Aired 9 years ago - May 01, 2015
When a member of the Reagan clan is shot, Danny’s tries to track down the gang member responsible, without letting his emotions get the best of him. Also, he must get creative in order to bring in witnesses, in the conclusion of the two-part fifth season finale.
We ordered in from
Motorino downstairs.
Linda! Linda!
What am I
supposed to do?
of a suspected killer.
His mom said she bought him
a bus ticket to Tampa.
Hey. I said
who ordered the hit?!
You think I'm afraid of jail?
The Warrior King leader,
Clinton Wallace.
for a guy who already has
two life sentences
I'm kind of wondering
where this is going.
Artie Shasta.
Or something like that.
Let's go! Let's go!
Come on, seven! Seven-11, baby!
we move.
On the ground!
Get on the ground right now!
Shut up.
to conduct a warrant check.
How many pop so far?
Oh, about a dozen;
though with your crew,
I am sorry.
Copy that.
W-Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.
But you still killed
him, didn't you?
What'd he do?
...this has gone on long enough.
But I did willfully allow her
I'm real proud
how it turned out.
And the reason he stayed--
the first to tell you,
you are under arrest
You think you got the long arm
of the law?
Why-why you going on
about this, man?
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 24, 2015
When NYPD Deputy Chief Donald Kent, a commanding officer of the gang division, and his wife are gunned down in an apparent gang hit, Frank orders all hands on deck to catch his friend’s killer. Working the case, Danny and Baez go see Mario Hunt, a well-known member of a deadly gang, in the first of a two-part season finale.
No, he's clean.
I'm late for work. Can I go?
♪ ♪
If you ask me,
I say screw the mayor,
to be right out
of the patrol guide.
The DA, the mayor.
It is certainly
the most barbaric assault
were gunned down in cold blood.
My boy Hector had the com.
Uh, sorry. Faith, Dr.
Taylor's asking for you.
but the wound doesn't appear
to be self-inflicted.
while you were cleaning
your gun?
I got
twin girls.
Took this off
of surveillance
We got him on tape
near the crime scene.
when they're all dead or in jail
in a year or two.
you're a person of interest
in a double homicide.
Make it to go, will you?
The bar, the... threshold
You're telling me
there never came a day
You think this is funny?
real tough
on yourself, Mario.
in front of your witness
How does a gangbanging scumbag
If that's what you really think,
you need to do your homework.
There comes a time to rule
by fear, and not by the book.
I'm taking Curtis down to Tampa.
firsthand what gangs can do
You put 'em away in a cage
where they rot.
When we got back
from the hospital,
You start breaking the law
to enforce it,
No, you didn't, sir.
asked him
to stay on.
we all said we'd stay on the job
if you asked us to.
So how the hell are we gonna
track down Mario Hunt
I don't get out
as much as I used to.
We're not begging.
We're just asking.
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 10, 2015
When a suspect voluntarily admits to killing a reality show celebrity chef in his own restaurant, Danny and Baez are convinced the suspect is taking the fall for someone. Also, Frank faces a moral dilemma when a longtime friend, Sen. Ted McCreary, asks for Frank’s help to make a DUI go away, and investigative journalist Anne Farrell returns.
12 George to central,
requesting a bus.
I'm sorry to be late.
Jess Weinstein,
who's campaigned
his entire career
especially if it's on the
front page of every paper.
Were you
with those people?
Couple weeks ago, I said
I wanted to switch sides,
We're about to drink an '82
Château Gironde in his memory.
Actually, I am.
I know it sounds silly,
but it was fun.
In real life.
Milena tells me
I'm “old school.”
I try to keep
him happy...
where she
found Madison.
No doors were opened except the
one on the way out of the bar.
of second-degree
And then you took
his wallet and cell.
while it lasted,
but she gets in her own way.
So you deny you did
anything to Christina?
or “she was drunk,”
or “her skirt was too tight,”
who conveniently
pointed the kid out.
