddie and her new partner, Maya, clash with Jamie on the job when they fail to intervene in a public dispute at a convenience store. Also, Danny and Baez investigate the death of a college freshman at a fraternity party, and Frank battles a lawsuit when a sergeant accuses the department of reverse racism and ageism.
Take a step back.
- Exactly.
- Back in the day,
The guy's got a clean record,
We need to own up to it,
Who else was here?
I heard shouting.
How long have you known
the Daniels family?
Well, I'm just asking.
Yeah, well, life changes.
Things happen.
This is ridiculous.
That's not a crime.
And not the only reason
I wish I could take it all back,
Which he held over my head
every single day.
Ballpark. Yup, I understand.
My wife and kids
Are you speaking to anyone
else about the position?
Don't even think about
wearing a skirt.
And it sure ain't because
the Navy couldn't use 'em.
You know, trying too hard,
going too fast,
- Is it a ploy?
- Well, that's the thing.
'Cause I never really learned
how to be aa boss boss.
What was that about?
in a twoincome household?
Now it's only one.
Sure. Right after you tell me
What kind of statement?
You weren't there that night,
but Will was.
Well, Rivera's claustrophobic.
I had a partner back in the day,
Thank you.
What do you mean, an apology?
Wow, my own mother thinks
I'm that much of a monster.
I said stop!
A much higher paying job.
to the other cops in her house?
"By general law, life and limb
must be protected.
You have nothing
to be embarrassed about.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 26, 2018
Danny and Baez investigate a murder attempt against a celebrated fertility doctor with a seemingly pristine reputation. Also, Eddie is called to intervene in a Reagan family matter involving Danny’s boys; Erin helps Anthony find justice after a date night goes wrong; and Frank ties up loose ends with an old friend.
No, I just want to do my job
and you should do yours,
I help them.
somebody's gunning
for you right now.
You're doing just great.
I appreciate the break.
they said no way.
You find the son of a bitch
in the 3-7
was shot, he went to the kid
Yeah, kind of like
if a Reagan did it.
I'm not even a Reagan yet
and I know that.
Well, it's a secret to him.
Which means neither of us
had anything to do
I disputed the bank charges.
That's not what I mean.
Anthony, you are a victim
of a crime.
Come on, just one fingerprint
and hooking up ain't half as fun
as an actual relationship.
Like you giving the boys
courtesy cards, for example.
Danny, I'm... I'm so sorry.
you have excellent
evaluations from your COs
in urban planning.
Policing's in my genes.
Look, Jay...
four and a half years,
which brings his family's total
Only this surgeon's
only a surgeon
If he freezes up,
along with some outstanding
warrants for theft, fraud
one I love, a good one.
One which
Take what is useful
from your time with us,
Look... I don't want to keep
butting in your business.
and she's great, sincerely,
and you guys are great together,
It takes a lot
to stand up and be counted.
You mean a couple hours.
Eight hours, in fact.
if I was adopted,
and she said no.
He better hope the shooter
finds him before we do.
Folks, this is-this is all
She told me
I could find you here.
But don't do
something stupid now
I'm gonna miss you guys.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 19, 2018
When New York City experiences a major blackout, cops scramble to contain the resulting chaos, and Frank uncovers some unpleasant truths about his department in the aftermath. Also, Jamie and Eddie question the line between work and their
relationship, and Danny and Baez race to question the subject of a murder investigation before she gets tipped off by her ex-boyfriend.
Good. We'll talk to him.
I live by myself.
No one else has keys.
No, Mike. Please.
Because of what
he'll do to our son.
Not exactly.
Not on the Lower East Side.
That's a guess, not a fact.
I want a 49
for your window
to change this policy.
then he grabs their belongings
and runs.
He put it to the owner
of that bodega's head instead.
But you need to stop
playing defense attorney
She's dead?
The, uh,
In light
of these new charges, yes.
We'd need a guarantee.
West side of Orchard Street,
Broome to Delancey.
I, uh...
Oh, my God. You're
a real slick character.
about your
practically every move
she makes.
So Shelly's stuck.
guess where they led me to.
Ben had a girlfriend?
And we'll get him,
but not like this.
respectfully, back off.
my cell goes off--
restricted caller, it says.
that take precedent
over her donors and her cronies?
Not totally, sir.
You know?
And it was the mayor.
You could stand up
to the ranks above you,
and if I put her away, then
she loses what little she has.
- when you're a boss.
- But Pop's right.
That's right, Ace.
Pending the outcome
of this case. That's correct.
No. Just controlling.
No. No.
and tell him not to
tip off Clarissa.
and Davis was waiting
on assault.
Consider what it will do
to this office
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 12, 2018
While investigating a case involving a woman who shot her husband while she was drunk, Danny’s instincts tell him there is more to the story. Anthony ignores Erin’s orders to drop an assault case. Frank holds an emergency drill for his inner circle. Jamie and Eddie navigate their changing work-life dynamic.
