Aired 11 years ago - May 10, 2013
As the Reagans rally together to take down the leader of the gang responsible for the murder of someone close to them, Danny looks to the gang leader’s girlfriend to lead them to him. Meanwhile, Frank is left reeling from a second loss.
I left it at home.
Why don't you ask your papi
I'm not happy,
and you're not happy.
I'll take that chance.
Ladies and gentlemen, please,
please listen.
The kid's, like,
not all there.
Pray to what God? For what?
What, are you bulletproof?
We gotta go.
This way.
I'm sure half the population's
probably gonna want
Man, this is wack, man.
And that I will
faithfully discharge
And when the first reporter
asks you, "What's it like
We need evidence
and corroboration.
I have lived here all my life,
It relaxes him;
it lets him focus.
They're always to five specific
numbers that trace back
Not stupid enough, Sarge,
arrogant enough.
Officer, just chain the monkey up
What's the progress?
The whole department is
to be leakproof
Or he's being cautious.
Hold on.
I am your PC,
and I am your father.
And Santiago was present?
He said this is where he wanted
his car for the night.
Take an umbrella.
Like Grand Theft Auto:
Vice City.
in your vehicle, Santana.
You really that cold?
Now stop trying
to take it out on me.
we need to move to protective
custody right away.
Rosa Escobar, in for assault.
approximately ten days
after you buried your sister,
or there's nothing I can do.
as long as it is corroborated
by Nona Palmeira's.
So is this clean
in the NYPD sense or...
enterprise corruption
and racketeering
other than
full NYPD cooperation
Bless us, O Lord,
for these, Thy gifts,
Aired 11 years ago - May 03, 2013
Danny blames himself when a young woman commits suicide because he had made a promise to her in the wake of her parents' deaths. Meanwhile, violence involving a gang at a housing project erupts and affects the Reagans.
I can't. I want to, but...
or if you're threatened,
or your grandson is threatened,
arrests are being dismissed
because your boss,
You don't have to, okay?
Look, Noni,
* Blue Bloods 3x22 *
The Bitter End
And if they do testify,
they don't have a chance
Give me one second.
Noni and Nona. Son of a bitch.
Nona, I'm Detective Reagan.
Yeah? Okay.
who'd like nothing more to run
these animals out of town.
Look, I'm not trying
to single out the DA's Office.
I can count my friends
in City Hall on one hand.
Negative unit.
We've met before, Nona.
Your nephew is dead.
on my side in an issue
that goes to the very core
for the Public
Advocate's Office?
Before you go any further,
I'd like to remind you
and resisting arrest.
Well, I guess
we'll get you out of here.
with an elected official's
position on an issue.
Wait a second...
It's funny running into you
here, detectives.
You ever consider
what we don't do?
of the Bitterman Houses.
Nicky's saying
that every homily
Officer's been shot!
Bitterman Houses!
Hey, look at me, man.
Your detail will take you out
to Officer Cruz's family
Take a deep breath
before you say anything.
With all due respect, sir,
I don't have a script of my own,
Aired 11 years ago - Apr 26, 2013
When Danny finds a disoriented man in a park covered in his girlfriend’s blood, he finds it hard to believe that the man has no recollection of the night’s events until they find a strong narcotic in his bloodstream. Meanwhile, Jamie gets into trouble when he helps an off-duty officer cover up his intoxication after he apprehended an armed robber.
What are the mints for?
You in the car business?
I suggest
I... I had a couple drinks.
I-I don't remember
What's wrong?
and blacked out,
he's still responsible.
What's with the small talk?
He saw the name
on my name plate...
Right, but the issue here
is not whether it's legal,
There's Carter
going to the bathroom.
and Madeline arrives, but
he's not in the hotel bar,
where people wake up
beaten to a pulp,
You know I
can't do that.
Peter doesn't know I'm here.
Saying that cops
shouldn't be above the law?
was to give them
to Officer Grasso, correct?
Did you run the, uh, hotel,
drugs into school?
Hey, Pete. Uh...
Excuse me. Detective Reagan.
Where's your back door?
Is it an eyewitness testimony,
and is she going to testify?
of cheating on her, of
standing her up, and...
He's probably gonna
blame it on the drugs.
Bless these gifts
of violating procedure.
