S7 E16

Season 7  "People Like Me"  7x16

Aired 6 years ago - Apr 05, 2018

On the heels of her commitment to turn over a new leaf, personal turmoil strikes Olivia once again when Mellie demands that she get rid of Cyrus once and for all.

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Recap of Scandal (2012) Season 7 Episode 16 (S07E16) - 2
into the hijacking of Air Force Two.
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David can help on that front.
Recap of Scandal (2012) Season 7 Episode 16 (S07E16) - 4
and he has assured me that once the dust settles,
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They're... lovely.
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What do you mean by "something"?
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She had to go and add kidnapping to the list, too?"
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you have absolutely no reason being a part of.
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Oh. I knew that.
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- No offense, but... - Oh, I'm sure I'll be offended.
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The dark, tough choice you made to protect your legacy?
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which, of course, had the reverse effect.
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so upstanding and strong one minute,
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Cyrus sees you.
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Friends forever.
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There's nothing about you that's honest.
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The kind who'd trade his conscience in
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[LAUGHING] You're wasting your time, Liv.
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Oh, like the one you and Charlie use
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All attempts to revive him will be futile.
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- Hey. - Hi.
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That's his cover for when he's meeting with me.
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You... You...
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You're not gonna give him that drink. We both know why.
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You, Mellie, you get to stay clean
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doesn't mean we don't have a problem on our hands.
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You promised me that this was gonna work out for us...
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A Daughter of the American Revolution.
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We don't need their methods, their tools.
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No matter what you think,
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By now it has been widely reported
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These rumors, these allegations,
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I am keeping our borders safe and giving our daughters hope.
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Well, I thought we could both use a drink.
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