Aired 8 years ago - May 12, 2016
As each presidential candidate gets ready to announce their running mate, Olivia finds herself in a potentially dire situation. Meanwhile, Cyrus is presented with damaging information that could alter the presidential race entirely.
Aired 8 years ago - May 05, 2016
Olivia and Abby have to put their differences aside and work together to try and take Hollis Doyle down. Meanwhile, Edison realizes he may have made a deal with the devil as Rowan and Jake continue to try and pull the strings behind his campaign.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 28, 2016
As Mellie, Susan and Hollis prepare to meet with Florida's governor and vie for her influential endorsement, a spin war between Abby and Olivia threatens to keep their candidates grounded. Meanwhile, Cyrus is faced with a decision that could dramatically alter his future,
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 21, 2016
As Olivia deals with the aftermath of what she’s done, she finally finds out what exactly Jake and Rowan are plotting. But with their plans already in motion, Olivia is forced to make a gut-wrenching attempt to try and stop it. Meanwhile, in flashbacks, we learn more about Jake’s past and how he first got involved with B6-13.
Aired 8 years ago - Apr 07, 2016
The election is in full swing, which means everyone is doing their best to take down their opponents, but when a potential leak threatens several candidates, they have to work together to keep their secrets safe. Boundaries are pushed and lines are crossed as we find out just how far some people are willing to go to protect themselves.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 31, 2016
Following the first Republican debate, Olivia is presented with damaging information about an opponent and enlists the Gladiators to verify its authenticity. Meanwhile, David deals with fallout from his dating life, and Cyrus continues to work on his own political agenda.
Susan, I have the president on the line.
She figured it out on her own.
We are not our husbands' keepers,
as they say.
I'm sorry?
a pipeline that the Afghani government,
14 hours later, a Taliban sniper
Next question.
collect the female vote.
Why the heck would they choose
a picture of David and me
she'll just spin it,
say she lied in order
It's a DNA testing facility.
No, you gave me a rumor.
Your wish is my command.
Nice to meet you, Senator.
our country's drug laws are too strict.
and we're losing.
You know what people will
understand when they hear that?
and that we won't have
to break up or fake it,
The Philadelphia Courier
is saying that Edison Davis
I'm sorry Senator Davis and
his family have had to deal
This is exactly why
you'll never be president.
I can't ruin the lives of
the people I care about.
That's another four years
for hiding contraband.
because her candidate lost a debate.
She's crossing the line, Abby.
that will sink your
candidate or anything.
- I am trying to be the better person.
- Right.
We have the chance to do
things differently now,
isn't the man who I
pretended to be married to,
I don't know. But I
think that they might.
If this comes out, I'll be ruined.
and I hope who you want
to be is better than me.
It's what they tweeted about
me when I ran for mayor.
Use it.
Alex, give my campaign
manager the paper.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 24, 2016
When Mellie makes a very public faux pas, Olivia must decide how far she’ll go to fix it. Meanwhile, the Gladiators learn valuable intel about Jake’s new love interest, and David Rosen seeks advice about his love triangle with Liz North and Susan Ross.
She's knocking it
out of the park.
The things she does,
People have started asking
questions about your personal life.
Okay, then.
And we know
how to turn out votes,
as the next President
of the United States.
I just don't like her.
That's right.
is that women need
to stop apologizing for
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Anyway, thanks.
is eight hours of sleep
and a good, hearty breakfast.
I want Filibuster Mellie.
Where's that Mellie?
leveled against
Doyle Energy last year.
Wedding books?
You give me that envelope if I
give you dirt on Edison Davis?
He cold-cocked a councilman
in city hall
offering up
the picture-perfect image
Which location
have you been to?
That woman hasn't ever
stepped foot in a Gettysburger,
Stop thinking
and start doing!
I'm not cheating on you.
That's the truth.
we're polling a distant third
behind her and Hollis.
to get my candidate
Of course you have.
Neither of us
really had a choice.
He's family... blood.
Blood's different.
or you can do it yourself.
I was nice to you.
I liked you.
- and then...
- Sorry. You were right.
Or what?
He'll do me terrible harm?
that the only way out of this,
the only way to make your mark,
Oh, Mr. President.
I believe he really loves me,
or a useless, little Band-Aid
slapped on by Mr. Doyle.