Let's say you had
a couple of glasses
But you are
eh, I believe the kid.
Hey. Thank you.
And the press
are looking
We will fight for
student rights!
What did you say
to Mrs. Pender?
when you were in high school.
he was an exception.
you'll be
free to go, and...
Aired 11 years ago - Apr 12, 2013
When two Wall Street brokers are killed in drug deals, Danny looks to question a wounded accomplice at the hospital but he is stopped by Linda, who won’t let Danny see him until after surgery. But when the accomplice dies during the procedure, Danny and Linda battle over the judgment call.
Your secret is safe with me.
But even if it wasn't,
I never saw that guy before.
In other words, we're nowhere.
with one prior,
he's looking at ten years.
matches the one they pulled
out of his pal last night, too?
My only witness is currently
in surgery at St. Vic's.
All right.
All right, don't mess it up, kid.
she found a D.O.T. video
that you subpoenaed.
You operated
on the guy twice.
So, is she going
to have the case reviewed
Ethan! We're out of here.
Will you shut
up, Alan?!
Something with an "S."
You can't know that.
In every job along the way,
I made myself indispensable.
So, you think you'll
be able to track him down?
you're being
such a jerk about this,
that this time,
she's got a case, too.
It's not the Daytona 500.
Is that Mom's fault?
I don't know
if it's so black and white.
That's what's special
about the Henry Special.
I chipped a tooth, and
I'm the one who got grounded.
Yeah, I got it.
His sister sent
a funeral director
No, it-it is.
If we break the rules
to put the bad guys away,
And I don't think that's
a scandal you want to face.
Give it up, Tommy!
So should I be
packing my things?
I'm really glad
you're okay though.
I just left.
You see if you can stop me.
That's funny.
Aired 11 years ago - Apr 05, 2013
When a devoutly religious young woman is found murdered in a cemetery, Danny questions her family who is shocked to learn that she had a secret relationship.
We were in the middle
of inventory.
And you are?
Yeah, well, that's what
fathers do sometimes.
You wanted to see me, sir?
The guy was convinced
Sergeant Renzulli,
Chicken in Chief."
I-I just called to set up
a study group with her.
Did Kathleen
go to mosque with you?
We're investigating
the murder of Kathleen D'Amato.
She looked... lost.
where she was before her death,
where she was going.
Why don't you both settle down,
all right?
Right now,
it's a recipe for disaster.
Great. I didn't like him
for this anyway.
Come on, Mustafa.
I don't give a rat's ass
what their faith is.
at the 12th.
is to err on the side
of caution here.
you were trained for.
watching the MMA,
or off the Internet.
Look at this.
"Kathleen, you and me forever.
before we even ask
them a question,
We need to get this guy.
This is insane.
Kathleen just drifted away
from everyone that she knew.
I knew something was up when
she ordered a damn ice tea.
We got in a big fight.
It's different for Muslims.
in the cemetery--
I read she was murdered
Yeah, but the definition
of a good compromise
Come again?
Sorry, kid.
No more or less than I
had in the muster room.
I mean, it's
He's got tan boots and jeans--
he could've changed his jacket.
He never called you
after any fight.
Yes! Okay?
She told me that...
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 15, 2013
When the same tragedy occurs to people who don’t appear connected, Danny must find what they have in common and who is responsible. Meanwhile, Frank helps an old friend come to terms with his alcoholism.
Okay, who saw what over here?
No. I want a
picture with you.
Hey, you got to give the people
what they want to hear.
The program's over,
of course, now, so...
Maybe you could put out
to tell him
what I just found out.
So what? She's dated
a couple other cops?
Great. I got the same thing
from his wife.
Ah, you're doing
a pretty good job yourself.
six foot, give or take.
Something you want
to talk to us about?
That's it
I made a few calls,
things are going
a little better.
she was prosecuted
in this office.
Joan threatened to sue,
Uh-uh-uh, all right.
That bitch ran her down
Except he's not.
we got even less on the vic.
Yes, three and counting.
Well, you know,
I'm just taking a...
Jamie, since I don't get to ask,
is the bodies keep piling up,
Well, maybe someone's trying
to speed up the process.
to go with.
This is none of your business.
It's him, isn't it?
and then there's Pete's version.