Be careful, Danny.
and ask his opinion?
Any record, history
of harassment?
Only because I
asked my officer
and what adds up is
his PC got bought off.
I testified truthfully
under oath.
it's no contest.
Christina, it's
Officers Reagan and Janko.
But when we arrived
at the scene,
And the grand jury ruled it
a justifiable homicide.
When there's
a girlfriend you can see,
Come on.
Look, Choinski's gonna
find this on me.
Pretty easy choice.
you come back
and you work for me.
Take off jacket.
Stupid men.
You son of a bitch!
I'll kill you myself!
What are you so antsy about?
Aired 9 years ago - Apr 03, 2015
Frank goes toe to toe with an investigative journalist who refuses to give up her source, despite the source admitting to committing murder. Also, Danny is paired with a troubled teenager as part of an NYPD program aimed at influencing youth to make better decisions.
I want vertical patrols
in all buildings
As far as I can see,
Her jewelry was taken,
a ring she wore every day--
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
I appreciate you inviting me up.
In respect to our Park Slope.
of surveillance equipment
as we do on Sutton Place.
So you isolate me
from the herd--
You went to PS 98?
I grew up right around there.
what you would use...
Where the
hell'd she go?
Even though it seemed
like we were struggling
Exactly. And I don't understand
how riding around with cops
There are also some people who
need someone to let them fall.
I have a friend
in the Narcotics Division.
so stop insulting me.
you could get
life in prison if caught?
Well, maybe if we understand
why it happened,
Is there a plan?
You should invite me sometime.
Can I have
everybody's attention, please?
make a video presentation
summing up what we find.
Yeah, that sounds more like you.
as having an agenda
where I'm concerned.
Your Honor,
this subpoena
If I may, Your Honor,
the killer says...
You will be remanded
without bail
This is a private meeting
for low-paid civil servants.
I don't think you'd feel
that way if it was your brother,
Black van, New York plate,
Police! Put the gun down!
That's great news.
You do realize
you just committed a crime?
and then you decide
what the hell
I might not have given
the most balanced picture.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 13, 2015
Eddie goes on her first undercover operation to investigate a kidnapping ring targeting young women via fake youth hostel websites. Meanwhile, Frank helps a woman he knows from early in his career meet the inmate who killed her family.
I was hoping that you would.
I'm not wasting
my two best detectives.
She killed her last three
husband's in cold blood.
get me fingerprints or DNA,
The usual for a sociopath
I do not think you
should take him up on it.
Well, I might need her
for something, but I wanted
was to come to New York,
to the U.S.
Excuse me.
he's always going
to be this guy.
that I have lost
that conviction,
well, Riverdale-- and I had
a quickie marriage at 19.
So Sylvia Hayden
is your... nom de plume?
Our Serbian expert
is waiting.
Okay, uh, how did you travel
to visit your Chinese friend?
The crowds are there
because apparently
and yours says
that something can't wait.
I just can't.
Sylvia Hayden is not
Good to protect
the people you care about.
has the bully apologize
for what he did?
Besides, this one's personal.
I was a detective.
putting a teaspoon with
my fingerprints in her purse?
I really like you.
It... the castle
didn't burn down.
Car two, you still
got eyes on our girl?
Before we start,
I just want you to know
You don't deserve
to breathe air.
the truly evil things
that I'd done.
saved me.
For what?
to try to be
a good person.
On our way to location.
We're going in.
Come on, we got to move.
Let's go.
Cover me.
Yeah, I got you.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 06, 2015
Erin is rattled when an unknown assailant breaks into her apartment and also attacks her co-worker. Meanwhile, Jamie and Eddie discover a pipe bomb in an elderly woman’s apartment, and Frank looks into a charity that is soliciting money for the NYPD.
you're finally home.
Of course we can, Beth.
Yeah, I think so. Are you okay?
and might be planning
something else.
Was he an addict, too?
that JJ left behind.