Sorry to interrupt.
I... will... win.
Get me my questions!
You still need
to do that.
I've got this.
Everything is going to be fine.
I... I'm sorry.
Aired 8 years ago - Mar 17, 2016
Olivia continues to spy on Jake while the gladiators have to fend for themselves. Meanwhile, Susan and Mellie are feeling the pressure as their campaigns heat up; Abby begins to question Cyrus’ motives; and a blast from the past surprises everyone.
You think the press secretary
has time to bring the coffee?
Stop putting added pressure on him.
What would you think about changing
Remember this guy we tried to kill?
Cried like a baby.
on that there travesty,
It can't hurt to
cripple the competition.
Do you know what it took for
me to get that information?
Is this when the money's finally
gonna start rolling in, Liv?
You walked away from him over and over,
time after time,
I am marrying a woman I love.
Did you enjoy it, hmm?
I thought you'd be in the
meeting on Hollis Doyle.
What other governor have
you spoken with 27 times
I met him for dinner once.
I never violated my
oath to the president.
This job is everything to me.
I lost it once.
It was Six-Toes on the way out.
Yeah, my... my phone's missing, too.
with their so-called regulations.
Provided there are no accidents.
San Antonio rude!
So, that's a good thing to you now?
And you don't think you
should wait your turn?
Once you take the white
hat off, it's gone.
I also didn't know he was a
government-trained assassin.
That's why I want to not only support,
We are definitely too late. This guy...
Me, you, Harrison, Abby, Huck.
if I wanted to be a gladiator in a suit,
And a year after being
sold on the auction block,
I have the new draft
of your WTO statement.
Thank you, Abby.
I'm trying to help
Susan become president,
if you allow Cyrus to depart amicably,
Because it is easy, Mr. President.
He's gonna wake up with his
hands on the steering wheel
It's... It's nice.
These kids are gonna have to work hard.
I assure you he's not
gonna be a problem.
I'd like us to stop with all the crazy.
Aired 9 years ago - Mar 10, 2016
Olivia and the team take on some embattled Secret Service agents. Meanwhile, Abby has her hands full trying to keep Fitz in line, and Jake begins to reveal a few secrets of his own.
It's politics.
Gentlemen, I'm Olivia Pope.
These are my associates.
So, they were both dancing.
So what do we do?
Oh. How's it going with
the Secret Service?
We need the President's endorsement
It's not an education
plan, that's for sure.
She couldn't wait to get out of there.
We don't solve crimes.
for the least educated amongst us,
Tom, did you just see that?
"Oh" what?
Put this whole thing to bed.
and not investigate them
as potential suspects.
There was something I was
hoping we could discuss.
But you sure as hell better
keep them away from my children.
with our tax dollars... Covers it up.
David's here.
What do you think, David?
going to educate our youth
in the ways of Satan?
Running the country.
He doesn't want anyone to know
while she's getting treatment.
When I was 17...
and help my mother take care of Oliver.
be President one day.
Giving you what you want.
You know what I'm doing.
I'll do a lot for money,
but snitching isn't on the menu.
We need to talk to David.
I do.
I can make it go away, but if I do that,
Reckless, negligent, selfish.
Come this way.
Then why did you torpedo
it on national television?
I'm being honest.
Yes, you are, Mr. President.
for Megan's tragic death to
the fullest extent of the law.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 25, 2016
While Fitz is preoccupied with his own interests, Cyrus begins to orchestrate his next master plan, and Elizabeth North uses David to mastermind a plan of her own. Meanwhile, Olivia continues to question what exactly Jake is planning in his new role as head of the NSA.
So let's rejoice, lovers of Liberty.
And I have the experience
and the passion
if maybe you wanted to come
over for dinner tomorrow.
Jake is living with your father.
He was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania,
He effectively manages
his sodium intake.
And if there was bad stuff,
Hey, don't say anything about
how big this suitcase is.
Yeah, I don't think so.
You sound like you care.
single presidents besides you.
I was kind of saving that
seat for somebody else.
Spare my baby. Let them live."
- No.
- They're amazing.
- This is good.
- Good?
there's nothing left for me to do
Olivia, against me, you will lose.
relishing on all that was finally,
After a chapter from her upcoming memoir
- We will stay with this live breaking story.
- No. He hates me.
I know my way around.
