Crime, Fantasy, Romance, Suspense
Original name: Beauty and the Beast
Detective Catherine Chandler is a smart, no-nonsense homicide detective. When she was a teenager, she witnessed the murder of her mother at the hands of two gunmen and herself was saved by someone – or something. Years have passed and while investigating a murder, Catherine discovers a clue that leads her to Vincent Keller, who was reportedly killed in 2002. Catherine learns that Vincent is actually still alive and that it was he who saved her many years before. For mysterious reasons that have forced him to live outside of traditional society, Vincent has been in hiding for the past 10 years to guard his secret – when he is enraged, he becomes a terrifying beast, unable to control his super-strength and heightened senses.
Aired 11 years ago - May 16, 2013
When secrets about Cat’s family are revealed, it will change everything Cat knew about her past. Vincent finds himself staring his demise in the face; while Gabe takes drastic measures get some answers.
You're not gonna
believe this.
are in a full-swing
biological metamorphosis.
You sure you can go
through with it?
and stopping you
from transforming 24-7.
No. But you'll be a good
match for Vincent then.
And I wanted to see
what you thought.
And, uh, and good schools,
just in case.
JT and Tess and...
He's gonna be fine, Cat.
his stuff to our I.T. guys,
I'll destroy everything here.
to show me something
important enough
in my life anything felt normal.
and I know what Vincent's is.
but apparently only one
of us can actually
You're gonna kill him.
We all want the same thing,
your anger issues aren't
a problem anymore.
I know what it's like
to be locked in here.
I'll handle Keller.
What's your ETA?
I'm not playing games, Vincent.
So if I reverse this,
went back to the way I was...
They tried to be.
And when I got home,
I had already turned,
Whenever you have one
of those "eureka" moments.
when Cat never showed
at the hospital, but...
And we may have another problem.
with the birth parent.
a more normal future
or because you did?
If I get a vaccine,
Aired 11 years ago - May 09, 2013
Cat and Vincent go on a date out in public in an attempt to be a normal couple, which backfires on them. Meanwhile, Gabe reveals some information that gives Cat hope they can find a cure for Vincent.
"Right now"?
all of those things, and
with me, you know, this...
So you can hang out with
me in the adults-only area
interview some.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
This is what Muirfield
did to you?
and that Muirfield had
gotten rid of all the others,
right now, but his eyes
are yellow, and, uh...
they changed his DNA,
just like they did with you.
He is not looking
to bring you in.
Tess is guarding the door.
Don't you?
What, he had the volume up
on Animal Planet?
Did he just ask...?
I'm the only one who knows.
He's a "suit."
How does he even function?
Rubber, gasoline,
Really? Because the minute
you found out about Gabe,
Tess just found another address
in Gabe's files.
Hey, you at home? You gotta get
out of there right now.
New rule: No one takes the tranq
gun unless we have a spare.
He and Gabe are
different generations.
He failed, over and over,
when you put that
tracking device on Catherine.
Okay, so how do
I fit into this?
Look, after what we just saw,
Okay, this is so weird.
I want us to be
in a relationship
You know what?
Okay. Can you not talk to me
like I'm five?
five good hours left.
♪ Scrubs me clean
that every time I look at you,
What's the FBI want with him?
Look, Cat, the reason I took it
Aired 11 years ago - May 02, 2013
On the anniversary of her mother's death, Cat asks Gabe to attend her family's annual remembrance of Vanessa, which makes Vincent incredibly jealous. Cat learns some information that makes her think her mom might still be alive and when a sniper shoots the mayor at a public event, Vincent finds evidence that links Gabe to the sniper.
So, I'm just gonna tell
Heather and my dad
by going
to the cemetery together,
Tess, there's a spot
open at the 15th.
Moving forward, remember?
a boyfriend.
I've been meaning
to talk to you.
and made sure we were okay.
"I thought you said
your dog did not bite".
But then again, I am always
Wait, wait, I'm still on
Gabe knew your mother.
And he has a lot of
stories about her, so...
to tell her
that he knows her mom?
You'll explain. You're not
yourself on the anniversary.
This place is
surrounded by cops.
I can't put
my finger on it,
in the hat Chandler was talking to?
That was a vagrant.
Look, I'm sorry I abandoned
you on our anniversary.
making sure
the sniper has a clean shot.