He started drinking more
Trevor's sick?
Eddie DeLuca. He did three years
for manslaughter.
I'm not saying
that I learned the lesson well.
And who you are...
I had to push 'em away.
You always will be.
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 08, 2013
When an off-duty cop tries to stop a bank robbery, he is disarmed by the "Bonnie and Clyde" robbers who take his gun and wound an innocent bystander. Meanwhile, Frank considers getting romantically involved with a woman from the ACLU who happens to be Erin's acquaintance.
You're the commissioner's son.
Don't worry, I'll make
sure they know
Your lab lift any prints
of value off the holdup notes?
there she is in
a floppy hat
Then you want to call
over to the mayor's office,
What the hell is this crazy
vendetta against the banks?
Well, that's great,
Think of it
as a coat of armor.
the Citizens for Police
Accountability Web site.
What is wrong with you?
from the robbery at this bank.
Sylvie's part in the first holdup
What's your
name, ma'am?
Yeah. What, you think
Sylvie robbed a bank?
Yeah, I have something
really big in store for him
Let's just press
the reset button...
Please, just...
I know, but...
Sure is. Look at that.
unless they published a picture
of your victim,
I know exactly
when you were born,
Love you.
And you put an alarm
out on her car?
Yeah. Sorry to
bother you.
No, she works
in the E.R.
Well, have fun. Thanks.
I think those scumbags
should be punished
He's not. He saved me.
You had options,
and you have options now.
Oh, my God.
I'm sure Detective Reagan
has covered this,
Get over here.
and Whitney in
the same lifetime.
Well, yes,
his gun's still missing,
but it's just a way to get
more eyeballs to their Web site.
A woman?
Just... just any woman?
Take a picture of the defendant.
You look great.
Drop the weapon!
He's okay.
You gave him
every possible chance.
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 22, 2013
Erin and Danny investigate a cold case of a girl who was attacked by her rich and powerful boyfriend, who was never convicted. Meanwhile, Jamie’s friend brings a lawsuit against Danny’s friend after an injury at a pick-up basketball game.
Hey, we need to talk.
over at
the Winter Garden
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
Many times.
My daughter's boyfriend
was Richard Rourke.
And a member of the first family
of law enforcement
a stupid game of basketball,
the next, I'm in cuffs.
I'll get the other
guys to do the same.
and Jamie will tell you same.
Now, can we talk
about my thing?
would ever see
the light of day.
You messing with me?
Hurricane Sandy was some
piece of work.
Pretty young girl
shows up dead in her apartment.
Yeah, I guess so.
Where the hell is he gonna get
that kind of money?
it does complicate things, Gina.
I'm not talking about
twisting anybody's arm.
Uh, I'm afraid so.
And the year
that Jenny was murdered,
Rourke's alibi
is pretty tight.
My phone's ringing.
In your expert opinion.
and it was on the
anniversary of her death.
Thank you.
Well, Tuesday afternoon--
Why not?
Well, don't worry.
I don't bite.
Maybe I could get yours.
Richard Rourke lied
to the police,
I'm sure you're sick of
the plastic chicken, right?
Uh, yeah, we, uh...
we moved out of there.
Why the hell
would you be doing that?
I can still see her
playing out there.
I wonder if it
was the killer's.
Erin Reagan.
Rourke's father.
You're not going
to do any such thing.
You hit her.
And I'm not the leader
of men you are.
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 15, 2013
When a 10-year-old boy is the victim of an incident in the projects, Danny’s heated approach to the case lands him in anger management class. Meanwhile, Frank navigates the politics of the State Department and the Turkish Government in order to help a young Turkish woman avoid persecution.
Oh, I know better than
to say no to you, Joyce.
I can assure you that nothing
came from this office.
Deputy Secretary
Carmen Castillo, this is...
In a safe house.
Her uncle was acquitted.
I want to move but I
don't have that kind of money.
I think you think it's one of
those gang bangers, don't you?
Or maybe you don't even need
a reason to fire a gun up here,
Let's go! Come on!
Exactly. So what the hell
are we waiting for?
Come here!
onto someone else,
but you didn't.
Well, I'm a man of faith...
No, you have no idea
what I'm gonna say.
is to...
It doesn't really work that way.