First of all, that's gross.
There have been two fatalities.
This is what we know.
as a small-claims
adjuster in Pittsburgh...
You just have to be in
touch with your inner child.
What are you two doing in that house?
to... talk.
This will be over soon.
I don't care what it is.
I do not care how you do it.
You have no real information.
How could you?
Why wouldn't you have a guy?
he will turn around and eat you?
just seconds ago.
Here's what one of the
hostages had to say
Do you think I ever want
to walk into a room and say
Fire me right now, Mr. President.
No. It's okay.
But I have to say it is not
easy around here without you.
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 18, 2016
Mellie seeks out Olivia's help but may not be prepared for what that entails, and Liz tries to convince Susan Ross to run for the presidency. Meanwhile, Abby and Cyrus are at odds when a profile piece on Fitz comes into question.
54% of people think you'd be
the immediate front runner
you will regret it every day
for the rest of your life.
My temple.
It's inappropriate. It's irrelevant.
Year of Achievement? Catchy.
But, frankly,
I'm not interested in a heavily regulated,
- I'm trying to help you here.
- Please.
and you got boxed up and shipped off...
I mean, I suppose.
Because that Muppet is in love with you.
Oh. Oh!
I bet it was.
I can't believe you've never been here.
Six months left on his term,
every excuse to just sit around,
rallying Tea Party support
for a judicial nominee.
This is about Lillian Forrester.
This is the first bar I've
been in since college, I think.
Fitz or Olivia?
You can tear her apart with every new...
You showed up.
And it was humiliating.
We worked!
or "I don't want to form
an exploratory committee,"
unpolished, unelectable.
You were mean.
Once I put my mind to something, I commit.
filibustering the hell out of that bill,
I don't know. I wasn't listening.
But only if you stop calling me "sir."
Well, Little Bo Veep doesn't
know what she wants.
Nice picture quality.
So I haven't seen him.
Read this part.
Because for the first time in my adult life,
So that's who our Republican brethren
Aired 9 years ago - Feb 11, 2016
It's been six months since Olivia and Fitz have broken up, and they are both handling their newfound freedom in very different ways. Meanwhile, the Pope and Associates team take on a case that could lead to a national crisis.
but I can't get you out
of the gridiron dinner.
Air force lieutenant
general Diane Peters...
This is the surveillance
feed of my home office,
It's state-of-the-art and impenetrable.
Meanwhile, Billy's cell has
been shut off for 18 hours.
Do we think that's possible,
that Billy didn't do it?
- Cyrus, I can't.
- Just quick,
Wait. What? What did you say?
you're gonna have to try harder than that.
Tough, smart, tiny chip on her shoulder
Thanks for coming.
Project Mercury.
You and I both know that's not true.
Only one way to get this view.
And I don't know what's wrong with him.
He needs a wife.
What were you doing in that house?
for a client who made a huge mistake!
For the next 20, 30, 50 years,
Keep me posted.
the energy, the pace.
and painful and sad,
I don't want to... I can't do that to him.
Excellent Olivia pope advice.
knowing that a greater power
is watching out for them.
Abby, who's he replacing Diane Peters with?
I am confident that our new NSA
director will wield that power
He truly loved Diane Peters,
Real power... 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue power.
to confirm Captain Ballard
as the new director.
revised national climate assessment.
since I'm already awake and here,
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 19, 2015
Olivia is feeling more and more frustrated as she takes on “First Lady” type responsibilities at the White House. Meanwhile, Mellie proves just how powerful she can be and Jake and Huck continue the hunt for Rowan.
well, then I can't vote for it.
So this holiday dinner for the cabinet,
You don't have to thank me.
Look, I get it... you're embarrassed
I humbly suggest we put
this kitten to a vote.
How about we don't give that
little ladies' organization
Like $5 million we're spending
I'm allowing you a little power here.
the junior senator of
Virginia and former first lady,
I say we bring Olivia
in to manage the message
$331,000 to study "hangry" individuals.
Took him? Where?
You knew that I was being hunted.
rather than tell him his father was you?
I'm just curious if you saw all the things
that it's worth being unhappy
with him just to spite you?
I know what you want.
Maybe what Mellie's doing
isn't about you at all.