Any large withdrawals?
for her endorsement as a future
candidate, and she refused.
towards your
mother about...
says your mother's casket
was exhumed
is still alive?
Here it is,
your celestial candle.
Um, you know how you let
everyone from your past
that your mom might
actually still be alive.
I realized the first night
you took me to her grave.
But I have no idea
what Gabe's agenda is, and...
She was moved, temporarily.
I didn't think it was important.
It's amazing
crazy things: she lied
to us about her work,
Looks like another one
of my mother's lies.
This is our
only lead.
which was right next to a
highway motel where we found...
Because most people stop moving
I'm so sorry.
Lot easier to break a case
No, of course I do.
We should celebrate.
Oh, that's why I bought you
a coffeemaker.
Aired 11 years ago - Apr 25, 2013
Gabe comes clean to Cat that he knows about Muirfield. Vincent does not think Cat should trust Gabe and is suspicious of his intentions, which causes tension between them. Meanwhile, JT and Vincent finally find a new place to live.
I want to redirect the efforts
of the task force.
I have people looking
into his whereabouts.
I have to find Muirfield.
Uh-oh, I know
that face.
to find Evan's
extracurricular research?
That's what I'm worried about.
He was shot five times.
It's completely smooth.
So, you lied to Cat?
Looks like someone was
in the middle
is working for Muirfield?
Quite the
opposite, in fact.
So you see, Detective,
You're a cop.
about you yet,
but that's not gonna last.
Or it could be a trap.
Everything changes.
if you were
actually working together.
I'm glad you're here.
If the new ADA wants
to help you take down
Does that mean
something to you?
No. No, if we were seen,
it would be a lot harder
Can you help me?
I'm crazy lost.
Try "chimera."
♪ So we can take
Can I ask you something?
You be good for me, okay?
Someone or something very,
very strong tore them apart.
to let your brother go
and say good-bye.
A chance
to keep you safe, and...
Aired 11 years ago - Apr 18, 2013
Evan confesses his love to Cat and admits that he tipped off Muirfield to Vincent’s whereabouts. Meanwhile, Gabe finds evidence that someone in the department is a mole who was working with the vigilante.
Like any other couple
on a lazy day.
Uh, Vincent.
If you did, I...
Okay, and we are going to the roof.
Serious things.
how you could choose him.
I want to hear you spin what
I saw with my own two eyes.
your feelings for this-this
monster are real?
Yeah, well, imagine it
with my sense of smell.
and then he followed you
to the tunnels from there.
Okay, I don't see
that ending well.
What are you doing?
And where's Evan?
I'm sure you have a warrant
for all of this.
Trying to stop you
How long do you think
you'll last
I know about the raid.
with the geek
squad as backup.
You don't even know yourself.
through it
than the Pentagon?
we aren't, but what about Evan?
but you can't fit down
a seven inch vent pipe.
Hey, Evan, it's Claire.
My flight's been delayed, but...
You gonna chop me up, dissect
me, feed me to a giant juicer?
We have a security breach.
These people
are lethal.
went wrong.
They couldn't control us,
what happened to Evan,
I don't know.
Maybe you should.
Am I?
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 28, 2013
Cat is forced to reveal things that she had been keeping from Tess to salvage their relationship, and to protect Vincent. Gabe is suspicious of everyone in the department, while Evan witnesses Cat doing something that changes his opinion of her, making him even more determined to track down the beast.
we get a head start
before she exposes us.
is a little gray,
a partner is a partner.
What if I can't convince her?
we were descending.
I don't even know where
I should start.
and she is never going to
forgive me for that.
And, I've got to e-mail work
and say that she's-- I'm--
I think we should pray.
Don't touch anything.
For what?
They'll find me.
believe I'm dead,
You could have
been a lawyer.
I'm sure you have plenty
of things that...
Yeah, it's appealing at first,
but you get past it.
We both care
about Catherine deeply.
Yeah, I guess I am.
Look, you turn her in,
Oh, my God.
What's your agenda?
I am.
I am sorry
that I left you down there.
it's been because he is trying
to do the right thing.
After seeing those
pictures of us
the person that I have
fallen in love with, he...
What? What do you guys know?
Yeah, after you
started messing with her.
Catherine, she's
giving you a choice.
No, it's okay.
I will try to answer
whatever I can.
♪ Feel my reach...
Vargas asked them to back
her up, and they never came.
you're done with "M."
no, no.