So, you're angry because...
you don't want to be here?
Turkish law was amended,
Her fear is real.
Look, ordinarily, a smart-ass crack
like that would really piss me off,
Get me somebody
from the DA's Office.
and the test is less
than a month away.
He went back and forth
from Harvard all the time.
And then we can talk.
His mother-- Letitia.
And I am a good driver.
I mean, seriously,
when did anger
if you had to see the stuff
we saw every day.
wondering how his
life fell apart.
He, um, he was angry
he lost custody,
So, do you want to talk
about how your group is going?
Only your siblings.
History isn't proof enough?
besides his ex-wife in the area?
In my experience,
Why don't you put
that gun down, Darryl, okay?
before your anger
takes control of you.
who has the power
to make that decision--
I love you.
Though I also
I, um...
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 08, 2013
Before a Hasidic Grand Rebbe passes away, he chooses his youngest son to succeed him. But when the new appointee dies suddenly, Danny investigates the oldest son and others within the Hasidic community. Meanwhile, Henry reveals a family secret to Frank.
Seriously, my parents
will kill me if I get arrested.
Everything else has to wait!
Anyone in custody?
You grew up around
here or something?
All right,
this is the widow.
would you call, please?
I thought I told
you not to wait up.
Solomon hated choosing
between them.
Women are rarely allowed
in synagogue.
You are the grandson
of Henry Reagan?
I'd have sooner taken
my own life than harm Levi.
This is Levi leaving
his father's funeral.
Makes me appreciate the way
you handled the job.
I was hoping you'd talk
to the arresting officer.
in our car and and leave,
then the next shield you see
You cops are all the same--
Strictly confidential.
Look, Danny.
This needs something.
It was legit all the way.
M.E.'s report.
Let him rest in peace.
we started talking.
He said that I had no idea
what I was asking of him.
She... wanted a divorce.
So there was no way out
of the marriage for her?
I could never please my husband.
Hasidim take a lot of pride
in their shtreimels.
No, you're right.
Of course.
When I was 15,
Margaret Connolly and I
So I had to beg Mrs. Oliveri
not to press charges,
Not ongepotchket schlock,
you know, by me.
Boy, that was
one hell of a shtreimel.
I love this hat.
and you see the way
he looks at the widow.
I've been thinking
about something
I don't have to tell you
how much your mother loved you.
We've got a witness
who saw a woman
Look, we're sorry for your loss.
has requested to
address the court.
What am I, chopped liver?
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 01, 2013
When a man with multiple rat bites is thrown from a moving car, Danny works the case to find out why and who was trying to send a message. Meanwhile, Frank must be diplomatic when dealing with a bigoted radio host who will be broadcasting from New York City.
by the incomparable Alicia Keys,
tend to backfire on people.
You found that
in his pants?
Then get the word out for
your people to ignore him.
Okay, there may be an option.
you're not in
La Cosa Nostra.
Do you know how else
you remind me of me?
We'll be the
judge of that.
in something bigger.
Oh. So it takes me almost
getting dragged to death
I got a name
and address on the plates.
But it is our job.
Swint's been calling,
asking for a meeting.
Because if history
teaches us anything,
kind of like the seal
of approval coming from her.
- get your hands on the table.
- Hey.
I'm just doing my job.
known to bend the rules
if it's something I like.
Which is the act?
you have to grin and salute.
in the assault on
one Jimmy DeLeo.
Nice job memorizing that.
What you got is
Just a nickname for now.
of detention for being
such a knucklehead.
French guy named
Voltaire said that, boys.
Not that I know of.
I've known her on
and off for 20 years.
You'll protect me?
Somebody tipped them off.
No, no, no, no, he's
not in the puzzle.
an anti-Semitic
German academic booked
Throw her under the bus
to throw you off case.
And maybe you just got caught up
in her orbit at the wrong time.
No, that ain't her.
Oh, no, no, no,
not you, too, please.
No, but I know you.
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 18, 2013
Danny’s car matches an NYPD description of a car involved in a drug deal and taken into custody when a bag of cocaine is found in his trunk.
You remember my dad, the cop?
But 911 got an anonymous
tip about a drug sale.
What is that?
911 got an
anonymous tip.
Grandpa, you're
the police commissioner.