Let's turn to BNC's medical
correspondent Tamara Connors
The cookies, that's what
they're called... snickerdoodles.
and $400,000 for a South Carolina museum
$171,000 to study the...
What the hell is she doing?
I have to... Be somewhere.
from running out the clock
on the senate spending bill.
Look where she ended up.
Family is the only thing
that has kept you alive here.
which makes you weak, pliable.
Where were you tonight?
Do not lie to me!
and treated me like I
was some kind of hostage?
Do I owe you now, Fitz?
You're worse than Mellie.
Not anymore.
I told you, if it got out, if they knew...
She got this side of you.
Me too.
- Want to come?
- No.
but I have nowhere near
the neck real estate you do.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 12, 2015
In the midst of Fitz negotiating a historic peace deal, Olivia must rely on her instincts when a guest of the The White House discloses powerful intel. Meanwhile, Jake uses Huck’s help to get closer to his target, and Cyrus takes matters into his own hands when he realizes he’s been shut out of the inner circle.
Have you been personally persecuted?
in a region where we have none.
It's being handled.
If you go to the Attorney
General for help yet again,
the man with his finger on the button.
his sons have turned against
him and initiated a plan.
Does he always work for the same person?
I need you to stall.
Task force?
In fact, we need to bring in all
of the intelligence agencies,
Someone's trying to kill him,
I believe him.
and you do not get to ride this anymore.
and you won't even consider that maybe I...
- Ms. Pope.
- 'Cause I will keep this quiet.
You get the traffic cams?
After we just had sex?
Point is I wouldn't want to
go back to Bandar, either,
if you were actually making soda in there.
a family member, an
emergency contact, but...
Being born different is a
crime punishable by death.
Which way are you headed?
Olivia Pope.
Help me understand, sir. Please.
I'm giving him asylum, by the way.
with the nation of Bandar.
Aired 9 years ago - Nov 05, 2015
While Fitz is focused on winning back the American people, he makes a shocking discovery. Meanwhile, OPA takes on a new client, but Olivia seems preoccupied keeping her own secrets, and Elizabeth North sets her sights on a new agenda.
I need legal counsel, but I
also need a political insider,
You're his Monica, his Marilyn,
his m-m-m-m-my Sharona,
How about Olivia Pope...
philanthropist, humanitarian?
or any of the other dirty
deviants you represent,
help you out of this
mess, the mess you created?
a criminal, a whore,
I wish they knew the warm, caring woman
Briefing room. Now. Go.
This is all just a cute attempt
to stall our investigation.
As far as the American
people are concerned,
but a ring is certainly symbolic.
Mind if we steal a minute?
This is absolutely not a joke.
Elise is an old friend from Paris.
for the rest of your life,
That's great to hear, Mr. Walker.
Yes. He wanted me to have it.
I wish I never laid eyes on him.
and what they are going through right now.
All this destruction, all this attention?
I had to follow my own
advice and stand in my truth,
which was to make herself
relatable to the American public.
They might never have met if not for me.
threw a couple threats at me.
Is this some new genius way
of putting the screws to me?
They have the tape of me from when I was taken.
As long as Cyrus doesn't say otherwise.
Not for long, not if
you come and work for me.
You never asked.
I want to put that behind us
for the good of the country.
That's really not good, is it?
No, I have no idea. That was
16 years ago in the primary...
Why did I say no?
This is what I know... About you.
and know how you slept the night before.
I do not need this.
Always a mystery, usually Agatha Christie,
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 29, 2015
Fitz and Olivia are presented with a shocking plan that might just make all of their troubles go away, and Mellie is put through the ringer when confronted about her troubled marriage. Meanwhile, the Gladiators continue to defend Olivia, and Susan Ross turns to David for advice.
I need legal counsel, but I
also need a political insider,
You're his Monica, his Marilyn,
his m-m-m-m-my Sharona,
How about Olivia Pope...
philanthropist, humanitarian?
or any of the other dirty
deviants you represent,
help you out of this
mess, the mess you created?
a criminal, a whore,
I wish they knew the warm, caring woman
Briefing room. Now. Go.
This is all just a cute attempt
to stall our investigation.
As far as the American
people are concerned,
but a ring is certainly symbolic.
Mind if we steal a minute?
This is absolutely not a joke.
Elise is an old friend from Paris.
for the rest of your life,
That's great to hear, Mr. Walker.