♪ When your eyes close,
when your mind goes... ♪
But whenever there's some
jeopardy, that's your go-to.
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 21, 2013
After taking their relationship to a new level, Cat and Vincent are forced to deal with reality when someone appears to be the framing the vigilante. Evan finds proof that Cat knows more than she is letting on about the beast. Muirfield and the
police are closing in on Vincent and this time there is no escape, so J.T. and Cat come up with an extreme solution. Meanwhile, Tess following a tip, finds something that will forever change her relationship with Cat.
I'm just... I'm
in so much trouble.
because I have a job now,
and I can't be dopey at it.
I suggest you get
your mind unoccupied
of the crime fitting
his M.O. to the T?
And the full extent of the law's
at the end of my barrel.
he's usually more efficient
than that.
♪ Beauty and the Beast 1x16 ♪
Original Air Date on March 21, 2013
was the work of
a something out there
and someone is already
trying to destroy us.
not to make each other careless.
Okay, first things first.
He's not gonna stop until...
from catching the vigilante.
the name of an antiquities
dealer in Williamsburg.
Always, Joe.
Not in the mood to argue
with you, Vargas.
How many of these
are still in existence?
my friend over there,
Is that concrete
enough to bring to Joe?
Are you harboring
this thing, Catherine?
Whatever you're going through,
it's not too late.
And soon.
the only way
for all of us to be free
Aside from magically producing
our medieval killer--
I get it.
I'm the only one he trusts.
I don't know, there was
something weird about his face.
Damn big exception.
Why the hell are you keeping me
out of the loop on this one?
Gabe Lowan.
mixed with my
attacker's screams.
Maybe this is a chance
for you to start over.
Enjoy it while you can.
Afraid I'm out of
the game as well.
before they realize I'm missing.
You gave Muirfield
It's Muirfield.
Come on. Down.
♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
It's, uh, like you said.
♪ Free like you make me...
Aired 11 years ago - Mar 14, 2013
New Assistant District Attorney Gabe Lowan arrives at the precinct, suspicious that cases involving the vigilante are being mishandled, and wanting answers. Cat is determined to protect Vincent at any cost, which includes tracking down a witness and
threatening him at a gala masquerade ball. Meanwhile, Vincent worries he may lose control if he gets romantically involved with Cat.
Probably won't be back
for several hours.
I thought that we, um...
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
Says the man who was
just gaping at my research.
that we were finally ready
is out of his mind.
You know the, you know
the trophy with the hand?
Yes, same.
of catching the vigilante,
the answer is yes, he is.
in a questionable suicide case
you two handled.
I just... I don't know.
to say that
the police chief's brother
I tried to fight it,
I did, but...
Sorry, one of the guys
that I killed.
and quietly ask
some questions...
Yeah, you see, uh...
Otherwise, I got to go
someplace else.
Minus the six boxes
I've already been through.
So how's your little
investigation coming along?
If they arrest him
before we get to him,
In a demilitarized zone, sure.
The Youth Education Initiative?
which means
you're a desperate cop.
Unless you want
to be next,
I don't know, it's...
Some... thing?
we'd be picking up
pieces of Ray.
♪ Take me to the wild
let me ask you
one thing.
Yeah, my mistake.
Don't think for one second
that it's not.
I don't know.
things aren't gonna end up
so well for me.
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 21, 2013
After a dinner where Cat introduces Vincent to Heather ends badly, Heather enlists Tess to stage an intervention with Cat. Evan receives an interesting proposition that could change the course of his cross species investigation and at an event to honor Joe, Heather goes missing and Vincent is forced to make a tough decision that saves her life.
I just... I feel like you're
sneaking around on me.
But if you come over for dinner,
you can be this nice E.R. doc
You would be an asset
to our organization.
I'll get it.
Oh, yeah, I hope, uh,
not all bad.
Uh, because
I'm a complete idiot.
How you doing?
Uh, yeah, great.
And besides, doesn't it look
like they're getting along?
you can take care
of yourself.
You might be this sweet talker
and you got me flowers and all,
I actually already tried,
hang out in my room
without whispering.
snooping around my bedroom like
he was about to steal something.
I mean, how did he
really get that scar?
You know what?
That means it was only up
for a short window of time.
Heather, Vincent, he
and you decide
that he's a criminal.
You say you don't want
to choose,
Oh, whatever.
I thought we were worrying
about Muirfield.
Evan, let this go.