I'm not done with her.
It's a little embarrassing.
Where do you get your manpower?
Lauren, um,
I hope you understand,
But you made a judgment call.
So, you said that JJ
rented a room from you?
You can remember
and save a lot of lives, Beth.
Way to go, Beth.
My guys just found the car
that JJ was sleeping in.
Sorry. I guess
I'm a little preoccupied.
That has to be... Rita Osterman.
At least we know the Fathers
of Doom are the ones after me.
he got away down
the other elevator.
Big surprise.
seeing this, I remembered
as part of a charitable
Maybe we should run
her name through NLETS.
But, hey,
old dog, new tricks.
C.O., we're done here.
Yeah, I didn't know
that made the news yet.
Step back. Step back.
Fine. But I don't know
what that means.
from the 6th Street Death Corps.
You got an
No, because
he made the call
Like if a 300-pounder
comes in complaining
If I find a $20 bill
on the sidewalk it feels good.
Figured she was a little
confused about the uniform.
Let's go.
a neck tattoo.
I don't know if they're
Death Corps or not, but...
All right, folks,
take your seats.
You women.
Everyone, get out! Go! Go!
Let's go! Move!
Come on, guys. Let's move out.
But, listen, uh,
Beth, you and I need to talk.
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 20, 2015
When an emotionally distraught man holds Baez hostage at gunpoint in an interrogation room after she served him with a restraining order, Danny must try to meet his demands before he harms her. Frank is faced with a personal and moral dilemma when Garrett asks for help in dropping charges filed against his son.
Why don't you look at this
as a wake-up call,
just sit down...
with the suspect
at this time.
You must have thought
something was gonna happen.
and maybe that'll buy me some
goodwill and I can help.
I'm sorry.
Get the charges dropped and
him released into my custody.
between one year
and a life sentence.
that he's not stable.
Okay, well, look,
could end all of this
and forgot to tell me,
neither do you.
telling our uniforms
she took off with Penelope.
Penelope's on her way down.
but I mind how you did it.
Well, if the mother left the
phone behind, don't you figure
dinner in this place together
here at this table.
that old man got got.
I don't know nothing.
Oh, yeah, you know a
lot about gangs, huh?
What are you looking at?
You think they'd let us?
I can come back.
Stop! Please!
All right? Be careful.
I'm a mother, too...
of an only child--
Yeah, I know, Commissioner.
when they were raising
their own.
I'm saying confession.
but deliver us from evil.
you're going to make me
use mine. Back off!
Got your daughter here!
I scheduled a briefing
for half an hour from now
More than you know.
but it's what I know.
Thank you.
Oh, I know I did,
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 13, 2015
When a star witness in a double murder case drops out, Erin is tasked with bringing a protected mob informant back to New York for a case and keeping him safe. Frank enters into tense negotiations with Mayor Poole about police officer benefits.
along with the murders
You have no case, Ms. Reagan.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
There is
We're always whining about how
the public doesn't appreciate us
Now, he sells right outside
an elementary school.
You can't make deposits
and withdrawals
Violating the sanctity of
the witness protection program
scratches the backs
of 35,000 NYPD.
I don't know where he is.
I want to get
this dog and pony show over with
You nearly gave me
a freaking heart attack.
You see, there's a very
big price for me back East.
the next sandwich you have
in progress next door.
Okay, Frank, time out.
Frank, I didn't place them
side by side.
gonna testify
against Victor Dano, okay?
Hey, Morgan.
McClain walks and the
members of this department
We're going to keep you safe.
But the cops, we don't
really have that luxury.
"I almost went for my weapon
and then I realized..."?
it's the craziest thing,
you know?
If I, uh...
Come in.
Disruption of
a funeral service--
Uh... the truth is, sir,
If you're ever in Iowa...
putting him right in a car,
straight to the airport.
Come on, we're a team now.
You can change back
into your own clothes
I don't know who's
scarier-- you or the mob.