No, it doesn't have
to be this way.
So you'll do it?
the only time you weren't
in your vehicle
It wasn't my stuff.
any better,
I'd say that my ex was acting
Detective Reagan.
Did you tell the boys
where it was?
That was fun.
Well, you have any
idea who that is?
Until another shoe drops,
then it's back to page one.
Once in a while, like today...
And I never knew who to thank.
But he wasn't, like I told
the other policemen--
No one calls me a
liar in my store!
and I saw just one light
on in your house...
when you walked her, did you,
uh, see a car parked out here?
I worked with her a few months.
She's all right. Why?
You did?
Hi, Dad.
Danny, you're not supposed
to be anywhere near here.
he opened up to me about some
marital problems he was having.
The bodega shooting is cold.
Alan Greer,
we have a search warrant!
Are you kidding me, Kate?
Where's the light at
the end of this tunnel?
When was the first?
If you didn't ruin my life,
It kind of was.
You want to reach for that gun,
don't you, Captain?
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 11, 2013
Jamie must deal with the emotional consequences of his actions on the job. Meanwhile, Erin questions Mayor Poole on the witness stand.
Be advised, this is a
police-involved shooting.
That's what I'm
talking about, right?
Nice view.
Yeah. Well, you know who else
This guy drew down on a cop;
there's no way he's clean.
that the officer involved
is your son?
until the threat
is eliminated, not to kill.
You need to be quiet
while I get a reading, okay?
Sit down, I'm not done with you.
If you could just go
and get the doc,
Whoa, slow down, okay?
a connection to Gavin Bryant?
That's impossible.
Why were you afraid to testify?
Look, I can protect you
in court,
Oh, come on, you're as fit
to be a cop as any cop I know.
I got some personal time.
Consistent like with, uh,
somebody breaking it?
There's some coffee
there, if you want it.
He was just in the wrong place
at the wrong time.
You didn't think to notify
the department or run it
And I know you're not hearing
too well right now,
33% of the hire's
first-year income.
When were Gavin the big shot
What are you sorry about, Tyler?
No way he's right.
You don't have anywhere
better to be, Danny, huh?
were wrongly turned away
from the polls.
this case in front of a witness
that's still on the stand.
Door slams, you jump out of
your skin... I don't have PTSD.
You gonna let that
pork chop go to waste?
when he's bluffing.
We need you to
stay out here.
I'm Officer Jamie Reagan.
No, don't you die on me!
I have the mayor
outside waiting to be crossed.
And as your boss, I'm ordering
you to listen to your father.
There's not a lot
of leverage in that.
and then turn around and
fall on his sword today.
Gavin left a suicide note?
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 04, 2013
When two motorists driving gas-guzzling cars die at the hands of a sniper, Danny and Kate are put on the case of what the city believes is the work of a radical environmental serial killer. Meanwhile, a bicycle accident sends Danny’s son Sean to the hospital with a life-threatening injury.
Oh, you're already writing copy.
down, he laid
Oh, my gosh, Sean.
Aunt Erin,
we need to do something.
All right,
from where CSU says
our guy took his shots, okay?
but how many people
could have got their lunch
in a bikini in November
is if he wears one, too.
a boatload of hysteria
during a busy holiday season.
How's our son?
could only make matters worse.
Be a minute.
We're on it, Dad.
How are you doing?
on the Cross Bronx Expressway 40
minutes ago with the same gun.
yet you went ahead anyway.
Any lines drawn are out of
a commitment to honor that oath.
Off of what, two half-eaten
black-bean wraps?
Sometimes the contusion
Except nothing.
How you doing?
All those years
of Catholic school.
But it's much more
environmentally friendly.
I love you.
It's... art.
We're not seeing it.
and I think you can help me
find out who did it.
I don't know anything.
Uh, yeah.
I got nothing going on
the next couple of days.
'Cause I really
The doctors aren't really sure
what he can hear
Okay. Let's roll.
like your old man.
Aired 12 years ago - Dec 07, 2012
When Danny and Kate come up empty-handed with leads for a shooting, Linda helps make a break in the case when she overhears the victim telling his priest who is responsible. Meanwhile, Henry is mugged at an ATM, which sends Jamie into a rage as he tries to track down the assailant.
What's wrong?