And he's here.
We can't do this
anymore, Vincent!
Your hero brother is gonna find
out what a real loser you are.
Heather? Heather?
♪ To put it into numbers
I was dancing with him
an hour ago,
You think that you
understand this thing.
Catherine will protect you.
♪ I've watched you for hours ♪
♪ And all of us
return to dust ♪
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 14, 2013
Cat and Vincent are unsure if they can trust Alex with the truth about his past. Evan realizes that Claire, the woman he is dating, is hiding things from him. Heather meets and falls for Joe's younger brother Darius, and Vincent tries to win over Cat with romantic gestures for Valentine’s Day.
Okay, so, he told you
about... things.
My family has
a cabin upstate.
You know, anything actually.
I'm sorry.
You think this is crazy.
Well, I am going to tell her.
and I made him run in the
other direction.
You're gonna call him.
is 12 hours away from presenting
his cross-species
♪ Feel the way
it used to start up ♪
We're about to leave.
Yeah, I know, I know.
You know how much
I love margaritas.
she could hide the stash
at his place.
It's a bug.
Okay, but I already cleaned
her apartment,
Yeah, actually, it is.
So how's your Spanish?
or to Mexico,
to leave it all behind.
Yeah, it's great.
You're not.
Go where nobody knows us.
I guess you saw me coming.
A secret organization?
I'm starting to think that I've
got a frustrated competitor
I'm looking for Vincent.
It's urgent.
There was a listening device
in your apartment.
really broken down,
you'd know how to fix it, right?
This cloak-and-dagger
bit's wearing thin.
I'm trying to save your life.
you said yourself,
it's who I am.
Trust me. Put the gun down.
I guess I got caught up
in a fantasy.
I won't tell Tess.
Oh, man.
It means you're on their radar.
For what?
Aired 12 years ago - Feb 07, 2013
Cat suspects Muirfield might know Vincent's whereabouts and in spite of her vow to go cold turkey, she is forced to interrupt his romantic cabin getaway with Alex in order to save their lives. Meanwhile, Evan finds a bug in his lab and becomes increasingly suspicious of J.T..
the faster I get out of here.
tough emotions and throwing
yourself into your work?
I live a very glamorous life.
Neither has yours.
and I got carried away.
back so badly.
I told her that you...
Who's he?
I bet you're a one sugar?
Exclusive billionaire boys' club
Yeah, breathe.
Uh, yeah, it did.
To be that Vincent again?
That's a dead guy.
More like question it.
We could go together.
I'm gonna fall.
Not a felony.
Listen to your girlfriend.
Okay, if you screw up what
I have going on tonight,
I know, okay? And I can
understand that you're upset.
Looks like he's wrapping up
a big deal.
Oh, no, I'll let you
take that one. Your...?
You want to know
what PTSD is?
It's him. It's our creature.
Why do you look so worried?
Your boss.
He tells me
your relationship with Noah
fought for him then.
locked up for so long,
and this lug nut
I don't know, I...
Last time I cover for you.
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 31, 2013
Vincent is torn between his new feelings for Cat and his old memories with Alex. J.T. learns that Evan is planning to propose a task force to catch the beast and must figure out how to stop him. Meanwhile, Tess investigates the mysterious
skydiving death of the wife of a billionaire adventurer, while Cat remains off duty until she recovers from being shot.
is for us to discuss the trauma
that you went through
I read your file.
See you.
You and Catherine, you risk
so much to keep me safe.
How did I end up
on Catherine's side of this?
You can believe me, or not,
Ah, reading about skydiving
is surprisingly very boring.
All right, I'll look
into Noah Hawkes' alibi.
Look, Alex,
I'm sorry...
Want to go back in time
to the way we used to be?
You know how you said you
wanted your old life back?
It'll all make sense
in a moment.
Pam Davis,
CFO of Hawkes Worldwide.
When somebody becomes
I have clearance
to exhume the body
A very welcome surprise.
Well, waiting
for the pain is worse...
I've made peace with it.
Or if there truly is a creature
roaming the city,
I can't think of
a more extraordinary challenge.
And I won't take no
for an answer, Dr. Keller.
Ready? Come on.
Get your ass
back here pronto.
for me on a case.
Are you all right?
thinking about what would happen
if I was taken in.
Back at the office.
I'm sorry about the other day.
What's so wrong
if I am committed
that I take every
day to protect him.