Well, maybe I can
come up with a new one.
Can I ask where we are?
Bravo Bunker.
Pretty much anything we do
at 1PP, we can do here.
♪ Blue Bloods 9x03 ♪
Mind Games
Original Air Date on October 12, 2018
But you heard her husband,
she's a drunk.
Look, I-I'm sorry,
Mrs. Costello, I really am.
Detective ABETEMARCO, I called
you about that prisoner.
- Is everything okay?
- Sure.
Probably shouldn't
kiss you good-bye, right?
I'm a drunk.
I'm sorry, what have you done
with my brother Danny Reagan?
Now go.
a law degree anywhere.
Why didn't you tell me that?
I just know it.
Something doesn't feel right.
Don't know
that, either.
I don't think I could've
winged it any better.
Till the bad guys start
keeping banker hours.
I swear, it's like dating
a human lie detector.
And I'm a boss now, something
you got to get used to.
- Okay, Clara...
- Or I'll talk to someone,
That's Camille McCabe, 3C.
Do you really think
there's anything
Things were moving
a hundred miles an hour.
I can't do that
Sounds right to me.
Do what?
and you want to come over
and be my personal DCPI.
I'll be your scout, your night
watchman, your cavalry.
Yes, and the way
I make that determination
Uh, a year?
you decided to double down,
and take on the role
Richard should pay
for what he did.
She was there, too.
Hmm. Right.
for a very long time.
Hey, Erin, I'm so sorry.
I-- You made that very clear.
Aired 6 years ago - Oct 05, 2018
Gormley looks to Danny and Baez for help tracking down a former NYPD detective he believes may be a threat to Frank’s safety. Erin navigates office politics when she chooses to reopen a closed case. Jamie is transferred to a new precinct with a lot of problems. Frank and Baker team up to investigate a complaint about an SVU detective.
She's a lovely person
and a sharp lawyer.
There is a very refined protocol
Look at you, burying the lede.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
Well, apparently,
your old man disagreed.
So we don't have
a problem then, right?
The case against Conroy
was strong.
C.O. said it's about
the Thompson case.
But the very nature of asking
them about their own behavior,
But if you don't do your job,
Well, it doesn't hurt, no.
It doesn't have to
be this way, Detective.
We also took the most
you're gonna have to go
through me first.
Thank you, sir.
No, that's not good enough.
In other words, it's a case
of "he said, she said,"
Hey, we got a whole lot
of made cases
And your sense... is what?
but I didn't say
we should do that.
Look, I-I feel terrible
that I frightened Cara.
And if we refuse?
Billy's a good man.
He grabbed my arm,
Of course.
Hey, hey!
But that won't last
We do believe in division
of labor here.
this big church to-do,
all the bells and whistles.
that's gonna be a
sensitive topic for you,
tell him I'm gonna
charge the jerk
But it is kind of the accepted
enlightenment of our age,
Yeah, that can wait. These are
Detectives Reagan and Baez.
All five will be reporting
Right, but I have evidence
Detective Nuciforo, PC's office.
It's mine, and I'm proud of it.
...we raided this family-run
meth lab in East Harlem.
but you hit
your own boy instead.
Aired 6 years ago - Sep 28, 2018
Danny takes on a personal case involving a drug cartel member who he believes is responsible for torching his house. Erin is given a promotion in the DA’s office but finds herself in a challenging situation when both Danny and Jamie ask her for help
with their investigations. Frank and Jaime have a disagreement when Jamie refuses to stop riding with Eddie.
How many times
we got to do this?
Anybody else in here?
Watch the step,
watch the step.
Is everyone out?
Did everyone get out?
(handcuffs tighten)
Just stop!
There was two family
members in that building
This wouldn't happen
to be the friend
I know you have reservations
about me riding with Eddie.
Come on, Jamie. Don't lawyer me.
the two of you get taken out
in the same action.
Not. Why don't you
tell me why
Okay, see, this is what
you and Danny don't understand.
No maybe. And the moment
I'm back at my desk.
No, it's not the same thing,
I can't handle that on my own.
nicknamed "Panther,"
AKA Luis Delgado,
We really can't come in
here without a warrant.
- I haven't broken any laws.
- Yeah, you did.
You torched a cop's house
last year.
- I didn't say anything.
- Yes, you did, you son of a bitch!
Oh. I'm sorry.
- Prove it.
- I don't have
Landlord used to turn off
the heat in the winter,
called Fergus Limited.
Thanks. It's my
mom's recipe.
It gets like this sometimes.
Hello? Melissa?
You can't just
cave every time
More than usual.
you took their news
like a bad haircut.
when it's going down,
Move on my command.
would do anything
to protect their kids.
and a hit man
most of his adult life.
(door opens)