You have to keep
the ice pack on your head.
Closer, but the hair is longer.
that's enough motive for me.
in prison, get out of the joint,
What did he do?
than I ever will.
Right this way.
Yeah, if you go
for that type.
Tony-- did he, did
he say a last name?
Confession is between
a priest and confessor.
When I left him,
he was just going on and on
He's not only
a retired cop
I'm their most requested reader.
no splatter, easily disposable--
No one-- I repeat no one--
makes any comment
black hoodie and jeans.
He ran down that way.
I don't want
to die!
Please, I'm sorry!
And not one of the arresting
officers was able to tell me
I've always been fair with him.
Four. Any of them
have records?
So I'm gonna ask you
one last time,
Three days suspension.
on shell casings that link you
to the murder of Michael Reade
You mean Adrian Baez?
In the cars?
arresting the guy
who robbed Grandpa.
but if I hadn't gone
after that guy,
for you to represent
a kid who was arrested
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 30, 2012
Danny arrives at a college campus to find a murdered student, who was thought to be dealing drugs. Meanwhile, Jamie has a life crisis when he reconnects with a former law school classmate and Erin must learn to give Nicky some freedom.
no big fat Bob Marley joint.
for you to keep
me in the loop.
Uh, instead,
A vehicle.
We'll look into it.
He was always nice to me.
It's not like I'm alone.
I've got Arnie.
As long as you promise
to wear that costume.
At least smart enough not to use
his laptop to do a drug deal.
Let's have us some fun.
I think you're a single mother
to a teenager.
It's like ordering
a hooker in Vegas.
You guys
kind of jumped the gun, huh?
That school costs
nearly 60 grand a year.
Question is, who sent it?
How the hell do
you know Otto?
Your 3:00 is here
in the conference room.
This is important
to you, isn't it?
I get that.
All right, Otto Jackson
runs the whole building.
Go! Go!
It was a couple of boys.
Nobody's gonna
hurt you anymore.
Thanks, boss.
Come on. One of your dealers
told us, okay?
Yeah. Some white dude.
for life
at a high-powered law firm.
I thought
that I could help people,
He admits he met
with Connor Riley
Look, I'd rather catch one
in the throat
I mean, don't you think
you're moving a little fast?
Well, sure.
For the most
part, and...
also known as a felony, Kelsey.
Are you telling me
a professor is selling drugs
And if he finds out
I told the truth...
So, what are you
doing tonight?
Yeah, I was gonna get a bite
at this dive near my place.
That's the general idea.
You guys are busy.
No, no.
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 09, 2012
When a knife-wielding attacker dressed as Baron Samedi, the Spirit of Death, stabs a man in costume on Halloween, Danny enters the world of voodoo. Meanwhile, DCPI Garrett opens up to Frank about a dark secret, and Erin and Nicky take Jack and Sean trick-or-treating.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
Richard's big on Halloween,
Detective, this isn't just
a skeleton costume.
and an informal explanation
of my circumstances.
Okay, there.
when we're on the job
at least?
Put that down.
Oh, say cheese.
You can leave us alone, Pierre.
Who did he attack?
Until he didn't.
I went to Atlantic City
for a lost weekend,
She thinks I work
in an investment bank.
Took the words right
out of my mouth.
Anno Domini, MCMXXVIII."
That's what the
paperwork says.
Hey, Malcolm.
I'd have to look
at the parish calendar.
Are either
of you Catholic?
That sounds like Alzheimer's.
like a reflex.
What did you do?
Not like in the movies,
Hey, we got Lazard's cell
and dumped it.
There's a driver
waiting outside,
This time of night, you can be
in Sea Breeze in about an hour.
Well, we don't even know
if the kid's in there yet.
Call for backup, Kate.
Step back, I said!
One goal, one assist,
Thank you very much.
Who took up the blade?
You're very good
at having
For the interviews.
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 02, 2012
When Erin's key witness, an infamous photographer, is nearly killed in a hit and run, she arranges for Danny to work protection detail to safeguard him. Meanwhile, Jamie and Vinny bust a drug operation.
Do you not care at all
I'd love to include a photo
of Manhattan's top ADA.
and the license plate started
with T-two-zero.
Well, I'll deny it till my
death, but Danny is the best.
