S6 E3

Season 6  "To Find a Friend"  6x3

Aired 9 years ago - Jan 20, 2015

When Grayson helps Andy with his tryouts for a new best friend, Jules and Ellie step in to run the bar. But they soon find it's harder than they thought. And Travis and Laurie spend their first weekend alone with Baby Bobby.

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Recap of Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 2
Yes, I realize
Recap of Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 3
Well, I don't know, String Bean.
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June-bug, I'm just visiting some friends
Recap of Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 5
And if I may dust off one of your old classics--
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I mean, he's tough. But I'm tougher.
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Man, this is the greatest day ever!
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when we give our perfect baby the perfect--
Recap of Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 11
Let the middle name be "Pants."
Recap of Cougar Town Season 6 Episode 3 (S06E03) - 12
It can't be worse.
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[ Bugle playing ]
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Let's stay.
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Actually, historical records show
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You think that "Fancy" means super slutty?
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with... a shocking degree of skankitude.
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It does remind me of a rodeo clown
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Round of Coors?
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over the course of a year.
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but I need to be here, you know?
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But I'm still the same.
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Just giving my General some air.
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And make sure we get enough fluids!
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then you're as dumb as Tom looks in that dress!
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It's not in the rule book.
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I guess it's back to my list. [ Sighs ]
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Oh, that's actually three names.
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- Yeah. - Pinot. I like it.
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You told Ellie to kill my baby names!
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Andy, this job is a huge opportunity for Bobby.
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Just remember, there's no "I"... in BFF.
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Ooh! Nice necklace, Ando.
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it's not always good to be comfortable,
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Dad, stop hiding!
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Travis is trying to kill my baby names!
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- Right?! - Right?!
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- I'm out of here. - Jules!
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The closest car is a mile away.
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[ Groaning ]
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Okay. We need to get to a car
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[ Panting ] Hold on. Okay.
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The thought of you moving aw--
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Bobby, I hang out with you here every day,
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No goodbyes, just... left.
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But sometimes doing the hard thing