But... I thought you didn't
want to catch it--
Maybe there was contamination
in the lab equipment.
I'm not the other woman.
then they're gonna
search your apartment.
Then he met Lisa.
I had ha take action.
you needed to apologize for.
by throwing all of your energy
into protecting people.
I wasn't honest with you.
Aired 12 years ago - Jan 24, 2013
Vincent barely escapes being caught by his former fiancée, Alex and must deal with the repercussions of his past. While Cat is in the hospital, she is forced to confront her feelings for Vincent. Meanwhile, J.T. gets a surprising visitor asking about old research he did on mutant DNA.
Okay, you need to
call 911, tell them
Don't worry...
it's all going to be fine.
Both of them.
Thank you.
Well, if he hadn't shown
up though, then what?
that doesn't have to change
things between us.
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh...
Didn't I just save your life?
And, the way that you pulled me
out of Heather's car...
Uh, it's not something wrong
with my X-ray, is it?
I know this is going to...
sound crazy, but...
Maybe you'll change
genders like a clown fish.
The return of reason?
I am so sorry.
Who is she?
No, no, it was
far too dangerous.
I wanted that in
my life, once.
Your loser partner,
closing in on a ten.
Weird, how?
Naked weird?
She complained of
someone following her,
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh
Yeah, well, I'm-I'm here now.
rather than
face the facts.
Yeah, I pulled
a name and a photo.
Forensics will sweep this
place and Alex's car.
Alex's life is at stake.
Just be careful.
But you just remember...
♪ Underwater?
there's a physical toll
to evolving so fast.
But this isn't exactly
my area of expertise.
I didn't mean to.
Aired 12 years ago - Dec 13, 2012
When Catherine’s dad gets remarried, the bride-to-be and her bridesmaids try to find the daughter-of-the-groom a date for the wedding. Uncomfortable with being set up, Cat reluctantly admits that she’s seeing somebody and confides to Vincent that
she wishes he could be her date. At the wedding reception, Cat learns about a research grant that Evan received to study the mutant DNA cells found at local crime scenes. When she tells Vincent about Evan’s theory of how the cells are changing to become more animal-like and less human, she encounters an unexpected detour that could change the course of their relationship. Meanwhile, Tess and Joe cross the line romantically despite the fact that Joe is a married man.
here's his address,
Well, that's more
than anyone else.
And to take the
morning off of work...
to take to this wedding?
Are you using Sabrina Meyer?
for me to bring him
to a wedding.
you know, stabbings,
Yeah, I'm sure Joe told her,
and it was
Okay, I know this is
a total stretch,
Maybe, but we won't
know until you try.
Tess? No. Heather.
But if you go in with
your wedding angst,
This thing is crazy detailed.
I don't even
have the shoes.
Drake, Neil Mendel
She misinterpreted.
to arrest her husband
for murder.
And... I... feel... better.
Then you're Vincent Zalanski
to him forever.
Oh, Cat, I actually
have something for you.
When I first met Brooke,
I kept thinking
in tears when he found out
that I was bringing someone.
No, Tess, it's one
of Sabrina Meyer's rules.
I found some red particle
in the floor.
(phone ringing)
No, you're
not going.
we're here to talk about yours.
Oh, with Britney,
You have spent
your entire career telling women
is dinner on a rooftop
or hanging out on a fire escape.
Yeah, I lied.
Yeah, and I just got dumped
right after our brunch.
Well, uh, you said in your
profile you like to dance,
♪ I'll go wherever you will go ♪
(glass clinking)
You just got his
last name wrong.
Yeah, but he's so smart.
Which I understand.
So it's
But basically,
the animal nucleotides
(amplified rapid heartbeat)
No. No, I feel great.
that there's no
Vincent Zalanski.
sums up more
than these four pages can.
Even if she is a vegan,
Uh, okay. Bye.
Aired 12 years ago - Dec 06, 2012
JT suspects that Catherine is the trigger of Vincent’s blackouts, so to disprove this theory, Vincent allows JT to inject him with endorphins and sedatives that force him into a fugue state. In flashback, Vincent recalls his time in Afghanistan
when he received his first super soldier shot, and remembers who injected him with the DNA altering substance. He also recollects how the other soldiers experienced unpredictable side effects, including fugue states, and is relieved to know that Cat isn’t causing his blackouts. Vincent shares his memory about Muirfield with Cat, who experiences some recollections of her own. Then, as Cat and Tess investigate the attempted murder of a teen pop star, Evan suspects that Cat is deliberately protecting the vigilante who saved him in the subway.