In two months.
Do you know how much I hate it
when you quote me back to me?
to the Ice Age.
This is the photographer who...
Street dealers,
people from Mexican cartels...
I sure could use the money.
Every time you
see a cute girl,
I'll take the necklace.
The place is right around
the corner-- 228 Westgate.
Larry, we have a
practice together.
to parrot the same
line of crap
You guys sure know how
to keep your hands clean.
Keep me in the loop.
of accessing my muse,
but whatever.
I don't have any tenants
named Holly.
I'm just not
going to convict her
Pastrami from the Woodrow Diner.
I didn't say that.
just consider this.
Well, I never actually
made it to work
I got to get...
I got to go, okay?
Whoever Dr. Greenfield
hired to kill you
Vance, let's go.
about hugging me, don't, please.
maybe I could pick up
a few extra tours when I can.
I said, "Who the hell are you""
Another day,
another dollar, huh, Rhonda?
Right, and he rides a magic
unicorn across the sky.
I don't know why
I just don't
I was going
stir-crazy in there.
and a strength that I don't.
This guy, Vance, who Erin
got me this gig with,
Like he's drugged.
Hey. Anybody go up
to Vance's apartment tonight?
Look, Vance,
Grandpa... ever since
you put a ring
Aired 12 years ago - Oct 26, 2012
Shortly after Frank awards a detective with the Medal of Valor for his undercover work for the NYPD in Malaysia, the detective is taken hostage by a Malaysian drug lord whose brother he helped put in prison. Meanwhile, Henry goes on a ride-along with Jamie and has a different method of getting the job done.
You have in your custody
a very important member
We took him down in Morningside
Heights six months ago.
They have a history of
executing their prisoners,
has been taken.
reporting directly to me.
Now, three gunmen in a
late-model white cargo van
so if they did
leave Manhattan,
They take away your cell phone
when you go to prison.
and this isn't your country,
for Assault Two,
more of an associate
Can't accept meals on
the arm anymore, Grandpa.
Now, the sooner you give us
what we need, the sooner
I'm sure others have
green card issues.
Thank you for your cooperation.
I'm not allowed to
congregate with felons.
Police! Drop it!
Yeah, right.
Back up.
Against the wall. Back up.
Yes, Baker.
Alyssa Mulrow is here...
You guys must
be running on fumes.
Abdul has just landed at Rikers.
And the department
appreciates it, believe me.
I see.
to get the
information you need.
Yeah, I got a point.
in this operation.
You did a lot of
bad things over there
Be nice, maybe they'll
give you a drinkie.
Very often,
Break it up.
You're brother and sister,
damn it.
Aired 12 years ago - Oct 19, 2012
Danny and Jackie set out to investigate the murder of a bride on her wedding day in a drive-by gang shooting. However, they are pulled off the case and assigned to the protection detail of a Central American president, who they believe is a target
for assassination. Meanwhile, Jamie questions his partner Vinny’s methods when he performs an unjustified stop.
for an operation--
end of story.
I asked her to marry me
just two days ago.
Okay, 'cause you
may have caught some...
Just promised this guy
I'd find the killer.
on our watch is a good idea?
but you got to let that other case go.
I know.
No faces,
No, I'm saying
you all know where the line is.
I might have probable cause.
He's a decoy?
I don't know, but something.
No weapons, huh?
Turn around.
Like hell.
That was a legitimate bust.
I've gone through the files.
It... it doesn't add up.
What's on your mind?
flipped to the Op-Ed page--
go back to the headlines.
It sounds like
your friend
I don't see
any lights on up there,
and she's gonna charge you
as an adult, you got it?
I'm here for nothing.
The cops stopped me for nothing.
Hey, I didn't set up
an innocent man.
That's not our
regular grace.
That bride kill was on
your anniversary, yes?
Patriots fan.
Dump him.
What's this about?
He had drugs.
The stop was clean,
You don't think I killed
Alyson and Johnny, do you?
but if they are,
It's probably about $30,000
that you stole from them.
Just move me to another
room! It doesn't matter!
I couldn't face what I'd done.
good cops, great cops.
