S1 E10

Season 1  "Representative Brody"  1x10

Aired 12 years ago - Dec 04, 2011

Carrie and Saul identify Walker's contact in Washington but their target has diplomatic immunity; Brody is approached to run for a disgraced congressman's seat in the House of Representatives.

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Recap of Homeland Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 2 #2 Recap of Homeland Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 3
You're really a spy?
Recap of Homeland Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 4 #4 Recap of Homeland Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 5 #5 Recap of Homeland Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 6
Representative Richard Johnson- mean anything to you?
Recap of Homeland Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 7
War hero returns home after eight years' imprisonment to his beautiful, loving wife.
Recap of Homeland Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 8
- He doesn't mean that. - Yes, I do.
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Shouldn't it be Saul?
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In our house?
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Because that's what's gonna happen. They're gonna dig for dirt until they find it.
Recap of Homeland Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 13
Farid, Suhail...
Recap of Homeland Season 1 Episode 10 (S01E10) - 14
- I'm working. - Yeah, she's working.
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You think al-Zahrani will turn?
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- She's exercising her veto rights. - Why?
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You didn't do anything wrong.
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And, um- [Chuckles] she'll listen to you.
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- You're spending more than you make. - [Chuckles]
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You should know that Swiss officials had their eyes on Sabbaq...
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Go ahead. Tell everyone you want. Tell them all. I don't care.
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Do you have a favorite?
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and get fat and wear a burka for the rest of her miserable life.
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The next day at noon.
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I mean, Christ, he even thanked me for taking care of the kids.
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- Yeah, he did. So what? He's right. - [Scoffs]
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Vice President Walden wants me to run for Congressman Johnson's seat.
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[Saul] Looks like he's headed to the fountain all right.
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- We don't know that. - It's just unbelievable.
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