I meant thank you
for the information, Frank,
Aired 10 years ago - Feb 06, 2015
Danny and Baez investigate a murder of a lower income resident in a luxury building where 20 percent of the units are made affordable for lower income housing. Frank takes issue with a detective friend of Gormley’s who takes advantage of his position with legal loopholes.
from the officer,
front of 3491 Lexington.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
I'll give you the guy.
I just got a call from the mayor
about Detective Weems.
So your vision could be cloudy
where Louis Weems is concerned.
There's no room for looking out
for your buddy;
I can't
reach my water.
he never showed up again.
Even in Mineola.
from Russian oil
and gas.
Tim Cafferty.
kind of like that.
Get in touch with Carla Brooks
at the Department of Buildings,
And if there's a way to
stop this, to thwart him,
is that right, Mr. Radchenko?
Yes, of course.
Is there anything
any trouble with money,
student loans?
blood alcohol level and
40 pounds of stolen shell steaks
Hell, yes, I was.
I have a lawyer
who can help you.
but the fact remains we did
find drugs in the apartment,
You think Ivan wanted
Diego out of the way?
it's an efficient way to protect
my daughter from the dogs.
And how Sid Gormley
to the Russian mob, criminal
possession of a weapon,
We all got to die somewhere.
I was the arresting officer in
an incident where a fellow cop
I think he did 18 months for it.
Can he leave the need
to be liked down in the lobby
He offered Diego money
to stay away from you.
Why are you showing me this?
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 30, 2015
Danny and Baez investigate when a homeowner shoots an intruder, only to find out that, the intruder is a hit man. Also, a young attorney attempts to bring justice to his mother who Erin put away on a murder charge 12 years ago
Why do I feel like I'm the one
did something wrong here?
for a crime that
she didn't commit.
- Coffee?
- Yeah, black. Thanks.
He threatened you, huh?
With what?
and right a wrong.
because their father happens
to be the police commissioner.
John McVeigh, tried to rob
a 24-hour convenience store.
He said there were 900 murders
that year.
Yes, there is.
as we opened this place, the Mob
sent someone over to meet me,
Oh, and you're afraid that it's
gonna look like favoritism?
I guess I could just ask him.
Neither will Danny.
Well, that would be
a motive for murder.
Can you think of anyone
But only after he found out
I was cheating on him.
as did his father.
extramarital affairs
all of a sudden.
What about video surveillance?
I became a cop
with the 440 hearing,
so she asked me.
I told him not to
because I don't need it, Dad.
We haven't gotten him
breaking the law.
Since when
is the NYPD interested
Anna was
the target? Why?
was found at the crime scene
that was never tested for DNA,
He did that because he thinks
you're innocent.
She find out
you had a girlfriend?
I still love her.
Yeah, you're gonna need one.
I hated ice-skating.
That place closed
like three years ago.
I'm sure she is.
You were good
on cross.
and a valued
confidential informant.
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 16, 2015
Jamie gets Danny involved when he finds a homeless teen who claims his aunt was killed by her boyfriend. Erin is angered when McCoy replaces her as the prosecutor on a case involving a corrections officer.
He was intoxicated and
belligerent with the officers.
but it's gonna take at least
a few more hours, so...
Christy Stewart.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
Because my son Jack
flunked algebra,
Stan is a hell of a guy.
A single narcotics
officer, Omar Allen,
but the union tried to pull
that tactic on me, too.
If this housing is temporary,
what-what happens to me next?
And nobody's
dumping you anywhere.
They're saying, “Those people
look dynamite together.
This isn't about your integrity,
it's about...
at the wheel
on my way home from work,
Guy who pulls away
when things get tough?
What is the D.A. for the City
of New York doing sitting in
I've obviously offended you,
and I apologize, okay?
the trick is to put
them in charge.
Yeah, we know him, too.
Why not?
It was pled out
for almost 12 years--
eight different regimes.