Well, goes
with the territory.
I completely forgot
Evan, whoever this vigilante is,
it is not a "some thing."
some mall-dwelling teen?
Dude... what happened?
It allowed me to remember things
I'd forgotten.
No, but this was different,
Say that again,
I pummel you.
to let the chief know you find
her squad cars underwhelming.
I didn't believe him.
it may be the only way we get
to know more about your mom.
You weren't too bad
out there yourself.
He's having a hard time
coming out of it.
from, like, a mile away.
We didn't expect them.
Do you want
to lose your arm?
may have created us,
Well, it is a week until
you're getting married.
Drama sells.
Ooh, Mommy Chandler
was a looker.
Keep going.
the whole day?
Dad, Brooke, wedding nightmare.
an offering.
of possible suspects
just waiting for us.
You hit like a girl.
made the serum,
This is really, really bad.
Seems like a good twist
Is that a threat, Doctor?
You're here with me.
Dude, dude.
do you?
Shut up.
Yeah, trust them
with one eye open.
while you were
playing cop with Cat?
Look, I can't have my girl
serving and protecting
So, you left the house
pretty quickly today.
I don't want to
be that anymore.
He knew you had secrets.
I love you, Mom.
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 29, 2012
JT thinks Vincent may somehow be involved in Cat's homicide investigation after she mentions a local college fraternity brother was brutally killed. JT examines Vincent to determine the cause of his increasingly frequent blackouts, but when Vincent
starts to beast out, JT is forced to tranquilize him. Meanwhile, Evan and his new intern find a strange cut on the victim's ankle, which matches that of a female cadaver left on campus a year earlier. As Evan works to uncover more clues from the crime scene, he is kidnapped. Cat begs Vincent to help find Evan and save his life, yet she doesn’t realize that she’s putting Vincent's life in serious danger.
Sorry, but I have
the true crime scene's gonna be
next to impossible to find.
No sign of hypotension.
Northam Campus on my way
to Catherine's, okay?
♪ Beauty and the Beast 1x07 ♪
Out of Control
Original Air Date on November 29, 2012
but I'm about to have some
face time with his girlfriend.
They put that in the report?
I haven't been able
to remember where,
You want to arrest me, go ahead.
Want to explain?
and the concrete wall
that realigned them.
that would normally
give you control over
Okay. I'm gonna...
Do they look at you and go,
Sorry. I don't really know how
to talk to, you know... cops.
You should have run
when you had a chance.
Up there? In the middle
of the night? No way.
I need to tell you something.
I kill people, too,
and you know it.
but I had someone's blood on me.
She wasn't even
officially a victim.
where the cadaver was from.
I put a call in
to get a roster... Agh!
We pulled it
from his emails.
We'll find out where he lives.
Oh, my God.
Okay, so the question is:
which one of these
What about this one?
You might be my only
hope of finding Evan
I been studying
my whole life.
but if you really wanted
to understand us,
you didn't really have time
to prepare at all.
Oh, thank God. Is he okay?
to see that he had
no remorse, no emotion...
not just being severed,
but ripped apart, Catherine.
This ends badly
for me, doesn't it?
Just, uh, seeing what was left
of our perp last night.
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 15, 2012
After she's seemingly stood up by Vincent, Cat wonders if it's because he saw her kissing Evan at her birthday. Actually, Vincent mysteriously blacked out on his way to meet Cat, and is now searching for answers. Cat's case pulls her into the
sophisticated world of the SoHo art scene. When Vincent finds Cat all dressed up to go to a gallery opening -- with Evan -- he has to admit that his feelings for her are growing deeper. All the while Evan makes his affections for Cat known, leaving Cat torn between the two very different suitors.
only to discover
it is going nowhere.
The reservation's for four,
We got a dead body
down in SoHo.
Nicholas Varkas, 26,
Queens address.
I only met him a few times.
Unless you don't think you can
handle yourself around me.
He was yelling.
but you and Evan were both
blushing when I left.
And you're driving.
everything's normal.
Fugue-- you're up
and walking around but...
one of whom
is warming up to me
He also did nudes.
A month ago, Nicholas
sold three of his paintings
Well, I understand you and
Nicholas had a pretty heated
we have enough to hold you
on false representation.