Yes. He wanted me to have it.
I wish I never laid eyes on him.
and what they are going through right now.
All this destruction, all this attention?
I had to follow my own
advice and stand in my truth,
which was to make herself
relatable to the American public.
They might never have met if not for me.
threw a couple threats at me.
Is this some new genius way
of putting the screws to me?
They have the tape of me from when I was taken.
As long as Cyrus doesn't say otherwise.
Not for long, not if
you come and work for me.
You never asked.
I want to put that behind us
for the good of the country.
That's really not good, is it?
No, I have no idea. That was
16 years ago in the primary...
Why did I say no?
This is what I know... About you.
and know how you slept the night before.
I do not need this.
Always a mystery, usually Agatha Christie,
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 22, 2015
Olivia knows she can’t handle this latest storm on her own and calls for help from an unexpected source. Meanwhile, Mellie and Cyrus continue to pull strings from the sidelines and Jake is still occupied by a ghost from his past.
I never saw the tape. I never
knew you were taken.
I need legal counsel, but I
also need a political insider,
You're his Monica, his Marilyn,
his m-m-m-m-my Sharona,
You know how they say doctors
make the worst patients?
Get thee to the galleria. Go.
and not by one of these mongrels
I never saw the tape. I never
knew you were taken.
I never saw the tape. I never
knew you were taken.
I wish they knew the warm, caring woman
I never saw the tape. I never
knew you were taken.
Briefing room. Now. Go.
Because I know David, and
he would eat her for lunch.
And apparently there's still more to come.
I am a senator and a member
of the judiciary committee.
known only to the president and Ms. Pope,
I never saw the tape. I never
knew you were taken.
Mind if we steal a minute?
So, no, Mr. Walker.
But television does you no favors.
You will be tied to the
White House... and him...
I never saw the tape. I never
knew you were taken.
I want to be a good citizen.
And then he gave it to you.
I never saw the tape. I never
knew you were taken.
I wish I'd never laid
eyes on him because of them
that married man.
All this destruction, all this attention?
And when our affair was exposed,
Pope did what she had to do,
I never saw the tape. I never
knew you were taken.
She approached me, asked me to
be her eyes and ears in here,
Your voice is calm, measured.
You're complimenting me.
someone can corroborate that
the president watched the video.
I never saw the tape. I never
knew you were taken.
The senators?
That could work.
You should come and work for me.
I know we've had some
difficulties recently.
West Angola.
instead of the city of "De-layno."
and you wanted to eat it at some
snooty place in Santa Barbara,
because you said it smelled like banana.
the color of your shirt,
the part of your hair.
You said she sent you a package like that
Was Helen.
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 15, 2015
Eager to get answers, Jake unexpectedly crosses paths with someone he thought he’d never see again. Meanwhile, Huck and Quinn recruit a familiar face to help smooth over the media storm surrounding Olivia, and Fitz quickly finds out the true cost of mercy when he discovers not everyone fully supports his actions.
You're good with the press.
So do I want to be a gladiator in a suit?
Let me feel him out and see if I can...
I'm asking you to work for your life.
next to a man she helped get elected.
Okay, but I tried to hire Marcus Walker
Hello, Charlie.
to serving the good people of Virginia
and they will make themselves a deal.
The women of the senate --
It doesn't matter anyway because I am not doing it.
The woman's gonna eat her own head
for her expensive shoes and flashy purses,
- Anybody gonna answer that? - You have to leave.
I'm gonna say "Let me in" a few more times.
25 minutes no-show is one thing, but an hour?
There are legitimate questions.
If you don't hurt me, I won't hurt you.
Come out, come out, wherever you are!
You're only here because firing you right now
betrayed the people's trust...
But as far as I'm concerned,
That means you, too, Liz.
And that's why it's you on your knees in front of me
or we start pursuing impeachment.
along with the power of the subsequent suitor.
apparently want to have me killed.
barely make me blink?
What that man did to you...
and walk away with some dignity.
right down the block from me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
before I have you thrown out.
That's who I am. That is how I gladiate.
Yeah, okay, but what exactly is that?
Well, that's all the time we have tonight.
I don't know. I guess so.
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 08, 2015
Olivia and Fitz face some very big consequences and Mellie brings in an old friend to make sure she gets her way. Meanwhile, Abby shows Olivia she is fully capable of handling working at the White House.