I need to know the truth,
for a lot of reasons.
is that too much to ask?
Where are you going?
Yes, I'll hold.
Man, you're my witness,
all right? You heard her.
keep your hands
where we can see them!
Yeah, he did in Baltimore
a little bit, but his aunt,
Pass the potatoes, please.
We had our struggles,
too, believe me.
...I was grateful
for every moment we had.
Why was your husband
being investigated?
So you killed her
for the money meant for TJ.
That boy loves you.
You had Thomas Kowalski
Here's what I don't know.
In fact, he wrote one of
the key recommendations
No. What are you going to do?
you can see her
when she's...
I'm... gonna help out.
Just the two of us?
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 09, 2015
Danny is conflicted when he learns that a group of highly trained Army veterans are responsible for a robbery. After a bomb scare in a subway turns out to be the work of a famous street artist, Garrett and Gormley argue about how to deal with the fallout.
Get on the floor!
♪ ♪
Nothing. He was nervous.
You, on your feet!
Dial 911 right now.
Yeah, they call him an artist.
'Cause I call him a terrorist.
from sea to
shining sea!
in a heartbeat
if the cops were coming.
There's finesse,
That could take weeks
if not months.
but he must have
dropped it.
This is real bad
for you, Joe.
Just a release today.
But I think you have
a blind spot
Hold it!
I'm not mad, but we .
He was the one checking
the window in the bank.
Don't say a word.
Who the hell are you?
Angela Cabot, Michael McCarty,
Let's see what I can do.
just like yesterday's,
but suddenly I'm disinvited.
I have no idea what your
intentions are, but he stays.
good luck with your recovery.
Think about what I said.
Which, in this case,
would be an honor.
The other night, when
she left the restaurant,
That's not right either.
I have to ask.
You don't know
what it's been like.
to jail, and in the process,
Right. How's things
with you and Holbrooke?
I was just talking to Garrett
about getting a picture
And you thought of me?
Aired 10 years ago - Jan 02, 2015
Frank pushes to find evidence against a suspected cop killer who shot one of Henry’s fellow officers years ago. Meanwhile, Danny and Baez investigate a string of murders involving adult film stars.
just don't
touch Jaws.
please back up.
Step to the side.
Back up!
yelling he better
“pay back the loan he got,”
Hey! Excuse me.
under an alias-- Donald Miller--
Yeah, I got
word to him.
If you weren't the shooter,
then who was?
and still a little
intox while doing it.
Okay, I didn't quit that job.
His alibi will check out.
Stabbing's a different
M.O., though.
Since the Internet
you made them get
out of the car.
I'll take him down
to Central Booking myself.
This ought
to warm you up.
Cinema Kitty produces
Couple days later,
the cops came by.
And your 4:30 is
a half an hour early,
when Steve Dixon
calls for backup
That's all a jury
needs to hear.
Housekeeping hasn't been by yet.
Does your husband hunt, ma'am?
Dad, we're talking
about Grandpa here.
Pop's been after this guy
for 40 years,
Come on.
they even deserved
to be arrested.
I am not
Since you haven't fixed
the CD player in the car.
Come on, Gramps.
You've been carrying this around
there was another person
in the car.
My dad doesn't drink.
But how is it gonna feel,
Who else could it be?
Yes, sir.
He told me about it.
He thought then,
and we think now,
I want you to know
I am sincerely sorry
Only complaint I have
is about these two.
Aired 10 years ago - Dec 12, 2014
As Danny and Baez investigate the murders of three prominent community leaders who appear to be the casualties of hate crimes, Frank meets with a group who wants to make sure these incidents are not taken lightly. After Linda is mugged, she decides she wants to carry a gun, even against Danny’s wishes.
Are you sure?
outside a restaurant
on the Lower East Side.
We're open for ten more minutes
if you want to...
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
Judge Kleiner, he had a
very, uh, tough reputation.
He's pictured with his I.D.
and everyone is in play.