Isn't that enough?
Catherine, have you ever
stopped to ask yourself
I checked
Nicholas's credit reports.
Going to a
gallery opening.
I was reading into our connection
like it was fate or destiny
I thought I'd order the lobster
and ask for a bib.
A lifelong New Yorker
who's part bloodhound,
using a case as
an excuse to see her.
I just wanted to give
my condolences.
Uh, no.
I have to admit, this is
the best-looking room
Well, that's Marco's gift--
making unknown artists
If you're looking for love,
take it from me--
I needed to see you.
Or heartbroken.
'Cause I know
what it feels like.
Yeah. She said
she barely knew the guy.
You lied to me!
of her best moneymakers,
isn't that right?
He loved you.
I just got off
the phone with the DA's Office.
He shows up to an upscale escort
party wearing street clothes
You think?
No, not, not tonight,
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 08, 2012
Vincent is captured on a convenience store surveillance video while preventing a robbery, and Cat warns him to be extra careful when his photo appears in the newspaper. Cat and Tess investigate the disappearance of a woman named Amy who has gone
missing after her fiancee, Dr. Michael Walters, surprised his bride-to-be by placing their engagement announcement in the paper that morning. Cat wonders if her disappearance was intentional after Vincent mentions that he and JT have an escape plan to clear out of their loft without a trace in a matter of minutes. Meanwhile, Heather is planning a surprise birthday party for her sister, forcing Cat to postpone her birthday plans with Vincent.
♪ 'Cause the future's
straight ahead ♪
Does being my roommate also
involve tracking my every move?
'Cause it has been so smooth
for the last seven.
your mood swings
over the past few weeks.
I just found her engagement ring
left on the table.
Thank you,
I've been watching
over you, remember?
She's a Virgo.
The flowers are from my dad.
Okay, mind if I print this?
three years running.
can clearly peg you.
where no one would ever think
to look for us.
Do you want to go out
for coffee sometime?
Okay, if she was...
gets onto her identity
could put her in danger.
Heather, against my wishes,
but, um, we really do now.
all other women feel inferior.
Tightrope walking
across rooftops?
Switch with me, switch...
What do you want
for your birthday?
I missed it again.
Okay, I'm drunk.
♪ Heart is on a mission
Let's just hope he's alive
when we find him.
for her to fall back on
when she gets scared.
Maybe this is
hard to understand,
I knew that I
had to leave.
Your life isn't here, Catherine.
Just... be.
♪ I said it was wrong
Aired 12 years ago - Nov 01, 2012
Vincent revives a 19-year old boy who was left for dead in a dumpster and rushes him to the E.R., where he remains in a coma. After Evan declares that the boy's x-rays reveal a history of bone fractures, Cat and Tess question the father, Zachary
Holt, who worries that his son's ADHD and history of fighting and gambling might have gotten him mixed up with the wrong crowd. Meanwhile, Silverfox and his Murifield agents track down Cat, and offer to tell her the truth about her mother in exchange for turning over Vincent, who they insist is a monster. Cat tells Vincent about her Silverfox encounter, and Vincent realizes that Cat might be afraid of him. JT wants them to flee, but Vincent refuses to leave Cat, instead offering to surrender to Silverfox in exchange for Cat's safety.
Only periodic discharges
on the EEG
Wait... you think I had
something to do with this?
This about the whole precinct.
and head off to work
for the day?
at a crime scene a few weeks ago
and called the FBI to report it.
Do you really think
Same shape, same size.
All right, I'll
make you a deal.
I'm going to have to go back
to the wrong tactics.
Get inside.
and I didn't,
and now they know about you.
Uh, but, CSU tracked this down.
run by Lois Whitworth.
Oh, my God.
You're the one who's been
spurned into action, so act.
but I can't help you?
You're afraid of me.
♪ Let her soul
burn ♪
Look at these people.
send us their children;
they become our children.
This is the hard part of my job.
How'd he feel about
you and Tommy?
When was that?
Unless they got to you.
He gave me his polo jersey,
Great. Now what do we do?
I didn't see
Welcome home.
You're not scared that
we're going to hurt her;
He booked an e-ticket
to Florida.
It's just
a precaution, Vincent.
Go back to the case,
figure out what happened
evidence that
Tommy was there.
to tell her
about the relationship
You've been counting
on Clarissa marrying Sean Hyland
against you
in a court of law.