Aired 12 years ago - Oct 12, 2012
Danny believes a serial killer is on the loose when two separate murder victims are identified as members of a group charged with a gang rape. Meanwhile, Erin’s ex-husband, attorney Jack Boyle, resurfaces in her life as they face off in court.
but you really should
check with her.
Well, just the dog.
I am not here to rehash my past.
men instinctively
cover their privates.
He told me he wanted
to take me out for my birthday.
If we had never gotten married,
I wouldn't have you
lunch reception now,
but thank you, Jess.
and it ends up on page 30
If you remember, that didn't go
over for you too well last time.
and I scooped 'em up.
Yeah, I mean, last I heard,
she was in rehab.
that there was no way these guys
were ever gonna walk.
I haven't left.
You know no one's
even been charged yet?
keeping a fat picture
of themselves on the fridge.
At least 20 blocks from me.
Yeah, that she's, uh...
I think it's the worst
part of the job.
Shut up, man.
Last time I saw Turk,
"Mark, take care of Lily.
where were you this morning
between 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.?
But I like this one.
that my little girl
is all grown up.
There's something
he doesn't know.
I had to get a job
to help Mom pay the bills.
and whatever wonderful memories
you had with him.
You two, on the floor now!
Let's go! Down!
It wasn't listed as evidence.
Stay out! Stay out!
on my case? On my time?
That's some of our guys
out there now.
What are you talking about?
Really? Does he always bring
ten ounces of heroin separated
I took a look
at your mom's case.
My mom was selling drugs?
So what did you come for, huh?!
I told you I write what
people like to hear.
You're my first phone call.
Like a friend friend
or a boyfriend friend?
Aired 12 years ago - Oct 05, 2012
A woman recants a domestic-abuse claim, but Danny and Jackie continue to investigate the situation. Soon they uncover the woman's secret affair with a powerful politician who's friends with Frank. Meanwhile, Linda returns to the workforce, causing chaos at home.
This just keeps getting
better and better.
all the time.
What's your secret
damage control if the city isn't safe.
I get it.
She told me she met
some big shot.
Is that it?
Turns out it wasn't his voice
on the 911 tape.
(knocking on glass)
Pretty quick with the math.
It's a little overwhelming.
Of course, but, you know,
Great, thank you.
We have a little situation.
and she started in on how
she was tired
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
All right, well,
I guess we got what we need.
They're both saying
it was an accident.
Did I say that?
That is looking so much better.
Guys are guys.
I don't want to see you
in here again, all busted up.
But I can assure you
that the Police Commissioner
I think it's time we back off.
What's going on,
Mrs. Goldfarb?
Against the wall.
Son of a bitch!
They say you got lucky.
Next thing I know,
she's slapping me...
I swear to God
I didn't mean to shoot him.
And then... he's... not.
And what happened next?
I would have believed you.
and some glamorous career.
This smells...
different than usual.
Don't eat the mac and cheese.
Well, as far as I'm concerned,
Not with the preparation.
look like she's lying
to stay out of jail?
I had some words
with your son, maybe...
who steps out on his wife.
that Anthony Mancini's career
After all that
we've been through,
16 and a half years
in prison
You don't know me at all.
Aired 12 years ago - Sep 28, 2012
A dangerous criminal from Danny's past comes back to seek revenge and kidnaps Jackie. Meanwhile, Jamie meets his new partner, while a young officer is shaken after he accidentally shoots an innocent man.
He's, uh, asking questions
about Victoria Beckham.
Blake, I want you
in the alley
He's on the move!
We got it.
We got it from here.
to be exact.
but none of them have the balls
to do it except for...
while you bust through walls
taking down bad guys.
You said, "All it takes for evil
to triumph...
Pretty damn impressive, considering.
Thing is, she wanted
him to turn around
she took off, never
to be heard from again.
Is this where I'm supposed
to cry on your shoulder?
Okay. Just be careful
out there, anyway.
Lookit, you don't want her,
okay? You want me.
come alone, all right?
We killed this woman's son.
You got lucky.
Okay, something's going on here.
I have a better idea.
Go get the son of a bitch, okay?
A public rebuke
He's a good man.
That sounds like
a taxi medallion number.
But I had plenty of time
to figure it out,
that you can't come back from,
now it's your turn.
You going to shoot me?
There's too many people ahead
of you on the sympathy line.
you're just one of those
good men who did nothing.