You remember my DCPI...
Two men were murdered
I don't know.
Not at this time.
I was at the
Jefferson Houses.
trying to help people?
and saw a guy on a motorcycle
run a red light.
Looked at his credit,
his personnel records,
Somebody have it in for you?
That is a good point.
Yeah, she's fine.
Hey, uh...
The guy who says he's their
supreme commander or something
You want to tell
us about that?
All right.
I'll see you
on Sunday?
No, actions speak
louder than words.
Now we're splitting hairs.
And if you're not
going to listen to me,
I mean... never.
My brother used to run
with Winslow Martin.
And your brother?
legally, in the gun store.
When did you get such
a thin skin, Francis?
20 years later,
So let's get started.
The jailhouse lawyer
success story is a myth.
Well, we'd better make sure
she stays that way.
or so, blonde.
She's wearing jeans
He's, uh, on the corner
of Dwyer and Horton.
Watch out!
And step back.
He was going after a nurse.
pretty-- not as pretty as you
To be proud of me.
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 21, 2014
Frank faces public backlash after an officer's body camera malfunctions during an altercation with a civilian. Danny and Baez struggle to protect an informant after the U.S. Marshall's Service decides not to put him in Witness Protection. Erin investigates an old friend's daughter's claim of rape at a prestigious university.
Well, thanks for seeing me,
Mrs. Reagan.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
He wasn't even punished.
so you're gonna have to trust me.
What the hell are you doing?
but a thorough investigation
before I shoot my mouth off.
I represent the guys
in the street.
University policy
dictates I be present
Yes, I know the law,
Mr. Douglas.
One less drug-dealing skel?
Marshals backed us
up, all right...
You lying son of a bitch!
Says the guy owes him money.
I've never had a problem before.
You stay in touch, okay?
from the girl's dorm room.
Shut your mouth, Javier!
Drop it!
but who the hell cares?
Otherwise, I suggest
you shut your mouth
Where'd you hear that?
in getting everyone
to trust our cops,
...the only one
who can keep you safe is you.
the highest rate of civilian
complaints in the city.
I still don't have
anyone to go with me
It wasn't-- the panel ruled
that it wasn't relevant.
I'd rather be on a bus than
getting reamed by the boss.
Look, I get your reluctance
to talk to the press.
But, having a clear view,
can you tell me what you saw?
patted down.
Well, her boy grew up
to be a cop.
You guys just don't
get it, do you?
It was a very stand-up
thing to do.
The two of you will choose last
on tours and vacation schedules
Hey! What's
the problem?
As a special assistant
to the commissioner,
Aired 10 years ago - Nov 07, 2014
Frank is blindsided during an on-air interview when he and the interim District Attorney disagree over an issue. Meanwhile, Danny's new boss rides along with him, but their methods and personalities clash as they investigate a drive-by shooting.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 31, 2014
Frank and Danny are determined to put away an international felon who repeatedly manages to walk away from murder charges, but they struggle to come up with the necessary evidence to earn a conviction. Erin debates going into private practice when she looks into college costs for Nicky. Danny butts heads with his new boss.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
I'm gonna fight
in this unit.
and that's not good.
His crew's at the top of their
list, and he's the top guy.
What does that mean?
How's it going with Nicky?
Zoran Brasha.
And who's going
to vet Mr. Brasha's
and he takes care
of the kids.
Just to be clear, we won't
accept any plea bargains.
John Coogan is out of surgery
and ready to talk.
And then he bashed me
in the back
Scour the floor with them.
What's with
all the dancing?
Is that your daughter?
No offense, she's even uglier
and where you
recognize them from.
No, wait.
She wasn't on any list.
just circumstantial
I offered him every protection
under the sun.
No. Come on.
Rey Santiago was waiting
on John Coogan's delivery.
The Dentist versus The Cobbler--
Well, it's supposed to be
effective aggressiveness, Danny.