Bottom of the ninth.
♪ We're setting up to fail
Aired 12 years ago - Oct 25, 2012
Iris, a Bosnian immigrant, is arrested on the suspicion of killing a judge for deporting her brother. Vincent insists that Iris is innocent, so trusting his instincts, Cat works behind-the-scenes to uncover the truth. When Cat's actions disrupt the
investigation, Joe places her on leave. Nevertheless, she continues on her own to discover that Iris is hiding a family secret, and needs Vincent's help. JT is concerned that Vincent risks exposure to Murifield by helping Cat, leading Cat to work out a way to communicate with Vincent without seeking him out.
I am so sorry.
Car's registered
to an Iris Sodkovic.
Strange to mow someone over with
your own car and not even wipe
why would she be
worrying about that?
Where were you
JT, come on.
And earlier, at the school...?
Exactly, so stop writing notes.
What would I do without you?
That's the same block
that Iris worked at.
The stub was in his pocket.
I don't know what it was about,
but she was pissed.
Yeah, but I don't think
she did this.
So take her to the ER.
They're here illegally.
They kicked me out of my own
lab for the past eight hours,
But whoever did knew
you'd make a great suspect.
And she knew enough
about what you did.
off the cliff, don't forget,
you're dragging me with you.
to find her keys,
♪ I am titanium
I'm betting
they'll recognize your face.
No, I'm not taking the fall.
It sounded like it was
to whoever did this.
Yeah, well, join the club.
You could ditch
me for a week
More like insurance.
123rd. He's at Iris's apartment.
He's going after the girls.
I'm at Iris's.
Let's sweep the rest
of the building!
without a warrant or a badge.
I spoke with a caseworker
at the State Department.
in the privacy of my lab
qualifies as a celebration.
Just as you suspected.
Aired 12 years ago - Oct 18, 2012
When a rising young ballerina mysteriously falls to her death, Vincent senses that the understudy, is hiding information about the dancer’s murder. Meanwhile, J.T. worries that Cat’s visits to the warehouse loft leave Vincent vulnerable to discovery
by Muirfield’s agents. Catherine encourages Vincent to help her investigate deeper into the Muirfield project, but when Vincent refuses, Cat investigates on her own. Tess tries her hand at dating again, but soon discovers that she’s unknowingly involved with a married man. Heather moves out of Cat’s apartment after growing uncomfortable with her sister’s quest for more answers about their mother’s death.
and I need to
talk to Vincent.
I'm a biochemist.
I say it's not.
Love when the boss is
in such a cheery mood.
Did she fall?
We're not sure yet.
Based on the height
of the building
It's dangerous.
The other dancer
you interviewed.
It matches the end
of this hairpin.
including both
the girls.
Well, what would impress me more
I swear,
I used to be a normal person.
I don't tell you to relax.
You were gonna make sure
Just guys.
Vincent, you ever thought
about coming forward?
Don't you have some ballerina's
secret boyfriend to track down?
I'd toss flowers
from him, too.
I left it in
my office.
You shouldn't have to hide.
How do you know?
Do you mind taking
care of that?
water, soda,
turkey sandwich?
so... see yourself out.
look... I don't really know
what happened.
at Precinct 27,
It's just all
this stuff--
I ran it
through facial recognition.
Are you okay?
I am so sorry.
He fell backwards,
Evan... so, what am I telling
Internal Affairs?
You know, we, um... we
subpoenaed your medical records.
After she went to the precinct,
I told him what she was saying.
Put your hands
behind your back.
without your skinny
caramel macchiato.
Oh, um, I have
your key for you.
Aired 12 years ago - Oct 11, 2012
When she was a teenager, Catherine Chandler witnessed the murder of her mother. Cat would have been killed too, but someone – or something – saved her. Now, years have passed and Cat is a police officer, investigating a case that leads her to the
person who saved her: a doctor named Vincent Keller. With the help of his childhood friend J.T. Forbes, Vincent has been in hiding, guarding his secret — when enraged, he becomes a terrifying beast, unable to control his super strength. Still, Cat is touched by the person that lives within the Beast and she knows she has to keep her relationship with Vincent a secret from her boss, Joe Bishop, her partner, Tess Vargas, and even from her close friend, Evan Marks, the medical examiner. Cat and Vincent are powerfully drawn to one another, but they understand that their connection is extremely dangerous for both of them.