Go to your office. Wait there.
but stay with Mellie through your term.
Hi, there, Red.
So... Tell me.
when the history books glorify you.
You don't know what the
hell you're talking about.
No. No, not nice.
and get remarkably wasted
and watch the world end.
Marriage is a nonstarter.
She would also like the two
of you to remain discreet...
You were trying to protect yourself.
Did you?
I asked you first.
Have one for me, okay?
or I will take them to him myself.
there's a pattern to her relationships.
and you have lost your edge.
She's... her feelings are
hurt, her pride, her heart.
put your relationship with Liv
on hold until you leave office,
so your smile stays wide and bright
I didn't poison it.
You think you're gonna be able
to keep that little business
Doesn't matter. What's the
difference at this point?
So thank you.
You are going to be the first woman
I thought we would grow old together.
Oh, okay. Thanks.
I learned all my moves from
the best in the business.
about how to get those things done for you.
Bring me back, sir.
You can go.
You changed your mind.
Giving the interview?
After all the times, all the years,
Although the west wing has
remained silent on the issue,
No, don't. It's door number two.
Aired 9 years ago - Oct 01, 2015
The Pope and Associates team dives into a new case that takes Olivia out of D.C. and away from the President. Meanwhile, back at the White House, Fitz is determined to find who’s responsible for causing the latest turn of events, and Abby receives unexpected guidance from a master of damage control as she struggles to catch a break.
Why are you here?
You placed Olivia in a dangerous position.
You didn't realize,
which is why I am here...
Oh, I see. Well...
where Ms. Pope runs her very
own crisis-management firm.
Blunt-force trauma to
the head... nasty fall.
So, you can do this?
in some sort of official capacity,
He took $500 and let me
put the rest on consignment.
Make a scene, and the feds
will be here in minutes.
Keep me cuffed to this stool
The whole thing is just so crazy.
Danny Mendoza, Capital Spill.
to your plight or whatever,
but if you're calling to gloat.
Be the adult. He'll become the child.
Stephanie is sleeping
with a restaurant owner
Look, at some point,
retail leases, ground
leases, industrial leases.
You want me gone?
What the hell is she doing? Tell
us when we can expect a statement
The president sets strategy.
- It's Olivia Pope.
- It's Olivia...
He doesn't know it. He can't appreciate it.
The people who voted for you, America?
Anyway, I compromised... beer.
When exactly did I do the
thing, the... the one step?
and your focus becomes like a laser
and... then those photos come out.
She's trying to stay out of the storm.
connected to the first lady's
private, interoffice network.
- so, I'm giving it to you.
- What's it say?
You wanted to get rid of Olivia Pope?
I can certainly try making you my bitch.
Aired 9 years ago - Sep 24, 2015
Olivia and Fitz are back together again and enjoying every scandalous moment together while Cyrus, Mellie and Huck are all still dealing with the aftermath of helping Command. Meanwhile, when a visit from the Queen of Caldonia and her family turns into a tragedy, Olivia is hired to make sure the Royal family’s private life stays private.
What other secrets are you hiding?
The first lady is not ill.
Time would be what I
require, Mr. President.
Princess Emily's.
You're Olivia Pope.
Well, you have a wonderful night.
- I'm sorry?
- The pictures.
No matter where they
went, the cameras followed.
It's disgraceful!
But even more than that, she was one of us.
18 photographers, 1,300 images,
hack into the princess's
car and cause the crash.
- Today, there will be no mistakes.
- Excuse me?
First, let's be clear.
I'm his chief of staff.
to distract America from
a flu and a life choice?
For the queen? How's she doing?
attending his wife's swearing-in.
I will never forgive myself.
You have so many qualities I despise,
a "caused the crash"
assassination "caused the crash."
The princess was having an
affair with her bodyguard.
I'm only here out of courtesy
I'm just tired. I want
to sleep in my own bed.
You should talk to her.
Not while I want to...
I don't know how to fix you.
Go ahead, play dumb. Protect your friend.
Because if he asks you to come back,
Of course.
to give us an heir and a spare.
Oh, not all fairy tales
have happy endings, my dear.
cause you are no longer fit to rule.
Turns out, Prince Richard
is succeeding the queen,
- I haven't changed my mind!
- Then what is this?!