You're looking at it.
You know...
If I can help,
you only need to ask.
What about La Migra, huh?
Tempting, but I am
working today.
Excuse me.
I am working on a case.
Move, move, move!
Reagan, I got something.
That won't stick,
and you know it.
But isn't there a line
I'll take that as a no.
He will be extradited to Serbia,
and their families--
What's up?
and we discussed this,
we agreed on this.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 24, 2014
Jamie is targeted by a vengeful thug after he intervenes in his abusive relationship with his girlfriend. Frank must deal with a political scandal involving insensitive comments made by Henry that were illegally recorded and leaked to the press.
And was greatly impressed.
And then some,
broken arm, broken rib,
You spoke to the police already?
I can't believe
Tina's dead.
What? Danny, perps threaten cops
all the time.
Well, maybe the fact
that you still call him
I just came from your office.
Any precautions
or modifications?
Should I start packing again?
On the contrary.
Like you did in high school?
and I just started typing.
Well, in today's world,
that's a standing ovation.
and the cop he threatened
you don't know what
the hell she's talking about.
Look, I wanted to beat his ass,
For the record?
Ah! Ah!
Wrong answer.
Moving on.
Sorry for the vulgarity you used
or sorry you got caught?
You are responsible
Oh... the video.
Go find the guy who filmed it
and bust his balls!
You have ESPN in HD?
This guy's got
a problem with women
So, you're persistent?
No. I loved Tina.
Or your stupid cop brother
Social media.
But... I apologized to you.
Are you gonna tweet
about her again?
We'll nail him
another way.
Think that's the guy.
Garrett and I had a chat today.
you screw with a cop,
you pay a price.
Murder in the
second degree,
My grandfather's opinion should
not influence this court.
Afraid I'll steal your crown?
Let's just say she takes
after her great-grandfather
out in front
of his place.
I-It's what Price said to us.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 17, 2014
When Danny is charged with using excessive force, Frank must decide whether to stand up for his son or for the reputation of his police force. Jamie hits it off with a beautiful doctor after bringing a homeless man into the hospital, and Eddie can't hide her jealousy.
Nobody's disappointed
when you show up.
But not Rutgers?
Only thing she said so far
is she deserved this.
is to tell me exactly what
happened this morning, okay?
and I'm probably as guilty
of doing that as anyone.
a guy named Little G.
and evidence suggests that
the as-yet-unidentified perp
No, sir, but...
"a good teacher if
she wasn't so busy
than tweeting on the Internet
for a few thousand.
Ah, come on, I paid 50 bucks
There's your drink.
Hey! Relax.
I can take you there right now.
Let's get to it.
The rest of the day. Sir.
two generations
of P.C.s.
or put his hands on it
to read the name, right?
We're finished?
What the hell were you thinking?
It's an illegal wiretap.
and a bunch of pals
whose got his back.
And even with all of
that love floating around,
That's very funny, Steven.
Workers got it
blocked off.
It went terrible,
what do you got?
Well, he wasn't speaking for me.
He had no idea that
he had almost been killed.
and violently shoved
the investigating detective.
If I were you, I'd recuse myself
and tell the ADA who takes over
Well, I usually don't like
it, but now I do like it.
We do?
Anything else, Francis?
Bunch of ex-cons,
no surprise there.
Shut up already.
Let me see your
hands! Get 'em up!
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 10, 2014
When an officer is outed and his partner refuses to ride with him, Danny and Baez are asked to work with new partners temporarily. Eddie and James try to steal a collar from a pompous detective. Frank speaks out about equality on the force.
Oh, come on.
We were rookies.
Yeah, me and my partner.
What happened?
we'll just put it
in the DA's report.
Even in this day and age?
Yeah, sure.
That's an understatement.
The parish has grown
its enrollment
and accept
What's up is
Detective Fuentes is gay.
when Kelly held that thing back
from you...
Go out there and cool off
your new partners.
and the fact that
The Catholic Church
condemns homosexuality as a sin,
Yesterday, Hoffman is bragging
that's he's got a CI
that I don't mind working.
he kept all the stuffed animals
on his bed
Shore's nice.
You like the shore?
"Holidays, family reunions,
christenings, weddings.
That's got to be
tough, man.
Well, they do
like decorating.
But this Billy Kellin
wanting to come in
alone, in private,
just between us men.
Is there an "or else" here?
expressing regret
for the context.
Were you able?
Fire with fire.
without appearing to
walk back what I said...
Got something.
Danny, how's it going?
They kind of kidnapped
that word, you ask me.
of heresy until the apology
is actually released.
Vandergoes Township
They're your collar.
You earned it.
I'm afraid I failed you.
But then I realized
that any apology,
or lesbian or whatever.
Aired 10 years ago - Oct 03, 2014
When a fellow officer is ostracized for testifying against her partner, Jamie stands up and volunteers to ride with her for a week, facing the wrath of his own partner and fellow cops. Erin and Danny clash when a settled case becomes a new homicide.
Did you catch the shooter?
quite sure what
you're asking here, Marcus.
So let's say it was
you and me that day.
The delayed death exception
Well, not since we sold it.
and the damn thing goes off.
Look, I appreciate
you coming down.
corporation counsel
was well within
She did her duty, Pop.
What do you do for Kara Walsh?
That stuff costs a fortune.
the governor's bringing in an
interim D.A. to clean house.
Got to say, though,
it's tempting.
No. I'm getting
a bacon cheeseburger.
My best friend.
I'm flattered.
You need to think
about this, Jamie.
I don't want to be right
about this.
I'm the director for the
Garfield Community Center.
I knew that I had to turn
my life around.
Hope you're not
in too much trouble with Eddie.
12-David. You have
a 10-31, commercial burglary,
Hey, Eddie,
come here.
Don't worry, after all that
whining, I went full carnivore.
the M.E.'s report confirmed
that it was the bullet
Maybe he sees something
you don't.
And he changed his life.
He deserves a second chance.
on the assumption that-- except
for the worst of the worst--
as a punching bag every time
he doesn't get his way.
This concerns both of us.
That's a stand-up move, Janko.
Kara Walsh took a bullet
for a fellow officer!
I wish you would.
Did you arrest anyone?
like Marcus Greene did...
With very good taste in flowers.
I've just...
But between you and me...
Aired 10 years ago - Sep 26, 2014
As Danny and Baez escort confiscated drugs to a remote location for incineration, their convoy is attacked and Baez is seriously injured, leaving Danny to track down the drug cartel responsible. Frank must carefully navigate personal and political waters when an exemplary lieutenant's actions cause controversy for the NYPD.
Let go of me.
Calm down, hey.
Criminal neglect,
reckless endangerment.
When you and Linda go out
in the car together,
Stay down!
We've got to go.
Let's go, hurry up. Let's go.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
Now, we have a deal--
Yes, Helen, that's part of what
modified assignment entails.
I know you well enough to know
you've already grilled everybody
My office, now.
and give her a hand
if she needed it.
You should stay pissed off
more often.
Not gonna.
Not gonna promise
Yes, I heard your statement
at the press conference.
Okay, well,
witness is at Rikers
Do you have feelings for her?
I understand
you've been
in an interrogation room
Stop talking to me
like I'm one of them.
DEA transports drugs
once a year.
None for me, thank you.
only learn it
by asking you face-to-face.
in a day
that can't be anticipated.
This is like we're
back in fifth grade.
and missed a curve
on the Jackie Robinson.
woken up out of a job.
What's your excuse?
Just said he thinks they're onto
him and the phone went dead.
Javi's last call hit off
a cell tower in the South Bronx.
That's good news.
I'll get right on it.
Sit down, Sergeant.
It was the last time.
Javi, no.
First, you knock.
What I said in the hospital...